
www.MarissaRoyFitness.com 1

INTRODUCTION Thank you so much for downloading my program! These next 30 days are going to be a great journey, a learning experience, a mental and physical challenge, and most of all, will start your path to your best, healthiest and happiest self! You are going to have SO much fun, and make healthy lifestyle changes along the way! Here are some reminders, tips and tricks that will help you to get the MOST results out of this journey: 1. EVERY WORKOUT IS ON YOUTUBE: The YouTube video series that goes along with this training program will show you how to do every properly, safely and effectively, and will not only give you workout advice, but also daily nutritional, cardio and supplementation tips. You should be “Subscribed” to my YouTube channel and be watching each video the day before its respective workout. There is going to be a separate video for every single workout in this program, demonstrating proper form, technique and intensity, to watch the day before your scheduled workout. A calendar is provided for you in this document so you know when each video is being uploaded, and when to train each day of the program!

2. EXPERIENCE LEVEL: This program is INTENSE!!! Does this mean that if you’re a beginner, you shouldn’t do it? NO! ALL experience levels can follow this program. The 2

ideal situation for anyone who does this plan is to hit all the workouts for 100% adherence, but if you’re feeling overwhelmed or are new to lifting, here’s what I recommend: i. 0 EXPERIENCE- TOTAL NEWBIE: You can expect to see results following 3-5 of the 6 workouts per week, while keeping your diet on point. If you are too sore to do all the resistance training, it’s okay! Just do as much as you can. You can get away with not doing the “Drop-Sets”, “Rest-Pauses” and extra, fancy things I throw on to the workouts if it’s too confusing. Adding in extra cardio should be second priority. The focus for you should be to nail proper form and mind-muscle connection, and get comfortable being in the weights section of the gym. Just by doing that, you WILL get stronger, build confidence, and look and feel amazing after the 30 days! ii. 6 MONTHS TO 1 YEAR OF SERIOUS LIFTING- COMFORTABLE IN THE GYM BUT NOT TOO EXPERIENCED: Do your best to follow all the workouts per week, but if you’re too sore to knock out all 6 workouts, then aim for 4-5. Even if you miss two days on a given week, DON’T QUIT! Just keep following along and complete the 30 days as best you can. Work in the “Drop-Sets” and “Rest-Pauses” I have programmed so that you learn the concepts, and learn to train more intensely than you are used to. You can expect to see results following 4-5 of the 6 workouts per week, given that diet is on point. As a more “advanced beginner”, you should assess where you’re at in terms of adherence to lifting and your diet, THEN add cardio as desired or needed. Learning to lift with proper form and intensity should be your priority for any goal, especially if you’re on the newer side to the gym. iii. LIFTING SERIOUSLY FOR 1 OR MORE YEARS- INTERMEDIATE OR ADVANCED TRAINEE: You better be following this to a tee! 100% adherence is going to be your best bet at guaranteed results. This program is intense, and WILL step it up at LEAST a notch or two for you. Do your best to follow along with all 6 lifts per week, manage your cardio according to your physique goals, and keep your diet on point. Like the other two categories, life might happen, and you might miss a workout. Don’t stress! Just jump back on the next day and keep going. Advanced trainees like myself will still get a thrill ride out of this program. I designed these workouts to push MYSELF, and I consider myself a very advanced trainee. 3. DIET & NUTRITION: Notice how for all three of the above experience levels, slacking on your diet isn’t an option. Proper nutrition is key to optimal workout performance, physical results, and most of all, your HEALTH! I can’t guarantee you any visible results or changes in the way you feel if you are not managing, in some form, your daily caloric 3

