Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} Alpha's Heart Part One by Skye Winters Alpha Wanted: Part 1 (Paranormal Wolf Shifter Romance) Agent Kira 'Midnight' Knight is a force to be reckoned with at the Paranormal Division of the Secret Intelligence Service. She's a fierce werewolf, highly intelligent, and maintains quite a smart mouth. Lieutenant Colonel Ryker 'Storm' West commands a small team of elite werewolf soldiers, including his Military Working Dog, Nero. He's logical, loyal and deadly. When the Director of P.D.S.I.S assigns Kira the task of recruiting Ryker to the agency, conflict soon compromises the logistics of an easy case. With a fiery relationship bubbling between them, they're faced with a tough decision. Follow orders or follow their heart. **WARNING! This is part 1 of a 3-part serial. The story expands through each part where it'll eventually conclude in part 3. Nothing is resolved until then. Due to mature content readers are advised to be 17/18+** Series: Alpha Wanted Category: Fiction » Romance » Paranormal » General Category: Fiction » Fantasy » Paranormal Published: June 24, 2015 Words: 16,570 Language: English ISBN: 9781310215964. I've always lived a life based on my imagination,from hopeless dreams of romance to concocting alternate realities involving supernaturals. I'm completely fascinated with anything hero-related, and often speculate which superpower I'd possess. I haven't settled on one yet. I was born in England, and currently reside in Wales, UK. I love to write, and most days you'll find me happily tapping away at the computer whilst in my pyjama-clad bubble. I also spend my time reading, and if that isn't enough I'm often in the kitchen baking up a treat. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is an action/sci-fi show and is a part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Contents. Season 1. Cusi - Thrown out of the Bus when Fitz activated the 0-8-4. Nahui - Thrown out of the Bus along with Cusi. The Asset. Franklin Hall - Absorbed by the Gravitonium. Girl in the Flower Dress. Quan Chen - Heart burned out by Scorch. Debbie - Lit on fire by Scorch. Chan Ho Yin/Scorch - Injected with Extremis by May, causing him to explode. Adam Cross - Brain fried by the Chitauri virus. Frank Whalen - Brain fried by the Chitauri virus. Tony Diaz - Brain fried by the Chitauri virus. The Well. Bjorn - Thrown against a tree by Larsen. Repairs. Jack Benson - Killed in a Particle Accelerator accident caused by Tobias Ford. Arlene Willoughby - Killed in a Particle Accelerator accident caused by Tobias Ford. Frank Delacourt - Killed in a Particle Accelerator accident caused by Tobias Ford. The Bridge. Brian Hayward - Kill switch activated by Raina. . Edison Po - Executed over the phone by the Clairvoyant. Seeds. Seth Dormer - Struck by lightning. T.R.A.C.K.S. Luca Russo - Stabbed in the back by May. Sofia - Strangled by Deathlok. Carlo Mancini - Thrown out of a window by Deathlok. T.A.H.I.T.I. Bob/Beta - Shot by Garrett. Alpha - Shot by Ward, surviving long enough to warn Coulson about the Timer. Yes Men. Jimmy Mackenzie - Thrown against a car by Lorelei. Rosie - Strangled by Rooster on Lorelei's orders. End of the Beginning. Thomas Nash - Shot by Ward to draw attention away from Garrett being the Clairvoyant. Turn, Turn, Turn. Agent Chaimson - Shot by Ward. Agent Jacobson - Shot by Ward. Victoria Hand - Shot by Ward. The Only Light in the Darkness. Eric Koenig - Strangled by Ward. Marcus Daniels/Blackout - Had concentrated lights shined on him by the Team, obliterating him. Ragtag. Alejandro Castillo - Decapitated by Deathlok. Beginning of the End. General Jacobs - Rib torn out and stabbed with it by Garrett. Lieutenant Kaminsky - Killed when May destroyed the barbershop with the Berserker staff. John Garrett/The Clairvoyant - Hit with a rocket launcher and stepped on by Deathlok, presumably killing him. However, he survived and was later vaporized by Coulson with the 0-8-4. Season 2. Shadows. Roger Browning - Neck broken by Creel. Sergeant Smith - Killed by Creel. Sergeant Logan - Killed by Creel. Isabelle Hartley - Killed in a car crash caused by Creel. Idaho - Killed in the crash with Isabelle. Making Friends and Influencing People. Elias - Turned