179th Calendar Day EIGHTY-FIRST OREGON LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY 2021 Regular Session JOINT Legislative Schedule



PETER COURTNEY, President LORI L. BROCKER, Secretary of the Senate JAMES MANNING, JR, President Pro Tempore CYNDY JOHNSTON, Sergeant at Arms


TINA KOTEK, Speaker TIMOTHY G. SEKERAK, Chief Clerk , Speaker Pro Tempore BRIAN MCKINLEY, Sergeant at Arms


ROB WAGNER, Majority Leader FRED GIROD, Republican Leader ELIZABETH STEINER HAYWARD, Deputy Majority Leader CHUCK THOMSEN, Deputy Republican Leader LEW FREDERICK, Majority Whip LYNN FINDLEY, Assistant Republican Leader SARA GELSER, Majority Whip DENNIS LINTHICUM, Republican Whip MICHAEL DEMBROW, Assistant Majority Leader KATE LIEBER, Assistant Majority Leader


BARBARA SMITH WARNER, Majority Leader , Republican Leader , Majority Whip , Deputy Republican Leader , Deputy Majority Whip , Republican Whip , Assistant Majority Leader , Assistant Republican Whip , Assistant Majority Leader , Assistant Deputy Republican Leader , Assistant Majority Leader , Assistant Republican Leader CEDRIC HAYDEN, Assistant Republican Leader , Assistant Republican Leader

LEGISLATIVE ACCESS NUMBERS: LEGISLATIVE INTERNET ACCESS: Oregon outside Salem, toll free 1-800-332-2313 http://www.oregonlegislature.gov Salem area (503) 986-1187 TTY: 711 This Publication Contains:

Third Reading Notices Today's Scheduled Meetings Senate Committee Agendas House Committee Agendas House Special Committee Agendas Joint Committee Agendas Joint Special Committee Agendas Index of Measures Scheduled for Hearing Senate Standing Committee Regular Meeting Schedule House Standing Committee Regular Meeting Schedule House Special Committee Regular Meeting Schedule Joint Standing Committee Regular Meeting Schedule Joint Special Committee Regular Meeting Schedule Senate Standing Committee Membership House Standing Committee Membership House Special Committee Membership Joint Committee Membership Committee Assignments by Senator Committee Assignments by Representative






NOTICE: Committee meetings are subject to change Check Committee Agendas in this publication




NOTE: Legislative Committee meetings are open to the public. Those designated as “hearings” are for the purpose of taking testimony. At a “work session” the Committee may review the testimony previously received and take what action is deemed appropriate.

Committees request all proposed amendments be prepared and submitted to committee staff 48 hours prior to the meeting. Interested persons should become familiar with the rules of each committee.

Committee agendas are subject to change.

For further information please contact Committee staff in Salem at the phone number and address indicated.

Staff respectfully requests that you submit 15 collated copies of written materials at the time of your testimony and, if possible, an electronic copy of materials provided to staff 24 hours prior to the meeting.

Persons making presentations, including the use of video, DVD, PowerPoint or overhead projection equipment are asked to contact committee staff and provide an electronic copy 24 hours prior to the meeting.

Any item on this agenda may be carried over to the next meeting at the discretion of the Chair.

ADA accommodation requests should be directed to Legislative Administration - Employee Services, at [email protected] or by telephone at 1-800-332-2313 or TTY: 711. Requests for accommodation should be made at least 72 hours in advance whenever possible.

** Denotes measure that has a subsequent referral to another committee.

HUMAN SERVICES, MENTAL HEALTH AND RECOVERY CONDUCT Office: 453 Phone: 503-986-1507 Office: 333 Phone: 503-986-1286 Meets at the Call of the Chair Meets at the Call of the Chair JUDICIARY AND BALLOT MEASURE 110 IMPLEMENTATION EDUCATION Office: 453 Phone: 503-986-1665 Office: 331 Phone: 503-986-1750

Meets at the Call of the Chair Meets at the Call of the Chair

ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT LABOR AND BUSINESS Office: 453 Phone: 503-986-1556 Office: 347 Phone: 503-986-1755 Meets at the Call of the Chair Meets at the Call of the Chair

FINANCE AND REVENUE NATURAL RESOURCES AND WILDFIRE RECOVERY Office: 160 Phone: 503-986-1266 Office: 347 Phone: 503-986-1751 Meets at the Call of the Chair Meets at the Call of the Chair REDISTRICTING HEALTH CARE Office: 453 Phone: 503-986-1674 Office: 453 Phone: 503-986-1509

Meets at the Call of the Chair Meets at the Call of the Chair RULES HOUSING AND DEVELOPMENT Office: 453 Phone: 503-986-1503 Office: 453 Phone: 503-986-1537 Meets at the Call of the Chair Meets at the Call of the Chair VETERANS AND EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS Office: 453 Phone: 503-986-1666

Meets at the Call of the Chair



NOTE: Legislative Committee meetings are open to the public. Those designated as “hearings” are for the purpose of taking testimony. At a “work session” the Committee may review the testimony previously received and take what action is deemed appropriate.

Committees request all proposed amendments be prepared and submitted to committee staff 48 hours prior to the meeting. Interested persons should become familiar with the rules of each committee.

Committee agendas are subject to change.

For further information please contact Committee staff in Salem at the phone number and address indicated.

Staff respectfully requests that you submit 15 collated copies of written materials at the time of your testimony and, if possible, an electronic copy of materials provided to staff 24 hours prior to the meeting.

Persons making presentations, including the use of video, DVD, PowerPoint or overhead projection equipment are asked to contact committee staff and provide an electronic copy 24 hours prior to the meeting.

Any item on this agenda may be carried over to the next meeting at the discretion of the Chair.

ADA accommodation requests should be directed to Legislative Administration - Employee Services, at [email protected] or by telephone at 1-800-332-2313 or TTY: 711. Requests for accommodation should be made at least 72 hours in advance whenever possible.

