St. Fagans Council

Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Monday 5th September 2016 at 7.00pm in the Village Hall

Present: Councillors C. Price (Chairman) S. Chedzoy, B. Critcher, J. Griffiths, J. Hughes & M. Parry.

In Attendance: County Councillor G. Thomas Police PCSO C. Michael Clerk D. Barnard

Apologies: Councillors F. Lewis & T. Pallier Other C. Hyde (C&A)

The Chairman opened the meeting and welcomed everyone present.

304.09.01 – Declaration of Interests

No interests were declared.

304.09.02 – Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 1st August 2016

Members approved the Minutes and the Chairman signed them accordingly.

304.09.03 – Matters arising from the Minutes


304.09.04 – Police Reports & Neighbourhood Watch a) General

A brief report had been received advising that there had been 142 occurrences and 26 reported crimes during the past month. PCSO Michael commented on some of the incidents. Referring to the theft from the building site at Mulberry Grove, Cllr. Hughes expressed concern that similar thefts could occur at the new building site off Clos Y Cwarra. b) Off-road bike nuisance

The Clerk had circulated a message from Chris Hyde updating the progress on the motorcycle trespass issue on Plymouth land in respect of both the land off Michaelston Road and the fields north of Coed Bychan. PCSO Michael confirmed that the access from Frank Road had been blocked off and a reduction in complaints has been noticed. He also reported that the police are now using drones to identify the access points that the bikes use and the properties to which they go, which is proving helpful.

Cllr. Griffiths reported that it had been quiet in St Fagans woods for some time but a new hole has been cut in the fence and the nuisance has started again. It was noted that Chris Hyde had requested Cadwyn


Housing Association to repair their boundary at Clos Ty Bronna that he believed was being used by bike riders to access this area. Cllr. Parry requested clarification in relation to vehicles parking on footpaths. PCSO Michael advised that it was an offence if it is causing an obstruction and recommended phoning 101 to report such incidents.

The Chairman referred to the St Fagans Food Festival that was taking place at the weekend and asked if there would be a police presence. PCSO Michael explained that this would be a matter for the Fairwater station and suggested the local Beat Manager be contacted. The Chairman asked the Clerk to do so.

No other matters were raised. The Chairman thanked PCSO Michael for his attendance, at which point he left the meeting.

304.09.05 – Community projects

The Chairman had circulated a note following the meeting of the Sub-Committee and gave an update on each of the projects:  Greenwood Lane – Yellow lines, etc. – work completed.  Village Hall – disabled access; meeting held with Building Regs. Quotation due the following day. Cllr. Critcher advised that the VA had obtained two quotes.  Village Hall – internal fire door. It is not practical to make the existing doors usable. To replace with a new door will cost in the region of £300 - £350. This was agreed.  Parc – proposed plaque. The Clerk advised that a lectern style plaque similar to the one by the railway would cost about £1,200 (+ VAT) and design would depend on what was involved with the artwork, so three quotes would need to be sought. It was agreed to proceed with this project. Cllr. Chedzoy said that some useful information about the history of the area is available on the web site.  Parc Rhydlafar – replacement swing. The Clerk had established that Council were dealing with this and expected the swing to be replaced in the next few weeks.  Parc Rhydlafar – picnic table & chairs. This proposal brought out different views amongst Members. Cllr. Chedzoy thought it might just become a meeting point for youths and added that a Spar shop was due to open nearby. After some discussion it was agreed to ask the residents of Parc Rhydlafar for their views by means of a separate leaflet. The Clerk was asked to draft an outline.  Land at the railway – additional seating. Cllr. Lewis had obtained an estimate for an extra seat of similar style to the existing ones of about £1,000. It was agreed to leave this until the Spring.  Land at the railway – extra chippings. Three quotes had been obtained for 20 tonnes of Cotswold flint. Members accepted the lowest quote from Whitchurch Building Supplies of £840 + VAT. The Clerk was asked to establish the arrangements for delivery, etc. Cllr. Parry raised a proposal for an outdoor tennis table, examples of which he had seen elsewhere. It was agreed to revisit that idea in the Spring.  Christmas trees. Members supported the proposal and discussed suitable locations, types of tree, etc. Cost was expected to be between £500 and £1,000 per tree depending on height, etc. Cllr. Hughes agreed to enquire with One Voice and the Clerk was asked to contact the Clerk at where they have had Christmas trees for some years.  Speed awareness cameras. The Clerk reported that the police were hoping to arrange for speed checks in the next few weeks. The Chairman reported that a resident had recently written to him expressing concern about speeding in the Village. In response to a question about who pays for the signs, County Cllr. Thomas advised that it depends if they are justified. Cllr. Hughes made the point that under CIL the Council will have to specify what is needed. This could include speed cameras and, for example, a roundabout for the Museum. County Cllr. Thomas agreed and said that the Council needs to start thinking about what it wants and to submit requests early. 2

Cllr. Parry suggested there might be a need for speed awareness signs at Parc Rhydlafar and it was agreed that the Clerk should include this in the newsletter.

