Scholastic Opinion

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Scholastic Opinion p M / *^,' *<:- ./j •^i-. 0 NurwunB-MBi- HCVWUIID-MBI— >HEVWANIED-MIN NHPWMni-MBI' HFIPWANin^MEN ' Italk9jaaai41t«lai — Itnim £N3INE£Il-£tl*5 K«pre9entB!lv«- DRAFTSMEN CHECKERS art an enslne^r or tachxlcaUy t ENGINEERS man, partHrularly OM who has t DIE CUTTING Mechanical Inc or experience with highway ESTIMATOR DESIGNERS ccnstrucUsn cr pavlnff materials PRESSMAN Experienced in Piping, Plate desire to become connectetl for «ad work with a naUonal firm that h C^RSBOARS DRAFTSMEN Work and Light Steel lor est rating, we suggest you write echanical engineer mERLE CTUNDERS Inc TOUT cutllf lea tlons, past eip Power Stations. «te. U possible. &:so sana rcctr KOHL INDUSTRIES Structutal-Aicfaitsctural shot. Prefer man 25 to 35, cr t atCELLEHT OPPORTUMTY SARGENT & LUNDY ENGRS * Will arranct personal In rOR ADVAKCSNffiKT. 4220 W. SCROBEXr EspwienoB in ramr Plullc AUnyMZiD 222 W. izatlcn nils requlremenis. aSTAMT FOR THE PIANNTIJO or IndusthrJ Buildingt laress MDM 35 TyibxTC. Db'PT. MANAGER OF A VERT AGOHESStV? urF.<rr ADDRESS MBL 285 TRDUNE ENGINEERS DBimBAN CHCASO PIAN'T. DIE AND TOOL _ \ Insurance company has APrREimce. KIII sebeel (ildulP I for marlr.e or stationary f d (t once, for t niniseiil oosltlc- eku ta: eialorcd In BtcUao !br~ •: operating engineers with i biitfiouB, Uicenlous nan vitn acce CmcAGOl ' I cperatlnf experience, t jam Cncine*nnc and eeslgn::it tcrs of DoIIers, engine .esce, 03tn on pracucts ar^ I electrical machinery production procesaes In ' St be hXeh sc:*03l gr Oft, vira tonnirf ami ite age, experience, :UoB teicalsery. hsr qualUlcatlor^. i MEM 2B Tribune CHEMISTS OR INGDRAHS Eust cf 3 vears ^xoerlenc- HEKaCAL eiG) vetoed steel tanas and stnjctui - recast cr^'JUaa rjt ( t/ust be able to calcdats wall e! ace. fiust o« arie to iraas a ~ i»ss, head deslfn, battle and s Mivaicai esaaiiration. 171 ^n for ' support. M.E. or C.E. deslrabl e luur. s oar veeic.£ will consider man wltb 2 year: rnita ua lor aicn vita dec ce^rlnf education. actrcl USoratsrlea. Pita ) DRAFTING INSTRUCTOR PfFILCO ntC. 3;3.«r. 25 lecuon o! Cti'.ca^o. Archl*ecturaL 7r ir^trjcl« sia* )RESS MBJ 303 dtnts. DAJS Cftlenihr jar Gsod ENGINEERING DRAFTS Stnidural-Aichitaetural cFponts'Jtr 33ME COLLESB TRAIKHf UUlON^K-opportiL-jiy lor younf ir^an to CHICAGO TECHNICAL C0LLE3E Excellent opportunity tor vounc fain experience, a-vancement with Gcperienoe in Power- Plants 2300 S. ?/lehlgar. CAIurret 5-s:c: wlu some experience to start t company predoclsg pensanent point of bm natl:nal steel firm. Jnh • OPENINGS FO? Bale displays. Knowiedce of letterLnf. or Industrial Buildings DRAFTSMAN voive woric on *Jia board, detail tenderinf, wood ccnstructlon desIraSle. WIS! scBe estimailr( experience, tor triorcLng steel. Good adganeemi Coaoenlant location. Reasant worlcinf' Address MAG S3 Tribune lerte (eneral cc.r.rartcr°s clftra A prospects. DESK^f ENGINEERS ceedltlona. State tgt. feackircmd fcod eppcrtiilty for y3-.--4t e.-.f.r.eer AarP£ss MM as TRH Addnas TEM N Tribune hivl-.f c-oilege cr equlvaien-. tralnln(. .'t Dm scleral isunadlata DIESEL cue! Engineer to supervise App'.? br letter only, auunc quB!iIica< ENGINEF;-15^ pealaga for daalgn or derel- maintenance, operation, and repair of ENGINEERS tlons. paasi •oflneera. Mechanical dlcael |eneratu( planta uslac nrleus EKellcnt ^ipertuslUe* tar | Bd eleetneal ennneers win tne enflBea. Muat be capable to asauma cbemlcal, neclianleal ar •• ouldatable eaicnecce in oe- full reapondtUitjr. Muat t» capable ad- •BClneers. Oeeeleraaol tl aalala, IIB o( Inatrvsenta or control minlstrator and Instttietor of lar|* mibar eoar '" "— reierred. Excellent cppoitua- (roup of dlaacl operatora. Work con* . Uea slIlileadlaK casafacturer dltlona Include tubdatvce aa<l „t-rr^^ I automaucieontrola; Attrmc- M aalarr- l-^'auoa: tusoe- sella. .