A Rocky River Hi-Tide Vol
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A Rocky River Hi-Tide Vol. 44. No. 12 -Rocky River High School, Rocky River, Ohio April 28, 1964 All-School Band Concert Shows Progression in Music Department Bands in grades five through bands, under the direction of Selections to be played by the 12 from all of Rocky River's Miss Roberta Calderwood. • high school band are Persi- public schools will present the .Mr. R i c h a rd Hershey will chetti's Pageant, a cornet solo annual all-school band concert lead the seventh and eighth entitled Stars in a Velvety Sky in the high school auditorium grade bands from the junior featuring Judy Husband, Tym"- on May ^ Participating high school and also the ninth polero featuring Connie Potts in the concert, in order of grade band from the high in a tympani solo, and a med• their appearances will be the school. The high school band ley of Italian songs to be dedi• combined fifth grade bands and willplayunder the direction of cated to Tony Corti, our AFS the combined s ixth grade Mr. Harlan Thomas. student from Italy. Closing the program will be AFS Meeting To Introduce the traditional Sousa march. KATHY CROMMELIN and LUFF JOHNSON scan an old The Stars and Stripes Forever Riverl-et for new inspirations for next year's Riverlet. featuring piccolos played by Dan Hawley and Gayle Bart- Post-Graduate Program nett and the entire brass sec• language at departure Thursday, May 7, is the day tion of the band. Crommelin and Johnson River students can learn about 4) United States citizen the qualifications for being an 5) Good student The music to be played by AFS American Abroad. 6) Excellent health the elementary and junior high To Be 1965 Riverlet Heads At 3:35 that afternoon all Anyone who knows or who bands has not been announced. sophomores and j u n i o rs who thinks he might be interested Appearing in the concert will Kathy Crommelin and Luff Leaders, and Neophytes. are interested in knowing more in AFS will have his questions be approximately 350 bands• Johnson have been named edi- She is a hostess and is a mem• about the program can hear answered at t h e meeting. No men from all age groups in tor and b u siness manager, ber of the Quiz Bee team. descriptions of the program student will be under any obli• Rocky River. Tickets may be respectively, for next year's Student Council, Boys Coun• from Margie Seelbach, Helen gation if he attends. Students p u r c h ased from any of these Riverlet. The final judging cil, and Boys Leaders are all Bahnsen, Tony Corti, Mr. who cannot be at the meeting participants or at the door for was done by Mrs. Connie Bur• partof Luff's activities. He is Thomas Duke and Mrs. John can talk with Mr. Duke pri• 50 cents for students and 75 gess, adviser, Lynn Anderson, also a m e m b er of the Velve- Sanders, committee chairman vately for further information. cents for adults. present editor, and Chris tones and s e r ve s on the HI- for Americans Abroad. The Kohler, present business TIDE staff. meeting will be in the audi• manager. "Luff and I are looking for• torium. Registration to Close May 29 Kathy is active in Current ward to planning next year's Juniors (next year's seniors) Forum, Model U. N. , Girls Riverlet. We w i 11 do our St. stated Kathy. are eligible for the first time. They can apply for a year a- For All Summertime Scholars _ Students completing grades except driving. A p p 1 i c at ion '*'?-'i'J m^jrfi&'Hreiji^at^ Tti'I s^ulii- t o r rrl S afi^'^IabJ^^S^^m^trr" Sophomores (next year's mer school program which will 107, Guidance Office. juniors) are eligible to apply be held at RRHS for seven Although the cost differs ac• On Stndeiit Government Day for summer and school-year weeks, daily, 8-12, June 15 cording to the subjects taken, The annual Student Govern• Heading Rocky River as programs as in the past. The through July 31. it averages about-$20 for a ment Day was held yesterday. mayo.r-for-a-day was Bob qualifications for all potential Registrations, except those two-hour course and $35 for a Twenty-eight student offi• Cross. Public safety-service AFSers are the same as in for make-up work, should be four-hour course. cials filled the offices of their director was Skip Chandler. previous years. The basic completed by May 29. New courses being offered counterparts at Rocky River Unprecedented was the elec• ones are Tuition is due at the time of this year are algebra II, City Hall. tion of Connie Potts as muni• 1) Junior