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Sunflower March 11, 1966

Sunflower March 11, 1966

Birth Control, Palostino Issuos Topics Of CCUN Discussion

Birth coQtrol and the Palestine Bob Olorn. member o f the Unit­ o f increasing studies in the birth question were among issues dis­ ed States del^ation said, *It was control program. The plan en­ cussed by the members o f the an excellent practical experience. tailed giving information and W8U Collegiate Council to the We lived for 4-5 days with other technical assistance to countries United Nations in St. Louis, countries and were enabled to who asked for it. However, the Mo.. March 8-6. lean tolerance for their post- committee maintained that it The United States del^atlon, tloos. We were also able to see wasn’t the role o f the United headed Bob Shields, passed some o f the weaknesses in our States to give contraceptives to their resolution coocwning Viet own policies.’' other countries. Naa in the Security Council. The The committee dean was on The land reform issue dealt draft dealt with having UN super­ passed two resolutions concern­ with encouragiog studies about vision and implementing Qeneva ing population control and land ohanglDg land tenures in various type courts in the Viet Nam situa- reform. The population control countries. tloo. resolution dealt with the necessity The main issue discussed by the committee which Catha Cow- gill, head of the Hialland dele­ gation, was on. was the Pales­ tine question. A sevmi-part re­ solution. it concerned partly in­ 118 wp^N - OMRii Biak, Sana tafvla Tallty, Jaiy PairiMrtt The creased aid to the United States R elief and Workers ^ e n c y for '• • • • • rtiy algM at fta BIVOO Palestine refugees, repatriation of refugees to Arab areas or vice unflower versa, and allowing for the con­ S tinuation of the Concilliatlon Q gM C IA L WM B P A P M Lt. Col. James Pool Committee for Palestine. VOL. LXX NO. 85 WICHITA STATE UNIVERSITY MARCH 11. 1966 Miss Cowgill commented, “ it was definitely a fabulous ex­ perience. I can’t speak hi^ly Speaks To AF-ROTC ICY Salt Spriig SpMkars en ou ^ for it. I l a med more there than I will here* all semester." ing a convocation for Air Highlights of the trip for here Lt. Col. James P. Pool. De­ Force ROTC cadets. were: "Learning what I did about puty Director of Management Analysis for the U.S. Air Air Defense Command is one the UN and preparii^ myself so I Dr. Fomwoith To Start Force Air Defense Command of the three combat commands could attend the session." headquarters at Ent Air Force in the Air Force. 'Die other The International Cooperation March 28, Dr. Andrew Craig, Manbers of the delegation were Base. Colo, was the guest two are Strategic Air Command CcHnmittee o f Wichita State Uni­ associate professor and he^ of elected last November by Dr. speaker at noon Thrusday dur- and Tactical Air Command. versity has announced its spring aeronautical engineering. "Co­ Peter Mayer, who was faculty Lt. Col. Pool spoke on varied slate o f fbrum meetings which operative Program in Science advisor for the delegation. Rudy aspects of aerospace defense are open to all Interested per­ and Technology;" April 4. Dr. Myedegger. Bob Shields, and May Qaata See ADC, Page 6 sons. Larry Jcmes, Coleman Company. Robert Patton, Assistant E^fes- The meetings will be held at "H ie Role o f Business and In­ sor of Speech. Yetiai Today noon in the CAC ballroom on dustry in International Coopera­ SQA sponsored the United WSU Student WSU’ s 1966 May Queen elec­ the following dates. tion ;" April 18, Llewls Goldman, States delegation, and the CAC tion is being held today (Fri­ March 14, Dr. David Farns­ associate professorofeducation, sponsored the Thailand dele­ day) from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Killed In worth. associate professor of "Education and International gation. Those attending the ses­ Wilner Lounge. political science, will lecture on Cooperation." sion from the United States were Candidates competing for the "Disaimament in a Bi-polar The speakers will discuss Bob Shields. Rudy Nyedegger, May Queen title are: Sandy Car Accident World;" March 21. Dr. John reports v^ich were presented at Bob Glenn. Fred Funk. Dave Bell, Delta Gamma; Judy Brid­ Breaseale. professor and head the White House Conference on A WSU student was fatally in­ Crockett. Tim Cornett, and Caro­ ges. Alfdia Chi Omega; Bobbi of the physics department. jured early Thursday morning International Coc^eration held In lyn Ramey. CaffTey, Gamma Phi Beta; "Peaceful Uses of Atomic En­ when the car he was driving Washington. D.C.. last November. Those attending from the Thai­ Miriam Nath, Alpha Phi; and ergy." careened into a telephone pole land delegation were Catha Cow- Kaye Siler, Delta Delta Delta. on McLean Blvd. near Vine. gill. Jola C<^, Jeff Brooks, The 1966 May Queen will be Kennit Keith Hunter. 20. of and Mark Wentling. crowned during the May Day 952 Arnidon. was pronounced festivities after the presenta­ dead on arrival at St. Francis tion o f Hippodrome skits. April Hospital following the crash. 29. NASA To Provide Police said it appeared that his late model compact had Work, Projocti Fallewthlp spun and skidded backwards along McLean over the north Oa WSU Cangui curb. Jumping the curb, it Awardad smashed into a power pole, Wichita State University shearing it off. His car was has part o f the National Aero­ Lawrence Paul Buck, a WSU almost severed in half by the nautics and Space Administra­ senior majoring in history, has impact. tion (NASA) space port right received a Woodrow Wilson Three witnesses to the a cci­ here on campus. Fellowship for the 1966-67 dent said Hunter had passed Each year NASA helps sup­ academic year. them at a high rate of speed, port research in the University More than 11,000 students police said. His safety belt by engaging in projects with were nominated for the honor was still fastened when the students and faculty members. with 1.048 Fellows selected Fire Department Rescue ^ u ^ These projects give gradu­ from 380 different colleges and removed him from the wreck­ ates and under-graduates an universities in the United States age. opportunity to work, enabling and Canada. Hunter is survived by his the staff to woik closer with Successful applicants were parents. Mr. and Mrs. Kermlt students, and advertises both chosen by the Foundations Wayne Hunter, and a sister NASA and the university. National Selection Committee Marcia Jean of the home. Students study such things according to the WWFF direc­ He attended Wichita public as flight vehicle structure, tor. schools and graduated from mathematics of unstable sys­ Woodrow Wilson Fellows re­ North High School in 1962. He had attended Southwestern C ol­ tems. vibratitm projects and ceive one academic year of lege, Winfield, Kan. for two flight control systems in their graduate education with tuition years before enrolling at WSU research. 'Hie Individual who and fees paid by the Founda­ is in charge of the various pro­ tion. a living stipend of 82,000 He was active Ih RMUW Radio jects is called the "principle and allowances for dependent on campus, presenting several investigator." children. stock nrket programs and help­ The "investigator" for the Students receiving honorable ing produce CaO|ii, given live "Double Delta Wing" project mention from the Foundation every T\iesday and Htursday is assistant professor of Aero­ were Alvle Doi^las. a senior in the CAC. He was employed nautical Engineering. William majoring in physics; Leigh Anne by the Tiber Wtolesale Furni­ Wente. Falwcll, a junior mnjoiing in ture Co., and was a member of UU iP = mmmih mm m ______nw M tr H MiHM Trinity Methodist Churst. HN toUMMII MM MMHir HIM M M» His "wing" project will try English; and Robert Ray To- ■ Ai m * Pkl Services will be at 10:80 a.m. kHUtM< IM M tUtl- buren. a junior in political See NASA. Page 5 science. Saturday, at Broadway Mortuary.