intake or macronutrient ratios. This doesn’t mean that you need to be lugging a food scale around with you 24-7, depending on where you are in your journey, how rigid you need to be on your diet will depend on a variety of factors. My Dieting 101: Calorie & Macro Tracking Depending On Your Goals | Pre-Program Series #2 video will help you decide how rigid you need to be with your nutrition to see optimal results within these 30 days. 4. IN THE GYM: Tracking your workouts will be key to pushing yourself in the gym, getting stronger, and building the “toned” physique you are idolizing. The words “muscle tone” literally mean the “visible presence of muscle mass”, so doing hours of cardio and burning all your strength and muscle away will get you nowhere. Therefore, the focus of this plan is weight lifting, and cardio is supplemented as needed. a. THE WEIGHTS YOU USE: If you’re not pushing yourself, you’re not progressing. But at the same time, if you’re going too heavy, you’re probably not controlling the weight and using proper form. You need to find your happy medium. You should be getting stronger over time on this program, and writing down the weights you use is crucial for strength AND aesthetic success! This program’s format allows you to write in the weight you’re using in both the “WEIGHT” and “COMPLETE” columns of the table. I will show you how to be logging your workouts in the workout footage on YouTube! b. YOUR RPE: Another handy tool for making sure you’re pushing yourself in the gym is by analyzing your RPE for each exercise. RPE stands for “Rate of Perceived Exertion” and is a difficulty scale of 1-10, 1 being “I could do this in my sleep” and 10 being “nearly impossible, had to break proper form to get all the reps”. You should aim for all your to be within a 7-9.5 RPE, depending on the exercise and its serial position in the workout. c. WRITING IT ALL OUT: PRINT your workouts! PRINT this packet and bring the section of this packet labeled “PRINTABLE/BLANK VERSION TO WRITE ON” to the gym with a pen like I am in the videos, and make sure you’re taking note of all the weights you’re using and reps you’re doing. d. CARDIO: As you read in the “experience level” section, adding cardio should not be your primary focus if you’re completely new to the gym. Six lifting workouts per week will be more than enough to whip your body into shape! However, if you are nailing the workouts, nailing your diet, and want MORE results in these 30 days, cardio is what you’ll have to do. Please know that cardio will NOT make up for a lack of discipline in your diet, in fact, “burning off” excess calories consumed can be harmful to your metabolism, and cause your body to resist fat loss. Do not abuse cardio on this plan, and your body and results will thank you. Your best bet is going to be making your training and nutrition your top priority, and only adding in cardio when you’re doing well with the former. I will do my best to inform you of how much, and what types of cardio I’m doing for my results on top of the workouts provided, in the video guides. However, cardio 4

should be individualized, so don’t copy what I’m doing and expect the same result. You may need more or less than me depending on your goals. Types of cardio include the following: i. Low Intensity Steady State- Heart rate of 125-135 bpm. Can keep a conversation well at this intensity. This is best used on active rest days, paired with stretching and foam rolling, to facilitate and stimulate the process of muscle recovery. ii. Moderate Intensity Steady State- Heart rate of 145-165 bpm. Keeping conversation is difficult, but doable at this intensity. This is best used as your primary form of steady state cardio. iii. High Intensity Interval Training- Your heart rate should be in max range for a short duration of time, 0:10 to 0:30 seconds of MAX effort, followed by a longer period of rest or low intensity work to allow the heart rate to come down to a moderate or low intensity level. The rest period can be anywhere from 0:40 to 2:00 depending on how crazy your intervals are. High intensity interval training is best used for maximal calorie burn in a short period of time (HIIT sessions typically only last 10- 20 minutes), and is proven to help boost muscle growth and retention. Any other questions you may have about training, cardio or nutrition will be answered in the daily content in the video series. I will not only be providing the full workouts, step by step, but also nutrition, cardio and supplementation information in these videos. On top of that, I will be adding in things like Full Days of Eating, Recipes, Q&A’s, Interviews with the Sponsors, and informational talks to these videos so you can gain the most knowledge possible out of these 30 days with me. This program is 100% FREE, for anyone and everyone. I am releasing this program for you all without asking for any money or compensation in return, but I will ask for one TINY favor! All I ask is that if you are enjoying the program, learning from the content, and are seeing great results, then please SHARE my Instagram page, website, YouTube channel, or this program with someone you know who could benefit from my content. It doesn’t need to be a full-blown shout-out (if you do, that’s cool too!), but just let your best friend know about my page, or give your coworker a link to my videos, something small and effortless like that. A little mention goes a long way for me, and I would greatly appreciate it. For one-on-one, customized coaching, you can check out my individualized services and inquire to become a client via my website, www.MarissaRoyFitness.com!



• Instagram @TheNutritionCorners • Website www.TheNutritionCorners.com • Delivers Nationwide and almost Worldwide via Email or Phone order to Zach Runnels (Fairfax General Manager) at (571)-459-2070 or [email protected] • Mention my name for a special discount & free sample pack with your order!