or s enior class registration. No refunds will chemistry-introduction, ge• cipal court judge and Pat 2) 16 years old at the time of made after June 22. A non• ometry, industrial arts-wood Anderson as fire chief. In departure resident fee of $5 is added to II, reading a n d typing (2nd Kuehh, Nithols previous years these offices 3) Two years of a foreign the stated fees for all courses semester). had been held by boys. Seven City Council members To Study Hlath were elected and in turn elect• Students Will Celebrate Bard^s Birthday ed as president of City Council, Mr. Ernest Kuehls, math Bill Walker. As part of RRHS's celebra• Dwight Stoffel. A group of sixth period Eng• teacher, will serve as an in• The day began early for the tion of Shakespeare's 400th Others in the cast are Sue lish students will view the play structor for the second year at elected students with a brief birthday, a group of speech Bio ugh, Gary Carlisle, Reg Thurs. , May 1. the Institute for Mathematics m e e t i ng of each student with students will present The Tam• Corbett, Bill Diamond, John Miss Edith A. White will this summer. It will be held his adult counterpart. A ing of the Shrew. Gertz, John Graves, Bob direct the play. Mr. Charles atOberlin College in coopera• luncheon with all participating In this country and in Eng• H i n s k e , Bryon Hull, Chuck Shelton is head of t h e English tion with the National Science officials and students included land special programs includ• Inglefield, Tom Lawson. Department. Foundation. a discussion of the problems of ing the production of many of Mr. Do n aid Nichols, math city government. his plays ar^honoring the Bard teacher, will attend a six-week Afternoon sessions were of Stratford.^ The Speech and math study course at Knox Col• centered uponthe work of each English Depstrtments felt that lege, Galesburg, Illinois, this s p e c i fic job-. The day ended f u rt h er appreciation for him summer as the guest of the with an evenihg meeting of the could be developed by giving National Science Foundation. city council.- the students an opportunity to The method of electing offi- see another of his plays. River Currents cials was changed from pre• . Baptista Minola, a rich gen• vious years. To be placed on tleman of Padua and father of April 29 - Report Cards the primary b allot, a student Katherine and Bianca, will be submitted a petition with at played by Tom Lindow. The May 2 - College Boards least ten valid signatures of part of Katherine, who is wide• students taking American Gov• ly known as t h e woman with a May 7 - Soph, and Jr. AFS ernment the same semester. bad temper and scolding Meeting This led to two primary tongue, is played by Bonnie ballots where each student McLandsborough. May 8 - Quiz Bee Assembly voted for officials from his The lovely Bianca is played particular semester. The by Diane Doerge. Petruchio, May 8 - All-school Band final b a Hot consisted of the a gentle man of Verona, who Concert winner of each primary con• finally tames Kate, is played PETRUCHIO CARRIES OFF KATE as her father rejoices, test. The officials were then by Jeff Gould. The suitors for (Back Row L to R) Tom Yeaser, Diane Doerge, Gary May 9 - Sophomore Class chosen from the final tally of the h an d of Bianca are Tom Oatey, Dwight Stoffel. (Front Row L to R) Tom Lindow, Dance all government students. Yeaser, Gary Oatey. and Jeff Gould, Bonnie McLandsborough. Page 2 THE ROCKY RIVER HI-TIDE April 28, 1964 Civil Rights Calls for Mature Student Action Civil Rights is undeniably the foremost social movement of the CONGRATU LATIONS TO present day. Whereas in the past, Americans have taken strong JIM QUARLES, Senior for measures to eradicate corruption in government or to improve receiving second place in the working conditions for the laborer, today men have united in an Rotary Speech Contest Mon. , effort to stamp out discrimination between races. April 20. MR. HA RRY STROTHERS, History is being made as a result of this national struggle, and Principal of Rocky River Jun- violent history has recently been made in Cleveland. ior H igh School. ... has an• nounced his plans for retire• What, then, in the face of this crisis is our responsibility? ment at the close of this school What should the Rocky River High School student do? year. JOE MASSEYANDPAM SMILING SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS for next year are Two different attitudes are often assumed in answer to this ques• KIMBALL, J u n i ors.