
Hyperthyroidism: Diagnosis and Treatment IGOR KRAVETS, MD, Stony Brook University School of Medicine, Stony Brook, New York

Hyperthyroidism is an excessive concentration of hormones in tissues caused by increased synthesis of , exces- sive release of preformed thyroid hormones, or an endogenous or exogenous extrathyroidal source. The most common causes of an excessive production of thyroid hormones are Graves disease, toxic multinodular goiter, and toxic adenoma. The most common cause of an excessive passive release of thyroid hormones is painless (silent) , although its clinical presentation is the same as with other causes. Hyperthyroidism caused by overproduction of thyroid hor- mones can be treated with antithyroid (methimazole and ), radioactive ablation of the thyroid gland, or surgical . Radioactive iodine ablation is the most widely used treatment in the United States. The choice of treatment depends on the underlying diagnosis, the presence of contraindications to a particular treatment modality, the severity of hyperthyroidism, and the patient’s preference. (Am Fam Physician. 2016;93(5):363-370.

Copyright © 2016 American Academy of Family Physicians.) ILLUSTRATION TODD BY BUCK

More online yperthyroidism is an excessive cells that leads to a somatic activating muta- at http://www. concentration of thyroid hor- tion of TSH receptors.4 A single nodule is aafp.org/afp. mones in tissues causing a char- called a toxic adenoma (Plummer disease). CME This clinical content acteristic clinical state. In the In contrast with these three disorders, conforms to AAFP criteria HUnited States, the overall prevalence of hyper- painless or transient (silent) thyroiditis for continuing medical education (CME). See thyroidism is 1.2%, and the prevalences of causes a destruction of thyroid follicles via CME Quiz Questions on overt hyperthyroidism and subclinical hyper- an autoimmune mechanism and a release of page 351. thyroidism are 0.5% and 0.7%, respectively.1 preformed thyroid hormones into the circu- Author disclosure: No rel- lation.5 Its clinical presentation is the same evant financial affiliations. Etiology and Pathogenesis as with other causes. In a Danish study, its ▲ Patient information: The common endogenous causes of hyper- prevalence among patients with thyrotoxi- A handout on this topic, thyroidism are Graves disease, toxic multi- cosis was 0.5%, as evaluated by scintigra- written by the author of nodular goiter, toxic adenoma, and painless phy.6 Painless thyroiditis can be triggered this article, is available 1-9 at http://www.aafp.org/ thyroiditis (Table 1). Graves disease, the by childbirth () or afp/2016/0301/p363-s1. most common cause of hyperthyroidism in by use of medications such as , inter- html. the United States,2 is an autoimmune disor- feron alfa, interleukin-2, and .7 der in which thyroid-stimulating Gestational hyperthyroidism develops in activate thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) the first trimester of as a result receptors, triggering thyroid hormone syn- of the stimulatory action of placental beta thesis. Risk factors for Graves disease include human chorionic gonadotropin (β-hCG), female sex and personal or family history of which shares structural features with TSH, an autoimmune disorder.2,3 on the thyroid gland.8 β-hCG-mediated Toxic multinodular goiter is the second hyperthyroidism can occasionally be caused most common cause of hyperthyroidism by and, rarely, by a in the United States and the most common gestational trophoblastic tumor.8 cause in older persons living in iodine- Other rare causes of hyperthyroidism are deficient areas.2 Over time, nodules arise TSH-secreting , metastatic from the frequent replication of clonogenic follicular , and .9

MarchDownloaded 1, 2016 from ◆ theVolume American 93, FamilyNumber Physician 5 website at www.aafp.org/afp.www.aafp.org/afp Copyright © 2016 American Academy of FamilyAmerican Physicians. Family For the Physician private, noncom 363- mercial use of one individual user of the website. All other rights reserved. Contact [email protected] for copyright questions and/or permission requests. Hyperthyroidism


Evidence Clinical recommendation rating References

The choice of treatment modality for hyperthyroidism caused by overproduction of thyroid hormones depends C 25, 26 on the patient’s age, symptoms, comorbidities, and preference. The diagnostic workup for hyperthyroidism includes measuring thyroid-stimulating hormone, free thyroxine C 20, 21

(T4), and total (T3) levels to determine the presence and severity of the condition, as well as radioactive iodine uptake and scan of the thyroid gland to determine the cause. Methimazole (Tapazole) is the preferred antithyroid except in the first trimester of pregnancy and B 26 in patients with an adverse reaction to the medication.