** Denotes measure that has a subsequent referral to another committee.

GENERAL GOVERNMENT AGRICULTURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES Office: 453 Phone: 503-986-1532 Office: 347 Phone: 503-986-1543 Meets at the Call of the Chair Meets at the Call of the Chair HEALTH CARE Office: 453 Phone: 503-986-1520 BEHAVIORAL HEALTH Office: 453 Phone: 503-986-1508 Meets at the Call of the Chair Meets at the Call of the Chair HEALTH CARE SUBCOMMITTEE ON COVID-19 Meets at the Call of the Chair BUSINESS AND LABOR Office: 334 Phone: 503-986-1557 HOUSING Office: 453 Phone: 503-986-1531 Meets at the Call of the Chair Meets at the Call of the Chair CONDUCT Office: 333 Phone: 503-986-1286 HUMAN SERVICES Office: 453 Phone: 503-986-1507 Meets at the Call of the Chair Meets at the Call of the Chair EARLY CHILDHOOD Office: 453 Phone: 503-986-1664 JUDICIARY Office: 331 Phone: 503-986-1750 Meets at the Call of the Chair Meets at the Call of the Chair ECONOMIC RECOVERY AND PROSPERITY Office: 453 Phone: 503-986-1663 JUDICIARY SUBCOMMITTEE ON CIVIL LAW Meets at the Call of the Chair Meets at the Call of the Chair JUDICIARY SUBCOMMITTEE ON EQUITABLE POLICING EDUCATION Meets at the Call of the Chair Office: 453 Phone: 503-986-1664 REVENUE Meets at the Call of the Chair Office: 160 Phone: 503-986-1266

ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT Meets at the Call of the Chair Office: 347 Phone: 503-986-1533

Meets at the Call of the Chair


RULES WATER Office: 333 Phone: 503-986-1286 Office: 453 Phone: 503-986-1542

Meets at the Call of the Chair Meets at the Call of the Chair

VETERANS AND EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT Office: 453 Phone: 503-986-1530

Meets at the Call of the Chair



NOTE: Legislative Committee meetings are open to the public. Those designated as “hearings” are for the purpose of taking testimony. At a “work session” the Committee may review the testimony previously received and take what action is deemed appropriate.

Committees request all proposed amendments be prepared and submitted to committee staff 48 hours prior to the meeting. Interested persons should become familiar with the rules of each committee.

Committee agendas are subject to change.

For further information please contact Committee staff in Salem at the phone number and address indicated.

Staff respectfully requests that you submit 15 collated copies of written materials at the time of your testimony and, if possible, an electronic copy of materials provided to staff 24 hours prior to the meeting.

Persons making presentations, including the use of video, DVD, PowerPoint or overhead projection equipment are asked to contact committee staff and provide an electronic copy 24 hours prior to the meeting.

Any item on this agenda may be carried over to the next meeting at the discretion of the Chair.

ADA accommodation requests should be directed to Legislative Administration - Employee Services, at [email protected] or by telephone at 1-800-332-2313 or TTY: 711. Requests for accommodation should be made at least 72 hours in advance whenever possible.

** Denotes measure that has a subsequent referral to another committee.

REDISTRICTING DECEMBER 21, 2020 Office: 453 Phone: 503-986-1674 Office: 334 Phone: 503-986-1557 Meets at the Call of the Chair Meets at the Call of the Chair WILDFIRE RECOVERY Office: 347 Phone: 503-986-1731 MODERNIZING THE PEOPLE’S LEGISLATURE Office: 333 Phone: 503-986-1286 Meets at the Call of the Chair Meets at the Call of the Chair



NOTE: Legislative Committee meetings are open to the public. Those designated as “hearings” are for the purpose of taking testimony. At a “work session” the Committee may review the testimony previously received and take what action is deemed appropriate.

Committees request all proposed amendments be prepared and submitted to committee staff 48 hours prior to the meeting. Interested persons should become familiar with the rules of each committee.

Committee agendas are subject to change.

For further information please contact Committee staff in Salem at the phone number and address indicated.

Staff respectfully requests that you submit 15 collated copies of written materials at the time of your testimony and, if possible, an electronic copy of materials provided to staff 24 hours prior to the meeting.

Persons making presentations, including the use of video, DVD, PowerPoint or overhead projection equipment are asked to contact committee staff and provide an electronic copy 24 hours prior to the meeting.

Any item on this agenda may be carried over to the next meeting at the discretion of the Chair.

ADA accommodation requests should be directed to Legislative Administration - Employee Services, at [email protected] or by telephone at 1-800-332-2313 or TTY: 711. Requests for accommodation should be made at least 72 hours in advance whenever possible.

** Denotes measure that has a subsequent referral to another committee.

TRANSPORTATION CONDUCT Office: 453 Phone: 503-986-1674 Office: 333 Phone: 503-986-1286 Meets at the Call of the Chair Meets at the Call of the Chair WAYS AND MEANS Office: H-178 Phone: 503-986-1828 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT AND TECHNOLOGY Office: H-178 Phone: 503-986-1828 Meets at the Call of the Chair Meets at the Call of the Chair WAYS AND MEANS SUBCOMMITTEE ON CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION LEGISLATIVE ADMINISTRATION Meets at the Call of the Chair Office: 140 Phone: 503-986-1848 WAYS AND MEANS SUBCOMMITTEE ON EDUCATION Meets at the Call of the Chair Meets at the Call of the Chair LEGISLATIVE AUDITS WAYS AND MEANS SUBCOMMITTEE ON GENERAL Office: H-178 Phone: 503-986-1828 GOVERNMENT Meets at the Call of the Chair Meets at the Call of the Chair WAYS AND MEANS SUBCOMMITTEE ON HUMAN LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL SERVICES Office: S-101 Phone: 503-986-1243 Meets at the Call of the Chair Meets at the Call of the Chair WAYS AND MEANS SUBCOMMITTEE ON NATURAL RESOURCES LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL SUBCOMMITTEE ON PUBLIC RECORDS Meets at the Call of the Chair Meets at the Call of the Chair WAYS AND MEANS SUBCOMMITTEE ON PUBLIC SAFETY Meets at the Call of the Chair LEGISLATIVE POLICY AND RESEARCH Office: 453 Phone: 503-986-1484 WAYS AND MEANS SUBCOMMITTEE ON TRANSPORTATION AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Meets at the Call of the Chair Meets at the Call of the Chair

TAX EXPENDITURES THE INTERSTATE 5 BRIDGE Office: 160 Phone: 503-986-1266 Office: 453 Phone: 503-986-1674

Meets at the Call of the Chair Meets at the Call of the Chair



NOTE: Legislative Committee meetings are open to the public. Those designated as “hearings” are for the purpose of taking testimony. At a “work session” the Committee may review the testimony previously received and take what action is deemed appropriate.

Committees request all proposed amendments be prepared and submitted to committee staff 48 hours prior to the meeting. Interested persons should become familiar with the rules of each committee.

Committee agendas are subject to change.

For further information please contact Committee staff in Salem at the phone number and address indicated.

Staff respectfully requests that you submit 15 collated copies of written materials at the time of your testimony and, if possible, an electronic copy of materials provided to staff 24 hours prior to the meeting.

Persons making presentations, including the use of video, DVD, PowerPoint or overhead projection equipment are asked to contact committee staff and provide an electronic copy 24 hours prior to the meeting.

Any item on this agenda may be carried over to the next meeting at the discretion of the Chair.

ADA accommodation requests should be directed to Legislative Administration - Employee Services, at [email protected] or by telephone at 1-800-332-2313 or TTY: 711. Requests for accommodation should be made at least 72 hours in advance whenever possible.

