Andrews Ave. Blaze Displaces Families
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LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS PAGE 10 March 6, 2016 Your Neighborhood — Your News® Buildings collapse $$ TO RESTORE during windstorm BEACH PAVILION BY STEVEN GOODSTEIN BP’s capital budget funds landmark AND PATRICK ROCCHIO A pair of building collapses in BY ROBERT WIRSING hurricanes, providing additional the Bronx were the result of last A beloved Orchard Beach direct access to the beach and es- week’s intense windstorm. landmark may get the chance to tablishing more food concessions Last Wednesday night, Febru- relive its glory days. and tourist shops at the pavilion. ary 24, brought a wild windstorm During the State of the Bor- The project is dependent on that brought down portions of ough Address, Borough Presi- receiving $10 million from the two different buildings across dent Ruben Diaz, Jr. announced borough president, NYS senate the borough - one a vacant build- he will allocate $10 million from and assembly members and NYC ing located at East 183rd Street his capital budget to fund the Parks. Parks. and Beaumont Avenue and the restoration of the memorable Or- Once fully funded, Rausse said other one located at 190 Fordham chard Beach Pavilion. early estimates have construc- Street on City Island, more than According to James Rausse, tion starting by at least 2018. likely resulting from wind gusts AICP, director of capital pro- “NYC Parks appreciates Bor- that reached up to 50 miles per grams for the borough president’s ough President Ruben Diaz Jr.’s hour that evening. office, this marks the first phase enthusiasm and eagerness to re- Although neither of the build- of a $40 million multi-phase proj- store Orchard Beach Pavilion,” ings experienced a total collapse, ect slated for the ‘Bronx Riviera’. said Bronx Parks Commissioner what was left of the vacant build- Rausse explained the objec- Iris Rodriguez-Rosa. “We under- ing in Belmont had to be knocked tives are to redesign the pavilion stand the importance of this proj- down and was demolished last within its landmark parameters ect and look forward to continu- Thursday night. while better fortifying it against Continued on Page 4 The building on City Island experienced a facade collapse, when sheathing on one side of the building, which was nailed over brickwork, fell to the ground. Barbara Dolesnek, manager Andrews Ave. blaze of the City Island Nautical Mu- seum, located right next to the building at 190 Fordham Street, an off-limits area, said that the displaces families collapse of the facade did not af- fect the museum, but that the neglect of the building next door BY ROBERT WIRSING through the six-story apartment (and the building’s brickwork) A devastating blaze left many building was brought under con- has resulted in leaks and damage Morris Heights families without trol two hours later. inside the museum. a home last week. The FDNY reported that fi ve She also mentioned that an- According to a FDNY spokes- civilians sustained non-life threat- other piece of metal on the build- man, on Tuesday, February 23 at ening injuries from this early ing, which was also nailed over Celebrating Black History 2:14 a.m., a four-alarm fi re was morning fi re and were taken to lo- brickwork, will soon collapse as raging at 1892 Andrews Avenue cal hospitals for treatment. There well as a result of the storm’s af- Shereece Love performs an African dance during the New York Botanical resulting in 39 FDNY units and were no fatalities. termath. Garden’s Black History Month Celebration on Wednesday, February 24. The 168 members dispatched to the Fire marshals determined No individuals were reported event included workshops, presentations and musical performances. scene. the cause as a clothes dryer fi re Continued on Page 11 The inferno which tore Continued on Page 4 A CNG Publication • Vol. 567 No. No. 10 5 • Vol. 67 No. 5 UPDATEDUPDATEDUPDATED EVERYEVERY EVERY DAYDAY DAY ATAT AT BXTIMES.COMBXTIMES.COM BXTIMES.COM Exercise stations planned for 3 parks BY PATRICK ROCCHIO ate diet and they will see results,” Get ready to strengthen your said the councilman. abs and biceps. Donations to the Friends of Pel- Three east Bronx parks were I want to get rid of ham Bay Park funded three pieces selected to receive body building of workout equipment that were equipment within the next year or the Bronx’ distinction installed next to the park’s run- two. of being the 62nd ning track in 2014. The City Council allocated The group applauded the latest about $618,000 towards construct- county in the state development. ing new exercise stations in Bronx “We