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Clarke Graphic I r~CLARKE GRAPHIC I I I b F To: San ~neonicFiesTa Co~sslon 9-9-35 - - + - I I.L ..,, .. 4 (Quota valid 30 dmfrom ttw above daa IIL.l'uwrwni --wm,rrrPnar SYWWII WE ARE PLEASE, m'O QUOTE OL m wJR PRINTING REQUIREMENTS AS FOLLOWS: OESCRlPTlON & SlZ€ STOCK FURNISHEL - . Customer =Jarkt FRb'''r.Y " Brochure - Fiesta Commiaaion 1-side Prints: 4-color process black and 1 F'MS 2nd ' side. I Sizes: 19- 11/ 16x9'' (open) 4x9" (folded) Accordtan fold, band and box. OUUE INCLUDE& ' . Y -2- I ; - f .' .. - LINE SHOTS . :I CAMERAREADYART ;~*~,$:qC1 .q+. d . ' HALFrONES * DESIGN & LAYOUT - "'+" u yi L,, DUOTONES * TYPESElllNG FROM g 8 mw sEpmnoNs --+I TYPEWRITTEN SCREENS PASTEUP BLEEDS - PGS. REVERSES LOOSE )I' 1:- *dl - . 8 -8, , ~44,.. WINmIOCUT STRIPPED . a .. I) s~?*. , :fL,$ HANDCUT MASKS nrhc- STRIPPED REGI~RED'J. ART PREPARED IN *PAGE SIGNATURE+ COLOR SEPARATIONS - b. $. COLOR KEY , , 0 CUB~~ia Lo furawl I-*a -sg carap GNAS , -,J?' "1 , color awtivas and proof. BLUELINE ALTERNATE SPECIFICATIONS I PRICES .rc =- --I- * Brochure -&' -" -. +& 5 * 4.*-, - 5a;bbb' 2-* s m'%a .,aa - &- ACCEPTED BY SUBMTmD BY I-. Ralph Pais/ dc G CSttBToylER CW'l I MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE INTEREST WILL BE ADDED TO PAST DUE BALANCES. I COLOR SEPARATIONSILASER SCANNINGIFILM STRIPPINGIELECTRONIC RETOU,. .lNG AND PAGINATION Fieata San Antonio Commission 1145 E.Commerce St. San Antonio, Texas 78205 Ms. Cindy Martinez August 29,1985 Dear Ms. Martinez, Thank-you for the opportunity to bid on the color separations and combination film on the 1986 Fiesta San A~tonioBrochure. I compliment you and your designer on the brochure's festive look, eepacially on the bright background colors. As you probally know Capital Spectrum has been providing separations and film on the fiesta Posters for the past several years. The specifications on the brochure are as follows: 6-2x3 color separations 4-4x5 color separations plus(2-4x5 color separations) combined (flags) to one finished separation-Retouching Stripping Combination film 9-1/2x20-1/2 carries all photographs plus 2 pro-match colors green -purple L 2 screen tint colors, cyan and magenta. 5th color creates background color of peach. Side 2 is created the the same pro-match colors, green and purple, screen tint colors of cvan and magentau and 5th color ink creates the each shade. 1 Chromalin proofs on loose color plus chromalin combination proof,. Schedule on first color showing 5-7 days, combination film, allow 3-5 additional days upon approval of color. Total Price $3649.00 TX-WATS 521 4 Burleson Road,#214 10223 McAllister Freeway, 8104 4669 Southwest Freeway, #400 Austin, Texas f 8744 San Antonio,Texas 78216 Houston,Texas 77027 I (512) 443-0088 (512) 386-0021 (713) 621-311 1145 E. COMMERCE ST. SAN ANTONIO. TEXAS 78205 227-6191 PRINTING SPECIFICATIONS FIESTA 1986 BROCHURE Job description: 5 panel, 4 color brochure Stock: Warrenflo - White Stock: Javelin - White Ink Colors: 4 color process - plus 2 screen combination colors (purlple & green) and 1 PMS color Finished size: 4" x 9" (19 11/1611 x 9" flat) Color seperations: 4 - 3" x 411 and 6 - 1 5/8" square Reverses: 2 - 9" x 19 11/16" Folding: 4 folds - 9" way to 411 x 911 accordion fold Color keys: plus chromolin FIESTA DATES: APRIL 18-27-1986- APRIL 17-26, 1987 PRINTING SPECIFICATIONS & REQUEST FOR PRINTING COST TO: DATE: CLIENT: Pf'&h- co4wv&- OUR JOB NO. Job descr~pt~on Quantrty Stock - WU Stock Ink Colors: 14%' *' q /f % i(~hedSlik Yy 4 --- 4,- COIW Separat~ons. - /~'/s*~3 . - - ----..