April 2018 THE BUTCHERS S & E Briffett Parish Magazine Traditional Butchers

BBQ Meats Hog Roasts Fruit & Veg Also Suppliers to the Catering Trade

3 Fore Street, Westonzoyland, TA7 0EE Hope the thaw comes before Tel: 01278 691227 7th May!



Proprietors: Paul and Julie Telephone: 691292


Proprietors: Mark & Charissa, welcome you to The Inn, Westonzoyland Tel: 01278 691382 . Mon Closed Tues-Sat from 12pm

Lunches and Evening Meals Home cooked locally sourced food Sunday Carvery 12—2pm Families welcome, local friendly atmosphere Function room available to hire. 20 1 From the Editor … Hello Readers. Magazine Editor Peter Evans 3, Sycamore Close, Westonzoyland TA7 0HH Peter Evans Tel: - 01278691631 Mob:- 07999555137 3, Sycamore Close, Westonzoyland TA7 0HH email [email protected] Tel: - 01278691631 or Mob:- 07999555137 Please give me a call if you want help or advice with an article. E-mail : - [email protected] Gossip of the month. Copy for the Magazine must be in by 14th of each month Another busy month. We enjoyed the snow but it did not last long enough for my

grand kids and the big kid I live with! I was impressed by the offers of help from All contributions must be accompanied by name, address & home phone no. villagers to help anyone trapped in the snow. I am writing this during the 2nd batch Westonzoyland Parish Magazine is produced by the Parish Church for and on of snow. Not enough snow for the sledge this time. I retrieved our sledge from the behalf of the whole village. It is for the communication of news and views from loft. My sister bought it years ago for my children. They used it twice or three any group or individual, religious or otherwise. times. We did manage a short session towing my daughters two children over the Although we try to include all articles, we cannot guarantee their inclusion, Brewery field, in of all places. and no responsibility for any contribution can be held by the Magazine. My team came second in Lisa Clements charity quiz. Good fun with teasing and The views expressed in the Magazine are not necessarily those of the Editor. micky taking all round. My brother in law was our team scribe I gave him all the The contents of Westonzoyland Parish Magazine are copyright and must not right answers but he wrote down too many wrong ones!!! be reproduced without the permission of the Editor. It has been good fun watching the rugby in the pub this season, pity about some Advertising of the results! Thanks to Charissa and Mark, I have enjoyed their time at the pub. Mrs Angela Field They always gave everyone a warm welcome. Good luck for the future. 63 Liney Road, Westonzoyland TA7 0EU Good wishes to the new Sedgemoor Inn tenants, keep the beer flowing. 01278 691625 Lots of people have been contacting me about the planning application for a Advertising costs £25 per calendar year/part year for Westonzoyland Recycling plant on the airfield. The application has been withdrawn but if it ever businesses and £30 for all other advertisers. Personal (one-off) adverts are free. gets passed, it would mean a huge increase in big lorries going through the village. All fees renewable each January regardless of when placed in Magazine We will have to watch out and be ready to write to COUNTY Hall, who will make Cheques payable to Westonzoyland PCC Magazine the final decision on this one. All advertisements accepted in good faith The next big village event will be May day (7th May), good fun on the field and in the Village Hall. It is a good place for you to raise funds for yourself or your organi- Distribution sations. But you need to get you application in quick for a stall. See page 13. Mr Brian & Mrs Barbara Wylde I have taken advantage of the sunny warm days to get on with my garden, the 33 Main Road, Westonzoyland, TA7 0EB frogs are back but I have moved my pond so I have been trying to find them and 01278 691362 direct them to the new position. I am getting the raised beds ready and I have sown The Magazine is published monthly, except August some seeds indoors. Lots to do to get the veg ready for the kitchen and the flower Copies are available in the Church, Butchers, Sedgemoor Inn and show. Westonzoyland Stores, I still can't win at Monday's cards, I will keep trying. Happy Easter. or may be delivered within the village at no extra charge. Annual Subscription £6 I need YOUR stories about Westonzoyland, 300 words and a picture PLEASE. May Parish Mag Please get me your articles and your adverts in by To join the Postal Mailing List, postage will be at cost. 14th April Peter Evans Westonzoyland Parish Magazine is Printed by

Purnells for Print & Design. When Advertising your event don’t forget a plain black and white poster for The Magazine, or just send me the words in a email. Try and include a picture with your articles. Pete 19 2 WESTONZOYLAND CHURCH PRIZE DRAW 1 Winners for March 2018

Parish Church Who’s Who: 1. £20 No 343 Lisa Heard 2. £10 No 117 Emma Wylde

3. £10 No 360 Debbie Hine Vicar: Revd Chris Keys, The Vicarage, Church Lane, Westonzoyland 4. £10 No 319 Helen Weldon TA7 0EP 01278 691098, 5. £10 No 284 Julie Millard email: [email protected] 6. £ 5 No 157 Joan Green www.westonzoylandchurch.co.uk 7. £ 5 No 187 Rosemary Bawden