Wichita State University Libraries, Special Collections and University Archives LM

The fhre eaHnaal frateniti^ MicAaal Gru aa WU Km tee Kaataoa. Eeawd Laae*oe.*Jle LyvcA. WllliM recetly tm a m cei their pledge WacPbwsoa. Nalaaa. Randall classes. Naail. Frank Porto. G oi^a 9a>-nak«r. Beta Then Pi: Jack Skt»«aa. Loyd l abatt- SgBk Phi Epsiloa BMm U AoiHl. Com Dte D^taB. I ^ a n i i ^ i i . ^b w t BH1«> Robert Baa Oaaa, Lan> Cats. Raadolpk Leonard. Wanwt Wi h I m teilk. Ctrald tWwB. Batry Skn^B. Do ^ a * We-Niool. \ecM Mooo). Frad- rick & i««r. *eal«y SMo t o p . Ro t»m R] Sk»A«er. Brtm RMdWI RkitJpy. Joko Wfeitaer. Ckari*» ■Upoc Delta Opstloa: ICHkari Lip*. littn Pm I thmimu. Mk* OlUey. D i^ O . L «« Qriek. Jar Fr*«k, Stm il Bret Gel date ia. Pr«d Qmm, Brae* GuteJ- ■■chS 8p.a. apm. To* Hi ^1^1. DbBtfd Hm . i<9 f ilter Jackaoa. Paid Koaaeay. Gaty kW VBIJ FidAoQM Wte*^. Sc^w Fa^. Pric^ put ^•90 v iA stadent I.D. MToTek ad Phi Delta Theta: U Tickets OB Sale ia CAC Nt BUliaaac. Btwca C— tram. E>r. Edward N. Lorenz, pro­ he fessor o f BMCeorUogp at Mas- saefaesea s institste of Techaol- OK7 at CaHkrMse. Haas.. wiU ;o* speak at IS D March 23 to the Society of the Stgaa Xi, ad Itil its affiliated aociety. the &ien- he tillc Research Society of Aaer- 1 ica. lid His atttess will be “The Uo Cnrcolatioo o f the Anaospbere.*' B ' Dr. Lorenz has been with Mrr since 1948 except for two B leaves of absence in 1 ^ and 1968. He was with the aeteorol- 9 ( ogy departaent at O CLA. in rei 1954. Later Dr. Lorenz went to Oslo. Norway where be was M I t T - «t |BM*rB M *ty ii«d t b«, t, Bit Mkt ffeBM l i *111 BO with Che Norske Mefeocolopiske IB OhMPiigM, HI. thB *»«p or h stitote. He has piBilisbed a oomber A o f i»apers in the field s o f dy- 'a / QiBic and statisticai meteo- Anchorettes Hit Trail ei X rUogy. a His adtkess deals with the e< potion of the atoxispbere which Fo r Champaigne Meet ti( is generally organized into rather broad easterly and west­ .Anchorettes left for Cham­ Anchorettes will arrive in HI paign. n i.. last night to attend Wi chita early Sunday with their Dl erly currents some of which encircle the globe. a drill competition which will ranking from national competi­ be held this weekend. tion. lU Embedded in these currents are large wave-like disnxbances Students on campus yesterday Money was earned to finance h' e\-ening saw the girls rmmine the trip this year with bake J often several thousand miles across, whose positions aid for the FAC circle drive drag- sales, singing performances a png their luggage behind them and preparing the noon meal one h intensities undergo consider­ able >*ananoo. so they wouldn’t miss the bus. w e^end a nxMith for the Naval There are also disturbances young women spent the Research Center. of small scale, which include night on the bus and arrived The grdt^s also sponsored the familiar storms affecting in Cba^iaign early Friday morn- operation SOS previously this oar day-to-day weather. The rest o f the day the year. Similar systems o f monon A n ^i^es (the coeds that The have been reproduced in small Ion* like they are wearing rotating tanks in the laboratory, meter-maid hats) hrushed uo Rally Planned on their drills. ^ ENGAGE-ABLES and have been simulated by la i^ Uectronic coopoters. Results of the drill team's For Saturday go for The possiUe reasons for the P^orm ance w ill be announced ktmoaphere having this type of fn d a y. Saturday evening the Shocker fans me urged to join circolackm will be discussed. booote will be presented. in a pep rally at 10 a.m. Satur^y Some o f the iopUcations for The WSU women w ill have at the Wichita Municipal Airport. the future o f wemfaer forecast­ afternoon free to see Cheerleaders, the WSU pep And, for good reasons like ing will also be covered. and shop in downtown Cham­ band. Shoutin’ Shockers, and taort styling to enhonce the paign. other fans will send off the WSU cerHer di^eood guorcH^teed basketball team as they board a perfect (o r reploceaent o$- 19:30 a.m. fligh t to the National syred) o brilliant gea of fine ^ o r ond predse modem S6A litfolls ThrttTHstday Invitational Tburaament at Madi­ cut The noeie, tCeepsoke, in New Congress members were son Square Garden in New York ^^chotces were R an«i. and City. y ^ rir^ assures lifetiee sotis- / f y - ) sworn in and reports from the different coimnittees. includii^ foction. Select your very per­ Rudy Nydegger and Bob Shield s sonal Keeosalte at your C C W report about the recent were selected to serve on the FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH Keepsalce Jeweler s store F«r^ convention, were heard at the *• choreh for the qaeating mind* ' . t y General Secretary’s conncil. Al- 1501 Fatoount hie in the yellow pages urtder Student Govenunent meeting ^KM^h as a graduate student last Tuesday nigln. Jewelers Nydegger. is not eligible. Shields ^day arrvlee During the installation o f new was chosen as legM cotmcil And 11 k.m. Congress members, the oath of Cbnteh Sehool May (hieen election was dis- HOa TO PLAN TOUR ENGA6EMENT AND WEDDING'* office was given by vice presi­ cossed. It was annoonced that dent John Morton. Installed were Sermon Snbject booUet, How To Plan Vow f oiniaini p olls would be open between 9 Sieve Joseph, proportional rep­ STOP. LOOK AND U8TE3f! a r i W edfro a>d new ] 2-po0e W1 color folder, bodi fe e w h K c a.m. and g p.m. in Miner L o ^ e Aho, tend (pociof offer of beoobfui 44-paQe B r^'s Boot resentative; Joe Hein, en^neer- ing representative: and Bobbe Haunan. University C ollege rep­ resentative. C C IM Chairman Bob Shields gave the resnlts of the conven­ DBnvtifel Irik w itt BwckW s6aH. OtAM Od) BINGS, BOX PO, SVBACUSE, NCW V O « tion b^d last week in Si. Lonis. BwckM atoH. *‘V8U's USA d^egation was Mctary «ir. A-| ettidIHmi. selected as the top delegation Wt of 64 sKh groops at the con­ I ference.*’ said Shields. Fire engine rad. AKE H> W k N t a "H ia ilan d also made a good Poor on the Boer. Foe. Air. showing, but each delegation is I-®** foctory warranty left supposed to act like the country *SI t t l '* and Thailaiid is i*t the power in world pcditics that the United V-6 Autawalic. Foctory oir. JCVCLEi^ States is.** said Shitids. 9C*Min»d Cf otoalat O P E N WON HSU requested the United aa»ef atarrd Jp<»«]«r A N D T H l B S * Arab RepdUic as their first hAaericaa C«a Socirt) E v p .S T I L SrOO^ choice of conntries for next S a iu V lf year's conference. Second and ^t33 BAST DOOGLAfl AM T-«tei EAST XtUOGG NBM.yMl • Bktn* can

