Copyright © 2021 by Dr. Dharius Daniels

Published by Change Church

Printed in the United States of America 2021 - 1st Edition

All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, this publication shall not be broadcast, rewritten, distributed, or transmitted, electronically or copied, in any form, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without prior written permission from the author.

2021 Table of Contents

01. Reimagine what you GIVE (Be a Giver) 8

02. Reimagine life AS IT IS (Be Content) 12

03. Reimagine Your SAVINGS (Be a Saver, not a Spender) 16

04. Reimagine Your Debt (Be Debt-Free) 20

05. Reimagine Your Home (Be Organized) 24

06. Reimagine Self-Care (Be kind to yourself) 28

07. Reimagine Balance (Be Balanced at Work and in Life) 32

08. Reimagine Social Media (Be Free, Disconnectto Reconnect) 36

09. Reimagine Your Morning (Be Prepared for the Day) 40

10. Reimagine Your Bills (Be Clear of All Excess) 44

11. Reimagine Your Budget (Be a Good Steward) 48

12. Reimagine Your To DO List (Be Proactive, Not Reactive) 52 13. Reimagine Your Meals (Be Food-Conscious) 56

14. Reimagine Your Phone Usage (Be Free from TechnologyCo-Dependency) 60

15. Reimagine Your Exercise Time (Be Healthy) 64

16. Reimagine Your Consistency (Be Consistent) 68

17. Reimagine Your Closets 72

18. Reimagine Your Tv Time 76

19. Reimagine Your Focus (Be Focused) 80

20. Reimagine Prayer (Be Prayerful) 84

21. Reimagine Saying NO (Be Honest/Realistic) 88

22. Reimagine Spending (Be Frugal) 92

23. Reimagine Unsubscribing (Be Single-minded) 96

24. Reimagine Breathing Room (Be Flexible) 100

25. Reimagine Automation (Be Hassle Free) 104

26. Reimagine Free Time (Be Selective) 108

27. Reimagine Communication (Be Present) 112 28. Reimagine Delegation (Be an Example) 116

29. Reimagine Worship (Be Led by the Spirit) 120

30. Reimagine Creativity (Be Thoughtful) 124

31. Reimagine Downsizing (Be Prudent) 128

32. Reimagine Preparation (Be Prepared) 132

33. Reimagine Serving (Be a Servant) 136

34. Reimagine Goals (Be Goal-Oriented) 140

35. Reimagine Silence (Be Silent) 144

36. Reimagine Instant Gratification (Be Wise) 148

37. Reimagine Obedience (Be Obedient) 152

38. Reimagine Productivity (Be Productive) 156

39. Reimagine Help (Be Vulnerable) 160

40. Reimagine JESUS (Be Christlike) 164 Introduction Reimagine - to imagine again, or anew; to form a new conception of: Re-create.

Welcome to the first day of change. If you are reading this, it is because you want to be really intentional about your relationship with God. The move from a good thought to practice will depend on the level of commitment you are willing to offer. During this journey, life will not stop and very few of us will be able to fast and pray in “the wilderness” like Jesus did. One of the things that many of us will encounter on this journey is distraction. In a world cluttered with Facebook posts, Instagram stories, tiktoc videos, and clubhouse rooms, consistently setting aside time to give to God can be tricky. Perhaps our lives need to be simplified and decluttered, or maybe we need to reimagine what this journey is intended to do.

Often we imagine a devotional to be an encouraging and inspirational book that helps us to think about God. Usually, it has a predetermined amount of days;7 days, 30 days, 40 days, 365 days. In them we can find interesting stories, inciteful bible verses and inspirational quotes. Sometimes we experience God in REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 7 new ways, or we read the right passage on a very hard day and we feel God carrying us through. All of these are great things and you will hopefully find all of this in the pages that follow. However, the intention is not for you to take this book, read it, and check off the “time with God” box on your to-do list. What if I told you that a devotional book was intended to create a devotional life? These 40 lessons help you begin the process of developing a devotional life. Maybe you will choose to read one entry every day for 40 days or maybe the Lord will lead you in a different direction. However you travel through these lessons, incline your ear to what God is calling you to reimagine in your life.

The imagination is a powerful tool. Through it we reach for things beyond our day-to-day routine. What happens when the reality of what we have imagined is overwhelming? It can be easy to give up or become discouraged. What happens when our dreams, goals, and plans are frustrated by the complexities of life? If we are not careful when our dreams, goals and/ or plans are frustrated by life, it can degrade our relationships, depress our minds, and devastate our spiritual lives. I am confident that the work God has begun in you will be completed. There is a refurbished vision, a renewed joy and a reignited passion for your life, if you will just reimagine. 01 Reimagine what you GIVE (Be a Giver)

2 CORINTHIANS 9:6-8 Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 9

Gift giving is an art. When we think about gifts, a medley of thoughts probably come to mind. In our society, we have designated days that are associated with gifts. Holidays like Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day and Christmas are probably the most popular. But why is giving an art? Because the art of gift giving considers the heart of the recipient; their likes and dislikes, what excites them, and what will bring them joy.

Have you ever received a nonchalant gift? That’s when the giver just kind of tosses a gift in your lap and really doesn’t care whether you liked it or not. How about the inconsiderate gift? That is when you receive a gift you did not like from a person you thought knew what you liked. It’s almost as if the giver thinks they are doing you some kind of favor. This sort of giving does not deepen the relationship. It actually cheapens it.

Today’s passage is about the principle of sowing and reaping. The analogy is quantitative; the more seeds you sow, the more harvest you reap. In modern terms, you get what you give. This is a cycle. The second part of the verse, though, is about the motive behind your giving. Paul tells us to “Give what you decide in your heart,” because when we give out of legalistic obligation, we give nonchalantly. When we give reluctantly, we give inconsiderately. So give with the right intention. Be a giver who gives from the purest places of your 10 REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply heart, that enjoys the process of choosing when to give what, and looks forward to pleasing God with whatever gift you give. It is when we have the right intention behind our giving (cheerfulness), and the right motivation (to nourish the relationship), that we can reimagine what we give. Today, reimagine what you give. Give from your heart. Give with intention. Give with consideration.

PRAYER: Our Father and Majestic Creator, the one who has Given us all that we have, create in us a clean heart that is cheerful about giving. Forgive us for our reluctance and legalism that has corrupted our intentions. Broaden our imagination so we can become limitless with our giving. We believe You are a giver so make us givers so we can re-present you. In the name of Jesus Christ, the great gift of love, Amen.places of your REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 11 02 Reimagine life AS IT IS (Be Content)

PHILIPPIANS 4:11-13 I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength. REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 13

Derrick really wanted to get in shape. His arms were scrawny, and his belly disproportionate to his size. He was what they call “skinny fat.” He spent most of the time talking about getting in shape and reading articles that offered advice on gym workouts. The problem was, he could not afford a gym membership. Daily, he looked beyond his means to a life out of his grasp. “If only I could afford a gym membership,” he would say to himself. His mother saw the articles and knew how bad her son wanted a membership, so she purchased one for him. Derrick was so excited and rushed to the gym.

While at the gym, he noticed people walking around with protein shakes. He asked one of the fitness coaches about protein shakes and started to do some research. He realized that he needed protein shakes. Once again this became part of his daily routine. His mother noticing his interest and desire for protein shakes, went out and purchased some protein powder. Derrick was thrilled. After a month, he had lost 5lbs and could start to see his arms take shape. He then started to recognize the Nike track suits, and Underarmor shirts and determined that he needed a new wardrobe. Once again, he was obsessed with gym clothes. By this point his mother had some concerns. Derrick had spent more time looking at things he didn’t have than using the things that he did. Momma set Derrick down and 14 REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply said “Son, your goal was to get in shape, not get things that make you look like you are getting in shape.”

Derrick’s story is a lot like ours. We create a goal but discontentment distracts us from accomplishing it. We get so caught up in things we don’t have that we underutilize the things that we do, and end up stagnant.

Our passage for today helps us to reimagine life as it is. Sometimes we will have an abundance of resources. Sometimes we will not. Both abundance and deficit are teachers of contentment. In times of abundance, contentment helps us to properly steward the things we possess so that we are not possessed by them. In times of deficit, contentment helps us to see the importance of each gift that God gives.

Reimagine life as it is. Were you one of those people talking about how you need life to slow down, you need more time, or you need a break? Now that things are shut down, do you find yourself missing life as it was before? This is one example of how discontentment distracts. Perhaps God is calling you to be content. Be content with what you have, where you are, and who you are. You are able to achieve great things. But before you add another “goal” or accomplishment, be content with what God has already blessed you to receive. Reimagine life as it is. REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 15

PRAYER: Our Father, we thank and praise you for your many blessings. Your mercy is everlasting and your generosity is excellent. Forgive us for our entitlement, and discontentment. By your power and in your strength, teach us to be content. Help us to reimagine our life and see your abounding grace. Your grace is enough. It carries us through the hills and valleys of life. Have mercy on us as we continue to press toward the mark of the upward calling in Christ Jesus and as we strive toward holy contentment. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. 03 Reimagine Your SAVINGS (Be a Saver, not a Spender)

1 CORINTHIANS 16: 1-2 Now about the collection for the Lord’s people: Do what I told the Galatian churches to do. On the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with your income, saving it up, so that when I come no collections will have to be made. REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 17

After a year of financial devastation, it would be beneficially to view our resources differently. Many have lost jobs or have taken severe pay cuts due to the pandemic. With the high amounts of stress that this season has caused, it is so easy to spend $5 here for coffee, $20 there on Cashapp and even more on self-care. However, what we may not think about, is the contrast between how often money comes into our bank accounts, and how quickly it leaves. “In fact, according to a 2017 report by GOBankingRates, the average American has less than $1,000 saved.” When we consider the amount of debt we assume and our poor budgeting, economic freedom is an illusion. However, if we want to be savers and not spenders, then we must be willing to change our habits.

Begin to think differently. Instead of saying, “I only have x amount of dollars left after tithes and offering,” maybe ask yourself, How can I be a good steward over the 90% God has blessed me with? If I cannot manage to save, perhaps I should set up an automatic savings plan. At first the goal is simply to get in the habit of saving. The key is to manage your money so that your money does not manage you. Of course, these things are easier said than done, but we are challenged to look more closely at today’s scripture for guidance. 18 REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply

Paul is writing to the church in Corinth, encouraging them to do what the church in Galatia has done, and that is to save. Clear instructions are given on how to save, when to save and even an explanation on why they should save. Saving is an exercise that prepares for the future. Imagine if you would have been a saver and not a spender prior to this pandemic. What heartaches may have been minimized if we had an economic reservoir to tap into. As we move through this new season, let’s reimagine our savings. Let’s aim to do things differently. Be a saver and not spender.

