LAUGHLIN (Ukib^Cmftto Patrice Bam)N Mil(E Keasler Aptlkioim, Omto Mkirn
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TITW^^f^^ ^•"•^^^"••iPPPP! wmmm mmmmmm Pig«6 Th« Eagtt Lak« Haadllght — Haws for Southam Colofdo County, Ttxat Thursday, March 7,1996 Thuraday. March 7,1996 The Eagle Lake Headlight — New for Southern Cofcyado County, Texaa iasz OFRCIAL BALLOT DEMOCRATIC PARTY PRIMARY ELECTION OFRCIAL BALLOT REPUBUCAN PARTY PRIMARY ELECTION Democratic Primary Polling Places (BOLETAOPICIAQ (ELeCaON PRniARIA DEL PA/mOO DEMOCRATICO) (BOLETA OFIOAL) (ELECaON PRIMARIA DEL PAHTIDO REPUBUCANO) Republican Primary To the Registered Voters Precinct Location COtOpADOCOUHTV.TlXAg m: yARCH 12. IMt COLOIUOOCOUMTY. nXAS MARCH 12,1996 of Colorado County: (ItdtmanodUtt^ (12 do mono do 199V 1 Columbus: Columbus Fire DepL, 602 Spring St. MSmUCnON NOTC: MSrmiCTION NOTE: UnNad Statos RtprtMntiNva, Judge, Court el Criminal Polling Places Notice is hereby given that the 2 Glidden: Glidden Baptist Church Annex ViltltrltocMMM aljmirMM ki Mca ^ frneunoor aHLonomioi JMtfM MM cMMMi at yo« CMM ki Mck IM OittrielU polling places listed below will be (MMZ: Corto (to ApatKtoriM by tatMhil h Hw oval pra«(M to SM M tl aw (ReprestntamedelosEstidos (Star*; Precinct 1 (Columbus) MM of MN oiMilt. VM My ««li tir • wl»«i ) John Julian Moore 1 (Juez.6orttdoApolidonot 3 AHair: Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church OMniht,UiamMm.1} mwMOM oaMalk YM My vote IK a «ia»ti Unidot,DittribNm.14} Precinct 2 (Glidden) open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., March 12^ If vnfei| M VM MMi ff MM < Mfdala bywtl|bi9l"»by «aki9 In MM« naaM 01 Ma ainMala aa Crimhata, tijpar AAJm. |f CD Tom Fleming Precinct 18 (North Columbus) 1996, for voting in a general primary 4 Garwood: Garwood Lions Club •• "Mw*** "^ tota*! h IM ort >iwt«a4 CD Frances Northcutt '^''l f CD Ted Bozarth CD Tom Price Precinct 16 (Alleyton) _.. Columbus City Hal election for the Democratic Party to llM CD EarlJones nominate President, Members of Con 5 Nada:NadaKJTHall lotwitw by tokMiai la Ma o»al pravMad to aM M 01 iM Precinct 4 (Garwood) gress, Members of the Legislature, Mtfiiha c=> Bob Perkins C3 Ed Michallce aMaanbacaaaMaaryoyaHyvotoaBMaaaMaM CD Ron Paul CD J. Gary Trichter Precinct 5 (Nada) ^. „.^^.^.. Garwood Libmy 6 Rock Island: Rock Island Community Center •Mr.* UM Mrii aw aiflH byMiMkii la Ma ami pra«Ma4 to aw M af nia- and state, district, county and precinct mTAKtimOCaOH: Precinct 6 (Rock Island) officers; and for the purpose of etect- 7 Sheridan: Sheridan Community Center wOl9pof9lctndUttod$tupnttnHoi§tne$dtctfftn Judg^CoarlotCiMMl CD Robert E. Connor, Jr. ;iawaaapt)blcaaaiidaadaialwaaiatl«aL_,-, CD Greg Laughiin v Cheryl A. Johnson Precinct 7 (Sheridan) „,^ Sheridan Community Cealer IwndDoonyMwNnlvcfMfMBtooMilMtoikfeq'''''''''' to »ato or partlcipata In anoMior poaacai parly-t ing county and precinct chairman. 8 Oakland: Oakland Fire Dept -.-' m.^i/iiM ti^ [••nigiiMJii flail f • • j | •- -- 1_ ikmCcoHt&tApaltcium pftavy aiacNon or eonvtntlon during ada vaanf Precinct 8 (Oakland) otinotnon of> fiwowiWL unmi poon nKtf pot m- CrimMu, Lugv NOm. 2) czaR.H.'Curly'Wied CD Jim Deats ** John Bradley Weimar: Weimar City ttfcicti09crilM$toribitndo9lnoiiibndtictn^dtk>9n Uaa airiy dM nafkar arovWad. Precinct 9 (Weimar) „ Weimar Volunteer Fire DepL It >m ^>u>IKi) iwiMiJu imnilitKiiii^i il iipttfci (noTAbemmjcaoN: Precinct 10 (Buescher) Hall, 106 E. Main St onhdo a k izqUMh di li *iM. Winston Cochran CD Charles H. 