*." - ---- 4 -\ Halftones: FP .- Duo-Tones. I* . screens : Reverses: 1 2 - 4 /4 ?6 _A' -. Embossing:-. -.. "' . Die Cuts: Binding: Tvpesettinrr, . - : C Col~rKeys : .'y/.,&- Strip-Ins, \d .--. y - , Additional lnformaticm w,/ht& c +m . j~ Camera Ready Art To Be Furnished By Robert Sosa: I.3 L/ I ( ' ,< 7 ./ 0GC"") proofs (1st1 Revises : / Y/c W ,l Samples To Be Delivered To Robert Sosa: L pmS./ Delivery of Completed Printing Job On: 1986 Brochure Photos (A) One of the most popular events of Fiesta - "Night In Old San Antoniof1 (NIOSA). (B) The Texas National Guard in San Antonio marks its fifth year offering Texas Guard Fiesta. (C) The Fiesta Garden Festival is one of the many cultural Fiesta events. (D) The Fiesta Carnival will run for the full ten days of Fiesta - Enjoy! (E) Pilgrimage to the Alamo - a memorial tribute to the Alamo heroes and the patriotic heritage of Texas. (F) The River Art Group will display and sell their work along the San Antonio River. (G) Parades - essentials to Fiesta. (H) Market Square, one of San Antonio's most unique and exciting p.eople Is place. (I) The Texas Cavaliers present the colorful 1986 Fiesta River Parade, maintaining a tradition that dates to 1941. FIESTA 1986 TICKET INFORHATIQN I o Del Rey Feo - Saturday, April 19, 1986 Sam Dorla ($3.00, $3.75, $4-003 $4.50, Box 20708, San Antonfo, %X&B 78220 '641-9481 ta Rlver Parade - Monday,- - April 21, 1986 c/o Tickets ($6.00, $7.00, $8.00) Mr. bnchsel S. Brenan 450 First City Bank Bldg. 8202 N. Pan Am Expressway San Antonfo, Texas 78238 Night in Old 3an Antonio - Tuesday, April 22, thru Friday, A ril 25, 1986 ($5.00 gate, $4.50 advance, 1.50 children under 12 years) 511 Padeo de la Villita San Antonio Texas 78205 5121226-5188 Coronation of the Queen of the Order of the Alamo - Tuesday, April 22, 1986 - Municipal Audltarium P.O. Box 9527 San Antonio, Texaa 78204 Battle of Flowera Band Festival - Thursday, April 24, 1986 ($l.QO Students, $2.00 General Admission, $3.00 Reserved, $4.00 Box Seats) P.O. Box 6432 San Antonio, Texas 78209 Battle of Flowe~sParade - Friday, April 25, 1986 P.O. Box 6432 ($5.00, $6.00, $6.50, $8.00) San Antonio, Texas 78209 Fieata Ni ht Parade - Saturday, Aprll 26, 1986 ($5.50, $!i .50, and $10.00) San Antonio Jayoees P.O. Box 100896 San Antonio, Texas 78201 5 12/377-3480 Street Chairs along the Parade Route Seating Coordinator 512/735-7612 Tlckets for Fiesta events nat listed will be sold at the Convention Center on April 10, 1986. For additional ticket information pltaae call, (512) 227-5191. For information on Hotele, Slghtaeeing, Restaursnt8, etc. please contact the Visitor Enformation Center, (512) 299-8155. - FIESTA 1986 TICKET INFORMATION C/O Tlcketa Mr. Michael