PRAYER: Lord, develop in us a financial discipline of saving. Help us to be wise in our spending, so that we can be aggressive in our saving. Although culture is experiencing financial crisis, allow us to experience financial freedom like never before. In Jesus’ name, Amen. REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 19 04 Reimagine Your Debt (Be Debt-Free)

PSALM 37:21 ESV The wicked borrows but does not pay back, but the righteous is generous and gives. REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 21

“According to the Federal Reserves Survey of Consumer Finances, the average American between ages 35 and 44 has a staggering $133,100 in outstanding debt, a burden heavy both financially and psychologically.” Debt is financial captivity. In other words, the money you make does not belong to you when you are in debt. We work, even as business owners, as debtors. No matter if it is a student loan or borrowing money from a friend, the scriptures instruct us to pay off our debts. The fact of the matter is, this is far removed from the reality of the average American.

However, if we want to live a level three life and do things the King’s way, we must be willing to reimagine our debt. How we manage our debts can be understood as a spiritual practice. We cannot settle for being like everyone else. Instead, we must look more closely at our finances. In short, we must simplify in order to multiply. Although powerful, this scripture is rather short and to the point. We should strive to be like the righteous which is a lender, and not the wicked, which is a borrower who never repays his or her debt.

If we are going to be debt-free, we need some practical ways to get us started. “Begin tackling high-interest debts (like credit card debt) first, until they are eradicated. Move on to car payments, student loans, and your mortgage until you’ve either paid them off 22 REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply or you are making significantly more than the monthly minimum on each. Medical debts should go last. Like all other debt, keeping a high balance will destroy your credit, and you won’t incur any interest on medical debt.” In all things, lean to God for wisdom and clarity now more than ever. Make a plan to be debt-free!

PRAYER: Lord, grant us wisdom regarding how to be a good manager of our money as opposed to simply praying for money. Instead of praying for a miracle, let us seek you for clarity regarding the vital steps to take in order to get out of debt. Help us to steward our money well, and give generously when we can, Amen. REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 23 05 Reimagine Your Home (Be Organized)

1 CORINTHIANS 14:40 KJV Let all things be done decently and in order REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 25

Have you ever found yourself in an environment where the likes of good order and discipline failed to manifest themselves as worthwhile values? If we are honest with ourselves, dysfunction and mayhem are constantly lurking on the periphery of our lives, awaiting the opportunity to rear its divisive head. And what better place to wreak havoc than in our home? I am convinced today that God provided us with Scripture to help, aid, and assist us with not only discerning these contrary acts; but, with the ability to push them back to the outer boundaries of our lives where they belong.

As followers of Jesus, who is Emmanuel “God with us,” we have the power to bring order everything around us. We do this by first establishing order within our spheres of influence. The Apostle Paul admonished the believers at Corinth to subscribe to order. Why? Because order gives birth to organization which, allows you to see whatever else is out of place. The enemy has long understood that the way to destroy a people is to create chaos within the home. Therefore, we must be intentional about how we view the home and to that end, we must “Reimagine” God’s purpose and plan for our homes. Jesus said, “Every Kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand” (Matthew 12:25 26 REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply

KJV). The reality of this message family and friends, is that Christians are not exempt.

As created beings, I think it safe to say that both order and organization are extremely important and that they are not mutually exclusive; in fact, they are codependent! In the book of beginnings, God created the heavens and the earth. While God himself ordered the house (Genesis 1), he used Adam to organize it (Genesis 2). Without order, organization cannot exist. My prayer is that we would “Reimagine our Homes” to ensure that order and organization reign above all other modes of dysfunction and distraction.

PRAYER: Father, thank you for providing us with the ability to discern. We thank you for demonstrating to us through your beloved son Jesus, that we need order and organization within our lives. May we realize and display the type of order and organization that is pleasing in your sight within our respective homes. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen. REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 27 06 Reimagine Self-Care (Be kind to yourself)

COLOSSIANS 3:2 (KJV) Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 29

One area in our lives that lacks attention is “Self-Care”. While it’s both admirable and biblical for followers of Jesus to serve their fellowman; it’s equally as important that we not do so to the detriment of our wellbeing (Health). Jesus himself modeled for us how we should walk in healthy purpose. And it is incumbent upon us to follow his example if we are to do all that God has purposed for us to do. Our focus must always be on that which pleases our God and contrary to popular belief, God is pleased when we step away from the work every once in a while…in order to be replenished.

In Luke 5, Jesus healed a man which the Bible says was “full of leprosy” (Luke 5:12 KJV). As a result, “a great multitude came together to hear and to be healed by him of their infirmities. And he withdrew himself into the wilderness, and prayed” (Luke 5:15-16 KJV). Family and friends, please pay attention to what Jesus’ actions were. It’s important to note that there were still people who desired to receive what he could give, however, Jesus needed some “self-care” time. Why? So that he could be at his level best for those in need. Let us learn from his example. Temporary temples are not designed to go beyond the manufacturers’ published instructions. From the beginning of time, God established rest; in fact, God did so himself (Genesis 2:2 KJV). 30 REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply

Remember, there will always be more tasks than time. Our job is to be wise with our time, talents and resources. The Apostle Paul wrote (and I agree), “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them” (Ephesians 2:10 KJV). My question to you is simple: how do we fulfill this obligation if our bodies are not up to the task? Today, Reimagine self- care. Take some time to be kind to yourself, so you can be a blessing to someone else.

PRAYER: Father, thank you for opening our hearts and minds to this concept of “Self-Care”. We pray that you would continue to remind us through your Holy Spirit when we are in need of a recess. Help us to be obedient to the notification. May we not stray from our respective paths of righteousness, Father; instead, may we remember to be healthy so that You might receive the glory. In Jesus’ name. Amen. REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 31 07 7 Reimagine Balance (Be Balanced at Work and in Life)

ECCLESIASTES 3:1-8 For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted; a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 33

In the 2019 documentary One Nation Under Stress, it was determined that deaths of young, apparently healthy individuals are occurring at an alarming rate. Although the primary causes vary, the common denominator is believed to be stress. Dr. Cyril Wecht believes that stress should be a diagnosis and not merely a symptom. One of the major areas that we experience stress is in our work/life balance. Or, said better, the lack of balance between work and life.

In an effort to acquire and keep more stuff and keep up with “the Joneses’,” we may find ourselves in a cycle of clocking longer hours, working more than our required number of days, and not taking vacation. Work then becomes the central focus of our lives. While even the Bible encourages gainful employment (II Thessalonians 3:10), it was never meant to be all consuming, leaving neither time nor energy for people, places, and things that add to and support our physical, emotional, and spiritual health.

More often than not, our lives are as simple or as complicated as we make them. Our passage for today reminds us that there is a time and place for everything. There is a time for work and there is a time for life outside of work. Rather than applying the passage to seasons of our life, apply it to a 24-hour day, or a 7-day week. Think of it like this: there is a time to perform 34 REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply and a time to play; a time for projects and a time for people; a time for work and a time for worship. Changing our perspective can help shift our priorities and result in a balanced existence; one in which our work life and our personal life are not at odds, but are two sides of the same coin. Pastor Daniels often talks and teaches about intentionality. That is exactly what is required, in rather large doses, if we are to maintain a balanced life.

PRAYER: Father, in the name of Jesus, I thank you that You are a God of peace and not confusion. Help us to organize and prioritize our lives in a way that removes stress, blesses those around us, and glorifies You. In Jesus’ name, Amen. REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 35 08 Reimagine Social Media (Be Free, Disconnect to Reconnect)

EPHESIANS 5:16 Making the best use of the time, because the days are evil REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 37

No matter how we slice it, until God says otherwise, there are only 24 hours in a day. And we get to decide how we are going to spend each one of those hours. That is the upside. The downside is that we don’t always make wise choices when it comes to how we spend our time. In recent years, many of our waking hours have become consumed by social media. In an article entitled, “Unplugged: Disconnect to Reconnect,” author Frank M. Hasel stated that the average American spends 30% of their leisure time on the internet and 61% of individuals admit to being addicted to the internet and their electronic devices. These numbers are a clear indication that something has gone awry. Christians are not exempt from these statistics. Mr. Hasel says that our lives are, for the most part no longer a steady walk with God but have become a steady walk with our smart phones.

How connected are we really? What does it say about us individually and collectively when more time is spent with social media “friends” and followers than the person in the next room or in the case of married couples, the person with whom we share a bed? How connected are we to God when we check social media before checking in with Him? How connected are we to the Holy Spirit when we allow our prayer time to be interrupted by the ping of a text or email notification? 38 REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply

We appear to have gone down the social media slippery slope, but all is not lost.

Ephesians 5:16 tells us to make the best use of our time. One of the ways in which to accomplish this is to reimagine fasting. To fast means to abstain from gratification in order to achieve a greater spiritual goal. This usually relates to abstaining from food and physical gratification. However, we can apply the same fasting principle to social media and what we perceive to be gratification received from it. In many ways we have become slaves to social media. Jesus says he came to set the captives free (Luke 4:18). Imagine how liberating it is to no longer be held captive and captivated by social media. Imagine the increase in productivity. Imagine real connections with real friends and loved ones. Imagine a deeper and uninterrupted connection with God. Social media in and of itself is not a bad thing. In fact, it has opened many entrepreneurial avenues and benefitted countless individuals. However, like many other things, it can be misused and has the potential, if not managed properly to distract us from our goals, God’s plan, and meaningful connections. Let’s reimagine our social media today. Disconnect to RE-connect! REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 39

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus, thank You for the gift of social media which has been a blessing to so many. Help us to exercise self- control and wisdom in how we utilize social media; help us to not make an idol of it. Father I pray that whatever we do on social media will bring glory and honor to You, Your people, and Your kingdom. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 09 Reimagine Your Morning (Be Prepared for the Day)

PSALM 5:3 In the morning O Lord you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 41

The morning is a new day and a new beginning. For some, the morning is filled with chaos, uncertainty, doubt, fear and anxiety. We check our phones to get updates and to see what we missed. In recent months, the morning has meant awakening to the uncertainties of everyday life. Those things like “Will I be laid off today?”, “Will I have enough food or money for my family, crisis or grief?” Mornings represent a new opportunity to get it right. I’d like to encourage you to reimagine the morning as a time of quiet refreshing.

Psalm 5 tells us that God hears our cry. God hears the requests that are made in the morning. Whether it is a whispered prayer or in quiet time spent with Him, He hears us. It reminds us that no matter what may be happening on the outside, inside we can lay our requests before him. Know that God hears you. He hears the cries of his children. The morning is a time to start fresh. Another opportunity to seek God. We don’t want to seek him only in times of trouble. Instead, we can come to him in the morning to ask for our marching orders for the day.