Churchwarden: Julia Hines 01278 691722 CONGRATULATIONS! ------Ann Philcox 07828 782549 Deputy Wardens: Rosemary Bawden 01278 691284 Friends of St Mary’s Church , Westonzoyland. “Friends” exists to give financial support towards the running and maintenance of Parochial Church Council: our beautiful parish church. Secretary: Ruth Marks 01278 691310 Current membership is:- Brian & Peggy Bell, Rosemary Bawden, Kit & Linda Carson, Treasurer: Brian Wylde 01278 691362 Ron Crouch, John & Sue Fielding, John and Anna Hallett, Rachel & Howard Horsfall, PCC Members: The Vicar & Churchwardens, Kim Adams, Tim & Heather Langston, Sue Lynn, Julian Parr, Jean Pitman, Debbie Ross, Brian & Rosemary Bawden, Ellie Launders-Brown, Barbara Wylde. Lump sum donations have also been given in memory of Adrian Angela Field, Rick Nightingale, Bawden, Max Churches, of Ed, Ida and Dan Crouch, of Marion and Terry Fear, Mike Barbara Wylde & Julia Hines Gardner, Beatrice Heal, Phyllis Heard, Ernstein (Ernie) May, Edna Creel Norman, and Mary Rugg, Dennis Philcox. Secretary Freewill Offering Scheme: Brian Wylde 01278 691362 There are several other members who prefer to remain anonymous. Secretary Church Flower Guild: Rosemary Bawden 01278 691284 If you would like to become a “Friend”, or to find out more, please pick up an Bell Ringing: Captain of Ringers: Brian Wylde 01278 691362 information pack from Brian (691362 or email [email protected]) Sunday Ringing: 9.45am. Practice Night: Monday 7.30pm.

Church Hall Secretary & Bookings: Michelle Fahrenbruch 01278 691567 Church Hall Café Saturdays from 2.30 - 4 April 14, May 12, June 9, July 14, September 15, October 13, Parish Church Services November 10, December 8

10.30am first second and third Sunday Communion Fourth Sunday Morning Praise Non Communion Service. Westonzoyland Church Conducted Tours Groups large and small are welcome and can be catered for. We can even supply refreshments and a steward. Talks can be given on the church and the battle. Contact Revd. Chris Keys The Vicarage, Church Lane, Westonzoyland 01278 691098, email: [email protected] Winners for February 2018 18 3 Liz’s Quiz Answer General Knowledge St Mary the Virgin Church Westonzoyland

CONGRATULATIONS! 1. Red Lion 2. Prince George ------3. Fred Next Quiz in the Sedgemoor 13th April 19.30 Parochial Church Council (W/Z PCC) News 4. Yellow Submarine th CHURCH HALL CAFÉ DATES 2018 5. The Emerald City. The AGM & Vestry Meetings will be on Tuesday 17 April at 7pm in the Church. keep them coming Liz thank you Pete

March 10, April 14, May 12, June 9, July 14, The Vestry meeting is to appoint the Church Wardens. Any one on WESTONZOYLAND SURGERY the electoral role can serve as a Church Warden if they so desire September 15, October 13, November 10, December 8 Monday & Thursday 8.30am-12noon and are suitable candidates. Nurse and Doctors Appointments available To register or book W/Z PCC Secretary: Ruth Marks 01278 691310 Tel: 01278 691233 during open hours [email protected] Tel: 01278 433335 Mon-Fri 8.00am - 6.30pm Medications delivered direct to Westonzoyland Surgery. Contact Ruth for more information about joining the body of people Order scripts on Monday or Thursday and your medication will be delivered to the sur- who organise the day today running of St Marys and plan its future. gery for collection in time for the next surgery opening.


Your local Community Battle of Sedgemoor Police Support Officer is 7528 - Lora Bray Mob:- 07889 655305 Exhibition in the Church! Tel:- 101 (non emergency) You can have an interesting time looking through the exhibits and video displays and our Please feel free to call on the number above for security and crime historic Church interior. prevention advice or to discuss any local policing issues Church Open Hours 9 am to 4pm

or matters that concern you

Community Council for Somerset (Village Agent)01823331222 Westonzoyland Parish Mag Advertisers Web http://somersetrcc.org.uk [email protected] Thank you Stephanie's for your support for many years. Victoria House, Victoria Street, Taunton. TA1 3JZ Welcome Sara she has been hair dressing for over 10 years she now CCS works to support community groups, organisations and individuals in advertises here. Somerset. We have a fantastic and dedicated team of local professional advisers And West country Cup Cakes has been replaced by a new music for tod- and pride ourselves on offering independent and impartial advice. dlers group “music with mummy” 4 17 Westonzoyland Carnival Club Regulars at a hall near you 100 Club March 2018 Draw £20.00 02 Chris Burge £10.00 69 Andy Pearce £ 5.00. 79 Brian Wilde Thank you and CONGRATULATIONS . Weekly events at Westonzoyland Church Hall Recycling Report Mondays: Whist Drive 14.00 - 16.00 Screw sorting in progress. Mondays: Kick Boxing 20.00 - 21.00 Note that containers are Tuesdays: Coffee Morning 10.30- 12 noon also upcycled. Wednesday I think this may be a bit of Thursdays: Singing for Pleasure 10.30 - 12 noon ANDY work. Thursdays: Strictly Dance Fit 1930 - 20.30 Fridays: Tai Chi 10.00 - 11.00 Cart Progress Report Cart building has well and truly underway, here are some new steel box sections To book the hall contact Michelle Fahrenbruch 01278 691567 positioned and ready for welding. It is being attached to some of last years