Week 1, Day 1: Leg Day

EXERCISES REPS WEIGHT SETS Completed: 7 RPE Barbell Back 12-15 3 Barbell Romanian 12 3 DB Goblet Squat (banded) 12 3 Barbell Walking Lunges 15 per leg 3 Machine 15 3 w/ Drop-Set Last Set Lying Curl Machine 15 3 w/ Drop-Set Last Set Seated Calf Raise Machine 15 3 Standing Calf Raise Machine 15 3 w/ Drop-Set Last Set Notes: Make sure to activate the glutes and warm up properly before squatting! Week 1, Day 2: Push Day

EXERCISES REPS WEIGHT SETS Completed: RPE Standing DB 12 3 Flat DB Chest Press 12 3 Standing DB Lateral Raise 15 3 w/ Drop-Set Every Set Standing Cable Upright 15 3 Standing Cable Overhead Press 10 3 Seated Alt From Parallel 10 per arm 3 w/ Drop-Set Every Set Pec Deck Chest 12 3 Pec Deck Rear Delt Fly 12 3

Notes: Fast paced workout, keep rest at 0:30 to 0:45 between sets. Week 1, Day 3: Pull Day

EXERCISES REPS WEIGHT SETS Completed: RPE Wide Grip Lat Pulldown 10 3 Seated Cable Row 10 3 Barbell Bent Over Row 10 3 Cable Lat Pullover 12 3 SS w/ Tricep Pushdown Cable Rope 12 3 Bent Over DB Rear Delt Fly 12 3 w/ Drop-Set Last Set Standing Alternating DB Curl 15 per arm 3 SS w/ Seated Dips Single Arm DB Row 15 per arm 3 Notes: Tricep exercises are optional to superset in since the workout is already at max length. 8

Week 1, Day 5: & Abs

EXERCISES REPS WEIGHT SETS Completed: RPE Standing DB Press 10-12 3 w/ AMRAP Last Set Pec Deck Rear Delt Fly 15 3 w/ Drop-Set Last Set Single Arm Cable Lateral Raise 10 3 Single Arm DB Lateral Raise 15 3 w/ Drop-Set Every Set Wide Grip Barbell 12-15 3 w/ Drop-Set Last Set Decline Bench 15-20 3 Stability Plank Oblique 10-12 per leg 3 Reverse Crunch 15 3 Notes: n/a Week 1, Day 6: Glute Day

EXERCISES REPS WEIGHT SETS Completed: RPE Barbell Thrust 20 3 Cable Glute Pull Through 12 3 w/ Drop-Set Last Set Single 10 per leg 3 Cable Glute Kickback 12 per leg 3 Single Leg DB Romanian Deadlift 10 per leg 3 DB Single Leg Box Squat 10 per leg 3 w/ Drop-Set to BW Last Set Hip Abductor Machine 15/20/25 3 w/ Rest Pause Last Set Seated Calf Raise Machine 15 3 Notes: you can do the single leg press either straight on, or at an angle. Week 1, Day 7: Full Body Conditioning

EXERCISES REPS WEIGHT SETS Completed: RPE Upright Row to Shoulder Press 0:30 3 Froggy Crunch 0:30 3 Bent Arm Lateral Raise 0:30 3 Med Ball Slam 0:30 3 Burpee with Push-Up & Mtn Climbers 0:30 3 Box Jumps 0:30 3 Plank Oblique Crunches 0:30 3 Power Skips 0:30 3 Renegade Rows 0:30 3 Battle Ropes 0:30 3 Notes: 2 circuits of 5 exercises each, 1-1:30 rest between rounds. 9

Week 2, Day 8: Leg Day


Standing Calf Raise Machine 15 3 w/ Drop-Set Last Set Seated Calf Raise Machine 15 3 Leg Extension Machine 15 3 w/ Drop-Set Last Set Lying Hamstring Curl Machine 15 3 w/ Drop-Set Last Set Hip Abductor Machine 15 3 w/ Drop-Set Last Set Glute Kickback Machine 15 3 Barbell Walking 15 3 Barbell Back Squat 15 3 w/ Drop-Set Last Set Notes: Backwards leg day, keep pace fast since there are no supersets. Week 2, Day 9: Push Day

