Out of Darkness Walk Well Attended in Springfield

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Out of Darkness Walk Well Attended in Springfield Fall HOME IMPROVEMENT Pages 8A & 9A 57 FREE Years ECRWSS Coffee Day PRSRT STD V rm t US Postage Sept. 29, 2018 PAID A t s W ek Permit #2 North Haverhill, NH We Love Coffee! Sept. 28 - Oct. 1 POSTAL CUSTOMER Independently Owned & Locally Operated SEPTEMBER 26, 2018 | WWW.VERMONTJOURNAL.COM VOLUME 57, ISSUE 18 Out of Darkness Walk well Trustees vote to increase attended in Springfield wastewater bills BY BETSY THURSTON six-month bill of $264 would rise to to pay.” BY BILL LOCKWOOD The Shopper $301, showing a monthly increase Harrison reiterated that although The Shopper of $6 and an overall bill increase of the Trustees were surprised, the ad- BELLOWS FALLS, Vt. - At the 13.76 percent. ministrative staff was aware. SPRINGFIELD, Vt. - This past special meeting, Sept. 18, the Bel- An example of the greatest increase Golec commented, “Something I Saturday, Sept. 22, between 80 and lows Falls Village Trustees voted was on an apartment building with didn’t agree with in the past was the 100 walkers, many walking alone to pass the 25 percent increase highest usages. The six-month bill of commingling of accounts. We need or with teams in memory of a spe- to wastewater bills, effective im- $9,216 would increase monthly by a separate checkbook so we have an cific person, turned out on a beauti- mediately, by a vote of 4 to 1, with $216.35, showing a total overall bill accurate picture. There is transpar- ful first day of fall to participate in the solitary no vote from Stefan increase of 14.09 percent. ency if it’s in its own account.” the fourth annual Out of Darkness Golec. Jonathan Wright voted, Harrison also clarified some of Village President Deborah Wright Walk against suicide on the Toon- “Yes, but begrudgingly.” the confusion from the Sept. 11 noted past record keeping problems erville Trail in Springfield. Municipal Manager Wendy regular Trustee meeting regarding a showed inaccuracies. Heather Jarvis, who chairs the lo- Harrison restated the recom- loan debt that needed to be repaid. Jonathan Wright added his feel- cal chapter of the Vermont organi- mended 25 percent increase to In the fiscal year 2015 report, there ings of disappointment in his prede- zation of the American Foundation payments and presented, as previ- was a forgiveness of $198,311 from cessors “poor financial stewardship of Suicide Prevention, says suicide ously requested, residential waste- the original loan of $521,000. Har- since 2014.” is the third largest cause of death in water bill examples with actual rison explained, “The repay demand When Harrison provided the ad- Vermont and the 24 to 35 age group customer usages. The intent was to should not have been a surprise, just ministration’s recommendation to is the highest risk. show the impact of the 25 percent the timing, and there was never any increase water rates by 5 percent, the M.J. Trask organized a group to increase to wastewater and 5 per- doubt [the Village] could not pay.” Trustees unanimously agreed not Walkers participating in the Out of Darkness Walk against suicide on the Toon- walk in memory of her son Earl cent increase to water rates. The forgiveness meant only $322,989 to raise rates at this time. Harrison erville Trail in Springfield. Grennan who committed suicide PHOTO BY BILL LOCKWOOD The first example showed a was due, and no surplus funds exist- understood and stated she wants at age 22 around Memorial Day single family resident with usage ed as previously understood. a formal rate study done for water this year. Connie Kincaid-Brown is part of an area support group that our foot in the door with them and below the minimum of 900 cubic James McAuliffe commented, the rates. The Trustees acknowledged was walking for her son, Duncan meets monthly at Valley Regional get them resources… educate them feet on a six-month bill with fire repay demand “was news to me,” but the wastewater rate study had been Littlefield, who was also 22 when he Hospital in Claremont. She says, “It’s that if someone comes to them, protection, sewer, and water. The “I didn’t question the village’s ability helpful. committed suicide in August of 2016. important for people to see that they they know where to go and what Kincaid-Brown said, “It’s an epidemic are not alone.” to do.” size crisis right now. It’s great to see The walk supports the national and At the sign in table, information people caring.” state organization’s fundraising efforts on numerous resources, especially Springfield Innovation Initiative Jarvis said, “We had an amazing for new research, creation of educa- support groups and resources for turn out.” She says this year was the tional programs, advocacy for public survivors, was available as it is also walk’s highest since the inaugural policy, and support of survivors of available through the local Out of looks to bring the Silicon Valley to walk four years ago, which attracted suicide loss. The Springfield group Darkness Springfield, Vermont about 150 walkers. does the walk as its one big event ev- Facebook page or on www.afsp.org. Jarvis said, “A lot of people get upset ery year. For the rest of the year, they After walking the trail for the easily at the idea of suicide. That’s why work on their other efforts. Jarvis says group’s collective cause Kincaid- the Upper Valley we have events like this to let them this year they are giving priority to Brown added a positive note. She know they’re not alone.” increasing community outreach, es- said, “There’s a lot of joy in life, you BY JOE MILLIKEN this historic downtown will be uti- and other members of the Vermont Kincaid-Brown echoed that. She pecially to schools. “We want to get gotta find it.” The Shopper lized to encourage entrepreneur- innovation community