'Chuci(' Ulbrich Raaroad ConniisioiNr 'Vo iO)r OMitott X oompnndb 4UI Dp aMy (I^Mi VattporHafOModttufnltmelatnemkemta Member, StaMloard of Precinct 11 (Shaws Bend) I 10 Buescher: Texas psf vDtv 0 fMrtcfiv an li ttaecMn fMbmnli 0 II con- IVMndcioonvMariiada •'•^padbOMaMbaktaanb (Cormonodo de Ftmcuriles) Educa1iaii,Mrtrict10 vtnddn dt ilgutt oto pttUdo potHco dunn^ 9il$ tAo del nombn M candkiite. Ualta podri nlK pat in- (Miembnde la Jada Estatat de Precinct 12 (Brushy) Texas Manufactured Marble Inc., Hwy. 71 North I Manufactured Marble, c=> Gary Taylor CowwtyTa ktumu ColtciBf strain eaaiatKrilmido el nanlndBlimdidBlom ilntuiil.' jOMiiMnfti im idiumltt piwliiii.) InstnjceUrt Pma, %MD Mim. 10) Precinct 13 (Frelsburg) Frelsburg Volunteer Fire Dept OldHwy.71 f/^tua-CalKiordBlmpumloidelCondMlo) li ««( prowti y itnaMb oompMamanit af anaob CD Robert A. (Bob) Wood I m«lMto a k a^uitrrif da ti lirtaa. UsM pua* wir Precinct 14 (Mentz) for Prtfiftnci foe PnsidMiil NOIMM§ CD Charles Holcomb CD Mary Jane Poenitzsch par un camMMopwapreaidtnto cu)o flondn4wa» CD DqnClatk I 11 Shaws Bend: Edwin (PnfonnciM pun un ctndUtk) anhtateeaporlinandocanvMamantoafa^paabova- CD Carole Keeton Rylander County CkainMa Precinct 15 (Bernardo) Bernardo Volunteer Fiie Dept I Poenitzsch home nombnOopanpnpientt) Itdo »la izqimdt del nombre del cm>didalo 0 uM (ProaidonledolCondadr^ Precinct 3 (Altair) CD Norman Lanford puedevoHramovofmenocompromelidoporlermdo Chitf Justict, Suprame Court CD Oynthia A. Thornton I 12 Brushy: Albert Werland complelamem el eapedo onlado a H aquieide de (Juez Presidei^, Corte Supretu) CD Jean Halftnann EHis Precinct 17 (Eagle Lake) WaddeU Rice Marketing las palalns no compnmeUJo. Haga tolanmie una (former American Rice Growers), 124 W. Main, Eagle Lake I residence CD Sal Casamassima Judgt, Cowt of Cilwiiiil 9ehcti6n D Tom Phillips CZ) Charlie Weafvtr - '^otoynapMcanoyoomprndomienoeetoyelegiile EARLJONES I 13 Frelsburg; Frelsburg (Ju^CortaStAptlKionm ptraitolaropertidparenlaeleeciinpniMiaokcan- ^^''^•fc v^tto ticrt^ I Fire Station c=3 Elvena E. Lloyd-Duffie CrinhilH, ii^arMim. 9 *enciindetl^olropaitdopolllico durante ealetho Justice, Suprenw Caurt, Placd 1 StatdHepreaantative, District 2S l^luez, COrte Supremo, LegorHan. 1) (Representaitte Estatal, Distrito Num. 28) Prednct ChalnMii. Prodad No. 3 I 14 Mentz: St. Roch Church Solamenle use el marcador promio.) (PresidentedolPrednto,PtodnoNm.^ c=3 Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Frank Malonay ComlMt, PndMl tto. 4 ZD John Cornyn Chip Raybum Colorado County Sheriff Hall (i/fliMMmw, rncno Num. 4f CD Virginia F. Wells March 12 - Republican Primary 15 lterniird(): Bernardo Fire c=> Bill Clinton .StsHBowdoT CD Wilfred Luedecke Prafcfcnce for Presidanti«l Nominee Jttflite, Sapreme Court, Place 2 Alfred E. Drescher Station •Mdll (Preferencia para un caixUdato (Juez, Code Suprema, Lugar Num. 2) CD I fHlmbmaekJumEiMaldi nombrado para presidenle) wmtuffoaUeimt CD Heather Harder Wilfred •Degree in Criminal I 16 Alleytun: Gene Evans Mttwcain Aitfai, OlMltoMurn. t(l!