Patron: Her Majesty The Queen Page 9) LEGION LINCS Legion Contact Centre 0808 8028080 Newsletter of THE ROYAL BRITISH LEGION Lincolnshire County July - August 2015 Edition 4/2015 Lincolnshire honours Bomber Command The International Bomber Command Centre on Canwick Hill, Lincoln, last described in the Summer 2013 edition of LegionLincs, is coming to fruition. The centre is due to open in 2016 but a memorial spire has already been erected – on 10 May - at the site. The 30m, 55 tonne weathered steel spire will be surrounded by a "wall of names", recording the 55,573 men who lost their lives serving in Bomber Command. A third of all the UK's bomber stations were based in Lincolnshire Tony Worth CVO, Chair of Trustees for the International Bomber Command centre, said “It was a significant moment. It is a major step forward because it is providing a visible sign that we are serious about this project. We will actually get something that people can see and show this is really going to happen." Organisers want to invite every veteran who served in Bomber Command during World War Two to the unveiling on 2 October. They already have names of 900 veterans but believe there are more still to be identified. The spire being erected on Nicky Barr from the International Bomber Canwick Hill on 10 May. Command Centre says they have made some new contacts. "We've picked up thus far about 50 that come under that category. We suspect that there's probably, at an The spire is in line of sight with Lincoln estimate, another 100 out there." Cathedral, which was used as a landmark Anyone knowing of any for air crews during missions Bomber Command veteran is urged to register their names by emailing
[email protected] or writing to The IBCC, 13 Cherry Holt Road, Bourne, Lincolnshire, PE10 9LA.