Opens Today Looks at Farm
Friday Herald-Citizen The Daily Newspaper of the Upper Cumberland 114th Year — No. 54 Cookeville, Tennessee, March 4, 2016 20 Pages — 2 Sections • 50¢ Weather Discrimination suit against CRMC settled Tonight Tomorrow By LAURA MILITANA “Both plaintiffs, Robert But- dated Feb. 2, said. “The parties the Americans with Disabilities Buttrum reportedly experi- HERALD-CITIZEN Staff trum and Michael Hill, and de- are in the process of completing Act. enced frustration and embarrass- fendant, Cookeville Regional and finalizing the settlement Both men claim that during ment due to the failure to COOKEVILLE — A lawsuit Medical Center Authority, by documents.” multiple visits to CRMC, begin- provide effective communica- alleging discriminatory activities and through their respective Buttrum and Hill, who are deaf, ning in November 2012, the hos- tion. 32º 58º against Cookeville Regional counsel, and hereby give notice both claimed that CRMC dis- pital did not provide adequate “Due to CRMC’s discrimina- Medical Center filed in late 2014 to the court that the parties have criminated against them by fail- communication services, namely tory patterns, procedures, prac- Complete forecast, Page 2 has been settled. reached a proposed settlement of ing to promptly provide them a qualified sign language inter- tices and conduct, both Buttrum Details of the settlement have all the claims at controversy in with a qualified sign language preter, a service Buttrum report- not been made public. this matter,” court documents, interpreter, therefore violating edly requested during the visits. See CRMC, Page 3 Sports Sheriff Opens today looks at farm 4-AA title watch Upperman wins region 4-AA title in By LINDSAY McREYNOLDS victory over York /B1 HERALD-CITIZEN Staff PUTNAM COUNTY — More than 20 Putnam County farmers Living and law enforcement officials gathered last night to discuss the potential to help combat a nation- wide issue — farm crime.
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