to ice by Blizzard and shattered. Donnie Gill/Blizzard - Shot by Skye, falling into the ocean and freezing. It is possible that he is still alive. A Hen in the Wolf House. Schneider - Drank wine containing the Diviner chemical, turning to stone. Deacon - Killed offscreen by Cal. Brick - Killed offscreen by Cal. A Fractured House. Adamo Dioli - Disintegrated with a splinter bomb by Scarlotti. Toshiro Mori - Shot by Bobbi and Hunter. Noelle Walters - Disintegrated with a splinter bomb by Scarlotti. The Writing on the Wall. Lewis Seaver - Killed offscreen by Derik. Agent Rebecca Stevens/Janice Robbins - Had the Words of Creation carved into her skin by Derik, dying of pain and blood loss. The Things We Bury. Christian Ward - Killed offscreen along with his parents by his brother Ward. Ward's parents - Killed offscreen along with their son Christian Ward by their other son Ward. What They Become. Werner Reinhardt/Daniel Whitehall - Shot in the back by Coulson. Antoine Triplett - When destroying the Diviner, a shard of Terrigen pierced his stomach, and he turned to stone and crumbled. He later existed in the Framework and was ultimately deleted by Aida. Aftershocks. Octavian Bloom - Shot in the head by Hunter. Baroness - Poisoned with a petrified substance derived from the Diviner in her wine. Sheikh - Gassed by unknown airborne substances. The Banker - Disintegrated by a splinter bomb. Love in the Time of HYDRA. Doctor Selwyn - Killed by Ward offscreen. Sergeant Brookton - Shot by Kara. Airman Campbell - Shot by Ward. . Tim Maguire - Shot by a HYDRA agent during the HYDRA Uprising. Flashback. HYDRA agent - Shot by Mack during the HDYRA uprising. Flashback Tomas Calderon - Stabbed with a tree branch in Skye's shockwave, and possibly fatally injured. Melinda. Eva Belyakov - Stabbed by May. Katya Belyakov - Shot by May. In the Framework, she was spared by May, and was later framed by HYDRA for the Cambridge Massacre. The Frenemy of My Enemy. Ethan Johnston - Died while being experimented on by HYDRA. . Sunil Bakshi - Disintegrated by Simmons with a splinter bomb, sacrificing himself to save Ward. He later existed in the Framework and was ultimately deleted by Aida. Scars. Robert Gonzales - Turned to stone by Jiaying with Terrigen mist. S.O.S. Part One. Raina - Stabbed in the neck by Jiaying. S.O.S. Part Two. Agent Oliver - Turned to stone by Jiaying with Terrigen mist. Kara Palamas/Agent 33 - Shot by Ward, thinking she was May. Gordon - Teleported onto a pole that Fitz was holding. Jiaying - Neck broken by Cal. Season 3. Purpose in the Machine. Lord Manzini - Flesh absorbed by Hive. A Wanted (Inhu)man. John Donnelly - Had a heart attack when he saw Lincoln's powers. Spud - Beaten to death by Hunter with knuckle dusters. Devils You Know. Shane Henson - Shot through the heart by . Lori Henson - Shot through the heart by Lash. Dwight Frye - Shot through the heart by Lash. 4,722 Hours. Austin - Jumped off a cliff while being controlled by Hive. Brubaker - Set himself on fire while being controlled by Hive. Taylor - Shot by Will when he attacked him with an axe. Will Daniels - Killed by Hive while protecting Simmons. Among Us Hide. Kebo - Electrocuted when Bobbi electrified the pool he was in. Closure. Rosalind Price - Shot in the neck by Ward. Luther Banks - Forced to shoot himself by Giyera. . Grant Ward - Chest crushed by Coulson with his cybernetic hand. He later existed in the Framework and was ultimately deleted by Aida. Revived emidetly after his death Grant Ward - Died after Hive took control of his body. . Francisco Rodriguez - Shot in the head by Ramon. . Yuri Krupin - Strangled by Androvich with his shadow. Anton Petrov - Shot by Hunter. General Androvich - Shot by Bobbi. Watchdogs. Watchdog Alpha - Shot by Mack with the Shotgun-Axe. Spacetime. Edwin Abbott - Shot to death by HYDRA soldiers. Rowan Hamilton - Skull crushed by Malick with the Exoskeleton. Charles Hinton - Throat crushed by Malick. Paradise Lost. Nathaniel Malick - Killed and form taken by Hive. Stephanie Malick - Devoured from the inside out by Hive after he infected her with his parasites via a kiss. The Team. Lucio - Stabbed by Joey. Gideon Malick - Skull crushed by Daisy. Failed Experiments. Kirk Vogel - Body melted along with