Weekly events at Westonzoyland Village Hall frame work. This is smart creative use of materials saving work and money. Doing this means Mondays: Parish Council Next Meeting Monday 14 May 19.30 there will be more cash available for other things like costumes. (please see separate details on notice board) Mondays: Slimming world 17 30 + 19 30. Costumes Last years costumes had to Mondays: Brownies 18.00 at the Brownie Building Cheer Lane. make us look like the scruffy sailors Tuesdays: Bingo 19.00 for 19.30 start - all welcome and wenches we portrayed. This year Tuesdays: Short Mat Bowls 14.00 -16.00 (new members welcome) they need to be high quality and smart appearance, also they are all Wednesdays: Keep Fit/Rehab 50+ 10.00 £4.00 01278652411 Wednesdays: WZ WI (2nd Wed of the month) 19.15 different and individual. This has Thursdays: Short Mat Bowls 19.00 meant that club members are Thursdays: Craft Club 19.30pm Committee Room choosing their cart characters and position early, so that measuring and For further information contact: first costume material buying trip will Audrey Smith (Booking Secretary) 691476 Johanna Williams (Caretaker) 691223 take place soon. Patrick Chilcott (Chairman) 691710 Fund Raising 13th April Friday night quiz at the Sedgemoor Inn come on down. Westonzoyland Carnival Club It will soon be May Day pitches NOW on sale. See page 13 Meetings on Sundays at 7.30pm in the Sedgemoor Inn Call to book any Stall, Car Boot, or Attraction. Westonzoyland, Baby & Toddler group Matt Spurrell, 07557 684846 17 Anthony Road, Street, BA16 0AE Thursdays 10.30-12 at the Young Farmers. (Term time only). Or Pete [email protected] for an entry form. Library Van To become a member or support Westonzoyland Carnival Club in Village Hall Car Park 15.00—15.30 anyway please contact 13 Apr & 11 May 2018 Chairman Matt Spurrell on 07557 684846 or Chris Burge 07528 909724

http://www.somerset.gov.uk/libraries-and-heritage/libraries-facilities/mobile-libraries Sophie Lang Secretary All Clubs try to keep the cart theme a secret as long as possible Pete 16 5 ENTERTAINMENT COMMING TO Coming to a hall near you

WESTONZOYLAND VILLAGE HALL. THE UK'S NO. 1 BEATLES TRIBUTE BAND In the Church Hall Church Hall Café Saturdays 14th April from 2.30pm. WHIST DRIVES Mondays at the Church Hall September 8th 2018 2 o'clock and hearts are trumps. Barbara Wylde Tel 691362.

Music on the Levels presents CYM Taunton 29 April, 3.30,

In the Village Hall 7th May Mayday fete See advert page 13 11th August Flower Show 8th September Beatles Tribute Band 691710 29th September Harvest Supper 691710 Saturday 28th October Local Crafts Fayre

Other venues

Brownie Building Cheer Lane Brownies fun every Monday 18.00

The Sedgemoor Inn Welcome New Landlord 13th April Carnival Club QUIZ night Westonzoyland Carnival Club Meetings on Sundays at 7.30pm

St Mary the Virgin Church Westonzoyland th The AGM & Vestry Meetings will be on Tuesday 17 April at 7pm.

