Irrigation Season Ends, Reservoir Depleted
Fall behind Remember to set your clocks back at 2 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 27 for the end of Daylight Savings Time. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2002 Established 1865 VOLUME 18, NUMBER 43 HOMEDALE, OWYHEE COUNTY, IDAHO SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS Highway budget cuts will Prosecutor testifies for defense Antiques and handmade not effect 95 project in wife’s dismissal hearing gifts are specialty of family-run business page 7 page 8 page 10 Correct identifications Irrigation season ends, reservoir depleted by Colin Muldoon Irrigation season came to a close last Friday, as the South Board of Control shut off water from the Owyhee Reservoir and Snake River. Owyhee County farmers faired considerably better than their counterparts in neighboring counties, who have been shut off from water Carl Freeman David Paul supplies – in some cases, for over a Duncan VanHouten month. That water has flowed in Owyhee County into the middle of October is Photo mix-up indeed fortunate, but as the 2002-03 storage season begins, farmers and results in wrong water managers alike, will be crossing their collective fingers with hopes of ideal weather conditions that will help identification refill depleted reservoirs. A mix-up in the identification of Currently, the Owyhee Reservoir, photos of persons charged with which provides water to between 16,000 crimes in Owyhee County the past No glory here and 17,000 acres of land in Oregon and When full, excess water from the reservoir spills into the “Glory Hole” and is two weeks has resulted in a wrong Idaho, is at 10 percent capacity.
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