the other remaining heads of HYDRA when Hive experimented on them. Alisha Whitley - Stabbed by a Kree Reaper. Emancipation. Jackson - Neck broken by Lash. Pete Boggs - Neck broken by Lash. Andrew Garner/Lash - Stabbed through the back by Hellfire witha flaming chain. Ascension. R. Giyera - Shot by Fitz. Agent Lincoln Campbell - Blown up when the nuke destroyed the Quinjet in ousacrificing himself to save Daisy and kill Hive. Alveus/Hive - Blown up in the Quinjet by Lincoln. Season 4. The Ghost. D. Anderson - Skull crushed by Ghost Rider. R. Moore - Skull crushed by Ghost Rider. M. Scott - Committed suicide by reopening his wound from his fight with Ghost Rider and bleeding out. T. Mitchell - Killed when Reyes drove his car into him. Zhong Wei - Shot to death by Chen after Bauer infected him. Meet the New Boss. Frederick - Burned and disintegrated by Reyes. Uprising. Chen - Died of a heart attack after being infected by Bauer. Agent - Injected with serum that stops the heart, then resuscitated. Lockup. Joseph Bauer - Died of a heart attack after being infected by Bauer. Hugo - Burned and disintegrated by Reyes. Vincent - Burned and disintegrated by Reyes. Santino Noguera - Burned to death by Reyes. The Good Samaritan. Robbie Reyes - Killed when his car crashed in the attack ordered by Morrow and resurrected by Johnny Blaze as the Ghost Rider. (Flashback) Lucy Bauer - Burned and disintegrated by Reyes. Deals With Our Devils. Zhi - Thrown against a wall by Mack. The Laws of Inferno Dynamics. Peng - Lungs and throat filled with diamonds by Morrow. Eli Morrow - Burned to death and dragged into hell by Reyes. Agent Nathanson - Neck broken by Aida. Broken Promises. Sunjina Nadeer - Killed by the Chitauri in the Battle of New York. AIDA - Decapitated by Mack. A second L.M.D of her was then built by Radcliffe. The Patriot. Agent McCafferty - Impaled by a tree in the Quinjet crash caused by the Watchdogs. Agent Burrows - Fell out of the Director's Quinjet after it was shot down by the Watchdogs. He later existed in the Framework and was eventually deleted by Aida. Wake Up. Hope Mackenzie - Died when she was four days old. She later existed in the Framework, and was eventually deleted by Aida. Holden Radcliffe L.M.D - Shot in the head by Fitz. Fitz later repaired him for interrogation, then melted him in a furnace. Hot Potato Soup. Leo Babikov - Punched through the stomach by Aida. Zach Bynum - Killed when Shockley exploded, blowing up Nadeer's office. Ellen Nadeer - Killed in Shockley's explosion. Agnes Kitsworth - Died of brain cancer, but her consciousness was uploaded to the Framework. Self Control. L.M.D - Stabbed in the neck by Simmons. He was later repaired by the other L.M.Ds and was destroyed again when the May L.M.D blew up the Playground. Agent Fisher - Shot by the Coulson L.M.D. Jeffrey Mace L.M.D/The Patriot - Electrocuted by Daisy. Alphonso Mackenzie L.M.D - Skull torn apart by Daisy. Agent Melinda May L.M.D - Blew herself and the Playground up. sacrificing herself to save Daisy and Simmons. L.M.D - Killed in the explosion of the Playground. Leo Fitz L.M.D. - Killed in the explosion of the playground Holden Radcliffe - Wrists slit by Aida and had his consciousness uploaded into the Framework, solving Aida's programming paradox. He was later deleted by Aida. What If. (Framework) - Died of an unknown cause. Identity and Change. Agnes Kitsworth - Shot in the heart by The Doctor. No Regrets. Jeffrey Mace/The Patriot - Killed in the air strike ordered by The Doctor and May, holding up the HYDRA Enlightenment Center long enough for the Resistance to escape, before the building collapsed on top of him. His death in the Framework resulted in his death in the real world. Farewell, Cruel World. Alistair Fitz (Framework) - Shot by Simmons in self-defense. AIDA 2.0 - This L.M.D was destroyed when AIDA transferred herself to a living body from the framework. The Return. Richardson - Shot in the back of the head by Aida. Agent Prince - Neck snapped by Aida. World's End. L.M.D/Quake - Burned and disintegrated by Reyes. Jemma Simmons L.M.D - Stabbed and electrocuted by Aida. Grant Ward (Framework) - Counciousness deleted off-screen when Aida deleted Framework Hope Mackenzie (Framework) - Consciousness deleted