** Denotes measure that has a subsequent referral to another committee.

SB 762 Office: 347 Phone: 503-986-1731

Meets at the Call of the Chair






Staff Committee Name/Staff Staff Phone Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Office

Conduct 333 503-986-1286 Melissa Leoni, LPRO Analyst 333 503-986-1286 Meets at the Call of the Chair Patsy Wood, Committee Assistant 453 503-986-1474

Education 453 503-986-1665 Matt Perreault, LPRO Analyst 453 503-986-1665 Meets at the Call of the Chair Lisa Gezelter, LPRO Analyst 453 503-986-1664 Maia Daniel, Committee Assistant 453 503-986-1562

Energy and Environment 347 503-986-1755 Beth Reiley, LPRO Analyst 347 503-986-1755 Meets at the Call of the Chair Isabel Hernandez, Committee 347 503-986-1510 Assistant

Finance and Revenue 160 503-986-1266 Chris Allanach, Legislative 160 503-986-1261 Revenue Officer Mazen Malik, Senior Economist 160 503-986-1260 Dae Baek, Senior Economist 160 503-986-1265 Meets at the Call of the Chair Kyle Easton, Economist 160 503-986-1267 Jaime McGovern, Economist 160 503-986-1262 Kaitlyn Harger, Economist 160 503-986-1263 Corinne Gavette, Office Manager 160 503-986-1264 Doug Knoyle, Committee Assistant 160 503-986-1271

Health Care 453 503-986-1509 Brian Nieubuurt, LPRO Analyst 453 503-986-1509 1:00 P.M. 1:00 P.M. Oliver Droppers, LPRO Analyst 453 503-986-1520 OTHER OTHER Danielle Ross, Committee Assistant 453 503-986-1522

Housing and Development 453 503-986-1537 Meets at the Call of the Chair Devin Edwards, LPRO Analyst 453 503-986-1537

Human Services, Mental Health 453 503-986-1507 and Recovery Meets at the Call of the Chair C. Ross, Counsel 347 503-986-1490

Judiciary and Ballot Measure 331 503-986-1750 110 Implementation Channa Newell, Counsel 332 503-986-1525 Gillian Fischer, Counsel 338 503-986-1733 Michael Lantz, Counsel 338 503-986-1736 Meets at the Call of the Chair Amie Fender-Sosa, Counsel 453 503-986-1539 Leslie Wu, Counsel 331 503-986-1529 Mike Reiley, Sr. Committee 331 503-986-1635 Assistant Lisa Rybloom, Committee Assistant 331 503-986-1742

Labor and Business 453 503-986-1556 Tyler Larson, LPRO Analyst 453 503-986-1556 Meets at the Call of the Chair Desi Root, Committee Assistant 453 503-986-1559

Natural Resources and Wildfire 347 503-986-1751 Recovery Beth Patrino, LPRO Analyst 347 503-986-1751 3:15 P.M. 3:15 P.M. Laura Kentnesse, LPRO Analyst 347 503-986-1731 OTHER OTHER Shelley Raszka, Sr. Committee 347 503-986-1502 Assistant


Staff Committee Name/Staff Staff Phone Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Office

Redistricting 453 503-986-1674 Michael Lantz, Counsel 338 503-986-1736 Patrick Brennan, LPRO Analyst 453 503-986-1674 3:15 P.M. 3:15 P.M. Kevin Rancik, LPRO-GIS Analyst 453 503-986-1541 OTHER OTHER Sean Murphy, Committee Assistant 453 503-986-1516 Tessa Harvey, Committee Assistant 347 503-986-1662

Rules 453 503-986-1503 Leslie Porter, LPRO Analyst 453 503-986-1503 1:00 P.M. 1:00 P.M. Samantha Koopman, Sr. Committee 453 503-986-1536 OTHER OTHER Assistant

Veterans and Emergency 453 503-986-1666 Preparedness 3:15 P.M. 3:15 P.M. Regina Wilson, LPRO Analyst 453 503-986-1505 OTHER OTHER Lucy Nguyen, Committee Assistant 453 503-986-1656



Staff Committee Name/Staff Staff Phone Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Office

Agriculture and Natural 347 503-986-1543 Resources Stuty Maskey, LPRO Analyst 453 503-986-1543 Meets at the Call of the Chair Shelley Raszka, Sr. Committee 347 503-986-1502 Assistant

Behavioral Health 453 503-986-1508 Meets at the Call of the Chair Zoe Larmer, LPRO Analyst 453 503-986-1508

Business and Labor 334 503-986-1557 3:15 P.M. 3:15 P.M. Jan Nordlund, LPRO Analyst 334 503-986-1557 OTHER OTHER

Conduct 333 503-986-1286 Melissa Leoni, LPRO Analyst 333 503-986-1286 Meets at the Call of the Chair Patsy Wood, Committee Assistant 453 503-986-1474

Early Childhood 453 503-986-1664 Meets at the Call of the Chair Lisa Gezelter, LPRO Analyst 453 503-986-1664

Economic Recovery and 453 503-986-1663 Prosperity 8:00 A.M. 8:00 A.M. Wenzel Cummings, LPRO Analyst 453 503-986-1663 OTHER OTHER Nathan Kramer, Committee 453 503-986-1658 Assistant

Education 453 503-986-1664 Lisa Gezelter, LPRO Analyst 453 503-986-1664 Matt Perreault, LPRO Analyst 453 503-986-1665 Meets at the Call of the Chair Kristi Arrington, Committee 347 503-986-1513 Assistant

Energy and Environment 347 503-986-1533 Erin Pischke, LPRO Analyst 347 503-986-1533 Meets at the Call of the Chair Tessa Harvey, Committee Assistant 347 503-986-1662

General Government 453 503-986-1532 Caine Francis, LPRO Analyst 453 503-986-1532 3:15 P.M. 3:15 P.M. Omar Santillan, Committee 453 503-986-1659 OTHER OTHER Assistant

Health Care 453 503-986-1520 Oliver Droppers, LPRO Analyst 453 503-986-1520 3:15 P.M. 3:15 P.M. Brian Nieubuurt, LPRO Analyst 453 503-986-1509 OTHER OTHER Danielle Ross, Committee Assistant 453 503-986-1522

Health Care 453 503-986-1520 Subcommittee On COVID-19 Oliver Droppers, LPRO Analyst 453 503-986-1520 3:15 P.M. 3:15 P.M. OTHER OTHER Brian Nieubuurt, LPRO Analyst 453 503-986-1509 Danielle Ross, Committee Assistant 453 503-986-1522

Housing 453 503-986-1531 8:00 A.M. 8:00 A.M. Claire Adamsick, LPRO Analyst 453 503-986-1531 OTHER OTHER

Human Services 453 503-986-1507 3:15 P.M. 3:15 P.M. Iva Sokolovska, LPRO Analyst 453 503-986-1507 OTHER OTHER


Staff Committee Name/Staff Staff Phone Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Office