Regular Sunday Services 10.30am first second and third Sunday Communion Westonzoyland Fourth Sunday Morning Praise Non Communion Service. Village Hall 2018 Flower Show 11th August The Fab Beatles Tribute Band Sept 8th Harvest Supper with entertainment from Jorden (super singer back by request) Sept 29th Full details of events can be obtained from adverts in this mag and posters displayed around the village 15 6 Westonzoyland Parish Council FROM YOUR VILLAGE AGENT Meeting 12th MarchParish council meeting. I am writing to let you know that I will be retiring at the end of March. Towens has withdrawn its planning application on the airfield at present. We could It’s been a pleasure to be part of people’s lives over the last nearly four years, and only speculate on what changes Towens may reapply for. a privilege to be welcomed into so many homes. And I have learnt a lot, and when I Good news, we have agreed the purchase of new play ground equipment to re- can pass on that knowledge and make a difference to someone’s life, I get a warm place some old units in the area for smaller children. sense of satisfaction. The Liney Road building site has had more surveys but not formally passed by The Village Agent Service in Somerset is changing as our funding changes. A Sedgemoor Planners yet. Large National Lottery Grant is coming to an end and other sources of funding are The New . The new hedge is doing well and is nearly ready to take over coming onstream. The Community Council for Somerset is actively looking for from the leylandii trees maybe next year. In the mean time they will be trimmed further funding as it is widely acknowledged that Village Agents do an excellent job and some removed to try to keep it tidy for another year. Grave decoration was and are very good value for money. again discussed and we request everyone comply with the rules of the In the short term, can I suggest the NEW support and advice services for cemetery, that make the area as easy as possible to look after and keep tidy. carers? The Somerset Carers Service is part of the Community Council, just as The next Parish Council Meeting is to be held at The Village Hall on 14th May then Village Agents are. You can refer yourself or another person by calling the friendly June 2018 All are welcome to attend. team on 08003168600 or email [email protected]. address: www.westonzoylandparishcouncil.org.uk or the parish noticeboards and For general advice on benefits or legal issues for example, you could try Citizen’s documents held in Sedgemoor Inn. Advice – their advice line is 0344 488 9623. It’s open Monday to Friday between 10 Clerk to the Council Alan Hurford 01278 455742 07776216670 and 4. They have a very good website. www.citizensadvice.org.uk Public visitors are always welcomed to meetings. Please contact CCS if you would like to discuss any implications of losing your local If you have a point to make or issues to bring to their attention, it helps if you are Village Agent Service, they can help point you in the direction of alternative support options. The email is [email protected] or call 01823 331 222. Kate retired Village Agent . Thank you Kate, lots of things to do in WZ for a retired person! THURSDAY CRAFT CLUB We are looking for any crafters who would like to become members. We are a Liz’s Quiz HISTORY RELATED small friendly group who meet in the Committee room at the Village Hall every Thursday evening from 7.30 to 10.00. 1. What is the most common name for a pub in Great Britain? Christine Cook has been running the group for over 25 years. At the moment 2. Who is the 3rd in succession to the throne? most of our members are into needlecrafts of all kinds, including patchwork, 3. In the adverts what was the name of Home Prides chief flour grader? quilting, embroidery, cross stitch, knitting, crotchet and beadwork. Between 4. Which film featured the Blue Meanies? us, over the years, I think we've tried most crafts which is useful, as if anyone 5. Where did the Wizard of Oz live? has a problem there is always someone on hand with help and advice, usually Christine who is our font of all knowledge. We also enjoy trying any new craft, some more successfully than others ( I'm still banned from using glue after an unfortunate attempt at decoupage), but Westonzoyland Parish Magazine what we are best at is chatting, while sewing. On your Computer We all pay £2.00 per session to cover the hall and tea, coffee and biscuits. Christine does buy us exceedingly good biscuits. Why not come and join us to Send an e mail address to [email protected] and we can see if this is for you. Chris Bontoft arrange payment of £6.00 then I will send you a PDF on the 1st of each month. Call for an introduction or turn up on the night. It will be in “PDF Print format” page layout. 691631 Pete 14 7 OLD PHOTOS. Church News AGM 2018

Like most organisations, our Church has an Annual General Meeting. This year ours is on 17th April. It is open to everyone, and everyone is very welcome, to attend to see and hear what’s going on, but only those registered on the Parish Electoral Register can vote, those who regularly attend Church. We will appoint Churchwardens, who are answerable to the Bishops of Bath and Wells, and a range of other posts, like the Secretary, Treasurer, Safeguarding Officer who is responsible for ensuring the safety of children and vulnerable adults, and the who serve on the Parochial Church Council. These and others members of our Church manage services, the building itself, other work and events that take place in the Church and around the community together with our Rector, Chris Keys. We also do a round up of what happened during the previous year in a series of reports covering such other activities as bell ringing, fundraising, and what we are doing to support Fair Trading. A summary of the highlights will be presented for the May edition of the Parish Magazine. Ann Philcox, Church Warden

This reminds me, I have to send in a report to the AGM on how wonderful the Parish Magazine is. That will not be difficult! This month's photo is a pre-war view of Church Lane looking West. The cottages Well done to all concerned with the Church for your hard work and dedication. Pete on the right are still recognisable, but the one on the left facing down the lane no longer exists. Roger and Nicki Mackey, 691884. Thank you. Roger & Nicki. Fond memories of the 1st house on the right, a Dangerous Behaviour in school friend lived there. The Saunders Family. Pete the Church Yard

If you know this lady please call CRIME WATCH quickly before the evidence of this offensive “weapon” melts.

I understand that the snow- man was a joint venture between Celia and Julia and John Hallett

I call it a grave mistake!