•-f^"~"r->_, voBiwoa and all of them made possible through profits! IN THE LAST EIGHT YEARS, For example: In 1948, the company had International Harvester has profits, after taxes, of 4.7 cents increased the number of its During the eight year period from each doUar of sales. in which our force was in­ employes in the United States creased from 60,000 to 90,000 We know it is our continuing from 60,000 to 90,000. employes, the average straight- ability to earn a reasonable This means that 30,000 new time hourly earnings of our profit that has made it possible jobs have been created—good non-salaried factory employes for International Harvester iij jobs at good pay for junior have increased 92.6 per cent. the past year to serve more peo­ executives, engineers, drafts­ ple—customers, employes and men, technicians, among many Customers have benefited stockholders—JTi greater mea­ others. And every one of these from the fact that our margin sure than ever before. Profits jobs carries with it plenty of of profit on sales today is two- mean progress for everyone. chance for advancement. fifths less than in 1941. We hope to be able to con­ This great progress in job- And our stockholders have tinue to make a reasonable making has been made possible had a fair return on the sav­ profit with each succeeding by the profits which over the ings they have invested in our year in the future—to keep last 20 years the company has company. Dividends on com­ right on creating more and plowed back into the business. mon stock this year are 4.65% more jobs at good pay for That is why we like to say on the book value, as compared young men entering industry, PROFITS MEAN PROGRESS for with 4% in 1941. just as we have done in the past. everyone. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER The Scholastic Pennies From Harry resentative of a single class in American Dear Editor: society. For obvious economic reasons, Letters In his otherwise competent column of that class is the so-called upper bour­ last week the Browser took an oblique geoisie. An economic depression, which swipe at federal aid to education. His some purport to see in the offing, would Mistaken Identity tenninology was so curt that it is diffi­ curtail that class to the extent that the colleges presently existing because of Dear Editor: cult to detennine exactly what he was condemning: federal aid in principle, or federal aid from the G.I. Bill, would find I wish to bring to your attention an federal aid extended to higher education the going very rough indeed. These re­ error which occurred in the Feb. 11 on an aid-to-the-institution basis. marks are aside from the higher aim of issue of the SCHOLASTIC. On page ten - A complete condemnation of federal providing education for worthy students, at the bottom left you printed a picture aid to education on the college level is whether of high or low economic posi­ of an Indian student receiving his de­ very unwise. Perhaps the Browser did tion. For those reasons, educators would gree from Father Cavanaugh. not so intend his remarks; however, do well to press some sort of universal First of all, the Indian student re­ they are subject to that interpretation.. G.I. Bill for all worthy students, par­ ceiving the diploma was not Mr. Ki-ish- Gi-anting that aid to state schools, or ticularly for those who would otherwise namurti, but N. Sidheswara Setty. Sec­ certain selected private schools as well, be unable to afford a college education. ondly, if I am not mistaken, the degree would undoubtedly toll the knell of many Not unmindful of the olj action, well- obtained was a master of science in en­ small or impoverished private institu­ taken, that colleges are at present popu­ gineering, not a doctorate of philosophy. tions, it remains a fact that some sort lated with some students who are wast­ Hoping that you will