The Fast est Growing DVD, CD and Blu- ray Ret ail Cat alog Connecting Content with Consumers Volume 7 Issue 8 We pleased to announce the addition of XLrator Media to the Allied Vaughn Catalog of DVD, CD and Blu-ray titles available exclusively for online retailers. XLrator represents multiple collections of content- horror, documentary, action and family fare, now serviced by Allied Vaughn's integrated distribution technologies, retailers are assured of 100% ready to ship, never backordered products for their collecting consumers! Also this week, we bring you new Warner Archive, FOX Cinema, Leomark and other major studio new to DVD and Blu-ray releases, titles you'll want to take advantage of as a retailer on broadening your consumer choices. If you're a studio, you'll want to consider Allied Vaughn's MOD distribution technology to maximize the physical retail potential of your entire content catalog. And if you're a retailer, you'll want the broadest collection of titles available without the restrictions of inventory, back orders, fill rates, delisted titles-- MOD eliminates all those issues and let's you sell more to more consumers! Successful retailing to you all, Richard Skillman Vice President Allied Vaughn
[email protected] AV MOD Studio Brochure AV MOD Gallery Title Library AV MOD Newsletter Archives XLrator Media Goes MOD- New Hits New Chills Bringing retailers a broad choice of content for their collectors, XLrator, our new partner studio delivers with recent direct to video releases, dramas and action, starring major Hollywood stars, on both DVD and Blu Ray! You'll find XLrator an excellent new source for entertainment for your customers as they bring a wide range of content from their many brands.