S . menan 450 First City Bank ndg. 8202 N. Pan Am Ekgressway San Antonlo, Texas 78238 -%April 22, thru I I ($5.00 gate, $4.50 advance, 8.50 children under 12 years) 1 511 Paeeo de la Villita San Antonlo, Taxas 78205 (I 512/226-5188 the Queen ~f the Order of the Alamo - Municipal Auditorium P.O. Box 9527 San Antonio, Taxaa 78204 - . - ttle of Plowera F~R~.LV Thursday. Ar>ril B1.00 Students $%O 0enera~A5slon, $3 .OO Re $4.00 Box Seata) P.O. Box 6432 &n Antonio, Texas 78209 --- - - b Ic! of Flowers Parad - 00, $6.00, $6.50, $8.08 P.O. Box 6432 San Antonio, Texas 78209 Sun Antonio Jayoeea I P.O. Ebx 100896 San Antonio, %xaa 78201 512/377-3480 Stpee$ Chaira along the Pa---de Route Seating Coorainat or 512/735-7612 Tickets for Pisate events &t listed will be aold at the Convention Center on April 10, 1986 For information on Hotela, Tours, Reatauranta, etc. please ,,.. contact the Convention Center Visitors Bureau, (512) 299-8155 FIESTA SAN ANTONIO 1986 APRIL 18 - 27 t' t' TENTATIVE FIES ENTS SCHEDULE For Further Information : San Antonio Commission, Inc. I 1145 E. Commerce dm- San Antonio, TX 78205 . .# (512) 227-5191 MEBCADO FIESTA ACT1:VITIES - Market Square 2:00 p.m. 1 OLLU FSGATTI DEL UGO AND SEUNG JAM - OLLU Wist &inpu~ GIRL SCOUT SHDE-BOX PUAT PARADE - Central Fark M: I(bwer level Fountain Cart) I I t' ' I PIFSTA TEEN QUEaJ CORONATION AND DANCE - Hilton SATJIDAY, APRIL 19 HEALTH SElWICES COMMAND CAMINADA DE FIESTA - Fort Sam IL>uston FIETS'W WIDLOWER 100 - BICYCLE RACES & mURS - Northcliffe Country Qhb, REACH FOR ?PIE SKY: AVIATION IN TEXAS - htltute of Tbxan Cultures ZETA INWCITY TRACK MEET {Children Ages 8-15) - Central Catholic High School MMNtS SOCCER TOURNAMENT - &tam Fblo Center WLPHART LEAGUE SHOW AND SALE - Alam Plaza "RP(EMBERXNG TIE AW' - "XlIPIH TEXAS EOOU3C,Yn - With &~~~lal Mmeum - 3801 &oadwety *l2:OO noon A TASTE OF MZW OWS- St. Paul Square *11: 00 a.m. *12: 00 noan EL MWCADO PESTA ACTMTIES - Mket Square 12: 00 noan FIESTA 0~~ EWE - St. b~y'sWversity 12: 00 noon GEIWNG HIUSE TOUR - 409 E. Guenther 12: 00 nom FIESTA ARTS FAIR - Southweat @aft Center 12: 30 p.m. PRE:-PARADE VANQUARD - Parade Route P 1:25 p.m. REY FM) FANDANQO (5h run) - made Route 1:30 p.m. PASED DEt REY FED (Parade) + 7: 30 p.m. 00RONATI:ON OF KING ANTONIO IXIV - Almo * 7: 30 p.m. FESTA CHARRA - Arena, (Wee, but ticket cantrollad) 8: 00 p .m. PAllUOlTC AND HZSTQRICAL BlltL - Villita Assenbly W1 (l3y hltaticn Only) SUNDAY, APRIL 20 8: 00 a ,rn HEALTH SEFO,TCl?.S COMMAND CAMINADA DE FIESTA - Fort Sam Howtun FlEACH FOR THE SKY: AVIATION IN TMAS - Institute of %xan Cultures C, 1: WOMANtS SOCCER TOURN= - Retama Polo C&nter' fl: 00 a.m. KNICtJTFS OF COLWBUS FUN RUN FOR CHARI?"P - Packenrid~eFwk Keller Pavilion *lo: 00 a.m. ART WOESDW AND SALE - Alam Plaza *lo: 00 a.m. ?WESEW ANNUL, FIFSTA GFI.A.DE 8ICYCLJ3 RACE - Fort Sam Houston adlf Cwae Area 12:OO noon WNEMEHUNG 'ME AW.IOlt - ltSOUTH TEXAS ECOLIXYt - Witte P'lemorial - 3801 Et.0adwa.g I *12:00 noon TernMEFiCADO FIESTA ACTIVITIES - Mwket Spare FIESTA ARm FAIR - Southwest Craft Center *12: 00 noon A TASTE OF W ORLEANS - St.
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