A = consistent, good-quality patient-oriented evidence; B = inconsistent or limited-quality patient-oriented evidence; C = consensus, disease-oriented evidence, usual practice, expert opinion, or case series. For information about the SORT evidence rating system, go to http://www.aafp.org/afpsort.

Clinical Manifestations Table 1. Etiology and Pathogenesis of Hyperthyroidism The clinical presentation of hyperthyroid- ism ranges from asymptomatic to thyroid Etiology Mechanism storm (Table 2).10-18 Elevated thyroid hor- Most common causes mone levels amplify catecholamine signaling Graves disease Autoimmune process in which antibodies through increased numbers of cell surface stimulate the TSH receptor leading to beta-adrenergic receptors. The resulting overproduction of thyroid hormones adrenergic symptoms (e.g., , heat Painless or transient Autoimmune destruction of thyroid tissue leading (silent) thyroiditis to a release of preformed thyroid hormones intolerance, diaphoresis, , stare [an Toxic adenoma (Plummer Somatic mutation in TSH receptor or Gs alpha appearance of a fixed look due to retraction disease) gene in a of eyelids], lid lag, hyperdefecation) are the Toxic multinodular goiter Expansion of clonogenic cells with an activating most common manifestations of hyperthy- TSH receptor mutation roidism.10 induces weight Less common causes loss despite an increased appetite. Neu- Drug-induced thyroiditis Overproduction of thyroid hormones (amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis type 1) romuscular symptoms include weakness or release of preformed thyroid hormones of proximal muscles.11 Psychiatric symp- (amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis type 2, toms range from to frank psycho- interferon alfa, interleukin-2, or lithium) sis.12 Patients with long-standing untreated Hyperemesis gravidarum High level of β-hCG stimulates TSH receptors hyperthyroidism may develop atrial fibril- Postpartum thyroiditis Variant of painless thyroiditis with the same 13,14 mechanism, occurring after delivery lation (10% to 15% of patients ) or heart 15 Subacute granulomatous Painful of the thyroid gland caused failure (5.8% of patients ). (de Quervain) thyroiditis by viral , often with fever, triggering a Signs that are pathognomonic for Graves release of preformed thyroid hormones disease include orbitopathy, pretibial myx- Rare causes edema (thyroid dermopathy), and thyroid Factitious thyrotoxicosis Surreptitious ingestion of thyroid hormones acropachy, which occur in 25%, 1.5%, and Metastatic follicular of functional follicular thyroid cancer 16 thyroid cancer 0.3% of patients, respectively. Goiters that Struma ovarii Ectopic thyroid tissue in ovarian dermoid tumor develop in Graves disease are usually smooth produces thyroid hormones and may have a thrill on palpation or a Trophoblastic tumor or Tumor produces β-hCG, which stimulates thyroid on auscultation. Single or multiple nod- a germ cell tumor TSH receptors ules on palpation raise suspicion for a toxic TSH-secreting pituitary Tumor secreting large quantities of TSH, and not adenoma or a toxic multinodular goiter, adenoma responding to thyroxine and triiodothyronine feedback although nonfunctioning thyroid nodules may coexist with a goiter in Graves disease.16 β-hCG = beta human chorionic gonadotropin; TSH = thyroid-stimulating hormone. Graves orbitopathy manifests as exoph- Information from references 1 through 9. thalmos or periorbital edema, and it can trigger photophobia, excessive lacrimation,