As a separate issue, Cllr. Chedzoy reported that the road signs at the junction of Llantrisant Road with Crofft-Y-Genau Road were dirty and virtually unreadable. The Clerk was asked to report this to and request that they be cleaned or replaced.

 Flag pole. The Chairman explained the reasons for this proposal. The Clerk advised that, because St Fagans is a Conservation Area, planning permission is required and he was in the process of completing the application.  Lighting in Greenwood Lane. Cllr. Lewis is looking at the options for this proposal.

The Chairman referred to the letter dated 27th July from the Village Hall Association. He outlined his view that Council funding should be limited to structural improvements. Of the four matters mentioned in the letter, the Council would fund the fire door (as agreed above) but the Association would have to raise funds for the curtains, chairs and tables. This was agreed and the Clerk was asked to reply to the Association accordingly. Cllr. Critcher reported that a grant application has already been submitted for 40 new chairs and confirmed that three quotes would be obtained.

304.09.06 – Planning a) Cardiff LDP / North West Cardiff Group

Cllr. Hughes reported that the NWCG had met twice since the last Council meeting and both he and Cllr. Lewis had attended the training session for community councils on CIL. He considered it had gone quite well. He referred to the letter that Kay Powell has written in reply to Cardiff’s CIL proposals report and advised that Mark Drakeford AM, will support the Group on that. b) Redrow / proposals

There were no matters to report. c) Museum Development

No further information as to progress had been received. d) Other Planning Applications

The Clerk gave details of the following planning applications:

New: 14/00852/DCO – Land North of M4 Junction 33. Amended plans have been submitted. Cllr. Hughes advised that the NWCG had submitted a detailed response and he recommended that the Council endorse that submission. This was agreed and the Clerk was asked to respond accordingly. 16/02016/MJR – Land North of Llantrisant Road ( area). Reserved matters. No comments.

Decided: 16/01590/DCH – 7, Caer Ceffyl: Single storey extension, etc. Permission granted. 15/02829/MJR – Great House Farm: Variation of Condition 1 to allow development to commence outside period of 5 years. Permission granted. 16/01466/MNR – National History Museum: D of C 25 (bus lay-by) and 26 (cycle parking). Full discharge. 3

16/01505/MJR – Land to the west of Clos-Y-Cwarra. D of C 10, 15, 19, 20, 23 of 15/02847/MJR. Partial discharge. 16/01639/MJR – Land at Great House Farm: D of C 3, 7, 8, 13, 17, 20 & 22. Partial discharge. 304.09.07 – Environmental Matters a) Highways / Lighting / Traffic Concerns

Members commented on the highway situation in general. Cllr. Hughes described Grand Avenue as a disgrace. He expressed further concern about Denison Way and the impact of the heavy goods vehicles driving to and from the new development at Clos Y Cwarra. The Clerk was asked to make a formal complaint to Andrew Gregory, Director of City Operations and County Cllr. Patel. b) Street Cleansing / Litter

No matters were raised. c) Village Walkabout

The Chairman confirmed that the walkabout had taken place and a report would be prepared for the next meeting. It was noted that the black car bumper near the cricket club had not been removed. The Clerk was asked to remind Cardiff Council about that. d) Council’s land at the railway line

It was reported that one of the hinges on the entrance gate has come away. Cllr. Hughes added that some of the fencing is broken. He agreed to arrange for someone to make the necessary repairs. e) Other environmental issues

No other matters were raised.

304.09.08 – Wales National History Museum /

The Clerk had circulated a message from Bethan Lewis confirming that no-parking would be put out around the Village for the weekend of the food festival.

304.09.09 – One Voice Wales

Cllr. Hughes reported that he would be attending a meeting of the NEC the following week, but had no other matters to report.

The Clerk had circulated details of the Motions to be debated at the AGM in October. There were no comments thereon.

304.09.10 – Correspondence and other communications

The Clerk reported on the following:  Cardiff West Neighbourhood Partnership – Weekly updates.  02/08/16 – Peggy Jackson. Expressing appreciation for the donation to the Summer Fayre.  03/08/16 – Pentyrch CC. Suggesting a joint meeting of all 6 community councils with the new Monitoring Officer for Cardiff Council to discuss the Charter.