Wichita State University Libraries, Special Collections and University Archives M M II, i m Tlit t i f t n r i r ______NASA Aids Uiivtrsity Federal Jol penings CMhr Talk Continued from Page / Numerous This Year ma flows, and re-entry prob­ Opportunities for career em­ Persons interested in these to determine tbe shape of air lems. ployment with the Federal Qov- la Spoaith Btreame as they pass tbe wing surface. H-also wUl try to im­ positions must file an iq)^oa- emment are greater this year tion by March 16 or April 19 to According to Mr. Craig, the prove tbe landing of supersonic than in recent years. Ibe heavi­ vebicleB or landing carriers. take a competitive written test University has worked with est demand is for qualified can­ which will be given on April 16 many agencies in its projects, This is the second year for the didates to nil a^nistrative. Experiences in Paraguay will two-year project and it may and again on May 21. be the main tcmic of Bruce Cut­ ^oog these have been NASA. technical and professional ca­ Additional infcumation about NASA Aims Lab, Langly Held, extend into next smar. reer-entry positions in 60 major ler. prof, of English, wheo he Last year, Dr. A n^w Craig, the Federal Service Entrance addresses the Spanish and Pan- the Army Research Office, and occupational fields. These in­ Examination and bow to ai^ly the Office of Naval Research. head of Aeronautical Engineer­ clude personnel management, American clubs at 8 p.m. Friday ing, completed work on a Dig^ is available from college place­ in Area 3 of the CAC. In regard to tbe use of tbe general administration, tax col­ ment offices, post offices, and control system. Tbe basic idea Last year. Mr. CuUer was wind tunnel, Craig stated that lection, social security, supply, agency personnel offices, or by many people use it eiteosivtiy. was to see if unskilled people and procurement activities. granted a Fullbrlght Sobolaf- could learn to fly in two hours writing to the Recruiting Office, Customers have come from tbe College graduates and indi­ U. 8. ulvil Service Commission, ship to South America. He will Boeing ClCessna Aircraft instead of eight. Tbe project, viduals with equivalent ex­ speak in Sbaniah. as he ad­ completed last summer, was 1680 Market Street. 8t. Louis, and auto companies to make perience who demonstrate their Missouri 68108. dresses the two clubs. use of tbe tunnel. successful so flight evaluations capability for high-level respon­ **We plan to continue with will be held within the coming year. sibilities can Mcome eligible the projects because it is an for these positions through the integral part of student and Other projects are currently Federal Service Entrance Ex­ staff relation. Also, we do such io progress, such as professor amination. This examination is things because we believe in Everett Cook’s, which will at­ the Qovemment’s primary means solving real problems," Craig tempt to see bow flight struc­ of recruiting for jobs in 60 major said. “Research is good for tures react or behave when sub­ occupational Helds. In lw 5. everybody." ject to air loads and heat loads. Federal agencies hired 8,000 Plans for a new research Dr. Donald T. Higdon, as­ pmsons from this examination. facility located across the sociate professor of aeronauti­ The defense buildup in civilian street from the present build­ cal engineering received this employment and the additional ing have been completed. Call­ month a •24,699 grant from stafHi^ needs resulting Horn ed the “Qas Dynamics Lab," it NASA to conduct a study to the Administration’s domestic will study such problems as verify and extend a new method programs have created new em­ high speed flows moving 10 for determining the behavior of ployment needs in most Federal timeslimes the speed of sound, plasplas- dynamic systems. i.ioHis study will Agencies. This year, it is es­ timated there vdll be 12.000 positions to be Hlled. Annual WID I r t l . . . lll.TlgW.rl. salaries begin at tS.lSl and •6,269 depending on the can­ Is Asnssl Mid^Aisarka ixhlblt didate’s qualifications. WSU artists are invited to mark purchase award; a <500 enter their works in the 16th anonymous Incentive award; the Mid-America Annual Exhibiticm. •500 Thornton Foundation Paint­ Engineering Film May 13-June 13. at the Nelson ing Fhirchase award; the *100 Gallery of Art. 4585 Oak., Kan­ Little Gallery Frame Shop pur­ sas City. Mo. chase award and other purchase Slated Thursday The show will survey artistic awards totaling about S1.500. currents in eight Mid-Western An engineering Him "Relia­ This year, jurors are Mrs. bility Analysis" will be shown states: Missouri. Kansas. Okla­ Adelyn D. Breeskln, special homa. Arkansas. Nebraska, Iowa. in Rm. 06 of the Audio Visual consultant to the Smithsonian Center, at noon Thursday. Colorado and New Mexico. Institution, Washington, D.C.; It is open to artists over 18 Development of advanced Bartlett H. Hayes Jr.. directorof methods of reliability analysis years of age. provided that stu­ the Addison Gallery of American for naval weapons will be the dent work is not done under Art, Phillips Academy. Andover, topic presented. An artificial classroom supervision. Mass., and Mrs. June Wayne, problem is created for detailed The jury will award a 4500 founder and director of the Ta- study by comparing observed first prize for the best work ir­ marine Lithography Workshop. and theoretical frequency dis­ respective of medium, honorable Los Angeles, Calif. tributions. mmitions and the tSO sculpture Entries will be accepted March R^ression techniques are prize made available by Mr. and 15-30. Bach artist may sulxnit demonstrated for improvement Mrs. Herbert Plotsky. two entries. A non-returnable of parts and design. Monte Carlo The exhibition committee will is discussed briefly as a design handling fee of •£ for each ar­ tool for reliability. select winners of the kBOO Hall- tist will be chaiged. w m W irii TRANS TALK

