FRIENDS OF ALTON ABBEY NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The 32nd Annual General Meeting of the Friends of Alton Abbey will take place at Alton Abbey on Wednesday 11th July 2012 after lunch in the Abbey Church Nominations are invited for ALL Office Bearers and Ordinary Members of Council. Nomination papers should be returned to the Hon. Secretary, Dr Jill Hurley, Greensleeves, Bentworth, Alton, Hampshire, GU34 5JT, or to the Alton Abbey address below. on or before 27th June, using the enclosed form. AGENDA 1. Apologies for absence 2. Minutes of the previous AGM - July 2011 3. Matters arising 4. Trustees’ Annual Report and Accounts 5. Chairman’s Report 6. Abbot’s Report 7. Election of Officers 8. Election of Ordinary Members of Council 9. Appointment of Independent Examiner 10. Forthcoming Events 11. Any Other Business AOB should preferably be advised to the Secretary at least 24 hours prior to the AGM at the address above; 01420 562126; or email:
[email protected] __________________________________________________ ARRANGEMENTS The AGM continues to be held on St Benedict's Day. It is an ideal opportunity to meet other Friends and your Council. We are very grateful to the Abbot and Community for this special “family” day which they host in their home every year for Oblates, Companions and the Friends of Alton Abbey. The Abbot and Community will send you a personal invitation to attend the Conventual Mass and lunch, which precedes the AGM. Friends of Alton Abbey, Alton Abbey, Abbey Road, Beech, Alton, Hants, GU34 4AP 1 MINUTES OF THE 31st ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE FRIENDS OF ALTON ABBEY HELD ON 11th JULY 2011 AT 1.45PM Present: Mr Christopher Pluck Chairman Major Michael Isherwood Vice-Chairman Mr Ian Munro Treasurer Dr Jill Hurley Secretary Council Members: Mrs Barbara Henry, Ms Margaret Kerlogue Mrs Lynne Rapson, Mrs Audrey Sherren, Dr Sally Turner The Rt.