THE LLANCARFAN SOCIETY Newsletter 95 February 2000
THE LLANCARFAN SOCIETY Newsletter 95 February 2000 Editorial When I was a teenager, my father used to get very cross, saying that I “never finished anything”! I suppose he was right – I have had so many interests that there seems never to be time to do it all. Because of this, I am unconscionably pleased to say that the final parts of the Fox and Hounds saga appear in this Newsletter to fill the1940s gap, . Derek Bryer has written Part VI for us. Derek is the grandson of Charlie and Edith Bryer, who ran the Fox and Hounds during the 1940s. Derek went on to work for Hancock’s Brewery, and subsequently for Bass Breweries, after the take-over. He has now retired from the Managing Directorship of Bass Breweries, Penarth Road Cardiff. Part VII, is a collection of notes from Phil Watts, prompted by Derek’s memories, mainly intended to provoke some responses from you, the readers. Write to Phil or the editor. As editor I have been most gratified to receive so many contributions during the past year, but I am now in the embarrassing position of having to apologise for the delay in publishing some of them! Please be patient, everything will appear in the end. The number of pages has been increased to ten in the last few Newsletters and I hope to squeeze an extra Newsletter or two into 2000. Thank you all – it is so much better than “scraping the barrel”, which we have done at times. On the same theme, I had promised another item on the parish boundary in this number.
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