ALL-TRAN8ISTCHt In Tuna Witti Hopaack CITIZENS BAND TRANSCEIVER The proprietor recommends his summer hop- sack suit to stay in tune with the warm weather ahead. *C m I 0 |irifii| i h i i c i i i i i t Available in clay. grey, or navy. *Ni|h tM iitivitf I w i r b t Clrtalt Tastemny designed radio flteanyvhere-home. MODEL TW 301 65.00 offlee. dormitory. Unusatl reception and and tone. Economical radio. Cool operating haod-nlred * Mlirt PMMkil Ob ch assis and quality compon­ * dlfHil trtufeim ents insure years of enjoy­ ment. * #MlHbl b m iv i •nil DAILY • la I •-SUNDAY 1 la I ill? I. IM It. DISCOUNT MWM tfMR W.I.U. WICnitA, KANlAi WAREHOUSE Credit Accounii Available Open 9:30 A.U. to 6:00 P.U. DAILY ?4R.S N HlUSini Phone MU 4 |/f»3 Thrus. Eve. *UI 9:00 P.M.

Wichita State University Libraries, Special Collections and University Archives I W w jWWPWWwWWWW II. II e Readers Speak I EdU otial T s ’ DB Readers Voice Views Concerning \ m w i A i i m DVnBPUBTAIfON ‘Ginsberg Problem’, Free Speech To the Editor: gloomy comers and read your Abbott Why should any American Sead^s Digest or the Bible. Ut’s Itry Tilt Whip ••• citisen be restricted from the or whatever. Incoherent ri^ t to listen to another citiaen Don Wayne Awtrey To the Editor: Have yoa ever tried to naU Jell-0 to the wall? However in a public place. His reaction tifllealt that aay be, it eeeas that soae students on this in listening or walking out will LA Sophomore Personally. I feel that Mr. Ab­ eaayws have been atteaptug sovethiiig equaUy ticUish - to certainly have the greatest ef­ bot's letter was at least as in- pte down that iUnsive body haowa as Freedoa of Speech. fect upon the speaker. When are cohsrent as anything that Allen we g ( ^ to realise that legis­ Ginsberg Prob Qinsbsrg had to say. i e aeod not lefaote the belabared facts which prove free- lated poritmiistic values are not It waa a travea^ of dear ex- doa of speech to be basic to aa open society, which is be- going to protect people? Ibey To the Editor: prsssioo. aid I. for one m are instead only making them against travesties of clarity sastaiaed, soaettaesverypaiaMly, by the Aaeticaa people, I am writing in response to at least at the proseat tine. soggy and givi^ a cause to But. Mr, Abbott I will not IM crroke. the letter to the editor by Betty m a Bonaoe rod oall in the James in the February 88 issue i e do. however, need to reiterate the coapleaities of Who ever perfoimed the divi­ local P.D. to sopprasa yonr free- sion for the mathematice park­ of the Sunflower concerning the don of uQolem expression. ■ainlaiaing fteedca of speech within oar society and the “Ginsberg problem. ” thia lines which cinaascribe not only it hat other (Teedoas ing lot should enroll in same. Ttsvis H. Skiles There are 80-76 empty “staff It has been sdd that one of the Amotions of art is to reflect LA Senior as wdl. 00^ * 8 ” every morning. Not only are these lines soaetlans crossed, they areoftea AssumlBg honest data, the tbe soul of society. If this is true. Allen Oinsbeig was Adflll- ill-deflaed and little realiaed hy aeabers of our own society. biggest pi^em with coopou- tion mmeh-maklBg is the com­ ing his Amotion as an artist ireedoa of speech is by no aeaas the only area of our puter. Who would like to think when be used obscenity in hie fast U.Cbaried society sabjected to this aacertaiaty. of U s or her fate determined by poetry. Look at the fteedoa of the pross, or, as defined by the a maohlBe? It’s too ininafcural- We live in obscenity. How worse even thmi dating a ebort much besD ^can be found in tbe With Caadactiaf pressitseU, "thepM ie's ri|pit to know.” National JoamaUs- girl with her *»***^"c up a step streets of fflchita or in the ma­ tic society Sigaa Delta CU charged in an aanaal report ttiat or two for the ole g ^ nigfater. jority of American cities? Mr. Yiitaaa Stadiit the Johnson Adainistratiea has tried to *waip the proposed Apathetic pereone are not Q indie^ held up the mirror of federal public-records legislatioa into an alaost nnliaited usually concened with apathy- reality and in this mirror we keep the oonvocatioos coming! saw what none of us want to anthority for the Presideat to establish broader security face. We saw the aiokness of —A Philadtiphla peace group practices.” Bob Laymon our “All-American city." (I have and a University of Michigan CE Junior Look at the juable of boae role versus stranding govern­ been a reddent of the Wichita psychology profOssor have charg­ area all of my life.) ed that the University of Pen­ ment. Hiere have been increasingly loud wails over federal Bible Not Ginsberg stayed when lesser nsylvania’s Institute for Co­ intervention into local realas. And. within the states them­ men would have left in disgust. operative Research is conduct­ selves, the battle over reapportionaent has reached the Relevant He stayed, through police ha­ ing Vietnam-linked studies on To the Editor rassment and insults from the biological and chemical warfare. point of ”one man. one vote." versos “one cow, one vote." administration, to ^ a k to us Tbe Philadelphia cjonunittee It is perhaps inherent in our society and governmental So now it seems that those because he believed some of us to End tbe War in Vietnam makes structure that vigorous controversy erupts at every line who are interested in "academic were broadminded and mature tbe charge in a 13-page "Case defining a ftaedom. freedom* are guilty of being a individuals. Against tbe ICR." to be pub­ "communist-atheist,” or so He brought pure brotherly love lished later this week. So it was not surprising that when Hr. Ginsberg arrived David Brewer wotdd have it. as to this sterile campus and it was Prof. Richard Mann made a in Wichita some sort of “freedom versus suppression” issue stated inhis letter uliich appear­ largely unheeded. It was soaked similar allegation in an address should result, and that Mr. Ginsberg should leave tagged ed in the Sunflower March 2. up by vice squad tape recorders Sunday before the International He states that "there is no and pious ears waiting eagerly Teach-in on Vietnam in Ibronto. both “an obscene poet" and “a poet martyred in the name Mann also urged a nationwide * meotioD of ‘academic freedom* for another "dirty word." of freedom." policy of f a ^ t y non-coopera­ in the Ten CommttikneDts." If Perhaps the next time some­ one comes around spouting this tion with government-financed But it is interesting that while Mr. Ginsberg claimed he my memory serves me right, bad no conception of obscenity, he had no trouble in main­ doctrine we should have a nice research projects that affect there ie no mention of censor- crown of thorns and a handy the U. S. war effort in Vietnam. taining whatever “lines of propriety” were drawn by a Uni­ sUp either. (I stand corrected Golgotha ready for him. He urged faculty members not versity official. if I'm wrong). So people like him just to "simply say no" tore- stand around and wield their Peter Johnson Many of the cries that arose over the Ginsberg incident Fine Arts Jr. search requests but to offer Bildes and cry "foul" whenever alternative forms of service tp were not unique among others of today, in their lack of new literary materials (or films, the war on poverty effort and definite issues, name-calling and absence of more reason­ it makes no difference) disagree Easy, similar projects. able alternatives to counter the one which was . with whatever they think people Both maintain that tbe insti­ should see or hear, thus casor- Challenging tute is c