In the morning we set the pace for our day. We allow God to map out our direction in deciding what things are important and what things can wait. In the morning God is waiting for us to be present with him. He wants to speak to us in the quiet and stillness of 42 REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply the day. In the morning we can hush the loud noises of life if we wait for him. Wait with anticipation. Wait knowing that God has spoken. Wait rejoicing because God has heard us.

PRAYER: Father, in the name of Jesus, we thank you for a new morning. We come to you in the morning to lay our requests before you. Lord we desire to see more of you. We anticipate being changed and formed by you. Help us to be still in the quiet of the morning to hear from you. As you speak, let us listen. Thank you for hearing us and loving us. Great is your faithfulness toward us God, in Jesus’ name Amen. REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 43 10 Reimagine Your Bills (Be Clear of All Excess)

ROMANS 13:7 Pay to all what is owed to them: taxes to whom taxes are owed, revenue to whom revenue is owed, respect to whom respect is owed, honor to whom honor is owed REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 45

Have you ever received calls or emails informing you of pre-approvals for credit cards? If you ever maxed out a credit card, you are not alone. Maybe you have borrowed from a family member or friend and have not paid them back. Maybe for you it’s the student loans or the IRS. Whatever the case, we owe someone and it must be repaid. For most of us we cannot remember what we purchased; and if we are not careful, we will find ourselves spending or borrowing resources we do not have. This amounts to large debt that can destroy our credit and name.

In Romans 13, Paul is talking to believers in Rome about their responsibilities to their government. He states that they must submit to the governing authorities and recognize them as such. Paul, like Jesus, says to pay what you owe. He says to pay your debts and bills. This is the right thing to do. Paul is teaching that our responsibility is not only to honor God but also to those who govern us. This passage also applies to Christians who want to live the King’s way by paying what you owe and honoring those you owe.

In this season of reimagine, Dr. Daniels has taught us about honor. We honor up, honor down, and honor all around. In giving honor, we show the respect that is due to others and to ourselves. In honoring ourselves we manage our affairs as good stewards of 46 REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply our resources. Let us, in this season of reimagine, not only pay back what we owe, but learn to steward our resources wisely. Let us not hold back on giving to those whom we have avoided. Settle your accounts. If you are in debt, make plans to pay it off. Be wise in your spending. The only thing we should owe anyone is love. So let us pay our obligations, seek God’s kingdom first, and show honor to others by paying your debt.

PRAYER: Father, forgive us for not handling what you have given to us with respect. Forgive us for not giving what is due to others. Help us to be good stewards over our resources. In this year of reimagining, Lord, we see ourselves free from debt and free to use the resources to serve you and others well. The only debt we want to owe… is love. In Jesus’ name, amen. REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 47 11 Reimagine Your Budget (Be a Good Steward)

LUKE 14:28-30 Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it? For if you lay the foundation and are not able to finish it, everyone who sees it will ridicule you, saying, ‘This person began to build and wasn’t able to finish’ REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 49

Have you ever had an idea that seemed so great that you shared it with everyone? Then a few weeks later, you start working on completing this idea or goal, only to find out halfway through that you don’t have everything you need to complete it, and so you don’t? But later, those friends who you shared your ideas with come back and ask about your progress. You have to decide if you are going to tell a fib and tell them you are still working on it, or the truth that you gave up.

If you are like me, you may have done this far too many times. I had to ask God what was going on. Why is it that I could help someone else execute and achieve their dreams, but could not seem to do it for myself? God told me that I was too impatient and I wasn’t counting the cost of the project. Specifically, I hadn’t taken the time to flesh out all the steps needed before I began. He also told me that these were ideas that I hadn’t properly vetted with God first. Therefore, by failing to plan, I was unconsciously planning to fail.

Let me encourage you. If you have a plan to start a business, leave a job, have children, get married, go to school, move to a new church or city, make sure that you have God’s approval. Write down as much as you can and give it to God. Pray and fast until you get his answer. The answer can take hours, days or longer to get it, but be willing to do what God tells you to do. If 50 REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply

God approves it, God will provide you with everything you need, the money, the help, and the strategy. Take the time to list out as many of the details in advance as you can. Know what you may need to sacrifice and trust that God will be with you throughout the entire process.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I have this great idea and I am presenting it to you. Help me to take my time to list out the details, consider my social, emotional, financial and spiritual needs and your plan for my future before I move forward. Give me the strategy, help, and persistence to complete the project. May the completion of my idea be a blessing to your kingdom. I thank you in advance for hearing and answering this prayer. In Jesus’ Name, Amen REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 51 12 Reimagine Your To DO List (Be Proactive, Not Reactive)

PROVERBS 21:5 (ESV) The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance, but everyone who is hasty comes only to poverty REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 53

I can always tell when I am doing too much. My home becomes cluttered because I am not putting things where they belong. It is only when I notice physical clutter in my life that I have to stop and ask myself, what is going on with me emotionally or mentally? Whenever I resolve those issues, the clutter in my house goes away. Recently I had a talk with God because in addition to the clutter, I was frustrated because I had bought the same item multiple times. I was wasting hard earned money.

God’s simple answer to me was this: I was too focused on taking care of others and not myself. I knew God didn’t mean for me to not help others, but that I needed to get my own house in order. By focusing on others, I was cluttering my mind. There was no room for me and sometimes God. I had to organize my thoughts.

What am I doing?

Why am I doing it?

What can I let go of?

After stepping back from a number of commitments, I felt the mental and emotional weights lift off of me. Not only did I clean the house and put things where they belonged, I was able to get a personal trainer, 54 REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply cook healthier meals and sleep better than I have in months.

What is the clutter around you? Are you doing too much for others? Is your health, wealth, home, spiritual faith suffering because you are not making the time? I encourage you to ask yourself the same questions and eliminate anything that gets in your way of just being. Think carefully about what is most important. If you are not sure, make a list and present the list to God as cares. Cast them on him and let him guide you on what to give up.

PRAYER: Lord, thank you for giving us the power to choose the life we want to live. Help us to choose the life you died for us to have. As we lift this list of concerns, responsibilities, and choices that are on our plate to you, I thank you in advance for giving me a strategy on how to move forward and how to bask in your peace that surpasses all understanding. I ask and believe I have already received all this, in Jesus’ Name. Amen REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 55 13 Reimagine Your Meals (Be Food-Conscious)

1 CORINTHIANS 6:12 (NLT) You say, “I am allowed to do anything”—but not everything is good for you. And even though “I am allowed to do anything,” I must not become a slave to anything REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 57

Have you ever walked into the house from a long day at work, or from chauffeuring children to and from school activities, or from running errands all day and thought, “What’s for dinner?!!” I have all too often been in this situation. My go-to solution was usually the drive-thru at a fast food restaurant or some pre- packaged processed foods I purchased the last time I went food shopping for this anticipated moment.

Although I am allowed to eat fast food or purchase processed foods, I know that on a long-term basis this is not the best nutritional option for my family or me. Therefore, I needed to reimagine my meals, to become more conscious of the food I was putting into my body and that of my family. One way to honor my temple (1Corinthians 6:19-20) is to intentionally plan time in my weekly schedule for meal prepping.

Meal prepping is the part of the meal planning process that we do in advance in order to give us more time later on. The first step is to schedule an hour in your week to select your meals for the week or the next few days. You can use recipes you already have or can get some new ideas on Google, Pinterest, or different cooking sites. After you have selected your meals for the week, make a shopping list of the ingredients you need to purchase. With shopping list in hand, it is time to go shopping. After you have all your ingredients, 58 REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply it’s time to prep your meals: chopping the vegetables, marinating or batch cooking meat, etc. Solicit help from your family or do it alone. I enjoy playing praise and worship music during this time.

When you are done, you will have all your meals prepped for the next week or the next few days, and you can even prepare extra to freeze. This entire meal prep process can be done in one day or over several days. Experiment to find what works for you. The results will be healthier meals, more free time and less stress during the weeknights, and not succumbing to poor eating habits due to lack of meal planning.

PRAYER: Father God, I thank you that although I am allowed to do anything, I know that everything is not good for me. Please help me as I reimagine my meal planning. Help me to take the time to plan my meals, so that I can be a good steward of my body and my time. I thank you that each day I will strive to become a better steward of the life and body you have given me. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen. REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 59 14 Reimagine Your Phone Usage (Be Free from Technology Co-Dependency)

PSALM 104:24 O LORD, how manifold are your works! In wisdom have you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 61

According to research by Asurion, a global tech care company, Americans check their phones 96 times a day. That equates to about once every 10 minutes! The average American spends a little more than five hours a day on his/her phone. Some people are so addicted to their phones they are not able to have a conversation with another person without checking their phone at least once. They cannot be fully present with people.

This behavior presents a problem because if you cannot be fully present with the people you can see, how can you be fully present with a God that you cannot see? How is this addiction impacting your quiet time with God? If God wants to speak to you through the opening up of the Scriptures, giving you a revelation for your life, how can He if you are distracted by your phone?

We are spiritually formed by practicing what is called spiritual disciplines or spiritual habits. God wants to deeply form us into the image of His son, Jesus. We cannot be deeply formed if we cannot slow our pace and sit in solitude or silence with Him. How can we hear His still quiet voice if we cannot sit in His presence and wait undistracted? How can we hear or sense the Holy Spirit during our day if we are checking our phone 96 times! Can God get a word in edgewise? So family, let’s reimagine our phone usage and be intentional about making steps to free ourselves with the help of the 62 REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply

Holy Spirit from our co-dependency on technology. Establish rules to live by, such as no phones at the dinner table; no phone during my quiet time with the Lord; no phone when I am watching a movie with my family; no phone when I am talking with someone, and no texting while driving! Begin today to be more intentional about being fully present in your life, not at the whim and mercy of technology. Technology was made to assist us, not the other way around. Reimagine your day with less technological distractions. Watch how God honors your obedience. Don’t get robbed of the fruit of your formation. God created technology for man’s use; not man for technology’s use!

PRAYER: Father God, I thank you for technology. What a variety of things you have made. It has made life easier in so many ways. During this global pandemic, it has allowed businesses to continue and me to continue to keep in touch with family and friends. Holy Spirit, help me to use technology wisely and not allow it to interrupt my time with you or with others. I want to hear and sense what you are speaking to me throughout my day. I know I cannot be fully present if I’m constantly distracted. Teach me to slow my pace, so I can be deeply formed into your Son’s image. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 63 15 Reimagine Your Exercise Time (Be Healthy)

1 CORINTHIANS 9:27 But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified

1 CORINTHIANS 6:19-20 Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 65

Year after year, people flock to the gym to sign up for a gym membership as part of their New Year’s resolution. Many often start strong before gradually losing interest or becoming discouraged by their results. Due to their lack of discipline, they become a statistic; charged for a monthly, often expensive, membership that they never use. That changed with the pandemic. Gyms were closed for safety. Personal trainers had to stop meeting with clients. It would seem that fitness culture had come to a complete stop. Some trainers however, must have been listening to Dr. Daniels at the beginning of the pandemic because they didn’t make excuses, they made adjustments. Trainers went to Youtube, Twitch, and Facebook in order to give people a free way to stay healthy, and in turn many discovered what they were truly capable of. They were able to bring their bodies under control.

