'17Cv0645 Jlb

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'17Cv0645 Jlb Case 3:17-cv-00645-AJB-JLB Document 1 Filed 03/30/17 PageID.1 Page 1 of 7 1 Edward f\. Pennington (D.C. Bar No. 422006) (pending pro hac vice) epennmgton@sgrlaw.com 2 Jol;lli P. Moy (D.C. Bar No. 466908) (pending pro hac vice) J moy({i),sgrlaw. com 3 Sean T.C. Phelan (D.C. Bar No. 997681) (pendingpro hac vice) sphelan@sgrlaw.com 4 Johll P. Penniiton (D.C. Bar No. 1018204) (pending pro hac vice) jJ2ennington s_gd_aw.com 5 SMITH, GA RELL & RUSSELL, LLP 1055 Thomas Jefferson Street, N.W., Suite 400 6 Washington D.C. 20007 Telephone: 202.263.4300 7 Facsimile: 202.263.4329 8 Michael L. Kirby (SBN 50895) mike({i),kirbyandkirbylaw.com 9 Heather'W. Schallhorn (SBN 299760) heather({i),kirjJyandkirbylaw.com 10 KIRBY &'l<IRBY LLP 501 West Broadway, Suite 1720 11 San Diego, Califmnia 92101 Telephone: 619.487.1500 12 Facsimile: 619.501.5733 13 Attorneys for Plaintiff InfoGation Corp. 14 15 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 16 SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 17 18 INFOGATION CORP., Case No.: '17_____CV0645 AJB _ JLB 19 Plaintiff, COMPLAINT 20 v. 21 ZTE (USA), INC., 22 Defendant. 23 24 25 26 27 28 {K&K02073381} Case 3:17-cv-00645-AJB-JLB Document 1 Filed 03/30/17 PageID.2 Page 2 of 7 1 Plaintiff InfoGation Corp. ("InfoGation" or "Plaintiff'), for its Complaint against 2 ZTE (USA), Inc. ("ZTE" or "Defendant"), demands a trial by jury and alleges as follows: 3 NATURE OF ACTION 4 1. This is an action for infringement of U.S. Patent No. 9,528,843 ("the '843 5 patent"). The '843 patent is based on inventions of Qing Kent Pu and Hui Henry Li. 6 PARTIES 7 2. InfoGation is a corporation under the laws of the state of Delaware, with its 8 principal place of business at 12250 El Camino Real, Suite 116, San Diego, California 9 92130. 10 3. On information and belief, ZTE is a corporation organized under the laws of 11 New Jersey, with a principal place of business at 2425 North Central Expressway, Suite 12 600, Richardson, Texas 75080. 13 JURISDICTION AND VENUE 14 4. This Comi has subject matter jurisdiction over this matter pursuant to 28 15 U.S.C. §§ 1331and1338(a). 16 5. Venue is proper in this District under 28 U.S.C. §§ 139l(c) and 1400(b). 17 Plaintiffs p1incipal place of business resides within this judicial district. Moreover, ZTE 18 has transacted business in this District and has committed acts to infringe and/or induce 19 infringement of the '843 patent in this District. 20 6. ZTE is subject to this Court's specific and general personal jmisdiction 21 pursuant to due process and/or the California Long Arm Statute, due at least to its 22 substantial business in this forum, including: (i) performing at least a pmiion of those acts 23 constituting infringement and/or induced infringement alleged herein; and (ii) regularly 24 doing or soliciting business, engaging in other persistent courses of conduct, and/or 25 de1iving substantial revenue from goods and services provided to individuals in 26 California and in this District. Moreover, ZTE has registered with the California 27 Secretary of State to conduct business in Califmnia. 28 {K&K0207338 l} - 1 - Case 3:17-cv-00645-AJB-JLB Document 1 Filed 03/30/17 PageID.3 Page 3 of 7 1 THE PATENT-IN-SUIT 2 7. On December 27, 2016, the United States Patent and Trademark Office duly 3 and legally issued the '843 patent, entitled "Mobile Navigation System Operating With a 4 Remote Server," naming Qing Kent Pu and Hui Henry Li as inventors. A true and 5 correct copy of the '843 patent is attached hereto as Exhibit A. 6 8. Plaintiff is the owner of all right, title, and interest in the '843 patent. 7 9. Each claim of the '843 patent is valid and enforceable. 8 FACTUAL ALLEGATIONS 9 10. InfoGation is a pioneer in the development of on-board and handheld vehicle 10 navigation solutions. InfoGation produces vehicle-based tum-by-tum driving directions 11 with accurate voice guidance, real-time travel content, and communications integration 12 solutions for the automotive, trucking, commercial fleet and consumer industries. In 13 conjunction with Microsoft and Claiion, InfoGation created the first in-car computing 14 device, the AutoPC, which was powered by Microsoft's Windows CE for Automotive 15 operating system. InfoGation also licensed its software platfon11 to the Hertz rental car 16 company for the latest He1iz NeverLost navigation devices as well as to Rand McNally 17 for the IntelliRoute navigation software for its consumer, recreational vehicle, and 18 truck/fleet product lines. InfoGation and ZTE are currently adverse paiiies in a pending 19 action in this Comi, Case No. 3:15-cv-01901-H-JLB, regarding infringement of U.S. 20 Patent No. 6,292,743, of which the '843 patent is a continuation. 