What is about snow that turns us into big KIDS? Pete 8 13 CHILDRENS RIDES GAMES


The Westonzoyland Friendship Fund is village focused to offer help where Call to book any Stall, Car Boot, or Attraction. needed within the parish boundary. We aim to keep donors’ names and all Matt Spurrell, 07557 684846 members of the charity as low key as possible. We do not reveal our 17 Anthony Road, Street, BA16 0AE beneficiaries and we would never wish to cause anyone any misgivings or embarrassment. or call me for a form Pete 691631 We take referrals for assistance through the village agent; local doctor’s surgery, social care and other local care organisations. We do not give money as it is our aim to offer and pay for services discretely. Thanks go to those who have already made a donation and here are the de- CRUSE BEREAVEMENT CARE tails to enable anyone else to donate: We are looking for volunteers throughout Somerset BACS – Lloyds Bank 30-99-08 account 22843160 – Cruse offers support to people who have been be- Westonzoyland Friendship Fund Email address [email protected] reaved. Could you become a bereavement volunteer? Our business cards will be available in the village shop; butchers and pub Full training is offered to prepare bereavement volunteers. (subject to agreement with proprietors). Please look out for them. Do you have some time to spare? We would like to encourage local businesses to consider donations to us in Are you a good listener? the future as we are the one and only local village charity helping Are you willing pay for The Foundation training course? Westonzoylanders within our parish boundary. Do you want to work with adults and/or children? We will publish details of our progress monthly but will never give specific STOP PRESS: The Foundation course has been brought forward. A taster day will case identities of those we have helped. be held on 14th April where more information will be available. Phone the office Thank you. to book your place. What if you don’t want to be a bereavement volunteer, but would still like to help? Can you organize some fundraising? Volunteer in the office? Become involved in the management of Cruse? If so contact the office. If you are interested please contact Area Co-ordinator on 01458 840898. 12 9 Diary of a novice beekeeper. Short Mat Bowles Being new to this retirement lark, and with encouragement from a couple of his fellow members of the Westonzoyland Carnival Club, about a With things being cold and quiet on the practical beekeeping front, Brian and I year ago my hubby Albert decided to try Short Mat Bowls as a pastime. He began decided to get a little more education on swarm prevention. by attending the village hall in Westonzoyland on Tuesday afternoons and Thurs- Our beekeeping association booked a bee farmer to speak to us. He had a good day evenings then Friday evenings over at Village Hall. He joined reputation for common sense approach to this challenging issue, so we were keen the Burrowbridge club and getting fed up sitting at home on my own with only the to draw on his vast experience. To put his enterprise into scale, he manages several TV for company (although I did enjoy the unique experience of having control of hundred hives, some of which are moved up and down the east of , as far the remote for a while!), I went along to see what was going on with this newly south as the Kent fruit farms, up to the north of England. His average honey yield is discovered interest of his. about Six tons! ( upwards of 12,000 one pound jars). I was encouraged by the dozen or so other attendees to “have a go”. Despite His daughter concentrates on breeding new queens to supplement their colonies, my protests and saying I had no bowls, no shoes etc I soon found myself without and runs hundreds of breeding colonies. Not content with that, they act as agents shoes and using spare bowls suddenly produced from their store, rolling these for other bee farmers in promoting, and selling natural, home produced honey, and strange, heavy, hand-sized spheres along a carpet about 40 ft long and 6 ft wide are also in great demand as speakers to other beekeepers. towards a small yellow ball (the jack) with the intention of keeping the bowls (a) This makes our operation look very insignificant, but as they say, Every little helps! on the carpet and (b) and as near as possible to the jack! It was a very enjoyable His approach is simple and controversial, which, has he says, it needs to be to social evening. operate on this scale. Many beekeepers check their colonies every 7 days or so Obviously I had been hooked just as during the active season. Much of these visits centres on swarm prevention. Albert had been! After a few weeks, we Our speaker checks each hive ONCE, in the spring, carries out a very thorough treated ourselves to a new set of bowls inspection, makes a very simple change in a hive, places bait hives nearby to attract each and bowling shoes. any potential swarms, then let's them get on with it, till harvest time. This radical We with the help and advice of all the approach drew gasps of horror in some quarters, and whoops of excitement in oth- more experienced bowlers there, start- ers. We anoraks, sorry, beekeepers, can be very opinionated and vociferous about ed to slowly improve. Even I found my- our hobby, and how things should be done! self occasionally ending up with at least In fairness, he went to great pains to say it wasn't the perfect solution, but on the one my bowls in the same vicinity as the scale of his undertaking, it worked for him. jack! By this time we had officially He was bombarded with questions. The room was buzzing ( sorry, couldn't resist). joined the club and during the summer Both Brian and I came away with much to consider. last year we played in friendly games On a more serious note, I have just read an article, based on research, which organised with teams from all around claims that the western honey bee (the variety most common here) provides the Bridgwater, Street and Taunton, visiting largest amount of plant pollination, compared to other insects, birds etc. village halls in the area for a really enjoyable, sociable evenings and meeting lots This brings home to me that we need to try and preserve both the colonies, and of lovely, friendly folk. their environment in which they can thrive. During this winter we have been included in the Burrowbridge Short Mat team. No pressure then! Our moment of glory came one Saturday recently, when we were part of a team of four who won a local charity fund raising tournament held at Oake Village Howard Horsfall Hall. There were 12 teams taking part so we played three games in the morning Thank you Howard please keep up the good work, for all our sakes! followed by a very nice salad lunch (a change from the usual tea and biscuits) then a semi final and final in the afternoon! Albert reckons he may have to build a trophy cabinet but I think a small shelf will be more than adequate! Janet Scott Well done you two. Details of how to join next month or call me 691631 10 11 Village Photo Archive I wrote the end of last year about collecting village photos. It began as Caroline and Pam Tagg wanted memories of the Battle of Sedgemoor Tercentenary 1985.