Judiciary 331 503-986-1750 Channa Newell, Counsel 332 503-986-1525 Gillian Fischer, Counsel 338 503-986-1733 Michael Lantz, Counsel 338 503-986-1736 Amie Fender-Sosa, Counsel 453 503-986-1539 1:00 P.M. 1:00 P.M. OTHER OTHER Mike Reiley, Sr. Committee 331 503-986-1635 Assistant Lisa Rybloom, Committee Assistant 331 503-986-1742 Lauren Leabeater, Committee 331 503-986-1763 Assistant

Judiciary 331 503-986-1750 Subcommittee On Civil Law Channa Newell, Counsel 332 503-986-1525 Gillian Fischer, Counsel 338 503-986-1733 Michael Lantz, Counsel 338 503-986-1736 3:15 P.M. 3:15 P.M. Amie Fender-Sosa, Counsel 453 503-986-1539 OTHER OTHER Mike Reiley, Sr. Committee 331 503-986-1635 Assistant Lisa Rybloom, Committee Assistant 331 503-986-1742 Lauren Leabeater, Committee 331 503-986-1763 Assistant

Judiciary 331 503-986-1750 Subcommittee On Equitable Policing Channa Newell, Counsel 332 503-986-1525 Gillian Fischer, Counsel 338 503-986-1733 Michael Lantz, Counsel 338 503-986-1736 8:00 A.M. 8:00 A.M. Amie Fender-Sosa, Counsel 453 503-986-1539 OTHER OTHER Mike Reiley, Sr. Committee 331 503-986-1635 Assistant Lisa Rybloom, Committee Assistant 331 503-986-1742 Lauren Leabeater, Committee 331 503-986-1763 Assistant

Revenue 160 503-986-1266 Chris Allanach, Legislative 160 503-986-1261 Revenue Officer Mazen Malik, Senior Economist 160 503-986-1260 Dae Baek, Senior Economist 160 503-986-1265 Kyle Easton, Economist 160 503-986-1267 Meets at the Call of the Chair Jaime McGovern, Economist 160 503-986-1262 Kaitlyn Harger, Economist 160 503-986-1263 Corinne Gavette, Office Manager 160 503-986-1264 Emmanuel Elizarraga, Committee 160 503-986-1268 Assistant

Rules 333 503-986-1286 1:00 P.M. 1:00 P.M. 3:30 P.M. Melissa Leoni, LPRO Analyst 333 503-986-1286 OTHER OTHER OTHER Desi Root, Committee Assistant 453 503-986-1559

Veterans and Emergency 453 503-986-1530 Management Meets at the Call of the Chair Cassie Passon, Counsel 453 503-986-1530

Water 453 503-986-1542 Allison Daniel, LPRO Analyst 347 503-986-1542 Meets at the Call of the Chair Tessa Harvey, Committee Assistant 347 503-986-1662



Staff Committee Name/Staff Staff Phone Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Office

December 21, 2020 334 503-986-1557 Jan Nordlund, LPRO Analyst 334 503-986-1557 Melissa Leoni, LPRO Analyst 333 503-986-1286 Meets at the Call of the Chair Samantha Koopman, Committee 453 503-986-1536 Assistant

Modernizing the People’s 333 503-986-1286 Legislature Melissa Leoni, LPRO Analyst 333 503-986-1286 5:30 P.M. Leslie Porter, LPRO Analyst 453 503-986-1503 OTHER Samantha Koopman, Sr. Committee 453 503-986-1536 Assistant

Redistricting 453 503-986-1674 Patrick Brennan, LPRO Analyst 453 503-986-1674 Michael Lantz, Counsel 338 503-986-1736 10:00 A.M. Kevin Rancik, LPRO-GIS Analyst 453 503-986-1541 OTHER Sean Murphy, Committee Assistant 453 503-986-1516 Tessa Harvey, Committee Assistant 347 503-986-1662

Wildfire Recovery 347 503-986-1731 Laura Kentnesse, LPRO Analyst 347 503-986-1731 10:00 A.M. Shelley Raszka, Committee 347 503-986-1502 OTHER Assistant



Staff Committee Name/Staff Staff Phone Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Office

Conduct 333 503-986-1286 Melissa Leoni, LPRO Analyst 333 503-986-1286 Meets at the Call of the Chair Patsy Wood, Committee Assistant 453 503-986-1474

Information Management and H-178 503-986-1828 Technology 8:00 A.M. 8:00 A.M. Sean McSpaden, Committee Coordinator OTHER OTHER Ben Katz, Committee Assistant 503-986-1821

Legislative Administration 140 503-986-1848 Meets at the Call of the Chair

Legislative Audits H-178 503-986-1828 Paul Siebert, Committee 3:15 P.M. 3:15 P.M. Coordinator OTHER OTHER Josie Chavez, Committee Assistant 503-986-1823

Legislative Counsel S-101 503-986-1243 Dexter Johnson, Legislative S-101 503-986-1243 Meets at the Call of the Chair Counsel Patsy Wood, Committee Assistant 453 503-986-1474

Legislative Counsel S-101 503-986-1243 Subcommittee On Public Records Cameron Miles, Committee S-101 503-986-1243 Meets at the Call of the Chair Administrator Patsy Wood, Committee Assistant 453 503-986-1474

Legislative Policy and Research 453 503-986-1484 Meets at the Call of the Chair

Tax Expenditures 160 503-986-1266 Chris Allanach, Legislative 160 503-986-1261 Revenue Officer Mazen Malik, Senior Economist 160 503-986-1260 Dae Baek, Senior Economist 160 503-986-1265 Meets at the Call of the Chair Kyle Easton, Economist 160 503-986-1267 Jaime McGovern, Economist 160 503-986-1262 Kaitlyn Harger, Economist 160 503-986-1263 Corinne Gavette, Office Manager 160 503-986-1264 Haley Boell, Committee Assistant 160 503-986-1269

Transportation 453 503-986-1674 Patrick Brennan, LPRO Analyst 453 503-986-1674 Meets at the Call of the Chair Isabel Hernandez, Committee 347 503-986-1510 Assistant

Ways and Means H-178 503-986-1828 Laurie Byerly, Interim Legislative Fiscal Officer 9:00 A.M. Amanda Beitel, Deputy Legislative OTHER Fiscal Officer (Budget) Paul Siebert, Deputy Legislative Fiscal Officer (Audit/IT)


Staff Committee Name/Staff Staff Phone Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Office

Ways and Means H-178 503-986-1828 Subcommittee On Capital Construction 1:00 P.M. Amanda Beitel, Committee Coordinator OTHER Cody Bowman, Committee 503-986-1822 Assistant

Ways and Means H-178 503-986-1828 Subcommittee On Education 1:00 P.M. 1:00 P.M. Doug Wilson, Committee Coordinator OTHER OTHER Joan Green, Committee Assistant 503-986-1828

Ways and Means H-178 503-986-1828 Subcommittee On General Government 1:00 P.M. 1:00 P.M. John Borden, Committee Coordinator OTHER OTHER Cody Bowman, Committee 503-986-1822 Assistant