364 American Family Physician www.aafp.org/afp Volume 93, Number 5 ◆ March 1, 2016 Hyperthyroidism

1 increased eye sensitivity to wind or smoke, or a sen- (T3) levels (free T3 assays are poorly validated ) if the sation of a foreign body in the eyes. In severe cases, TSH level is low. Others prefer to order all three tests blurred vision, diplopia, or reduced color perception if hyperthyroidism is suspected to make the diagnosis 16 may develop. Smoking increases the risk of developing more efficiently. Many laboratories perform reflex free4 T Graves orbitopathy (odds ratio = 3.7).17 testing if TSH is suppressed. Table 3 lists patterns of thy- Pretibial , a less common finding, develops roid function tests in hyperthyroidism.20,21 The serum from fibroblast activation and manifests as swelling over level of thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulins or TSH- the tibiae with the skin assuming a peau d’orange (orange receptor antibodies helps distinguish Graves disease peel) appearance.18 Thyroid acropachy, an uncommon from other causes of hyperthyroidism in patients who sign, is the clubbing of fingers and toes with soft-tissue lack signs pathognomonic of Graves disease and have a swelling of the hands and feet.19 Other skin manifesta- contraindication to radioactive iodine uptake and scan. tions of Graves disease include patchy hyperpigmenta- tion and .19 THYROID FUNCTION TEST RESULTS SIMULATING HYPERTHYROIDISM Laboratory and Radiographic Assessment Excess estrogen from pregnancy or estrogen therapy Clinical suspicion of hyperthyroidism should prompt leads to elevated levels of thyroxine-binding globulin, 20-23 laboratory testing (Figure 1 ). Some physicians first which manifests as elevated total T4 and T3 levels while 20,21 order a TSH test, which has the highest sensitivity and TSH and free T4 levels remain normal (Table 3). These specificity for hyperthyroidism, and then subsequently findings do not indicate hyperthyroidism and require no 21 obtain free thyroxine (T4) and total triiodothyronine treatment. Patients with critical or acute illness often develop the nonthyroidal illness syndrome Table 2. of Hyperthyroidism manifesting as mildly decreased TSH lev- els (0.1 to 0.4 mIU per mL) and normal or Adrenergic mildly decreased T4 levels. In contrast to sub- Palpitations, , anxiety, tremor, jitteriness, diaphoresis, heat intolerance, clinical hyperthyroidism, the T3 level is usu- stare, lid lag, hyperdefecation (not ) ally low and the reverse T3 level is elevated. Cardiovascular This condition resolves spontaneously when Tachycardia, irregular (in ), dyspnea, orthopnea and 21 peripheral edema (in ) the patient recovers from the acute illness. Cutaneous Exogenous or dopamine (Plummer nails), patchy or generalized hyperpigmentation (especially may cause a mild decrease of TSH levels, a of the face and neck) situation often occurring in the intensive

Symptoms pathognomonic for Graves disease: pretibial myxedema (thyroid care unit. Total T4, total T3, and free T4 levels dermopathy) and thyroid acropachy (clubbing of fingers and toes accompanied remain normal. TSH levels return to normal by soft-tissue swelling of the hands and feet) after these medications are discontinued.21 Patchy vitiligo can also be observed in Graves disease Hypermetabolism RADIOACTIVE IODINE UPTAKE AND THYROID in spite of increased appetite, fever (in ) SCAN Neuromuscular A radioactive iodine uptake test and thyroid Brisk peripheral reflexes with accelerated relaxation phase and weakness of proximal muscles scan help determine the cause of hyperthy- Neuropsychiatric roidism (Table 4). Uptake is the percentage Anxiety, rapid and pressured speech, , (if hyperthyroidism of an iodine 123 (I-123) tracer dose taken is severe) up by the thyroid gland, ranging from 15% Ocular to 25% at 24 hours. The uptake is very low Increased lacrimation, incomplete closure of the eyes when sleeping reported (0% to 2%) in patients with thyroiditis and by the patient’s partner, photophobia, increased eye sensitivity to wind or high in patients with Graves disease, a toxic smoke, grittiness or sensation of a foreign body or sand in the eyes adenoma, or a toxic multinodular goiter.23,24 Symptoms pathognomonic for Graves disease: , periorbital edema, diplopia, blurred vision, reduced color perception The thyroid scan shows the distribution of radiotracer in the gland. A homogeneous Information from references 10 through 18. distribution indicates Graves disease, but accumulation of I-123 in one area points to

March 1, 2016 ◆ Volume 93, Number 5 www.aafp.org/afp American Family Physician 365 Hyperthyroidism Diagnostic Workup of Hyperthyroidism Signs and/or symptoms of hyperthyroidism

pregnancy, lactation, and in amiodarone- Low TSH level; elevated or normal Elevated TSH level; induced thyrotoxicosis.24

free T4 and total T3 levels elevated free T4 and total T levels (a rare pattern) 3 Treatment