when Aida deleted Framework AIDA/Madame HYDRA - Burned and disintegrated by Coulson under the control of Ghost Rider. Holden Radcliffe (Framework) - Consciousness deleted when Aida deleted framework. Season 5. Orientation Part One. Jerry - Sucked out into space after Jones accidently shot a window while trying to kill the Vrellnexians. Jones - Mauled by the Vrellnexians Virgil - Devoured by the Vrellnexains. Orientation Part Two. Reese - Run through with the weapon sphere by Sinara. Holt - Shot by Tess. A Life Spent. Zev - Devoured by Vrellnexians. Rewind. Rusty Peltzer - Died in a helicopter crash. Lt. Evans - Shot in the head by General Hale. Lt. Lucas - Shot in the head by General Hale. Fun & Games. Ben - Run through with the weapon spheres by Sinara. Grill - Crushed a rock thrown by Flint. Tess - Neck broken by the Reapers. Resurrected later. Together or Not at All. Vicar - Impaled through the head by Flint. Maston-Dar - Run through with the weapon spheres by Sinara. Faulnak - Stabbed by Kasius. The Last Day. Robin Hinton - Stabbed in the stomach by Voss. Her past self survived. Best Laid Plans. Sinara - Impaled with a metal pole by Daisy. Past Life. Tye - Stabbed with his own knife by Daisy. Hek-Sel - Thrown out into space by Flint. Elena Rodriguez/Yo-Yo - Throat slit by Kasius in front of Mack. Her past self survived. Kasius - Stabbed in the back with the shotgun-axe by Mack. Enoch - Blown up due to being used as power source for the Monolith. His past self survived. All the Comforts of Home. Noah - Blown up by HYDRA's bomb, sacrificing himself to save Daisy and Fitz. Rise and Shine. General Fischer - Poisoned himself with cyanide. Professor Steger - Shot in the head by General Hale. Inside Voices. Ian Quinn - Absorbed by the Gravitonium. The Honeymoon. Anton Ivanov/The Superior - Head smashed by Yo-Yo. All Roads Lead. Werner von Strucker - Accidentally crushed under intense gravity by Ruby. Ruby Hale - Throat slit by Yo-Yo. Option Two. Agent Thomas - Stabbed by the Remoraths. Agent Wahl - Stabbed by the Remoraths. The One Who Will Save Us All. Qajax - Died from the side effects of the Odium. Crixon - Absorbed through the Gravitonium by Talbot. General Hale - Crushed by Talbot with his gravity powers after she attempts to trigger his brainwashing. The Force of Gravity. Agent Kim - Crushed by Talbot with his gravity powers. Carl Creel/Absorbing Man - Absorbed through the Gravitonium by Talbot. Qovas - Blown up with his spaceship by Deke and May. Qolpakc - Blown up on Qovas' spaceship by Deke and May. The End. Glenn Talbot - Shot into space by Daisy. Leo Fitz - Stomach split open by the rubble of a collapsing building. Leo Fitz/The Doctor - Died when Fitz died. Later comes back in Season 6 disguised as Fitz but is caught only in Season 7 Agent Phil Coulson - Died off-screen somewhere after season 5 of his injuries. Season 6. Missing Pieces. Tinker - Turned to concrete after accidentally getting stuck inside of a wall when the portal he was travelling through closed. Agent Fox - Shot by Sarge. Window of Opportunity. Viro - Throw out into space by Fitz. Code Yellow. Harold Simcoe - Stabbed in the stomach with a knife by Sarge due to him being infected by a Shrike. Ray - Shot by Pax. Agent Damon Keller - Stabbed in the stomach by Yo-Yo with Sarge's knife to keep him from destroying the Lighthouse due to him being infected by the Shrike. Inescapable. Alphonso "Mack" Mackenzie (Simulation) - Devoured by Id Simmons. Toldja. Wayne - Decapitated by Mister Kitson. Collision Course Part One. Agent Phelps - Strangled to death by Pax. Collision Course Part Two. Pax - Shot by Sarge. Jaco - Blew himself up with an Atom Bomb in attempt to kill Izel onboard the Lazy Comet. Toad - Blown up by Jaco with an Atom Bomb. Boyle - Blown up by Jaco with an Atom Bomb. Agent Davis - Force to commit suicide by falling off a ledge while being controlled by Izel. From the Ashes. Thomas Benson - Injured in car crash and died after being taken off life support by his husband Marcus. Atarah - Shot by Malachi. New Life. Agent Trevor Kahn - Shot by the Chronicom hunters. The First - Sliced in half by May. The Second - Sliced in half by May. The Third - Sliced in half by May. Izel - Stabbed in the back by May with Sarge's