 03/08/16 – Natural Resources Wales. Flood risk questionnaires being distributed and plans for a community meeting.  08/08/16 – OVW/WG: correspondence from the Future Generations Commissioner regarding the ’s programme and the M4 relief road.  08/08/16 – Mark Drakeford: enclosing reply from Network Rail about the automation of the level crossing. Visit to WROC to be arranged. (JH, MP & TP interested.)  08/08/16 – OVW/Ombudsman: casebook issue No. 25.  09/08/16 – Tim Davies (CC): Cardiff Partnership Board & integrating work on community resilience. Cllr. Hughes commented that Tim Davies is also involved with this on OVW.  09/08/16 – OVW / Older People’s Commissioner: Summer newsletter.  10/08/16 – Dwr Cymru: Launch of ‘Have your Say’. (How to invest £30 million for the future.)  12/08/16 – OVW / HLF: Heritage Lottery Fund workshop. Newport 27/09/16  18/08/16 – Planning Aid Wales: Place Plans workshop. Colwyn Bay 20/09/16  19/08/16 – Mike Boutcher: Noise from Village Hall complaint. (passed to VHA)  22/08/16 – OVW / Wales Audit Office: Consultation on fee rates for 2017/18. (c/d 23/09 16)  22/08/16 – OVW / Planning Directorate: Planning Policy Wales questionnaire (c/d 30/09/16)  22/08/16 – Design Circle: Event – Metro Urban Density 24/09/16.  22/08/16 – OVW / Natural Resources Wales: Consultation on Flood and Coastal Erosion. (c/d 03/11/16)  23/08/16 – OVW / WG: Wales / Ireland 1916 conference 14/09/16 and other events.  01/09/16 – OVW / NRW: August Bulletin including various open consultations.  01/09/16 – SLCC: Annual Conference 13-15 October in Leicestershire.  05/09/16 – Cardiff & Vale Health CHC: Meeting of Health Watch Group 20th September in St David’s Hospital at 6.30pm.

The Chairman reported that Peggy Jackson had called to see him on 31st August. She had explained that the Church is in the process of making some alterations, information about which is on display in the Church. Members are invited to go and have a look if they are interested.

Peggy had also mentioned Remembrance Day on 13th November. The Chairman said that he hoped to be able to attend but would be grateful if another Member was available in case he couldn’t. Cllr. Critcher confirmed that he would be available.

The third matter Peggy raised was about the governors of St Fagans Church in Wales Primary School. The Chairman explained the situation and after a brief discussion it was agreed that the Council would support the nomination of Kathryn Jenkins as a community governor.

304.09.11 – Finance a) Requests for Financial Assistance.

The Clerk had reported that one request had been received from Action for Children to support their work across Wales. No action. b) Monthly Report / Payment Approvals

The Clerk had circulated the monthly finance report (as annexed hereto), which was approved by the Council. The Clerk advised that the following items were now due for payment:

HMR&C Income tax 2nd ¼ 337.04 Vision ICT Ltd Web Hosting fee 2016/17 276.00 Cllr. J. Hughes Expenses August 47.76 5

Members approved these payments and signed the cheques accordingly.

Cllr. Critcher referred to the next issue of the Parish magazine / newsletter. He advised that the cost was expected to be £872 and income from advertisements would raise £835, a shortfall of £37. Members confirmed the previous agreement to meet the shortfall.

Cllr. Critcher reported that accounts of the Association for the half year would shortly be prepared and forwarded to the Council in due course. He confirmed that £500 of the loan from the Council is to be repaid. c) Statistics

The schedule of Members’ attendance and web site statistics was noted. d) Report of the External Auditor.

The Clerk advised that the report had only been received that day. He gave details of three issues that had been raised by the Auditor and he suggested that consideration thereof be deferred to the next meeting. It was agreed that the Chairman would seek advice from his accountant on the VAT issue and the Clerk was asked to forward the details accordingly.

304.09.12 – Date & Time of Next Meeting

The Clerk advised that the next Meeting of the Council would be held on Monday 3rd October. Cllr. Chedzoy and Cllr. Parry gave their apologies as they would be away. Cllr. Hughes said that he might also be away and, in that event, offered his apologies as well.


There being no further matters to discuss the Chairman thanked everyone for their attendance and the meeting closed at 8.35 pm.

Confirmed as a correct record…...……………………..Chairman …...………….Date