.It. Wichita State University Libraries, Special Collections and University Archives M n ft H , I M T N tMrfltiifr fh 'Rhig Of The Road’ Society,..Shocker Style Hoads HARAS List Support The Shockers Themes Roger m uer, who made a mance, and (8) Best Country olean sweep of country and and Western 8 c ^ . Mark Campus Weekend Activity western Oraony Awards In the His ninth NARAS nomination 1964 National Academy of Re­ was for his album on the Smash By JUDY PAIRNiRtT gether for an hour dance. Sig Bps announced their pledge cording Alts and Sciences (NA- label. “ The Return of R <^r •faff WHtar Last Monday Alpha Phi's class president as Qreg Oouj;^. RAS) tops all nominees ftom the Miller.” which was voted to the Other officers are Joe Stearos, United States in the 1065 com- Support for the d o ck e rs is cancelled meeting and attraded category of Best Country and the Panhelleoic Banquet and vice-president; Fred Sfovw, sec­ petition. the order o f this weekend's Western Album. style show at Innes Tea Room. retary; and Frian Sullivan, trea­ Winners will be announced activities. Proceeds will go toward a Pan- surer. Tuesday. Pep Council will be sponsor­ hellmic scholarship fond. Gamma Phi's will be headed Hie one-time Brick, Okla., ing a pep rally for the basket­ Rook Chalk, K Y 's bimiodroffle, school boy, who took a possible Frisco Film ball team before the Shooks by Becky Shenk. Other major five out of five oountry and leave for the National bivitation was attended last weekend oftices will be held by Diane by meifoera of Alpha Chi, A l^a westnm awards tbr the first Tourney. Dick, vice-president; Kathy Phi aod Delta Delta Delta. sweep in NARAS history, is To Be Shown Many students have aigned Hofer, recordiog secretary; Pam nominated in nine different ca­ the Shookergram which will be During the presentation of Owens, corresponding secretary; tegories. sent to New York. Students can awards at the Initiation dinner and Pat Woodward, treasurer. "Notes on the Port of St. of TVi Delta, Myma Fletcher was ■lU er's Smash recording o f aim it until 1 p.m. Friday. Marilyn Rug^es announc­ named aa the best pledge, tebol- **King of the Road*' won the Pranols." a film feature on San ra d a y night the Phi Delta ed her engagement to Marvin arship awards wmt to Saaanne all-time NARAS nomination high Prancisoo. Calif., wlU be pre­ will have a party at the Cobra Lansden, who ia in the Navy. Phi FrentE aod Kerrle McDonough. o f eight, whan it was voted to sented at 12:06 p.m. todi^ div­ Club where they will entertain Delt Mike Foater announce hla their dates. Cherl Barker recently pledged eight dlffbrent categories, in­ ing the Audiovisttal Center's engagement to VioU Beaver. Alpha Chi actives will have Alpha Chi. All the pled^s re­ cluding: Reel Time session in Ablah Another Phi Delt. Darryl MoCool an Informal party for their new ceived diamond-shaped please (1) Record of the Tear. (2) Library basement. is engaged to Mary Lou Pond. pledges Friday night. A variety pins during the formal p l e ^ i ^ Soag o f the Tear>-Compoaer*s By deliberately turning his Ahiba Chi O m ^a Sue Mason of good thlnge to eat including ceremonies Monday. Awmd, (8) Beet Male Vocal back on the more obvious sights pasMd her candle before sorority hot dogs cooked in an open fire, Last Monday a father-daughter Perfom anoe, (4) Beet Contem- o f the "Golden Gate C ity ," and meeting to announce her lava- will apioe up the' evening. dinner was held by the women poraiy Single Record, (5) Best looking at San Francisco through liering to Jim Aegerle, Siicma Anoborettea will travel to of Delta Delta Delu. Phi Epsilon. ^ Gontemporary Vocal Performance its back door, the late Frank Champaign, 111., for a drill meet. -Male, (6) Best Country and Steuggaoher. a distinguished film The group attended this same Weatem Sliigle. (7) Beet OounT maker, was ahle to grasp the meet last year. try and Weatem Vocal Perfor­ aotuM city atmosphere. Hour dances are instore for several greek groups Mcmday. Alpha Chi's will be entertained at the Sig Bp House. SQUIRE SHOP - TWIN LAKES Trl Eteltaa and the men of Beta Hieta Pi will also get to- iUNKT THIATRE Gramniy Aword ONE Toy Nomiaotions OF Go To Morciry Mercury Records has been nominated for nine top awards THE in the 1965 Qrammy Awards of ihe National Academy of Record­ ing Arts and Sciences (NARAS). YEARS Among the muninees were Mer cury artists Horst Jankowski Leslie Core, the Smothers Bro 10 thers, Limelight Records’ Osca Peterson, and the sound track al BEST' bum the film. "The Sand­ piper. " "The Sandpiper" sound track brought nomination as song of the year to the film's love theme - "The Shadow of Your Smile." The sound track also produced nomina­ tions in the categories of best THE original score written for a mo­ SANDS -S ID N E Y POITIER tion picture or television show for ELIZABETH HARIMAN- SHELLEY WINTERS composer Johnny Mandel and beat DOUDLE MATS: WED, SAT, SUN. AT 2:00 instrumental arrangement to w 1 Robert Armbruster. BREASTED w BLAEER

