DAILY THE PORTLAND PRESS, ENTERTAINMENTS. It is not certain which mended to the attention of COPARTNERSHIP. MISCELLANEOUS. THE PRESS, yet entirely party onr ignorant finan- the will control the of the ciers and misled Published every day (Sundays excepted) by organization next advocates of silver money. In brief the House. The Democrats, it is said, have con- biography is to be com- PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO., Fanny Marsh’s Theatre. NOTICE. SATURDAY MORNING, JAN. 6, ’76 highly ceived a scheme by which they think they mended as entirely adequate and thoroughly Hole at 109 Exchange St., Portland. Proprietor and Jl«na»prt«, can work matters to tbeir satisfaction. The satisfactory. It supplies a want long felt in HUMS PANIN If *1 Alt'll. Copartnership heretofore existing between Every regular attache of the Press is furnished the Bu’isciibers, under the firm -name of English and has taken terms: Eight Dollars a Year in advance. Tc THE Drew, with a Card Clerk of the whose it is biography, already posi- Wilson & Amea certificate countersigned by Stanley T. present House, duty mail subscribers Seven Dollars a Year if in ad- expires this day by limit ition, ami tion as a standard paid Pullen, Editor, All work. trance. LAST PERFORMANCES is hereby disi-alved. Either party will sign the firm railway, steamboat and hotel to prepare a list of the members of the new name in liquidation. to onr will confer a favor ns — — Friends! managers Fbothixqham CARD upon by and thb OF THE A demanding it is from tbe roll Nbw Faith. Ed- .T P. DEEW. fluid body, will, intimated, omit By THE credentials of every person claiming to represent our mund C. Stedman. New MAINE STATE PRESS J S WILSON, the delegations from Louisiana and Florida, York, G. P. Putnam’s D. W. AMES. Journal. Sons. For sale Short published Thursday Morning at $2.50 a by Loring, and Harmon. every CO W PER Portland, January 1, 1877. of our and by this means give the Democrats a good year, if in advance at $2.00 a Four weeks ago we felt the necessity reducing immense Mr. paid year. We do not read anonymous letters and communi- Frotbiogbam, although having AND WINTER and to can ! Wholesale Mockol OVERCOATS CEOTHINU, working majority whereby they carry attained since a Dramatic cations. The name and address of the are long prominent place in Kates of Advertising : One inch of space, the Company we knew a writer In accomplish this , things with a band. Nice laid of the length of column, constitutes a “square-” *11 cases indispensable, not necessarily tor publication high plans pnblio mind, may still be called a $1.50 first 75 cents week this per square daily week; per To-Day, Matinee, COPA RT tlE it SHIP. but as a guaranty cl good faith. particular description have never yet “rising man.” He is still Not after; three insertions, or less. $1.00; oontinuing increasing. We cannot every other day after first week, 50 cents. THE undertake to return or reserve oomma- worked well, and there are valid reasons for only do the years bring him a more definite Half three insertions, or 75 one nications that are not square, less, cents; undersigned have associated themselves used that will abortive in this recognition as the leader of radical week, 1 after. believing they prove religious $ 00; 50 cents pet week THEtogether nnder the firm name of Ames. Chase made it would have to be made, and we December is the best and case. in this Special Notices, one third additional. & Bates, as successors to Drew, Wilson <& Ames, ami thought country, near to Theodore Under head of “Amusements” and “Auction busiest month in the year lor the Cl >|hiug business, and instead of Great Divorce Case! have taken the Store and Stock, and will continue The Difference. Parker, in the succession of $2.00 per square per week; three insertions the tor New when the of are to The of on apostles, they Salks,” Wholesale Grocery business at the old stand, wailing Year, majority people supplied, courses heavy fall snow the plains of or less. *1.50. New Loudon Nen»a The the two also—what is ion Plaj (not Divorce ) No. 157 Commercial, corner Union Struct make our pursued by parties bring better for his fame aDd inserted in rhe “Maine State Western N-braska, which are availa- Advertisements D. W. AMES, since the Presidential election last November usually for his usefulness—a better Press” (which has a large circulation in pnblic apprecia- every part W. P CHASE, ble for the en- of he State) to* 00 tor first MARK-DOWN grazing purposes throughout tion of his own a $1 per square insertion, TO-NIGHT, S. BATES SALE, are eminently characteristic. During the thought, more extended rec- an I 50 cents for each insertion. tire wiuter per square subsequent Portland, January 1, 1877. jauldlw* season, seriously threatens to re- ognition of bis own mental and Address all communications to as is with the trade, we decid'd to devote the entire few hours when we all thought Mr. Tilden spiritual quali- customary duce to starvation Othello ! of the best month io to two tbe vast herds of cattle ty, distinguishing him from Parker and other PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. «T HE firm of J PORTER & CO., is hereby dis- prods tli<- year objects, elected the Republicans cheerfully acqui- OTHELLO.Mr. Archie C. Cowper that roam that the snow men of I JL solved. Either partner will sign in liquidation. On,-, to reduce our Surplus Stock. in the region. Ordinarily iconoclastic reputation, and almost AGO ...... Mr. John C C wper* esced result. When later information DKSDKMONA.Miss Clara JOHN A GOULD, The oilier, to establish our House as Headquarters iu MAINE for drills as it falls, and leaves bare large areas making him, among contemporaneous pnblio Cowper^ Jan. GEO. L. GOULD. cast a doubt over the election the KNTKKTAINMEJMTM. de4 Boston, 1,1*77. First Class Clothing at the bottom prices. We are satisfied with Republi- a man dtf very of the nutritious dried grass, but this time men, b7 himself. Fot Mr. Frotbingbam Ihc result. cans, though cherishing a hope that Mr. the ground was covered evenly, and a sudden is a believer, or perhaps more exactly—to para- The undersigned have this day formed a copart- Hayes was elected, awaited the re- patiently phrase a title of one of his own nership, under the style <>f GOULL), NASON & CO., KT O W , lowering of the temperature caused a crust works—a believ- for the a<»«l sult of the offieial canvass, prepared to unre- sale ol P»»iot». 0u order to our uor jal ecd3t beg arrive, clear counters of these goods we ing the result of the count, without produc- uttering “mush of concession” to the car- 2 SIGHTS AND SATURDAY MATINEE. have inaugurated 1st, loss that now threatens them. A COURSE OF THREE ASSEMBLIES to-day, January 'ng proof, and in defiance of strong indica- tilaginous people who “don’t believe in Copartnership Notice. and tions of the success of the Republican candi- Letters have been in doubts,”—or to anything else. Friday Saturday, January \* ill be at G. FULLER is to an interest in pablisbed Europe given admitted The .note • at introductory to the 5th and Dili. 1877. A my business on and aiter Jan. 1st, 1877, dates, once began to cry fraud, to assert which show that as long ago as 1870 Russia present volume, under the firm name of A GREAT LOT that very justly refers to the “general reooguitioo of SALE Tilden was to be was First since his return from the late CITY HALL JOB cheated out of an elec- instigating Sclavic revolts in and appearance Turkey tbe fact that those ideas Indian War, AUtJ. P. FULLER & CO. and to (Radical) have passed — — tion, threaten war and revolution. with the Khedive of Tbe BY THE at prices that will make the hearts ot Bargain Hunters “heat with intriguing Egypt. their first and The new firm will continue lhe business of manu- through inevitable stige of sim- this sale we shall sell our The did not assert that Khedive in these letters as facturers of Varnishes and and dealers in joy.” ••uring great regular unbroken lines Republicans Hayes appears promis- ple and Japans, of negation inconoclasm, and are shaping and Wool Oils. OVI RCOATS and WINTER CEOtHINU for was but reserved an to Russia in war on BUFFALO BILL MIBIMON! Samaritan Association Lubiicating Men’s, Vonng Men’s, elected, expression of ing join Turkey on con- themselves into a AUG. P FULLER. and Children’s wear at positive and constructive W. F Boys’ opinion uutil the official result was made dition that for his of he (HON. COUV) — 1 share the should FOR THE — Potflmd, Jan. 1877 ja3dlm spoil faitb, and a practical xule of life.” The book known. The Democrats refused to wait for have and Supported by Syria Arabia. The authenticity of Bbows bow this process is assisted by the work BENEFIT OF TIIE POOR Lower Prices than House in New any but insisted that the letters is of Captain Jacls. ! COPARTNERSHIP. any England. count, loudly Tilden questioned. Mr. FrothiDgham. It is writtea ev deotiy — — auu iuai uiucr ue oDe who (J. U CBAWFOUD,) ON THE buuocuj any by sympathizes fully with that which have this formed a under The manufacture of pins for the world is day copartnership cision would be fraudulent and should be re- he the reader think The POET ol the the firm name of J. WALKER & One Price to and Polite describes; may he perceives SCOUT BLACK HILLS, just from of Jan- Feb. 5th WE CH AS. CO., Superior Goods, Aft, Attendants, at the a curious item for New-Year’s reflection. In General Crook’s Command, and the most talented Evenings 8th, and wilt continue business at the old stand, 153 and sisted. here and there a glimmer of propagsndism; Dramatic ever in this will in 155 Middle street. Great Britain the manufacture is Company city, appear and March 1877. The same pin esti. bat do one can the entire the New on 5, CHARLES J. difference has marked the con- question candor of Drama, founded incidents of the late I WALKER, mafurl of olaron Vriirwl rOll tk/Mlonr./l A mon/ian the book as a war, entitled, tickets for THE COURSE 91.CO. ALFRED H. BERRY. duct of the parties since the of the work of critical judgment. To Portland, Jan. 1877. meeting 1st, ja3dlw* dollars, while the of the United States mat it is written air. 1HL HL1I U1UHT IIANU i EVENIN'*' TICKET* SO CENTS. Boston and Portland Co., electoral college. The Democratic leaders pins oay oy oteuman Is to say Or, Buffalo Bill’s * irst Scalp for Caster* Clothing weigh five hundred tons per or one that it is well written. annum, ] MUSIC BY CHANDLER. Copartnership Notice. insist that the House has the right to reject The scalping of the Indian Chief, Yellow Hand, by million one hundred and For we have a W. ML JORDAN is admitted a partner in our the vote of twenty thousand frontispiece portrait of Mr. Buffalo Bill, occurred at the Battle of Indian Creek. rpshni mi t s nr a onriiaatlu Bnlfoi+ml fertm Ota ■firm fPA.n +1,10 rld+n any state, while the Republican 17, 1876. Frotbiogham, which may afford to (hose who July friends of the Association. jaleodlt 189 Middle leaders are the careful and dis- pounds. & giving subject E3jp*Pri<*es as usual. Reserved Seats can be had WOODBURY LATIIAM. St., Portland, Maine. have seen the man himself, food for reflection. at Music Hall, Thursday morning. Jauuarv 4th. Portland, Jan. 1, 1877. ja3dlw ~ _dtf_ and their In Paris a more observance of the passionate consideration, reserving general It is at onoe like jauldlwJOSH K. OGDEN, Gen. Agent. strikingly and strikingly nn- M. Hi. A. opinion nntil it is fully matured. The diff- Sabbath as a day of rest is noticed. The COPARTNERSHIP, like.Its expression is straugely compounded of THE MA1NE HaAJJUESOlST’S erence of conduct is are now Course of having its influence upon shops quite generally closed on Sun- the “vampire smile” and the Entertainments. have this day formed a copartnership under tigerish glare; it the the honest and well- day, and the government approves the reform is his Charitable Mechanics’ Association WEthe firm name of MICAH SAMPSON & Co., people, including expression precisely.and jet in looking at and have taken the store head of Commercial Wharr, SELECT~READ1NGS meaning masses of the Democratic party, by suspending work on Sundays on the new him you never see it. “How is it then?" formerly occupied by Perlay & Russell, for the pur his, — — CARBON PHOTOGRAPHS ! BY who are to FREE COURSE LECTURES. pose of carrying on tue Ship Stores and Chandlery turning Republican Senators like international exhibition. The change in That is, indeed a curious problem. C. W. B. _0F and solicit the of the business, patronage public. Blaine and Conkling for an honest adjustment custom is worth tar more to France than a SEVENTH ENTERTAINMENT. MRS. LOUISE WOODWARD FOSS MICAH SAMPSON, The Richardson Memorial. By John Adams Jan. 1st, 1877. A. T. SMALL. of the matter in dispute. Thpse men have victory over the Prussians. Vinton. Portland: — AT — in published for the subscribers ja2 d2w Something New the Photographic Art! Monday Evening, Jan. S, at 7 1-2o'clock. manifested a disposition to act dispassion- by Brown Thmston & Co. An in New York at- CITY H in the evening newspaper This LECTURE BY A-TTi, Notice. ABSOLUTELY ately matter, have uttered no hastily bnlky volume of nearly a thous- tempted a graceful compliment to the good and Wednesday Evening:, Jan. 10, ’77. IRA CROCKER retires from our firm by formed opiuions, and their decision when pages gives all the information ob- mutual consent this dav. conduct of Mr. Otis D. of HON. ISRAEL Jr. MR. PEiniASEST made will Swan, Secretary tainable in regard to the descendants of the WASHBURN, 50 ALLEN & CO. PHOTOGRAPHS be acquiesced in by all moderate Tickets cents; Reserved Seats 25 cents—to be the Bleeker Street and tide uci*s to Centralization.” obtained at store. Doors 1677. Savings Bank, three brothers, Samuel and Thomas Subject—“Te Stockbridge’s Music open Portland, January l, jau2dlw Tan now be obtained in PURE CARBON, INDIA INK or PERMA- men, Ezekiel, at 6$, Concert by Chandler’s Band 7 15. Reading 7 45. achieved the “His who came The public are invited to attend. following: position gave Richardson, to Woburn from Eng- To be followed by a Children’s Entertainment Sat- NENT COLORED pigments, which for softness, brilliancy and beauty Maxy Per Order of Committee ox Lectures. Jan. 13th at 2 P. entitled “Au After- DISSOLUTION. explorers have made the to no opportunity to handle the funds of that land in 1641, of John Richardson of urday. M., rone attempt Msdfleld, noon with Bnrnabee.’’ of far excell anything that has yet been obtained by tbe Portland, Jan 2. 1877. ja4WIN PARKER. All disclaim the utterances attributed to him by the Ricbardsou family in England. The book GRAND CONCERT THAT ARE WARRANTED NOT TO steps. of these explorers who have made JOHN II. RUSSELL FADE OR CHANGE: inventive his tu is a valuable contribution to 1877. the and correspondents respecting family history, — IN THE — Portland, January 1, janlutw* attempt failed, returned confident and It is well known that these most lovely productions of our art have almost lure as President. The re- and of especial interest to all of the wide- Friday Saturday, that success was and policy diguiiied ceased to be offered to the nubile by tbe leaning artists In all the great cities on possible very probable COPARTNERSHIP, serve he has maintained contrasts so striking- spread Richardson name and their off-«hoots. and Course account of the with to iheir Uv could some secure base be established in the Army Navy ! uncertainly regard durability. the CARBON It is a hand-ome well 12th and this is ENTIRELY ly with the endless of his opponent volume, printed and y January 13th, have this formed a under PROCESS objectiou OVERCOME It desired these Carbon pic- Polar from which intrigues day copartnership regions, small exploring bound. The portraits, them those of CITY WE the firm name of Perley, Russell & Co and tures cau be most artistically colored and iluished in every that his character for sense needs no among HALL, style, parlies could start out aDd return. The good will continue business at the old stand, No. 94 plan further ex-Secretary Richardson, A. D. Richardson, THURSDAY Jail. Commercial Street ami to receive the ol investigation. EVENING, 11th, hope patronage MR. FRANK Capt. H W. Howgate, U. S. Signal Offi- the journalist, and ex-Mayor R cbard-on of Prof. S. S. and Clara of all our old customers and many new ones. LEMAN, — BY — JOHN W. RUSSELL, the fittest Photo Color and Crajon Artist ever ia the Stare of Maine, cer, to establish a temporary colony at some The prospect is said to be good that the this city, add not inconsiderably to its interest. JAMES BAIN, as all can who possess or have seen his still finishes lor north of te.uly work, point the eighty-first degree of north Castellant collection will be retained at the The APT© II JOHN H. KUSbELL. mi- Lamson. Msdical Register for New England. By MAS, on or Portland, January 1, 1877. janldlw* latitude, near the shoie of Lady Frank- Metropolitan Museum in New York, where Francis H. Brown, M D„ M. M. S S. Boston, H. BALDWIN. the Ha the Samples ol tills new stvle of Photograph can he Eeen at Lamson’s well-known and all are greatest living pist, gallery, cordially lin O. invited to call anu examioe them. Bay, commends itself to mauy as a very it is now on exhibition. Should the Museum Houghton & Co, For sale by Loriog, Short & Haimoo. Swedish Ladies’ Vocal excellent and feasible plan, with strong prob- be able to keep the collection it will command Quartette, 244 MIDDLE ME. This edition of the Medical Register inclades the finest quartette of in the world and STREET, PORTLAND, abilities of success in its favor. It is lor itself a like institu lady 6ingers hoped high positiou among a'l the information contained in its predecessors FLORENCE no28__dtf tuc mcuua VI LXic THE '■'J IUUL Clmndlei’s Full LLIJS OI tions the world. Military Band and piUJCUb piaU throughout with the many changes and additions needed Spiritualism Orchestra. 