21 11. The '843 patent was developed by Dr. Qing Kent Pu, President, CEO, and 22 Founder of InfoGation, along with Dr. Hui Henry Li. The '843 patent is directed to a 23 method for navigation in a mobile device integrated with phone functions, whereby a 24 cmTent location of the mobile device is displayed on an electronic map that is generated 25 locally in the mobile device; an inquiry for a destination is accepted from a user; 26 communication is made with a server over a wireless data network; an inquiry including 27 the current location and destination is sent to the server; routing data in a plain text 28 description using pre-defined generic terms is received from the server, a route from the {K&K02073381} - 2 - Case 3:17-cv-00645-AJB-JLB Document 1 Filed 03/30/17 PageID.4 Page 4 of 7 1 current location to the destination is reconstructed from the routing data by interfacing 2 with local mapping data; and the route is displayed on a display screen, with the route 3 highlighted on the electronic map and with the electronic map autmnatically updated to 4 indicate the mobile device is travelling. 5 12. Upon infonnation and belief, ce1iain ZTE products, including but not limited 6 to the ZTE Amigo, ZTE Anthem 4G, ZTE Avail, ZTE Avid, ZTE Axon, ZTE Blade, 7 ZTE Boost MAX+, ZTE Director, ZTE Era, ZTE Flash, ZTE FTV Phone, ZTE Geek 8 V975, ZTE Grand, ZTE Groove X501, ZTE Iconic Phablet, ZTE Imperial, ZTE Kis, ZTE 9 Libra, ZTE Maven, ZTE N721, ZTE N880E, ZTE N910, ZTE Nova 3.5, ZTE Nova 4 10 V8000, ZTE nubia, ZTE Obsidian, ZTE PFl 12 HD, ZTE PF200, ZTE Racer, ZTE 11 Redbull V5 V9180, ZTE Reef, ZTE Score, ZTE Skate, ZTE Sonata, ZTE Speed, ZTE 12 Star, ZTE Style Q, ZTE U880E, ZTE U900, ZTE V5 Lux, ZTE V821, ZTE V875, ZTE 13 V880E, ZTE V887, ZTE V889M, ZTE Vital N9810, ZTE Warp, ZTE Zinger, and ZTE 14 Zmax smartphone product lines (the "Accused Products"), embody and/or practice the 15 invention of at least one claim of the '843 patent. 16 13. Each of the Accused Products perfo1n1s navigation in a mobile device 17 integrated with phone functions. Specifically, each of the Accused Products is a 18 smaiiphone running the Android operating system and can connect to a Google Maps 19 navigation server for providing navigation. 20 14. Each of the Accused Products displays a cmTent location of the mobile 21 device on an electronic map that is generated locally in the mobile device. 22 15. Each of the Accused Products accepts an inquiry for a destination from a 23 user, and where the accepting of the inqui1y includes receiving an initial pmiion of the 24 destination and completing the destination automatically without requiring the user to 25 enter a remaining portion of the destination. 26 16. Each of the Accused Products communicates with a server over a wireless 27 data network. 28 {K&K020733 81} - 3 - Case 3:17-cv-00645-AJB-JLB Document 1 Filed 03/30/17 PageID.5 Page 5 of 7 1 17. Each of the Accused Products sends an inquiry including the current location 2 and destination to the server, and where the inquiry also includes a preference defined by 3 the user. 4 18. Each of the Accused Products receives routing data from the server in a 5 plain text description using pre-defined generic tenns, and where that routing data is in a 6 format acceptable to other navigation devices from different vendors, each running local 7 mapping database software. 8 19. Each of the Accused Products reconstructs a route from the current location 9 to the destination from the routing data by interfacing with local mapping data. 10 20. Each of the Accused Products displays the route on a display screen, with 11 the route highlighted on the electronic map and with the electronic map automatically 12 updated to indicate that the mobile device is travelling. 13 21. ZTE does not have a license to the '843 patent and is not otherwise 14 authorized to practice and/or promote the practice of the inventions claimed under the 15 '84 3 patent. 16 COUNT I 17 INFRINGEMENT OF U.S. PATENT NO. 9,528,843 18 22. Plaintiff repeats, realleges, and incorporates the allegations of paragraphs 1- 19 21 as if set forth fully herein. 20 23. ZTE has directly infringed, and continues to directly infringe at least claims 21 1, 2, 5, 7, 10 and 11 of the '843 patent, in violation of35 U.S.C.
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