The Role of Ombudsman Institutions in Open Government OECD Working Paper on Public Governance No. 29 OECD working papers on Public Governance Acknowledgements This series gathers together OECD working papers on the This report was prepared by the Governance Reviews and tools, institutions and practices of public governance. It Partnerships Division, led by Martin Forst, of the OECD includes both technical and analytical material, prepared by Public Governance Directorate, headed by Marcos Bonturi. staff and experts in the field. It was developed under the strategic direction of Alessandro Bellantoni, Head of the OECD Open Government Unit and Together, the papers provide valuable context and Deputy Head of the Governance Reviews and Partnerships background for OECD publications on regulatory policy and Division. Emma Cantera provided comments on the narrative governance. and the analysis of the data. The report was drafted by Katharina Zuegel, with the support of Claudia Quintana and OECD working papers should not be reported as Mariachiara Iannuzzi, who also co-ordinated the survey and representing the official views of the OECD or of its Member qualitative interviews through which data were collected. countries. The opinions expressed and arguments employed Editorial work and quality control were carried out by Julie are those of the authors. Harris. Amelia Godber and Roxana Glavanov prepared the manuscript for publication. Administrative support was Working papers describe preliminary results or research provided by Lauren Thwaites and Caroline Semery. in progress by the authors and are published to stimulate discussion on a broad range of issues on which the OECD works. The OECD Secretariat wishes to express its gratitude to all those who made this report possible, especially to all Comments on working papers are welcomed, and may the representatives of the 94 ombudsman institutions be sent to either
[email protected] or the Public that participated in the survey.