to assist in ism with a long-term residency ap- funding this effort. BRIC has also SPRINGFIELD, Vt. – Gov. Phil proach, offering selected companies applied for a grant from the Federal Scott and Congressman Peter free work space for a year and direct Economic Development Adminis- Springfield Garden Club awards Welch visited Springfield Tuesday, investment capital. The start-up tration. Sept. 18 to join the Springfield Re- companies will receive training and The initiative also announced gional Development Corporation connections to various resources the search for an executive director scholarships to area students and the Center on Rural Innova- such as Dartmouth College and that will be led by the newly formed tion in announcing the raising of Greylook Partners. Board of Directors. This first hire SPRINGFIELD, Vt. - Each year, nity College of Vermont in Rutland, landscape design and sustainable $1 million for the development of “Today we celebrate the collabo- will craft the strategy for the residen- the Springfield Garden Club awards Vt. with a focus on environmental horticulture. Austin’s goal is to a new economy initiative called ration of businesses, individuals, tial entrepreneurship center, solidify $4,000 in scholarship funds, shared studies and wildlife conservation. help grow his family’s maple busi- The Black River Innovation Cam- non-profits and government groups partnerships, and develop the first by two deserving students from the She hopes to work in Vermont upon ness and start his own landscaping pus. The new facility will offer working together to revitalize the entrepreneurs. area who are pursuing a college edu- graduation. She achieved an excel- business in Vermont. Austin has computer science training, digital Springfield region,” Congressman BRIC will initially locate activities cation in the fields of horticulture, lent academic record over the past achieved academic awards and job training, and an entrepreneur Welch stated at the event. “I applaud in buildings along the Park Street forestry, or environmental studies. four years, as well as achieving many honors during his schooling while center to help create and cultivate the participants for their leadership corridor and is actively working We are very pleased to announce academic awards. Skylar was also in- being very active on varsity soccer, new, innovative jobs for the re- and am excited about the enormous with partners on the potential rede- our 2018 recipients: Skylar Guida- volved in sports, drama, and student basketball, and baseball teams. He gion. potential of this vital project.” velopment of the former Park Street Dailey who recently graduated from government activities. Her commu- has been a member of the Mount The Black River Innovation “The BRIC announcement was a School building into a state-of-the Green Mountain Union High School nity service activities were varied and Holly Fire Department and Rescue Campus will look to attract vari- very exciting event,” Bob Flint men- art community facility that would and Austin Turco who graduated extensive. Skylar earned the highest Squad as a junior member and has ous technology companies to tioned in a later interview. “It was eventually serve as BRIC’s perma- from Black River High School this recommendations from her teach- assisted this organization in a vari- Springfield by converting vacant great to have Gov. Scott and Con- nent home. The organization and past June. ers for her strength of character, her ety of different assignments. Aus- spaces in the downtown area into gressman Welch on hand to help us project leaders are currently seeking Skylar will be attending Commu- practical and organizational abilities, tin has earned his First Aid/CPR thriving locations for these tech- celebrate and introduce this project additional pre-development funding her grit, her work AED, and during his high school nology businesses.
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    PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE 59 PAID POSTAL CUSTOMER FREE Years RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMER PERMIT #2 N. HAVERHILL, NH ECRWSSEDDMECRWSS New New Year You Inauguration Day Page 9A Jan. 20, 2021 Your Local Community Newspaper JANUARY 20, 2021 | WWW.VERMONTJOURNAL.COM VOLUME 59, ISSUE 34 Trustees hear from Bellows Falls Police Department BY BETSY THURSTON and support to someone in into doing that.” know what agencies called vehicles,” but even one car in Golec suggested they revamp The Shopper crisis, and both the BFPD and James McAuliffe asked Bemis and in what towns assists were the lot “makes a mess” for snow parking permit applications to Turning Point would respond if state agencies offered initia- made. removal. require phone number, physi- BELLOWS FALLS, Vt. – On to calls. Bemis said, “Hopefully, tives for officer recruitment. Moving on to snow re- Village President Deborah cal address, and email. Tuesday, Jan. 12, the Bellows we can assist people with their Bemis said they were offering moval and plowing in the vil- Wright said she received a com- During the Trustee meet- Falls Trustees discussed the Bel- addiction.” upgrades for certifications, en- lage, Pickup mentioned that plaint from a resident that had ing, Pickup also announced lows Falls Police Department. Municipal Manager Scott abling departments to hire offi- he found a Winter Operations in the past received emails and that Feb. 1 was the first meet- Chief David Bemis explained Pickup said the BFPD needed cers with less academy training Plan, last revised in 2000, that had missed the call that night. ing for the working group for there were recent burglaries in updated computer systems to requirements, but bonuses were discussed village towing poli- Pickup said, “We don’t tow im- self-driving vehicle testing.
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