When reimagining your exercise time, you may be tempted to dive headfirst into whatever workout others are doing but, the goal is to keep your body under control. The passage for today uses the discipline of the body as a spiritual and physical reality. Our bodies are houses for the Holy Spirit. Reimagine your health as an important part of your walk with God and a practice of stewardship. When it comes to your physical and spiritual health, consistency is key. Are you a morning or a night person? Are you trying to tone, burn fat, 66 REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply or gain muscle? Is there a particular part of your body that you want to focus on? What about your family genetics? What is your schedule usually like? How much space do you have available? What do you usually eat and how well do you usually sleep? These questions are a perfect way to start building a plan that ensures that you finish what you start. They will help you get to know the person whom God created you to be. It’s easy to become intimidated by goals that we establish, especially when we compare ourselves to people we see on TV and social media. When we reimagine ourselves as being healthy, as God desires us to be, we can avoid the emotional traps that the enemy sets for us.

Many people stop their fitness pursuits because they view failure as final. If you want to treat yourself to a honey bun, that’s fine. Just don’t eat five. Moderation is key. If you need a day of rest, take it. But don’t forget to get back on the saddle after. If you can’t do an exercise, it’s okay. Modify the workout with a lower impact move or use an alternative move that trains the same area. Ease in and work gradually. Listen to your body if you feel any pain and seek a medical professional if necessary. As you go, encourage yourself with the Word. You can exercise your body and Spirit at the same time. Your body is a temple for the Holy Spirit. You could even warm up while listening to your favorite REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 67 artist. Shift your mind and spirit to focus in faith on the changes you wish to see in yourself and in your body. Then trust that God will help you to the very end. Seek God’s best for your body, not what culture seeks to project on you.

PRAYER: Father, thank You for raising up courageous examples of strength. Jacob, David, Samson, and Jesus. You knew us before we were formed in our mother’s wombs and You know what we are capable of. Help us to crush the head of the enemy when he seeks to make us detest ourselves. We are made in Your beautiful image. Help us to love ourselves as You love us and help us to bring this good work into completion according to Your will. In Jesus’ name, amen. 16 Reimagine Your Consistency (Be Consistent)

DANIEL 6:10 When Daniel knew that the document had been signed, he went to his house where he had windows in his upper chamber open toward Jerusalem. He got down on his knees three times a day and prayed and gave thanks before his God, as he had done previously REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 69

“Well, I don’t know what will happen now. We’ve got some difficult days ahead. But it doesn’t matter with me now because I’ve been to the mountaintop and I don’t mind. Like anybody, I would like to live a long life. Longevity has its place, but I’m not concerned about that now. I just want to do God’s will. And He’s allowed me to go up to the mountain, and I’ve looked over, and I’ve seen the promised land. I may not get there with you, but I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the promised land.”

These beautiful words are an excerpt from Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King’s “I’ve Been To The Mountaintop” speech. It was an oddly prophetic piece, as he was assassinated the day after. However, in this final speech, he encourages his audience to continue to fight the good fight against racial injustice. It is a speech marked with the fire of determination and faith. Rev. Dr. King was among a pantheon of change makers who sought to shift things during the Civil Rights Movement in the face of racial adversity. Leaders and citizens alike had to live with the fear of bombings, firehoses, dogs, and other forms of domestic terror. We have come far since then, and we still have some ways to go. But one of the themes that was in King’s speech is so relevant today: consistency. 70 REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply

In our passage, Daniel continued to worship the Lord even after King Darius’ men had manipulated the King into signing a decree that would trap Daniel. God has a beautiful plan for our lives. Although the enemy is not omniscient like the Lord, he is very much aware that God has something phenomenal in store for us. Rather than give into the spirit of fear, be encouraged because the enemy is already defeated. Try as he might, God’s will ALWAYS comes to pass. That doesn’t mean we can be lax in our journey. We have to stay the course and continue to fight to guarantee that the life we live aligns with God’s best.

Much like Rev. Dr. King, Daniel did not give up on what his faith could accomplish. He was not afraid of the lion’s den because He knew that God was consistent by nature and would deliver him whether it was the way he wanted to or not. When life is good or if it puts us in the lion’s den, we must continue to seek the face of God. For some, it might be devotional time in the morning. For others, it might be on the way to work. No matter when that may be for you, don’t stop running after God. Consistency keeps us anchored. We’re never too far from God’s reach. But when we’re anchored in Him, we are unmovable. Consistency also keeps us ready for when the doors and windows of favor open. The lack of consistency puts us at risk of procrastination and other bad habitual traps. Dr. REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 71

Daniels said, in his BEASTMODE series, “When you’re a procrastinator, you’re always in ‘God’s getting ready to’ instead of ‘God did’ mode.” Whether it is on a personal or communal level, stay the course, stay in position, and watch God work!

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, as the worshipper often sings, “I will build my life upon Your love, it is a firm foundation. And I will put my trust in You alone, and I will not be shaken.” Your love has done so much for us. As we seek to break generational curses, strongholds, and demonic systems, please be with us. Give us eagle eyes to see things for what they are, wisdom to move accordingly, and the consistency to maintain our character. Draw us closer to You and may You be pleased by us in the seasons and the ones that follow. In Jesus’ name, amen. 17 Reimagine Your Closets

GALATIANS 5:1 (KJV) Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 73

This question may be something simple to ask yourself or the most difficult question to answer—but what does your closet look like? Most often when someone thinks of their closet, they consider the clothes that are worn consistently. Then you begin to find specific items that, due to memories, hold emotional attachments. Another person considers the items that no longer fit their body type or current lifestyle. Sometimes it is hard to remember what is in the closet because it is so cluttered with items that take up too much space. Perhaps you and your closet are in “an entanglement” and you need to be reminded of your freedom in Christ.

In a society that idolizes material possessions, clothes are often something we take pride in. Finding something to wear that fits the high fashion demands of others can be exhausting and feel like a prison. Freedom is something we can experience in every aspect of life, including finding something to wear in the morning. Consider capsule wardrobing. Modify the space and purpose of items in your closet by minimizing what you have and shopping for versatility. Purchase items that compliment your current items and can be rotated to create different outfits. This will save us critical time and mental space in how we navigate daily. Capsule wardrobing is great! 74 REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply

By reimaging, reorganizing, and simplifying we can declutter the closet and our lives. Take a moment to evaluate your closet. Reimagine the purpose of your lifestyle. Pray and write down what type of capsule wardrobing you can do to simplify the items you wear. Be intentional about your space so that you can receive multiplication from your simplicity.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, you are great and amazing because of the truth you reveal. Provide me with clarity from your wisdom. So, that I know what I need to do about the closet in my life (literally and figuratively). Help me with what I may not desire to let go of, and coach me through this time of reimagining my closet. In Jesus’ name, Amen! REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 75 18 Reimagine Your Tv Time

LUKE 2:52 And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 77

What does your TV time look like and what are you watching that could be bad for your mind? Nowadays, cartoons can be riddled with dark humor and concerning messages. The things that you watch subconsciously influence your thoughts. When these things are inconsistent with God and His sovereign will for your life they can be damaging. Shows that you label as entertainment could be creating self- destructive and even sinister thoughts like idolism, sexism, and, I dare to say, racism. This does not mean all things on television are bad, but this does mean we must manage what we watch and how much we watch.

Our passage today reminds us that Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and other people. Christians are called to follow and emulate Jesus. If we spend the majority of our free time watching TV, when we are not out socializing, how do we grow in wisdom. Would God look at the history of your binge watching and be pleased? Reimagine how you can use TV time to grow in wisdom, stature, in favor with God and other people. Perhaps consciously considering what the show intends to portray and the feelings that are invoked could help identify what is helpful or harmful to your spirit. Aside from the question of ‘what we watch?’, there is the question of ‘ how much we watch?’. 78 REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply

Instead of flicking through the channels of endless exploration of tv, steward your time better. Invite God in to help you manage your free time in a way that is beneficial. Instead of exposing yourself to the different variety of shows, try eliminating cable all together by using Netflix or Hulu. This way you can stay relevant and manage what you watch. You can also take the time in prayer to ask God to direct you and help you filter out what’s not beneficial. It’s time to reimagine your TV time as a time that you can also follow the leading of Christ!

PRAYER: Almighty God, help me to reimagine my tv time and the things I see daily. The things that I no longer need to be watching—please help me to replace that space with a pursuit of wisdom and moments of prayer. Increase the building of my faith through this time of evaluation. In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen! REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 79 19 Reimagine Your Focus (Be Focused)

LUKE 10:41 But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 81

Sometimes we are so busy trying to meet every demand, that we don’t do the main thing that needs to be done. In the midst of a world that is filled with so much noise and busywork, all of us should pause for a moment to ask: are these God’s demands? Does this “matter” to God, or does this just matter to me? Even if they are godly ideas, have we prioritized a plan, created action items, and assessed our outcomes?

In Luke 10, we learn of two sisters, Mary and Martha, who both have a common goal. Jesus is coming to their home and excitement has filled the air. Martha is attempting to have everything in place. The house must be clean, the menu must be prepared, and the right cut of meat must be served. Mary, on the other hand, decided that her action statement would be the fact that Jesus was in their home, so she would just “sit at his feet” and reap direct wisdom from his mouth. How many times have we attempted to capture the moment in family gatherings, vacations and celebrations by taking photographs, going “Live” and the sorts, instead of enjoying the moment?