1877. Captain Howgate to reach the North Pole to the work to the Notice Nast’s in the last bring up present time. It TICKETS 75 CENTS with a reserved may be and that the picture Harper’s iairly tested, appropria- oow embraces all the trustworthy information «e.»i. Sale will be^in at W. E. Thornes* this morn- The Southern Democratic cat to the The Review tion committee of the House of says ! ing at to o’clock Doors open at 6£. Concert at 8 Quarterly Representa- in regard to all medical organizations of the the h Northern Democratic monkey, “No—no programme is quite long ticket ddeis — — tives will it Exposed AND give their favorable considera- regular school throughout New England, and are requested to be in their seats so that the conceit it and more chestnuts for me.” It is as tunny as can begin at »he time aavenised. ja5alw tion, insert the small sum a9kej for in the is or great value to members of tbe medical is and true. Sundry Civil Bill when it comes before them. suggestive profession. The editor explains that in com- GRAND CONCERN AND DANCE The tbe of bas con- project demands careful T)avtd TlTrnT.Tcv FYit.t.d nmrht. tn Iia hannv piling directory physicians be AT — MKS. WINSLOW’S consideration, aud is not one to be either fined himself to tbe lists of the State Medical TOWN The Leonard Scott Publishing Co., hastily rejected or with a client a9 man HALL, Freeport, so rich Mr. Tilden. A Sucieties. WEDNESDAY JAN. hastily adopted. The following is the act _ EVENING, 10th, 41 BARCLAY ST., SEW YORK, who can offer a seat iu Congress as a retain- — BY — SOOTHING SYRUP asked for: ing fee is not to be found every day. Magazine Notices. CHANDLERS BASH with MRS. C. K Continue their authorized Reprints of the And be it further enacted,That the President of BAWLS, Vocalist. For Children Teething, the (Jtoted Scales (reauthorized to organize and With the January number the Worth Ameri- FOUR LEADING QUARTERLY REVIE iVS. st ud out cue or more ex editions toward the Recent Publications. facilitates can Review enters on a new series, under oew Single Fares from Portland and return, including greatly the process of teething, by soften- North Pole, and to establish a colo- EUI^BKECIl !SEV«EW (Whig), the all temporary Tickets to Concert and Dance, $1.50; for Gent and ing gums, reducing inflammation—will allay ny, for purposes of at some management. Instead ot a quarterly, it will all exploration, point j tain and £ iui ."aie at nuwcB auumc oiore. spasmodic action, and is luauj, uu, jaoucc EMftltON QtARTESLY BEViEtV north of the of hereafter be a on eighty-first degree north lat- The Life or John Locke. By H. R. Fox Bourne. bi-mouthly, appearing the (Conservative), itude on or near the shore of Frauk'in Sure to the Lady In two volumes. New York: Harper & Brothers. first of January, March, May, July, Septem- JUf EXILE DANClXli tVMMI.YSXEK REVIEW Begulate Bowels. Bay; to detail such ifficers or other CLASS, (Liberal), per- ber and November. Instead sons of ihe service to take For sale by Loring. Short & Harmon. of $6.00 a year Depend upon it, mothers, it will rest to public part in tbe BitlTI.H QE.VBrEliLY REVIEW give yon- same as the a. A. R. HALL selves, and may be necessary, and to use any pub- The “Essay concerning Human Understand- snbscription will be bat $5.00. (Evangelical), lic vessel that be suitable — AXD — may for the purpose; ing" is the most important philosophical trea- Its publishers announce that tbe scope of the Reiiet and Health to Four Infant*. thattbe scientific operations of tbe The Second Term of MR. II. J. HOLMES’ expedition Review will be HEATING STOVE be in tise that has come from the pen of an English- enlarged under the oew man- Juvenile Class will prosecuted accordance with the advice of Dancing begin —FOR — We have and sold this article as BLACKWOOD’S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE. put up for years and the National Academy of and that tbe man. Some of its doctrines have been super- agement, so to embrace as far as possible al* CAN SAY IN CONFIDENCE AND TRUTH of Science, Cooking, Heating and Two it, sum of fifty thousand dollars, or such of its important topics that interest, or to Saturday, January 13th, at 2 1-2 F. M. Illuminating. what we have never been able to sav of any other part seded, many arguments, combating oogbt Stoves and a Powerful iampCombinnl. The British Quarterlies to the reader well thereof as may be be Terms for seven 00. give medicine—NEVER HAS IT FAILED, IN A SIN- necessary, hereby appro- errors which before it was written minds. The in- lessons, $2 ian6d7t out of prevailed interest, thoughtful political, digested information upon the great events in con- GLE INSTANCE, TO EFFECT A when priated any moneys in the not CURE, Treasury at education- INDORSED BY UPWARDS OF used. Never did we know otherwise to be but now exploded, are superfluous the pres- dustrial, economic, financial, social, emporaneous history, and contain mas tcrly criti- timely an instance of dis- appropriated, expended under satisfaction by any one who used it. On the contrary, tbe direction ot the X’residcnt. That ent but the Essay still remains a monu- al, literary, scientific, philosophical, and moral ONE THOUSAND PROMINENT lit. !*>iXi iHttb LARlJb. cism on all that is fresh and valuable in as Provided, day, literature, all are delighted with its and in no of the sum so Florence Oil operations, speak part appropriated shall be mental work iu meutal philosophy, still, des- questions that engage the attention o( the well as a summary ot the triumphs ol science and terms of highest commendation of its effects DIYINES, LIIER- magical carried to the surplus tund or covered into the EDITOKS, and medical virtues. We speak in this matter the iu manner of a Americau public, will be discussed by writers art. The wa; s likely to convulse all Europe will Treasury until tbe purpose of the pite chaoges thought, ’•WHAT WE DO KNOW.’* after years of apnropriation ATl AND NO TABLES. J. T. form that experience shall have been text-book for the a volume wbicb no competent to treat them and to McrUfiB, topics for discussion will be treated AND PLEDGE OUR REPUTATION FuR THE completed, but may be applied schools, thoroughly with a thoroughness and ability nowhere else to be FULFILMENT OF WHAT WE HERE DECLARE. to expenses of said expedition incurred during lover of truth neglects to consult. The secret command confidence. The Review is perfectly —a——■i————b In almost instance where the infant is any that said found. Blackwood’s Magazine is famous for stories, every suffer- subsequent year expedition may of tbe work’s vitality is in the seed-thongbts untrammeled; it is not tbe organ of any Counsellor at ing from pain and exhaustion, relief will be found be engaged m its duties. party, to Mediums Law, essays and sketches of the highest merit. or or or even of its own editors 8500 ludleuge literary in fifteen or twenty minutes after the syrup is ad- which it contains. It has inspired every philo- sect, clique, ministered. may be found, for the present, at The Democrats are a ot treatise which has since been written Tbe most vigorous thinkers, tbe most judicious TSuRJJIS (including Postage): This valuable preparation has beeu used with making change sophical NEVER FAILING SUCCESS in front, Louisiana and in the English tongue, it has colored English critics, the broadest scholars, the best trained Ontennial 3d No. 2. In abandoning turning Block, Story, Payable Slriclly Advance. thinkers in minds of the day, will addre-s the publio PROF. BALDWIN janl d3w Thousands ot Cases. their attention to Florida. The Washington thought, it has directed English its not as advocates of theo- For any one Beview.$4 00 per annum not their search after thetrntb; and on tbe Conti- through pages, pet It only relieves the child from pain, hut in' correspondent of the Boston Advertiser says WILL PERFORM BY For two Reviews. 7 00 i% ** the stomach and corrects but as facts and theo- any vigorates bowels, acidity that remarks nent its influence has been scarcely less. The ries, judges summing up and tone and to the whole It dropped by some of the WM. H. For any three Reviews.10 00 gives energy system. leading ries in the of the best MOTLEY, will almost relieve Essay was written to drive oat the scholasti- light intelligence. u instantly demociats the few to HUMAN AGENCY For all four Reviews.,,.12 00 daring past days point Current will be more considered than ATTORNEY AT ol the cism wbicb had crippled men’B minds for cen- topics LAIV, For Blackwood’s Magazine.. 4 00 Griping Bowels, and Wind the probable abandonment of Louisiana and all the startling manifestations of the most famous turies and its offshoot the Cartesian dogmatism. heretofore; the living issues of tbe day will be mediums who claim the same tests; given under the For Blackwood and one Review.... 7 00 Colic. a over to OVER X. P. EAKKINGTON’8, struggle Florida, which promises be that its discusseiwhile they are living, and in tbe hope game conditions, to be accomplished by aid of For “ We believe it is the rest and It cleared all ruboish away. Though Blackwood an 1 two Reviews.. .10 00 surest remedy in a kind of last of the in all cases of ditch. One the democratic directed misun- of shaping them to salutary results. The wis. For BlackwooJ and three Reviews.. 13 00 WORLD, DYSENTERY AND arguments were mainly against DIARRHOEA IN whether it arises said SPIRITS ! ISO Middle Street. CHILDREN, managers that he was already convinced cum nt at that time and do not est statesmanship and philosophy will be For Blackwood and the lour Reviews.15 00 from teething, or ftom any other cau6e. We would derstandings Jan5dtf that the into the service of tbe to treat say to every mother wuo has a child suflering lrom reports of the several investigating meet the new errors and fallacies which have pressed Review, What ’rof. Baldwin will any of the DO not let Do ! foregoing complaints committees from the South would not mate since arisen tha book still holds its as fitly the practical questions that concern tbe COOKI.Vi STOVE. CLUBS. YOUR NOR THE position C. Jflo PERRY, PREJUDICES, PREJUDICES OF A discount of cent, will be to others, stand between child of tbe modern rev- well being of society, and the right conduct of ANNA stove warranted to give satisfaction Thece twenty per allowed your suflering and the rially change public sentiment on the Presi- the instigator philosophical EVA FAY’S Every relief that will be stoves are ma»ie of the best Cast Iron, thoroughly and clubs of lour or more persons. Thus: four of SURE—yes, ABSOLUTELY as the stimulant of modern government. It is not intended that these Great London Sensati n Seance as copies SURE— to follow the use of dential question. The as is well olution, greatest endorsed by handsomely inside and out, and fine Rus- this medicine, if timely democrats, Prof Crookes, F. B. S. and Counsel- galvanized B'ackwood or of one Review will be sent to one ad- used Full directions for will that literature can boast of. questions shall be treated so abstrusely and Attorney sia Sheet Iron It is made to last- For cooking, using accompany each known, have had strong that some thought European dress for four bottle. hopes beating and illuminating, nothing can equal the $12.80, copies of the four Reviews and Men who wish to combat error or find subtly as to interest only philosophers and JENNIE HOLME*’TRANSMUTATION Be sure and call for member or members of the miuority republi- to-day Blackwood foi\$48, and so on. but so and as to lor-at-Law, the truth go to Hooke for weapons or guide. statesmen, clearly practically Water will turn to wine, and wine back to water, ‘•Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup,” can representation on the house committee in full view ot the - no of enlist the hearty interest of all audience. Florence the It is singular that adequate biography intelligent ■ Having fac-simile of “CURTIS & PERKINS’’ would coincide with the of the jjjui'—amm—ni ■ rmiMui. qaanawMij 30 STREET. Bath BarberF. De report major- readers. EXCHANGE Chambers, Rooms. Druggists, PREMIUMS. on I he outside wrapper. Eogland’s greatest thinker has, until within a THE UIIEaT HANDCUFF TEST. dell dim* tor Restaurants, Offices of all ports, and Green ity, aod thus a of at tistp; New subscribers for the Sold oy Druggists throughout the world. produce change opinion have beeu a Tbe first number of the new series is be found an article cf (applying early) year 1877 few months, been written. There good I challenge any officer pt the law or medium to Houses it will indispensable aug29 (]6m the without the numbers for the las North so great as to make it inexpedient, earnest that tbe of tbe publishers will bring to my seance the newest and best patent hand- J. B. Furniture. may have, charge, few insufficient memoirs published, but no fall promises S4NE0RD, The best of Oil on band and for sale. Office if not cuff*. always quarter of 1876 of such periodicals as they may sub- morally impossible, to count Hayes in. life and deeds This want is at be carried out. In appearance the Review has Room at history of his ".. " and Sales scribe for. Attorney'and Counsellor at Caw, This now to have as in this but little 'he only difference beiog III ADE hope they appear lo9t, Ia9t amply snpplied by the publication changed, "'TiFNbTwE Neither to subscribers nor to O. premiums discount that it is lees fewer The marvellous Slade 33 School St.. Boston, Mass. DYER’S, they acknowledge beforehand, doubtless upon country of the work of H. R. Fox Bouroe, bulky,—containing pages— Independent Writings occur clubs can be allowed unless the money is remitted upon the open lighted stage, and in full view ol the of debts, &c., a speci- sufficient re- in a and in much better bankruptcy, direct to No to advice from tbe South, that the Which found its way Into print England consequence proportioned audience. Fun Is remit led soon as collections are No. 267 Middle St. the publishers. premiums given COLLECTIONalty and more easy to handle. The in addi- clubs —-w—va* iuv wui jjittvv aio wwui ui Tbe work is papers made Also collect* in England and foreign conn- uuij few months since. thoroughly tries claims of American of cnr'ent literature are six ('Smil.EM POSTER. heirs. Circulars with further particulars may be had on ed in their belief in the honest success of the satisfactory, compreheosive in scope, pbiloS'ph- tion to the reviews sep‘29d&wlv A. K. The names of dead acquaintances of members of BANG? application. __: a..J 1. r,..l« iu number. Tbe substance of the opening arti- the audience will GENERAL AGENT FOR MAINE, republican national ticket in the so-called appear upon my naked arm. in let- Points in Americau Richard H. ters of interesting m its details. Its author has bad cle, Politics,by blood. to whom all orders should be addressed. ja3dlm The Leonard doubtful States. They seem to cling still, 1-1 ““ A’ Scott Locke never before bas been given in these £ Publishing Co,, tor access to matter concerni tig Dana, jr., already