EXERCISES REPS WEIGHT SETS Completed: RPE Barbell 6-8 3 Seated Single Arm Shoulder Press 15 per arm 3 Standing DB Lateral Raise 12 3 w/ Double Drop-Set Every Set Plate Front Raise 12 3 w/ Drop-Set Every Set Tricep Rope Pushdown 12 3 w/ Drop-Set Every Set Pec Deck Rear Delt Fly 12 3 w/ Drop-Set Every Set Battle Ropes 0:30 3 Push Ups 0:30 3

Notes: n/a Week 2, Day 10: Pull Day

EXERCISES REPS WEIGHT SETS Completed: RPE Wide Grip Cable Lat Pullover 20 3 Narrow Grip Lat Pulldown 20 3 Bent Over 2 Arm DB Row 15 3 Underhand Grip Seated Cable Row 10 3 Barbell Bicep Curl 12 3 w/ Drop-Set Last Set Wide Grip Lat Pulldown 15 3 Seated Alternating DB Curl 15 per arm 3 Cable Rope Bicep Curl 12 3 w/ Drop-Set Last Set Notes: Use a straight bar for the Underhand Grip Seated Cable Row and go slow. Use Versa Gripps if grip is failing. 10

Week 2, Day 12: Shoulders & Arms

EXERCISES REPS WEIGHT SETS Completed: RPE Seated DB Arnold Press 8-10 3 Straight Bar Cable Bicep Curl 10-12 3 w/ Drop-Set Last Set Straight Bar Cable Tricep Pushdown 10-12 3 w/ Drop-Set Last Set Alternating Front & Lateral Raise 15 per exercise 3 w/ Drop-Set Every Set Preacher Curl Machine 12 3 Tricep Extension Machine 12 3 Around the World 10 3 w/ Drop-Set Last Set Seated Machine 12 3 w/ Drop-Set Last Set Notes: n/a Week 2, Day 13: Glute Day

EXERCISES REPS WEIGHT SETS Completed: RPE Hip Abductor Machine 20 3 Barbell Hip Thrust 15 3 w/ Drop-Set Last Set Smith Machine Sumo Squat 15 3 Smith Machine Glute Kickback 10 per leg 3 Cable Glute Kickback 12 per leg 3 Single Leg DB Romanian Deadlift 12 per leg 3 Cable Frog Walk 20 steps 3 w/ Drop-Set to BW Last Set Banded Glute or Frog Pump 50 3 Notes: Perform frog walks banded as well if a band loop is available.

Week 3, Day 15: Leg Day

EXERCISES REPS WEIGHT SETS Completed: 11 RPE Barbell Back Squat 4-6 3 DB Romanian Deadlift 15 3 DB Goblet Squat 12 3 w/ Drop-Set to BW Last Set Glute Kickback Machine 15 per leg 3 w/ Rest Pause Last Set Barbell Good Morning 12 3 Barbell Romanian Deadlift 15 3 Standing Calf Raise Machine 15 3 w/ Drop-Set Every Set Kneeling Squat Against Band 20-25 3 Notes: Add a band to the goblet squats if one is available to you. Week 3, Day 16: Push Day

EXERCISES REPS WEIGHT SETS Completed: RPE Seated Barbell Overhead Press 8 3 Standing DB Shoulder Press 10 3 w/ Drop-Set Last Set Smith Machine Flat Bench Press 10 3 Smith Machine Constant Tension Shoulder Press 15 3 Smith Machine Wide Grip Upright Row 15 3 Assisted Tricep Dip 8 3 w/ AMRAP Last Set Tricep Straight Bar Pushdown 12 3 w/ Drop-Set Every Set Lateral & Front Raise Combo 12 3

Notes: One lateral raise and one front raise together equate to one rep. Week 3, Day 17: Pull Day

EXERCISES REPS WEIGHT SETS Completed: RPE Wide Grip Lat Pulldown 8 3 w/ Drop-Set Last Set Seated Cable Row 10 3 Cable Rope Lat Pullover 10 3 Single Arm DB Row 10 per arm 3 w/ Drop-Set Last Set Squatting Rope Cable Row 12 3 Seated Cable High Row 12 3 Bent Over DB Rear Delt Fly 15 3 Pec Deck Rear Delt Fly 10-12 3 w/ Drop-Set Last Set Notes: n/a 12

