Sunflower March 11, 1966

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Sunflower March 11, 1966 Birth Control, Palostino Issuos Topics Of CCUN Discussion Birth coQtrol and the Palestine Bob Olorn. member o f the Unit­ o f increasing studies in the birth question were among issues dis­ ed States del^ation said, *It was control program. The plan en­ cussed by the members o f the an excellent practical experience. tailed giving information and W8U Collegiate Council to the We lived for 4-5 days with other technical assistance to countries United Nations in St. Louis, countries and were enabled to who asked for it. However, the Mo.. March 8-6. lean tolerance for their post- committee maintained that it The United States del^atlon, tloos. We were also able to see wasn’t the role o f the United headed Bob Shields, passed some o f the weaknesses in our States to give contraceptives to their resolution coocwning Viet own policies.’' other countries. Naa in the Security Council. The The committee dean was on The land reform issue dealt draft dealt with having UN super­ passed two resolutions concern­ with encouragiog studies about vision and implementing Qeneva ing population control and land ohanglDg land tenures in various type courts in the Viet Nam situa- reform. The population control countries. tloo. resolution dealt with the necessity The main issue discussed by the committee which Catha Cow- gill, head of the Hialland dele­ gation, was on. was the Pales­ tine question. A sevmi-part re­ solution. it concerned partly in­ 118 wp^N - OMRii Biak, Sana tafvla Tallty, Jaiy PairiMrtt The creased aid to the United States R elief and Workers ^ e n c y for '• • • • • rtiy algM at fta BIVOO Palestine refugees, repatriation of refugees to Arab areas or vice unflower versa, and allowing for the con­ S tinuation of the Concilliatlon Q gM C IA L WM B P A P M Lt. Col. James Pool Committee for Palestine. VOL. LXX NO. 85 WICHITA STATE UNIVERSITY MARCH 11. 1966 Miss Cowgill commented, “ it was definitely a fabulous ex­ perience. I can’t speak hi^ly Speaks To AF-ROTC ICY Salt Spriig SpMkars en ou ^ for it. I l a med more there than I will here* all semester." ing a convocation for Air Highlights of the trip for here Lt. Col. James P. Pool. De­ Force ROTC cadets. were: "Learning what I did about puty Director of Management Analysis for the U.S. Air Air Defense Command is one the UN and preparii^ myself so I Dr. Fomwoith To Start Force Air Defense Command of the three combat commands could attend the session." headquarters at Ent Air Force in the Air Force. 'Die other The International Cooperation March 28, Dr. Andrew Craig, Manbers of the delegation were Base. Colo, was the guest two are Strategic Air Command CcHnmittee o f Wichita State Uni­ associate professor and he^ of elected last November by Dr. speaker at noon Thrusday dur- and Tactical Air Command. versity has announced its spring aeronautical engineering. "Co­ Peter Mayer, who was faculty Lt. Col. Pool spoke on varied slate o f fbrum meetings which operative Program in Science advisor for the delegation. Rudy aspects of aerospace defense are open to all Interested per­ and Technology;" April 4. Dr. Myedegger. Bob Shields, and May Qaata See ADC, Page 6 sons. Larry Jcmes, Coleman Company. Robert Patton, Assistant E^fes- The meetings will be held at "H ie Role o f Business and In­ sor of Speech. Yetiai Today noon in the CAC ballroom on dustry in International Coopera­ SQA sponsored the United WSU Student WSU’ s 1966 May Queen elec­ the following dates. tion ;" April 18, Llewls Goldman, States delegation, and the CAC tion is being held today (Fri­ March 14, Dr. David Farns­ associate professorofeducation, sponsored the Thailand dele­ day) from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Killed In worth. associate professor of "Education and International gation. Those attending the ses­ Wilner Lounge. political science, will lecture on Cooperation." sion from the United States were Candidates competing for the "Disaimament in a Bi-polar The speakers will discuss Bob Shields. Rudy Nyedegger, May Queen title are: Sandy Car Accident World;" March 21. Dr. John reports v^ich were presented at Bob Glenn. Fred Funk. Dave Bell, Delta Gamma; Judy Brid­ Breaseale. professor and head the White House Conference on A WSU student was fatally in­ Crockett. Tim Cornett, and Caro­ ges. Alfdia Chi Omega; Bobbi of the physics department. jured early Thursday morning International Coc^eration held In lyn Ramey. CaffTey, Gamma Phi Beta; "Peaceful Uses of Atomic En­ when the car he was driving Washington. D.C.. last November. Those attending from the Thai­ Miriam Nath, Alpha Phi; and ergy." careened into a telephone pole land delegation were Catha Cow- Kaye Siler, Delta Delta Delta. on McLean Blvd. near Vine. gill. Jola C<^, Jeff Brooks, The 1966 May Queen will be Kennit Keith Hunter. 