sword. Pachakutiq/Sarge - Sliced in half by Mack with his own sword. Melinda May - She was stabbed earlier with sarge's sword when it healed in the fear dimension when she came back to earth she died for a few minutes. Season 7. The New Deal. Officer William Dole - Shot by Luke Cain - Blown up by Coulson. Out of the Past. - Shot by Luke (Revived) A Trout in the Milk. Wilfred Malick - Shot by Deke Shaw. Adapt or Die. Agent Ford - Stabbed by Luke Luke - Blown up by Coulson Philip Coulson Chronicon LMD - Blows himself up to save everyone (Revived) As I Have Always been. Jemma Simmons - Killed by a gas leak by Enoch to protect her implant (Died twice in the time loop) (Revived) Daisy Johnson - Killed by a gas leak by Enoch to protect the implant (Revived) Daniel Sousa - somehow killed by Enoch to protect the implant (Revived) Enoch - Sacrificed himself to save the team from the time loop by removing his core energy stabilizer (Similar to a heart) Stolen. Gordon - Killed by Nathaniel Malick for his inhuman powers. Jiaying - Neck broken by Nathaniel Malick. Brand New Day. Durant - Had a hole blown through his chest by Kora. The End is at Hand. John Garrett - Shot by Victoria Hand, who thought he was a threat. What We're Fighting For. Nathaniel Malick - Killed by Daisy Johnson when she blew up the Chronicom ships. SEAL’d Perfection – The Complete Series. Jace Winslow is a decorated Navy SEAL with a bad boy edge that sent him into super stardom thanks to a syndicated reality show, Inked by Jace. With the lights of Hollywood come parties, drugs, and more women than Jace knows what to do with, but he’s ready to leave all that behind and settle down in a quiet town. At least, he thinks so… Two years after a brutal divorce, Kat Ryan is making the best of her new life and focusing on being the best mom to her three year old son, Jax. She has her life on track, and even though she struggles to make ends meet, she is determined to build a brighter future for herself and her baby boy. However, when Jace takes up residence across the street from the diner where she works, her concentration flies right out the window and makes her question everything she thinks she wants—or needs. Is there room in Kat’s broken heart to let in a new love? Don’t miss SEAL’d Perfection, KB Winters’ first Military Romance! SEAL’d Perfection is a five part sexy military bad-boy romance with a little bit of active duty and a whole lot of HEAT! Intended for readers 18+ due to Kindle-melting scenes and a filthy talking alpha SEAL who can melt your panties in thirty seconds or less! In fact…you should probably just leave them at the door! Die größten Hörerlebnisse nur bei Audible. Erlebe Audible auf dem Smartphone, Tablet, am Computer oder deinem Amazon Echo. Auch offline. Die größten Hörerlebnisse. Entdecke genau das, was du hören willst: Wähle aus 200.000 Titeln und inspirierenden Audible Original Podcasts. Natürlich werbefrei. Genieße dein Hörerlebnis ohne Unterbrechung. Einfach ausprobieren. Teste Audible 30 Tage kostenlos. Du kannst jederzeit kündigen. Hör die Welt mit anderen Augen. Mit Audible Originals und exklusiven Geschichten. Wir können dich kaum erwarten! Entdecke Audible einen Monat lang völlig kostenlos. Genieße jeden Monat ein Hörerlebnis deiner Wahl - und so viele exklusive Audible Original Podcasts, wie du willst. Keine Bindung, keine Frist – du kannst dein Abo jederzeit pausieren oder kündigen. How I Got Pregnant Naturally at 47 Years Old—Part One: Surrender. How I Got Pregnant Naturally at 47 Years Old—Part One: Surrender. Everyone is asking me how I got pregnant at 47 years old… I’ve never done any kind of fertility treatments and honestly the answer is, I have no idea. It’s up to the Great Mystery how these things occur. But I want to offer what I do know. I want to share the sacred intimacy practices I was doing when I got pregnant this late in life. I truly believe that without them, this would have never happened for me. Everyone’s story will be different, but my intention is to offer you as much insight as I can… sometimes even the smallest nuggets make all the difference. Justin and I have a running joke around this pregnancy… we like to say Justin managed to get one past the goalie right before the game ended… in triple