Obtain radioactive iodine uptake Regardless of the cause of hyperthyroidism, and scan of the thyroid gland Suspect a TSH-secreting the adrenergic symptoms are controlled by pituitary adenoma beta blockers (Table 5).25-28 has the theoretical advantage of also inhibiting 5’-monodeiodinase, thus blocking peripheral Low uptake High uptake 25 conversion of T4 to T3. The choice of treat- ment modality for hyperthyroidism caused Thyroiditis by overproduction of thyroid hormones Ectopic thyroid Homogeneous Nodular radioactive depends on the patient’s age, symptoms, hormone 25,26 radioactive iodine iodine distribution comorbidities, and preference. Exogenous thyroid distribution hormone GRAVES DISEASE

Graves disease Graves disease requires one of the three Multiple areas A single area of treatment options: an antithyroid medica- of accumulation accumulation tion (methimazole [Tapazole] or propylthio- uracil), radioactive iodine (I-131) ablation of Toxic multinodular Toxic adenoma the thyroid gland, or surgical thyroidectomy. goiter The choice of treatment depends on the ben- efits vs. risks in a specific clinical situation 25 Figure 1. Algorithm for the diagnostic workup of hyperthyroidism. (T3 = and on the patient’s preference (eTable A). triiodothyronine; T = thyroxine; TSH = thyroid-stimulating hormone.) 4 Antithyroid Medications. Antithyroid Information from references 20 through 23. medications are thionamides; they inhibit , blocking the synthesis of a toxic adenoma (Figure 2) or in multiple areas to a toxic T3 and T4. Thionamides can serve as a long-term therapy multinodular goiter.23,24 or as a bridge to I-131 ablation or thyroidectomy, with Ultrasonography is sometimes used as a cost-effective the goal of normalizing thyroid function and prevent- and safe alternative to radioactive iodine uptake and ing exacerbation of hyperthyroidism after I-131 ablation scan. It is the primary imaging modality used during or avoiding surgical risks associated with uncontrolled

Table 3. Thyroid Function Test Results in Hyperthyroidism and in Conditions Simulating Hyperthyroidism

Condition TSH Total T4 Free T4 Total T 3

Overt hyperthyroidism Suppressed Elevated Elevated Elevated Subclinical hyperthyroidism*­ Suppressed or low Normal Normal Normal TSH-secreting pituitary adenoma Normal or elevated Elevated Elevated Elevated Estrogen excess Normal Elevated Normal Elevated

Nonthyroidal illness syndrome Low Normal or mildly decreased Normal Low (and reverse T3 is elevated) and/or dopamine Low Normal Normal Normal therapy

NOTE: Suppressed TSH is < 0.1 mIU per mL; low TSH is 0.1 to 0.4 mIU per mL.

T3 = triiodothyronine; T4 = thyroxine; TSH = thyroid-stimulating hormone. *—Subclinical hyperthyroidism does not refer to the absence of signs and symptoms. Information from references 20 and 21.

366 American Family Physician www.aafp.org/afp Volume 93, Number 5 ◆ March 1, 2016 Hyperthyroidism

per 1,000 person-years.30,31 Patients should be instructed Table 4. Patterns Observed in Radioactive to discontinue medication use and contact their physi- Iodine Uptake and Scan cian if they develop , acholic stools, dark urine, arthralgias, abdominal pain, , , fever, Radioactive iodine Radiotracer or sore throat. A baseline complete blood count (CBC) uptake (normal distribution in with differential and a hepatic panel should be obtained Condition = 15% to 25%) the thyroid gland before initiating an antithyroid medication. Subsequent Graves disease High Homogeneous routine monitoring of CBC is unnecessary, but CBC with Toxic adenoma High Iodine 123 is differential should be obtained if fever and/or pharyngi- concentrated in tis develop. one spot Free T4 and total T3 should be obtained four weeks Toxic multinodular High Iodine 123 is goiter concentrated in after starting a thionamide and every four to eight weeks multiple spots thereafter with the dosage adjusted based on results.