In this moment, let’s quit multitasking. Reimagine what your life could be if you chose to focus on completing one thing well before moving onto the next. I promise you, the outcome will speak for itself. Reclaim your focus today, and reimagine a Mary posture in a Martha world. 82 REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply

PRAYER: Father God, help us to be mindful and present when we are attempting to complete tasks. Jeremiah reminds us that “you know the plans” (Jeremiah 29:11) for our lives. Let us seek you in our planning as you give us the means for your expected outcome. In the song of the psalmist, we sing “ One day at a time sweet Jesus…” Help us to focus on that one thing you want us to do for the day you have created. In Jesus’ name, Amen. REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 83 20 Reimagine Prayer (Be Prayerful)

JOSHUA 1:8 Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 85

Remember how exciting it was when you heard the first words uttered by a baby or when you learned your first word of a foreign language? Do you remember those precious words spoken by a parent or a mentor before you started “adulting”? In Joshua 1:8, God reminds this new leader, Joshua, not to forget the foundation on which they have come. Moses is no longer around. A new administration has taken over. But God had prepared them for this moment for several years. This was a new day and a new era. The excitement in the camp had to be unimaginable. After being in bondage and wandering for 40 years, finally, the children of Israel got a chance to walk into the promise. But “Be careful” says God through the mouth of Joshua. In order to find success, you must be careful and remain prayerful. Pray without ceasing. Trust God even when you cannot trace God. The same is true with us. Many times, we get excited about the “new” thing. But let’s remember how we got here. Prayer. It was prayer that got us here, and prayer that will keep us here. This foundational language of prayer excites our Father. What is prayer? Great question! Prayer is God’s invitation for your participation, so that you can better understand, the reason for your creation. Today, be prayerful. Today, be mindful. Pray more than you speak. Listen more than you react. Respond only after God has given you the green light. 86 REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply

PRAYER Father, help us to remember to always have a conversation with you. In the busyness of the new, let us be reminded of your word. We thank you in advance for your patience with us and we will be careful to use our heavenly communication system (prayer) so that we hear from heaven before we make moves on Earth. In Jesus’ name. Amen. REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 87 21 Reimagine Saying NO (Be Honest/Realistic)

MATTHEW 5:37 (ESV) Let what you say be simply YES or NO; anything more than this comes from evil REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 89

Saying NO is hard (for most of us). Why? Because most people don’t want to be labeled “the agitated aggressor.” I get it. Sometimes, we may feel as if we are letting the person down and we feel guilty because we don’t like rejecting others. You may even feel that you won’t be liked or will be perceived as uncaring and unhelpful.

But there are other people who say yes reflexively because they’re fearful of those same consequences. They want to be loved and respected. They’re worried that others will feel hurt, offended, or put off. So, they take what seems like the easy path and they just say yes. Even Christians feel pressured to say yes because we think it honors Jesus. We picture our Savior serving, sacrificing, loving, and caring and we want to be like Him. To an extent, this is good and healthy. We should seek to be like Jesus in everything we do. But, none of us is able to meet every need, care for every person, and say yes to every opportunity. Not even Jesus said yes all the time. So how do we Reimagine Saying NO? 1. Just Say it. Don’t beat around the bush or offer invalid excuses. This only provides an opening for the other person. Don’t delay or stall either. Provide a brief explanation if you feel you need to; however, don’t feel compelled. The less said the better. 90 REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply

2. Be firm! If someone can’t accept your no, then you know the person is probably not a true friend or doesn’t respect you. Stand firm, and don’t feel obligated to give in just because that person is uncomfortable.

3. Set boundaries! People sometimes have a hard time saying no because they haven’t taken the time to evaluate their relationships. When you truly understand the dynamic and your role, you won’t feel as worried about the consequences of saying no. You’ll realize that your relationship is solid and can withstand you saying no.

When you say no in a prayerful and careful way, it leads to freedom, joy, and health. It also allows us to say yes to what God says matters most.

PRAYER: Lord, help me to prioritize my time and realize that I’m serving You, and not serving people’s opinions of me. Help me to please you first and others second. May I find rest in you when I’m burnt out, and wisdom on when to say yes to what matters most. In Jesus’ name, AMEN. REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 91 22 Reimagine Spending (Be Frugal)

MATTHEW 6:24 No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 93

Have you ever gone into a store or shopped online just for 1 or 2 items but when you went to checkout you had a cart full of other things that you had not planned on buying? No judgement, I understand! You are not alone. In the era of plastic cards, overspending has becoming easier, and people who use credit cards are willing to pay more for purchases.

Here are a few strategies to help you Reimagine Spending. Firstly, use cash. Give yourself a cash budget for the week and stick to it. If the money isn’t in your wallet, you can’t spend it. According to financial advisors, people who use cash for small purchases will have less debt after six months than those who use credit cards.

The second strategy is called delayed spending. You need to decide how many days’ is applicable for your situation. Essentially, if you feel the urge to buy something non-essential, do the following: Stop! Leave the store or click away from the site. Then write down what you wanted to buy, where it can be found, its price, and mark on your calendar a set time that you can afford whatever it is you want. After the timeline has expired, if you still wish to purchase the item, then you can potentially do so, knowing it’s no longer an impulse buy.

This strategy can also help you compare prices with different vendors. In addition to writing down the 94 REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply amount, you could put that amount of money into your savings account. This will help you manage your budget and build your savings account. As you watch it grow, you may be less tempted to use it to buy something you don’t need.

The third strategy is directly from the word of God. Here are a few biblical principles: #1: our money is not our money, it’s God’s money, and He entrusts it to us! #2: Learn to be content #3: Give cheerfully and generously. As God leads, we are also called to give above and beyond the tithe. #4: Save wisely and prayerfully especially for long-term needs. #5: In exercising Biblical stewardship, we must spend with discipline. To Reimagine Spending, we should ask, am I acting as if I owned it, or am I acting as the Lord’s trustee? #6: Know the consequences of debt and keep from being enslaved. #7: Love the Lord, not money. As we allow God to transform our hearts, I pray that we can learn to be content, to give cheerfully, generously, and to save wisely.

PRAYER: Lord help me to spend with discipline. Bless my sincere efforts. Above all, teach me how to truly love and serve You, not money. Show me how to apply these strategies and principles to my life so that I can truly have that abundant life Jesus desires for me! REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 95 23 Reimagine Unsubscribing (Be Single-minded)

MATTHEW 6:21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 97

I find myself having to scroll through unnecessary ads in my email inbox more and more lately. Some from stores that I frequent and some unfamiliar to me. I have not been shopping much lately, so I find myself deleting emails daily to create room. Deleting them proved to be ineffective, as they would only return the next day –an absolute waste of my time! Then I thought, unsubscribe! Yes, unsubscribe—you know that word that is usually at the bottom of each email? I began unsubscribing to every email that I did not request. I even unsubscribed to emails that I previously subscribed to, that tempted me to do things like shop because they contained coupons. I only kept emails that were important to me.

Matthew 6:21, says for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Jesus is telling us that our treasure and our heart will be in the same place. In other words, we often protect the things that we love. With my inbox cluttered with unnecessary emails, it was difficult to find, or even focus on those things that were important. As a result, I missed deadlines and deleted emails I should have kept.

You see, by weeding out unnecessary emails, I was able to only receive and keep those that were important. I was able to remove those that were distracting and tempted me to spend money unnecessarily. 98 REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply

Unsubscribing to unwanted email helped me to not only keep and manage my time, but helped me to focus on what needed my attention. Can you imagine your email inbox free of unwanted emails? That is possible if you begin unsubscribing to them. Come on, do it! Click… unsubscribe!

PRAYER Father, thank you for your word that teaches me how to care for and value the things I treasure. Thank you for helping me know how to identify what is important and what is not. Give me the strength to consistently declutter areas where I keep my treasure, especially my email. Help me to unsubscribe from emails that rob me of my time and treasure. I want to take better care of what is important to me. In Jesus’ name, Amen. REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 99 24 Reimagine Breathing Room (Be Flexible)

MATTHEW 6:33 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 101

“I’m late,” Kiesha mumbled under her breath as she pulled into the driveway of her client’s home for their weekly visit. This appointment was a standing one and she intended to be on time. However, Kiesha was held up at her last appointment taking care of a crisis. Still feeling upset from the experience, and not desiring to be up late, she decided to cancel. She also decided to pray (something she had not done lately because she had been very busy). By not prioritizing things she had no time to be flexible; no time to breathe.

Reimagine breathing room in the course of your day. This is an exercise of time management. In our passage for today, Jesus is encouraging us to put God’s kingdom and his way of doing things first. This is a matter of priorities. Too often, God is last. If we were to be honest Kiesha’s story is not very different from our own. In the hustle and bustle of life it is easy to become too busy for God. If you have ever fallen asleep while praying in bed, you are not alone. This passage tells us to put God at the top of priority list. Then God will provide us with those things that we need. When we begin our day with God, we situate the order of the day to run properly. My recommendation to you is simple: spend time with God at the start of each day. Then create margin within your schedule throughout the day. 102 REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply

Kiesha needed to be reminded that God needs to be the priority, and this put her in a place to organize her day with flexibility. Take hold of the day before it takes hold of you. When you do not put God first you might find yourself doing things your way instead of seeking God’s guidance. Infuse God throughout your day; not only at the beginning and end of the day, but at the start and end of each task. This will help you to breathe and find peace on the calm days and the chaotic days.

PRAYER: Father, thank you for the opportunity to seek you. Give me the strength to find breathing room into my schedule. Help me to carve out more time to be with you. I want to model godly excellence in all that I do. Give me the grace to do it. In Jesus’ name, Amen. REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 103 25 Reimagine Automation (Be Hassle Free)

JOHN 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 105

Life comes with a lot of ups and downs. As we grow as adults, we begin to take a lot of things on. As the years go on, we accumulate more and more and we commit to more and more. It gets to a point where everything you do becomes a hassle. The freedom you once sought as a young adult is now buried underneath piles of bills and worries. But life doesn’t have to be this way. For me, it wasn’t until I discovered paying bills online that some of the burden began to lift. I signed up for auto pay with a few of my bills and a whole new world of freedom seemed to be within my reach.

That one simple act of enrolling in auto pay allowed me to reimagine what life could be like without the burden of paying bills through snail mail; or having to set calendar reminders to make sure I paid bills on time. I accrued a lot of late fees and messed up my credit because I would forget and pay days later. The days just seemed to get away from me. Now the money comes right out. No Hassle. As a young adult, getting a grasp on life can be a lot. However, in Christ there is hope. We no longer have to live as the world does, rushing to tomorrow and not being able to enjoy today. The Bible says in Matthew 6:26-27 to look at the birds. They are cared for and fed. So how much more does the Lord care for us? A lot more. So much so that he gave people ideas to help us simplify our lives and get rid of the clutter. So, today: BE HASSLE FREE. 106 REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply

In order to simplify your life, embrace the systems God put in place that allow you to let go of some of the daily hustle and bustle. When we reimagine how to live in Christ, we can rest in the fact that His yoke is easy and his burden is light. God wants us to simply rest in Him. Rest in the comfort of knowing that God will never leave you nor forsake you. Most importantly, God wants us to cast our cares upon Him so we can not only be hassle free in the world but hassle free in Christ.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, Help us to cast our cares on you. Help us to realize that you are the ultimate provider and the ultimate support system and that when we truly cast our cares, burdens, needs, and wants on you, we can set it and forget it—knowing that you have all that we need. Today, we will rest in this truth. In Jesus’ name, Amen. REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 107 26 Reimagine Free Time (Be Selective)

JAMES 4:13-15 (ESV) Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit”— yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that.” REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 109

When you look at your social calendar, what does it look like? Is it filled to the brim with engagements? Where is your free time? Do your weekends go by so quickly because you have every second jammed packed with activities? When are you spending time with God? When are you resting in his loving arms? How are you feeling? Are you drained, tired and unfocused? Maybe what you need to do is simplify. Be intentional with the events that you attend.