| =3 James A. Baker CD Don Loucks Justice I residence Precinct Chai^na^ Pradad No. 17 cp Ted L Gundaiaon • CD Will Davis c=} George Cason CD Patrick J. "PaT Buchanan Justice, Suymnt Ceurt, PiKe 3, Chief JusNce, 14th Court ol (Presidenle ddPrednto,Procinlo Num. 17) •Advanced Peace Officer I 17 Rii^ie Lake: Eagle Lake Undipired Tcnn Appeals District Luedecke (Juez, Cafe Stprema, Lugar Num. 3, CD Steven Meinecke Community Center, 100 CD FredHudion . N SMclltpfMMitaltvt, DiiMct n CD Lamar Alexander • (Juez Presidenle, Corte de Certification DurmidnRestar^ed^ Cargo) Apetadones, Distrito Num. 14) N. Walnut (Rti)fl$tittntt Fififit OBMP MUD. 28f WitMi (VOID EaoM) Colorado •30-Year Resident of IS N. Columbus: County rmfwif CliilrMi. rmfwcl Mo IT CD Morry Taylor CD Greg Abbott CD Paul C. Murphy «wa»« (Voto E*a*B) I CD Robert L (Robby) Cook County Colorado County Agriculture Building, (rrennne OBI rnom, rncno mini, i// I 316 Spring St. CD Jim Chapman c=3 Tom Reed cz) Bob Dole Judge, Ceurt of Cfiminal CD Kurt Johnson Justice, 1st Court of Constable, •Professional Leadership I Appeals District, Place 1 .George Cason ihjeiCortedeApelaciones (Juez, Corte de Apeladones, I c=> John Will Od«n CD Phil Gramm Precinct 4 Capabilities Colorado County CD Leonard (Lenny) Leffler Win H (VBW 6lola) Cninihafes, tjjgarNum. 1) Distnto Num. 1, bjgar Num. 1) I DemcKratic Chair •Experienced in I CD Victor M. Morales CllWJMlM,14tilCMrtOl CD Mary "France" LeTulle CD Sue Holland I Sam Nuchia Democractic Primary AppMliOiilrtel (Pmii)tniB M Pfodrto, PndmoNuoL ^ personnel and (Juu Pn$kl6nlB, Coitidt I CD Steve Forbes business CD John Bryant Aptbtionu,DMk>mm. U) CD Norman Henderson, Jr. CD Jeffrey B. Keck Tuesday, March 12 m VOTE BOTH SIDES (VOTEAMBOS LADOS) management CD Cynthia Owens CD Charles E. Collins CD Glen Beaman Your Support Is Appreciated Dlrtrirtl4 f «IMI»«i (VMD inasl Political advertisement paid for by Wilred Luedecie, P.O. Box 70^ Eagle Lake. Texas 77434. I Undo$,a$lriloMm.U) itiCMrtd CD Richard G. Lugar c=> James (Daniel) Boone A»piilibli>lil,Wm1 t Your Vote Is Appreciated I Uuu, Carte de AptlaefonM, CD Charles (Lefty) Morris CD Susan Ducey CD Matthew Paul • Micai advertisement paid fef by Vera Reeves, Treasurer, P.O. Box 51, Rock Island, TX 77470I. Ai' George ElKs CD Alan L. Keyes CD Janice Law (LOmMOImBO OB rtmLMIItB^ CD Hector Uribe IttCMNttf CZ) Uncommitted ciD Susan Baetz Brown Uuaz, Cortt dt Ap6ltclon$§, United States Senator DiiAMuni.1.LuomNm.2i Judge, Court 01 CiiaiiMl Republican Congressman (Jue2PntldtiilB,CoiteSupniMf (Senador de bs Estados Unidos) (Juez, Code de Apeladones 3 Andrew Jackson Kupper Margaret G. Mirabel CD Phil Gramm Cnmnales, Lugar Niim 2) ELECT ,t4ftCMirt<f CD Ray J. McQuary (Juet,CoikSi/finii»,UigK Num.1) CTD Henry C. (Hanit) Grover GREG LAUGHLIN (UkiB^CMftto Patrice Bam)n Mil(e Keasler AptlKioim, OMto Mkirn. 14; CD David Young A Consistent Conservative Voice for District 14 DaKa Stokes CD Paul Womack lMgirM6m.9 Greg Laughiin already has voted for: =3GeneKeily CD Pat Barber (JuttdtltMto, IS A Balanced Budget Amendment S»tunialMk>MkMMm.25) Brad Wiewel CD Qus J. Strauss COLORADO \M Term Umits P Jiislict,tdCoaftof V Appeals Oisirict, Place 2 (Juez, Corte