Equity the Equity of Sir Frederick Jordan W M C GUMMOW *
Equity The Equity of Sir Frederick Jordan w M c GUMMOW * Perhaps the most striking feature of the history of the teaching of equity in the Sydney University Law School has been the involvement of practitioners who later joined the Bench, themselves then to deliver judgments which may have served to instruct subsequent generations of students. I mention, in particular, Sir George Rich, Mr Justice Roper, Sir Victor Windeyer, Sir Kenneth Jacobs and Sir Anthony Mason. But the strongest mark left upon the teaching of equity has been that of Sir Frederick Jordan. It was as Challis Lecturer in Equity (from 1909) that Mr Jordan prepared the first two editions of his Chapters in Equity, being, as he wrote, portions of the notes of lectures on the principles of equity delivered at the Law School in the University of Sydney. There followed four further editions, under other hands, which were used until some twenty years ago as the foundation of the equity course at the Law School. Sir Frederick Jordan also prepared for publication portions of his notes of lectures upon Administration of Estates of Deceased Persons. The third (and last) edition was prepared by the author in 1948. The teaching of that subject for over thirty years was profoundly associated with the late Mr Justice Hutley, whose dedication to the teaching of the law will, one hopes, long be remembered. Sir Frederick Jordan was appointed Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of New South Wales on 1 February 1934 and died, in office, on 4 November 1949. In the intervening period, he delivered judgments in the Full Court dealing with subjects which ranged far beyond the realm of equity.
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