For years I did all of the things. It wasn’t until a location leader at Change Church sat me down and said to me, “You are doing too much.” You must choose. As much as I hated to admit it, she was right. I had to choose. But the choice was about more than ministry commitments. The Holy Spirit was speaking to me about my life. I didn’t realize it at the time, but I can now see that God will sometimes send people into your life to speak the truth in love.

The way I had been doing things, was not working. I had been working in the name of Christ, but not for Christ or through Christ. Who will you choose? I had to choose how I was going to move forward. In the name of Christ, or in the will of Christ. In the years to come, I was met with a lot of death. I felt like I had nothing left. But that’s where I was wrong. I still had Jesus. The ever-present Jesus. I really leaned into Jesus at this 110 REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply point. I now had to reimagine what serving would look like for me. I had to reimagine who I was and what my purpose was. I needed to be more, rather than do more. But how? How was I suppose to learn how to be?

I had to pare down my calendar. The calendar that once held space for every meeting, assignment, event, and meet-up. I had to make space for me and Jesus to just be. To commune with one another. I let all the weight of the past go. I let the weight of being social for the sake of being social, go. I just needed to be.

That decision helped me to become more intentional with my time, my space, and my interaction with others. The expectations of others may lead you to fill up your calendar out of obligation, but I want to challenge you to reimagine what free time looks like for you. Be free from events every single weekend. Be free from culture’s way. Be free to live the King’s way and just simply be.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, teach us how to be free in you. Show us how to let go of the things that are not a priority to you. Help us to step out of the ways of this world and out of the bondage of the things that weigh us down. Help us to free up time so that we can be present with you. In Jesus’ name, Amen. REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 111 27 Reimagine Communication (Be Present)

MATTHEW 6:34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 113

Have you ever started your day with your plans in mind, and happens? Many times, we plan our day, we have our checklists, we think we have it all figured out, and happens. But here is the good news. Each day we awaken to new grace and new mercies. The beauty of it all is that our God has already gone before us. He has already determined the end from the beginning. The thought that our future is a memory to God should take our breath away. While we have our calendars and our checklists with things to do, we really don’t know what lies ahead; so, as believers, we put our hope and trust in the Creator of heaven and earth.

We can be assured that like a rocking chair, worry does not get us anywhere; our minds may be preoccupied with all sorts of things, but no movement. Is it possible to worry and trust God? SELAH

Let us be reminded of the overall theme of the book of Ecclesiastes. If we seek, trust and obey the Lord our God we will have lived a good life. Matthew 6:33 agrees with Ecclesiastes, “but seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be provided for you.” So, in order to rest in God’s sovereignty, we have to seek Him. In seeking him, we have a better chance of not worrying, but instead, surrendering the day, His will, His way; which is better. 114 REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply

Consider the following as an antidote to worry: • Life is good because God is good; when we can rejoice and be glad in the moment, worry diminishes. • Life will have some dark days, but Jesus has overcome the world of darkness; and we know all things work together for the good of those who love God. • Life is short and we can choose to be in the present moment and enjoy heaven on earth with the hope of what lies ahead in eternity. • Life will bring judgment to every hidden thing and therefore we don’t need to worry because God sees everything, knows all things, and will bring everything into account.

I invite you to consider what life would be like if you did not worry. Is it possible that you could have joy in the midst of waiting for an answer? Is it possible that when you watch the news, you can trust that God is not surprised and is still in control? Is it possible that, while waiting on an important call, you can choose to paint with your child or facetime your parents? What would life look like if I gave my anxious thoughts to the presence of God? It is possible to enjoy a flourishing life, on purpose, for God’s glory. REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 115

PRAYER Father, we bless you. We speak well of you. You are our King and our Father. We are grateful to have a place of rest. In your arms, we find safety. We can rest from worry about what is and what will be because today we choose to keep our eyes on you. Teach us how to focus on the things that matter. You remain to be, the author and the finisher of our faith. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. 28 Reimagine Delegation (Be an Example)

EXODUS 18:13-18 The next day Moses took his seat to serve as judge for the people, and they stood around him from morning till evening. When his father-in-law saw all that Moses was doing for the people, he said, “What is this you are doing for the people? Why do you alone sit as judge, while all these people stand around you from morning till evening?” Moses answered him, “Because the people come to me to seek God’s will. Whenever they have a dispute, it is brought to me, and I decide between the parties and inform them of God’s decrees and instructions.” Moses’ father-in-law replied, “What you are doing is not good. You and these people who come to you will only wear yourselves out. The work is too heavy for you; you cannot handle it alone. REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 117

Take a moment and consider what Moses’ Father-in- law said to Moses: “What you are doing is not good. You and these people who come to you will only wear yourselves out. The work is too heavy for you; you cannot handle it alone.”

I can imagine someone in leadership feeling the weight and the responsibility to manage it all. Have you ever felt pressured to have all the answers? Is it possible that leaders don’t have all the answers? OR Is it possible for a leader to consider the reply “I don’t know” as an answer? This reply offers the opportunity to be a great example to others because truthfully, there will be times when you do not have the answer.

Moses’ father-in-law Jethro was visiting with Moses because he had heard all of what had taken place; the Lord had led the people of Israel out of Egypt. During his stay, Jethro and Moses are talking and Moses shares the hardships with which they were confronted. In his wisdom, Moses knew that it was not of his own accord, but it was the Lord who rescued them. Jethro offered Moses good advice; he offered a sweet reminder to take the peoples’ concerns and bring them to the Lord our God. This is another opportunity for leaders and aspiring leaders to be an example of how to manage one’s many roles in life. Jethro’s visit offered Moses 118 REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply the chance to show the people that there will be times when you cannot do it all.

This story is applicable to our everyday lives. Each of us may find ourselves trying to do it all when in fact God has created new ways to get things done. Consider the mother who awakens the children, cooks breakfast, drives to and from school; and then realizes that she has grocery items that are needed for dinner. This presents a chance to simplify her to do list, a great chance to order online, have groceries delivered; or curbside pickup.

Family there are ways for us to simplify our lives and still get what needs to be done, we only need to reimagine. Just like Jethro told Moses, “This is too heavy and you cannot do it alone;” no need to be superwoman or superman, just consider how to simplify and enjoy everyday life.

PRAYER: Father, please simplify my life. Help me to delegate. Help me to ask for help—first from you, then from others. In Jesus’ name, Amen. REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 119 29 Reimagine Worship (Be Led by the Spirit)

JOHN 4:13-14 Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 121

“I’m sorry, Lord, for the thing I’ve made it…when it’s all about You, It’s all about You, Jesus”

These are verses from a song titled “The Heart of Worship” written by Matt Redmon. Although worship is often thought of as a service or a song, this title sums it up. Worship truly is a matter of the heart. When we have a heart that’s postured toward God in trust, forgiveness, joy, peace, and hope, we have a heart of worship. These are the seeds of worship that can be planted into the heart of our Heavenly Father. To reimagine our worship with GOD, we must invite GOD’s presence, universally, into our lives. Every part of our day can be filled with his presence. One way we can accomplish this is through ‘Fasting.’ Dr. Dharius Daniels explains this in his book, Stronger, Closer, Better. In the chapter titled, “Removing the Clutter”, he says, “fasting provides us with a degree of intimacy with GOD.” Our physical bodies long to be replenished by food and water, but our spiritual thirst can only be quenched by the presence of God.

Intimacy with GOD is like sweet music to our ears. The water that Jesus gives enters in and touches every area of our being. When we reflect that divine touch outwardly, when the spring of water wells up inside of us, that’s worship. If GOD is in the small stuff, and GOD is in the tough stuff, and GOD is in the hard stuff, 122 REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply then GOD can most definitely be in the simple stuff, too. Things like holding a door open for someone, or greeting someone with a smile, or saying, “thank you”, “please” and “you’re welcome” are simple things that, with the right heart posture, become acts of worship. For instance, all day, GOD and I acknowledge one another. When I wake up in the morning, GOD says “Good Morning and How do you do?” And I reply, “I am fine Lord and what about You?” You see, that’s just how simple worship can be. We really don’t have to over complicate our Worship to GOD. He is looking at our hearts and that’s what will set us apart.

The simple things that we do or say daily, are all ways that we can worship GOD. Our worship can be as common and as life giving as water. Does that mean our days will be perfect and without defects or flaws? Absolutely not! It just means that we are in worship with God. When we do things that are pleasing to him, no matter how small or mundane they may seem, we have worshiped him. So, reimagine what peace looks like, what love looks like, what patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control, and joy looks like. When we take the time, any amount of time, to think of the goodness of GOD and reflect that goodness toward others, we are reciprocating GOD’s love and in turn, showing worth (worship) to GOD. REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 123

PRAYER: GOD, I thank you for your Word. I know that in Spirit and in Truth is how I must worship You. And that Truth, doesn’t have to be Cluttered or Complicated. It can just simply be, “How do you do? and Thank You.” I pray that your Holy Spirit continues to guide me daily in the simple ways that I can show (worth) Worship to You. In Jesus’ name Amen! 30 Reimagine Creativity (Be Thoughtful)

GENESIS 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 125

I am sure you’ve heard someone say, “Be quiet and let me think.” In most cases, it’s probably not meant to sound rude. But it’s said with an informed understanding that noise can at times, clutter our thoughts. Cluttered thoughts can become a source of stress. Stress leads to all sorts of problems: emotional, relational, physical, financial, or spiritual. You may wonder how spiritually? Well, stress can block our spiritual receptors and cause us not to hear GOD clearly. God has a plan and a purpose for our lives and in order for us to fully understand what that is, we need a clear line of communication. We can’t accomplish that if we can’t simplify our thoughts to the degree that we hear God with clarity and without confusion.

In our passage today, God creates something out of nothing. Reimagine Creativity as the beginning of something that didn’t exist in your life; as space to think. One sure way to help massage our thinking and get our ‘creative juices’ flowing, free of distractions, is by practicing the Spiritual Discipline of Fasting. Dr. Dharius Daniels tells us in his book Stronger, Closer, Better that “fasting clears the mental and spiritual clutter.” When it’s time to make important decisions or when we need our creativity to come alive, we must be intentional about slowing down and taking time to process our thoughts. Take something out of your life that is time consuming. Perhaps spending less 126 REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply time on social media, or watching the latest TV show. Use this time to think. Time to think allows us to be contemplative and reflective. Our lives can become very busy and at times overwhelming. Time seems to just slip away, and our days seem to shrink. Before we know it, we haven’t had time to just sit still and listen to the loving, calming voice of GOD.

There is this song, I believe from the seventies, titled ‘I Can See Clearly Now.’ One of the verses, is about seeing obstacles in the way. Thinking helps us to see more clearly obstacles that we can tell to move. Just like GOD had a plan when He created the heaven and the earth; He also had a plan when He created you and me. This is how we keep it simple: We ‘Reimagine’ our plans for each day where GOD has a seat at the head of the table.