Ways and Means H-178 503-986-1828 Subcommittee On Human Services 1:00 P.M. 1:00 P.M. Tom MacDonald, Committee OTHER OTHER Coordinator Ben Katz, Committee Assistant 503-986-1821

Ways and Means H-178 503-986-1828 Subcommittee On Natural Resources 8:00 A.M. 8:00 A.M. Matt Stayner, Committee Coordinator OTHER OTHER Omar Santillan, Committee 453 503-986-1659 Assistant

Ways and Means H-178 503-986-1828 Subcommittee On Public Safety 1:00 P.M. 1:00 P.M. Julie Neburka, Committee Coordinator OTHER OTHER Josie Chavez, Committee Assistant 503-986-1823

Ways and Means H-178 503-986-1828 Subcommittee On Transportation and Economic Development 8:00 A.M. 8:00 A.M. Michelle Deister, Committee OTHER OTHER Coordinator Josie Chavez, Committee Assistant 503-986-1823 the Interstate 5 Bridge 453 503-986-1674 Patrick Brennan, LPRO Analyst 453 503-986-1674 Meets at the Call of the Chair Sean Murphy, Committee Assistant 453 503-986-1516



Staff Committee Name/Staff Staff Phone Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Office

SB 762 347 503-986-1731 Laura Kentnesse, LPRO Analyst 347 503-986-1731 Shelley Raszka, Committee 347 503-986-1502 Meets at the Call of the Chair Assistant Isabel Hernandez, Committee 347 503-986-1510 Assistant



CONDUCT— HUMAN SERVICES, MENTAL HEALTH AND Floyd Prozanski, Co-Chair RECOVERY— Chuck Thomsen, Co-Chair Sara Gelser, Chair Bill Hansell Dick Anderson, Vice-Chair Kathleen Taylor Kate Lieber Dick Anderson, Alternate Art Robinson Ginny Burdick, Alternate Kathleen Taylor Lynn Findley, Alternate JUDICIARY AND BALLOT MEASURE 110 Lew Frederick, Alternate IMPLEMENTATION— Fred Girod, Alternate Kate Lieber, Alternate Floyd Prozanski, Chair Kim Thatcher, Vice-Chair EDUCATION— Michael Dembrow Michael Dembrow, Chair Sara Gelser Chuck Thomsen, Vice-Chair Dallas Heard Sara Gelser Dennis Linthicum Chris Gorsek James Manning Jr. Art Robinson LABOR AND BUSINESS— ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT— Chuck Riley, Chair Lee Beyer, Chair Bill Hansell, Vice-Chair Lynn Findley, Vice-Chair Kayse Jama Michael Dembrow Bill Kennemer Art Robinson Kate Lieber Kathleen Taylor NATURAL RESOURCES AND WILDFIRE FINANCE AND REVENUE— RECOVERY— Ginny Burdick, Chair Jeff Golden, Chair Brian Boquist, Vice-Chair Dallas Heard, Vice-Chair Lynn Findley Bill Kennemer Chuck Riley Deb Patterson Rob Wagner Floyd Prozanski HEALTH CARE— REDISTRICTING— Deb Patterson, Chair Kathleen Taylor, Chair Tim Knopp, Vice-Chair Tim Knopp, Vice-Chair Lee Beyer Lee Beyer Dallas Heard Lew Frederick James Manning Jr. Bill Hansell HOUSING AND DEVELOPMENT— RULES— Kayse Jama, Chair Rob Wagner, Chair Dennis Linthicum, Vice-Chair Fred Girod, Vice-Chair Dick Anderson Ginny Burdick Jeff Golden James Manning Jr. Deb Patterson Kim Thatcher VETERANS AND EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS— James Manning Jr., Chair Chuck Thomsen, Vice-Chair Dennis Linthicum Deb Patterson



AGRICULTURE AND NATURAL EARLY CHILDHOOD— RESOURCES— , Chair , Chair Lisa Reynolds, Vice-Chair Vikki Breese-Iverson, Vice-Chair , Vice-Chair Susan McLain, Vice-Chair John Lively Pam Marsh Bill Post Jeff Reardon ECONOMIC RECOVERY AND PROSPERITY— Anna Williams John Lively, Chair BEHAVIORAL HEALTH— Jami Cate, Vice-Chair , Chair , Vice-Chair Raquel Moore-Green, Vice-Chair , Vice-Chair John Lively Rachel Prusak Lisa Reynolds Kim Wallan Andrea Salinas Janeen Sollman EDUCATION— Boomer Wright , Chair BUSINESS AND LABOR— Courtney Neron, Vice-Chair Paul Holvey, Chair Suzanne Weber, Vice-Chair Daniel Bonham, Vice-Chair Zach Hudson , Vice-Chair Mark Owens Shelly Boshart Davis Jeff Reardon Vikki Breese-Iverson Ricki Ruiz David Brock Smith Brian Clem Janeen Sollman Paul Evans Boomer Wright Julie Fahey ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT— Bill Post Pam Marsh, Chair CONDUCT— , Vice-Chair Julie Fahey, Co-Chair David Brock Smith, Vice-Chair , Co-Chair Raquel Moore-Green Raquel Moore-Green Mark Owens Tawna Sanchez Cedric Hayden, Alternate John Lively, Alternate GENERAL GOVERNMENT— Mark Owens, Alternate , Alternate , Chair Janeen Sollman, Alternate , Vice-Chair Duane Stark, Alternate John Lively, Vice-Chair Andrea Valderrama Brad Witt Jack Zika


HEALTH CARE— Subcommittee On Civil Law— Rachel Prusak, Chair Karin Power, Chair Cedric Hayden, Vice-Chair Kim Wallan, Vice-Chair Andrea Salinas, Vice-Chair Ken Helm Teresa Alonso Leon Jason Kropf Lily Morgan Raquel Moore-Green Subcommittee On Equitable Policing— Ron Noble Janelle Bynum, Chair Sheri Schouten Ron Noble, Vice-Chair Suzanne Weber Maxine Dexter Subcommittee On COVID-19— Rick Lewis Maxine Dexter, Chair Marty Wilde Cedric Hayden, Vice-Chair Wlnsvey Campos REVENUE— Raquel Moore-Green , Chair Andrea Salinas Khanh Pham, Vice-Chair E. Werner Reschke, Vice-Chair HOUSING— Bobby Levy Julie Fahey, Chair Pam Marsh Wlnsvey Campos, Vice-Chair Greg Smith Lily Morgan, Vice-Chair Andrea Valderrama Pam Marsh RULES— , Chair Courtney Neron Christine Drazan, Vice-Chair Suzanne Weber Paul Holvey, Vice-Chair Jack Zika Daniel Bonham HUMAN SERVICES— Julie Fahey Anna Williams, Chair Andrea Salinas Gary Leif, Vice-Chair Jack Zika Ricki Ruiz, Vice-Chair VETERANS AND EMERGENCY Ron Noble MANAGEMENT— Mark Owens Tawna Sanchez Paul Evans, Chair Sheri Schouten Rick Lewis, Vice-Chair Mark Meek, Vice-Chair JUDICIARY— Dacia Grayber Janelle Bynum, Chair Kim Wallan Ron Noble, Vice-Chair Boomer Wright Karin Power, Vice-Chair WATER— Maxine Dexter Ken Helm, Chair Ken Helm Mark Owens, Vice-Chair Jason Kropf Jeff Reardon, Vice-Chair Rick Lewis Vikki Breese-Iverson Lily Morgan Gary Leif Kim Wallan Lisa Reynolds Marty Wilde Marty Wilde



