Episcopal Newsearly Summer 2017
THE EARLY SUMMER 2017 EpiscopalEpiscopal NewsNews WWW.EPISCOPALNEWS.COM SERVING THE SIX-COUNTY DIOCESE OF LOS ANGELES Leading the way John Harvey Taylor William Joseph Bishop Coadjutor-elect Ingraham Kip Jon Bruno William Bertrand Stevens LET US KEEP THE FEAST! Frederick Houk Borsch Joseph Horsfall Francis Robert Claflin Johnson Eric Bloy Rusack FROM THE BISHOP Feeding hungry hearts n our increasingly complex world, Jesus’s words in Matthew 25 hold deepened meaning as we I contemplate what it truly means to feed the hun- By J. Jon Bruno gry, refresh the thirsty, and shelter those fleeing op- Bishop of pression in all its forms. Los Angeles In this regard, recent weeks have seen the diocesan Similarly, Bishop Bloy responded to the region’s community engaged in heightened advocacy for in- unprecedented population growth and civil rights is- dividuals and families in need through the work of sues, including emergency care following the 1965 IRIS (Interfaith Refugee and Immigration Services), Watts Revolt. Bishop Rusack joined in welcoming waves of Southeast Asian refugees, overseeing the creation of Orange County’s St. Anselm’s Center. “… for I was hungry and you gave me Bishop Borsch acted boldly and faithfully in response food, I was thirsty and you gave me to the various immigration concerns, economic dis- something to drink, I was a stranger and parities, civil unrest and uprisings that occurred his tenure. And my own 17 years, first as bishop coadju- you welcomed me…” — Matthew 25:35 tor and then as diocesan, have seen the added layers of global terrorism, of many hard-won strides made the Program Group on Global Partnership, and the for marriage equality and greater inclusion of LGBT Sanctuary Task Force, together with the ministries of sisters and brothers, and our ongoing efforts to be Seeds of Hope and similar service programs such as Jesus’s own “hands in healing,” the theme I chose St.
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