overtime. Honestly, that’s how it felt. Just when my fertile period of life was coming to a close, BOOM, I got pregnant. In fact, when I was missing periods at the beginning of this pregnancy, prior to the nausea setting in, I honestly thought menopause was beginning. I even went to see a specialist to find out about herbs and tinctures that support menopause. I had no idea at the time, I should have been asking her how to support a pregnancy instead. I believe there were four factors that contributed greatly to this pregnancy. I’ll share each with you over the course of the next several months. Thank you for sharing in the story of this journey with me. The first practice I believe contributed to this pregnancy was that of deep surrender. Surrender. “Always say ‘yes’ to the present moment… Surrender to what is. and see how life starts suddenly to start working for you. rather than against you.” – Eckhart Tolle. What I mean by surrender here in this article is letting the magic of life take over. As many of you know I’ve been through more miscarriages than I’d like to count. Each one has been a powerful lesson in surrender. This pregnancy was not an active pursuit on my part. This little soul has her own plans. She is driving this bus in so many ways. In fact, by the time this happened, I was steeped in the deepest of surrender… Surrender to my ideas of how things should go. The many miscarriages were not part of my plan obviously, but looking back they absolutely shaped me into the person I am today. Pain has a way of deepening you if you are willing to open to it. And that is exactly what happened to me. I was committed to staying open through those times. And it wasn’t easy. They were painful, horrific experiences, but I wouldn’t trade any of them. Surrender to uncensored sensation. Sometimes life brings you utter bliss and sometimes life brings you deep grief. Part of my personal practice is being willing to let the waves of sadness wash through me as fully as the waves of orgasmic pleasure. The tantric path taught me how to resist nothing. It taught me how to surrender my bodily defense mechanisms against the moment and let all forms of sensation permeate my being. This is exactly what I did and it was life-changing. I became willing to meet the moment, no matter what the moment looked like or felt like. Surrender to the impact of my choices. The fact that I prioritized purpose over motherhood for most of my early, fertile years put me at higher risk for non-viable pregnancies and more miscarriages. This is exactly what ended up happening to me, and wasn’t any fun whatsoever. I didn’t beat myself up for this. I owned it. I loved myself for following my truth, which was: “I have “sh*t” to do before I want to take on the sacrifice of motherhood.” Today I feel ready as ready can be to welcome this little one into my life. Particularly with my book written, I have never felt more ready to dedicate my shakti, my creative life force, to this sweet, sweet being that is currently nestled deep inside my belly. Applying this to Your Life. Justin and I did a full, detailed webinar on this topic which is available for you to view. It’s called “The Magic and Mystery of Divine Surrender” and it’s available for unlimited replay now in my online women’s group, The Awakened Women’s Circle on Patreon. Here is the link: In this webinar you will learn… How divine surrender will open you up to deeper joy, greater life satisfaction and better sex. Why surrender might be the best tool you can learn for feeling met in your relationship and getting your man to show up in the way you always wanted. The distinction between surrender and submission… and how you can practice surrender from a truly empowered place. How to develop discernment so you can surrender fully in moments of safety while staying strong and protected from unwanted influences. Also, check out my blog on the art of surrender as it relates to sacred relationship in my blog entitled: For the next teaching in this series on How I Got Pregnant Naturally at 47 Years Old… Click here for the second practice which I believe contributed to my getting pregnant. I talk about the magic of not buying into other people’s beliefs, even if they are backed by statics.