MATERIALIZATION however, some reason which they cannot 41 BARCLAY ST..KEW-YORK. made public, and from manuscripts iu tbe columns. The article contains many striking Clara Baldwin will tully the famous or do not choose to state definitely, to a hope duplicate ja3 d4t Bodleian Library and the British Museum, aud valuable suggestions in tegard to tbe elec- Katie King and other materiniiz dions, showing that the Florida supreme court will enable it is written in a «'»/■***' aiu luuw^uiz.t'u uy me audi- from tbe mass of letters in the possession of toral system, though despair- ence. This test caused the demeatatiou them to win the ot Itobeit A Practical yet great prize. Judge from tbe vein which is both nnnleasant and uncalled Business ing Dale Owen. is77 the Earl of Shaftesbury, English Desk, MUSIC IMS FOR i»77 is on the inde- »>W t- Spofford working indefatigably documeuts in for. The second article of tbe camber is a re- j~ STEPHEN BERRY, State papers, aud from valuable C FA IK VO and liberal of E) win P. VAN €V. pendent element the republican Holland maDy facts have been gathered of m* view of Daniel Deronda, by Whip- 1 will give clalrvovant tests me- a for unequalled by any ami A BEtllTIFlIL LIBRARY party in Congress, endeavoring to persuade terest and value to the world. Locke's li e ple, who, apparently because of genius dium Clata while in a trance will (paid iPlivdet, DESK, Baldwin, state, dffiocftj Job THE SALUTATION of reveal the pad:, present and future. these gentlemen of the char- interest above that of tbe mere epigram, has been established iu tbe position No. 37 plum Street utterly corrupt possesses All ornamental Parlor Desk A CAPITAL BO K FOR CHOIRS of America. Mr. holds acter of the Louisiana board and of scholar, for he was a man of affairs, having not first critic Whipple THE FAMOUS Pi l>TORY CASE returning SINGING AND that Dauiel Deronda shows a advance C. P. BABCOCK. CLASSEN, their action. He had an interview with a little to do with the great events of hts time, palpable I will be locked by the committee he'id and arms IS THE WOOTON on works of Eliot. Dan- a with the one of the few whom William of the previous George in pillory keyhole filled with sealing wax, MORRISON & WHITTEN, President Seelye, from which he could hardly Englishmen 1 will in 30 sec .nds and most and escape without breaking the MODEL MAKER & JOBBER, Musical Conventions. a of colonies and iel appears to him “one of the noblest Wholesale Dealers in and Grinders of have derived much the Orange trusted, promoter seal. j. In this book will be satisfaction, report MANUFACTURER OF fire found the newest and best of laws for a founder of the Bank characters among the heroes imagined that in to framer them, O'iginal sacred music by L. O EMERSON. Good Singing Coffee, Mpiceti. Cream Tartar, &cM being reply the judge’s arraignment Mordecal DAVENPORT BROS. Watch and Chronometer Marker** School of an statesman and a by poets, dramatists, and novelists,” Tool*, Cousre, with abundant excellent material for of the Louisiana President England, enlightened a Mathematical. and Philo* a in 250 FORE STREET. Corner of Cross republicans, Seelye Mirah is “as ex- I will allow committee of four gentlemen (select- Optical iMrtibiuc, juuuuiiig uuxuuL'roi vuees. aisu units practical educator. A faithful picture of his is a “wonderful delineation,” ed from the audience) to tie me v. ilh aud I Nophical EuHtrumenta, Hchool all tne Metres, and a number of line Anthems. * said he was ropes, large onlantl, Maine convinced that the election in creation, endowed with a simplicity of will be untied inside ot one minute. While tied the Apparatus*. Arc., Should be in the hands ot every Choir member. life and times is a picture of the condition of quisite will ARTHUR B, MORRISON. WILLIAM M. WHITTEN. that State was characterized the as as it is most wonderful manifestations occur. or by greatest the Commonwealth and tbe character which is forcible simple.” 5fi Market Printers $1.3$, $11.00 per Doz nol6 England during Street, Exchange, I eodly on both sides. can possible rascality Restoration, of the great struggles between In short only tbe strongest phrases express PROF FAY €1 FT DONE. PORTLAND. MK. dl. Jnl T\ I obtained for mechanica de- Mr. admiration of the book. The committee will bind me hand and and THE f|l I] 1 teligious toleration and bigotry, between polit Whipple’s loot, ENCORE, II I I I1 vices, medical, or other Tilden’s committee has finished its work while in t>'is condition a coat from the back ot one of and between E. contributes a careful critical Ft L. O K /I I I compounds, ornamental ical freedom kingly prerogative, Gryzanowski the audience will be transferred to my back, and Dr. TV. Wilde, By EMERSON, has the same Singing School 1 in South Carolina, having given up that state Course as ibat in the I I designs, trade-marks, and and scholastic tradition. Such a paper, charmingly written, on Richard Wag- after being sewed securely togethei at the neck and The Natora! Magnetic Physician, Salutation, but wita a much A AXfl X free thought number of labels, Caveats, Assign- as a lost cause. The abuudant evidences cutis will be and in full view of the 1 larger Glees, rendering it a Glee Book. Theories of in which he is mstantaneoudy, lie sba lay bands od them and sha'l be heale ments, Interierences. picture has been given us by his biographer. ner’s Music, chary audience, returned some unseen the they Also a lair number of Sacred Tunes. etc.* that the by p>wer to Hayes electors were legally elected neither of nor blame, and in which he owner. Not a knot untied or a seal broken. 30‘i Cumberland, Cor. of Elm Ml, promptly attended to. nventions that have been His career should be of peculiar interest to praise nov8 dtf 75 cis., or $7 50 per Doz. have the Democrats on the com- of tbe by the Patent Office may discouraged Americans for the great share he had in prepar. concludes that "without giving up any CHALLENGE TO CABINET Either book for Retail in most be MEDIUMS. DESK mailed, post free, Price. still, cases, mittee, Tbe double set of electors so confi- constitutions lor instruments recognized and time-honoied forms of music* secured us. iug tbeCaroliuas, I unequivocally an without reservation pronounce GAO IIfi I'CII by Being COCK, iu it* vnfictie* Patent secured. P* ire* the Patent dently predicted for South Carolina will toleration was hist we can afford to hail the advent of the tlie so-called phenomena of Spiritualism huuibug- OLIVER DITSON & CO., Boston opposite Ot- in which religious folly to tbo late reanouablc. A«eob IVauled. fb e, we can make closer gery. and denounce mediums, one and all, as frauds* Successor George Marafou, C. II. OitHon A' Co. I J. E. hardly cause in the final as instruments which made Carolina' new form of musical drama as a welcome Oitumn A Co. and secure Pat- annoyance count, ricognized, a*o« withstanding that spiritualists claim that Clara searches, 711 Broadway, Successors to Lee& Walker the freer lor and ever addition to the resources of and are broader pretenders are not even countenanced says his biographer, “a moch asylum necessary Baldwin myself mediums, 1 Leieby wager UNDERTAKER. New York. | PbiladelpLia. tents more promptly and wijh claims than by the fum of $,j00 or more tha 1 can samuel those who are remote from tbaD the art.” E. 8. Nadal has a careful and fully, completely Thurston, £w2w Washington. Hampton, who is reported to have no sym- religious outcasts from Europe either just, and satisfactorily peiform and expose any manifesta- Jal2__defoW&o Harte’s work A send us a mod el or Massachusetts or Of discriminating review of Bret tions of so-called spirit power, which 1 am Coffins and Caskets on Hand. GENERAL AGENT. mAII II L pathy with the schemes of North- Pennsylvania.” necessity permitted Robes, Always 8ketch ot your de- nullifying to witness ttircc times has to discuss and and While recognizing in Mr. Harte the Grand Trunk $25. $50. $100. $200. $500. vice ; we make exam ern hotheads. The elements for the Mr. Bourne explain the style. (signed) PROP S. S. Opposite Depot, 3 Free Street Portland. firing that he has BALDWIN, liloclt, The reliable mat ions of charge which Locke marked and believing pro- Exposer of Spiritualism. seplG clly house ot ALEX EHOTHING- free Democratic hear! are in South philosophical systems confronted, geuius, TAKMOIJTM, ME. dtf _ and advise as to auRll IIAM A CO.. No II Wall St. New loro. pa- sadly wanting which are as certain as any of his All cor- those from which he drew support, and that duced works publish a handsome eight called tentability. Carolina. Sale of Unclaimed Goods. page weekly paper, and to be read in the fnture Mr. NO ADVANCEIN PRICES. the Weekly Financial Report, which they send free respondence strictly confidential. Prices low, AND which he established, and the account famishes time country Fleiscli to faults with District of Portland and Falmouth, ) any address. In addition to a large number ot ed- NO t'HAKtit LNLEMM PATENT Is It is all settled. The Maine Democratic to the volumes of their mest Nadal does not hesitato to visit his the enormous many interesting Notwithstanding salary paid Prof. Custom House. Portland, Dec. 13 1876. f itorials on financial and other topics, it contains very S^Cl RED of for his services and State Committee have met and resolved that He makes the reader also severe criticism. The Triumph Darwinism, Bildwm the high expense in- compbe«mei> .east following described meichmdise lemalning full and accurate reports of »he sales and standing We refer to officials in the Patent Office, and to passages. acquainted cline I in th« entertainment to this < bringing city, THEin Public Store unclaimed for a period of one of every stock, bond aud security ealt in at the inventors in every State in the Union. Tildeu is elected. the committee with the men with whom Locke coosorted, by John Fiske, is an entertaining summing op th ; usual prices of admission have been the best and A Apparently adopted. Makes healthiest year, or more, will be sold at Public Auction, at tbe Stock Exchange. Met-r- fr ROTU1NGOA T1 C. SNOW & CO., the of natural ns mean Nich- of the progress which theory Admission usual. Reserved t^eats can be secured BKEAD This yeast is made Office of tbe U. S Storekeepers, Custom House A CO. are extensive brokers, of large experience Opposite Patent Office, Washington, D. C. fight, for they have, according to the Newton, Boyle, Shaiteshury, Sydenham, at the Box Office on and after January 11th. from Pure Grain. at on 9tb of and tried In addition to their brok- no24 dtf has made in scientific and Factory Building, TUESDAY, tbe day Jammy, iutegiity. stock Argus report, raised their excellent olas Thoyuard, John Leclerc, and others. Ail selection acceptance janfi dlw Bii>svil'e, L. I. For sale by all A. D 1877, at 10 o’clock, A to wit: erage sell what are termed ‘‘Privi- Secretary, M., business, they had favor in as well as a retail s. ICase or Puis and Calls.” now one John Locke’s work receives attention, for he popular twenty years, grocei Daguerieotvpe Instruments,! Cbest and leges.” of the favorite HALL’S RUBBER tEMEM. D. Anderson, esq., of Gray, to the 2 Old 3 1 methods of Their is statement of tbe doctrine and the now contents, Bitdes, Old iunks, Trunk Old legitimate ^peculation. advice of written much before the publication of tbe proofs J Box Old 1 Bundle Old and by it have tor- grade Colonel. The chairman, Mr. Pills- Generai Agency Clothing. Clothing, House- valuable, following many made For all kinds of Rubber forward in support of it. Mr. Fiska — repairing a work which is indeed the crowning brought F'ojt & ale. AT — hold Effects, 1 Chronometer, 1 Feather. 1 Case con tunes—New 1 ork Essay, Metropolis. Goods and wart anted to suck Seut bury, will doubtless be made a General. But tabling CutRrv and small 1 oct9 dS&Wtf claims that the Darwinian may now 220 Federal St. Ware, CaseCiga'8 (9.000), mail on of 25 cts labor of a laborious life, it uot having been pub- hypothesis Portland. 1 Bundle 1 by receipt Our new in case of TK'L. Phrenological Charts (8( 0), Box Cigars open conflict the committee will be Boston, Furniture of a ot 17 sei 28d6m was old. Tbe fairly be as one of the established Boarding House (100;, 3 Bottles and 1 Flask Brandy. 2 Buttles Horses Wintered MINK CLEANER, lished until its author sixty years regarded Room-; one ot he be*t in he nice wise to entrust the of the cam- IN City; location; 3 Bottles 1 Small 3 management on m t>utbs of science. The Eastern Question, by estabu-hed some now For aale. Brandy. Wine, Sewing Machine, rav farm, on and at besteveT treatises on civil government, toleration, years; lull oi fionJ paying and 1 hay grain $10 per month. The made; no fam- and Deiidjobns Keg Wine. aud water be paign to Col. who is a real Mr. E. of the li a boarders; price very low, will bear investigation. tATINand Cexicou for be AT Sunny yards running Horses ily should without one Auderson, soldier, and on education are excellent reading L. Godkin, editor Nation, \ Greek aale Descriptive Catalogues can obtained at this taken and error, J. M. SANDERSON, at (hi* returned, and carriages stored without ex- Sent by mail on receipt of 20 has seen hard ir office, cheup. office. 1. WASHBURN, JR., Collector. tra service, and knows what war while the letters on and on the de- timely paper, and eutartaln- an5d3t* Portland. n*3 charge. Apply at once. C. P. MATTOCKS, .cents HALL’S RUBBER now, usury comprehensively dtf del8 d3w i means. uov23dtf 313 Exchange Street. store, Portland, me. basiug of the coinage are to be cordially com- iDgly treating the oldest existing problem in European politics. The book notiaes have all THE DISPUTED STATES. WASHINGTON. FOREIGN. Chicago, January 5.—Flour is qu>et ami firm; PENSACOLA—Ar 29th, scb Jachiu, Getbell, from tbe old time excellence. low to fancy Western extra at 5 25 @ 6 50;Minnesota Key West. SPECIAL NOTICES. 25 BY TELEGRAPH. MOUTH The Pnciflc THE EASTER* 7 @ 9 50; Winter extra 6 00 @ 8 00. Wheat isdull, SAVANNAH—Ar 4tb, brig Fidelia. Youd", Fer- Published by J. R. & Boston. CAROLINA. Northern Railroad. QUESTION. weak Osgood Co., and lower; No 1 Chicago SpriuS J 28;No 2 Chi- □andina; sch J S Bragdon, from Bootobny. A Democralic View of the Late T'leciioa. Jau. 5.—The The Situation a> Viewed nl Berlin. 1 Washington, House commit- cago Spring at 1 243 @ 24J cash; 126* seller for GEORGETOWN, SC—Ar 29tb, seb Annie R Lewis, 1 seller No & Literary Notes. JIAINE Washington, Jan. 5 —Chairman Sayler tee ou tbe Pacific Railroad to-day agreed to New York, Jan. 5.—A Berlin special to the February; 28J March; 3 Chicago Spring at Lewis, Wilmington, NO. SWAN BARRETT, 111J @ 1 1IJ; rejected at 97 @ 98c. Corn is easier; BALTIMORE—Ar The Atlantic will contain a stales that when the coant ot ballots in South reportthe Senate bill to extend the time for Herald says that no official news has yet reach- uj> 2d, brig Charles Dennis, February six-page STATE FINANCES. No 2 at 44 cash; 448c seller for February. Oats are Boston. THE Carolina, as found in the ballot boxes aud re- the completion of the Northern Pacific Rail- ed that city from the German representative at Dodge, AND ballad by Whittier—a vivid picture of tbe steady and unchanged; No 2 at 34Jc cash. Rye is Ar 3d, sebs Calvin F Baker, Boston; TS BANKERS BROKERS Annual Report of the Stale Treasurer. turned by the was com- road eight years, without any amendment ex- the conference in and and at Wixon, precinct managers, Constantinople, nothing steady unchanged 72|c. Barley is higher at McLellan, Farr, Portland ; La Salem a bit of love one that the is known o Volta, Whitmore, witches, brightened by Augusta, Jan. 5.—The State Treasurot’s ie- pleted, it was found that the Hayes electors had cepting providing company shall definite as the result of the last 66c. Pork is excited and higher at 17 70 cash; 17 92® New York; Emma Arey, Hall. do. •200 MIDDLE STREET, The will also contain an im- a and a much not be required to locate its route through Ida- session. Among those who are best 17 95 seller February; 18 15 @ 18 17J seller for March. At brig story. magazine i3 now and makes a thick smajl majority, Hampton larger acquaint- Annapolis 3d, Rabboni. Coombs, fm Turks port printed, pamph- Correotiou would ho before 4th, 1879. ed with the condition of affairs in the it Lard stronger and higher at 11 40 11 55 seller Island; sch Minna A portant article on The Political Situation in majoiity. for irregularitief July East, cash; Reed,Strout,from Demarara offer for tale let of about 73 The State enters is February; 1170@ 1172 seller March. Bulk Meats pages. upon give the state to Tilden, as the majority of the Got. Grover Refore the Senate Commit- believed the action of the Porte was caused PHILADELPHIA—Below 2d. sebs Margie. Mc- Sonth a South Carolinian—an un- firm. Dressed Hogs in fair good demand and from * Carolina, by the new year with in the at.d committee will demonstrate in their tee. by a fear of the fanatical portion of the Turk- firm; Faddeu, Portland; Agues I Grace, —; Mary E Portland O’s $391,422 treasury, report. rates7 25 @ 7 40; heavy 7 50 @ 7 60. steadv Long.