Baruch College Library
~~~ ~_._..- ---=..... _.... '--.'-"'7"'~.''''~,~-,,,-~''' .'-' .~.- ......-.'.:-- ........~.,~ ..... _ ...~-..... : ,....._........... - BARUCH COLLEGE LIBRARY B~~RlJCH------PERlODIC.:-\L~ DE~K 3rd Floor ~ (NON-CIRCl!L~:\TING) Vol.. 71':, .Num.ber5 Informatton Now' October 29,19·97 ~singer Goldstein Delivers-State --::PieslAel1.till~. .·No·:~:Plans·'tlf·· Pr-oposes . ' '.' . OfThe CollegeAddress :~3nDg ByMingWong of'fulfillment, .. :..:.. ~..... .., ... RevampFor' College.Presi-. pr,oductivity By ..TaUlliql~·JiIaIr;.·. ':. dent Matthew and profes-"'-'~C9fiegitYPrfisld~ntMatthew CUNY Goldstein spokeof s ionali s m ". Goldsteinj~>~ontent'asBaruch the.importance of s . aid president"andhasno'plans'oftak- By Polly Gwardyak alumni contribu- GOldstein. i11gthecUrr~tlyvoid:CityUniver- Democratic mayoral candi tions towards the Despite tu- sity:.,ofNew.:YOrkChancellor posi- date Ruth Messinger outlined future growth of ition increases tion. her vision for CUNY at a speech Baruch . of250 percent .··Goldsteit1.lut.s:servedasthePresi~ given at the Borough of Man the annual State in the past detltof·Baru~·COllege(or seven hattan Community College on of the College Ad-- -fiveyears, cut- ye~·!an4lia~·'1]e.eii·.tls1iedwith ~. ·.....::~·:~~~;~~~?'~:=f:~:t~;~ dress on October backsin fund- theprc>gresstne:'CollegeliiS'made -;\£'t 23. ..• Ing from AI- W1der.lp~j#$m-e'-btJ~ hefeelsthere Speaking in bany, the ter-, ~~~llW1pr()y~e~tstobemade, E~~t:=:l~~::riu;:~~lo~P:iI.U:e::: mainly adminis- an the De-~"'~;';~:':;:":';"'L\¥hiehsiatecfhis trators, faculty, ~ pa m of vim ."'edCityUIliver- and officials, PresldentGoIdstelngivinghis a ·i si~·.·;·:<' .... thtlle>Stateofthe Goldstein stressed State ofthe CollegeAddress.,.. .....,.. ressadded:totnore . .' . h _..... ~. ·3:;~~a·"~::':':ib6tit·m~;eart·:>':;'for how vital the alumnus IS to t e down the :Of.-..•~ ... ",.,:::~ .. :::",,,;,..:,-,., ..,.,._,:-,,,.. ,.... --.~ t1ie?";":':I~~~':lm;~Buth.f:Sinil- College.
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