PRAYER: Lord, you have a purpose and plan for my life and I am thankful that it’s not too late for me to slow down and reimagine creative ways to have quality time with you and with the people and things that are important in my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen! REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 127 31 Reimagine Downsizing (Be Prudent)

JUDGES 7:4-8 But the Lord said to Gideon, “There are still too many men. Take them down to the water, and I will thin them out for you there. If I say, ‘This one shall go with you,’ he shall go; but if I say, ‘This one shall not go with you,’ he shall not go.” So Gideon took the men down to the water. There the Lord told him, “Separate those who lap the water with their tongues as a dog laps from those who kneel down to drink.” Three hundred of them drank from cupped hands, lapping like dogs. All the rest got down on their knees to drink. The Lord said to Gideon, “With the three hundred men that lapped I will save you and give the Midianites into your hands. Let all the others go home.” So Gideon sent the rest of the Israelites home but kept the three hundred, who took over the provisions and trumpets of the others. REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 129

Downsizing became a strategy of organizations in the 1980’s to reduce cost and improve performance. It was generally achieved by reducing personnel. “Downsize” was the term adopted in the attempt to be softer than saying “fired”, or “laid off.” As a result, for many, downsizing may carry a negative connotation. However, we can reimagine the idea of downsizing as we examine how God used this strategy in Gideon’s life.

In this passage, Gideon is preparing to battle an alliance of Midianites, Amalekites and other eastern nations. When entering a battle it would seem counterintuitive to reduce the number of troops you have available. It is important to know that Gideon has already followed the Lord’s direction to reduce the number of troops from 32,000 to 10,000 by letting all those who were afraid go home. Yet God informs Gideon that he still has too many men. Can you hear Gideon questioning “still too many men”? However, it is the assessment of an omniscient God that the army needed to be downsized further. You see earlier in chapter 7, God explains that He wants to reduce the numbers to a level that would prevent Israel, or anyone else, from incorrectly attributing victory to their own strength.

God then gives Gideon the plan for this next reduction. At the river, those who got down on all fours and put 130 REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply their face in the water were sent home. That left 300 that cupped and lapped the water from their hands. Now this 300 were not super soldiers and did not undergo Special Forces training. What they exemplified was prudence. Prudence is wisdom, good judgment, commonsense, caution or circumspection to avoid hazards. These 300 satisfied their thirst as the others, but they did it in a posture of readiness; they remained aware and prepared for action. God informed Gideon these 300 men would be his army.

Gideon’s story can help us reimagine downsizing. Consider that the victory is not in numbers but in obedience. God could have given the victory with an army of 10, 5, or with Gideon alone. The true fight was within Gideon. Yet, even in Gideon’s anxieties, he followed God’s instructions to reduce the army. God may instruct us to let go of resources just at the time we think we need them most. It may not make sense, but trust His directives. Dr. Daniels reminds us not to look down at what we don’t have but look up to God and give thanks for what we do have. The Lord desires to partner with us in His endeavors and that requires trusting His instructions. Simultaneously, there may be times when there are no specific instructions from God. In those times we should walk with prudence like Gideon’s 300. Without any external promptings these men exercised wisdom and good judgement in REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 131 how they met their needs at the river. Reimagine how obeying God even when the instructions do not make sense can operate in combination with prudence - good judgement, wisdom, and common sense when direction is not given.

PRAYER: Lord you are great. You know the end from the beginning. As you call on me to downsize and let go of things I think I need, I will submit to your leading. I thank you for what’s left and ask you for wisdom on how best to steward it. When I do not have clarity, by your grace, I will move with prudence and with an open heart. 32 Reimagine Preparation (Be Prepared)

EXODUS 15:2 The Lord is my strength and song, and he is become my salvation: he is my God, and I will prepare him an habitation; my father’s God, and I will exalt him REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 133

Envision being invited to dinner and the host went out of their way to made you feel welcome. They greet you with “we were expecting you.” As you enter, savory odors waft through the house. The “good” china is set out as well as the good towels and linens - you know the stuff reserved for “company.” You see your favorites on the table. Any and every accommodation has been extended. How would that make you feel - important, special, honored? Honor is a principle of a Kingdom life. Honor is a core value of Change Church. There are many ways to convey honor however, we will examine how honor is expressed in today’s text.

After centuries in slavery in Egypt, the bondage of the Israelites was finally broken by the hand of God. Moses leads the people out to where they come to an impasse. The Red Sea was in front of them, mountains to their sides, and the Egyptian army pursuing behind them. Then God instructs Moses to stretch out his rod over the sea and the waters parted. The entire Israelite nation crossed safely on dry ground. Yet as the Egyptians try to follow them, the Lord instructs Moses to stretch forth is hand over the sea again. The waters then returned destroying the Egyptian army. Witnessing this great deliverance, the people of Israel began rejoicing, singing, dancing and praising God. 134 REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply

As they celebrated, Moses and the people of Israel sang what’s known as the song of Moses - Exo 15:1-21(KJV). A phrase of that song found in verse 2 is today’s text - “The Lord is my strength and song, and he is become my salvation: he is my God, and I will prepare him an habitation; my father’s God, and I will exalt him.” Other translations of verse 2 say, “I will praise him.” The connection of praise and habitation is supported in Psalms 22:3 (KJV) - “But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel.” When genuine praise is offered to God, His presence is manifested as He comes and sits down in the midst of the people.

To reimagine preparation, it is important to understand that preparation as an indication of honor. In the opening story, we could imply from the effort put forth in the preparation of the host that the guest was regarded as one to be honored. The text declares “I will prepare him an habitation…” A quality decision is reflected in the words “I will.” The determination is to prepare the Lord a habitation. Specifically, we honor the Lord when we prepare for the Lord not just to visit, but to stay. Preparation is making room, and seeking to accommodate the guest of honor. Like the host in our story, we prepare the atmosphere with acknowledgement, thanksgiving, and praise. We honor the Lord with the savor of prayer mixed with gratitude. We make room in our soul with times of quietness and REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 135 reflection on the Lord’s word and His work in our life. Preparation is an indication of honor.

PRAYER: Lord I am so grateful for the things you have done. I praise you today because of who you are. You are my strength and my song. You are my God. I will make room for you in every aspect of my life. I will prepare time, energy, resources and all that I have to honor you. You are always welcome here. 33 Reimagine Serving (Be a Servant)

NEHEMIAH 4:6 So we rebuilt the wall till all of it reached half its height, for the people worked with all their heart REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 137

Many of us have forgotten how to dream. But the story of Nehemiah is about reconstructing what looks impossible to most. God put in his heart to rebuild the Jerusalem walls. During his visit to evaluate the task, the writer informs us the city was buried in ruins. The gates had been destroyed by fire (Nehemiah 2:17). A portrait of hopelessness and despair. Needless to say, after Nehemiah made his assessment, and said, “Come, let us rebuild (See Nehemiah 2:17-18).”

Like a potter looking at a hunk of clay or the painter looking at a blank canvas, we must also see God’s precious promises when looking at our lives – regardless of the situation (Genesis 50:20: Job 8:7). Family, it takes faith to reimagine. It also takes faith to look into the spirit realm and see your dreams fully resurrected! We must be active participants during the process, diligently working with all of our hearts and hands. Philippians 4:13 (Amplified Bible) tells us we can do all things through Christ, who strengthens, empowers, and gives us his peace (paraphrased). Therefore, if we want to be agents of change, let us believe God to start with our lives. We must do the same thing Nehemiah did! I noted three- steps; after he prayed: 1.) He took God at his Word 2.) He did the planning, and 3.) He actively started to rebuild. Today start reimagining the endless possibilities and the potential that God has placed on the inside of you (see 138 REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply

Nehemiah 6:2-4). Start building your dreams, one dream at a time.

If your faith gets weary, pinpoint and mediate on your favorite scriptures (Joshua 1:8). Find inspirational quotes, books, and listen to songs and individuals that motivate you. Beloved, learning something new, or starting over can be intimidating. But God has not given us the spirit of fear (2 Tim. 1:7). The Lion of Judah lives on the inside of us (1 John 4:4)! Reignite your child-like-faith and dream again. Ask God to impart BIG dreams on the inside of you. We serve a BIG God! He said that He would give us the desires of our hearts. This year, decree and declare, “I am taking my rightful place as a joint heir with Jesus Christ. I have dreams, and this year, I will rebuild with the end- result always in the forefront of my mind.”

PRAYER: Let us pray, Heavenly Father, you are the master builder; you have planted Big dreams on the inside of me. May this be the year, dear God, that I actively participate in the fulfillment of those dreams. Help me select the proper tools needed to rebuild anything that has is torn down in my life. Father, please bless me with your wisdom, grace, and favor to build according to your divine plan. God, you are my source and the fuel that ignites my dreams and desires. Thank you for helping me to act now, without fear or procrastination. Please order my footsteps as I praise you now. I will work with a spirit of great expectancy. In Jesus Name, I pray, Amen! REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 139 34 Reimagine Goals (Be Goal-Oriented)

MATTHEW 20:28 “Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 141

Beloved, we have all been called to be servants and ministers of God. Most individuals would probably define a minister as someone standing behind a pulpit preaching or teaching God’s word. However, Jesus was the epitome of a servant during his earthy ministry. He loved out loud. He modeled the template by demonstrating how to love our neighbors as ourselves. The bible admonishes us to love the least of these unconditionally, which affectionately describes the disinherited, widows, and sick, and so should we! To be Christians or Christ-like means to be more than a church-goer. The Lord desires His Christ-like followers to be seamless representations of Him in the world (read Re-present Jesus by Dr. Dharius Daniels). Believers should express God’s love by emulating the humility and willingness to serve, as Jesus demonstrated when he washed his disciple’s feet.

John 13:12-15 “So when He had washed their feet, taken His garments, and sat down again, He said to them, “Do you know what I have done to you? You call me Teacher and Lord, and you say well, for so I am. If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you.”

When we give of ourselves; time, talent, and financial resources, we are actively doing ministry by sharing 142 REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply

God’s love. God desires to use us; the only way He can meet our needs and the needs of others is by touching the hearts and hands of willing human vessels. Therefore, the next time you cook a meal for someone who is sick, pay for groceries or take the time to call that person God keeps putting on your heart. These are only a few ways (among countless others) that we all can minister the love of God by being a servant. This type of love and ministry is needed in our world today. How will you love out loud (L.O.L) today?