-. partisan statement. Mr. Howells will also The of the committee will ish populatiou There were two to be Whiskey a credit second to no New England State, ilr. minority report Governor Grover was examined before the dangeis and unchanged. NEW YORK—Ar 3d, sebs John K Columbus, Ohio, 6's otherwise. faced, the one at home and the other Sbaw, Robinson give the first instalment of his new story, Out Hatch Senate committee on elections to-day, and in abroad, Receipts—11,000 bbls Hour, 16,000 bush wheat, 61, Richmond; Everglade, Ryan. Boston says that during the three years while Various Items. and the Porte decided that the home 80(1 buBb Cnyalioga Comity, Ohio. TS of the the course of his testimony stated that he is- danger be- corn, 28,00t bash oats 7,000 b iab barley, Cld 3d. sebs Addle M Haines. Moulton, tor Polnt-a- Question. he has of he has more immediate should be met bush ot rve occupied the office Treasurer, Columbia, Jan. o —The committee of three sued certificates of election to the three high- ing first, there- 1,500 Petre; A P Emerson, Kneland, Savannan; Pacific, Maine Central R. K. 7’s James Martineau’s Hours of Thought on fore it was decided to Shipments-U,000 bbls hour, 12,000 bush Boston. to its duties with aud from each party failed to and est electors who were in ao he peremptorily reject the wheat, 01,- Arey, • sought perform diligence agree adjourned. elegible; doing 000 hush 12,000 bush oust, Equitable Trust Co., 7's Sacred will to tbe It is that in proposals of the and to resist -ora, oats, 12,000 barley, Old 4»h. sch Sadie Wilcutt, Watts, Demarara. Things be given public a well reported many counties the offi- acted in with the constitution and conference, any 785 bush fidelity, and expresses grounded hope conformity violation of the of the rye. Sid 3d. ship B F Metcalf, lor London; Reu- about It is cials appointed by Chamberlain are iu with the best authorities be sovereign rights Sultan. At the brig and other desirable Securities. January 10 by Roberts Brothers. successful aud turning accordance legal afternoon call of the board Wheat heavy at sbaw, for vtatanzas. that his efforts have been his over their offices to Russia, it is said, intends, after a final rupture 1 seller issued si Hampton’s appointees could procure. His testimony went to show 26} February; 1 288 seller .March. Corn tinn- PROVIDENCE—Below 4tb, sch F multaneously in London by Longmans. of to ask the tor an au- Mary Cusbman, The price for Gov* administration satisfactory to bis fellow citi- Hamptou’s appeal for money has been that ho had not been coerced in his negotiations, powers er at 44J @ 44Jc seller February. Oats uncuanged. Wall, from Hoboken. highest pnitl “Called” to knowingly thorization to enforce the crii’iH ix KouiIm. Tbe book is really a companion the volume answered by large amounts from proposals of the con- Pork stronger and higher at 18'02 seller February; NEWPORT—Ar 3d. sch Mary Patten, St zens. tax-payers, action. in 18 seller Gilkev, de30 of Mr. Count. ference their name. Turkey’s fiual refusal 328 Marca. Lard strong and higher at 15 62-8 Martins 32 for New York. eod3m2dp sermons written by Martineau several The amount of revenue collected during the tine key Not Authorized to for The Electoral sellei days Mpt-ak is anticipated, and the conference will then February; 11 778 seller March. In port 3d, sebs Charlie & Willie, Cousins, Provi- years About 10, Roberts on of direct was still exotess the ago. January too, year 1876, account taxation, Hampton. Many promineut politicians have no further business at Constantinople. St. Louis, January 5.-Flour is unchanged; Su- dence for New York; Trenton, Wall and Only Son, that sumo may he devised by which Fall do for do ; D B Prince. lor Brothers will publish tbe fourth volume of the $899,505.31, from the taxation of railroad cor- Columbia, S. C., Jan. 5.—Gen. Hampton hope plau The Russian papers are generally exasperated perfine at 4 75 @ 5 25; extra do 5 50 @ 6 5o; dou- Meader. Hall, Belfast CALLED the de’erminatiou of the electoral vote for ble extra 5 75 6 00. Lizzie tor said to-day in relation to in- at what term the of @ Wheat quiet; No 2 Red Fall Philadelphia; Major, Tracev, Bucksport "No Name” series, a novel of Nile from tax on insurance Judge Mackey's they pusillanimity Ger- at 1 43 1 New Port Kismet, porations $53,541 76, terview with Gov. Pro-ldeut and Vice President may be confided and cash; 478 IS) * 47| seller February; No 3 Red York; Ontario. Wail, Johnson tor Fall Hayes, that Mackey was not many Austria. Fal 1 at 1 Hoboken for travel of 375 The book is said to be the and on to the of the Suireme Court. 1c is 378 cash; t 37} seller Lorn River; Olive, Warren, do; S S Bick- pages. companies $12,972.85, from tax deposits authorized to for him or the judges January. firm; speak Democracy The Austrian Slava Incensed with the No 2 Mixed at 40c cash: 40c seller 41 ruore. Thompson Virginia tor Boston. most of the series thus The book of South He known that all of the judges, as one of them January; * brilliant far. in banks $278,985 33. Carolina. believed Tilden fairly Rasniana. seller Oats are at 33 VINEYARD-HAVEN—Ar 3d sebs Star, Carman, 5-20 savings February No 2 BONDS and recently said, are opposed to having anything firmer; @ 33Jc .is dedicated to a and the fictitious elected, the people desited a peaceful con- cash; 318c bid seller Jauuarv. is at 711 Hoboken for Providence; GeorgloB McFarland,Har- Bostonian, The reduction of the public debt during the whatever to do with the for the reason Constantinople, Jan. 5.—The Austrian Rye higher @ stitutional solution of the question 70Je. Barley steady; No3 Spring at 50c is rington Philadelphia tor Boston; Canton, Henley, characters are as from question. that lint Slavs here are more and more incen- Whiskey represented coming year has been $143,681. The following is a though they might perform duty hon- becoming higher at 108 Pork higher at 17 25 17 40 So Amboy tor Portland. sed against Russians of @ cash; Bought or exchanged for other Boston. The of the book to travel estly and faithfully, they would naturally be inconsequence the pro 17 50 seller February. Lard dull at It 15 and EDUARTOWN—Ar 31st, sch Hattie Coombs, Bish- part relating statement of the debt at the close of the year: LOUISIANA. of Gen. asked, suspected of inrluenced their political jt-ct Ignatieff, Russiau plenipotentiary, 11 12* bid. Bulk Meats are more active; shoulders at op, New York lor Boston. Securities on the most favorable is founded on fact. Whether the love is Aroostook war The Contest for being by story loan.$ 71,500 Mtatc Offices. opinions. of annexing old Servia to one of the provinces 6J; clear rib sides 8J @ 8J; clear sides. Ar 2d, sch Catawamteak, Kennedy, Virginia for Civil war loans. terms does not The firm will at the 3,022,000 New Jan. 5.—The iDto which to Receipts—250 obis tioui, nush 31 Rockland. by appear. publish of Orleans, Republicans Ulore Evidence of iu Ore- Bulgaria, according the Russian 7,00u wheat, Equalization municipal war debts. 2,826,900 Corruption the 000 hush corn, 4,000 bush bush BOSTON—Ar sell from same time the third volume of the are enrolling militia daily. Gen. Lougstreet Case. proposal, is to be divided. News is received oats, 2,000 barley, 4tb, Mary Eliza, Bullock, imaginary gon 2500 bush rye, 00 bead bogs, 00 bead cattle. Belfast. Bonds will command them. confirmatory of the deep indignation of the conversations of Waiter Savage Landor. outstanding. 5,920,400 Tlie Senate committee on privileges and elec- 5. Flour is Cld 5tb, sch Clara, Maloney, An executive order has been issued ou the Greeks at the of the conference which 1’OLEDO, January quiet. Wheat is Eastport. Sinking fund 791,293 tions held a proposals special session at 2 30 o'clock this to steady; No 3 White Wabash 1 28; No 1 While Michi- H. M. & Houghton & Co., will publish about Februa- state treaty, to pay no more money out of the tend subordinate the Greeks to the Co., afternoon tc examine F. R Bulgari- at 1 Amber on held at VtfREIGN IMS KIN. Net school and Aug. Martin, of the ans and sacrifice gan 37; Michigan spot 1 43; Pajrson 1 a debt.$5,129,107 interest, general all the pres- the Turkish-Greek ry Civil Malpractice, by Dr. McClellan, funds, firm ol Martin & stock population seller for February 1 43; No 2 do at 1 No l Red At Amov Nov 22. barque Merrill, unc. sent funds Ruoyoo, broktrs at 41 to the The 238; Antioch, BANKERS AND The reduction of the debt since 1870 amounts being held subject to order for the Wall S'avs. hope is unanimous that the Winter at 1 44; No 2 do at 1 seller for Ar at Callao Nov S F from BROKERS, book treating of medical malpractice, and the street, New York. In response to ques- 33; February 8, ship Hersey, Small, purpose of keeping the peace. Grand Vizier will be able to carry out the re- 136 ottered; rejected lied 1 09. Corn isdull; Montevideo. of to nearly two millions. The bonds maturing tions by Senator Mitchell he testified that it high rights the victims to recover damages in the No forcible opposition will be made to tbe forms single handed. Mixed on spot at 43|c; No 2 at 438c; seller At Caldera Nov 25, ship Strout, lm appears from a stub iu the firm’s check book February Independence, 32 Street. civil courts. V. of Life and during the current year amount to only $46,- of but all the state offices 443c seller May at 50>c; rejected new at 428c. Oats Valparaiso. Exchange Volume Bigelow's inauguration Nichole, that a check was Russians Reconnoifering. y2? eodtr drawo by them on the bank No 2 at White 39c. at 7 35 7 37* Sid tm Bristol Dec 29, Cardiff. 500, and will be out of the funds in the are strongly guarded by police, and will be de- of quiet; 34c; Hogs @ brig Afton, Copp, accident Insurance Cases will bo published by paid North America, Dec. 6tb, 1876, for Bucharist, Jau. 5.—Russian officers are re- for all weights; 7 65 for over 2oO lbs. Ar at Cardift Dec from fended from any attempt to take possession. $8000, 29, brig Winfield, Bibber, the firm about tbe same time. The new edi- treasury. payable to Ladd & Bush of Salem, Oregon. conuoitenng the lower Danube to find crossing Receipts—00 bbls Hour, 16.000 bush wheat, 42,000 Havana The limitation of the returning board expired The bush bush The on account of interest in 1876, stub was in the handwriting of G. H. places, and ships are beiDg contracted tor to aid Lorn.3,009 Oats, 0,00 Barley. Sid fm Pillau Dec 13. Anna. Siewarts. Portland tion of tbe beauties of De Quincey will be out payments yesterday, and no returns have been bbls Sid fm iDstruments, promul Hughes, their bookkeeper. Witness knew the carrying. hhipments—300 Hour, 5,000 bush Wbeat, 17 Gibraltar Dec 23, sch Robt Raimer. Denni- Surgical in a few were $358,276. The Treasurer recommends a gated for clerks of or district 000 bush Corn, bush oats. New York. days from Houghton & Co.’s Dr. judges, courts, nothing about the check from his Servia 13,000 son, These except part- Still Arming. At Dec ELASTIC STOCKINGS, continuance of the of the ma- attorneys. candidates are therefore ner and the Milwaukee, January 5.—Flour and held Pernambuco 9, brig F I Mcrriman. Lecraw, Stephen Smith, an eminent surgeon of New policy meeting bookkeeper. The latter had tola quiet from New without commissions, but Will receive them London, Jan. 5—The Standard’s Belgrade firm. Wbeat closed No 1 Milwau- York, ar Nov 27, for United States. Idg. debt direct aud thinks that him that tho check was on unsettled, firm; York, has in press with Hurd & the turing by taxation, returned the same the kee at 1 2 Milwaukee Sid fm Rio Janeiro Nov barque Com Houghton trom Nicholls, alter his inauguration, and will unused. despatch says Servian government con- 318;!No at 1 26J; seller Februa- 26, Dupont, aud Trusses, day 1 Nichols, New York ; 27th. Baudages Supporters, first iof a series of Manuals of which for the next twelve years, if the expenses of the enter upon their duties Tuesday, unless pre- tinues to arm and demands that the armistice ry 28J; seller March 1 29J; No 3 Milwaukee at 1 16. Elmiranda, Partridge, Surgery Senator Mitchell elicited from the witness Corn is No 2 at New Orleans; 30th. ship State are as vented Uy the United States authorities. be as Servia cannot bear the steady; 44c. Oats quiet and steady; Lydia Skolfield, Dunning, will appear during the summer. government kept down, they that he was abrogated, pro- No 2 at Akyab. Shoulder following accompanied to Washington by which 33c. Rye is firmer ;No 1 at 74 @ 748c Barley Braces, should the revenue will be sufficient to The Congressional Investigation. Burton longed uncertainty makes it imperative unsettled Sid fm do Nov 25. St Fales. Callao. J. R. & Co., will issue about be, pay Harrison of New York to whom he was and excited ;No 2 Spring at 85 @ 86c,closing ship Joseph. Osgood January to keep her people iu arms. In port Dec from Lobes Club Foot the debt without the rate of taxa- The Senate Committee examined three col- introduced his Mr. Rnn- 84c bid; seller January 84 @ 85c; seller 82c 1, ship Intrepid, Simmons, Spinal Supporters, Shoes, Ac., 15 the third volume of Wilson’s Rise and Fall increasing yesterday by partner, February for Mathew Baird. Green ored men in to the who told him Provisions inactive and nominally firm; Mess Pork Europe, repg; barque leaf, regard election in More- yoD, Harrison was going to for Roads: on hand aud made to order. of the Slave in will tion. SPAIN. 17 128- Prime Lard 11|. Dressed at 7 Hampton Emma C Beal. Bailey, tor New Power America. Osgood house parish, all of whom testified that a large Washington and would him advice and Hogs 378 @ The sum of $530.09 remains in the give The Extradition @ 7 45. Oilcans; Clara, Nichols, unc; brig Mary Bartlett, also the treasury, number of colored men voted the him with his business. Treaty Signed. from publish about middle of Fobruary the Democratic help along They came Receipts—0,500 bbls flour, 25 000 bush wheat. Smith, Richmond, ar 28th; J M Wiswell, Glov- ELEtTIUCB’iTTEKIES due to twenty-five soldiers under the act of ticket at the last and there over on th- train Jan. 5.—The extradition be- unc; and others. and Memoir of Harriet Martin- election, wtss no together. The only advice Madrid, treaty Shipments—10,000 Hour, 4,900 oush wheal. er, for sale and to let Autobiography tween and the At Rio Grande Nov 22. Annie Have- by March. 18,1862. Eight certificates for payment intimidation. given him by Harrison was to testify to noth- Spain United States has been 5 brig Gardirer, eau. It will be issued in two Detroit, January —Flour is quiet but steady. ner, for Pernambuco and New B F Farn- volumes, and Senator read more than he or signed. It to all criminal offences York; 6ch of issued in are still for. Saulshury affidavits of Captain ing knew, in other words to applies ex-. Wheat is steady; extra White at 1 1 A. bounty, 1865, uncalled r*Unf tlman rtf a nnlitinnl Michigan 46;No ham. Genn, tor U. Elder & Co. of London will it Theobold and James G. no evidence. White 1 Falmouth, repg. SCHLOTIEBBECK, Smith, publish Logan, denying the give hearsay He did not think he Michigan at 39; milling at 1 35 @ 1 36; No 2 Sid fm St Marc Bonds for $2,500 await the order of towns The White Dec 16th, sch Mary A Witbarn, for Dealer in and eight charges of Eliza Pinkston and Cora Williams needed such advice. (Laughter.) Cortes has been prorogued. No date Michigan at 1 278. Corn steady; no Mixed New York. Manufacturer of that took He had has been (or its new nominally 49c; old 511c. and plantations under the act for the equaliza- they part in the murder of Pinkston no previous acquaintance with Har- assigned assemblage, nominally Oats ate Ar at Kingston, J, Dec 16, sch Annie Ea- SURGICAL part was brought down io 1859 by Miss Marti- and rison firm; No 1 Mixed 398c. Tibbetts, IN1TIU.TIKNTM, tion of war debts. Williams; that both could prove an alibi; and could not say what is Harrison's bus- ton, New York, (and sld 25th lor Montego Bay and and the municipal Receipts—1014 bbls Hour, bush 3383 neau, memoir since that time is writ- also that they declined to obey the summons to iness or occupation; was introduced to him in MINOR TELEGRAMS. 