I am told there is plenty of space free to use on the Westonzoyland Parish Council Web Site, so no need to restrict ourselves we have room for anything Westonzoyland.

Please let me have pictures and pho- tos of documents and

Memorabilia. Thanks to Peter and Nick Stacey for You can keep the originals I can “scan” sharing these Oct/Nov 1984 Magazine snips. the images and load them for all to It was hard to choose which articles to use see on the Parish Council Web site. but these are a good cross section. 691631 to discuss options. Pete

Westonzoyland Music on the Levels Music on the Levels presents Centre for Young Musicians CYM Taunton 29 April Musicians aged 8 to 18 from the Taunton, division of the Guild- hall School, presenting solos on a wide variety of musical instru- ments and voice in classical, jazz and contemporary styles - something for everyone to enjoy with a delicious afternoon tea. The concert starts at 3.30 pm and will be in the Church Hall, Main Road, Westonzoyland, TA7 0ED on Main Road. Doors open at 3.00pm. There is no need to book; just turn up at the Church Hall in time to be seated by 3.30 pm. Contact Ann Philcox on 01278 691438 [email protected] for more information.

As usual, sumptuous home-made teas will be available at a modest charge. Admission to the concert is free.


WESTONZOYLAND W.I. ...is a lively group of ladies of all ages. We meet to enjoy fun and friendship with a very varied programme of speakers and activities. Come and meet us, find out who we are, and what we do. A VERY WARM WELCOME AWAITS YOU 2nd Wednesday of each month, 7.15pm, at the Village Hall

WESTONZOYLAND Talk to someone in absolute confidence



Email [email protected] ALL AMENETIES BAR  KITCHEN Enquiries to Booking Secretary Tel: 691476 Or visit your local branch, daytime at 16 Wood Street Taunton (day)

Bridgwater Funeral Services CHURCH HALL Local Family Run Business

MAIN ROAD, WESTONZOYLAND • 24 hour personal service • Pre-paid Funeral Plan Available • Private Chapel of Rest • Golden Charter Funeral Plan AVAILABLE FOR • All arrangements cared for • Green and Woodland Burials CHILDRENS PARTIES (under teenage), MEETINGS, SOCIAL FUNCTIONS, COFFEE MORNINGS, SALES PROMOTIONS, etc. Dignified & Personal Service (NO LICENCE AVAILABLE) NIGEL GILLARD & CORRINNE FOSTER

For Enquiries & Bookings please contact INDEPENDENT FUNERAL DIRECTOR 01278 457755 Michelle Fahrenbruch 01278 691567


Professional Lady Gardener and Designer

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Walnut House Bed and Breakfast Walkies 4 Dogs Quiet and private, situated in the heart of the village of Westonzoyland, within easy walking distance of the Church, pub and Professional Dog Walker shops. The accommodation is situated at the rear of our home with Call Steph private access. The annexe comprises of a breakfast room, bedroom with TV, separate shower room with WC. 07538574598 or see We provide a continental breakfast Telephone 07790 139 214 Walkies 4 Dogs Facebook page Dog walking Puppy visits Pet taxi Group walks One to one Email: [email protected] (limited spaces) References available Fully insured Facebook www.facebook.com/ walnuthousebedandbreakfast


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A4 A17 GCF Roofing DAVE LEE Roofing & Building Contractor BUILDING CONTRACTORS 17, Kings Drive Westonzoyland TA7 0HJ The Yard, 70 Monmouth Road, Westonzoyland Bridgwater TA7 0HG

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S L M Hairdressing KAREN@TLC 10+ years experience and my own fully Toe Nail Cutting, Mobile Service equipped professional salon Ladies, Men & Children all ages welcome NHS Trained. Friendly reliable service in the comfort of your own home Call Sara 07980495316 Relaxing foot spa treatment available 40, Kings Drive, Westonzoyland TA7 0HJ To soften skin and nails, at a price you can AFFORD facebook. SLM hair For more information or to book contact Karen: Tel: 01278 423750 or Mob: 07912 932938 20% off your first visit when presenting me with the advert 7

Extra Lights Gardening & Sockets Roofing & CHRIS BURGE Loft Rewires PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Conversions BATHROOMS & KITCHENS FITTED Alarm & Shower Security For more information please contact Installations 8 WOODLAND AVENUE, WESTONZOYLAND Installations BRIDGWATER, SOMERSET TA7 0LQ Maureen Morgan Tiling Storage