diriBi* ItitwrviawB ■THE NEW MORALITY'

In navy or denim blue Interviews will be held in the Placement O ffice, Morrison Hall, with paisley lining and from 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Students not already roistered An Answer To matching pop-up pocket sdth the Placemoit Office will need to contact Mr. bon Jordan. that makes its own hand- Director of Placement. “The Playboj Philosophy' kerchieft Student siees 36 - 42. regulars and longs. “ The Puritan Ethic" 14 Scott P ^ a r Company Lib. Arts, Bus. Admin. 14 U.8. Dopi. of Commarca, BafSoa el Public Rood* 14 Gonarol Peoda ^ip> Lib. Arts, Bus. Admin. 15 Paat, lAorwlek & MltehaU Acetg. 15 Prudintlal Ino. Co. Lib. Arts. Bus. Admin., Acctg., Sunday March ISth Phy. Ed., Gselegy IS Citlaa apnrlea Oil Bus. Admin., Math, Aeeta- 16 Bqultobla Lila Ina.- Lib. Arts, Bus. Admin., Math 5:00 P.M. Jacket...25.00 Aectg. Pants...reg. i0.9B....8.00 16 U.8. Pood & Drug Admin. Chomistry, Bioloay 16 & 17 8puthwiiatom Ball ME, EE, IB, Bus, Admin.. Math Grace Memorial Chapel TalOphona Physics, Aectg. 16 & 17 Waotbm Etaetrle ME. BE, IE. Bus. Admin., Moth Physics, Aectg. Canterbury Association 17 Booeh ME, EE, AE. IE Sunday Evening HINKEL'8 SQUIBE SHOP, TWIN LAKES ONLY 17 Conn. Mutual Life Service Series AMIDON AT 818T, LAKESIDE LEVEL

Wichita State University Libraries, Special Collections and University Archives T N twifltmi

Famished Aputaents ADC Private ^trances - G as Continued from Page / water P aid Tve Done My Bit’ Says Actress that range from manned inter­ ceptors to Ballistic missiles. 1700 N, HiUside - Nice He gave a preview of future Baoeaeot ^^ortaent aero space defmise problras. e Wf M l TMOMM S B oys - $75 Her living room offered evi­ Lt. Col. P o d used a film to M Mivit-Tv m n t on television, in a silk flowered demonstrate weapons and tac­ \ top over pink Capris. Even in dence that she had done her 15Sm N. Holyoke stint. Her Oscar - "The Farm­ tics used by the Air Defense repose she oan give the impres­ Command in the vcomplisb- - HOLLYWOOD (AP) - “If I er's Daughter.” 1947 - gleamed i 8 Boys $40 E ach never act again. I ngure I've sion of being terribly busy. on a bookshelf and above it ment of its mission. The main done my stint.” "I honestly have trouble find­ stood the ttree Emmies she re­ feature of the film was a com­ ing the time to do all the things ceived during the eight-year bined BOMARC ground-to-air 1 Hie ^aker was Loretta I'd like to do.” she admitted. stand of ”The Loretta Young missile and fighter battle en­ 1 n *s Young, still every inch the ”Yet she hasn't acted since Show. ” gagement. three years ago. when her sec- movie star, but refusing to “P ictires were great, but Lt. Col. Pool became one of T.G.I.F. confbrm to the entertainment- cmd television series ended there was no real communica­ the latter. He saw duty as an world maxim that the show must after a brief run. tion with the audience,” she enlisted pilot flying C-46 and t And go 0 0 . and oo. Her explanation: ”I haven't marked. *H ie other aspects of C-47 aircraft over the Hump to P.O.I.T.S. CORNER liked the things that they - the She lives not in the movie- being a movie star I ‘^an't knock Burma dining the war. star belt of Beverly Hills and producers - have offered, and - the fame, the grand houses, Bel Air but in a quiet neigh- they haven't liked the things “It was possible to find a At the glamour, money, friends. private piloting an aircraft in bofhood of apartments and mod­ that I've offered. So we're at “Television was killing. est homes in West Hollywood. an Impasse. the morning and pulling K.P. I There was no time for anything in the evening, although these A B LA C K O U T Just below the bustling Sun­ “But that's aU ri(^. I don't i but putting all the elements instances were rare,” he said. J set Strip. Hie exterior is not feel any compulsive drive to be f together for a show and hoping r From acting again. I've been doing it grand by Hollywood standards, to Ood that it all made sense. but the inside ediibits taste­ since I was 18 years old and Phi Alpha Gains \ For eight or ten years I did 12:30 To 4:00 ful, lived-in el^ance. and that's enough for anyrae. nothing else. Now I want to Loretta Young herseir dis­ I must say that I don’t miss devote time to other interests played her showmanly flair as Pledges^ Actives IS e DRAW getting up at 4 in the morning in my life.” i she swept into the living room, to be on the set and ready to Phi Alpha, local fraternity, t One of them is a newspaper 75« PITCHER not unlike her famed entrances recently had its activation and shoot at 9. Don't miss it at all " column of advice she is writ- ing^ pledge pinning ceremonies March 4 in the CAC. Those attaining active status LET FREEDOM RING are John Turner, who had the FOR ADULTS ithlnhen) ONLY Used Paperback highest grade point average of the p ie c e s , Roger McClure. A two-minute recorded telephone met- Sale Wind-Up Jack Westacott. Gary Stephen. tage. Tell your friends alto. Fatrietitm Bill Philbrick. Rich Sidener. pays. D IA L this number . . . and Bob Fulks. Half Price Rick Van Voorhis, Ray Springston. Tom Mayhill, Ron MU 2-7577 Barnum. Charles White. Mark wsu BookstoRe Spencer, and Jim Helmick were Let Freedom Ring Committee also activated. Box 182S2 Don V. Myen, Chairman Pledges for the Spring se­ CAC Buildin mester are: ^ n c e r Tepe, Jim Gardner, Jim Koontz, Bill Marti. Allen Duke, Bob Norris. Tom Linds- ley. Ken Feiring. Tom Fuizen- loger, Ted Tilma. Chris Taylor. Jim Roope, Rod Carr, and Ron Harms. College Enrollment Rises ATLANTA. Qa. AP-Ken Vick­ ery. admissions director of Clemson University, says stu­ dents entering U.8. colleges last year represented an 18 per cent increase over 1964 enroll­ ment. Vickery said the increased enrollment will make it more difficult in the future for stu­ dents to enroll in colleges in states otherthan jheir own. Lm Ui lirrim Campus Christian Council is sponsoring Lenten Services every Thursday noon in Grace Memorial Chapel through April 7. The service scheduled for March 17 is entitled "T h e Crown •of Thoms” . The remainder of the services are as follows: March 84, "Carrying of the C ross:” March 3 i. "T h e Craci- fixjpn:” and April 7. "A Hope of Resurrection.” All interested persons are in­ vited to attend.