4,304 wheat, Jamaica.) 501 Congress St. Portland, Maine., hush com, 6640 bush oats. Sill llpp OR C/all n T* Vnernff Ui. T unless that his office on Pine on ten by Mrs. Maria W. Chapman of Weymouth The Biddeford Post Office. testify guaranteed they would not (Harrison's) street. Witness Travel the Lcng Island Railroad is sus- ouipuniuw—juu oois 301) bush 1200 nour, wheat, At at Montego da, Dec 13, scb Car- OWIC IUI >WfW. tlEHIdllll u. ew. be arrested as was done in the case of Lyons i« a Republican, and bis partner. Runvon. is a pended on account of snow. bush corn, 6077 bush oats. Bay, Swallow, an old acquaintance and long time correspon- Jan. 5.—A rumor of Ion. New York, (ana sailed 23d on BiDDfiFORD, irregulari- and when here to before the re- uemoirat. return.) Mew Fork. Phillips testify Frank a Cincinnati, Sid fm Old dent of Miss Martineau. The memoir will oc- Bennett, Boston & Albany Railroad January 5,—Provisions strong. Pork Harbor, J, Dec 14tb, ech Fred Jackson, ties in the post office in this city has been rife turning board. Tbe committee declined to nr- Tax on Emigrants. is held at 17 and 17 50 New York. no23 sndtf hand, 2(1 years old, was run over and killed 75, bid. Lard is in active dc- Pettengill. about one-half of the second volume. tier their taken as asked for maud and sales Ar at cupy here for some days. It is known that a special depositions by Mr. The House committee on commerce have while on the track stronger; tcs at 11J, and this figure Havana Dec 27, Bch Miranda, Mitchell,Phila- walking yesterday. bin at close, bulk Meats are Lee & have “The Saulsbury. agreed to report a bill a head tax on ail dull; shoulders at 67 delphia. Shepard nearly ready agent has been here and taken affidavits of two levying A of the ® 7J; clear rib sides at clear Sid 24th, Clara DR. Tho Senate sub committee beard the testi- in this Salem, Oregon, despatch says Bush, 9} ® 9}; slues at 9 ® 91 barque Eaton, Davis, Galveston. THAYER, Wine-Bibbers’ a short emigrants arriving country. firm of Ladd Green Meats are in In port Dec 30, Temperance Society,” of the clerks employed in the office. It is inti- mony of Lieut. Geo Acb of the 3d & Bush, bankers, baa been sum- good demand; shoulders at 68; brig Mary C Mariner, Titcomb, for Infantry, Texas Pacific Railroad. moned to short rib 8J. Bacon dull. Butter is fair at 18 23. Matanzas and North of Hatteras. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, story by an author whose name is not given. mated that was made a in relation to the election in East Baton Washington. @ complaint by neighbor- Rouge, Hogs are easier; common light at 5 50 ® 6 fair to Ar at Lonisburg 2d sell Gertie from whose The suh-committee on the subject of the An at OO; inst, Lewis, The book is dedicated to Bidde- general testimony wos to the effect that explosion occurred Dupont's powder good light at 6 10 6 at 5 Bayot, NF, for Halifax. Mechanics’ Hall “unpledged temper, mg postmaster, who claimed that the Texas Pacific Railroad was not to ® 90; necking grades 90® Building, it was iair and peaceable. He saw no disturo- ready report mill at Wilmington yesterday, demolishing one 6itra heavy at C S0 e 901 easier Ar at Halifax 2d. schs C C McLellan. •nee men, to moderate drinkers, and hotel- ford had caused his to be in- ® Whiskey Pettengill, postmaster salary ance on the day of election. On thut to-day. They have, however, completed the building and killing a French at l’o7 Souris, PET, (and cld for Respectfully tenders thanks to the Citizens of Port- day employe. Salem); Sultana, Bailey, land for their liberal the keepers, saloon-keepers, and bar-keepers, as creased by increasing tbe apparent business Deputy U. S. Marshal proposed compromise bill, except as to the The La Have. patronage during past year; McAlpine complained exact temporary headquarters of the depart- Cleveland, January 5.—The Petroleum market and trusts that orrrct and well as to the who have the he had been point where tbe Texas Pacific road and is standard by Gentlemanly faithful, signed through the sale of large quantities of stamps excluded from the polls by the ment of the Platte have been firm; White 27. with the skill Baton the Southern Pacific of California shall nnite. established at deportment, heretofore displayed in in the that it contain a Hamilton Rouge polide. On inaestigation it was C.-Cotton Arm: the sick, be will merit the of pledge, hope may sug- outside of the office. Postmaster found and also as to tbe point where the road from Cheyenne. Wilmington, January Middling restoring approbation McAlpine had not informed them of his uplands at SPECIAL all. Diseases of EYE and THROAT The same house has “The of his San should W. J. Clerk of 12Jc. NOTICES' EAR, gestion.” just ready pursues the even tenor way, however, official position till after he had been excluded. Diego intersect the main line. It Sanford, City Covington, Ky., and LUNGS skillfully treated. Also ts settled, that the is charged with of orders. He has Galveston, January 5.—Cotton is quiet; Mid- Art of Projecting,” by Professor A. E. Dol- and his friends say the investigation will only Major James Browski of Baton Rouge, sub- however, point of junction forgery city dling uplands ot the two companies be fixed cleared out. 12Jc. C IlltO NIC DISEASES beare of It is a stantiated the testimony of Dr. He somewhere in Tufts College. manual for ex- establish his entire innocence of the chargee. Dupre. the coal fields of New Augusta, January 5.—Cotton strong; Middling said he was a member of “298” but had never Mexico. In Montreal Louis 6 periments in and natural Hail for yesterday Gninette met uplands at 12Jc. & in all forms. Those diseases physics, chemistry, Damage*. met with it since the he an acquaintance named Frank shot Woodbury Moulton, election; thought Guey, him, Louisville, January 5.—Cotton Mid- history, with the porte lumiere and magic The suit of John E. Moore of Rochester, N. could get permission to tell all about THE LAKE SHORE inflicting serious and then took strong; peculiar to the female organism can be it; Major DISASTER. wounds, poi- dling uplands 12Jc. cared lantern. vs. A. on trial in the Bascom of the 13th testified as to the son. Jealousy was the cause. Investment H., Durgin, Supreme infantry Norfolk, January 5.—Cotton is Bankers, constitution of the Union firm; Middling without to a local treatment so to The Pall Mall Gazette says of William Court here excites much interest. In the fall, Rights Stop Club; Ashtabula, Jan. 5.—At the inquest today J Gov. Harding of Missouri, in his message uplands at 12Jc. resorting painful said that the oath bouud members to P. 67 the patient. Reference to a number, cured secrecy Manuing, manager of the office at says there c in be no doubt the of that New EXCHANGE ST„ large Black’s Violet”: “If one is so of the of Saco invited for telegraph people Vork, January 5.—Cotton is steady; Mid- the can be bad at of- “Madcap any 1874, City proposals and to obey orders; resolution in regard to kill- the Lake Shore testified state will commend during past year, by calling my depot, that on the cheerfully and support the dling uplands at 13c. OFFER FOR HALE fice. constituted as to take no in building Gooch street bride. VV. H. Deering, ing after the third invitation to was on a of the of the strangely pleasure join night accident no message was received inauguration persous ascertained by the Memphis. 5.—Cotton Patients visited at their homes when char- separate of and without date. Had January is firm aod in 8good desired; this work as a story, let him open it the lowest bidder, was awarded tbe contract, piece paper by any official here concerning the application constitutional forms to have been elected. demand; Middling uplands ges moderate. anywhere, turned it over 12Jc. to the civil authorities. of water to the has no Office hours from 9 to 12 2 and be will be sure to on and with a force of men fire; knowledge of any The Boston Board of Trade has a 5-~Cotton A. M., to 4 and 6 to 8 P. light lively dialogue, forty began tearing up Armander Leander testified to order adopted pe- J0N’:'^nuary is firm; Mid- M. organization whatever being received to let the wreck tition asking Congress to authorize the dling uplands at 12J ® lege. droll observations or brilliant the bridge. The decided not to dull-dozers or in ap- description.” city subsequently regulators East Feliciana bum; has no of un- Portland, November 30, 1876, lebl7sneodt knowledge general orders, pointment ot commissioners on the silver ques- 5_Cotton firm The critic adds: “It to allow the contractor to on with bis for the purpose of preventing He or very I Middling is eminently readable go work, stealing. derstanding kesire existing between officers tion, and the President to invite European upltndf at'1l28c?DUarj’ and others had subscribed to arm those una- of the gov- aod notified to work. corporation to let a wreck barn in case ernments to a conference with the throughout.” Deering stop Deering ble to arm commission 3,_Cotton i3 themselves. Col. Frank Powers of tire where fives have been lost. on this 6tr0Dei Middling EDUCATIONAL. go refused to and Marshal subject. uphiudsY'jc,aaUary 7 Bonds. notified, suspend was chief commander. Charles E. Scoville testified: Am percent. Sews and Other engineer of A Orleans, 5. Items. a ai his powerful clique in New York is said to be January Cotton is strong;6 Durgin, with force of police officers, pear- During cross-examination witness became the steamer Neptune; went to tbe depot with Middbng uplands Mr. to the much excited buyng in Hannibal & St. Joseph commou and 12Jc. GUARANTEED OI THE Judge Clifford, referring recent ed at the by orders of the very and spoke of your commit- the engine, which was then in condition for MISS EDITH J CUMMINGS, bridge, city officials, tee preferred stork. It is intended to make a close rumor that he might possibly retire from the stealing votes, and you scallawags, but use; heard some say they did not need water and ordered tbe men to cease. Tbe contractors connection with the Union Pacific Railroad at European markets. Reporter anil Teacher of Slnndnrd Pho- bench said: “I shall immediately apologized to the committee. At but help; maDV persons asked bim, soon, die with the har- (Scoville,) Hastings, the Union Pacific a new Mercantile Trust nography, told the men to go on. The Marshal then or- the demand of the chairman for “Why he didn t throw water?” He giving east- London, January 5.—12.30 P. M.—Consols at 94 Co., ness peremptory answered ern outlet. 11-16 lor on.” answer to a witness money and account. MO. dered the arrest of a large number of men and question, jumped up and that he had orders to return with his engine; OF SEW FORK CITF. 696 CONGRESS STREET, The last about Eev. E. asked the chairman if he wanted to told Five of the six masked rulfians who London, January 5—12.30 P. M.—American se- report D. Winslow, defendant was taken to the fight. They him the bodies were burning and be robbed police station, the hose of Mr. nitepecialiy poses at some point north of the 81st degree of Land Agent, vice E. C. resigned; C. (colored) his house was leges Elections to compel the witoess W. True & Co. Burleigh, burned DEPARTURE OF north because his sons were accused of steal- Turner, manager of ths Western Union Tele- STEAJ1SI1IP8. land as to bis ability as teacher. latitude. The projectors want a national F. Allen of Orono, member of tbe Board of For ing bogs; never said It was burned because be graph office at NAME FROM FOR German circular address at North Mass. Jacksonville, to answer DATE Cambridge, and a detail of such Oregon, Boston Slock market. vessel, $50,000, officers and Agriculture; Nathan L. Perkins, Recorder of was a Eepublican: if an affidavit to that effect to him Victoria. 6 Snuff, dlw questions propounded in regard to mes- Boston.Liverpool.Jan [Sales at the Brokers’ Jan. Adriatic.New Jal_ Other persons of the nublic service to take nart the court of was before the returning board, it was false. sages which passed over the Board, 5.] York. .Liverpool.Jan 6 police Bangor, wires, was dis- 20 Israel Pllfisarl till O /IS nn J 1, n 1 I Boston & Maine Olympus.Boston-Liverpool.J«n 6 Th» Via..,. II.-...... C.ll. — u..:. testified that the -J Railroad.99} in it as be the whole scientific Rogers (colored) uoiuj; oi may necessary; upuu City New York..New York..Liveipool.Jan 6 colored men were intimidated its passage, resulted as 54.do. 1004 operations to be under the control of the na- The Democratic State by Democrats; yeas 33, nays 3, follows: Eastern Aisatia..New York. .Glasgow.Jan 6 but 35 Committee met here uuiuieu tutu were iq Railroad.54 @ 5ft Costing cts,, wmppea nearly every Teas—Messrs. Allison, Bogy, Booth, Boutwell, Portland. Saco & Portsmouth Railroad.(5) 45* Circassian.Portland...Liverpool.... Jan 6 tional of science. yesterday, and chose Eben F. Chair- ward in the and the colored New academy parish, church Cameron — York Pillsbary Bruce, of Pa., Chaflee, Claylon, Cockrell, Eastern Railroad 7’s. @51g Juaho. .Liverpool.Jan 9 The Bennett-May affair is the chief topic of man A preamble describing the political sit- was fired into eight or nine times while service Cragiu,Edmunds, Ferry, Uordon, In-alls, Johnson Parthia...New York.. Liverpool. Jan 10 Swedish was on. Ela., Kelley, City of Havana.New York. Havana.Jen 10 Singers going Keman, flfew York conversation at the New York clubs. While uation from their stand and a series of Of McCreery, Maxey, Stock and (Honey market. of point On cross-examination Mitchell, Morrill, Morton, Patterson Ran- City YeraCruz.. .New York. .Havana.Jan 10 Rogers said he knew Price, New Jan. WILL CUBE the friends of Mr. resolutions were dopk, York, 5.—Evening—Money market Peruvian.Portland.. .Liverpool.Jan 13 Bennett claim that the en- passed. The first expresses nothing about intimidation from hear- Robertson, Sherman, Spencer, Wallace. easier and in PROPOSALS. except Whyte, Withers anu good supply on call at 6 @ 7 per Atlas...... New York. His to Wright—33. to-day Aspihwall_Jon 13 gagement was broken off several and the that Tilden and Hendricks were say. affidavit the was cent, with few transactions at — — days ago, opinion contrary prepar- Ways—Messrs, Barnum, Burnside and Eaton—3. gold inierest. City of Richmond New York. .Liverpool.Jau 13 FOIt ed in the custom house. doll that no had ever been set for the elected and that the to defeat Foreign Exchange with business at 483ft (5) Ameriqne.New York .Havre.Jan 13 day marriage, fairly attempts No quorum the Senate S84 for 60 and Mr. Mclntire, also colored, testified to the votirg, adjourned days 485f @ 486 for demand. Anchoria.New York. 13 those who are them in until of .Glasgow.Jan All of these intimately associated with the by counting minority candidates should same effect. Monday next, in accordance with an Imports drygoods for tho week were $1,209,883: Polynesian.Portland... 20 CATARRH. disagreea- order amount marketed .Liverpool.Jan May family assert quite the contrary. They be opposed by every legal and constitutional \V. A. Ledit, supervisor of testi- previously adopted. $1,164,268. Sardinian.Portland. Liverpool.Jan 27 registration, Gold lower, opening and to ble as well as dangerous say Mr. Bennett and Miss fied that Moore, the candidate for HOUSE. 106ft declining 1064, at May were to have remedy. Republican which the closing sales were made. The COLDS. the offered him to carrying been married The demands of to ascertain Senate, $25 return him House concurred in Senate amendment rates were 1-32 per cent, per diem to 6 cent, fflinatare 6. complaints can readily be Wednesday morning at an early |econd Congress said mak- per per Almanac.Jaumary 000,000 elected; he had never read the annum. The customs to registration ing for the receipts were Sun — and were to have the result of the recent elections in the same appropriations payment of invalid day $117,000. rises...... 7.30 High water.4.45 PM HEADACHE. OF THE — hour, gone to Europe on the laws but bad thrown out some disbursemens for cured by the use of the through, polls and other pensions. Treasury $576,000 interest, $212.