DECEMBER 21, 2020— REDISTRICTING— Paul Holvey, Chair Shelly Boshart Davis, Co-Chair Daniel Bonham Andrea Salinas, Co-Chair Christine Drazan Daniel Bonham Andrea Salinas Wlnsvey Campos Barbara Smith Warner Christine Drazan Duane Stark Khanh Pham MODERNIZING THE PEOPLE’S WILDFIRE RECOVERY— LEGISLATURE— Brian Clem, Chair Mark Meek, Co-Chair Rick Lewis, Vice-Chair Kim Wallan, Co-Chair Pam Marsh, Vice-Chair Vikki Breese-Iverson Jami Cate Janelle Bynum Paul Evans Dacia Grayber Mark Meek Lily Morgan Bill Post



CONDUCT— LEGISLATIVE POLICY AND RESEARCH— Sen. Floyd Prozanski, Co-Chair Sen. Peter Courtney, Co-Chair Sen. Chuck Thomsen, Co-Chair Rep. , Co-Chair Rep. Julie Fahey, Co-Chair Sen. Dick Anderson Rep. Ron Noble, Co-Chair Sen. Michael Dembrow Sen. Bill Hansell Sen. Lew Frederick Sen. Kathleen Taylor Sen. Tim Knopp Rep. Raquel Moore-Green Sen. Kim Thatcher Rep. Tawna Sanchez Rep. Teresa Alonso Leon Rep. David Gomberg INFORMATION MANAGEMENT AND Rep. Cedric Hayden TECHNOLOGY— Rep. David Brock Smith Sen. Chuck Riley, Co-Chair Rep. Duane Stark Rep. Nancy Nathanson, Co-Chair Sen. Brian Boquist SB 762— Sen. Betsy Johnson Sen. Peter Courtney, Co-Chair Rep. Pam Marsh Rep. Tina Kotek, Co-Chair Rep. Bill Post Sen. Bill Hansell Sen. Rob Wagner LEGISLATIVE ADMINISTRATION— Rep. Christine Drazan Rep. Tina Kotek, Co-Chair Rep. Barbara Smith Warner Rep. Christine Drazan Rep. Paul Holvey TAX EXPENDITURES— Rep. Greg Smith Sen. Ginny Burdick, Co-Chair Rep. Barbara Smith Warner Rep. Nancy Nathanson, Co-Chair Rep. Nancy Nathanson, Alternate Sen. Brian Boquist, Co-Vice Chair Rep. Khanh Pham, Co-Vice Chair LEGISLATIVE AUDITS— Rep. E. Werner Reschke, Co-Vice Chair Sen. Betsy Johnson, Co-Chair Sen. Lynn Findley Rep. Dan Rayfield, Co-Chair Sen. Chuck Riley Sen. Elizabeth Steiner Hayward Sen. Rob Wagner Sen. Kim Thatcher Rep. Bobby Levy Rep. Nancy Nathanson Rep. Pam Marsh Rep. Greg Smith Rep. Greg Smith LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL— Rep. Andrea Valderrama Sen. Peter Courtney, Co-Chair TRANSPORTATION— Rep. Tina Kotek, Co-Chair Sen. Lee Beyer, Co-Chair Sen. Fred Girod Rep. Susan McLain, Co-Chair Sen. Kate Lieber Sen. Brian Boquist, Co-Vice Chair Sen. Floyd Prozanski Rep. Ron Noble, Co-Vice Chair Sen. Kim Thatcher Sen. Lynn Findley Rep. Christine Drazan Sen. Lew Frederick Rep. Karin Power Sen. Chris Gorsek Rep. Kim Wallan Rep. Shelly Boshart Davis Rep. Marty Wilde Rep. Paul Evans Subcommittee On Public Records— Rep. Rick Lewis Sen. Floyd Prozanski, Co-Chair Rep. Nancy Nathanson Rep. Kim Wallan, Co-Chair Rep. Karin Power Sen. Kim Thatcher Rep. Karin Power


WAYS AND MEANS— Subcommittee On Human Services— Sen. Betsy Johnson, Co-Chair Sen. Kate Lieber, Co-Chair Sen. Elizabeth Steiner Hayward, Co-Chair Rep. Rob Nosse, Co-Chair Rep. Dan Rayfield, Co-Chair Sen. Sara Gelser Sen. Fred Girod, Co-Vice Chair Sen. Tim Knopp Rep. David Gomberg, Co-Vice Chair Rep. Wlnsvey Campos Rep. Greg Smith, Co-Vice Chair Rep. Cedric Hayden Sen. Dick Anderson Rep. Duane Stark Sen. Lew Frederick Rep. Anna Williams Sen. Jeff Golden Sen. Chris Gorsek Subcommittee On Natural Resources— Sen. Bill Hansell Sen. Kathleen Taylor, Co-Chair Sen. Tim Knopp Rep. Jeff Reardon, Co-Chair Sen. Kate Lieber Sen. Dick Anderson Sen. Kathleen Taylor Sen. Lew Frederick Sen. Chuck Thomsen Rep. Vikki Breese-Iverson Rep. Janelle Bynum Rep. Paul Holvey Rep. Christine Drazan Rep. Khanh Pham Rep. Gary Leif Rep. David Brock Smith Rep. Susan McLain Rep. Rob Nosse Rep. Tawna Sanchez Subcommittee On Public Safety— Rep. Janeen Sollman Sen. Chris Gorsek, Co-Chair Rep. Duane Stark Rep. Janeen Sollman, Co-Chair Sen. Bill Hansell Subcommittee On Capital Construction— Sen. Floyd Prozanski Sen. Fred Girod, Co-Chair Rep. Dacia Grayber Rep. Paul Holvey, Co-Chair Rep. Jason Kropf Sen. Peter Courtney Rep. Gary Leif Sen. Betsy Johnson Rep. Duane Stark Sen. Elizabeth Steiner Hayward Sen. Chuck Thomsen Rep. Christine Drazan Subcommittee On Transportation and Rep. Tina Kotek Economic Development— Rep. Nancy Nathanson Sen. Lee Beyer, Co-Chair Rep. Greg Smith Rep. David Gomberg, Co-Chair Sen. Bill Hansell Sen. Kayse Jama Subcommittee On Education— Rep. Paul Evans Sen. Lew Frederick, Co-Chair Rep. Julie Fahey Rep. Susan McLain, Co-Chair Rep. Gary Leif Sen. Michael Dembrow Rep. Jack Zika Sen. Chuck Thomsen Rep. Teresa Alonso Leon Rep. Bobby Levy THE INTERSTATE 5 BRIDGE— Rep. E. Werner Reschke Sen. Lee Beyer, Co-Chair Rep. Ricki Ruiz Rep. Susan McLain, Co-Chair Sen. Brian Boquist Subcommittee On General Government— Sen. Lynn Findley Sen. Lew Frederick Sen. Jeff Golden, Co-Chair Rep. Shelly Boshart Davis Rep. Greg Smith, Co-Chair Rep. Karin Power Sen. Dick Anderson Rep. Greg Smith Sen. Kate Lieber Rep. David Gomberg Rep. Cedric Hayden Rep. Zach Hudson Rep. Marty Wilde



