Focus on Lifelong Learning Oldham Lifelong Learning Service Part time courses for adults 2019/20 Lots of FREE provision. Find out if you qualify. E:
[email protected] T: 0800 525 956 F: oldhamlifelonglearning 1 Welcome to Oldham Lifelong Learning Enrolment: How to join a course This booklet gives you information about the subjects If you would like to enrol on a course or require additional we offer and some of the support services and information you can: facilities we provide. Contact our Freephone number on T: 0800 525 956 We can help you gain the skills you need to get a or E:
[email protected] job, move on in your career or perhaps start your You can also access our online course finder at: own business. where you have access to our You can also develop new skills through our course information sheets. community and family learning programmes. Enrolment for courses which need We will support you at every step of your learning a skills check or interview journey, whatever you choose to study. Jon Bloor Head of Service For some courses, mainly those with a qualification you need to meet Our commitment to our learners and the high quality a tutor for an informal interview or skills check before you can enrol. of delivery were recognised in Ofsted’s ‘Outstanding’ judgement in November 2015 and more recently in May 2019 when we were To arrange an appointment for your interview/skills check please ring reassessed to the Matrix Standard of Quality in information, advice one of the numbers listed below: and guidance.