PRAYER: Abba, Father, I humbly come to give you glory and magnify your name. Please show me as I go throughout my day and my life how to re- present you. Please open my heart, eyes, and hands so I can recognize the areas where you desire me to serve. Teach me how to minister your unconditional love to the needs of the people around me. Today, I commit to saying “Yes” when you ask me to serve. In Jesus, Name. Amen. REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 143 35 Reimagine Silence (Be Silent)

1 THESSALONIANS 4:11 And that ye study to be quiet, and to do your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 145

The world is filled with noise. In the car we have radios. In the house we have TVs and when all else fails, we have our smart phones. Silence is not a frequent experience and it often is not a desirable one. We imagine silence to be a sign that something is wrong. If a person is too silent, we assume they are upset. For some, if there is silence in a home, we will turn on the television or some music just to break the silence. What if we began to reimagine silence as a precursor for peace?

In this passage, Paul is describing the kind of godly conduct that leads to both pleasing God and a good reputation among other people. Paul commands his readers to lead a peaceful life, to mind their own business, and to be industrious. Paul suggests silence or to “study to be quiet” as a part of his vision for peace. It seems as if Paul knows that being silent doesn’t come too easily so he encourages us to study.

Silence has a way of causing us to face those things we do not want to think about and to feel those things that the noise of chaos distracts us from. However, without a practice of being silent, of pausing to reflect and thinking deeply and carefully about what we will say, peace will not manifest. When Paul says “to do your own business” he does not mean that every individual is to mind his own business in such a way that we have no concern for others. Paul simply wants 146 REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply to correct the idle triviality which makes humans open disturbers of the peace, when they ought to lead a quiet life at home.

Silence gives us the space to meditate, reflect and internalize the things we learn and experience in our walk with God. It is where we think about the practices and habits God is developing in us . Silence is the place where we become self-aware. Love for other manifests in our everyday habits. Paul suggests that the Thessalonians ponder what it means to be quiet in light of brotherly and sisterly love. He suggested these goals as worthy objectives for their maturation.

PRAYER: O precious and righteous Father, I need your help to learn to slow down and tend to my own responsibilities instead of running around out of control and without purpose. Please grant me the wisdom, the patience and the quietude I need to change my heart and mind. In Jesus’ name I ask it, Amen. REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 147 36 Reimagine Instant Gratification (Be Wise)

PSALM 27:14 Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the Lord! REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 149

In 2020, Mcdonald’s Cooperation had an estimated net-worth of 163 Billion US Dollars. Even if you do not personally like to visit the golden arches, this billion dollar fast food supplier is an example of the American need for instant gratification. Have you ever been in line at a fast-food restaurant and you start to past that ten minute mark of waiting? Maybe your stomach is growling or you are not feeling well because you skipped breakfast. You begin to grow impatient because you want your food now. If this has ever happened to you, you are not alone. Instant gratification is the status quo but what if we reimagined it? Reimagine delayed gratification as the manifestation of God’s blessing in your life. This means that our gratification is directly tied to God’s movement. We are wise when we wait on the Lord.

In our passage today, the Psalter reminds us that we need to confidently wait for the Lord to act on our behalf. Knowing that God’s promises are ‘yes’ and ‘amen’ in Christ Jesus, gives us motivation to wait for God’s timing which is an exercise in wisdom. Many times, we try to move too quickly in attempts to make something happen that God has not ordained for us. Waiting on God is an expression of wisdom. Be wise and faithfully wait on the Lord with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, making music to the Lord in our hearts with thanksgiving and praise. We can be thankful even 150 REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply before God moves on our behalf because we know that in him we find strength and the fulness of joy.

When we take God at His Word and trust Him unquestioningly, despite our inner fleshly nature and outer distressing circumstances that scream at us to do something, we are wise. We will be enabled, from within, to wait on the LORD and be of good courage. Why settle for good things when we can experience God things? Be wise and wait on the Lord.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, too often my old sin nature calls on me to take hold of the reins of my life instead of abiding in You and resting in Your promises. Help me to learn to wait on You and to be of good courage, knowing that You are in perfect control of my life. Lord as I wait, let sincere worship, praise and thanksgiving arise in my heart, in Jesus’ name I pray, AMEN. REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 151 37 Reimagine Obedience (Be Obedient)

GENESIS 7:5 And Noah did according unto all that the Lord commanded him

1 SAMUEL 15:22 But Samuel replied, “Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the Lord? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed it better than the fat of rams.” REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 153

Obedience to God is an essential virtue that validates our relationship with God. It is the willingness to let go of one’s ideas, skills, knowledge and will in order to align oneself to the will of God. Obedience to God is challenging when we have our own opinions, are in dire straits, are faced with sudden situations, or experience harsh realities that require an immediate response, resolution, or answer.

In the Genesis passage for today, God appears to Noah with new information about the destruction of the world. He gives Noah specific instructions about building an ark (huge boat) to preserve his life and immediate family, as well as a pair of all animals and birds. Now, that is major when we consider the possible questions, challenges, and doubts Noah may have had! God had a plan and details how they should be executed, but Noah had no clue. I imagine Noah’s frustration at times. Maybe he endured ridicule and insults from family, friends, and strangers for doing something unconventional. But, Noah was obedient and believed God’s commands.

Although we envision ourselves to be like Noah, sometimes most of us are as guilty as King Saul. In the 1 Samuel passage for today, Saul was surrounded by enemies on all sides, and his armies were beaten down in battle. It made no combat sense to “just wait 154 REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply and do nothing.” It appeared that the prophet Samuel was never going to show up. King Saul needed a “quick fix” to seemingly control the situation and change his outcome. Likewise, when crisis looms, loss is increasing every day, our health and strength is failing, and our relationships and trusted allies are now in question, it’s hard to wait on God. These stories teach us about the blessings of obedience and the curses of disobedience. We will enjoy victories, freedom, deliverance, and peace this season, when we surrender in obedience to the will of God. Today, reimagine obedience.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, we ask that you empower us like Jesus, to always say: “not my will but Yours be done”, in Jesus’ precious name. Amen! REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 155 38 Reimagine Productivity (Be Productive)

GENESIS 1:24-27 And God said, “Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: the livestock, the creatures that move along the ground, and the wild animals, each according to its kind.” And it was so. God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good. Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 157

One major characteristic of every living thing is, reproduction. What is God calling you to produce? Often, when we think of the word ‘productive’ it relates to certain work and/or activities that are required for the continued state of output, success, growth, and words like these. Our Bible text (Genesis 1:24-27) offers us some insight on God’s original and ultimate expectations for us regarding productivity.

God created us to rule, govern, manage, protect, and steward all the creatures He made. It is important to understand His expectations so that we can develop a God-led approach to our productivity. We can create plans, take steps, and employ methods to correctly execute them and avoid deviating from them. When our productivity is in accordance and obedience to the plan of our Maker, we perform or produce without stress, fatigue, burn-out, confusion, difficulties and other symptoms often related to intense productivity.

According to the Scriptures, one way that God sustains His creative and productive ability is through rest, the Sabbath Day. It sounds counterintuitive to rest when there is so much to do and accomplish, but God’s ways and methods are proven. The manufacturer is always smarter than his product, right? God commanded us to enter the covenant of rest with Him, so that we have renewed vigor, grace and strength to remain 158 REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply consistent in producing MORE. It is important for us, being “created in His image and likeness”, to emulate his concepts of productivity. This way, our efforts are void of stress, profitable, and consistent.

PRAYER: Dear God and Maker, please guide me daily and show me how You expect me to remain Productive for You. In Jesus’ name. Amen. REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 159 39 Reimagine Help (Be Vulnerable)

ACTS 3:6-7 Then Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.” Taking him by the right hand, he helped him up, and instantly the man’s feet and ankles became strong REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 161

Today is the day that something significant can change. When you take a chance and make the choice, you can see change in any area of your life. As you reimagine in this time of reflection, simplifying your life can begin when you exercise asking for help and embracing the help that is available to you.

Receiving the help you need starts with being honest with yourself and having a heart of humility. In other words, help requires honesty and humility. Are you honest about who you are, where you are, and what you need? Are you humble enough to receive the help you need? These are questions that help us to become more aware so that we can be assertive in the areas that we desire to advance in life.

The man at the Gate called Beautiful who encounters Peter, a disciple of Jesus, in Acts 3 shows us what is possible when you allow yourself to be vulnerable and to be helped by someone else. What is it that you need right now that can come from the help of someone else? Will you be honest and humble enough to ask someone for help?

As you reimagine what help looks like for you in this season, be open to see that the strength you need to make adjustments, is also the strength you need to advance beyond where you are now. There is great value in your vulnerability! The reward of what you 162 REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply need is available to you when you adopt the virtues of honesty and humility in order to receive the help you need!

PRAYER: Lord God, thank you for great grace today! Thank you for sustaining me throughout every season. Reveal to me what I need to see concerning what I need! There is a blessing for my brokenness. There is deliverance from my dysfunction. There is provision for my problem. Give me the humility to receive what you have provided through a person or people for me to move beyond where I am. I live, move and have my being in you. In Jesus’ name, Amen! REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 163 40 Reimagine JESUS (Be Christlike)

MATTHEW 4:1-11 Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. The tempter came to him and said, “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.” Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.” Then the devil took him to the holy city and had him stand on the highest point of the temple. “If you are the Son of God,” he said, “throw yourself down. For it is written “He will command his angels concerning you, and they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone. Jesus answered him, “It is also written: ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.” Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. “All this I will give you,” he said, “if you will bow down and worship me.” Jesus said to him, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.” Then the devil left him, and angels came and attended him. REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 165

As you reimagine today, reimagine what living like Jesus looks like in the midst of great temptation to live like someone else. Culture has become enamored with living based off the expectations of others. It is easy to fall into the temptation to live in ways that aren’t in alignment with who we are and who we are called to be.

When the core of your identity is tied up in the temptations of this world, the way you live your life will be like the world. In this passage in Matthew 4, we get to see how Jesus chose to live and lead his life despite the temptations around him. As you go through today, don’t let the voice of social media, outside influences, or any other source pull you away from the path that Christ has exemplified. Life leadership begins with the life follow- ship of Jesus. This empowers, equips, and enables you to not only do what Christ did when He was tempted, but also to be Christlike in the midst of being tempted.

Who is the Lord leading you to become? How are you responding to people, places, and things that sound different and seem to oppose the Spirit of God? No matter what you face and no matter how great the temptation is to do something different than what you are supposed to do, be assured and know that you represent Jesus. As you reimagine Jesus in your life, you can be Christlike and witness the reward that only comes when you respond the way in life that looks like Christ! 166 REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply

PRAYER: Spirit of the Living God, I love, look to and live for You! I want my life to be pleasing to You! Living for You is not only right, but also better! Lead me beyond any temptation today as you help me to recall who I am called to be! Your way of life is the best way for me. No matter how appealing the temptation is to do things my way, I choose not to live to appease myself. I acknowledge You through the living of my life in every way in every area intentionally on this day in Jesus’ name, Amen! REIMAGINE – 40 ways to Simplify in order to Multiply 167