ANDERSON, DICK— FREDERICK, LEW— Conduct, Alternate Conduct, Alternate Housing and Development Legislative Policy and Research Human Services, Mental Health and Recovery, Vice- Redistricting Chair Transportation Legislative Policy and Research Ways and Means Ways and Means Education, Co-Chair General Government Natural Resources Natural Resources the Interstate 5 Bridge BEYER, LEE— GELSER, SARA— Energy and Environment, Chair Education Health Care Human Services, Mental Health and Recovery, Chair Redistricting Judiciary and Ballot Measure 110 Implementation Transportation, Co-Chair Ways and Means Subcommittee: Ways and Means Subcommittee: Human Services Transportation and Economic Development, Co- GIROD, FRED— Chair the Interstate 5 Bridge, Co-Chair Conduct, Alternate Legislative Counsel BOQUIST, BRIAN— Rules, Vice-Chair Finance and Revenue, Vice-Chair Ways and Means, Co-Vice Chair Information Management and Technology Capital Construction, Co-Chair Tax Expenditures, Co-Vice Chair GOLDEN, JEFF— Transportation, Co-Vice Chair the Interstate 5 Bridge Housing and Development Natural Resources and Wildfire Recovery, Chair BURDICK, GINNY— Ways and Means Conduct, Alternate General Government, Co-Chair Finance and Revenue, Chair GORSEK, CHRIS— Rules Tax Expenditures, Co-Chair Education Transportation COURTNEY, PETER— Ways and Means Legislative Counsel, Co-Chair Public Safety, Co-Chair Legislative Policy and Research, Co-Chair HANSELL, BILL— SB 762, Co-Chair Ways and Means Subcommittee: Conduct Capital Construction Conduct Labor and Business, Vice-Chair DEMBROW, MICHAEL— Redistricting Education, Chair SB 762 Energy and Environment Ways and Means Judiciary and Ballot Measure 110 Implementation Public Safety Legislative Policy and Research Transportation and Economic Development Ways and Means Subcommittee: HEARD, DALLAS— Education Health Care FINDLEY, LYNN— Judiciary and Ballot Measure 110 Implementation Conduct, Alternate Natural Resources and Wildfire Recovery, Vice-Chair Energy and Environment, Vice-Chair JAMA, KAYSE— Finance and Revenue Tax Expenditures Housing and Development, Chair Transportation Labor and Business the Interstate 5 Bridge Ways and Means Subcommittee: Transportation and Economic Development


JOHNSON, BETSY— RILEY, CHUCK— Information Management and Technology Finance and Revenue Legislative Audits, Co-Chair Information Management and Technology, Co-Chair Ways and Means, Co-Chair Labor and Business, Chair Capital Construction Tax Expenditures KENNEMER, BILL— ROBINSON, ART— Labor and Business Education Natural Resources and Wildfire Recovery Energy and Environment Human Services, Mental Health and Recovery KNOPP, TIM— Health Care, Vice-Chair STEINER HAYWARD, ELIZABETH— Legislative Policy and Research Legislative Audits Redistricting, Vice-Chair Ways and Means, Co-Chair Ways and Means Capital Construction Human Services TAYLOR, KATHLEEN— LIEBER, KATE— Conduct Conduct, Alternate Conduct Human Services, Mental Health and Recovery Energy and Environment Labor and Business Human Services, Mental Health and Recovery Legislative Counsel Redistricting, Chair Ways and Means Ways and Means General Government Natural Resources, Co-Chair Human Services, Co-Chair THATCHER, KIM— LINTHICUM, DENNIS— Judiciary and Ballot Measure 110 Implementation, Housing and Development, Vice-Chair Vice-Chair Judiciary and Ballot Measure 110 Implementation Legislative Audits Veterans and Emergency Preparedness Legislative Counsel Public Records MANNING JR., JAMES— Legislative Policy and Research Health Care Rules Judiciary and Ballot Measure 110 Implementation Rules THOMSEN, CHUCK— Veterans and Emergency Preparedness, Chair Conduct, Co-Chair Conduct, Co-Chair PATTERSON, DEB— Education, Vice-Chair Health Care, Chair Veterans and Emergency Preparedness, Vice-Chair Housing and Development Ways and Means Natural Resources and Wildfire Recovery Capital Construction Veterans and Emergency Preparedness Education PROZANSKI, FLOYD— WAGNER, ROB— Conduct, Co-Chair Finance and Revenue Conduct, Co-Chair Rules, Chair Judiciary and Ballot Measure 110 Implementation, SB 762 Chair Tax Expenditures Legislative Counsel Public Records, Co-Chair Natural Resources and Wildfire Recovery Ways and Means Subcommittee: Public Safety



ALONSO LEON, TERESA— DEXTER, MAXINE— Education, Chair Health Care Health Care COVID-19, Chair Legislative Policy and Research Judiciary Ways and Means Subcommittee: Equitable Policing Education DRAZAN, CHRISTINE— BONHAM, DANIEL— December 21, 2020 Business and Labor, Vice-Chair Legislative Administration December 21, 2020 Legislative Counsel Redistricting Redistricting Rules Rules, Vice-Chair SB 762 BOSHART DAVIS, SHELLY— Ways and Means Business and Labor Capital Construction Redistricting, Co-Chair Transportation EVANS, PAUL— the Interstate 5 Bridge Business and Labor Transportation BREESE-IVERSON, VIKKI— Veterans and Emergency Management, Chair Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vice-Chair Ways and Means Subcommittee: Business and Labor Transportation and Economic Development Modernizing the People’s Legislature Wildfire Recovery Water Ways and Means Subcommittee: FAHEY, JULIE— Natural Resources Business and Labor Conduct, Co-Chair BYNUM, JANELLE— Conduct, Co-Chair Business and Labor Housing, Chair Judiciary, Chair Rules Equitable Policing, Chair Ways and Means Subcommittee: Modernizing the People’s Legislature Transportation and Economic Development Ways and Means GOMBERG, DAVID— CAMPOS, WLNSVEY— Legislative Policy and Research Health Care Ways and Means, Co-Vice Chair COVID-19 General Government Housing, Vice-Chair Transportation and Economic Development, Co- Redistricting Chair Ways and Means Subcommittee: Wildfire Recovery Human Services GRAYBER, DACIA— CATE, JAMI— Business and Labor, Vice-Chair Agriculture and Natural Resources Veterans and Emergency Management Economic Recovery and Prosperity, Vice-Chair Ways and Means Subcommittee: Wildfire Recovery Public Safety CLEM, BRIAN— Wildfire Recovery Business and Labor Economic Recovery and Prosperity Wildfire Recovery, Chair