Thyroiditis Low Not applicable Once free T4 and total T3 levels normalize, they should be monitored every three months. Serum TSH is of limited value early in the treatment course because levels may hyperthyroidism. Because Graves disease remits in up to remain suppressed for several months after treatment 30% of patients treated with thionamides, these medi- is started. An antithyroid medication should be contin- cations can be used as the initial treatment, with abla- ued for 12 to 18 months, then tapered or discontinued if tion or thyroidectomy performed if remission does not the TSH level is normal at the time. Elevated or above- occur.25,26 Once medical therapy is discontinued, relapse normal TSH levels (greater than 4.0 mIU per mL) at occurs in 30% to 70% of patients, mostly within the first antithyroid drug discontinuation is associated with an year.27 After discontinuation, thyroid function should increased likelihood of permanent remission.27 be monitored every one to three months for six to 12 Radioactive Iodine Ablation. Radioactive iodine abla- months, and the patient should be instructed to contact tion of the thyroid gland is the most common treatment the physician if symptoms recur. of Graves disease in the United States. It is contraindi- Because use of propylthiouracil has a higher risk cated in pregnancy. Moderate to severe Graves orbitopa- of causing severe liver injury, as highlighted in the thy is a relative contraindication, especially in patients U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s boxed warning, who smoke, because radioactive iodine may exacerbate methimazole is preferred except during the first trimes- the eye disease.32,33 In mild cases of Graves orbitopathy, ter of pregnancy (can cause birth defects) and in patients radioactive iodine ablation can be performed with con- with an adverse reaction to methimazole.28,29 For patients comitant glucocorticoid therapy. Nonradioactive iodine using methimazole, the prevalence of agranulocytosis is impedes radioactive iodine uptake by iodide transporter; 0.17%, the incidence of is 3.17 per 1,000 person- therefore, exposure to large amounts of nonradioactive years, and the incidence of acute hepatic failure is 0.32 iodine (e.g., , amiodarone) should be avoided within three months before radioactive iodine ablation. Pregnancy should be ruled out within 48 hours before radioactive iodine ablation and avoided for six months thereafter.1 A thionamide should be discontin- ued at least five days before the treatment but can be restarted three to five days after to maintain control of thyroid function, because it may take up to 12 weeks to achieve the full effect of radioactive iodine. Most patients develop permanent between two and six months after radioactive iodine ablation and require thyroid hormone supplementa- 1,33 tion. Free T4 and total T3 should be measured four to eight weeks after ablation; if hyperthyroidism persists, these indices should be monitored every four to six weeks and thyroid hormone replacement started in the Figure 2. Toxic adenoma on radioactive iodine scan. early stages of hypothyroidism.1

March 1, 2016 ◆ Volume 93, Number 5 www.aafp.org/afp American Family Physician 367 Hyperthyroidism Table 5. Pharmacologic Treatment of Hyperthyroidism

First-line agents Dosage Adverse effects Comments Cost*

Beta blockers

Atenolol 25 to 100 mg orally once per Exacerbation of congestive Selective beta1 blocker; $5 day heart failure safer than propranolol in asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; once-daily dosing improves compliance

Propranolol Immediate release: 10 to 40 Exacerbation of congestive Decreases T4 to T3 $20 to $84 for mg orally every eight hours heart failure or asthma conversion; nonselective immediate Extended release: 80 to 160 release mg orally once per day $76 to $152 for extended release

Antithyroid medications Methimazole 5 to 120 mg orally per day (can Dose-related Contraindicated in the first $20 to $100 (Tapazole) be given in divided doses) agranulocytosis trimester of pregnancy ($45 to $900) Propylthiouracil 50 to 300 mg orally every Agranulocytosis not related Drug of choice in the first $60 to $400 eight hours to dose; liver dysfunction; trimester of pregnancy; rash, including ANCA- carries a higher risk associated vasculitis of liver failure than methimazole Radioactive Usually 10 to 30 millicurie, May aggravate hyper­ Contraindicated in severe — iodine depending on uptake and thyroidism in the early Graves orbitopathy and the size of the thyroid gland posttreatment period in patients who are Causes hypothyroidism pregnant or nursing three to six months after treatment