- Sun sets..4.43 I Moon rises. AM Bussia, which sailed manner as heretofore, since the formation of because they were not returned in 000 for bonds, and $12,000 in silver coin. Govern- shortly before noon, but time, and The House then went into committee of the others for ments fraction lower and strong. Railroad bonds DIZZINESS, great medicine that Mr. Bennett went on a spree the be- government, and that to the popular will thus informality. whole on the calendar. night At private strong. Stock market strong a large portion of the of the evening session of the Senate commit- The answer City Cincinnati. fore and drank to such excess that he was ascertained the Democrats of Maine will ten. of the witness, and all day, improvement to oer MARINE tee Dr. J. M. Williams testified to Barnes, ranging J lj cent., but lost ISTEWfeT SORE the peace- relating thereto were referred to the its buoyancy in most cases in the afternoon under RiEDER’g obliged to remain in bed until after 11 o’clock. der willing obedience and demand the same of ful election in the 8th questions SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED AT ward, aBd E. M. Creigh- judiciary and the realizations and closed at considerable reaction. committee, sergeant-at-arnis OF THE AMERICAN Not at Miss others. ton to the same in the 12th ward of East was The transactions at the Stock PORT PORTLAND. SEBUM EXCHANGE NATIONAL appearing May’s residence, and not Raton directed to retain Barnes in custody. Exchange aggregat- The third declares if are allowed Rouge. The ed 114,500 shares, New York Central 3500 BANK BY THE UNDERSIGNED, AS AGENTS sending any word of or Mr. conspirators House then went into committee or the shares, THROAT. apology excuse, The House Committee in the Erie 1000 shares. Lake Shore 16,000 shares, Rock Is- SIVKFF. FOR THE PROPER to succeed in reversing the elec- evening heard whole on the Mr. land Friday, Jan. 5. AUTHORITIES OF SALE Frederick May determined the outrage should popular will, Col. Zacharie in contingency deficiency bili, 1300 shares. Western Union 29,000 Del- reference to the question of of New in shares, UNTIL toral government in this is at an end. Haskins, York, the chair. aware, Lackawamia & Western 13,500 New ARRIVED. DIPHTHERIA not pass unnoticed, and country election, the and acts of the An shares, straightway proceeded law, returning amendment was offered by Mr. Wood of Jersey Central 3800 shares, Michigan Central Steamer New St Without a doubt it is the to The fourth condemns the use of the by board under it 12,800 Brunswick, Hall, John, NB, via chastise Mr. Bennett. army New York, to pay $600 for temporary clerk shares, St Paul 7600 shares. Eastport for Boston. DEAFNESS. WEDNESDAY, JAN. the President to control At the session of the hire The were tne 10, 1877, elections, or to inter- evening Senate Com- for the committee of ways and means was following closing quotations ol Gov- CLEARED. people’s remedy, being mittee Daniel Breod denied the statement of made ernment securities: AT £ Books Received. fere with the organizations of State the text for a good deal of railing and Barque Diiigo, Donnell, Cork, Ire—Grand Trunk O’CLOCK P. HI., for the whole or any govern- Leon that he had United States 6s, 1881, coup. 1133 PAINS sold at a price within the Jackson, discharged him for satire on the Democratic as Co. of the sum ments, or to menace party the party of United stateB 5-20’s Railway part of $2,800,000, MUNICIPAL Three memorial representatives of the peo- voting the Republican as he never knew and 1865, old.1094 Brig Poem*. By Jamefr Russell ticket, economy reform, but Garfield came to the United States 1865, George Burnham, Staples, Matanzas- Isaac reach of all, while it is BONO* OF THE CITY OF ple in as in of the he had voted until he saw his 5-20’s, new.Hot Emery. CINCIN- Lowell. Cloth, 92 Boston: J.R. Congress violation constitu- testimony pub- rescue and explained that the extra clerk hire United States 5-20’s, pp., Oogood & lished. 1867.]13* Sch C H IN NAT I, as authorized by an act of the Co. tion. was owiDg to the illness of the United States 5-20’s, 1868 Foster, Coombs, Point-a-Petre—Phinncy THE always sure to cure the Legislature Portland: Loring, Short & Hannon. regular clerk. .1144 & Jackson. of the State of Tlie Lewiston Fire. Jos. De Gray tcolored) said be bad held sev- Amendment was United States new Ohio, entitled “an act relating to agreed to. 5’s.’ 1 111 Sch Ada Ames, Adams, Baltimore—Isaac Herald, A Drama. By Alfred An eral offices; bad been forced to the last After about United .States 10-40s, coup. Berry, most difficult and obsti- cities of the first class having a Tennyson. Lewiston, Jan. 5.—The sheriff’s jury inves- resign two hours spent over the defi- 1134 and Oriental Powder Co. population exceeding thor’s one of tax that Currency one edition, from advance sheets. Cloth. 170 collector; numerous outrages ciency bill, committee rose and bill was 6’s.. .'..1211 SHOULDER hundred and fifty thousand inhabitants,’* passed tigated the late fire and find the fire took in bad been passed, United States new 4Js. nate of cases, as the pp., <1. Boston: J. R. perpetrated on the blacks in East and House at 4.45 till ."l08* [from our correspondent. and “an act price Osgood & Co. Port- adjourned to-morrow. The following were the May 4, 1869, supplementary thereto,” Isaac Greenburg’s store and was afterwards re- Feliciana, didn’t vote the ticket closing quotations of land: Short & Harmon. Republican Stocks: SOUTH-WEST HARBOR, Dec 26—Ar, schs Sam- thousands who its passed Feb 24, a vote of the of the Loring, because he was afraid. by 1876, people and that the cause of the fire was Gov. Headricks’ Western Union my Ford, Allen, and F Pike, Good, Lubec for BLADE kindled, eith- Meitnie. Telegraph Co. 701 Mary CITY OF'CINCINNATI, and a resolution of the Saaahine ia the flout. Poems selected the Packard and Nicholls lo be Pacific Mail. New York: Clara Jane, Dorchester NB use have been by er willful or failure to Inaugurated Jan. 5.—-Gov. 24* Armstrong, snatched editor of setting extinguish the Indianapolis, Hendricks’ New York for do; Carver’s Harbor for City Council as prescribed by the said act, “Quiet Honrs.” Cloth, 127 pp. to the Central & Hudson EK.! ’.".'"lOH Kioka, Look, Jonstioro; Boston; fire when it the Monday. message legislature was delivered this 5mitb, Jonesboro for SAID Roberts Portland: caught first time, and the sub Erie. y| Majestic, Boston; Jeddie,Chad- from the grave can truly BONDS WILL BEAU INTEREST AT Brothers, Loring, Short & Gov. Kellogg has nominated Alfred Shaw morning. It relates wholly to state affairs Erie wick, Boston tor Calais. AND Harmon. sequent carelessness which amounts to crimi- with the prelerred. 17} KATE Ut- I 3-lU rKK CENT. PER for Judge of the new Civil exception of a reference to the Michigan Dec 27—Ar, schs Nellie Eaton, Townsend, Calais testify. ANNUM, Superior Court. pres- Central. 472 PAYABLE ON THE 13T Happha. A in five acts. nality in closing of the store the Nicholls and will ence of United States in South Panama. for Warren, Rl; C H Eaton, Curiy, from do for Pro- DAY OF MAY AND Tragedy By Franz Grill- by proprietor Packard be inaugurated on troops Carolina, .. 127* Union vidence. NOVEMBER IN parzen. Translated Ellen without whether fire Monday by their followers. Each of saying: “The constitutional and Pacific Stock, ox. 60 LUNGS. Many people, having EACH YEAR, AND THE by Frothingham. Cloth, knowing any remained respective independent Lake Dec 29— Ar, schs Rozella, the Governors will authority of state courts and Shore. Bet Stanley, Portland for PRINCIPAL WILL BECOME IN 136 rp. Boston: Roberts in the box or in proceed to organize a State legislatures is en- DUE 1906, Brothers. Portland: or about the floor. if Illinois Centra]. 65 Cranberry Isles; Mary L Newton, Boyd, Boston for tried all the expensive government. dangered not now supported by a Calais. BOTH PRINCIPAL AND Loring, Short & Harmon. patriotic Pittsburg OO DROPPINGS INTEREST BEING and liberty sentiment so U..".!.,!.!!!!!! loving strong among Chicago & remedies, and the PAYABLE AT THE AMERICAN EXCHANGE Gaethe’* MARINE NEWS. the that and Northwestern.!.364 spent West-Easterly Divan. Translated people party partizans cannot Chicago <& Northwestern preterred EASTPORT, Jan 1— Ar, sch A H Sawyer, Cook, NATIONAL NEW YORK. it ex.575 Boston. BANK IN NEW YORK. with Introduction and Notes, by John Weiss. defy During the four years of my adminis- IN THE last dollar upon articles Camden Schooner Wrecked and the Crew tration our state has not been Rock Jan 2—Ar, sch Wilder, Boston. Each should bo sealed and Cloth, 161 pp. Boston: Roberts Brothers. Port- War wholly free from Island...... iqu Keystone, proposal endorsed: All Lost. Material for Tnrkey. domestic St. Jan 2—Ar, sch M L Newtou, Boston. of no troubles. Tbe public has on Paul...'“****'"'*'** Boyd. merit, find, by the * land : Loring, Short & Harmon. peaoe St. Paul PROPOSALS FOR 7 3-10 PER Hew York. Jan 5.—The Provideuce Tool more than one occasion preferred. gof Camden, Jan. 5.—A letter received here been threatened Ohio Paema af P lace*. Edited by W. are aboard Ntrann Kni^i.n —_1 1_ & 74 THROAT. use of one small box of CFNT. BONDS OF THE CITY OF Henry Long- Company puttiug steamer Lotus at ----1-* UULLIU -tai VI Mississippi..,.’.\Y. from the of Delaware & » fellow. postmaster Georgetown, Maine, the Lackawanna.754*’ Ar at Falmout|i, E, 4ih barque Sami B CINCINNATI AND Scotland, Denmark. Iceland, Norway, Brooklyn dock, 70,000 rifies aud as many supposed wrong,|have threatened to assert and Atlantic & inst, Hale, INCLOSED IN A reDorts that an unknown schooner was Pacific Telegraph.' 151 Haven. Samarafkg. Gerrnau Snutf, -- ,VM ***. stove to bayonets and manufactured viudicate LOSS costing SECOND wuiu, «vo price tylUO. scabbards, for tho rights, wholly independent of the Missouri Ar at ENVELOPE ADDRESSED TO THE Turkish frnvp.rnmHiif.. Pacific... 3® London 4th inst, brig Etta Whitmore/Wright Boston: pieces on Small Point and washed ashore remedies aud law. Atlantic & Pacific hut AMERICAN J, K. Osgood & Co. Portland: Boring" Cape proceedings provided by In preferred....!.!*,!!""*[]\\\\ 2 Portland, 35 cents, so great a EXCHANUD NATIONAL The no instance has the The were the Boring, Short & Harmon. which answers iu every the Ice Strikers. authority and power of the following closing quotation’s*of Pacific Brig Martha A Berry, Berry, from for New BANK OF particular deecrip- Kailroad securities: Malaga NEW-YORK. United States been invoked York, put into St Thomas with loss ot sails OF cure that would i.ot tion or tne James (Jarcelon of Catpkill, Jau. 5.—The ice cutters’ strike against them, but Central —, and they The Richardson Memorial a CamdeD, which io every instance have the Pacific bonds. in. rudder disabled. These Bonds are the last of the Issues authorized Comprising was resumed this with increased people preserved the Onion left morning vigor. Pacific...,. be without the same full history and genealogy of the of the here before the gale last Friday. The crew publio peace aud maintained the fin. for for the completion of the Southern Railroad, owned posterity From 400 to 500 men, with [clubs, paraded the authority of Land Grants. f!ffl MEMORANDA. were the state and the of I he MUNICIPALITY OF brothers, Ezekiel, Samuel, and Thomas Bichard- Capt. Jesse Cobb, Wm. Frye and Jonas streets in defiance of orders from the authori- supremacy her laws. A Staking Funds. MEMORY. hundreds of dollars. It by CINCINNATI. so u.J Brig Rebecca J Paige. Hill, from and others of the people carelul of their own institutions and Boston, Hartford & Erie Newport, E. via The is reserved on the sou, name who came irom Eng- Pendleton, all of Camden and supposed to be ties, making incendiary threats. The agents 1st.. 14 Buenos Ayres for Ensenada to right part of the under- so capable of them aud discharge, struck on does not land Iu the Seventeenth of the ice called on the sheriff for a preserving of main- Guaranteed. 13 the east side of the LOSS sneeze your signed to reject or all of the in Century. By John Adams lost. Cargo of potatoes and hay for Boston. company the Piver Plane Nov 14, and bilged any bids, if, thei of 200 taining constitutional rights and ana Vinton. Cloth 944 posse men to gnard each of the ice houses proroga- tilled with water. She was in charge of a the interests ot the pp., with portraits. Port- No insurance on vessel or tions of their own state llonil'llic pilot head off, but judgment city require it. cargo. at Catsk’ll, Athens and Coxsackie, If these government caunot'be Hamels. at tbe time, and lies aooui600 yards east ot the Bessie gently pen- land : B. Thurston & Co. indifferent AWARDS WILL BE MADE ON JAN. 11. A 8t. Vessel and n VTul- are not the when other states are threatened New York North. The crew abandoned her next The George Missing provided state authorities will be January 5-Evening.-Cotton market day. OF etrates the of the doboro Schooner with overthrow or the steady at! sales bng registeied 274 was at organs FOR FULL INFORMATION APPLY TO Abandoned. called upon for The offi- destruction of rights and advance; 1566 bales; ordinary un- tons, built Bath in 1871, THE protection. village lands. New and hailed from Boston. privileges without which no free state can Alabama, Orleans and Texas at 114; or- UNDERSIGNED AGENTS. MINOR Boston, Jan. 5.—Schooner Starlight of Bos- cials are helpless. ex- stained heart and loosens the foul TBLEGBAntf. ist. dinary at 10J; middling uplands 13?■ do Sch Little Sadie, before reported ashore on Higgins Alabama was The market in ton, Captain Levi S. Jones, of St. Vandrrbilt’s Funeral. at 13J; New Orleans and Texas at 13 Beech, screwed up and launched 5; h. She nas SLEEP. gold New York is breaking George, do 1-16; matter, which is down. stained 12|: delivered on contract bales sustained no noaierial damage and is now at simply Maine, wh ch sailed from Geor- Commodore Vanderbilt’s body will lie in slate Work to be Resumed in the Coal 12,4n0 ;fu- lying Brunswick, Regions. tures active, business closing J @ 9-32 advance her wharf in port. LO£B & It is stated that the ice extends miles for an hour on Sunday morning, in the main Flour WANT poison, in the head. Be KIJ11N, €©., sixty gia, Nov. 111th, with a cargo of lumber for Mauch Chunk, Jao. 5—About of receipts 503b bbis; the market fit less doing with- Sch Margie McFadden, from Portland for Phila- down the from Baltimore. hall of his bouse. A large of Central twenty out in with bay body the leadiug coal change prices, sales No 2 at 4 35 delphia, potatoes and canned goods, was Damariscotta, Maine, has not been heard from operators, the 13,500T>bls; and a NO. 81 NASSAU Railroad will view the representing ■ driven wise, procure BANKERS, Vaoderbilt University is in for its employes remains and (3/5 00; Superflne Western and at 5 50 a 5 ashore by ice on Joe eloger, and the box; ST., mourning Lehigh, Mahoney and met 80 required fonnder. since. escort them to tbe church. A ex- Wyoming regions, extra Western and Slate 5 80 fa, 5 90: assistance of two tugs to off. On tbe 1877. post-mortem here to-day. The of the good to“choice get 28th, while OF ii don't New-York, Jan. 1, jal-6t Schooner Annie amiuation will be held question redaction of Western and State at 5 95 6 towing up from Newcastle to in you need It There has been a heavy storm in South Caro- Jones, Capt. Robert Jones, tomorrow. Rev. Dr. was ® 10;White Wheal Wes- Philadelphia compa- wages postponed, aud it was tern extra at 6 15 7 75; with scbr Agnes 1 Grace, tLe latter frtruck lins, brother of Deems and Rev. Dr. Hatton will perform the informally ® Fancy White Wheat Wes- ny bottom prostrating telegraph wires, bridges, &c. the master of the left agreed that work be resumed tern at 7 80 8 extra and tbe run into yourself, remember that The Starlight, burial and Dr. Deems will next taouday at @ 75; Ohio at 5 80 'a 7 65; extra Margie her, carrying away mizzen- Honse investigating committee left Jack- services, deliver an old A St Louis at 5 90 8 mast and stove boat and VITAL Brunswick for New York on the same and wages. committee was appointed to en- ® 75; Patent Minnesota extra good quarter. The Margie lost sonville, for Wash- day, address. There will he no pail-bearers or flo to at 7 75 8 head &c. your wife or who Florida, yesterday morning quire into the matter of prime @ SO; good to choice to double ex- jibboom, gear, child, was abandoned Bee. 13. It is feared the Star- ral and the will start for Sta- restricting tonnage tra at 8 ington. display, cortege after a coqferenca with the 75 ® 9 75; Southern at 5 00 @ 9 80. Rve Sch Levi Woodbury, Pope, from Bangor for Bridge- large companies. for yeats has com- APTOMMAS The teu Island via the at tbe conclusion flour is at 4 60 l which into New’ York a past Rockingham (N. H.) Ten Cents Savings light foundered in the same gale. Battery of This committee quiet ® 5 tor superfine. Cornmeal port, put few since, has beeu has fall power to curtail orsus- at enkrgy. Bank will the services. One hundred have steady 2 8b @3 GO. ■ out over tour weeks. She left Saiem Dec 7 and pay a dividend to this The was carriages been and Wheat—receipt? 