M kM iit ItHBIIIt

o m itW iin. itiiniiMM n AIMMlniHni

Inquire week day* 8-5

Weekend* by appointment WHKAtSMiDRMMALL


Wichita State University Libraries, Special Collections and University Archives m m M. im j ______J ExperitKct WHI Beicfit 'Oir Town QUALITY 1 Eiperieooe will affect the pio- North, is much eq)erlenced in CHBVROLBT duotlOD of Tbomtoo Wilder’s philosophy, is well-versed in all tress, director, and costumer. She acting at WSU. ftie is a student areas of the theater, having had once played the part of Emily In Town** by WSU Theater at 8:80 teacher and a member of Or- Ic SALB p.m. Thursday. Friday, and Sat- several University Theatre roles "Our Town." ohesis, a modem dance group Miss Pearson is a sophomore, turday in Wilner aoditoriun. sponsored by the WSU physical Costumes for "Our Town" will Cast as the lead in "Our Town” experienced in WSU Theater pro­ not be elaborate. This is in keep­ m education department. ductions. Battey. a senior, has Salect brand is Charles Whitworth. In his first Cast as the parents of Emily ing with the turn of the century acting role at WSU. Whitworth gained most of his experience in mood and the small town atmos­ naw 1966 Impala and George are Vicki Hardy and character roles. A busy man. he plays a stage manager - an inter> Larry Kleine. as Mr. and Mrs. phere of the play. mediary perCon who explains the works at the Hutchinson News Stage settings will be much or Caprica at Webb and Gay Pearson and Jerry and is chairman of Two-Bit Flick. plot as it evolves. Battey. as Dr. and Mrs. Gibbs. like Wilder originally intended - Some people look upon the This production will mark the simple and non-realistic. There Qualitiaa low, low Miss Hardy, a freshman, will debut of Joyce Cavaroezi, speech stage manager as a god. Perhaps appear on the "upstairs stage" will be almost no set at all. baaa prica and he is only Thornton Wilder ex­ department faculty member, as "These factors add to the for the first time. Her previous director. Now in her second year pounding, fillingintimegaps.and experience has been in the Pit quality of the show because the gat any four of interpreting the three stages of at WSU, Mrs. Cavaroszi was audience is called upon to exer­ Theatre in eqwrlmental drama. previously at Ohio State, where life — chudbood, love and mar­ iriainA a i_ cise its powers of concentration 30 aBcooaoriao far riage, and death - as they are and imagination.” said R ^ Dry- enacted by the players. den, the play’s publicity chair­ la aach. The people whose lives are man. peplcted in "Our Town," the Tickets for “Our Town" may story of a typical small town, are be picked up in Wilner Box Of­ George Gibbs, played by Craig fice from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. this Turner, and Emily Webb, por­ week or before the play Thurs­ trayed by Nancy Keast. day. Friday, and Saturday. Turner is a freshman from Over­ All seats are reserved. General land Park. Kan. He is experi­ admission is Si, and S.75 for enced with "Our Town," having students other than WSU stu­ played the part qf stage manager dents. There is no chaste for >320 Eait Douglas in a high school production. WSU students with the presenta­ Miss Keast, a sMlor who gradu­ tion of their IDs. ated from Wichita High School