20. of and Mark Wentling. crowned during the May Day 952 Arnidon. was pronounced festivities after the presenta­ dead on arrival at St. Francis tion o f Hippodrome skits. April Hospital following the crash. 29. NASA To Provide Police said it appeared that his late model compact had Work, Projocti Fallewthlp spun and skidded backwards along McLean over the north Oa WSU Cangui curb. Jumping the curb, it Awardad smashed into a power pole, Wichita State University shearing it off. His car was has part o f the National Aero­ Lawrence Paul Buck, a WSU almost severed in half by the nautics and Space Administra­ senior majoring in history, has impact. tion (NASA) space port right received a Woodrow Wilson Three witnesses to the a cci­ here on campus. Fellowship for the 1966-67 dent said Hunter had passed Each year NASA helps sup­ academic year. them at a high rate of speed, port research in the University More than 11,000 students police said. His safety belt by engaging in projects with were nominated for the honor was still fastened when the students and faculty members. with 1.048 Fellows selected Fire Department Rescue ^ u ^ These projects give gradu­ from 380 different colleges and removed him from the wreck­ ates and under-graduates an universities in the United States age. opportunity to work, enabling and Canada. Hunter is survived by his the staff to woik closer with Successful applicants were parents. Mr. and Mrs. Kermlt students, and advertises both chosen by the Foundations Wayne Hunter, and a sister NASA and the university. National Selection Committee Marcia Jean of the home. Students study such things according to the WWFF direc­ He attended Wichita public as flight vehicle structure, tor. schools and graduated from mathematics of unstable sys­ Woodrow Wilson Fellows re­ North High School in 1962. He had attended Southwestern C ol­ tems. vibratitm projects and ceive one academic year of lege, Winfield, Kan. for two flight control systems in their graduate education with tuition years before enrolling at WSU research. 'Hie Individual who and fees paid by the Founda­ is in charge of the various pro­ tion. a living stipend of 82,000 He was active Ih RMUW Radio jects is called the "principle and allowances for dependent on campus, presenting several investigator." children. stock nrket programs and help­ The "investigator" for the Students receiving honorable ing produce CaO|ii, given live "Double Delta Wing" project mention from the Foundation every T\iesday and Htursday is assistant professor of Aero­ were Alvle Doi^las. a senior in the CAC. He was employed nautical Engineering. William majoring in physics; Leigh Anne by the Tiber Wtolesale Furni­ Wente. Falwcll, a junior mnjoiing in ture Co., and was a member of UU iP = mmmih mm m ________ nw M tr H MiHM Trinity Methodist Churst. HN toUMMII MM MMHir HIM M M» His "wing" project will try English; and Robert Ray To- ■ Ai m * Pkl Services will be at 10:80 a.m. kHUtM< IM M tUtl- buren. a junior in political See NASA. Page 5 science. Saturday, at Broadway Mortuary. Wichita State University Libraries, Special Collections and University Archives LM The fhre eaHnaal frateniti^ MicAaal Gru aa WU Km tee Kaataoa. Eeawd Laae*oe.*Jle LyvcA. WllliM recetly tm a m cei their pledge WacPbwsoa. Nalaaa. Randall classes. Naail. Frank Porto. G oi^a 9a>-nak«r. Beta Then Pi: Jack Skt»«aa. Loyd l abatt- SgBk Phi Epsiloa BMm U AoiHl. Com Dte D^taB. I ^ a n i i ^ i i . ^b w t BH1«> Robert Baa<k. Ste^ao Gorroll. Cr*e C naek. Toow> Oaaa, Lan> Cats. Raadolpk Leonard. Wanwt Wi h I m teilk. Ctrald tWwB. Batry Skn^B. Do ^ a * We-Niool. \ecM Mooo). Frad- rick & i««r. *eal«y SMo t o p . Ro t»m R] Sk»A«er. Brtm RMdWI RkitJpy. Joko Wfeitaer. Ckari*» ■Upoc Delta Opstloa: ICHkari Lip*. littn Pm I thmimu. Mk* OlUey. D i^ O . L «« Qriek. Jar Fr*«k, Stm il Bret Gel date ia. Pr«d Qmm, Brae* GuteJ- ■■chS 8p.a. apm. To* Hi ^1^1. DbBtfd Hm . i<9 f ilter Jackaoa. Paid Koaaeay. Gaty kW VBIJ FidAoQM Wte*^. Sc^w Fa^. Pric^ put ^•90 v iA stadent I.D. MToTek ad Phi Delta Theta: U Tickets OB Sale ia CAC Nt BUliaaac. Btwca C— tram. E>r. Edward N. Lorenz, pro­ he fessor o f BMCeorUogp at Mas- saefaesea s institste of Techaol- OK7 at CaHkrMse. Haas.. wiU ;o* speak at IS D March 23 to the Society of the Stgaa Xi, ad Itil its affiliated aociety. the &ien- he tillc Research Society of Aaer- 1 ica.
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