I.T.E.C. Dip. MGCP Bathroom & heaters TEL: 01278 691375 Kitchen Refits FREE Tel: 01278 691413 Patios & SURVEY OR MOBILE: 07528 909724 ESTIMATE Mobile: 07818747307 Fencing

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All aspects of carpentry work undertaken Do you need a reliable local builder? STAIRCASES • WARDROBES • DECKING • ROOFS We offer a full range of services: a new DOORS • FIBRE GLASS ROOFING build, general maintenance or even a leaky tap. We specialize in roofing work Office: 01278 699225 • Mobile: 07802 349416 and will beat any like for like quote.

www.somerset-loftconversions.co.uk For a free quote call Tim on:

The Old Chapel, 4 Main Road, Westonzoyland, TA7 0DZ 01278 691537 or 07905 026330

Tai Chi for Health & Wellbeing J. B. JETTING SERVICES WE CLEAN Come and join in with one of the most amazing processes in managing health and well being. Improve flexibility, co-ordination and balance. Helps BLOCKED DRAINS CLEARED CONCRETE stress, anxiety and depression as well as many other chronic conditions

Roto / jetting-cleaning SLABS Paths, patios, walls, driveways, plant machinery Our friendly group meets for classes on Fridays 9.45am - 10.45am BRICK Farm dairies and machinery At Westonzoyland Church Hall. £5.oo per session/Concessions for OAPs BRICK PAVING Call out 24/7. Call any time and leave a message There is no competition, just wear some loose comfortable clothing and bring TARMAC yourself along. 8:00am - 8:00pm: MOBILE: 07971 255737 For more details contact Lucy /Lyn Dickens at Lotus Chi Studio, 8:00pm - 8:00 am: HOME: 01278 691707 ETC ETC Tel: 01278 457437 or Mob: 07875 719265

A6 A15

HILL VIEW 55 Liney Road Westonzoyland TA7 0EU 01278 699027 [email protected]

Do you have a special occasion planned and don’t have enough space for your friends and relatives? A welcome awaits at our perfectly placed Bed and Breakfast with beautiful views across open countryside yet close to the centre of the village. Stylish, comfortable, en suite accommodation, with lovely garden and ample parking space. Do call us for further details, prices and availability.

Blissful Beauty by Holly

Offering a full range of beauty treatments from eyelashes to waxing, microblading and massage. Gary Date 01278 423541 Based at Willowfields Lakewall Westonzoyland 07764299987 For appointments and enquiries contact Holly on 07809621813 or email [email protected] Fully Qualified and Insured E Bagg – Accounts Westonzoyland Accountancy services for the small business. Village Hall Personal tax services and advice. Cheer Lane Liz Bagg F.M.A.A.T., A.T.T. Mondays 5.30pm and 7.30pm 51 Kings Drive, Westonzoyland, TA7 0HJ T: 01278 699310 M: 07815 422471 Sarah Ball 07525 723672 or 01278 691495 E: [email protected] [email protected] Download our free www.slimmingworld.co.uk app! Follow us on

A14 A7 Beautiful Nails

Pamper and Sparkle with “Jos Gel Polish” Westonzoyland Carnival Club Disco, Bar & Catering Services Full Manicure Treatments All Parties & Events Catered For Including Gel Polish Birthday, Christening, Anniversary, Children’s Parties, Weddings Fully Qualified and Insured Or any Special Event you require Jo 01278691148 or 07725910928 We also provide Disco Hire and Hall Decorations Facebook - jos gel polish Contact Chris on: 01278 691375 All Proceeds to Westonzoyland Carnival Club Appointments available day and evening Home visits can also be arranged.

Take your child on a

musical journey with our lively fun classes full of singing, movement and Ballet - Tap - Jazz - Modern Percussion Fun and exciting classes taught by fully qualified and experienced teachers. Pupils have the opportunity to take ISTD examinations, Tuesday mornings in Westonzoyland Young Farmers Club perform in annual shows, competitions, workshops and guest classes. Contact Lisa [email protected] Contact 01278 434623 or 07788 752491 07903284835 www.foxkingdanceacademy.com

Raw Pet Food The aim of Pets Best Friend is , WESTONZOYLAND to provide the highest Supplies Somerset Tuesday 20th MARCH standard of care to 9.20am Music with Mummy (14 months - 4 Years) your animals in an 10.15am Jolly Babies (0-14 months) environment they feel We supply a full range comfortable and safe in. of minces, bones and offal for your raw fed pet.

