St, Michaels Church ,Kildysart. Safeguarding: Bishop O'Reilly has requested that Dangan Castle Vikings Basketball Club is every person working directly with children or an amalgamation serving the Parishes of Parish Office:Tuesday– Friday 9.00am—2.00pm vulnerable adults in parishes in the diocese complete Kilmaley/Connolly/Inch, Ballynacally/ Tel: 6832838: e-mail:
[email protected] new Garda vetting forms. Eucharistic ministers are Lissycasey, Ballyea and Kildysart and also included. now Kilmihil. See notice board for info. Kildysart Drama Group present ‘A Wake in the The Retired Nurses Association of Ireland Fr. Albert McDonnell. 085 7811823, 6832155 West’ on this Sat. March 9th and Sunday March 10th Clare Branch, will take place on Monday
[email protected] and again on St. Pat ricks night. Doors open at th 7.45pm curtain 8.30pm. next 11 in "The Grove" Roslevan@ 11am.The national officers will Mass Times; Monday—No Mass. Tues, Weds ,Fri 10am. Thursday 9.30 (Cranny) Kildysart Festival Committee will be doing house calls handing out invitations for the Kildysart attend. This is a very important meeting Stations of the Cross: You are welcome to join in praying the Stations of the Cross Gathering 2013. and we invite ALL retired nurses to in St Michael’s Church, Kildysart on Friday next at 8pm. Lost and found:Two long silver keys on a Credit attend. Tom McGrath Hon. Secretary. First Holy Communion: A preparation Mass for First Holy Communion will take Union Keyring have been lost recently in the village. Living and Coping with Prostate Cancer: place this Sunday at 11am.