Banner of Light V37 N21 Aug 21 1875
V 4, 1875. irren’a Plantation P J I fast coming into Kt-aMfctwonty-flve ~ whole system of vital magnetism, ■ heal themselves. ’ isolation will hold . 22d, 1875, a t E l- »t 10A.M .,2f.M ^ are engaged. I,a the finest music, v isa good Victual- - :vf C om m ittee, J . V . M a p e s . ^ A N W ork, m !QNENT ( ■ h * er W orld. lescriptions EA;NCES ( COLBY & 'RICH, > i $3,00 Por Annum,) YOL. XXXYII. J Publishers and Proprietors, { BOSTON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 21, 1875. ! In Advanco, \ ltli th e ' xYf). 21. Batincr CouteutH* shrines and temples, hut to Osiris—tho ancient Syrian or shepherd kings tv dlstmet expression o f. savored not of humility, hut of power and mag uplifting of many a heart unknown to fame, FniST I*AOB.—“ The Now Messiah; oP, Who Is tho Com angel—was consecrated the most nncleiit tcmpli!,. the power and purpose of- tlie infinite mind, to nificence. Undoubtedly the language of proph there probably was iu-vi-r an epocli of greater forter J” 1 a lecture hy Mrs. Cora L. V. Tnppan, and his symbol was the symbol of the: Divine tlie intent not only of doing good to one another, | ecy was hyperbolical, mid referred to a spiritual corruption in'tlie world than tlmt which began S e c o n d P a g e . —“ Spirit M aterialization,’1 hy A, G. W . as is expressed in tlie “ golden rule,” hut ns fol- , and not temporal grandeur. Inexpressibly beau * .Carter; “ AnExcellentTestntMrH. Guppy’sS6ances,” mind, namely, a winged sphere or sun.
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