The Biennium Report of the Higher Education Facilities Commission Of
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DOCUMENT RESUME ED 037 035 EF 001 524 AUTHOR Stein, Jay W. TITLE The Biennium Report of the Higher Education Facilities Commission of the State of Iowa for the Period Ended June 30, 1966 INSTITUTION Iowa State Higher Education Facilities Commission, Des Moines. PUB DATE Aug 66 NOTE 54p. EDRS PRICE EDRS Price MF-$0.25 HC-$2.80 DESCRIPTORS *Annual Reports, Facility Utilization Research, *Federal Aid, *Federal State Relationship, *Guidelines, *Higher Education, Institutional Administration, Interinstitutional Cooperation, Private Colleges, Standards IDENTIFIERS Des Moines ABSTRACT The commission summarizes its activities in the five areas of construction grants,equipment grants, scholarships, guaranteed student loans, and a survey of physical facilities. The commission administers the federal construction and equipment grants awarded under the Higher Education Facilities Acts of 1963 and 1965. Summaries include grants available, type and value of grant awarded, institution receiving grant, projects approved under the grant, and procedures and criteriafor awarding priorities. State plans for facilities grants are evaluated on the basis of a 1965 physical facilities survey of Iowa campuses. The scholarship and loan programs are described and results are summarized in Part II of the document. (HH) THE BIENNIUM REPORT OF THE HIGHER EDUCATION FACILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF IOWA FOR THE PERIOD ENDED JUNE 30, 1966 PART I THE CONSTRUCTION GRANTS PROGRAM OF THE HIGHER EDUCATION FACILITIES ACT OF 1963 THE EQUIPMENT GIANTS PROGRAM OF THE HIGHER EDUCATION ACT OF 1965 PART II STATE OF IOWA SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM AUGUST 1966 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH.EDUCATION WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS SEENREPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROMTHE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING IT.POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATEDDO NOT NECES- SARILY REPRESENT OFFICIALOFFICE OF EDU- CATION POSITION OR POLICY. HIGHER EDUCATION FACILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF IOWA 1300 Dos Winos Building Area Code 515 Dos Moinos, Iowa 50309 Telephone 24S0509 Letter of Transmittal To the Governor and Members ofthe Le islature The Higher Education Facilities Commissionof the State of Iowa has been in operation for two years.It began as the repre- sentative agency for implementing theconstruction grants program of the Higher Education Facilities Actof 1963. Its responsibilities have been broadened toinclude instruc- tional equipment grants and guaranteedstudent loans under the Higher Education Act of 1965, the Stateof Iowa Scholarship Program and the "Survey of Physical Facilities atColleges and Universities in Iowa." State-wide conferences conducted under theauspices of the Commission have afforded added opportunityfor Iowa's colleges and universities to gain maximum benefitfrom the new programs of assistance. A conference held in DesMoines in January 1966 for college and university presidents on "Guidelinesfor the Higher Education Act of 1965" drew appreciation from the U.S. Office of Education as a "splendid example of thepartnership spirit needed to carry out the purposes of the Act." The need for expansion in higher education is sourgent that all resources--federal, state, local andinstitutional--must com- bine their efforts to assure educational opportunitybeyond high school for every qualified Iowa citizen.The Higher Education Fa- cilities.Commission has proved a useful catalyst formerging the efforts of all concerned. On behalf of theCommission, it is a pleasure to transmit the following two reports onits achievements. jay W. Stein Director August 1966 PART I THE CONSTRUCTION GRANTS PROGRAM OF THE HIGHER EDUCATION FACILITIES ACT OF 1963 THE EQUIPMENT GRANTS PROGRAM OF THE HIGHER EDUCATION ACT OF 1965 PREFACE The Higher Education Facilities Act(Public Law 88-204) became effective in December 1963.It required that any state desiring to participate in the federal grant program for undergraduateacademic facilities designate or establish an agency to represent allhigher education in the state. The Higher Education Facilities Commission of theState of Iowa was established in the spring of 1964.It consists of nine members representing the general public, the legislature,and the institutions of higher learning throughout Iowa. These includethe three Regents institutions, the sixteen public community colleges and the twenty-nine private institutions fully accredited bythe North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. In August 1964 the Commission hired a director. Theinitial cnarge was to submit to the United States Officeof Education a state plan for participation in the construction grants program