CREST i Musicians NOW SHOWING^, JMES \ MAUREEN THE WSU Reps STEWARTX OHARA To MENU RARE Four vocal and instrumental St ®*.4.**L*^®.** - Sf«*liSt W«Mt, Spvta- BREED groups will represent WSU at the J f*’ ****, ®*"**Wt rtbtl ilAvti, Itams ftm Music Educators National Con­ ^ **•■" **"""•»•. Ibst tht It etrrylttg hit ference Convention in Kansas eh d. The Aetdtniy Award winning metlen picture, "Spirteent,* City. Mo.. March 18-22. will be preeented by Twe-Bit Flick a 4 end 8 p.m. Prldiy in the p i ii v ii iS a WSU representatives will be OAO Btllreem. the University Singers under the k URIVERSAl mm \ direction of Robert Hines, as­ sociate professor of choral music, March 17; the Woodwind 'Sportnces* Set Choir directed by Vance Jen­ nings, assistant professor of clarinet, and the String Quartet, It CAC lollroom March 20; and the Symphonic "Spartacus." an historical Career Opportunities Band conducted by James Kerr, drama, has a star-filled cast March 21. including Kirir Douglas. Laurence Focusing on “ The Changing Olivier. Jean Simmons. Charles Visit with representatives of Southwestern Bell Tele­ Curriculum in'MusicEducation,’* Laughton, Peter Ustinov. John phone Company about a career for you in the growing the convention will stress the Gavin, and Tony Curtis. need for redesigning the present Two-Bit Flick will present the world of communications. curriculum if music is to play a movie, winner of four Academy significant part in American Awards, at 4 and 8 p.m. Friday in They’ll be on campus Wednesday and Thursday, life. the CAC Ballroom. March 16 and 17, at the Student Placement Office in During the five-day meeting Two-Bit Flick will present the nearly 100 concerts will be pre­ Morrison Hall. sented by high schools, col­ In the film directed by Stanley leges. and universities from all Kubrick. Kirk Douglas, cast as V ' parts of the United States. Music Spartacus, was sold to a gladia­ educators will be present for torial school owner. Peter Us­ Here’5 What They*ll Be Looking For: professional sessions touching tinov. to be trained for fighting every aspect of music education. lions in the ring, ^artacus re­ Technical people for vital communications engi­ A»i Four main addresses will be bels and leads a defiant army of lven by; John Brademan, United slaves in a fight for their freedom neering and management positions. ftates Representative fh)m In­ fiom imperial Rome. diana; Ole Sand, director for the Woven into this vivid historical Accounting and math majors for the exciting field Study of Instraction, a division tapestry is the story of intimate of data processing and programming. of the National Education As­ and tender love between ^uutacus sociation. Washington. D. C.; md a slave girl, play^ by Jean Louis G. Wersen, director of Simmons. Business administration trainees for rewarding music education in Philadelphia; “The atmosphere of ancient jobs in marketing and sales management. and Carl L. Marburger, assistant superintendent of the Detroit Rome is recaptured through lavish Public Schools. settings and costimes and specta­ About 10,000 delegates are cular battle scenes," said Brian Visit the Placement Of/ice in adifance and sign for an inter­ expected to attend the convention. SuUlvan. Two-Bit Flick commit­ tee member. view. Why not do it nowl




Wichita State University Libraries, Special Collections and University Archives Abm

Pm Ivai A SlMcks SMk M ITO Bat To NIT Trookits ^ ^ w » 15 VSC's d octors viU aiMapi az the All-Oollepe S] to ^teak a tkiw-|sa»e Sm m m I IB Oklahma C ^ . ■ichua aietaeed SS.2 poats tkpv banle the w m - to break the record established V 4k k ' Qf Che DePaai-NYU e w e by the 1994-93 sqaad. > at Midi HIP Sqpaie Top aas for the Shockeis this seasoa caae over Ifif hi|_ ai ^ Ip s BMhs the Shoct efs 100-94). BraAey 99-79). m i riariaap i <99-79). I h i f I Cm roMd gwes p> Bovl- This NIT afp eaiaace a s ik s ia e GkPPP (B4-8B) ■ 19S4. O v the fifth «-fi light year of poai- IM (71'79> ip tS tt. a i V illa- saaaoB piaiy ta the i m . h 199994. m Q irr fiaals ar the mptmak NCAA Vedyp e m L a a l the NCAA f i a ^ at ■ t e l 954 Portlata la t year. Players, oihs ttaa the pnh- ahle Marta s , aakiag: the trip are iota Q iss. 3-10 ■ eaiia. Bob Greets. 9-8 Janor. Dare 99 SBTta— e. Dea- 5-10 SByhowre. aad Boger MeOoecIL 9-4 sopbo- Sign Up Now For ■oe. Oissw Bath, m d Nd>o«ell the bare an seea staniag; day this 14-iMB field ate Aiajr. lingf W.S.U. Handicap OoUe^. LoKSville. Uatkaam 3l io ta s . Sm The t4 VOljB oea. rthletic dfpm pa officials Bowling Tournament! ‘fteh . w ill depart I c h rta n a TVA This year. VSC has already a 10:90 a-a. Sataday. The Vtaiaia T^ch. ktaag 91- pbae is dae to atrire m La- 9a ia ita Ail-CoDe^ Tona- Gaadia Field a 4:48 p a. E?T FTfty-fiee players were ptes- Nev Tort beadqiniTri < vH2 a i a the Narch 1 earoUaeai mSTSHARCSlda Sl-ta there, tm bead^ ^^Se be Loev’s Miilroea laa. Also, for m j 's 1996 hiTTfiall Caidinls 1HTS BILL BE GS\*ES IN BOTH WOMEN S He seeds oal^r fom to break aora (4 p.a.) a so to the lEssoai Valley .AND le v s Df\T30KS the all-ose seasoaai retaaad- G aae 4 • Bo srb C^leee rs Ooaeteace playefTs if «e caa L o a is n ile ■ig record set d n e 1990-91 get by Drake T alsa a cm 3 GN CP AT THE CAC SBamAHON [ffiSK hy Geae liiey cmeatiy w»it F trs Tom i e a a e s played oe ±ms3oe * *flEttased Yetiyt Aa- the Los Aaeeles Lakers TWsday ate aot acladed a dersoe. VSC* s beac aesebaS Dwiag reeelar seasce pUy :he sctadale Gwe S - Te^gr yymet vWe oc ;be »ay to it s 14tt rs V iryia Tech m i G i^ 6 • "St. ixmiB IS real icm cs, tar coa5*g^.unTe seasoc O ePiai r s V.?>« York Cerver- iSrey've S ?« mcn^ to :he East­ •ST coi^i*ed k IT-? recced Sirr ers Dstisk* 'Ais yea: so ae're laciadag i tbsd piece fiaist bcpcsx to Biee: s. the Cca- fereCfCi* ptayoffs .-'■^nzioed OWDAST —4PJM. ^ T i m SrTi:-t« mm T TVir :t^ C<. NOON SAlWDAT Srr— »«nj mr ix«f *- Vs* : r s —« rv u— ^ii. c ♦ - T BiggMt Strr in Tova - T :>«»—« ra- f -■> K r>r»*rti - T Vs - ■ - 's- ^ L . —■ I c*n- :•r •v• «-- •n---..* r ^ • 3 • - • i :v * - r Thi Uno Loangari rv*-* rk?(Ti.-» W-* k Tftjwr^. . ■ «4;.n— », k r»-A. kta. 1 ? » Vs..- ■ teery TwMdoy—iadta NHe f F- ‘A. CK: BiTiTS.i . a Mk. J -■-■i *-: 8« pt 7i« f.il til i.«^H »■ M t away fyaiA ft aup A¥tt kaa tia aaawar lyaaiat atalaat SB0V8QST rataa far araakafeia. AM 8 9SS3

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