correct this mis­ of federal aid to the student is both wise ing time — theirs and the college's, as take in your next issue, I remain and imperative. well as public and private monies — I Cordially, I am not pointing out any milestone admit that any federal grants would in the class struggle, but few would have to be conditioned upon high aca­ Stephen J. Galla, Jr. deny that the majority of non-veterans demic qualifications. Certainly, nobody SCHOLASTIC apologizes and recom­ at Notre Dame or, for that matter, at should crusade for an idyllic "college for mends a Student Directory for its qiho- any privately endowed college, are rep­ everybody" scheme, which would make tography editor:—Editor. Glad Hand Department BECOME A POPULAR Dear Editor: We have read with great interest sev­ DANCE PARTNER! eral issues of your Notre Dame SCHO­ LASTIC. Could you lend us the excellent cover It's Easy... If s Fun! photo used for the Jan. 14 issue of the Are you missing out on being a popular SCHOLASTIC? The photo referred to is a dancing partner? Why put off your dancing composite picture of a student sitting fun any longer? You'll be amazed at how at his desk ostensibly studying, but ac­ quickly you "catch on" . how swell you tually having a pipe-dream. feel with new confidence, new friends, new­ If permissible, we would like to use found fun and popularity! this picture for our Campus Life Cover Page. This photo would be returned to you undamaged. We would greatly appreciate your FREE help in this matter. Half-Hour Lesson Arthur H. Church, Phone for Appointment or Come In! Editor, TRICOLOR '49 4-0801 Year Book, Queen's University • Kingston, Ontario Former Dance Director Said photo will be on its way as soon ARTHUR MURRAY STUDIOS as we find the dam thing.—Editor.
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    DOCUMENT RESUME ED 439 781 PS 028 357 AUTHOR Burns, M. Susan, Ed.; Griffin, Peg, Ed.; Snow, Catherine E., Ed. TITLE Starting Out Right: A Guide to Promoting Children's Reading Success. Specific Recommendations from America's Leading Researchers on How To Help Children Become Successful Readers. INSTITUTION National Academy of Sciences National Research Council, Washington, DC. SPONS AGENCY Department of Education, Washington, DC. ISBN ISBN-0-309-06410-4 PUB DATE 1999-00-00 NOTE 193p. CONTRACT HO23S50001 AVAILABLE FROM National Academy Press, 2101 Constitution Avenue, NW, Lockbox 285, Washington, DC 20055 ($14.95). Tel: 800-624-6242 (Toll Free); Tel: 202-334-3313; Web site: PUB TYPE Books (010) Guides Non-Classroom (055) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC08 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Beginning Reading; Classroom Environment; Early Childhood Education; Early Intervention; Early Reading; Elementary Education; *Emergent Literacy; Language Acquisition; Learning Activities; Parent Role; *Reading Ability; Reading Difficulties; Reading Improvement; *Reading Instruction; *Reading Readiness; Reading Skills; Teacher Role IDENTIFIERS Learning Environment ABSTRACT Noting the increasing number of students who cannot read, this book shows parents, educators, caregivers, policymakers, and others how to promote the reading success of young children. It focuses on children from birth through the first 5 years of formal schooling, and includes practical guidelines, program descriptions, advice on resources, and strategies for use in everyday life (including practical literacy and language activities for parents and their young children) and activities and practices for classrooms. Following a brief introduction, the first chapter discusses the process of reading. This chapter outlines the characteristics of good readers, circumstances that promote reading, and the kinds of opportunities that enable children to be successful readers.
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