Week 3, Day 19: Shoulders & Abs

EXERCISES REPS WEIGHT SETS Completed: RPE Smith Machine Seated Shoulder Press 8-10 3 w/ AMRAP Last Set Smith Machine Single Arm Press 10 per arm 3 Smith Machine Upright Row 10-12 3 Standing DB Lateral Raise 15 3 w/ Drop-Set Every Set Plate Raise and Punch 15-20 3 Seated V Up 15-20 3 Roman Chair Flutter Kicks failure 3 Hanging Knee Tucks failure 3 Notes: n/a Week 3, Day 20: Glute Day

Exercise REPS WEIGHT SETS Complete? RPE Cable Glute Kickback 12 per leg 3 Banded Glute Kickback 20 per leg 3 Smith Machine Bulgarian Split Squat 10 per leg 3 Single Leg Press 12 per leg 3 w/ Drop-Set Last Set Leg Press Calf Press 12 3 w/ Drop-Set Every Set

Barbell Glute Bridge 20 3 Glute Hyperextension 20 3 w/ Rest Pause Last Set

Reverse Glute Hyperextension 20 3 Notes: Add a band to reverse hypers and do them with legs spread in a "sumo" stance. Week 3, Day 21: Full Body Conditioning

EXERCISES REPS WEIGHT SETS Completed: RPE Battle Ropes 0:30 3 Box Jump 0:30 3 Med Ball Slam 0:30 3 Power Skip 0:30 3 Froggy Crunch 0:30 3 Side to Side Touchdowns 0:30 3 Pop Squat Jumps 0:30 3 Inchworms 0:30 3 Side to Side Med Ball Slam 0:30 3 Flutter Kicks 0:30 3 Notes: Two circuits of 5 items each, 1:00-1:30 min rest between rounds.

Week 4, Day 23: Leg Day

EXERCISES REPS WEIGHT SETS Completed: 13 RPE Barbell Back Squat 6-8 3 DB Box Step Up 10 per leg 3 Power Skip 15 per leg 3 Smith Machine Narrow Squat 10 3 Smith Machine Sumo Squat 10 3 Leg Extension Machine 12 3 w/ Drop-Set Every Set Lying Hamstring Curl Machine 12 3 w/ Drop-Set Every Set Seated Calf Raise Machine 12 3 w/ Drop-Set Last Set Notes: n/a Week 4, Day 24: Push Day

EXERCISES REPS WEIGHT SETS Completed: RPE Bent Over DB Rear Delt Fly 15 3 Cable Rope Face Pull 15 3 Pec Deck Rear Delt Fly 12 3 w/ Drop-Set Last Set Pec Deck Chest Fly 10 3 w/ Drop-Set Every Set Standing Cable Upright Row 12 3 Standing DB Lateral Raise 12 3 w/ Drop-Set Every Set Plate Front Raise 10-12 3 w/ Drop-Set Every Set Incline DB Chest Press 10 3 w/ AMRAP Last Set

Notes: Backwards-structured push day, lots of shoulder focus. Week 4, Day 25: Pull Day

EXERCISES REPS WEIGHT SETS Completed: RPE Assisted Pull Up Machine Wide Grip 12 3 Reverse Grip Lat Pulldown 12 3 Kneeling Single Arm High Row 12 per arm 3 w/ Drop-Set Last Set Rope Cable Lat Pulllover 12 3 w/ Rest Pause Last Set Supportless Wide Grip Lat Pulldown 12 3 w/ Rest Pause Last Set Barbell Spider Curl 10 3 Barbell Bicep Curl 21 21 3 Single Arm Cable Bicep Curl ( high) 12 per arm 3 Notes: 21 variation- 7 wide, 7 neutral, 7 narrow grip, all full reps. 14

Week 4, Day 27: Shoulders & Arms

EXERCISES REPS WEIGHT SETS Completed: RPE Incline Bench DB Rear Delt Fly 12 3 w/ Drop-Set Every Set Seated Incline DB Curl 12 per arm 3 w/ Drop-Set Last Set Incline Bench DB Skullcrusher 12 3 Lateral Raise Machine (Single Arm) 12 per arm 3 Barbell Preacher Curl 10-12 3 Barbell French Press 10-12 3 Barbell Front Raise 10-12 3 Alternating Cable Shoulder Press 12-15 3 w/ Drop-Set Last Set Notes: perform the highlighted exercises as TRI-SETS, three exercises back to back to back! Week 4, Day 28: Glutes