Ancillary agents Cholestyramine 1 to 2 g orally twice per day or diarrhea; Binds thyroid hormones $50 bloating in the intestine and thus increases fecal excretion Glucocorticoids : 20 to 40 mg orally in patients Used in severe hyper­ Prednisone: $20 per day for up to four weeks with mellitus, thyroidism or thyroid : NA Hydrocortisone: 100 mg otherwise few short-term storm to reduce T4 to T3 intravenously every eight adverse effects conversion; also used in hours with subsequent taper severe Nonsteroidal anti- Depends on the specific agent Nephrotoxicity; Treats pain in subacute — inflammatory gastrointestinal bleeding thyroiditis drugs Supersaturated 5 drops orally every eight May aggravate hyper­ Give at least one hour — potassium hours thyroidism if given before after methimazole or iodide an propylthiouracil Do not give before radio­ active iodine treatment

ANCA = antineutrophil cytoplasmic ; NA = not applicable; T3 = triiodothyronine; T4 = thyroxine. *—Estimated retail price of one month’s treatment based on information obtained at http://www.goodrx.com (accessed November 11, 2015). Generic price listed first; brand price listed in parentheses. Information from references 25 through 28.

Thyroidectomy. This treatment option is preferred in TOXIC ADENOMA OR TOXIC MULTINODULAR GOITER patients with goiter-induced compressive symptoms and Antithyroid medications can control hyperthyroid- in patients with contraindications to radioactive iodine ism, but do not induce remission of hyperthyroidism ablation or thionamides. Besides general anesthesia risk, associated with toxic adenoma or toxic multinodular thyroidectomy carries a risk of inadvertently injuring goiter. Therefore, radioactive iodine ablation and thy- parathyroid glands and recurrent laryngeal nerves.34 roidectomy are the main treatment options for these

368 American Family Physician www.aafp.org/afp Volume 93, Number 5 ◆ March 1, 2016 Hyperthyroidism BEST PRACTICES IN : RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE CHOOSING WISELY CAMPAIGN

Recommendation Sponsoring organization

Do not order multiple tests in the initial evaluation of a patient with suspected thyroid American Society for Clinical Pathology disease. Order TSH, and if abnormal, follow up with additional evaluation or treatment depending on the findings. Do not routinely order a thyroid ultrasound in patients with abnormal The Endocrine Society/American if there is no palpable abnormality of the thyroid gland. Association of Clinical Endocrinologists