Boarding kennels and rescue centres can be traumatic for some pets. So why not leave Also suppliers of Golden Paste (Turmeric). them at home and have a dedicated carer to look after all their needs. Services Unit 4b, East Quay, Bridgwater, Somerset TA64DB include: Dog walking, Puppy & Dog Visits, Cats & Small Animal Care, Horse Care, Pop-in Feed Service & Home Security Checks. 01278 420072 All services can be tailored to suit your pets needs in order to provide the best possible care. Fully Insured and CRB Checked. References are available upon request. Registered member of NARPUKS (Nationwide Associates of Registered Pet Sitters) www.pets-best-friend.co.uk Call Marie on 01278 691217 / 07503169058


BRITAIN’S TOP WILDLIFE RIVER Natalie Britton IS RIGHT ON YOUR DOORSTEP Mobile Foot Healthcare Why not take a relaxing cruise and see for yourself S.A.C. Dip Registered Foot Health RIVER EXE CRUISES FROM EXMOUTH Practitioner V153115 General foot health / Toe nail trimming / Corn removal • Private Parties • Group, Coach & School Discounts Thick nails reduced / Ingrowing toe nails / Callus reduced • Guided Bird Watching • Fully Licensed with all Facilities • Jurassic Coast Cruises • Operating All Year Round Verruca treatment / Fungal infections / Orthotics • Cruises to Torquay • Santa & Firework Trips Foot health for Diabetes / Plantar Fasciitis

STUART LINE CRUISES 07826 519326 Tel: 01395 222144/279693 www.stuartlinecruises.co.uk [email protected] www.thelittlefootcompany.co.uk Blissful Beauty by Holly SOUTH WEST WINDOWS Offering a full range of beauty treatments FENSA Registered from eyelashes to waxing, microblading Suppliers of Windows, Doors, Conservatories and massage. Based at Willowfields Lakewall Westonzoyland The all-year round conservatory, designed and built to suit your home, with Full Building - Services from beginning to end For appointments and enquiries contact Over 27 years’ experience—10 year Guarantee Holly on 07809621813 or email [email protected] Call John Nobbs for free quotation Fully Qualified and Insured 01278 691698 Alfred’s Farm, Fore Street, Westonzoyland, Somerset TA7 0EE

S. G. Plumbing & Heating

Nibbles Catering Fully qualified local tradesman service to meet your needs! Central Heating designed & installed Unvented Hot Water Cylinders * Weddings, Parties, Celebrations Water Board approved

* Business Lunches, Corporate Entertaining, Funerals Bathrooms designed & Installed Full Tiling service * Outside Catering at Your Chosen Venue No job too small * Our reputation is built on more than just food Call Simon on 01278 691 668 or 07988 Moorlynch Vineyard, Moorlynch, Bridgwater TA7 9DD 533074 01458 210792 Mob: 0781 6382643 Email: [email protected] Cheer Lane, Westonzoyland

A12 A9

Coles Chimney Services Professional Chimney Sweep & Solid Fuel Installation NACS & HETAS Registered Sweep. Solid Fuel, Oil & Gas Appliance Chimneys Professionally Swept, including Wood Burners, Pellet Burners, AGA, Rayburn & Parkray. Fully Insured & CRB Checked. Clean &Tidy Service. Certificates Issued Including Thatched Properties. Repairs and Maintenance Undertaken. HETAS Registered Solid fuel Installer. Stoves, Fireplaces, Chimney Linings, Birdguards & Cowls supplied Telephone 01278 699019 Mobile 07730898919 email [email protected]

KAREN GREGORY CJL Painting Services Independent Financial Adviser

Mortgages · Equity Release · Savings · Investments All types of indoor and outdoor Pensions Protection · Inheritance Tax Planning painting work.

I offer a totally free initial consultation for as long as is Free estimates on request. necessary to help you understand your Call 07572676570 or situation and options [email protected] Call 01278 550655 you can also check out some recent jobs on my [email protected] Facebook page CJL Painting Services

J A Egan Garden Maintenance & Landscape garden design .fencing .patios .tree work pressure washing. garden clearance. lawn mowing and hedge trimming Fully qualified and insured Call 07891557621 Find us on Facebook

A10 A11



TELEPHONE: - 01278 653930 DURING OFFICE HOURS MOBILE PHONE 07802 483233 The Old Dairy, Burrowbridge, TA7 0RX OUT OF HOURS PHONE 01278 691805 We provide comprehensive scaffold solutions serving domestic and commercial customers alike. Call now for a no obligation quote.

LEARNING TO DRIVE? South West Computers Mobile Service

CLIVE TODD DSA ADI (CAR) Service in hours not days APPROVED DRIVING INSTRUCTOR * PASS PLUS REGISTERED Hardware and Software Installations NERVOUS PUPILS WELCOME Advice on Networking, Wireless and Broadband Setup Website Design and Maintenance Virus and Spyware Removal Competitive Rates Home or Business Windows Certified WESTONZOYLAND BASED Over 35 years experience CALL: 01278 691135 MOBILE: 07867 933416 Local Home and Business references available Call John at 01278 691713 or 07773 361678


Call for free estimates Brush & Vacuum • Open Fires • Woodburners • Agas • Rayburns • All Professionally Cleaned • Tel: 01278 699077 Wood Burning Stoves Supplied & Flue Liners fitted • Bird Guards & Cowls fitted • Fully Insured

Body repairs/paintwork on all vehicles including commercials e: [email protected] 01278 722595 or 07971 426031 [email protected] www.dansmithchimneyservices.co.uk