are grateful that Council- Park East at Lydig Avenue, Pel- out of 62 when it man Vacca allocated funding for ham Bay Park near the running a full-size outdoor fi tness area for BRONX WEEKLY March 6, 2016 2 MarchBRONX 6, 2016 WEEKLY track, and Bicentennial Veterans comes to being the park,” stated Judge Lizbeth Memorial Park in Throggs Neck, Gonzalez, FPBP president. “Once according to a Parks Department healthy. construction for that area begins, spokesman. James Vacca the Friends will work with the Pel- The equipment is slated for any- Councilman ham Bay administrator’s offi ce to A sampling of the workout equipment to be placed in Pelham Bay Park is de- one over 12 years of age. re-locate the three pieces that we picted here in a Parks Department presentation. The construction of the athletic funded. A healthy Bronx is a great Photo courtesy of Parks Department equipment in Pelham Bay Park it comes to being healthy,” said Bronx!” is expected to begin fi rst, in the Vacca. At Bicentennial Veterans Me- spring, and will complement pieces The Pelham Bay Park installa- morial Park, six pieces of work- ring to an area of trees and shrubs would like to have an on-site meet- already in place at the park. tion will include at least 12 pieces out equipment are planned, but next to a fl agpole in the park. ing with the Parks Department so Councilman James Vacca se- when complete, according to a a coalition of local veterans is in- The preliminary plans show we can all get on the same page,” cured the funding for all three Parks presentation. sisting that the area adjacent to a the workout equipment located said Devine. projects, which according to a These pieces are a leg exten- living memorial dedicated to the next to the memorial area, said Vacca said he was aware of Parks Department spokesman in- sion, lat pull down, shoulder rota- 1571 Vietnam War veterans from Devine. the issue and he believes it can cludes $418,000 for Pelham Bay tor, sit up bench, hanging rings, New York City who died during He believes that the location of be resolved. According to Parks, Park, and about $100,000 each for pullup bar, parallel bars, upright that confl ict is preserved, said Pat the equipment can be worked out construction at Veterans Park is the two locations. cycle, chest press, captain’s chair Devine, one of the veterans who before construction begins, and slated for the fall of 2017. “I want to get rid of the Bronx’s and vertical press. lobbied to get the park built. that there is ample space for it else- A meeting was held on the Bi- distinction of being the 62nd “Hopefully, people will supple- “We support it, but not in the where in the park. centennial Veterans Park plan on county in the state out of 62 when ment using these with an appropri- memorial area,” said Devine, refer- “The veteran community Monday, February 29. Soundview Ferry plan could create havoc BY MADELINE ANTHONY sessions and meetings on how to creasing ridership and allow- One year ago, Mayor de Bla- increase ferry accessiblity. ing ease of accessibility for sio announced that ferry service A free taxi system that would commuters. would be expanded citywide. take people to and from the ferry Rivera, even thought he feels One of five new routes included is a potential option that resi- a free taxi system to the ferry Soundview and Community dents are advocating for. “isn’t viable,” would bring it Board 9 is fearful that a parking Marabell Narcado of CB9 said up to the NYC Economic Devel- nightmare could occur when the that while the community is in opment Corporation. service debutes in 2018. support of the ferry, one of the A more likely option, he said, The Soudview ferry will stop biggest concerns residents bring would be that all taxi services at East 90th Street, East 62nd up is how to get there. within the Bronx offered a re- Street, and finally Wall Street “If people from outside the duced-rate ride to the ferry. and will cost the same as bus neighborhood come in, they don’t “This is going to be huge for fare. know where they [soundview res- economic growth... they don’t Soundview was chosen as one idents] will park, since there is want to leave the Bronx be- of the locations for ferry service no parking in the area, and that’s hind,” said Rivera. because the community is largely how the idea of a free taxi service Councilman James Vacca isolated and has few mass transit came up,” said Narcado. says he supports the Sound- options. William Rivera, district view service but won’t stop The idea is to reduce conges- manager of CB 9, has proposed pushing for a ferry stop in tion and traffi c while cutting changes to the BX36 and BX39 Throggs Neck.