under TitleI of the Higher Education Facilities Act of 1963. The Commissionbe- gan operations several months beforefunds actually became avail- able and has been in existence for only two years. Nonetheless, at the end of the second fiscal year it reports impressive achievements which have extended considerably beyond its initial purposes. The activities of the Commission embrace five areas: construc- tion grants,equipment grants,scholarships,guaranteed student loans, and a survey of physical facilities. The first two are federal programs, for which institutional applications are administered through the agency of the Commission. The scholarships awarded directly to students originate with the State of Iowa. The student loans are federally en- couraged by advance reserve funds but are intended to activate a state- supported guarantee supplement. The survey of physical facilities which was financed by federal funds for Commission operations has had benefit of affiliation with the Iowa Cooperative Study of Post High School Education. The Construction Grants Program of The Higher Education Facil- ities Act of 1963 and The Equipment Grants Program of The Higher Education Act of 1965 comprise the subject of this biennium report, which reflects the ability and enthusiasm of Mr. Norman Kladstrup who Joined the staff in June 1966 and is working closely with both facilities programs. An appendix gives financial statements of opera- tions for fiscal years ended June 30, 1965 and June 30, 1966. They were prepared by Miss Ruth Snyder, who has assisted also with other activities of the Commission. -1- The purpose of this and other Commission reports is informative and evaluative. The general public, the legislators, the officials of colleges and universities, and the U. S. Office of Education needto know the facts concerning the various programs for which the Higher Education Facilities Commission is responsible. The Commission members need comparisons and analyses to aid in evaluating and im- proving the State Plans and the principles and procedures under which the programs operate. Several improvements and revisions have already been adopted. Suggestions and recommendations fromeveryone are always welcome. Jay W. Stein Director THE HIGHER EDUCATION FACILITIES COMMISSION JUNE 30, 1966 Mr. Charles Hearst, Cedar Falls, Chairman Mr. David Dancer, Executive Secretary, Iowa Board of Regents Des Moines Mr. Paul F. Johnston, State Superintendent, Department of Public Instruction, Des Moines *Senator Vern Lisle, Iowa State Legislature, Clarinda Dr. Irwin J. Lubbers, President, Iowa Association of Private Colleges and Universities, Des Moines Mr. Winston L. McMullen, Business Representative, Sheet Metal Workers Local *45, Des Moines (replaced Mr. Robert L. McVay August 26, 1965) Mrs.Frank Nye,Cedar Rapids,Secretary *Former State Representative Leroy H. Petersen, Iowa State Legislature, Grimes, Vice Chairman Dr. Don R. Sheriff, Member, State Advisory Committee on Vocational Education, West Branch *Term expired June 30, 1966.Senator Vern Lisle replaced by Senator Daryl H. Nims, Ames; Representative Leroy H. Petersen replaced by Representa- tive James D. Resnick, Davenport. FACILITIES ADVISORY COMMITTEE A Facilities Advisory Committee authorized by the Commission becomes active fall 1966. Dr. Jay W. Stein Norman W. Kladstrup Director Assistant to the Director -3- CONTENTS Preface 1 Members of the Higher Education Facilities Commission 3 List of Tables 5 Salient Information on the Facilities Programs 7 The-Construction Grants Program 8 I.Federal Grants Awarded 8 A.Federal Allotments Available 8 B.Applications Received and Grants Awarded 9 C.Federal Grants by Type of Institution 9 D.Analysis of Projects Approved for Federal Grant Shares 11 II.Procedures and Critera Used 12 A. State Plan for Awarding Priorities 12 B. Commission Review of Application 12 C.Analysis of Criteria for Determining Priority Factors 13 The Equipment Grants Program 16 I.Federal Grants Awarded 16 A. Federal Allotments Available 16 B.Applications Received and Grants Awarded 16 C.Analysis of Projects Approved for Federal Grant Shares 17 II.Procedures and Criteria Used 18 A. State Plan for Awarding Priorities 18 B.Analysis of Criteria for Determining Priority Factors 19 III.Total Federal Grants Awarded Under Both Title I (1963) and Title VI A (1965) 20 Appendix: Statement of Operating Expenses 21 -4- LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Federal Allotments for Fiscal Years 1965 and 1966 (Construction Grants Program) 9 Table 2 Federal Share Awards for Section 104 Institutions (Construction Grants Program) 10 Table 3 Analysis of Federal Share Awards for Section 103 and 104 Institutions (Construction Grants Program) 10 Table 4 Projects for which Federal Share Amounts were Approved (Construction Grants Program). .. 11 Table 5 Brief Outline of Criteria and Point Allowance for Determining Relative Priorities of Eligible Projects