TSH = thyroid-stimulating hormone. Source: For more information on the Choosing Wisely Campaign, see http://www.choosingwisely.org. For supporting citations and to search Choos- ing Wisely recommendations relevant to primary care, see http://www.aafp.org/afp/recommendations/search.htm. conditions. Thyroidectomy is favored if a nodule or goi- National Guideline Clearinghouse database, and UpToDate. Search dates: ter causes compressive symptoms. Antithyroid medi- December 26, 2014, and August 24, 2015. cations may be used for long-term treatment in select The author thanks Dr. Harold E. Carlson and Dr. Marie C. Gelato for patients who refuse ablation or who have a contraindica- reviewing this manuscript. tion to thyroidectomy.35,36 The Author THYROIDITIS IGOR KRAVETS, MD, is an assistant professor of medicine in the endocri- Painless thyroiditis and subacute thyroiditis are self- nology division of Stony Brook (NY) University School of Medicine. limiting conditions that usually resolve spontaneously Address correspondence to Igor Kravets, MD, Stony Brook University within six months. There is no role for antithyroid School of Medicine, 101 Nicolls Rd., HSC T-15, Rm. 060, Stony Brook, NY medications or radioactive iodine ablation in the treat- 11733 (e-mail: [email protected]). Reprints are not ment of thyroiditis. Beta blockers may be used if needed available from the author. to control adrenergic symptoms. Pain associated with subacute thyroiditis may be relieved with a nonsteroidal REFERENCES 5 anti-inflammatory drug. 1. Bahn Chair RS, Burch HB, Cooper DS, et al. Hyperthyroidism and other causes of thyrotoxicosis: management guidelines of the American Thy- THYROID STORM roid Association and American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists [published corrections appear in Thyroid. 2011;21(10 ):1169, and Thy- Graves disease, toxic adenoma, and toxic multinodu- roid. 2012;22(11):1195]. Thyroid. 2011;21( 6):593-646. lar goiter can sometimes cause severe hyperthyroidism, 2. Vanderpump MP. The epidemiology of . Br Med Bull. which is termed a thyroid storm. The Burch-Wartofsky 2011;99:39-51. score is a helpful tool for diagnosing thyroid storm37 3. Villanueva R, Greenberg DA, Davies TF, Tomer Y. Sibling recurrence risk (eTable B). Treatment of thyroid storm is summarized in in autoimmune thyroid disease. Thyroid. 2003;13(8):761-764. 4. Gozu HI, Lublinghoff J, Bircan R, Paschke R. Genetics and phenomics eTable C. of inherited and sporadic non-autoimmune hyperthyroidism. Mol Cell Endocrinol. 2010;322(1-2):125-134. DRUG-ASSOCIATED HYPERTHYROIDISM 5. Pearce EN, Farwell AP, Braverman LE. Thyroiditis [published correc- Amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis can be classified tion appears in N Engl J Med. 2003;349(6):620]. N Engl J Med. 2003; 348(26):2646-2655. as type 1 (thyroid hormone overproduction, treated 6. Schwartz F, Bergmann N, Zerahn B, Faber J. Incidence rate of symp- with antithyroid medications) or type 2 (thyroid tissue tomatic painless thyroiditis presenting with thyrotoxicosis in Denmark as destruction, treated with ). Amiodarone should evaluated by consecutive thyroid . Scand J Clin Lab Invest. not be discontinued unless it can be stopped safely, with- 2013;73(3):240-244. 38,39 7. Sweeney LB, Stewart C, Gaitonde DY. Thyroiditis: an integrated approach. out triggering cardiac complications. Am Fam Physician. 2014;90(6):389-396. Hyperthyroidism associated with use of other medi- 8. Carney LA, Quinlan JD, West JM. Thyroid disease in pregnancy [pub- cations (e.g., lithium, interferon alfa, tyrosine kinase lished correction appears in Am Fam Physician. 2014;90(1):8]. Am Fam inhibitors, highly active antiretroviral therapy) is usually Physician. 2014;89(4):273-278. self-limited. The physician should determine whether 9. Usui T, Izawa S, Sano T, et al. Clinical and molecular features of a TSH- secreting pituitary microadenoma. Pituitary. 2005;8(2):127-134. the medication may be discontinued safely or replaced 10. Silva JE, Bianco SD. Thyroid-adrenergic interactions: physiological and with a different medication. clinical implications. Thyroid. 2008;18(2):157-165. 11. Duyff RF, Van den Bosch J, Laman DM, van Loon BJ, Linssen WH. Neu- Data Sources: A PubMed search was performed in Clinical Queries romuscular findings in thyroid dysfunction: a prospective clinical and using the key terms hyperthyroidism, thyrotoxicosis, Graves disease, toxic electrodiagnostic study. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2000;​68(6):​ multinodular goiter, toxic adenoma, and thyroiditis. The search included 750-755. meta-analyses, randomized controlled trials, clinical trials, and reviews. 12. Gulseren S, Gulseren L, Hekimsoy Z, Cetinay P, Ozen C, Tokatlioglu B. Also searched were Essential Evidence Plus, the Cochrane database, the , anxiety, health-related quality of life, and disability in

March 1, 2016 ◆ Volume 93, Number 5 www.aafp.org/afp American Family Physician 369 Hyperthyroidism

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370 American Family Physician www.aafp.org/afp Volume 93, Number 5 ◆ March 1, 2016 Hyperthyroidism

eTable A. Benefits and Risks of Graves Disease Treatment Options

Treatment options Benefits Risks

Antithyroid medication No exposure to radiation or to surgical risks Agranulocytosis, hepatotoxicity (especially with (methimazole No permanent hypothyroidism propylthiouracil), rash [Tapazole] or Propylthiouracil is safe for the fetus in the first Methimazole can cause aplasia cutis and other birth defects propylthiouracil) trimester of pregnancy in the first trimester of pregnancy