11,351) tur-li the depositors Starlight 276 tons register, and was peuu shipments, the meeting to the market is dull and next got iced lost plained of that Catarrh, month of 25 Per cent. ordered by tbe family for friends. agreed slightly in buyers favor with day badly up, part of deckload, sustain any action a REMOVAL. A built at Waldoboro in 1866. they might take after an only very limited business reported for anil foresail and jib. Tbe next day the main boom strap GENERAL Methodist church at N. was export whi h has rendered life Antwerp, H„ agreement with the largest companies was milling; sales 27,000 busn; 1 20 ® l 40 lor parted and the wheel was knocked off", and the ves- Hare. The Democratic State Committee. ungraded a curse, and made death The become Lo9s ®2o'oo°>in- reached. for No 2 133 sel became unmanageable. She drifted into the Guif subscriber, having associated with the held 1 Milwaukee; bid, almost welcome as a re- well-known firm of Portsmouth, Jan. 5 —Schooner T. J. Traf- Montpelier, Vt., Jan. 5.-—Tbe Democratic 40; No 2 Chicago nominal at 1 39 ® 1 40. Stream and near to Halifax. Here a severe NE gale 9800 Rye lief from the t*le 8&loon and res- State Committee after with A. S. MEfTROK O L.US jlC AC, firm; bush State at 93c. Is struck her and she was driven down fo Bermuda; WEAKNESS, livingagony ton, Capt. Hoyt, for this port, from consulting Barley unchanged; ot day and Re- idence of I. L. have Wiscasset, of the National have issu- 6-rowed State at 85c. Barley Malt Corn she came north and encountered another gale and night DOW, COFFIN & LIBBY. Kennedy been burned Hewitt, Committee, INDICATIONS FOR THE NEXT unchanged. member that 35 Loss about was out in the Jgreat gale and snow storm of TWENTY-FOUR —receipts ut 24,500 the market is in was diiven back to Bermuda a secoud time. Finally cents 81500; insured 83000. ed invitations to all the leading Democrats in bush; limited de- will the would hereby notify his friends and patrons, that HOURS, mand for export and reached Sandy Hook Dec 29th in a snow storm and buy box, and a Com. Vanderbilt’s desire that there Dec. 28th. After the storm work- tbe state to meet in convention at home; prices generally without CAUSED BY tew hcicafter he will be found at their office, should be Capt. Hoyt January 8th, decided sales catue to anchor. One of the (A $ ot pinches will effect no or War change; 42,000 bush; 57! ® 59c tor new crew, Sprague, the parade, display flowers at his funeral will the into Washington, to devise the best method for the Dep’t, Office Chief Signal Western troze his feet and the cure; and wlieu at ed vessel Vineyard Haven, whence she ) ungraded Mixed; 57J ® 58c for new no Bangor) hands third out. The No. 42 be respected. ession of the Democratic sentiment Officer, last health ami noi dis- Exchange street, exp upon Washington, D.O., > grade Mixed; 58! @ 59c for new steamer 58c damage to vessel is about $500 where the business ot all the A was towed to New Bedford for repairs. lor Yellow Mixed; ease surround the companies heretofore Philadelphia despatch says some $30,000 tbe question of counting votes in the Southern Jan. 6, Southern on track; 62ic for While South- Sch Harriet, (of Eden) Gapt Pierce, dragged ashore CHRONIC family represented by him will be attended to in due have been (1A.M.)) old table, you will bless the course. obtained trom various banks there states, in accordance with tbe advice of the Na- for New ern; Western Mixed nominal at 61 ® 64. Oats at Flag Cove. Grand Menan, in the gale 29th, and With the largely inciea.-ed faciliiles Eunload, day that were wise hereby aftord- on checks stolen from mail Committee. will fix the —receipts of 19,600 bush; the market is dull- sales knocked out rudder, sprung a leak of 300 strokes you cd, he lor a liberal share of the bags destined to NEW HAMPSHIRE. tional They upon time rising, followed per to a hopes public patron- Boston. by falling barometer, westerly 36,000 bush; 38® 40° tar Mixed Western and hour, and did other damage. She came off next enough purchase ! and plac* for bolding a mass meeting. It is to State! day CATARRH. box of age. winds, shifting southerly or warm- 41 @ 51JC10T White Western and and has If. Minine a Execution over 100 easterly, State, including repaired. JO*. WLKMTI K. Lonsdale, young actress, is dead. ot Major, the Wife Murderer expected there will be preseut at Mon- er, clear or New York No 3 White on Sch Jones, left She died from partly cloudy weather. track 41c; New York No 1 Starlight, Brunswick, Ga, Nov 19th Portlaud, Jau. 1, 1S77. ja3dlw barns, caused by her dress catch- consultation, White 50c; Mixed Western at for with and has not Concord, n. h., Jan. 5.—Edwin Willis day’s Cautionary siguals coutinuo on the Texas 38®4Uc; White at Damariscotta, lumber, been ing Are on the stage at on the 41 41c: Mixed Stale at heard from since. Toe Annie Newark, night of Major, convicted at Nashua iu coast aud are ordered lor the South @ 47 @ 40c; White 46 ® 61 Jc! Jones, which sailed in December, 1875, Atlantic 1 Pure MilU lor Use. the 3d. of his Tbe Grand Trank Strike 1'ermauently coast. Conee—Rio is firm and in lair demand; 184 @ 22c company, was abandoned Dec 13, having encountered Family poisoning wife, was executed at the for it ! The Toledo Express on the Ham- State Prison Settled. gold cargoes; 18! ® 23c gold for job lots. Sugar a1 hurricane, and is feared the Stailigkt was crip- REEDER’S WOULD respectfully inform my former patrons Cincinnati, here this The wife of is and time. ilton & ran off morning. Railroad quiet unchanged at 9| ® Ogc for fair to good pled1 at tbq same The masteis of the two ves- 1 and citizens in general who contemplate a Dayton Railroad, the track near Major died in fares. in change suddenly 1874, but her death was Montreal, Jan. 5.—P. McArthur, Chief of refining; Hjc for prime; 275 [tads New Orleans 88® sels are brothers. their supply of uiilk, that 1 am prepared to fur- Hamilton, Ohio, yesterday noon. Train was at first attributed to natural Chicago, Jan. 5.—The rail 255 boxes Cuba at S W nish a caused. Subsequent th* Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, aDd rates to tho East *1: Clayed lo; refined higher at 114 « During toe gale Harbor Dec 29. scbr A T superior quality <*f pure milk at reasonable badly wrecked but no one induced the are for standaid 1 her anchors and alt orders at seriously injured. suspicions authorities to exhume the grievance committee of ten engine drivers gradually going up. The general passen- H8c A; li8c for powdered; 113 ® 12e for Haynes dragged diove iuto the schr rates; lett S. WIMSLOW & CO.’S, 18 The report of the of New her and 12c for crushed. Yankee Lass, breaking Market will receive prison inspector body, strychnine was fouud in her of the Grand Truuk had a inter- ger agents are to advance the rates to interme- granulated; Molasses is quiet and foremast, unstepping main- Square, prompt attention by me, York shows a Railway, loug Rice mast1 also where the large deficiency, and says that stomach. A sister of the wife Mr. diate points from $2 to So. It is unchanged. steady with with a moderate de- and ripping up bowsprit; tore sails, dam- flattering testimonials of some uow having suddenly view with Hickson, manager of the road anticipated maud. and sustained will here are in the various 3600 Petroleum is dull and crude re- aged ringing, other damage. The taking be shown to those who wish to investi- prisons prisoners died in 1869, her body was also in a that the passeDger iaies to New York will heavy; 15!c and bnt 3102 cells examined, and to-day, resulting permanent reconciliation fined at 270, Tallow is firm at for bead1 gear of the Yankee Lass was carried but German gate. I shall no boys but deliver the milk in to contain 8! prime. Naval away, Snuff. employ them. traces of were soon advance strychnine found, and it is be- between tne company and the men. to$22. Stores—Rosin at 2 50 2 60. she was uninjured otherwise. person. CYKUS New York bay and the river were lieved that quiet @ Turpentine is LOWELL, Agent. completely Major poisoned her also. The jury quiet at 47c for Spirits. Pork more active and firm- Sch Star, (of Deer Isle) Carman, from Hoboken for dec25 dlw*tf covered with ice and do water was on the 1 Dou’t take any other until you have yesterday disagreed first trial, but was con- Incendiarism. The Illinois er; Mess 18 00 @ 18 25; extra 14 mess Providence, put into Vineyard-Haven 3d, with fore- preparation visible from the Major Menalorebip. prime 00; for tried this. it costs but 35 cents. If Battery to Staten island. This victed at a second trial. 18 seller sailf and and loss of an anchor at Block Isl- Kemember, Until within a few town Jan. 5 —The January 25; February 18 25; seller March jib split, has Dot before for Charleston, S. C., Jan. 5.—The of Springfield, Republican sena- 18 40 Beef Is and 2d. Jour druggist cannot procure it, send 50 cents to the happened many years. days he has a ® 1845. dull; Cui Meals ouiet ;midules SA.W Kfci: confidently anticipated commuta- was fired iu three torial caucus to-night nominated God. John Agents, and receivea box return mail. & t Judge of the South tion Darlington simultaneously A firm—Western long clear 9*; clear by o., Lawrence, Carolina in- of his senteuce, and avowed his innocence acclamation. city long 94; short SMITH, DOOLIITLE & 26 Tre- placea at one time this morning. Two build- Logan by clear 9| Dressed Hogs at 7} tor DOMESTIC FORTH. SMITH, Agents, vestigating committee, says that undoubtedly throughout Up to the very hour of execution heavy Western. moni Street, Museum Boston, ings were but the exertions of the Lard active and higher; prime steam at 11 Building, intimidation was practiced as much was At the destroyed, 50, closing SEATTLE. O—Ar Dec 27, ship El Dorado, Hayden, octll VVS&Msn6m by Repub- Major unmoved. scatf .Id he was saved This makes the fourth Tlip are additional names 11: 65asked; seller January at 11 11 licans as Democrats. people tbe town. following of per- 55® 65; seller for SanS traucisco. by pressed to make a confession, but sons now 1155 11 reiterated attempt to burn since tbe November known to have been lost iuthe wreck: February! ® 72'!, closing at 117?!; sel'er for NEW ORLEANS—Sid fm tbe Pass Gen The Woman’s Suffrage Socie y in New York his innocence. Before the Darlington 11 724 11 3d, ship ED B ROBINSON, 5 Myrtle 622 Congress drop was sprung, election. Marv Austiu and Ellen Austin of March 80, closing 11 ba asked. Whiskey is i lor Havre PTAMfW ! Street, Me. a Omaha; Dr. Sbepley, 1 inilUD has the celebrated W ebcr Thursday night passed vote of thanks to the his nerve deserted him, aud he fell his A. 1nominal 114. A , and St^I'orilaud, upon W. Hopkins of Hartford Four MOBILE—Ar 2d, sch Fred Carl, Condon, from and other Ladies and Gents Rsjt. Mr. See of for the Corners, Vt Freights to Liverpool—the market is rather makers, at extremely low prices. are invited to leave tbeir orders Newark, favoring right kuees, utterly broken down. He died without T. W. a New York commit- H. more (Oporto. on of Martin, broksr, George Spooner of Feleiskam, Maes.; Cotton sail for a,“ trial, which wdl be called for. women to preach the gospel, a Wm’ steady; per at 5-16; do steam at U-3’d- Ar 4th, sch Alice T Boardman, Jamaica. TuniK9 struggle. ted suicide yesterday. Wilson of Mass. Boyd, »"!X Everything good nnd Boston, 4Yheat per steam at 7d. Bch E II ORGANS. atf wnrrnnled ifr«l- ^ld 4th, Hcrriinan, Hernman, Savannah. augSS cln»» nly v ikikUm CITY AFFAIRS. Bowdoin Alumni. Religious News and Notes. The exquisite Italian silver filigree jewelry, THE PRESS. The animal dinner of the Bowdoin Alumni There is an interest iu NEW BUSINESS DIRECTORY. interesting religions so beautiful for evening wear, is very strong, ADVERTISEMENTS. AUCTION SALE was given at the Preble House last evening. the Main street Baptist church in Brunswick, bending without and its SATURDAY "G Special .Heeling of Cily Council. breaking, although MORSlMi, JAN. 6, There was a attendance of the Rev. E. S Small A special meeting of both branches of the large graduates pastor. bright frosted work will in the course of time Booksellers and Stationers. F. O. BAILEY A CO., of old Bowdoin, and it was a Rev. S. H. Witham of is HOYT A IT*. 01 Middle Street. City Government was held last and the very pleasant Biddeford, supply- become somewhat dimmed by exposure to sul- FOGG, THE evening FINE Auctioneers and Commission PBENS affair. The dinner was well of the ing the Free church of Merchant-, following business was transacted: worthy Baptist Kittery Point, phurous gases, yet it'cau at any time be fully May be obtauiurt at the Periodical Depots ol Fes- ISHIRTS Book Binders. house where it was and has never been with to the there. SileirMai senden BOARD OP MAYOR given, general acceptance people restored.to its original whiteness at a very 33 and 37 Exchange Bros., Marquis, Brunei ite the Park. LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE AUC- our police regulations, reported the following and children’s of seal and other Our College—Rich in her honors and her sons; Biddeford. Rev. Dr. Spaulding of Newbnry- furs, consisting TION ordinance to be sent to the for en- SALE OF CITY AND VICINITY Legislature nearly twenty years older than our state, almost as port preached the sermon. sacques, muffs, boas, hats,&c.; a large assort' Furniture—Wholesale and Retail. old as the she is the first aud actment: century, greatest and GEORGE A. No. 30 Ex. best of Massachusetts To the The Rev. H. W. Tilden ot the Baptist Church meat of children’s sacques and sets, also a large WHITNEY, gift mother Com- St. ol all kind* New Advertisement* To-Day. Sect. 1. The City Marshal, Deputy Mar- such men as and at with the change Upholstering monwealth, Longfellow Hawthorne Augusta, is a great favorite chil. assortment of robes of all kinds. Sale without done to order. and shals and Policemen of the City of Portland and Andrew have carried back our deepest thanks. Elegant Costly shall hereafter be the Illustrious in all her walks and In dreo, oue of whom, a five year old, recently reserve. appointed by Mayor, by ways. nothing _ added to his “O Lord bless ENTERTAINMENT COLUMN. and with the choice ol the Conned and tbe Al- more illustrious than in her Presidents. bed-time prayer; Plumbers. father aud and bless Mr. Tilden. O Headquarters Portland Cadets. dermen, and shall bold office duriug good be- to President mother JAMES MILLER, No. 91 Federal Street Music Hall—Spiritualism Exposed. Responded by Cbamberlaiu. I however to removal at time Lord, you kuow which oue mean The members of the Portland Cadets are Grand Concert and Dance—Freeport. havior, subject any Our Country—In times like these her hope and re" FURS tbe or cause. Methodist church Fanny Marsh’* Theatre. by Mayor for inefficiency other liance are placed upon the educated patriotism of The dedication of the now hereby notified that the annual meeting of the Real Estate Agents. Juvenile Class—Holmes. the men ot both — BY — Dancing Sect. 2 All acts, or parts of acts, incon- thoughtful parties in L ‘wiatoD, which was to have taken place company, for the election of officers for the JOHN C. PROCTER, No. 93 Exchange SPECIAL NOTICES. sistent with this ordinance to Gen. S. J. Street. being repealed. Replied by Anderson of tbe Jau has been on account of will be held at the armory on & 10th, postponed ensuing year, F. 0. BAILEY & CO., AUCTIONEEBS. Woodbury Moulton—Investment Bankers. The resolution was class of *44. failure to the as soon as following presented: procure orgau expect- Monday evening at 8 o’clock. Per MISCELLANEOUS NOTICES. ed. order, Stair Builders. Resolved, That section 1 of article two of the con- The Army -The protector of our liberties in time American gable, Meal. Black and Brawn of janGd2tS&M Capt. Com’dg. **• No. Vickery & Leighton. stitution of this state which declares the qualifica- war. Our shield in time of peace. Bowdoin’s The Oxford Conference I.IBBY, 131 Fore Street, cor. Asirakau Met* Narqorn, Cape* sons Baptist Quarterly Charles Custis & Cross St., in Tippet* The Exquisite—C. H Lamson. tions of electors should be so amended as to pro- have given it their highest service, and their Co., Delano’* Mill. and .fluff*. Milk Circular*, Meal *kia Portland hibit elector from whom anv is due and best blood. held its last session with the Bryant’s Pond Chilblains and cured G. U. Headquarters Cadets. any poll-tax Chapped Hands, by 493 HOOPER, Cor. York and Maple tCapa Children’ll Par* af all kind*. unpaid to the town in which such elector claims tbe CONGRESS STREET. Street*. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Responded to by Gen. J. M. class ’60. church Dec. 26th and 27th. Sermons were the application of “Forest Tar Salve.” Buffalo and Waif Kobe*, Ac. right to vote from exeicising such privilege until Biown, Fine Shirts—Char cs Custis & Co. from this The the ot preached Rev. R. G. Farlev, Rev. J. R. dlw my5___dly said poll-tax is paid, and the members city Clergy—Always promoters learning as by janfi Jan. at 10 a. Aubuin well _ SATURDAY. 6th. m., and 2J p, Eouudry Company. to tbe Legislature are to institute such as of piety Members of a profession as old State Missionary, and Rev. H. C. Es- Watches, Jewelry and Silver Ware, For requtsted Bowler, Dissolution. ON m., and continning until sold, at our Sa'es- Sale- Perley. Russell & Co. measures as will obtain such an amendment. as history and as sacred as it is venerable. No col- D. D. Vickery & Middle will *1. A. MERRILL A tes, Leighton, street, CO., 139 Middle St rooms, 35 and 37 Exchange Street, a fine assortment Centennial Exposition. lege has educated a proportion of ministers copartnership existing under the firm name The resolution was Alderman Cush- larger The annual of the Newton Theo- close their stock of cloaks at cost. J. A. MERRILL. A, KEITH. of the above goods embracing all the difierent A Sable Mutt Found. passed, worthier of the ideal ot catalogue THEof Bacon, Libby & Gatley is this day dissolved Chaucer, varieties and of a Dissolution—Bacon & Co. by mutual consent, Mr. Jnhu Gatley from styles, first-class wholesale stock man objecting “His but more his logical Institution presents the following sum' janfi dtf retiring to be closed preaching much, practice _ out regardless to cost. AUCTION COLUMN. the firm. He will also Bettle all ihe bills of the late Orders Passed—That the be directed wrought, mary of students: Senior class 13, Middle class Every article will be warranted perfect and facili- Mayor “Aren’t and so firm JOHN GATLEY, Sheriff’s Sale—F. O. & Co. A living witness of the truths he taught.” they lovely, cheap?” has ties afforded for selection and Bailey to attend tbe annual meeting of tbe Stockhold- Juuior class students total 64. RUFUS F. BACON, purchasers fitting 22, 21, general 8; been the of who and Dental Good accommodation for ladies to examine and ers of ihe Portland & Kailroad to Prof. 3ewa!J. expression every lady has ex- HOSEAI LIBBV Surgical Ogdensbn g Responded by The students from Maine are as follows: Chas. bid on the goods. amined the and The business will be continued under the firm Religious Notices. Company to be held on Tuesday oex:, and rep- I T>*c State—No more grand or grateful service has E. Young, Corinna Centre: John H. Lew large very choice assortment of EF^On exhibition of Cox, name of Bacon & Libby at the old stand, No 10 and morning sale.janSdtf Bay and resent tbe interests of tbe there. been rendered her tnan by her public servants who Side Parish Knightville Church. City | iston; David Webster, Portland; Toeodote F. Hamburgedgiogs just opened by H. I. Nelson 12 Oak street, where we to receive the their best lessons in her service at her oldest col- hope patron- —Rev. B. F. Pritcharu Pastor. Sabbath School at 1 E. of our of INSTUMENTS, Sheriff's Sale. COMMON COUNCIL. White, Dexter; Ansley Woodsum, Fayette. old customeis and lots new ones. fotege. & Co., 443CoDgress street, Farrington block. age P. m.: Preaching at 2 and 6 p. m. Preaching at of the students are of RUFUS F. STATE The full board w.s The resolution Eight graduates Colby BACON, OP MAINE,) at a. m. Sabbath School at a. present. to B. 2c Apparatus for Deformities, Dislo. Knightville 10$ 11} Responded by Hon. T. Reed, class ’60. University. jac5 ja6d2w*HOSE A I. LIBBY. Cumberland, ss. f in. Social meeting 7$ p. m. in regard to the taxation of church Our propertyi City—Her boys have always been Bowdoin’s Zion’s Herald of Maine M. E. So does health decline when tions and on sundry writs, and will be sold St. Luke’s State St.—Rt. Rev. H best Those says churches: rapidly assailed Active Agent* wanted instantly to introduce the Fractures, by Cathedral, which passed tbe upper board at tbs last meet boys who have sat in her high ATTACHEDconsent of parties at public on WED- of the Diocese ol A has been hy Bright’s Disease, and auction, A, Neely, Bishop Maine.—Sunday laces have done high honor to our alma mater good work accomplished in the Dropsy. Kidney NESDAY. dan. at 10 a. m.. and 2 was in concurrence. past 3, 1877, 30 p. m, Bervices 10.30 a. m., 3 and 7. p. m. Daily services at ing, read and passed et her citizens see to it Glandular affeetioos, £ that the ranks ot our col- few on the Rockland Diabetes, Gravel, Female ELECTRIC at the rooms occupied by Hugh F. corner of 9 a. m. and 5 m. Seats free to all. years District, in the BATTERIES, Golden, p. Councilman and asked lege be kept full and complete. irregularities and general prostration of the UENTENNIAL EXPOSITION and Preble iu Portland, and Cunningham objected and Congress Streets, said Bethel Church—Services 10$ a. m., 3 and 7 p.m. building repairing of churches.-Eight- nervous system that no time should be lost in DENI HIRED AND ILLUSTRATED. the described for a reconsideration. Da made a little Responded to by Hon. W. L. class Elastic County, following personal property, on at m. speech Putnam, to ait: Prayer meetings Thursday evenings 7$ p. *75. een have recently united ou probation with the administering DR. BULLOCK’S KIDNEY Nearly 800 only 8 rich Stockings, Hats trimmed and unirimmed. Velvets, All from sea and laud are invited. Seats free. pages; *.50; illustrations; and asked to hear from those favoring the reso- Methodist church in Penobscot. The REMEDY and the and a treasure as tbe Silks, Laces, Ribbons. Flowers, Feathers, Wings, The Press—If it shall work of NEPHRET1CUM, whole best ond cheapen! Historj of First Lutheran Scandinavian will be the Great Exhibition. Endorsed Shoulder Braces, Birds, Kid Gloves, Silk Fringes, I*ur Trimmings, Congregation, lution. He closed his remarss with a few char- * revival is still advancing; forty or more have system rejuvenated and restored to by Officcals, Press, Supporters, corner of and Pluui Streets* The rights maintain and Is Cloak about 25 1 Suit. &c The Hall, Middle people’s a desire to become followers of health. Clergy selling immensely One lady cleared Ornaments, Cloaks, acteristic words. Unawed expressed Jesus junefieodawlw Fixtures consist of Wax Show Reform Club —Social meet- by influence and unbribed by gain,” 8-23-38 8350 in four week« Act quickly. Now or never. Figure, Bronzes, religious temperance Christ.-Fifteen have been received on pro- For full and 6 fine Show French Plate it __ particulars, HUBBARD Pedestal, Cases, ing to-moriow at a m., and 7$ p. m., in Associa- Councilman Little favored the resolution and must have earnest, thoughtful, educated men who BROS., Publishers. TRUSSES, TRUSSES 10$ will bation, and eight into church membership iu 309 Main Mirrors, Tables, Counters. Store Tools, Gas Fixtures, tion Hall, corner of Casco and Street. insist upon the of the but will not Street, Springfield. Mass.ja6d4wt Congress Councilman Marsh it in a few liberty press, the Methodist church iu Seven Marble top Table, Desk, Tapestry Lambre- opposed very let it into license. Millhridge. Wonderlnl Success. The are Carpet, St. Paul’s corner oi and Lo- degenerate above from the best Manufacturers and and Lace Church, Congress have been quin Curtains, 25 Dress Forms, Lounges,* words. recently baptizej. It is that Boschee’s German in the HafStand* A£rn oust street.—Frederick S. Sill, Rector. Services on Responded to by Mr. Osgood of the reported Strut importers Country. Argus, The Star of Maine Free Sunday 10$ a. m. and 3 p. m. Councilman Iloberts favored the resolution, class ’75. Morning says Baptist has, since Its introduction in the United States, AUBURN FOUNDRY Detect at Portland, Dec 26, 1876. COMPANY, Cgr-VACINE VI Kim constantly on M. Sherift. Y. M. C. Association, Mechanics’ Building, Con- as did Councilman Andrews arid Den- churches: The pastor of the Second Lebanon reached the immense sale of dozen ADAMS, Deputy llrowu, The Ladies—Perhaps the only organized institu- 40,000 per year. Iron Founders and hand-iHI gress street, corner Casco.—Religious Meeting, tion that Over F. 0. BAILEY & CO., Auctioneers. W.iiltintJoY- niwlC

% •I i —

EOETRY. of wliat a bitter struggle these beut (onus had When little Hattie Melvin opens her eye3, passed through forced itself upon Miss Van at least four hours alter daylight, she finds .WANTS. RAILROADS, llAILltOADS. STEAMERS. Anflen’s mind like a revelation. On her Portia at her bed-side, with a young woman _ Bath. right hand sat Horace. She thought of the behind her bearing a load of fleecy white gar- She stood amid the WANTED! Baltimore & breast-higli corn, innkeeper’s criticism of him; but wlieu she ments in her arms. I Norfolk, Washington Clasped by the golden light of morn, 1.1IV is measured the sweep of the low broad fore- “Now, my small the next on P0RTLl\D & OCDENSBIRi;. MTEAilttmr Like ike sweetheart of the sun, captive, thing Boston & the of Maine Who many a kiss had won. head, and saw clear, intelligent glance the list is breakfast, and here is the wedding glowiug and alter Sent, Excursion Four timeii a week. the she declined to subscribe to work, send stump directed or calf person- Monday, lMli, deep-set eyes, garment without which you are forbidden to envelope tickets will be sold to the On an ally for ON White Mountains as her cheek autumn flush that gentleman’s estimate. appear at the feast.” And Miss Van Auden follows: Firat Class Mteam*bip Deeply ripened; such a blush H. C. SMITH “Is that a specimen of the Yankee school- disappears to Archie 'NVestervelt in the Circular, JOHNS HOPKINS. WM. CRANE. In the midst ot brown was born, greet From Portland to Olco Uounc and * 10H£ Washington alrcef, RAILROAD. WM. LAWRENCE GEORGE A PPOLD. marm of whom we hear so much?” Bouton, Like red grown with corn. thought return .... poppies drawing-room. The $5.00 Frsm Boston direct every TUEMDAY Miss Van as her attention was next work is liberally paid for. del3dlm C ranford Anden, “What is it, Portia? Where have you Klouite and return ;i OO and SATURDAY. Round her eyes her tresses fell— Commencing Monday Oct. 9, 1876. Fahyau llonne and return attracted by pale little Hattie Melvin, whose been, and what have you been about?” :{.0O — AND — V9 hich were blackest none could tell; Wanted Bane of int. mid 4 f’O blue eyes were with admiration cf the tnau. Agents. WaHbingion rrturn, WM. KENNEDY. BLACKSTONE. But long lashes veiled a light bright “Executing your commission, young Passenger Trains will leave Portland for Nunnuit and return yia Fubyuii'* O OO Male and Female. or address with and McClellan. That had else been all too beautiful who sat her. Do remember I three months Call, Boston at 9.00 a. and 3.00 ar- Nuiumii aud return bright. young lady opposite you promised BOTH 6.15, m., p. m., viut-lcn • M.OO stamp BOWE, 119* Exchange St., Portland, at Frans Providence every WEDNESDAY “Why, that child was intended for a Fifth ago to find you a wife?” ate. Hours from 8 riving Roston at 10.45 a. m. 1.40. 7.30 p. m. All the Mountian Houses will make And her A. M to 9 P. M. deddlm reduced rates to nuii MATT KI*AY. hat, with shady brim, a little Returning, leave Boston for Portland at 7.30 a. m., avenue belle. What graceful form to “Have you really done me the houor to parlies holding these tickets. forwarded from Norfc Ik to Washington and Made her tressy forehead dim— 12.30, 3 30 p. in., arriving at Portland at 12.10, Freight a dress of lace I shall think about me in septlS dtf Alexandria steamer of and Jane Thus she stood amid ihe stooks, hang fleecy uponl my absence ?” 4 Bulfiueli 5.00, 8.10 p. in. by Lady the Lake No. St., Boston, Mosel v. Praising God wiili sweetest looks. think the world gone mad if I fin l that little “Contrary to all Ihavebeeu irOlSE WAJ¥TCP7~ For Wells, North Berwick. Salmon Falls, precedent, yes. Freight forwarded from Norfolk to and mouth can Latin verbs.” to the (Oppowiir Revere Hou*e.) 4-real Falls. Dover, Newmarket, Exeter, Petersburg conjugate hills, Ardhie—But no, you couldn’t and Va. and Tenn. R. It. to in Sure, I said, Heaven did not mean In a central and desirable llnverhill. North Andover, Lawrenre, Richmond, all places Then Miss Van Anden began to Inquire understand either. I and Incation, the South, W. M dark, 240 Where I reap thou sbouldst but glean; went, anyway, either Andover and Lowell at 6.15, 9,00 a. m., 3 00 Eastern Agent, Washington St., and about the of the surrounding while I was there I OF for one or two families, with Railroad, Boston. sheaf adown .coma, scenery country, found a white THE SCIENCE m. Lay thy lovely lily, LIFE; p. To an J modern conveniences and in all points of North and South Carolina Sea- Share my harvest my home. and the conversation flowed on about the aud I have it home with me for good order. For Manchester and Concord, N. IK (via by brought you Or, SFI.F.PRESERVATION. board and Roanoke Railroad and Atlantic Coast Line woods until whose to win Will lease if desired. Address Newmarket Junction.) at 6.15 a. in., 3.00 p. m. OCT. 1SJO. and hills, Sukey, cuiiosity and wear.” HOUSE, 9, John S. Boston. 28 (via at 9.00 a. m. Daly, Agent,222 Washington street, could not be restrained a moment At this moment More Thau One Million Copies Sold. Exchange Street. Lawrence,) And to all points in the West [From Harper’s Weekly.] longer, there is a vision in the For Kocbester and N. II., at by Baltimore tit Ohio Farmington. R. R., M. W. Agent, 219 came in from the kitchen and peremptorily in- doorway all curls and 6.15, 9.00 a. 3.00 p. m. Davison, Wasnington street, shimmering clinging Isold Medal Awarded lo the Author by p°15__dtt m., Boston. Miss Van Anden. formed her master that “them cows to lace and hair. For Scarborough, Pine Point, Old Or- ought golden the -‘National Medical ANMocla- Through bills of lading given the above named chard Beach, Biddeforo and Kt n- by be milked immejiate,” and the patient old And now I have uo time to tell of the tion ” March .‘IIni. 187* taco, Agents. BOARD. nebunk at 6.15, 9.00 a. m 3 5.30 m. man went out to do her snares 00, p. Passage $12.50 to Baltimore. To bidding. laid by (he wily Portia, upon whose “The untold miseries that result from indiscretion Morning Trains will leave liennebnnk j Philadelphia $15, The She Gave Lore and Gained It. in be alleviated and For freight or passage to Norfolk, Baltimore, Waeh- Way And now the days flowed on very peacefully shoulders might well have fallen the mantle early life, may cured. Those for Portland at 7.20 a. m. who doubt this assertion should the lngton, or other information to for Miss Van Anden. She wandered about of her so purchase new Board Wauled. apply namesake,who dextrously entiapped Medical Work tlie Peabody E. SAMPSON, published by Medical Private for man anti Parlor on Agent, Down on the toiled to the sum the old Jew. Soon Archie family wife. First floor Cars trains Portland at 3,00 53 Centra* Rosalind, your knees. through lovely valleys, Wostervelt Institute, entitled iThe Science of or or leaving Wharf, Boston, began Boston, Life, IN up one all modern im- m., and Boston 7.30 a. And thank for a man's love mit to Self Preservation.* Price flight; sunny room; p. m. E. H. ROCKWELL. Heaven, fasting, good of the oldmouutain, and traced the path find there was uo pleasure iu life like Si Vitality impaired by provements. Address Agent, the errors of youth or too close application to busi- PAMMKIVRER T R A INN Ime Portland ». SdtfProvidence K. “What’s the name of that great of the tiny streamlets as they led her on watchiug the delight and wonder ja5d3t* Box 1980. hill, exptessed ness, may be restored and manhood regained.