The Signal Intelligence Agency of the Supreme Command, Armed Forces (Oberkommando Der Wehrmacht/Ch1ffrierabtellung, Abbreviated OXW/Chi)
DOClD: 356"6827I,' , •! "-_:/ tr?'~ 't::':::: By Authority of the 't.: ., ;~: 'Commanding'General JaitiaJa ' 'Date I' '''ash1ngton" Doe Q eelassifi efj and apprO'v'efj fCH elease bV r\JSA. on 06-01-2009 ")ursuant tel E.O. 12958, as ~. ~ ~I'- ~ - tTIf::::! r11._'-j f::::!1._.-. '-j . C'I ec i:.i._,~c l=°n·.Jc'._. "17• ,i ", .. .. (~.UROPEAN ft..xIS SIGNAL INTELLIGENCE, IN WORlJ)' WAR 11-) " , . AS REVEALED BY f!·'IIICOM.!~ I~5TIGATIONS Al~D·Bl. OTHER PRISOrmR OF WAH INTERROGATIONS AND CAPTUaED MATERIAL" PR'INCIPALLY GERl4AN . ' , (VOLUME 3;'-THE SIG~AL INTELLIGENC~ AGENCY ... '. OF Tllli. SUPREME' COMIMND D ~D '2FORCES » ,I / I prepared under the direction of the 'L ; CHIEF I ,ARMY SECURITY AGENCY ,; 1 May 1946 •I '1 . .",,--' \ WDGi\S-14 , ' -_. -- - ... __ - __. '. ';"L_ ' /. ---._---- --- ----- --- - -- ---'- ----:-- -" - ------ •__ ---:>.._- ---.-_._----',---. --- l DocrD: ·3560827 VOLUME " The Signal Intelligence Agency of the Supreme Command, Armed Forces (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht/Ch1ffrierabtellung, abbreviated OXW/Chi) Chapter I. Introduction Chapter II. Organization Chapter III. Intercept Chapter IV. Operations Chapter V. Relations with other Cryptologic Agencies Tab A. Tab B. \ DocrD: 3560827 VOLUME ,: OKW/Ch1 Chapte1' I. Introduction Paragraph Sources of information. • •• • . 1 Notes on OKW/Ch1 before the war •• • •• • . • 2 1. Sources ot Information. Befpre tile TICOM teams began theIr InvestIgation Iii aermanYI it was known t11at the Supreme Command ot the German Armed Forces (Oberkom mando del' Wehrmacht, abbreviated OKW) contained a signal intelligence section (Ch1tf'rierabte1ll1ng, abbreviated Chi, hence OKW/Ch1).1 Pre-TICOM knowledge at the activities ot OKW/Chi was vel'j limited, but it was assumed that, as the highest echelon signal intelligence service, it would co ordinate and perhaps direct the signal intelligence work of the Army, Davy and Air Force and would probably assemble the ablest cryptanalysts tor attacks on systems with which the si!D&l intelligence services ot the separate branches were unable to cope.
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