EXERCISES REPS WEIGHT SETS Completed: RPE Barbell Hip Thrust 8-10 3 w/ AMRAP Last Set Barbell Back Squat Sumo Stance 12 3 Barbell Reverse Lunge 10 per leg 3 w/ Drop-Set to BW Last Set DB Plie Squat (TEMPO) 12 3 Banded Squat Jumps 20-25 3 DB Romanian Deadlift 15 3 Exercise Ball Hamstring Curl 15 3 w/ AMRAP Last Set Kneeling Box Jump or Box Jumps 10 3 Notes: Work on explosiveness and athleticism for the Box Jumps! Tempo is 3 sec down, 1 sec up, 1 sec squeeze at the top. Week 4, Day 29: Full Body Conditioning

EXERCISES REPS WEIGHT SETS Completed: RPE Elevated Pop Squat Jumps 0:30 3 Up & Over's 0:30 3 Exercise Ball V-Up Pass Through 0:30 3 Burpee 0:30 3 Exercise Ball Knee Tuck 0:30 3 Lunge Switch Jumps 0:30 3 Battle Rope Up & Over's 0:30 3 Plank Pulse 0:30 3 Inchworms 0:30 3 Wall Sit Med Ball Slam 0:30 3 Notes: Two circuits of 5 items each, 1:00-1:30 between rounds. 15



Barbell Back Squat 12-15 3 Barbell Romanian Deadlift 12 3 DB Goblet Squat (banded) 12 3 Barbell Walking Lunges 15 per leg 3 Leg Extension Machine 15 3 Lying Hamstring Curl Machine 15 3 Seated Calf Raise Machine 15 3 Standing Calf Raise Machine 15 3 Notes: Week 1, Day 2: Push Day

EXERCISES REPS WEIGHT SETS Completed: RPE Standing DB Overhead Press 12 3 Flat DB Chest Press 12 3 Standing DB Lateral Raise 15 3 Standing Cable Upright Row 15 3 Standing Cable Overhead Press 10 3 Seated Alt Front Raise From Parallel 10 per arm 3 Pec Deck Chest Fly 12 3 Pec Deck Rear Delt Fly 12 3

Notes: Week 1, Day 3: Pull Day

EXERCISES REPS WEIGHT SETS Completed: RPE Wide Grip Lat Pulldown 10 3 Seated Cable Row 10 3 Barbell Bent Over Row 10 3 Cable Lat Pullover 12 3 Cable Rope Face Pull 12 3 Bent Over DB Rear Delt Fly 12 3 Standing Alternating DB Curl 15 per arm 3 Single Arm DB Row 15 per arm 3 Notes: 16

Week 1, Day 5: Shoulders & Abs

EXERCISES REPS WEIGHT SETS Completed: RPE Standing DB Shoulder Press 10-12 3 Pec Deck Rear Delt Fly 15 3 Single Arm Cable Lateral Raise 10 3 Single Arm DB Lateral Raise 15 3 Wide Grip Barbell Upright Row 12-15 3 Decline Bench Leg Raise 15-20 3 Stability Plank Oblique Crunch 10-12 per leg 3 Reverse Crunch 15 3 Notes: Week 1, Day 6: Glute Day

EXERCISES REPS WEIGHT SETS Completed: RPE Barbell Hip Thrust 20 3 Cable Glute Pull Through 12 3 Single Leg Press 10 per leg 3 Cable Glute Kickback 12 per leg 3 Single Leg DB Romanian Deadlift 10 per leg 3 DB Single Leg Box Squat 10 per leg 3 Hip Abductor Machine 15/20/25 3 Seated Calf Raise Machine 15 3 Notes: Week 1, Day 7: Full Body Conditioning

