Quantum Field Theory Example Sheet 1 Michelmas Term 2011 Solutions by: Johannes Hofmann
[email protected] Laurence Perreault Levasseur
[email protected] David Morris
[email protected] Marcel Schmittfull
[email protected] Note: In the conventions of this course, the Minkowski metric is g = diag (1, −1, −1, −1), or ‘mostly minus.’ Exercise 1 Lagrangian: " # Z a σ ∂y 2 T ∂y 2 L = dx − (1) 0 2 ∂t 2 ∂x Express y(x, t) as a Fourier series: r ∞ 2 X nπx y(x, t) = q (t) sin . (2) a n a n=1 The derivative of y(x, t) with respect to x and t is r ∞ ∂y(x, t) 2 X nπx = q˙ (t) sin (3) ∂t a n a n=1 r ∞ ∂y(x, t) 2 X nπ nπx = q (t) cos , (4) ∂x a a n a n=1 where we abbreviateq ˙ ≡ ∂q/∂t. Substituting Eqs. (3) and (4) in (1) gives 1 X Z a nπx mπx nmπ2 nπx mπx L = dx σq˙ (t)q ˙ (t) sin sin − T q (t)q (t) cos cos . (5) a n m a a a2 n m a a n,m 0 Using the orthonormality relations 2 Z a nπx mπx dx sin sin = δnm and (6) a 0 a a 2 Z a nπx mπx dx cos cos = δnm (7) a 0 a a we see that the terms with n 6= m vanish. We obtain: X Z a σ T nπ 2 L = dx q˙2 (t) − q2 (t) .