Radioactive iodine No exposure to potential adverse effects of an Aggravation of Graves orbitopathy, especially in smokers ablation antithyroid medication or to surgical risks Permanent hypothyroidism (occurs in most patients) Treatment of choice in the United States Radiation exposure Failure to cure hyperthyroidism if the radioactive iodine dose is insufficient Risk of Graves disease recurrence even after successful treatment Contraindicated in pregnancy

Thyroidectomy No exposure to adverse effects of an Risk of general anesthesia antithyroid medication or to radiation Risk of damaging recurrent laryngeal nerve leading to hoarse Little chance of Graves disease recurrence voice (if damage is unilateral) or of respiratory distress (if damage is bilateral) Risk of inadvertent damage or removal of parathyroid glands leading to permanent

Information from: Abraham P, Avenell A, Park CM, Watson WA, Bevan JS. A systematic review of drug therapy for Graves’ hyperthyroidism. Eur J Endocrinol. 2005;153(4):489-498 Bartalena L. Diagnosis and management of Graves disease: a global overview. Nat Rev Endocrinol. 2013;9 (12):724-734. Cappelli C, Pirola I, De Martino E, et al. The role of imaging in Graves’ disease: a cost-effectiveness analysis. Eur J Radiol. 2008;65(1):99-103. Nakamura H, Noh JY, Itoh K, Fukata S, Miyauchi A, Hamada N. Comparison of methimazole and propylthiouracil in patients with hyperthyroidism caused by Graves’ disease. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2007;92(6):2157-2162.

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eTable B. Burch-Wartofsky Score: Diagnostic Criteria for Thyroid Storm

Criteria Score Criteria Score

Thermoregulatory dysfunction Cardiovascular dysfunction Temperature (°F) Tachycardia (bpm) 99 to 99.9 5 90 to 109 5 100 to 100.9 10 110 to 119 10 101 to 101.9 15 120 to 129 15 102 to 102.9 20 130 to 139 20 103 to 103.9 25 ≥ 140 25 ≥ 104 30 Congestive heart failure Central nervous system effects Absent 0 Absent 0 Mild 5 Mild 10 Pedal edema Agitation Moderate 10 Moderate 20 Bibasilar rales Severe 15 Psychosis Pulmonary edema Extreme lethargy Atrial fibrillation Severe 30 Absent 0 Seizure Present 10 Coma Precipitant history Gastrointestinal-hepatic dysfunction Negative 0 Absent 0 Positive 10 Moderate 10 Diarrhea Nausea/vomiting Abdominal pain Severe 20 Unexplained jaundice

bpm = beats per minute.

NOTE: A score of 45 or greater is highly suggestive of thyroid storm, a score of 25 to 44 is suggestive of impending storm, and a score below 25 is unlikely to represent thyroid storm. Adapted with permission from Burch HB, Wartofsky L. Life-threatening thyrotoxicosis. Thyroid storm. Endocrinol Metab Clin North Am. 1993;22(2):266.

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eTable C. Treatment of Thyroid Storm

Supportive treatment Airway maintenance Oxygen IV fluids Cooling blanket (do not use salicylate to treat fever because

salicylates increase free T4 and free T3 levels)

Inhibit T4 and T3 synthesis Methimazole (Tapazole) orally, rectally, via nasogastric tube, or IV, 20 to 40 mg every eight hours Propylthiouracil orally, rectally, or via nasogastric tube, 200 to 400 mg every eight hours

Inhibit T4 and T3 release Saturated solution of , five drops orally every six hours to be started at least one hour after administration of an antithyroid agent Heart rate control Esmolol (Brevibloc) IV, 50 to 100 mcg per kg per minute Propranolol, 60 to 80 mg orally every four hours IV, 5 to 10 mg every two to four hours If beta-blockade is contraindicated, use IV, 0.25 mg per kg over two minutes, then 10 mg per hour IV infusion or 60 to 90 mg orally every six to eight hours

Inhibit T4 to T3 conversion Hydrocortisone 100 mg IV every eight hours (also suppresses autoimmune process in Graves disease) Treat precipitating cause

IV = intravenous; T3 = triiodothyronine; T4 = thyroxine. Information from Nayak B, Burman K. Thyrotoxicosis and thyroid storm. Endocrinol Metab Clin North Am. 2006;35(4):663-686, vii.

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