EXERCISES REPS WEIGHT SETS Completed: RPE Upright Row to Shoulder Press 0:30 3 Froggy Crunch 0:30 3 Bent Arm Lateral Raise 0:30 3 Med Ball Slam 0:30 3 Burpee with Push-Up & Mtn Climbers 0:30 3 Box Jumps 0:30 3 Plank Oblique Crunches 0:30 3 Power Skips 0:30 3 Renegade Rows 0:30 3 Battle Ropes 0:30 3 Notes: 17

Week 2, Day 8: Leg Day


Standing Calf Raise Machine 15 3 Seated Calf Raise Machine 15 3 Leg Extension Machine 15 3 Lying Hamstring Curl Machine 15 3 Hip Abductor Machine 15 3 Glute Kickback Machine 15 3 Barbell Walking Lunge 15 3 Barbell Back Squat 15 3 Notes: Week 2, Day 9: Push Day

EXERCISES REPS WEIGHT SETS Completed: RPE Barbell Bench Press 6-8 3 Seated Single Arm Shoulder Press 15 per arm 3 Standing DB Lateral Raise 12 3 Plate Front Raise 12 3 Tricep Rope Pushdown 12 3 Pec Deck Rear Delt Fly 12 3 Battle Ropes 0:30 3 Push Ups 0:30 3

Notes: Week 2, Day 10: Pull Day

EXERCISES REPS WEIGHT SETS Completed: RPE Wide Grip Cable Lat Pullover 20 3 Narrow Grip Lat Pulldown 20 3 Bent Over 2 Arm DB Row 15 3 Underhand Grip Seated Cable Row 10 3 Barbell Bicep Curl 12 3 Wide Grip Lat Pulldown 15 3 Seated Alternating DB Curl 15 per arm 3 Cable Rope Bicep Curl 12 3 Notes: 18

Week 2, Day 12: Shoulders & Arms

EXERCISES REPS WEIGHT SETS Completed: RPE Seated DB Arnold Press 8-10 3 Straight Bar Cable Bicep Curl 10-12 3 Straight Bar Cable Tricep Pushdown 10-12 3 Alternating Front & Lateral Raise 15 per exercise 3 Preacher Curl Machine 12 3 Tricep Extension Machine 12 3 Around the World 10 3 Seated Dip Machine 12 3 Notes: Week 2, Day 13: Glute Day

EXERCISES REPS WEIGHT SETS Completed: RPE Hip Abductor Machine 20 3 Barbell Hip Thrust 15 3 Smith Machine Sumo Squat 15 3 Smith Machine Glute Kickback 10 per leg 3 Cable Glute Kickback 12 per leg 3 Single Leg DB Romanian Deadlift 12 per leg 3 Cable Frog Walk 20 steps 3 Banded Glute Bridge or Frog Pump 50 3 Notes:

Week 3, Day 15: Leg Day

EXERCISES REPS WEIGHT SETS Completed: 19 RPE Barbell Back Squat 4-6 3 DB Romanian Deadlift 15 3 DB Goblet Squat 12 3 Glute Kickback Machine 15 per leg 3 Barbell Good Morning 12 3 Barbell Romanian Deadlift 15 3 Standing Calf Raise Machine 15 3 Kneeling Squat Against Band 20-25 3 Notes: Week 3, Day 16: Push Day

EXERCISES REPS WEIGHT SETS Completed: RPE Seated Barbell Overhead Press 8 3 Standing DB Shoulder Press 10 3 Smith Machine Flat Bench Press 10 3 Smith Machine Constant Tension Shoulder Press 15 3 Smith Machine Wide Grip Upright Row 15 3 Assisted Tricep Dip 8 3 Tricep Straight Bar Pushdown 12 3 Lateral & Front Raise Combo 12 3

Notes: Week 3, Day 17: Pull Day

EXERCISES REPS WEIGHT SETS Completed: RPE Wide Grip Lat Pulldown 8 3 Seated Cable Row 10 3 Cable Rope Lat Pullover 10 3 Single Arm DB Row 10 per arm 3 Squatting Rope Cable Row 12 3 Seated Cable High Row 12 3 Bent Over DB Rear Delt Fly 15 3 Pec Deck Rear Delt Fly 10-12 3 Notes: 20