HAYDEN, CEDRIC— LEWIS, RICK— Conduct, Alternate Judiciary Health Care, Vice-Chair Equitable Policing COVID-19, Vice-Chair Transportation Legislative Policy and Research Veterans and Emergency Management, Vice-Chair Ways and Means Subcommittee: Wildfire Recovery, Vice-Chair General Government LIVELY, JOHN— Human Services Behavioral Health HELM, KEN— Conduct, Alternate Energy and Environment, Vice-Chair Early Childhood Judiciary Economic Recovery and Prosperity, Chair Civil Law General Government, Vice-Chair Water, Chair MARSH, PAM— HOLVEY, PAUL— Agriculture and Natural Resources Business and Labor, Chair Energy and Environment, Chair December 21, 2020, Chair Housing Legislative Administration Information Management and Technology Rules, Vice-Chair Revenue Ways and Means Subcommittee: Tax Expenditures Capital Construction, Co-Chair Wildfire Recovery, Vice-Chair Natural Resources MCLAIN, SUSAN— HUDSON, ZACH— Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vice-Chair Agriculture and Natural Resources, Chair Transportation, Co-Chair Education Ways and Means Ways and Means Subcommittee: Education, Co-Chair General Government the Interstate 5 Bridge, Co-Chair KOTEK, TINA— MEEK, MARK— Legislative Administration, Co-Chair Housing Legislative Counsel, Co-Chair Modernizing the People’s Legislature, Co-Chair Legislative Policy and Research, Co-Chair Veterans and Emergency Management, Vice-Chair SB 762, Co-Chair Wildfire Recovery Ways and Means Subcommittee: MOORE-GREEN, RAQUEL— Capital Construction Behavioral Health, Vice-Chair KROPF, JASON— Conduct Economic Recovery and Prosperity, Vice-Chair Conduct Judiciary Energy and Environment Civil Law Health Care Ways and Means Subcommittee: COVID-19 Public Safety MORGAN, LILY— LEIF, GARY— Behavioral Health General Government, Vice-Chair Housing, Vice-Chair Human Services, Vice-Chair Judiciary Water Civil Law Ways and Means Wildfire Recovery Public Safety NATHANSON, NANCY— Transportation and Economic Development Information Management and Technology, Co-Chair LEVY, BOBBY— Legislative Administration, Alternate Economic Recovery and Prosperity Legislative Audits Revenue Revenue, Chair Tax Expenditures Tax Expenditures, Co-Chair Ways and Means Subcommittee: Transportation Education Ways and Means Subcommittee: Capital Construction


NERON, COURTNEY— REARDON, JEFF— Early Childhood Agriculture and Natural Resources Education, Vice-Chair Education Housing Water, Vice-Chair Ways and Means Subcommittee: NOBLE, RON— Natural Resources, Co-Chair Conduct, Co-Chair Conduct, Co-Chair RESCHKE, E. WERNER— Health Care Revenue, Vice-Chair Human Services Tax Expenditures, Co-Vice Chair Judiciary, Vice-Chair Ways and Means Subcommittee: Equitable Policing, Vice-Chair Education Transportation, Co-Vice Chair REYNOLDS, LISA— NOSSE, ROB— Behavioral Health Behavioral Health, Vice-Chair Early Childhood, Vice-Chair Ways and Means Water Human Services, Co-Chair RUIZ, RICKI— OWENS, MARK— Economic Recovery and Prosperity Conduct, Alternate Education Education Human Services, Vice-Chair Energy and Environment Ways and Means Subcommittee: Human Services Education Water, Vice-Chair SALINAS, ANDREA— PHAM, KHANH— Behavioral Health Energy and Environment December 21, 2020 Redistricting Health Care, Vice-Chair Revenue, Vice-Chair COVID-19 Tax Expenditures, Co-Vice Chair Redistricting, Co-Chair Ways and Means Subcommittee: Rules Natural Resources SANCHEZ, TAWNA— POST, BILL— Behavioral Health, Chair Agriculture and Natural Resources Conduct Business and Labor Conduct Information Management and Technology Human Services Wildfire Recovery Ways and Means POWER, KARIN— SCHOUTEN, SHERI— Early Childhood, Chair Early Childhood Judiciary, Vice-Chair Health Care Civil Law, Chair Human Services Legislative Counsel SMITH, DAVID BROCK— Public Records Transportation Agriculture and Natural Resources the Interstate 5 Bridge Education Energy and Environment, Vice-Chair PRUSAK, RACHEL— Legislative Policy and Research Economic Recovery and Prosperity Ways and Means Subcommittee: Health Care, Chair Natural Resources RAYFIELD, DAN— Conduct, Alternate Legislative Audits, Co-Chair Ways and Means, Co-Chair


SMITH, GREG— WEBER, SUZANNE— Legislative Administration Early Childhood Legislative Audits Education, Vice-Chair Revenue Health Care Tax Expenditures Housing Ways and Means, Co-Vice Chair WILDE, MARTY— Capital Construction General Government, Co-Chair General Government, Chair the Interstate 5 Bridge Judiciary Equitable Policing SMITH WARNER, BARBARA— Legislative Counsel December 21, 2020 Water Legislative Administration Ways and Means Subcommittee: Rules, Chair General Government SB 762 WILLIAMS, ANNA— SOLLMAN, JANEEN— Agriculture and Natural Resources Behavioral Health Human Services, Chair Conduct, Alternate Ways and Means Subcommittee: Education Human Services Ways and Means WITT, BRAD— Public Safety, Co-Chair Economic Recovery and Prosperity STARK, DUANE— General Government Conduct, Alternate WRIGHT, BOOMER— December 21, 2020 Legislative Policy and Research Behavioral Health Ways and Means Early Childhood Human Services Education Public Safety Veterans and Emergency Management VALDERRAMA, ANDREA— ZIKA, JACK— Energy and Environment Early Childhood, Vice-Chair General Government General Government Revenue Housing Tax Expenditures Rules Ways and Means Subcommittee: WALLAN, KIM— Transportation and Economic Development Economic Recovery and Prosperity Judiciary Civil Law, Vice-Chair Legislative Counsel Public Records, Co-Chair Modernizing the People’s Legislature, Co-Chair Veterans and Emergency Management