Week 3, Day 19: Shoulders & Abs

EXERCISES REPS WEIGHT SETS Completed: RPE Smith Machine Seated Shoulder Press 8-10 3 Smith Machine Single Arm Press 10 per arm 3 Smith Machine Upright Row 10-12 3 Standing DB Lateral Raise 15 3 Plate Raise and Punch 15-20 3 Seated V Up 15-20 3 Roman Chair Flutter Kicks Failure 3 Hanging Knee Tucks Failure 3 Notes: Week 3, Day 20: Glute Day

Exercise REPS WEIGHT SETS Complete? RPE Cable Glute Kickback 12 per leg 3 Banded Glute Kickback 20 per leg 3 Smith Machine Bulgarian Split Squat 10 per leg 3 Single Leg Press 12 per leg 3 Leg Press Calf Press 12 3

Barbell Glute Bridge 20 3

Glute Hyperextension 20 3

Reverse Glute Hyperextension 20 3 Notes: Week 3, Day 21: Full Body Conditioning

EXERCISES REPS WEIGHT SETS Completed: RPE Battle Ropes 0:30 3 Box Jump 0:30 3 Med Ball Slam 0:30 3 Power Skip 0:30 3 Froggy Crunch 0:30 3 Side to Side Touchdowns 0:30 3 Pop Squat Jumps 0:30 3 Inchworms 0:30 3 Side to Side Med Ball Slam 0:30 3 Flutter Kicks 0:30 3 Notes:

Week 4, Day 23: Leg Day

EXERCISES REPS WEIGHT SETS Completed: 21 RPE Barbell Back Squat 6-8 3 DB Box Step Up 10 per leg 3 Power Skip 15 per leg 3 Smith Machine Narrow Squat 10 3 Smith Machine Sumo Squat 10 3 Leg Extension Machine 12 3 Lying Hamstring Curl Machine 12 3 Seated Calf Raise Machine 12 3 Notes: Week 4, Day 24: Push Day

EXERCISES REPS WEIGHT SETS Completed: RPE Bent Over DB Rear Delt Fly 15 3 Cable Rope Face Pull 15 3 Pec Deck Rear Delt Fly 12 3 Pec Deck Chest Fly 10 3 Standing Cable Upright Row 12 3 Standing DB Lateral Raise 12 3 Plate Front Raise 10-12 3 Incline DB Chest Press 10 3

Notes: Week 4, Day 25: Pull Day

EXERCISES REPS WEIGHT SETS Completed: RPE Assisted Pull Up Machine Wide Grip 12 3 Reverse Grip Lat Pulldown 12 3 Kneeling Single Arm High Row 12 per arm 3 Rope Cable Lat Pullover 12 3 Supportless Wide Grip Lat Pulldown 12 3 Barbell Spider Curl 10 3 Barbell Bicep Curl 21 21 3 Single Arm Cable Bicep Curl (elbow high) 12 per arm 3 Notes: 22

Week 4, Day 27: Shoulders & Arms

EXERCISES REPS WEIGHT SETS Completed: RPE Incline Bench DB Rear Delt Fly 12 3 Seated Incline DB Curl 12 per arm 3 Incline Bench DB Skullcrusher 12 3 Lateral Raise Machine (Single Arm) 12 per arm 3 Barbell Preacher Curl 10-12 3 Barbell French Press 10-12 3 Barbell Front Raise 10-12 3 Alternating Cable Shoulder Press 12-15 3 Notes: Week 4, Day 28: Glutes

EXERCISES REPS WEIGHT SETS Completed: RPE Barbell Hip Thrust 8-10 3 Barbell Back Squat Sumo Stance 12 3 Barbell Reverse Lunge 10 per leg 3 DB Plie Squat (TEMPO) 12 3 Banded Squat Jumps 20-25 3 DB Romanian Deadlift 15 3 Exercise Ball Hamstring Curl 15 3 Kneeling Box Jump or Box Jumps 10 3 Notes: Week 4, Day 29: Full Body Conditioning

EXERCISES REPS WEIGHT SETS Completed: RPE Elevated Pop Squat Jumps 0:30 3 Up & Over's 0:30 3 Exercise Ball V-Up Pass Through 0:30 3 Burpee 0:30 3 Exercise Ball Knee Tuck 0:30 3 Lunge Switch Jumps 0:30 3 Battle Rope Up & Over's 0:30 3 Plank Pulse 0:30 3 Inchworms 0:30 3 Wall Sit Med Ball Slam 0:30 3 Notes: