EUROCONTROL LSSIP 2019 - LOCAL SINGLE SKY IMPLEMENTATION Level2019 1 - Implementation Overview

Document Title LSSIP Year 2019 for Bulgaria

Info Centre Reference 20/01/15/07 Date of Edition 19/05/2020 LSSIP Focal Point Ivan ILIEV - [email protected] LSSIP Contact Person Ana Paula [email protected] EUROCONTROL/NMD/INF/PAS LSSIP Support Team [email protected] Status Released Intended for Agency Stakeholders Available in implementation-monitoring

Reference Documents

LSSIP Documents implementation-monitoring Master Plan Level 3 – Plan Edition 2019 plan-implementation-plan-level-3-2019 Master Plan Level 3 – Report Year 2019 plan-implementation-report-level-3-2019 European ATM Portal STATFOR Forecasts National AIP ipublikatsiya FAB Performance Plan rp2_performance_plan_body_and_annexes_signed.pdf

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 Released Issue


Executive Summary ...... 1 Introduction ...... 6 1. National ATM Environment ...... 7 Geographical Scope ...... 7 National Stakeholders ...... 14 2. Traffic and Capacity ...... 22 Evolution of traffic in the Republic of Bulgaria ...... 22 ACC ...... 23 3. Implementation Projects ...... 27 National projects ...... 27 FAB projects ...... 28 Multinational projects ...... 33 4. Cooperation activities ...... 35 FAB Co-ordination...... 35 Multinational cooperation initiatives ...... 39 5. Implementation Objectives Progress ...... 41 State View: Overall Objective Implementation Progress ...... 41 Objective Progress per SESAR Key Feature ...... 42 ICAO ASBU Implementation Progress ...... 45 Detailed Objectives Implementation progress ...... 46 6. Annexes ...... 71 A. Specialists involved in the ATM implementation reporting for Bulgaria ...... 71 B. National stakeholders organisation charts ...... 72 C. Implementation Objectives’ links with SESAR KF, ASBU blocks and more ...... 74 D. SESAR Solutions implemented in a voluntary way ...... 79 E. Military Organisations Infrastructure ...... 86 F. Glossary of abbreviations ...... 87

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 Released Issue

Executive Summary

National ATM Context

Member State of:

Main national stakeholders:

o Directorate General Civil Aviation Administration (DG CAA); o Bulgarian Air Traffic Services Authority (BULATSA); o Military Authorities; o Airport Operators.

Main airport covered by LSSIP: LBSF – Traffic and Capacity

Summer Forecast (May to October inclusive)

1.8% & 5.% +0.9% 2019 20202019-2024

The en-route delay remained at zero minutes per flight during summer in 2019.

The Republic of Bulgaria is part of:

The Danube FAB

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 1 Released Issue Implementation Projects: Number of national projects: 5 - Implementation of traffic complexity assessment tool in Sofia ACC; New ATM system (incl. en-route AMAN and back-up); New PSRs and SSR East part of Sofia FIR; WAM and ADS-B and Building of Contingency and Data Center and Equipment

Number of FAB projects: 5 FAB enlargement (DFAP2020/A08); Free Route Airspace (DFAP2020/F04); Inter020/A10);

Number of multinational projects: 2 – Gate One and InterFAB Coordination Platform

Summary of 2019 developments: - the project for the update/upgrade of existing VOR/DME infrastructure was successfully completed; - the operational ATM system – SATCAS was upgraded to allow for DL services; - the project for the implementation of a traffic complexity assessment tool in Sofia ACC is on track, due to become operational in 2020; - the installation of the WAM and ADS-B infrastructure continues according to the plans, to be finalised in 2020.

Progress per SESAR Phase

The figure below shows the progress made so far in the implementation of the SESAR baseline (Pre-SESAR and SESAR1 non-PCP) and the PCP elements. It shows the average implementation progress for all objectives grouped by SESAR Phases, excluding those for which the State is outside the applicability area as defined on a yearly basis in the European ATM Master Plan (Level 3) 2019, i.e. disregarding the declared “NOT APPLICABLE” LSSIP progress status. The SESAR 1 (non-PCP) progress in the graphics below for this State is based on the following objectives: AOP15, AOP16, AOP17, AOP18, ATC02.9, NAV12 and COM11.2.

Pre-SESAR Phase 2000 2030 80%

SESAR 1 (PCP only) 2011 2024


SESAR 1 (non-PCP) 2013 2030


LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 2 Released Issue Progress per SESAR Key Feature and Phase

The figure below shows the progress made so far, per SESAR Key Feature, in the implementation of the SESAR baseline and the PCP elements. The percentages are calculated as an average, per Key Feature (KF), of the same objectives as in the previous paragraph.

Optimised ATM Network Advanced Air Traffic High Performing Airport Enabling the Aviation Services Services Operations Infrastructure

100 n/a 97 n/a 0 % % 81 % 78 75 76 % % % % 50 47 % 29 % %

PCP) PCP) PCP) PCP) - - - -

SESAR Phase SESAR Phase SESAR Phase SESAR Phase - - - - Pre Pre Pre Pre SESAR 1 (non 1 SESAR (non 1 SESAR (non 1 SESAR (non 1 SESAR SESAR 1 (PCP only) (PCP 1 SESAR only) (PCP 1 SESAR only) (PCP 1 SESAR only) (PCP 1 SESAR

ICAO ASBUs Progress Implementation

The figure below shows the progress made so far in the implementation of the ICAO ASBUs Block 0. The overall percentage is calculated as an average of the relevant Objectives contributing to each of the relevant ASBUs; this is a summary of the table explained in Chapter 5.3 – ICAO ASBU Implementation Progress.

Block 0 2000 2024


LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 3 Released Issue ATM Deployment Outlook

State objectives

Deployed in 2018 - 2019 - Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)  in Airport/Terminal COM11.2 - 100 % progress - Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) in En-Route COM11.1 - 100 % progress - Arrival Management Extended to En-route Airspace ATC15.2 - 100 % progress

By 2020 By 2021 By 2022 By 2023+

- New Pan-European - Ensure Quality of - Harmonise Operational Air - Implement ACAS II Network Service (NewPENS) Aeronautical Data and Traffic (OAT) and General Air compliant with TCAS II COM12 - 88 % progress Aeronautical Information Traffic (GAT) Handling change 7.1 - Electronic Dialogue as ITY-ADQ - 47 % progress AOM13.1 - 43 % progress ATC16 - 74 % progress Automated Assistance to - Interactive Rolling NOP - RNP Approach Procedures Controller during FCM05 - 40 % progress to instrument RWY Coordination and Transfer - Short Term ATFCM NAV10 - 66 % progress ATC17 - 95 % progress Measures (STAM) - Phase 2 - 8,33 kHz Air-Ground Voice - Surveillance Performance FCM04.2 - 00 % progress Channel Spacing below FL195 and Interoperability ITY-AGVCS2 - 75 % progress ITY-SPI - 83 % progress - Electronic Terrain and Obstacle Data (eTOD) INF07 - 10 % progress - Initial ATC Air-Ground Data Link Services ITY-AGDL - 97 % progress - RNAV 1 in TMA Operations NAV03.1 - 89 % progress - Improve Runway Safety by Preventing Runway Excursions SAF11 - 90 % progress - Traffic Complexity Assessment FCM06 - 60 % progress - Aircraft Identification ITY-ACID - 92 % progress

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 4 Released Issue Airport Objectives - Sofia Airport

 Deployed in 2018 - 2019 None

By 2020 By 2021 By 2022 By 2023+

- Continuous Descent Operations (CDO) ENV01 - 00 % progress

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 5 Released Issue


The Local Single Sky ImPlementation (LSSIP) documents, as an integral part of the Master Plan (MP) Level 3 (L3)/LSSIP mechanism, constitute a short/medium term implementation plan containing ECAC States’ actions to achieve the Implementation Objectives as set out by the MP Level 3 and to improve the performance of their national ATM System. This LSSIP document describes the situation in the State at the end of December 2019, together with plans for the next years.

Chapter 1 provides an overview of the ATM institutional arrangements within the State, the membership of the State in various international organisations, the organisational structure of the main ATM players - civil and military - and their responsibilities under the national legislation. In addition, it gives an overview of the Airspace Organisation and Classification, the ATC Units;

Chapter 2 provides a comprehensive picture of the situation of Air Traffic, Capacity and ATFM Delay per each ACC in the State. It shows the evolution of Air Traffic and Delay in the last five years and the forecast for the next five years. It also presents the achieved performance in terms of delay during the summer season period and the planned projects assumed to offer the required capacity which will match the foreseen traffic increase and keep the delay at the agreed performance level;

Chapter 3 provides the main Implementation Projects (at national, FAB and multinational level) which contribute directly to the implementation of the MP Operational Improvements and/or Enablers and Implementation Objectives. The Level 1 document covers a high-level list of the projects showing the applicable links. All other details like description, timescale, progress made and expected contribution to the ATM Key Performance Areas provided by the State per each project are available in the Level 2 document;

Chapter 4 deals with other cooperation activities beyond Implementation Projects. It provides an overview of the FAB cooperation, as well as all other multinational initiatives, which are out of the FAB scope. The content of this chapter generally is developed and agreed in close cooperation between the States concerned;

Chapter 5 contains aggregated information at State level covering the overall level of implementation, implementation per SESAR Key Feature and implementation of ICAO ASBUs. In addition, it provides the high-level information on progress and plans of each Implementation Objective. The information for each Implementation Objective is presented in boxes giving a summary of the progress and plans of implementation for each Stakeholder. The conventions used are presented at the beginning of the section.

The Level 1 document is completed with a separate document called LSSIP Level 2. This document consists of a set of tables organised in line with the list of Implementation Objectives. Each table contains all the actions planned by the four national stakeholders (REG, ASP, MIL and APO) to achieve their respective Stakeholder Lines of Action (SLoAs) as established in the European ATM Master Plan L3 Implementation Plan Edition 2019. In addition, it covers a detailed description of the Implementation Projects for the State as extracted from the LSSIP Data Base.

The information contained in Chapter 5 – Implementation Objectives Progress is deemed sufficient to satisfy State reporting requirements towards ICAO in relation to ASBU (Aviation System Block Upgrades) monitoring.

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 6 Released Issue

1. National ATM Environment

Geographical Scope

International Membership

The Republic of Bulgaria is a Member of the following international organisations in the field of ATM:

Organisation Since ECAC  1991 EUROCONTROL  1997 European Union  2007 EASA  2007 ICAO  1967 NATO  2004 ITU  1880 EDA  2007

Geographical description of the FIR(s)

The geographical scope in this section addresses Sofia FIR and provides a brief description of the Sofia ACC sector groups.

The Division Flight Level (DFL) between upper and lower airspace is FL245.

The following chart provides an overview of the Bulgarian airspace route structure above FL245 (Upper Airspace) at the end of 2019 (ENR 6.2-2).

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 7 Released Issue

The following charts provide an overview of the Bulgarian free route airspace above FL175 at the end of 2019 – En-route chart – Free Route Airspace from FL175 to FL245 (ENR 6.2-5)

En-route chart – Free Route Airspace from FL245 to FL660 (ENR 6.2-6)

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 8 Released Issue SEEN FRA Index Chart (ENR 6.2-3)

and SEE FRA Index Chart (ENR 6.2-4)

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 9 Released Issue The following chart provides an overview of the Bulgarian airspace between FL105 and FL245 at the end of 2019 (ENR 6.2-1).

In effect since 11 December 2014, two cross border sectors (CBS) have been established on a permanent basis within the DANUBE FAB. A description of the CBS’ airspace is depicted below:

Sector DF1:

Airspace Horizontal limits Vertical limits classification (ICAO) 43 52 13N 025 58 33E – 43 56 47N 025 44 32E – Upper limit - 43 58 46N 025 28 18E – FL660 43 58 24N 025 00 09E – C 43 41 53N 024 41 48E –

National border with – Lower limit - 43 52 13N 025 58 33E FL245

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 10 Released Issue Sector DF2:

Airspace classification Horizontal limits Vertical limits (ICAO) 43 44 08N 028 30 04E – 43 38 55N 028 25 35E – Upper limit - 44 08 26N 027 01 01E – FL660 National border with Romania – C 43 44 08N 028 30 04E Lower limit - FL245

The Sofia ACC sector configuration is organised in two family groups: the Sofia family sector group and the Varna family sector group. Following the SATCAS DL upgrade, the CNATCC sector configuration consists of 10 elementary sectors (6 are distributed to Sofia family sectors and 4 to Varna family sectors). These 10 elementary sectors can be further split in up to 40 en-route sectors depending on the operational requirements.

The Sofia family sector group encompasses 4 elementary sector groups (Sofia-Alpha top/upper/middle/lower, Sofia- Bravo top/upper/middle/lower, Sofia-Charlie top/upper/middle/lower, Sofia-Delta top/upper/middle/ lower, Sofia- Echo top/upper/middle/lower, Sofia-Foxtrot top/upper/middle/lower). In 2016, these elementary sectors formed a core group of 8 en-route sectors. During the 2019 summer season, the Sofia family sectors group most frequently accommodated the following sector configurations:

Alpha+ Charlie Upper Bravo+Delta+Echo+Foxtrot Upper


Alpha+ Charlie Lower Bravo+Delta+Echo+Foxtrot Lower

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 11 Released Issue The Varna family sectors group encompasses 4 core elementary sectors (Varna Alpha upper/middle/lower, Varna Bravo upper/middle/lower, Varna Charlie upper/middle/lower and Varna Delta upper/middle/lower). During the 2019 summer season, the Varna family sectors group most frequently accommodated the following sector configurations:

Bravo+Charlie+Delta Upper

Alpha DFL365/375

Bravo+Charlie+Delta Lower

Since November 2015, the sector entry rates were replaced by occupancy counts for both Sofia and Varna family sectors.

Airspace Classification and Organisation

With effect from 27 November 2003, the airspace classification has been changed. Airspace ICAO class A from FL245 till FL660 was replaced by ICAO Class C. No modifications have been stipulated for airspace classification below FL125. With effect from 20 December 2007 the airspace classification ICAO class E from minimum FL defined for each sector up to FL125 has been changed. 1. Airspace class C is applied: • Within the lateral and vertical limits of all CTRs; • Within the lateral limits of Bulgarian TMAs, from 600m height up to the upper limits of the terminal control areas; • To ATS routes within Sofia FIR (from minimum FL defined for each ATS route up to FL660); • Within Sofia FIR airspace outside CTRs, TMAs and ATS routes, from FL105 to FL660.

2. Airspace class E was replaced by ICAO Class C and Class G.

3. Airspace class G is applied:

• Within the lateral limits of Sofia FIR with the exemption of CTRs/TMAs/ATS routes and CTAs from GND/sea level up to FL105; • Within TMAs lateral limits, except CTRs from ground/sea level up to 600 m height.


TMA ’s


FL105 FL105

TWR ’s



When the military zones/areas (CTRs/TMAs of military bases and TSAs) are activated, the airspace within those zones and areas is not classified. In accordance with Regulation No.5 of the Bulgarian Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications, both metric and imperial systems are implemented within the Bulgarian airspace with effect as of 27 November 2003.

ATC Units

The ATC units in the Bulgarian airspace which are of concern to this LSSIP are the following:

ATC Unit Number of sectors Associated FIR(s) Remarks En-route TMA Sofia ACC/APP 12 1 Sofia FIR SATCAS V2 was implemented in February 2008, which facilitated the transfer of Varna en-route sectors to the CNATCC. The number of sectors shown here is the real number of sectors that can be operational, but they can be manned for a short time only due to staff limitations. Varna APP - 1 Sofia FIR APP - 1 Sofia FIR

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 13 Released Issue The provision of aerodrome services within the Bulgarian CTRs is performed by the following TWR units:

• Sofia TWR; • Varna TWR; • Burgas TWR; • TWR; • Gorna Oryahovitsa TWR.

National Stakeholders

The main National Stakeholders involved in ATM in the Republic of Bulgaria are the following: − Directorate General Civil Aviation Administration (DG CAA); − Bulgarian Air Traffic Services Authority (BULATSA); − Military Authorities; − Airport Operators.

Their activities are detailed in the following subchapters and their relationships are shown in the diagram below.

Ministry of Transport, Ministry of IT and Communications Defence Airspace Management Board Directorate General Air Force Civil Aviation Command Administration

Air Traffic Military Air Traffic Airport Operators Services Authority Services Authority

The Airspace Management Board is not a stakeholder itself but a strategic level body of the unified system for civil and military airspace management in the Republic of Bulgaria. It includes stakeholders’ representatives from the Ministry of Transport, IT and Communications, Ministry of Defence, Directorate General of the Civil Aviation Administration, Staff of the Bulgarian Army, Air Force HQ, Bulgarian Air Traffic Services Authority (BULATSA) and the Military ATM Section. It acts as an executive interagency body of the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Defence. The main tasks of the Air Space Management Board are:

• Unification of civil and military operations related to the airspace management; • State policy management on the strategic planning and distribution of the airspace; • Co-ordination between the civil and military authorities.

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 14 Released Issue Civil Regulator(s)

General Information

The Minister of Transport, IT and Communications is responsible for the management and supervision of civil aviation, civil aircraft and aeronautical facilities within the Republic of Bulgaria. The Minister exercises his/her functions through the Directorate General Civil Aviation Administration (DG CAA).

Activity in ATM: Organisation responsible Legal Basis Rule-making Directorate General Civil The legal basis and power to undertake ATM safety Aviation Administration regulation in Bulgaria are defined in the Civil Aviation Act. (DG CAA) The rules and regulations, as a second level of the safety regulatory framework, are in place and effectively applied by the DG CAA. The Minister of Transport is entrusted with the promulgation of ATM safety regulations/ordinances proposed by the DG CAA. The third level of regulation is DG CAA instructions and decrees as dynamic/temporary measures. Safety Oversight DG CAA, “ANS” Dept. Civil Aviation Act and DG CAA Structural regulation Enforcement actions in case of DG CAA Civil Aviation Act, DG CAA Structural regulation non-compliance with safety regulatory requirements Airspace Ministry of Transport, Civil Aviation Act Information Technology Airspace management - National Regulation No.19, and Communications and National Instruction 24 and National Instruction 25 Ministry of Defence Economic Ministry of Transport, Charges Regulation applicable for the usage of public Information Technology airports and for the provision of air navigation services in and Communications / DG the Republic of Bulgaria CAA

Environment DG CAA National Regulation No.16, National Regulation No.30 Security DG CAA Civil Aviation Act Accident investigation Aircraft Accident Civil Aviation Act (Article 16 and Article 142), National Investigation Unit (AAIU) Regulation No. 13


The Directorate General Civil Aviation Administration (DG CAA) is the Bulgarian Regulatory Authority and it is a legal entity within the Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications (MTITC) responsible for the supervision of the safety of aviation in the national airspace, certification of civil aircraft and equipment, certification and licensing of aircraft operators, the relevant staff involved in civil aviation and the licensing of aviation training centres. The DG CAA carries out the assigned functions in accordance with the European regulations in the field of Air Transport, the Civil Aviation Act, the related regulations and Ministerial decrees. The DG CAA Structural Regulation (Official Gazette 37/1999, last amended 63/2018) sets out the state administration responsibilities and functions. The DG CAA is managed and represented by a Director General, who is authorized to promulgate the administrative acts and mandatory directives in accordance with the applicable legislation. Art.16 (c) of the Civil Aviation Act states that the Directorate General Civil Aviation Administration is a National Supervisory Authority (NSA) regarding the safe and effective operation of air navigation services providers. In performing its functions, the national authority is independent functionally, organisationally and institutionally from the air navigation services providers.

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 15 Released Issue Annual Report published: N The Annual Report covering 2019 activities is still under preparation. Annual reports for previous years can be found on

National Civil Aviation N NOTE 1: National CAMP is referenced in ICAO resolutions below: Master Plan (CAMP): • A39-23: No Country Left Behind (NCLB) Initiative (Draws the attention of Contracting States requesting technical cooperation and technical assistance to the advantages to be derived from well-defined projects based on civil aviation master plans) • A39-25: Aviation’s contribution towards the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (Urges Member States to enhance their air transport systems by effectively implementing SARPs and policies while at the same time including and elevating the priority of the aviation sector into their national development plans supported by robust air transport sector strategic plans and civil aviation master plans, thereby leading to the attainment of the SDGs) • A39-26: Resource Mobilization (Requests the Secretary General to develop guidance material to assist States in including and elevating the priority of the aviation sector into their national development plans and developing robust air transport sector strategic plans and civil aviation master plans).

Website: Directorate General Civil Aviation Administration - The DG CAA organisation chart is given in Annexes.

Air Navigation Service Provider(s)

BULATSA (BULgarian Air Traffic Services Authority)

Service provided

Governance: State Enterprise Ownership: 100% state-owned Services provided Y/N Comment ATC en-route Y The Common National Air Traffic Control Centre in Sofia was operationally deployed in February 2008. ATC approach Y Sofia, Varna, Burgas. ATC Aerodrome(s) Y Sofia, Varna, Burgas, Plovdiv, Gorna Oryahovitsa. AIS Y 5 airports plus en-route services. CNS Y All CNS infrastructure is BULATSA property. MET Y 5 airports plus en-route services. ATCO training Y BULATSA training centre. Others N/A Please specify (ex. Airport management) Additional information: Provision of services in Y BULATSA provides air traffic services (ATS), communication service (COM) and other State(s): surveillance service (SUR) within the cross-border sector (Sector DF 1) as an integral part of the adjacent sectors within SOFIA FIR, having the lateral and vertical limits as described in Section 1.1.2 – Geographical description of the FIR(s).

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 16 Released Issue

The navigation service (NAV), meteorological service (MET) and aeronautical information service (AIS) below FL245 is provided within the same volume of airspace (Sector DF 1), by the ANSP of the host State, using the available resources. Annual Report published: N The Annual Report covering 2019 activities is still under preparation. The annual reports for previous years covering the activities of the ANSP are available at:

Website: The BULATSA organisation chart is given in Annexes.

ATC Systems in use

Main ANSP part of any technology alliance1 N -

FDPS Specify the manufacturer of the ATC system currently in use: Leonardo (former FINMECCANICA/SELEX ES) Upgrade2 of the ATC system is performed or planned? SATCAS V3 DL 2016 New FRA functionalities 2021 Replacement of the ATC system by the new one is planned? 2026 ATC Unit Sofia ACC/APP, Burgas APP, Varna APP

SDPS Specify the manufacturer of the ATC system currently in use: ARTAS (EUROCONTROL) primary. Fall-back tracker (RFB) is provided by Leonardo. Upgrade of the ATC system is performed or planned? ARTAS was last upgraded in March 2015. A major upgrade for ARTAS was made in February 2019. The fall-back tracker was upgraded in December 2019. Replacement of the ATC system by the new one is planned? 2026 ATC Unit Sofia ACC/APP, Burgas APP, Varna APP

1 Technology alliance is an alliance with another service provider for joint procurement of technology from a particular supplier (e.g. COOPANS alliance) 2 Upgrade is defined as any modification that changes the operational characteristics of the system (SES Framework Regulation 549/2004, Article 2 (40))

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 17 Released Issue Airports

General information

There are 5 international state-owned airports in the Republic of Bulgaria. • Sofia • Plovdiv • Gorna Oryahovitsa • Varna • Burgas

Sofia and Plovdiv airports are state owned and operated. Varna and Burgas airports are operated by the German- Bulgarian consortium “ Twin Star Airport Management” ( since 2006. Gorna Oryahovitsa airport is operated by the “Civil Airport Gorna Oryahovica 2016” Plc. consortium.

Airport(s) covered by the LSSIP

Referring to the List of Airports in the European ATM Master Plan Level 3 Implementation Plan Edition 2019 – Annex 2, it is up to the individual State to decide which additional airports will be reported through LSSIP for those Objectives

The airport fully covered in this LSSIP is Sofia International Airport.

Varna, Burgas, Plovdiv and Gorna Oryahovitsa airports are also covered by the LSSIP, but only within the scope of the APO part of the following objectives: • ITY-ADQ; • ITY-AGVCS2; • SAF11.

The EUROCONTROL Public Airport Corner also provides information for the following airport(s):

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 18 Released Issue Military Authorities

The Military Authorities involved in ATM in the Republic of Bulgaria are composed of: • Ministry of Defence (MoD); • Staff of Defence (SoD); • Air Force Headquarters (AFHQ); • Military ATM Section; • Air Operations Centre (AOC); • Air Bases.

The SoD, AFHQ, Military ATM Section, AOC and the Air Bases report to the Ministry of Defence. The military authorities in the Republic of Bulgaria have no responsibility for the provision of ATS to GAT traffic. Their regulatory, service provision and user roles in ATM are detailed below.

Regulatory role

Regulatory framework and rule making

OAT GAT OAT and provision of service for OAT governed by Y Provision of service for GAT by the Military governed N national legal provisions? by national legal provisions? Level of such legal provision: Ministerial Decrees and Level of such legal provision: N/A Instructions Authority signing such legal provision: Minister of Defence Authority signing such legal provision: N/A and Commander of the BGR Air Force These provisions cover: These provisions cover: Rules of the Air for OAT Y Organisation of military ATS for OAT Y Organisation of military ATS for GAT OAT/GAT Co-ordination Y OAT/GAT Co-ordination ATCO Training Y ATCO Training ATCO Licensing N ATCO Licensing N/A ANSP Certification N ANSP Certification N/A ANSP Supervision Y ANSP Supervision N/A Aircrew Training Y ESARR applicability N/A Aircrew Licensing N Additional Information: ANSP for the military aircraft is the Air Force. The Chief of Air Force licenses the MATCO/aircrew Additional Information: N/A personnel. Additional Information: The administrative supervision is exercised by the AFHQ. Specifically, the operational one is Additional Information: N/A done by the MATM section within AFHQ. Means used to inform airspace users (other than military) Means used to inform airspace users (other than about these provisions: military) about these provisions: N/A

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 19 Released Issue

OAT GAT National AIP N/A National AIP N/A National Military AIP Y National Military AIP N/A EUROCONTROL eAIP N/A EUROCONTROL eAIP N/A Other: N/A Other: N/A


OAT GAT National oversight body for OAT: AFHQ NSA (as per SES reg. 550/2004) for GAT services provided by the military: N/A Additional information: N/A Additional information: N/A

Service Provision role

OAT GAT Services Provided: Services Provided: En-Route Air Operation Centre/AOC Sofia En-Route N/A Mil Control Approach/TMA Air Bases Approach/TMA N/A Airfield/TWR/GND Air Bases Airfield/TWR/GND N/A AIS Command, Control and AIS N/A Surveillance Base MET Separate unit within AOC MET N/A SAR A transport aircraft and/or SAR N/A helicopter are assigned 24/7 for SAR duty for the entire territory. Additionally, SAR Teams are assigned by the Air Base Commanders for a designated area of responsibility. TSA/TRA monitoring Airspace Use and Coordination FIS N/A Centre within the AOC Other: CNS services Other: N/A Additional Information: Additional Information:

Military ANSP providing GAT N/A If YES, since: N/A Duration of the Certificate: N/A services SES certified? Certificate issued by: N/A If NO, is this fact reported to the EC in - accordance with SES regulations? Additional Information: -

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 20 Released Issue User role

IFR inside controlled airspace, Military aircraft can OAT only - GAT only - Both OAT and GAT Y fly?

If Military fly OAT-IFR inside controlled airspace, specify the available options: Free Routing N/A Within specific corridors only N/A Within the regular (GAT) national route network Y Under radar control Y Within a special OAT route system N/A Under radar advisory service N/A

If Military fly GAT-IFR inside controlled airspace, specify existing special arrangements: No special arrangements N/A Exemption from Route Charges Y Exemption from flow and capacity (ATFCM) measures Y Provision of ATC in UHF Y CNS exemptions: RVSM Y 8.33 Y Mode S N/A ACAS Y Others: N/A

Flexible Use of Airspace (FUA)

Military in the Republic of Bulgaria applies FUA requirements as specified in the Regulation No 2150/2005: Y FUA Level 1 implemented: Y FUA Level 2 implemented: Y FUA Level 3 implemented: Y

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 21 Released Issue 2. Traffic and Capacity

Evolution of traffic in the Republic of Bulgaria

Bulgaria - Annual IFR Movements

1400000 Bulgaria - Distribution (Ref. year 2018)

Domestic 1200000 flights0%

1000000 International Dep/Arr 11%


IFR flights 600000 Overflights 89% IFR movements - Actuals 400000 IFR movements - Baseline forecast IFR movements - High forecast 200000 IFR movements - Low forecast A = Actual 0 2015 A 2016 A 2017 A 2018 A 2019 F 2020 F 2021 F 2022 F 2023 F 2024 F 2025 F F = Forecast

EUROCONTROL Seven-Year Forecast (Autumn 2019) IFR flights yearly growth 2016 A 2017 A 2018 A 2019 F 2020 F 2021 F 2022 F 2023 F 2024 F 2025 F H 1.8% 6.5% 5.5% 4.8% 4.4% 4.5% 4.0% Bulgaria B -1.2% 3.4% 11.2% 1.2% 4.6% 3.4% 3.7% 3.1% 3.2% 2.6% L 0.6% 2.5% 1.3% 2.0% 1.9% 1.8% 1.1% ECAC B 2.8% 4.0% 3.8% 1.1% 2.3% 1.9% 2.2% 1.8% 1.9% 1.4%

2019 Traffic in Bulgaria increased by 0.9% in 2019 compared to 2018.


The EUROCONTROL Seven-Year Forecast predicts an average annual increase between 1.8% and 5.0%, with a baseline growth of 3.4% during the planning cycle.

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 22 Released Issue ACC Sofia

Traffic and en-route ATFM delays 2015-2024

LBSRACC - Traffic and en-route ATFM delays

4000 1.0

0.9 3500 0.8 3000 0.7 2500 0.6

2000 0.5

0.4 1500 IFR Average) flights (Daily 0.3

1000 flight) per Enroute (minutes Delay 0.2 500 0.1

0 0.0 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Peak Day Traffic 3179 2915 2997 3336 3303 Summer Traffic 2513 2405 2490 2804 2791 Yearly Traffic 2046 2010 2076 2319 2342 Summer Traffic Forecast 2935 3049 3161 3257 3353 High Traffic Forecast - Summer 2990 3165 3315 3460 3605 Low Traffic Forecast - Summer 2870 2926 2983 3043 3092 Summer enroute delay (all causes) 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 Yearly enroute delay (all causes) 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 23 Released Issue Performance summer 2019

Traffic evolution (2019 vs 2018) En-route Delay (min. per flight) Capacity (2019 vs 2018) Sofia Traffic Forecast ACC Reference ACC Actual Traffic All reasons Current Shortest Value Routes Capacity Routes Planned Achieved gap? Year H: 6.7% 1.0% 0.00 0.07 B: 5.3% -4% Summer L: 2.3% -0.5% 0.00 220 (+9%) 202 (+0%) No

Summer 2019 performance assessment The en-route delay remained at zero minutes per flight during summer in 2019. The ACC capacity baseline was measured with ACCESS and was assessed to be at 202. During the period June/July, the average peak 1-hour demand was 184 flights and the average peak 3-hour demand was 170 flights. Operational actions Achieved Comments Stepped implementation of full FRA Yes Gradual implementation of AFUA functionalities Yes Improved ATFCM, including use of occupancy counts and STAM Yes Implementation of Traffic Complexity Tool Ongoing Airspace changes at the interface with resulting from the Ongoing implementation of the Istanbul new airport and of the second runway at Sabiha Changes in the LoAs with DHMI Gökçen airport. Cross sector training as required Yes Additional ATCOs Yes ATC system upgrade Ongoing Finalisation planned in 2021 WAM in east part of FIR Yes WAM in west part of FIR Ongoing Finalisation planned in 2020 New EN-route Radar on the Black Sea Coast Ongoing Finalisation planned in 2020 Gradual increase of maximum sector configurations available up to 18 sectors Yes Maximum configuration: 18 sectors Yes 10 sectors were sufficient most of the time in 2019

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 24 Released Issue Planning Period 2020-2024

The planning focuses on the Summer season to reflect the most demanding period of the year from a capacity perspective. This approach ensures consistency with the previous planning cycles. The measures for each year are the measures that will be implemented before the summer season.

Summer Capacity Plan

2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

Free Route Airspace Full FRA in SEEFRA

Airspace Management Gradual implementation of AFUA functionalities Advanced FUA

Airport & TMA Network Integration

Improved ATFCM, including use of occupancy counts and STAM

Cooperative Traffic Management Implementation of Traffic Complexity Tool

Airspace changes at the interface with Turkey resulting from the implementation of the Istanbul new airport and of the Airspace second runway at Sabiha Gökçen airport.


Cross sector training as required Staffing Additional ATCOs

ATC system upgrade New ATC System

WAM in west part of Technical FIR

New EN-route Radar on the Black Sea Coast

Gradual increase of maximum sector configurations Capacity available up to 18 sectors

Dynamic OTMV Adaptation

Significant Events New airport in Istanbul

Max sectors 18* 18* >18* >18* >18*

Planned Annual Capacity Increase 4% 4% 4% 4% 4%

Reference profile Annual % Increase 0% 0% 2% 4% 3%

Current Routes Profile % Increase 1% 2% 4% 4% 3%

Difference Capacity Plan v. Reference 4.0% 7.4% 9.1% 9.3% 9.9% Profile

Difference Capacity Plan v. Current 2.9% 4.3% 4.6% 4.9% 5.6% routes Profile

Annual Reference Value (min) 0.16 0.16 0.14 0.10 0.10

* According to the traffic demand and ATCO availability Additional information The new ATC system will allow opening a larger number of sectors

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 25 Released Issue The sector opening scheme will be flexibly adapted to the traffic demand and might go up to 18 sectors if needed in summer 2020.

LBSRACC - Reference capacity profile and alternative scenarios 260





160 Capacity Capacity profile (movements per hour)


120 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Reference Capacity Profile 202 203 208 216 223 Capacity Profile - Shortest Routes (Open) 202 202 202 202 202 Capacity Profile - Current Routes 204 209 217 225 232 Capacity Profile - High 202 209 220 229 241 Capacity Profile - Low 202 202 203 205 208 Capacity Baseline 202 202 2020 - 2024 Plan 210 218 227 236 245

2020-2024 Planning Period Outlook Following discussions between NM and BULATSA, it was strongly recommended and agreed that the plan for Sofia ACC is based on the High Traffic Growth Hypothesis Capacity Profile. It will cater for the uncertainty on the actual evolution of traffic as a result of the opening of the new and of the eNM initiative measures foreseen for summer 2020 and beyond. Thanks to this planning approach, which continues to feature high flexibility in controller recruitment, planning and availability, sector opening schemes and sector capacities, no problems are foreseen for Sofia ACC during the planning cycle.

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 26 Released Issue 3. Implementation Projects

The tables below present the high-level information about the main projects currently ongoing in Republic of Bulgaria. The details of each project are available in Chapter 2 of the Level 2 - Detailed Implementation Status document. National projects

Name of project: Organisation(s): Schedule: Status: ATM MP Links: Communication infrastructure for BULATSA (BG) 05.02.2018 Completed. L3: ITY-AGDL A/G Data Link Services DP: AF6, Family 6.1.1 RP2 PP: Capex 5 Implementation of traffic BULATSA (BG) 01.10.2020 The project progress is L3: FCM06 complexity assessment tool in according its schedule. DP: AF4, Family 4.4.2 Sofia ACC RP2 PP: Capex 5 Modernisation of the A/G radio BULATSA (BG) 31.12.2018 Completed. L3: ITY-AGVCS2 communication equipment RP2 PP: Capex 5 New ATM system (incl. en-route BULATSA (BG) 31.12.2026 Pre-definition phase. L3: AOM19.4, AOM21.2, ATC02.9, ATC07.1, AMAN and back-up) ATC12.1, ATC15.1, ATC15.2, ATC17, FCM03, FCM08, ITY-ACID, ITY-AGDL, ITY-FMTP, ITY-SPI, RP3 PP: Capex 1 New PSRs and SSRs BULATSA (BG) 31.01.2018 Completed. L3: ITY-SPI (en-route and TMA) RP2 PP: Capex 2 New PSRs and SSR East part of BULATSA (BG) 31.12.2022 Ongoing. L3: ITY-SPI Sofia FIR RP3 PP: Capex 2 VOR/DME upgrade BULATSA (BG) Q3 2019 Completed. L3: NAV03.1 RP2 PP: Capex 7 WAM and ADS-B BULATSA (BG) The objective is according the defined Ongoing. L3: ITY-SPI plans - procurement was done in Q2 RP2 PP: Capex 15 2016, acceptance by Q1 2020. Building of Contingency and Data BULATSA (BG) 30.09.2022 for the building Pre-definition phase. L3: N.A. Center and Equipment 30.06.2026 for the equipment RP3 PP: Capex 3

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 27 Released Issue FAB projects

FAB enlargement (DFAP2020/A08) Organisation(s): BULATSA (BG), ROMATSA (RO) Type of project: FAB Schedule: Ongoing process Status: As a gateway to Europe, DANUBE FAB is in an ideal position to expand the influence of SES and is open for accession of neighbouring countries. It is a long- term strategy of DANUBE FAB to extend its geographical scope. During the thirteenth DANUBE FAB Governing Council (28th May 2019) the Republic of Moldova was officially granted Observer Status in the DANUBE FAB. Representatives of the Republic of Moldova and of the Republic of North Macedonia regularly attend as Observers the DANUBE FAB Governing Council meetings.

DANUBE FAB is committed to expanding the influence of SES and advancing the status of these nations within DANUBE FAB. MOLDATSA & M-NAV will be engaged and encouraged to actively participate at the 15th ANSP Board meeting in Bucharest in Spring 2020. This will take place following the necessary coordination at DG level, setup of point of contacts followed by preliminary coordination meetings and discussions in order to raise some constructive common objectives. Description: DANUBE FAB is in the position to expand the influence of SES and is open for accession of neighboring countries. It is a long-term strategy of DANUBE FAB to extend its geographical scope. Link and references ATM MP links: - Other links: N/A Project included in RP2 N Name/Code in RP2 - Performance Plan: Performance Plan: Project included in N Name/Code in DP2016: - DP2016: Performance contribution Safety: N/A Environment: N/A Capacity: N/A Cost-efficiency: N/A Operational efficiency: N/A Security: N/A Cooperation Activities: - Organise meetings at regional level. - Setup cooperation mechanisms with interested parties for FAB enlargement. - Prepare and coordinate official correspondence at ANSP DG level with MOLDATSA & M-NAV. - Setup Coordination meetings with MOLDATSA & M-NAV to explore avenues for future collaboration and full DF membership. - Initiate Invitations for MOLDATSA & M-NAV to actively attend and participate in 15th ANSPB meeting.

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 28 Released Issue

Free Route Airspace (DFAP2020/F04) Organisation(s): BULATSA (BG), ROMATSA (RO) Type of project: FAB Schedule: 2020-2021 Status: FRA implementation in the DANUBE FAB airspace with a 24-hour cross-border FRA (SEE FRA - South-East Free Route Airspace) was completed on the 7th November 2019. This concept builds on the previous night FRA implementation in the airspaces of Budapest, București and Sofia CTAs (SEEN FRA). Description: Implement extension of SEE FRA with the participation of other neighbouring countries Link and references ATM MP links: L3: AOM21.2, ITY-AGDL Other links: - Project included in RP2 Y Name/Code in RP2 FRA - DANUBE FAB Performance Plan: Performance Plan: Project included in DP2016: N Name/Code in DP2016: - Performance contribution Safety: ++ The effect of SEE FRA implementation on safety was determined according to the DANUBE FAB FRA real time simulation and the related Safety Case Report. The principal safety arguments revealed that FRA implementation in DANUBE FAB will be acceptably safe. Environment: +++ The FRA implementation will contribute to the EU-wide environment target, and the optimised use of the European airspace. The extension of SEE FRA with the participation of other neighbouring countries will generate cost savings for Airspace Users in terms of distance flown, time taken and fuel consumed, and will reduce the environmental impact, thus enabling full benefits and contribution to the EU-wide environmental target. According to the simulations the synergistic effect of all improvements has the potential to save daily average up to 10 000 NM of the total mileage which represents 80 tons of fuel savings, 250 tons less of CO2 emissions and 26 hours of flying time on a busy day. Capacity: +++ The effect on capacity was determined during the DANUBE FAB FRA Real Time Simulation in November 2015. Overall, although FRA implementation led to increased complexity in some areas of the DANUBE FAB airspace, the controller workload remains at acceptable levels, showing that FRA can be achieved at no cost in capacity, complexity and controller workload. The new flight planning rules significantly optimize the flight trajectories not only by using the shortest connections but also allowing the use of the most effective routings when the impacts on the flights are inevitable e.g. adverse weather avoidance. Cost-efficiency: +++ The implementation of FRA will contribute towards the achievement of the EU-wide cost-efficiency target, through maintaining the workload levels and high throughput. This will make a further contribution towards the optimised use of airspace.

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 29 Released Issue Operational efficiency: ++ The application of the FRA concept within the DANUBE FAB Airspace will contribute fully to the EU-wide target of en-route horizontal flight efficiency and thus to the realization of the SES concept and the achievement of the Pan-European air traffic performance targets. Security: - Cooperation Activities: - Implement extension of SEEN FRA to H24 (SEE FRA). - Investigate expansion of SEE FRA to neighbouring countries.

Inter-FAB Cooperation (DFAP2020/A10) Organisation(s): BULATSA (BG), ROMATSA (RO) Type of project: FAB Schedule: Ongoing process Status: DANUBE FAB is key participant in the InterFAB Coordination Platform and is committed to remaining an attentive and proactive member. To date DANUBE FAB has both participated in and hosted InterFAB workshops. DANUBE FAB shall remain an active member in 2020 and shall attend scheduled workshops and prepare for assuming the role of host again. Description: Cooperation and communication between the nine FABs form the core of the InterFAB Cooperation platform. This platform provides an opportunity for cooperation and coordination across all the FABs, enabling the alignment of common goals, experiences to be shared and a strong and cohesive voice maintained. Link and references ATM MP links: - Other links: N/A Project included in RP2 N Name/Code in RP2 - Performance Plan: Performance Plan: Project included in DP2016: N Name/Code in DP2016: - Performance contribution Safety: N/A Environment: N/A Capacity: N/A Cost-efficiency: N/A Operational efficiency: N/A Security: N/A Cooperation Activities: - Participate to Inter-FAB meetings. - Cooperation within the Gate One framework. - Investigate areas of cooperation and undertake joint projects when applicable.

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 30 Released Issue Technical Rationalisation and Infrastructure (DFAP2020/E01-E08) Organisation(s): BULATSA (BG), ROMATSA (RO) Type of project: FAB Schedule: Ongoing Status: The top priority activities to be continued from previous plans are: • Implementation of Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) in ATM (ground- ground); • Implement Data Link Services above FL 285 (including CPDLC using VDL/2); • Implement extended set of OLDI messages. A new priority activity for 2020 is: • To conduct a comprehensive review and refresh of DANUBE FAB technical rationalisation and infrastructure studies / documentation, with the objective of identifying feasible new common projects. This review shall take place after completion of the updated DANUBE FAB Technical Working Group documents. Description: DANUBE FAB endeavors to jointly plan CNS infrastructure development and where possible conduct common procurement. The objective of this project is to develop the cooperation in the technical domain by identifying opportunities to coordinate, rationalise and/or share technical infrastructure, thereby generating cost savings. Link and references ATM MP links: L3: COM11.2, ITY-AGDL, ITY-SPI Other links: ATM Master Plan: GSURV-0101 Project included in RP2 N Name/Code in RP2 - Performance Plan: Performance Plan: Project included in DP2016: N Name/Code in DP2016: - Performance contribution Safety: Unambiguous radar identification. Improved integrity of the radar data using parameters from the aircraft. Improving the systems ensuring safety. Environment: N/A Capacity: Optimised capacity in the TMAs to ensure redundant coverage. Cost-efficiency: To be determined. Operational efficiency: To be determined. Security: - Cooperation Activities: • Implementation of Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) in ATM (ground- ground). • Support Inter-FAB cooperation activities. • Implement Data Link Services above FL 285 (including CPDLC using VDL/2). • Provide appropriate terrestrial navigation infrastructure to support RNAV operation. • Operational use of and exchange of ADS-B surveillance data within DANUBE FAB. • Implement extended set of OLDI messages. • Maintain Service Level Agreements for the shared use of Surveillance, of Communication and Navigation

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 31 Released Issue Transition to the new SES developments (DFAP2020/A18) Organisation(s): BULATSA (BG), ROMATSA (RO) Type of project: FAB Schedule: 2020 Status: DANUBE FAB is currently developing an Impact Study of the Future architecture of the European airspace (based on the operational and technical dimension set out in the December 2019 edition of the European ATM Master Plan) and the anticipated direction of EU regulations. Description: To reassess the DANUBE FAB activities against the anticipated direction of travel for EU regulations (including which are applicable at DANUBE FAB level and which are only applicable at individual ANSP level). Link and references ATM MP links: - Other links: - Project included in RP2 - Name/Code in RP2 - Performance Plan: Performance Plan: Project included in - Name/Code in DP2016: - DP2016: Performance contribution Safety: N/A Environment: N/A Capacity: N/A Cost-efficiency: N/A Operational efficiency: N/A Security: N/A Cooperation Activities: • Develop Impact study – Future Architecture of the European Airspace against the DANUBE FAB activities • Revisit Annual Plan 2020 and adjust accordingly based on findings derived from Impact Study • Develop DANUBE FAB Strategic Programme 2020-2024

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 32 Released Issue Multinational projects

Gate One Organisation(s): ASP ANS CR (CZ), Austrocontrol (AT), BHANSA (BA), BULATSA Type of (BG), CCL Service Provider (HR), HungaroControl (HU), Letové project: prevádzkové služby Slovenskej republiky, štátny podnik (SK), M- Multinational NAV (MK), ORO NAVIGACIJA (LT), PANSA (PL), ROMATSA (RO), SMATSA (RS), Slovenia Control (SI) Schedule: Ongoing Status: The DANUBE FAB ANSPs are signing parties of the Gate One cooperation agreement on the creation of the regional ANSP platform of Central and Eastern Europe which was established by the designated 13 ANSPs covering 3 existing FABs (Baltic FAB, DANUBE FAB and FAB CE) and 2 non-EU FIRs (Belgrade and Skopje). Through an enhanced cooperation, the Gate One service providers are ensuring more powerful and coordinated positions, voice and role of the countries of the region in the European decision-making processes.

During 2019, Gate One members met at Coordination Committee level (Bratislava 26 February and 12 November) and subsequently at CEO level (Bucharest 3 June, Budapest 20 September and Sofia, 9-10 December). During 2019 Gate One adopted a number of common statements, as follows: - Gate One Position on the Wise Persons Group Report - Gate One Position on the final version of the Airspace Architecture Study Proposal Description: ANSP Cooperation platform of Central and Eastern Europe Link and references ATM MP links: - Other links: - Project included in RP2 N/A Name/Code in RP2 - Performance Plan: Performance Plan: Project included in DP2016: N/A Name/Code in DP2016: - Performance contribution Safety: N/A Environment: N/A Capacity: N/A Cost-efficiency: N/A Operational efficiency: N/A Security: N/A Cooperation Activities: Through an enhanced cooperation, the Gate One service providers are ensuring more powerful and coordinated positions, voice and role of the countries of the region in the European decision-making processes

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 33 Released Issue

InterFAB Coordination Platform Organisation(s): BULATSA (BG), ROMATSA (RO) Type of project: Multinational Schedule: Ongoing Status: In October 2015 Terms of Reference between all nine FABs in Europe were established, forming a unique platform that brings together political, regulatory and service provision representatives. The platform aims to improve FAB performance through wide ranging cooperation and coordination and provides a place to share lessons learned about successful FAB projects, giving ideas for collective areas of development. Meetings in 2019: - 4th Inter Fab Communications workshop, 15-16 January 2019, Langen; - 3rd Inter Fab Performance workshop, 30-31 January 2019, Rome; - Inter FAB Fragmentation Workshop 14-15 May 2019, Budapest; - 5th Inter Fab Communications workshop, 25-26 Sept 2019, Bucharest; - 6th Inter Fab PoC meeting, 17-18 October 2019, Geneve; - 4th Inter Fab Performance workshop, 23-24 October 2019, Vilnius. Description: The nine Functional Airspace Blocks, namely BALTIC FAB, BLUE MED FAB, DANUBE FAB, DK-SW FAB, FAB CE, FABEC, NEFAB, SW FAB and UK-IRELAND FAB, acknowledge the potential benefits of InterFAB coordination, to - Optimise the interfaces between FABs within the Single European Sky (SES), - Enhance their aggregated performance in support of the Single European Sky and the European aviation, and - Allow FABs to actively shape their role in the SES framework. Link and references ATM MP links: - Other links: - Project included in RP2 N/A Name/Code in RP2 - Performance Plan: Performance Plan: Project included in DP2016: N/A Name/Code in DP2016: - Performance contribution Safety: N/A Environment: N/A Capacity: N/A Cost-efficiency: N/A Operational efficiency: N/A Security: N/A Cooperation Activities: • Participate to Inter-FAB meetings. • Investigate areas of cooperation and undertake joint projects when applicable.

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 34 Released Issue 4. Cooperation activities

FAB Co-ordination The DANUBE FAB is currently under phase 4 – FAB Implementation phase. The State Agreement on the establishment of the DANUBE FAB between the Republic of Bulgaria and Romania was signed in December 2011 and was ratified by both governments in 2012. The Agreement entered into force on 16 November 2012, thus ensuring the legal basis for the FAB ahead of the SES deadline.

2012+ FAB Implementation 2010-2011 (step-by-step) Detailed Design & 2009-2010 Pre-Implementation Preliminary 2007-2008 Design Study Phase (Stages 1 & 2)

Development & Quick wins

DANUBE FAB Project Phases The DANUBE FAB State Agreement provides the overarching legal framework for the governance of the FAB. The core bodies are: Governing Council: provides oversight and approval of key FAB documentation (annual plans, safety policy, airspace policy, performance plans etc.). NSA Board: provides a formal coordination and an interface between the NSAs involved in supervisory tasks at DANUBE FAB level. ANSP Board: oversees implementation of the FAB at the ANSP level via the ANSP agreement. Airspace Policy Body: responsible for enhancing the joint civil-military coordination process and for the flexible use of airspace application within the cross-border airspace.

Enabled by the DANUBE FAB State Agreement

DANUBE FAB Airspace Governing Council Policy Body

NSA ANSP Board Board

The ANSP Board is supported in the implementation of the FAB through its working arrangements, including specialised Standing Committees or other supporting bodies established in accordance with their respective Rules of Procedures.

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 35 Released Issue The ANSP Board is supported by the Strategy and Planning Standing Committee (SAPSC), which is composed of ANSP experts for all DANUBE FAB cooperation domains. In turn, SAPSC is supported by the Operations Standing Committee (OSC) which carries out work in the areas of operations, by the Technical working group and the Training Board, as well as by the Safety, Quality, Environment and Security Standing Committee (SQSESC).

Enabled by the DANUBE FAB ANSP Cooperation Agreement

ANSP Board

Strategic and Planning Standing Committee Administrative Cell

Safety, Quality, Security Operational and Environment Standing Committee Standing Committee

DANUBE FAB ANSP Working Structure

The Administrative Cell supports the SAPSC and is guided in its work by a set of overarching documents including the Project Management Plan (including the Communications Plan and Quality Management Plan) as well as the DANUBE FAB State Agreement and the ANSP Cooperation Agreement.

4.1.1. Work structure

The DANUBE FAB governance structure represents the roles and responsibilities of the involved parties. However, in order to ensure effective project management, it is essential that this governance structure is complimented by a clear work structure.

Defined below is the project work structure. Five central pillars are listed, which are an evolution of those defined at the beginning of the DANUBE FAB implementation. Each of the five pillars represents a different thread of activity to ensure that the FAB can establish a clear direction, a means to progress along that direction and activities to monitor and correct progress.

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 36 Released Issue The five pillars, along with the intent of each are provided in the figure below:

Vision and Strategy Establish where we are going

Projects Implement the necessary activities to get us there

Project Management Monitor and assess our progress and Reporting

Governance Provide the necessary support and oversight to ensure delivery

Promote the FAB internally and externally; foster Inter-FAB, FAB – Communication Industry and FAB – EC relationships

DANUBE FAB Work Structure

4.1.2. Strategy & Planning

In order to meet its objective, DANUBE FAB has developed the Strategic Program, which provides a high-level overview of how and when the strategic objectives are to be achieved. It contains activities that contribute to EU- wide performance targets and specifically the Key Performance Areas of the RP3 Performance Plans of each FAB state. Achievements for 2019

DANUBE FAB has progressed in several key areas during 2019. As well as retaining a core focus on airspace projects within the FAB framework, DANUBE FAB has been looking further afield towards cooperation initiatives with other FABs and State partners. An overview of some high priority initiatives is given below. Free Route Airspace

DANUBE FAB has committed to implementing FAB-wide Free Route Airspace beyond night-time operations by 2020. FRA implementation in the DANUBE FAB airspace with a 24-hour cross-border FRA (SEE FRA - South-East Free Route Airspace) was completed on the 7th November 2019. This concept builds on the previous night FRA implementation in the airspaces of Budapest, București and Sofia CTAs (SEEN FRA). Technical Rationalisation and Infrastructure

DANUBE FAB endeavours to jointly plan CNS infrastructure development and where possible conduct common procurement. The objective of this project is to develop the cooperation in the technical domain by identifying opportunities to coordinate, rationalise and/or share technical infrastructure, thereby generating cost savings. Inter-FAB Coordination

Cooperation and communication between the nine FABs form the core of the InterFAB Cooperation platform. This platform provides an opportunity for cooperation and coordination across all the FABs, enabling the alignment of common goals, experiences to be shared and a strong and cohesive voice maintained.

DANUBE FAB is key participant in the InterFAB Coordination Platform and is committed to remaining an attentive and proactive member. To date DANUBE FAB has both participated in and hosted interFAB workshops. DANUBE FAB shall remain an active member in 2020 and shall attend scheduled workshops and prepare for assuming the role of host again.

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 37 Released Issue FAB Enlargement

As a gateway to Europe, DANUBE FAB is in an ideal position to expand the influence of SES and is open for accession of neighbouring countries. It is a long-term strategy of DANUBE FAB to extend its geographical scope. During the thirteenth DANUBE FAB Governing Council (28th May 2019) the Republic of Moldova was officially granted Observer Status in the DANUBE FAB. Representatives of the Republic of Moldova and of the Republic of North Macedonia regularly attend as Observers the DANUBE FAB Governing Council meetings. Future plans

According to the DANUBE FAB Annual Plan, the High Priority Projects represent major tasks or activities to be undertaken or implemented within the DANUBE FAB. These Priority Projects aim to ensure the focus is on significant projects within DANUBE FAB, and therefore represent the areas where persistent work is necessary in order to ensure the FAB meets EU requirements or to ensure the evolution of the FAB.

These projects are: Free Route Airspace

Following coordination, it was agreed SEEN FRA operations in Slovakian airspace to be expanded by four hours, as from 27 February 2020. The Network Manager will further approach Slovakia to include Bratislava CTA as an extension of SEE FRA by the end of 2020. Technical Rationalisation and Infrastructure

The top priority activities to be continued from previous plans are:

. Implementation of Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) in ATM (ground-ground); . Implement Data Link Services above FL 285 (including CPDLC using VDL/2); . Implement extended set of OLDI messages.

A new priority activity for 2020 is:

. To conduct a comprehensive review and refresh of DANUBE FAB technical rationalisation and infrastructure studies / documentation, with the objective of identifying feasible new common projects. This review shall take place after completion of the updated DANUBE FAB Technical Working Group documents. FAB Enlargement

DANUBE FAB is committed to expanding the influence of SES and advancing the status of these nations within DANUBE FAB. MOLDATSA & M-NAV will be engaged and encouraged to actively participate at the ANSP Board meetings as of Spring 2020. This will take place following the necessary coordination at DG level, setup of point of contacts followed by preliminary coordination meetings and discussions in order to raise some constructive common objectives. Inter-FAB Coordination

It is a priority for DANUBE FAB to build on inter-FAB cooperation in order to investigate new projects or extend existing projects regionally with neighbouring FABs and its European and international partners.

DANUBE FAB is committed to cooperating and coordinating with other FABs, particularly with its neighbouring FABs (BLUE MED FAB and FAB CE) and especially in the framework of the IFCP. Transition to the new SES developments

The European Commission’s vision for a Single European Sky continues to evolve with the release in 2019 of several key documents that will shape the next phases of ATM regulatory developments. These documents include the Airspace Architecture Study, Wise Persons Group Report, Airspace Architecture Study Transition Plan and ATM Master Plan Lv3.

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 38 Released Issue The impact of these documents on FABs and indeed on future SES package of legislation (e.g. SES2+) are unclear for the moment. Nevertheless, and rather than wait until the impact does become clear, there is an opportunity for DANUBE FAB to take the initiative in anticipation of those next phases of ATM regulatory developments. In other words, DANUBE FAB could analyse the opportunity to become an early mover and undertake projects that might allow it to transition towards the Target Airspace Architecture even before that Architecture becomes clear.

To do this will first require:

. The development of an Impact Study of the Future architecture of the European airspace. . A reassessment of DANUBE FAB activities against the anticipated direction of travel for EU regulations. . Securing sufficient buy-in to progressing in the anticipated direction. Success will only be possible through collaboration and commitment from all ATM stakeholders including professional staff as well as Member States. . An update of the DANUBE FAB Strategic Program 2020-2024 and the Annual Plan 2020 to reflect the new regulatory direction.

For more details, please visit the DANUBE FAB website:

Multinational cooperation initiatives Gate One

The DANUBE FAB ANSPs are signing parties of the Gate One cooperation agreement on the creation of the regional ANSP platform of Central and Eastern Europe which was established by the designated 13 ANSPs covering 3 existing FABs (Baltic FAB, DANUBE FAB and FAB CE) and 2 non-EU FIRs (Belgrade and Skopje). Through an enhanced cooperation, the Gate One service providers are ensuring more powerful and coordinated positions, voice and role of the countries of the region in the European decision-making processes.

During 2019, Gate One members met at Coordination Committee level (Bratislava 26 February and 12 November) and subsequently at CEO level (Bucharest 3 June, Budapest 20 September and Sofia, 9-10 December). During 2019 Gate One adopted a number of common statements, as follows:

. Gate One Position on the Wise Persons Group Report . Gate One Position on the final version of the Airspace Architecture Study Proposal

Also, the participation of members of Gate One, both individually and on behalf of the platform, at different fora have been coordinated or common positions have been agreed. Moreover, Gate One was one of the signatory parties on 11 September 2019 of the Future of the Single European Sky (SES), a joint declaration of the European Commission alongside all European aviation stakeholders for finding concrete solutions for the airspace of tomorrow.

InterFAB Coordination Platform

In October 2015 Terms of Reference between all nine FABs in Europe were established, forming a unique platform that brings together political, regulatory and service provision representatives. This platform provides an opportunity for cooperation and coordination across all the FABs, enabling the alignment of common goals, experiences to be shared and a strong and cohesive voice maintained.

DANUBE FAB is key participant in the InterFAB Coordination Platform and is committed to remaining an attentive and proactive member. To date DANUBE FAB, together with its partners from BALTIC FAB, BLUE MED FAB, DK-SW FAB, FAB CE, FABEC, NEFAB, SW FAB and UK-IRELAND FAB, acknowledge the potential benefits of InterFAB coordination, to:

. Optimise the interfaces between FABs within the Single European Sky (SES), . Enhance their aggregated performance in support of the Single European Sky and the European aviation, and . Allow FABs to actively shape their role in the SES framework.

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 39 Released Issue To this end they have agreed to participate and contribute to the InterFAB coordination. A coordination group of 9 Points of Contact of the FABs has originally been set up as platform to manage the InterFAB coordination and the exchange information.

Over time, the InterFAB Coordination meetings among the FABs’ Points of Contact have spawned 3 additional workstreams dedicated to specific areas:

. Operations . Communication . Performance.

The purpose of InterFAB coordination is to provide for a structure to facilitate coordination and cooperation between the FABs, in order to contribute to a reduced fragmentation of the European airspace and support the optimisation of the European ATM Network (EATMN) and provide a working structure for coordination and cooperation on activities amongst them.

Areas of cooperation:

. Performance / results that FABs have achieved (inventory, questionnaire), . Essential coordination issues between FABs, . Airspace optimisation, including cross-border issues or free route airspace, . SES developments regarding FABs, . Performance (targets, plans and cooperation with the Commission), . Interesting practices regarding FAB governance and institutional issues, . SESAR deployment (e.g. joint activities common procurement of systems), . Ad-hoc topics such as EU-pilot, . Civil/military co-operation, and . Meetings and discussions with the European Commission.

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 40 Released Issue 5. Implementation Objectives Progress

State View: Overall Objective Implementation Progress

13; [21%] 16; [26%] Completed Ongoing Planned Late 11; [18%] 7; [11%] Not yet planned Not Applicable

7; [11%] 8; [13%]

1) The most important achievement in 2019 for Republic of Bulgaria was the implementation of SEE FRA with Romania and . ATC 15.2 was also completed by implementing the new Istanbul airport AMAN en-route integration. Nevertheless, in 2019 there were some issues related to the implementation of some objectives, like AOM13.1, INF07 and ITY-ADQ, due mainly to organisational obstacles and uncontrollable factors. The harmonisation under AOM13.1 and ATC 16 depends on the deliveries of the new force military aircraft. 2) For the upcoming 2020/2021, there are plans to keep up the good progress on the tasks in hand, as well as to achieve some progress in the ones lagging behind, i. e.: • The CCO and CDO plan, although not applicable for any Bulgarian airports, will be introduced well ahead of the schedule as all existing procedures have already been designed according to their requirements. • The national project for the implementation of a Traffic Complexity tool to meet FCM 06 is well under way and is expected to be completed by the end of 2020. • The existing ATM system SATCAS is already at the end of its lifespan and BULATSA will continue to work on the planning and preparatory process for its replacement.

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 41 Released Issue Objective Progress per SESAR Key Feature

The Implementation objectives progress charts per Key Feature below show progress only for Implementation Objectives applicable to the State/airport and which are not local objectives Note: The detailed table of links between Implementation Objectives and SESAR Key Features is available in Annex C: Implementation Objectives’ links with SESAR, ICAO and DP.


 ## % = Expected completion / % Progress

= Implementation Objective timeline (different colour per KF)  100% = Objective completed = Completion beyond Implementation Objective timeline

Optimised ATM Network Services

<16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 >26

AOM13.1 Harmonise Operational Air Traffic (OAT) and 43 %

General Air Traffic (GAT) Handling 

AOM19.1 ASM Support Tools to Support Advanced FUA 100 %

(AFUA) 

AOM19.2 ASM Management of Real-Time Airspace Data 0 %

AOM19.3 Full Rolling ASM/ATFCM Process and ASM 0 %

Information Sharing

AOM19.4 Management of Pre-defined Airspace 0 %


FCM01 Implement enhanced tactical flow 100 %

management services 

FCM03 Collaborative Flight Planning 100 %

FCM04.2 Short Term ATFCM Measures (STAM) - Phase 0 %

2 

FCM05 Interactive Rolling NOP 40 %

FCM06 Traffic Complexity Assessment 60 %

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 42 Released Issue Advanced Air Traffic Services

<16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 >26

AOM21.2 Free Route Airspace 100 %

ATC02.2 Implement ground based safety nets - Short 100 %

Term Conflict Alert (STCA) - level 2 for en- 

route operations

ATC02.8 Ground-Based Safety Nets 100 %

ATC02.9 Short Term Conflict Alert (STCA) for TMAs 100 %

ATC12.1 Automated Support for Conflict Detection, 100 %

Resolution Support Information and 

Conformance Monitoring

ATC15.1 Information Exchange with En-route in 0 %

Support of AMAN 

ATC15.2 Arrival Management Extended to En-route 100 %

Airspace 

ATC16 Implement ACAS II compliant with TCAS II 74 %

change 7.1 

ATC17 Electronic Dialogue as Automated Assistance 95 %

to Controller during Coordination and 


ITY-COTR Implementation of ground-ground automated 100 %

co-ordination processes 

NAV03.1 RNAV 1 in TMA Operations 89

 %

NAV03.2 RNP 1 in TMA Operations 0 %

NAV10 RNP Approach Procedures to instrument RWY 66 %

NAV12 ATS IFR Routes for Rotorcraft Operations 0

 %

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 43 Released Issue High Performing Airport Operations

<16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 >26

AOP04.1 Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and

Control System A-SMGCS Surveillance (former Level 1)

LBSF - Sofia Airport  100 %

SAF11 Improve Runway Safety by Preventing 100 %

Runway Excursions

Enabling Aviation Infrastructure

<16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 >26

COM10 Migrate from AFTN to AMHS 100 %

COM11.1 Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) in En- 100 %

Route 

COM11.2 Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) in 100 %

Airport/Terminal 

COM12 New Pan-European Network Service 88 %

(NewPENS) 

FCM08 Extended Flight Plan 0 %

INF07 Electronic Terrain and Obstacle Data (eTOD) 10 %

INF08.1 Information Exchanges using the SWIM 0 %

Yellow TI Profile

ITY-ACID Aircraft Identification 92 %

ITY-ADQ Ensure Quality of Aeronautical Data and 47 %

Aeronautical Information 

ITY-AGDL Initial ATC Air-Ground Data Link Services 97 %

ITY- 8,33 kHz Air-Ground Voice Channel Spacing 75 %

AGVCS2 below FL195 

ITY-FMTP Common Flight Message Transfer Protocol 100 %

(FMTP) 

ITY-SPI Surveillance Performance and Interoperability 83 %

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 44 Released Issue ICAO ASBU Implementation Progress

The following table shows, for each of the ASBU Block 0 modules, the overall status, the final date foreseen for completion and the percentage of progress achieved in the current cycle. These results were determined using the LSSIP Year 2019 declared statuses and progress of the relevant Implementation objectives in accordance with the mapping approved by the ICAO EUR EASPG/1 meeting (European Aviation System Planning Group).


= Completed (during 2019 or before) = Missing planning date = Progress achieved in 2019 = Not applicable

<16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 >26

B0-ACAS ACAS Improvements 100 %

74.0 % B0-ACDM Improved Airport Operations through Airport-


B0-APTA Improved Airport Accessibility 100 %

66.0 % B0-ASUR Improved access to Optimum Flight Levels 100 %

through Climb/Descent Procedures using 83.0 % ADS-B

B0-CCO Improved Flexibility and Efficiency in 100 %

Departure Profiles 0.0 % B0-CDO Improved Flexibility and Efficiency in Descent 100 %

Profiles (CDOs) 0.0 % B0-DATM Service Improvement through Digital 100 %

Aeronautical Information Management 47.0 % B0-FICE Increased Interoperability, Efficiency and 100 %

Capacity through Ground-Ground Integration

B0-FRTO Improved Operations through Enhanced En-

Route Trajectories.

B0-NOPS Improved Flow Performance through Planning 100 %

based on a Network-Wide view

B0-RSEQ Improved Runway Traffic Flow through

Sequencing (AMAN/DMAN)

B0-SNET Ground based safety nets 100 %

B0-SURF Improved Runway Safety (A-SMGCS Level 1-2 100 %

and Cockpit Moving Map)

B0-TBO Improved Safety and Efficiency through the 100 %

initial application of Data Link En-Route 97.0 %

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 45 Released Issue Detailed Objectives Implementation progress

Objective/Stakeholder Progress Code: Completed Not yet planned Ongoing Not Applicable Planned Missing Data Late

Main Objectives

Harmonise Operational Air Traffic (OAT) and General Air Traffic (GAT) Handling AOM13.1 Timescales: 43% Late Initial operational capability: 01/01/2012 Full operational capability: 31/12/2018 Key Feature: Optimised ATM Network Services - The applicability of EUROAT is being analysed for implementation. The national Regulation No.19 and Instruction No.24 has been amended. Instruction No.25 (tactical level of FUA) is in 31/12/2022 process of amendment. The Bulgarian military authority plans to apply the same rules, principles and procedures concerning the OAT/GAT interface. REG (By:12/2018) The national Regulation No.19 and Instruction No.24 has Late DG CAA been amended. Instruction No. 25 concerning the - 40% 31/12/2020 tactical level of FUA is being revised. BULGARIAN The Bulgarian military authority plans to apply the same Completed MILITARY rules, principles and procedures concerning the - 100% - AUTHORITY OAT/GAT interface. ASP (By:12/2018) The principal Letter of Agreement (LoA) between the Late Civil and Military ATSUs is under consideration. 3 LoAs (out of 5) are signed. The two remaining LoAs between military and civil ATSUs to be amended. One of the MIL BULATSA - 25% airports is currently being renovated and after 31/12/2020 completion of works the LoA will be signed. Instruction No. 25 concerning the tactical level of FUA is being revised. BULGARIAN The national Regulation No.19 and Instruction No.24 has Late MILITARY been amended. Instruction No.25 is in process of - 10% 31/12/2020 AUTHORITY amendment. MIL (By:12/2018) The Bulgarian military authority plans to apply the same Late rules, principles and procedures concerning the BULGARIAN OAT/GAT interface. Revision of the national legislation MILITARY - 47% and recognition of the respective military authorities as 31/12/2022 AUTHORITY military ANSP is in progress. There are no plans for EAD migration. The EUROAT is going to be implemented.

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 46 Released Issue ASM Support Tools to Support Advanced FUA (AFUA) Timescales: AOM19.1 100% Completed Initial operational capability: 01/01/2011 Full operational capability: 31/12/2018 Links: B1-FRTO, B1-NOPS | Key Feature: Optimised ATM Network Services - BULATSA has implemented LARA Tool according to the signed agreement with EUROCONTROL. The Mutual CIV/MIL agreement for implementation of LARA was signed. LARA is operational as 26/04/2017 of January 2015. BULATSA AMC uses CIAM application to send AUP/UUP on a daily basis. ASP (By:12/2018) BULATSA has implemented LARA Tool according to the Completed signed agreement with EUROCONTROL. The Mutual CIV/MIL agreement for implementation of LARA was BULATSA - 100% signed. LARA is operational as of January 2015. BULATSA 26/04/2017 AMC uses CIAM application to send AUP/UUP on a daily basis.

ASM Management of Real-Time Airspace Data Timescales: Not yet AOM19.2 0% Initial operational capability: 01/01/2017 planned Full operational capability: 31/12/2021 Links: B1-FRTO, B1-NOPS | Key Feature: Optimised ATM Network Services - The ATM system SATCAS is at the end of its operational lifespan. The required functionalities - will be procured for the future ATM system. ASP (By:12/2021) The ATM system SATCAS is at the end of its operational Not yet BULATSA lifespan. The required functionalities will be procured - 0% planned for the future ATM system. -

Full Rolling ASM/ATFCM Process and ASM Information Sharing Timescales: Not yet AOM19.3 0% Initial operational capability: 01/01/2014 planned Full operational capability: 31/12/2021 Links: B0-FRTO, B1-FRTO, B1-NOPS, B2-NOPS | Key Feature: Optimised ATM Network Services - The Bulgarian ATM system is at the end of its lifespan and it is not economically feasible to invest more in it. These functions will be available with the future ATM system, to be - operational in 2026. ASP (By:12/2021) The Bulgarian ATM system is at the end of its lifespan Not yet and it is not economically feasible to invest more in it. planned BULATSA - 0% These functions will be available with the future ATM - system, to be operational in 2026.

Management of Pre-defined Airspace Configurations Timescales: Not yet AOM19.4 0% Initial operational capability: 01/01/2018 planned Full operational capability: 31/12/2021 Links: B1-FRTO, B1-NOPS | Key Feature: Optimised ATM Network Services - The ATM system SATCAS is at the end of its operational lifespan. The required functionalities - will be procured for the future ATM system. ASP (By:12/2021) The ATM system SATCAS is at the end of its operational Not yet BULATSA lifespan. The required functionalities will be procured - 0% planned for the future ATM system. -

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 47 Released Issue

Free Route Airspace Timescales: AOM21.2 100% Completed Initial operational capability: 01/01/2015 Full operational capability: 31/12/2021 Links: B0-FRTO, B1-FRTO | Key Feature: Advanced Air Traffic Services - Night FRA was implemented in Bulgaria in 2013. Cross border FRA operations started in 2017. 07/11/2019 Seasonal FRA as of 2018. H24 SEE FRA implemented on 07 Nov 2019 (AIRAC AIP AMDT 06/19). ASP (By:12/2021) Free Route Completed Airspace / New ATM Night FRA was implemented in Bulgaria in 2013. Cross system / border FRA operations started in 2017. Seasonal FRA as Regional BULATSA 100% of 2018. H24 SEE FRA implemented on 07 Nov 2019 Route 07/11/2019 (AIRAC AIP AMDT 06/19). Network Developmen ts / Seasonal H24 FRA

Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control System A-SMGCS Surveillance (former Level 1) AOP04.1 Timescales: 100% Completed Initial operational capability: 01/01/2007 Full operational capability: 31/12/2011 Links: B0-SURF | Key Feature: High Performing Airport Operations LBSF - Sofia Airport The A-SMGCS is planned outside the objective implementation timeframe according the local needs. The procurement of a new A-SMGCS system comprising a Surface Movement radar, Multi-lateration sensors, data fusion and situation awareness displays started in 2012. These technical upgrades, accompanied by ATCO training /licensing in ground movement control are 10/07/2017 the main pre-requisites for the implementation of the Sofia Airport ground control operations. The A-SMGCS is installed, tested, passed site acceptance tests and all pre-operational activities were carried out. It was commissioned on 10.07.2017. REG (By:12/2010) Completed DG CAA - - 100% 10/07/2017 ASP (By:12/2011) The A-SMGCS is planned outside the objective Completed implementation timeframe according the local needs. The procurement of a new A-SMGCS system comprising a Surface Movement radar, Multi-lateration sensors, A-SMGCS at BULATSA data fusion and situation awareness displays started in 100% Sofia Airport 10/07/2017 2012. These technical upgrades, accompanied by ATCO training /licensing in ground movement control are the main pre-requisites for the implementation of the Sofia Airport ground control operations. APO (By:12/2010) SOFIA Completed - - 100% AIRPORT 10/07/2017

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 48 Released Issue Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control System (A- SMGCS) Runway Monitoring and Conflict Alerting (RMCA) (former Not AOP04.2 Level 2) % Applicable Timescales: - not applicable - Links: B0-SURF | Key Feature: High Performing Airport Operations LBSF - Sofia Airport (Outside Applicability Area) The implementation of A-SMGCS level 2 - some elements of the control and monitoring function will be implemented in due course. BULATSA does not intend to implement A-SMGCS - Routing and Guidance functions. ASP (By:12/2017) Surface Movement radar, Multi-lateration sensors, data Not fusion and situation awareness displays were installed. Applicable The controllers are trained for the use of A-SMGCS. The A-SMGCS at BULATSA % A-SMGCS level 2 - Elements will be operationally used Sofia Airport - after fine tuning processes are completed and after the A-SMGCS level 1 is fully operational. APO (By:12/2017) The surface movement surveillance equipment is a Not SOFIA property of BULATSA, therefore this action is not - % Applicable AIRPORT applicable for the Sofia Airport operator. -

Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM) Not AOP05 Timescales: % Applicable - not applicable - Links: B0-ACDM, B0-RSEQ | Key Feature: High Performing Airport Operations LBSF - Sofia Airport (Outside Applicability Area) Bulgaria is not within the objective applicability area. - ASP (By:12/2016) Not BULATSA - - % Applicable - APO (By:12/2016) Not SOFIA - - % Applicable AIRPORT -

Time-Based Separation Not AOP10 Timescales: % Applicable - not applicable - Links: B1-RSEQ, B2-WAKE | Key Feature: High Performing Airport Operations LBSF - Sofia Airport (Outside Applicability Area) Bulgaria is not within the objective applicability area. - REG (By:12/2023) Not DG CAA - - % Applicable - ASP (By:12/2023) Not BULATSA - - % Applicable -

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 49 Released Issue Initial Airport Operations Plan Not AOP11 Timescales: % Applicable - not applicable - Links: B1-ACDM | Key Feature: High Performing Airport Operations LBSF - Sofia Airport (Outside Applicability Area) Bulgaria is not within the objective applicability area. - ASP (By:12/2021) Not BULATSA - - % Applicable - APO (By:12/2021) Not SOFIA - - % Applicable AIRPORT -

Improve Runway and Airfield Safety with Conflicting ATC Clearances (CATC) Detection and Conformance Monitoring Alerts for Controllers Not AOP12 (CMAC) % Applicable Timescales: - not applicable - Links: B2-SURF | Key Feature: High Performing Airport Operations LBSF - Sofia Airport (Outside Applicability Area) Bulgaria is not within the objective applicability area. - ASP (By:12/2020) Not BULATSA - - % Applicable - APO (By:12/2020) Not SOFIA - - % Applicable AIRPORT -

Automated Assistance to Controller for Surface Movement Planning and Routing Not AOP13 % Timescales: Applicable - not applicable - Links: B1-ACDM, B1-RSEQ, B2-SURF | Key Feature: High Performing Airport Operations LBSF - Sofia Airport (Outside Applicability Area) Bulgaria is not within the objective applicability area. - REG (By:12/2023) Not DG CAA - - % Applicable - ASP (By:12/2023) Not BULATSA - - % Applicable -

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 50 Released Issue Ground-Based Safety Nets Timescales: ATC02.8 100% Completed Initial operational capability: 01/01/2009 Full operational capability: 31/12/2016 Links: B0-SNET, B1-SNET | Key Feature: Advanced Air Traffic Services - SATCAS has APW function since 2009 and MSAW function since 2010. The implementation of 31/10/2010 Approach Path Monitoring is not intended. ASP (By:12/2016) SATCAS has APW function since 2009 and MSAW Completed BULATSA function since 2010. The implementation of Approach - 100% 31/10/2010 Path Monitoring is not planned.

Short Term Conflict Alert (STCA) for TMAs Timescales: ATC02.9 100% Completed Initial operational capability: 01/01/2018 Full operational capability: 31/12/2020 Links: B0-SNET, B1-SNET | Key Feature: Advanced Air Traffic Services - SATCAS has STCA function since 2009. - ASP (By:12/2020) Completed BULATSA SATCAS has STCA function since 2009. - 100% -

AMAN Tools and Procedures Not ATC07.1 Timescales: % Applicable - not applicable - Links: B0-RSEQ | Key Feature: Advanced Air Traffic Services LBSF - Sofia Airport (Outside Applicability Area) Bulgaria is outside the objective applicability area, therefore the overall objective progress is not applicable. Arrival sequencing and metering has been implemented by Sofia APP unit within the CNATCC. The implementation of Arrival sequencing was completed for Burgas and - Varna APP units in 2009. No plans exist for the application of AMAN procedures and implementation of AMAN functions for any Bulgarian TMA. ASP (By:12/2019) No plans exist for the application of AMAN procedures Not BULATSA and implementation of AMAN functions for any - % Applicable Bulgarian TMA. -

Automated Support for Conflict Detection, Resolution Support Information and Conformance Monitoring ATC12.1 Timescales: 100% Completed Initial operational capability: 01/01/2015 Full operational capability: 31/12/2021 Links: B1-FRTO | Key Feature: Advanced Air Traffic Services - By 31.12.2016, the MTCD was upgraded with new functionalities and features (EXE/PLN ATCO role distribution regarding the conflict detection/monitoring, geo markers, further enhancements, etc.). MTCD/MONA functions have been implemented within the first version of SATCAS. Further MTCD upgrades and new MONA functions (potential level bust, potential 31/12/2016 co-ordination failure SSR code assignment) have been implemented with SATCAS v.2. There is no Resolution Support Function included. ATCO training on how to use the MTCD and MONA functions has been performed. ATCO training on the enhanced MTCD and TCT functions was completed in 2016.The safety assessment report is completed and delivered to the NSA. ASP (By:12/2021) Completed BULATSA See State Comment. - 100% 31/12/2016

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 51 Released Issue

Information Exchange with En-route in Support of AMAN Timescales: Not ATC15.1 % Initial operational capability: 01/01/2012 Applicable Full operational capability: 31/12/2019 Links: B1-RSEQ | Key Feature: Advanced Air Traffic Services - Bulgaria intends to implement AMAN in en-route operations to enable smooth operations with Istanbul high density TMA. The actual implementation and planning dates were set and aligned - with the deployment of the AMAN at the new Istanbul airport, but the latter was postponed UFN (Until Further Notice). ASP (By:12/2019) BULATSA intends to implement AMAN in en-route Not operations to enable smooth operations with Istanbul Applicable airport. The actual implementation and planning dates are further to be discussed and aligned with the New ATM BULATSA deployment of AMAN at Istanbul airport. The % system integration of en-route AMAN for operational use into - the current ATM infrastructure is to be considered. The plans are to have it implemented in the new future ATC system.

Arrival Management Extended to En-route Airspace Timescales: ATC15.2 100% Completed Initial operational capability: 01/01/2015 Full operational capability: 31/12/2023 Links: B1-RSEQ | Key Feature: Advanced Air Traffic Services - BULATSA implemented AMAN in en-route operations to enable smooth operations with 10/06/2019 Istanbul airport on 10.06.2019. ASP (By:12/2023) BULATSA implemented AMAN in en-route operations to Completed BULATSA enable smooth operations with Istanbul airport on - 100% 10/06/2019 10.06.2019.

Electronic Dialogue as Automated Assistance to Controller during Coordination and Transfer ATC17 Timescales: 95% Late Initial operational capability: 01/01/2013 Full operational capability: 31/12/2018 Key Feature: Advanced Air Traffic Services - Electronic Dialogue as Automated Assistance to Controller during Coordination and Transfer was implemented in 2008 with SATCAS v.2 system. Operational use is pending and depends on 31/12/2020 an agreement with the neighbouring ACCs and availability of the functions in their ATC systems. ASP (By:12/2018) Electronic Dialogue as Automated Assistance to Late Controller during Coordination and Transfer was implemented in 2008 with SATCAS v.2 system. New ATM BULATSA 95% Operational use is pending and depends on an system 31/12/2020 agreement with the neighbouring ACCs and availability of the functions in their ATC systems.

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 52 Released Issue Migrate from AFTN to AMHS Timescales: COM10 100% Completed Initial operational capability: 01/12/2011 Full operational capability: 31/12/2018 Key Feature: Enabling the Aviation Infrastructure - The new AFTN/AMHS system is operational since 2012. 31/01/2015 ASP (By:12/2018) The new AFTN/AMHS system is operational as of 2012. Completed BULATSA - 100% The AMHS is operational on FAB level. 31/01/2015

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) in En-Route Timescales: COM11.1 100% Completed Initial operational capability: 01/01/2013 Full operational capability: 31/12/2021 Key Feature: Enabling the Aviation Infrastructure - New Voice Communication System was implemented in 2015 with VoIP in accordance to ED- 137A. During 2018 an upgrade was made to comply with ED-137B. 31/12/2019 The technical file (TF) with evidences of compliance and the EC Declaration of Verification of systems (DoV) has been delivered to the National Supervisory Authority (NSA). ASP (By:12/2021) Completed BULATSA - - 100% 31/12/2019

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) in Airport/Terminal Timescales: COM11.2 100% Completed Initial operational capability: 01/01/2013 Full operational capability: 31/12/2023 Key Feature: Enabling the Aviation Infrastructure - New Voice Communication System was implemented in 2015 with VoIP in accordance to ED- 137A. During 2018 an upgrade was made to comply with ED-137B. 31/12/2019 The technical file (TF) with evidences of compliance and the EC Declaration of Verification of systems (DoV) has been delivered to the National Supervisory Authority (NSA). ASP (By:12/2023) Technical Completed Rationalisati BULATSA - on and 100% 31/12/2019 Infrastructur e

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 53 Released Issue

New Pan-European Network Service (NewPENS) Timescales: COM12 88% Ongoing Initial operational capability: 01/01/2018 Full operational capability (33 ANSPs): 31/12/2020 Links: B1-SWIM | Key Feature: Enabling the Aviation Infrastructure - NewPENS SDP in BULATSA was put in operation in September 2019. 31/12/2020 ASP (By:12/2024) Ongoing BULATSA - - 88% 31/12/2020 APO (By:12/2024) Not VARNA - - % Applicable AIRPORT - Not BURGAS - - % Applicable AIRPORT - Not SOFIA - - % Applicable AIRPORT - GORNA Not ORYAHOVIT - - % Applicable SA AIRPORT - Not PLOVDIV - - % Applicable AIRPORT -

Continuous Descent Operations (CDO) ENV01 Timescales: 0% Planned - not applicable - Links: B0-CDO, B1-CDO | Key Feature: Advanced Air Traffic Services LBSF - Sofia Airport (Outside Applicability Area) Bulgaria is not within the objective applicability area. Nevertheless BULATSA plans to introduce 31/12/2023 CDO/CCO at LBBG, LBSF and LBWN airports. ASP (By:12/2023) PBN STARs, IAPs (LNAV, LNAV/VNAV) and SIDs and Planned suitable airspace design were implemented in 2016. STARs and SIDs are constructed in a way that allows aircraft to perform CDO and CCO. BULATSA - 0% BULATSA is currently developing a plan for CDO/CCO 31/12/2023 implementation (to be ready in 2020) to introduce CDO/CCO at all civil airports for public use where operational benefits are identified. APO (By:12/2023) Planned BULATSA - - 0% 31/12/2023

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 54 Released Issue

Collaborative Flight Planning Timescales: FCM03 100% Completed Initial operational capability: 01/01/2000 Full operational capability: 31/12/2017 Links: B0-NOPS | Key Feature: Optimised ATM Network Services - The current FDPS (SATCAS v.3) is able to receive and transmit FPL data in ADEXP format. BULATSA still reviews the institutional arrangements with the IFPS for flight data exchange in 31/12/2016 ADEXP format. ASP (By:12/2017) The current FDPS (SATCAS v.3) is able to receive and Completed transmit FPL data in ADEXP format. BULATSA still New ATM BULATSA 100% reviews the institutional arrangements with the IFPS for system 31/12/2016 flight data exchange in ADEXP format.

Short Term ATFCM Measures (STAM) - Phase 2 Timescales: FCM04.2 0% Planned Initial operational capability: 01/11/2017 Full operational capability: 31/12/2021 Key Feature: Optimised ATM Network Services - The ATM system is at the end of its lifespan. No upgrade is possible so the NM tools will be 31/12/2021 used. ASP (By:12/2021) The Bulgarian ATM system is at the end of its lifespan Planned and it is not economically feasible to invest more in it. BULATSA - 0% These functions will be available with the future ATM 31/12/2021 system, to be operational in 2026.

Interactive Rolling NOP Timescales: FCM05 40% Ongoing Initial operational capability: 01/09/2013 Full operational capability: 31/12/2021 Links: B1-ACDM, B1-NOPS | Key Feature: Optimised ATM Network Services - The Bulgarian AMC uses a CIAM terminal to send all AUP/UUP to NM. LARA is operational since 31/12/2021 January 2015. ASP (By:12/2021) The Bulgarian AMC uses a CIAM terminal to send all Ongoing AUP/UUP to NM. The AMC uses a CIAM terminal to send BULATSA - 10% all AUP/UUP to NM. LARA is currently operational but it 31/12/2021 does not use AIXM5.1 B2B. APO (By:12/2021) SOFIA Sofia Airport sends the airport slots information in SSIM Completed - 100% AIRPORT format to EUACA on daily basis. 31/01/2007

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 55 Released Issue

Traffic Complexity Assessment Timescales: FCM06 60% Ongoing Initial operational capability: 01/01/2015 Full operational capability: 31/12/2021 Links: B1-NOPS | Key Feature: Optimised ATM Network Services - Plans are in place for the deployment of a Local Traffic Load Management tool. The 31/12/2020 implementation scope includes Sofia ACC operational environment (en-route sectors only). ASP (By:12/2021) BULATSA intends to deploy a decision support tool Ongoing which uses a combination of the predicted traffic to create a cognitive workload assessment and provide Implementa analysis of the complexity of the ATC operations to tion of allow accurate planning of ANSP resources to manage traffic BULATSA that complexity in an efficient and cost-effective complexity 60% 31/12/2020 manner. The tool will be active on a continuous 24/7 assessment cycle using EFD messages from NM combined with other tool in Sofia prediction data to continuously evaluate the estimated ACC workload for all possible airspace configurations defined for a specific geographical area.

Extended Flight Plan Timescales: Not yet FCM08 0% Initial operational capability: 01/01/2016 planned Full operational capability: 31/12/2021 Links: B1-FICE | Key Feature: Enabling the Aviation Infrastructure - The project is still immature with some enablers still to be defined. - ASP (By:12/2021) Not yet The project is still immature with some enablers still to BULATSA - 0% planned be defined. -

Electronic Terrain and Obstacle Data (eTOD) Timescales: INF07 10% Late Initial operational capability: 01/11/2014 Full operational capability: 31/05/2018 Key Feature: Enabling the Aviation Infrastructure - The national TOD policy and implementation programmes, setting up the necessary steps to enable the provision of electronic terrain and obstacle data will be established according to the 31/12/2020 objective. REG (By:05/2018) The national TOD policy and implementation Late programmes, setting up the necessary steps to enable DG CAA - 10% the provision of electronic terrain and obstacle data will 31/12/2020 be established according to the objective. ASP (By:05/2018) Objective will be completed after the establishment of Late BULATSA - 10% the national TOD policy implementation programmes. 31/12/2020 APO (By:05/2018) SOFIA Objective will be completed after the establishment of Late - 10% AIRPORT the national TOD policy implementation programmes. 31/12/2020

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 56 Released Issue Information Exchanges using the SWIM Yellow TI Profile Timescales: Not yet INF08.1 0% Initial operational capability: 01/01/2018 planned Full operational capability: 31/12/2024 Links: B1-DATM, B1-SWIM | Key Feature: Enabling the Aviation Infrastructure - This objective has not reached yet full readiness for implementation. - ASP (By:12/2024) Not yet This objective has not reached yet full readiness for BULATSA - 0% planned implementation. - MIL (By:12/2024) BULGARIAN Not yet This objective has not reached yet full readiness for MILITARY - 0% planned implementation. AUTHORITY - APO (By:12/2024) Not yet BURGAS - - 0% planned AIRPORT - GORNA Not yet ORYAHOVIT - - 0% planned SA AIRPORT - Not yet PLOVDIV - - 0% planned AIRPORT - Not yet SOFIA - - 0% planned AIRPORT - Not yet VARNA - - 0% planned AIRPORT -

Aircraft Identification Timescales: ITY-ACID 92% Late Entry into force of the Regulation: 13/12/2011 System capability: 02/01/2020 Key Feature: Enabling the Aviation Infrastructure - Aircraft ID functionality is already implemented in the ATM system. Mode S surveillance contract is signed. All Mode S radar station were operational before the end of 2018. WAM 31/03/2020 sensors in TMA Varna and TMA Burgas are installed and tested, while those in Sofia TMA will be deployed by 31 Mar 2020. ASP (By:01/2020) Aircraft ID functionality is already implemented in the Late ATM system. Mode S surveillance contract is signed. BULATSA has deployed three Mode S radar stations. BULATSA Both ADS-B and WAM systems will be deployed by the - 92% 31/03/2020 end of Jan 2020. WAM sensors in TMA Varna and TMA Burgas are installed and tested, while those in Sofia TMA will be deployed by 31 Mar 2020.

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 57 Released Issue Ensure Quality of Aeronautical Data and Aeronautical Information Timescales: Entry into force of the regulation: 16/02/2010 Article 5(4)(a), Article 5(4)(b) and Article 6 to 13 to be implemented by: ITY-ADQ 47% Late 30/06/2013 Article 4, Article5(1) and Article 5(2), Article 5(3) and Article 5(4)(c) to be implemented by: 30/06/2014 All data requirements implemented by: 30/06/2017 Links: B0-DATM | Key Feature: Enabling the Aviation Infrastructure - The ITY-ADQ implementation is in progress. 31/12/2021 REG (By:06/2017) Late DG CAA ITY-ADQ implementation is in progress. - 50% 31/12/2020 ASP (By:06/2017) Late BULATSA ITY-ADQ implementation is in progress. - 66% 31/12/2020 APO (By:06/2017) SOFIA Late APO's implementation of ITY-ADQ is in progress. - 24% AIRPORT 31/12/2020 BURGAS Late APO's implementation of ITY-ADQ is in progress. - 28% AIRPORT 31/12/2020 VARNA Late APO's implementation of ITY-ADQ is in progress. - 26% AIRPORT 31/12/2020 GORNA Late ORYAHOVIT APO's implementation of ITY-ADQ is in progress. - 8% 31/12/2021 SA AIRPORT PLOVDIV Late APO's implementation of ITY-ADQ is in progress. - 8% AIRPORT 31/12/2021

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 58 Released Issue

Initial ATC Air-Ground Data Link Services Timescales: ITY-AGDL Entry into force: 06/02/2009 97% Late ATS unit operational capability: 05/02/2018 Aircraft capability: 05/02/2020 Links: B0-TBO | Key Feature: Enabling the Aviation Infrastructure - Communication infrastructure to handle AGDL services is deployed in December 2014 to comply with the provisions set in the Commission Regulation 29/2009 (Part B, Annex I). The communication infrastructure is capable to ensure AGDL with operators which have contract 31/12/2020 with SITA. The implementation of communication infrastructure which will serve operators having contract with ARINC is planned for 2020. REG (By:02/2018) National regulation No.141 will be used for the Completed DG CAA certification of communication infrastructure and ATM - 100% 05/02/2018 system data-link capabilities. ASP (By:02/2018) Communica- Late tion infrastructur e for A/G Data Link Communication infrastructure to handle AGDL services Services / is deployed in December 2014 to comply to the Free Route provisions set in the Commission Regulation 29/2009 Airspace / (Part B, Annex I). The communication infrastructure is New ATM BULATSA capable to ensure AGDL with operators which have system / 96% 31/12/2020 contract with SITA. The implementation of SATCAS communication infrastructure which will serve upgrade / operators having contract with ARINC is planned for Seasonal 2020. H24 FRA / Technical Rationalisati on and Infrastruc- ture MIL (By:01/2019) BULGARIAN Not The existing military transport aircraft are not capable of MILITARY - % Applicable flying above FL 285. AUTHORITY -

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 59 Released Issue

8,33 kHz Air-Ground Voice Channel Spacing below FL195 Timescales: Entry into force: 07/12/2012 New and upgraded radio equipment: 17/11/2013 New or upgraded radios on State aircraft: 01/01/2014 ITY-AGVCS2 75% Ongoing Interim target for freq. conversions: 31/12/2014 All radio equipment: 31/12/2017 All frequencies converted: 31/12/2018 State aircraft equipped, except those notified to EC: 31/12/2018 State aircraft equipped, except those exempted [Art 9(11)]: 31/12/2020 Key Feature: Enabling the Aviation Infrastructure - The necessary actions are planned as per the objective description according Regulation (EU) 31/12/2025 1079/2012. A derogation till 2025 has been approved by the EC. REG (By:12/2018) BULGARIAN Ongoing MILITARY A derogation till 2025 has been approved by the EC. - 43% 31/12/2025 AUTHORITY Local exemptions will be analysed and published Ongoing DG CAA accordingly. The 8,33 kHz channel spacing capability of - 70% 31/12/2025 the radios was tested in 2016. ASP (By:12/2018) Modernisati Completed on of the A/G radio BULATSA All finished. Implemented on 08.11.2018. 100% communica- 31/12/2018 tion equipment BULGARIAN Ongoing MILITARY A derogation till 2025 has been approved by the EC. - 30% 31/12/2025 AUTHORITY MIL (By:12/2020) The necessary actions will be planned as per the Ongoing BULGARIAN objective description according Regulation (EU) MILITARY - 30% 1079/2012. A derogation till 2025 has been approved by 31/12/2020 AUTHORITY the EC. APO (By:12/2018) BURGAS Completed The 8,33 kHz channel spacing capability achieved. - 100% AIRPORT 31/12/2018 GORNA Completed ORYAHOVIT The 8,33 kHz channel spacing capability achieved. - 100% 31/12/2018 SA AIRPORT SOFIA Completed The 8,33 kHz channel spacing capability achieved. - 100% AIRPORT 31/12/2018 PLOVDIV Completed The 8,33 kHz channel spacing capability achieved. - 100% AIRPORT 13/02/2019 VARNA Completed The 8,33 kHz channel spacing capability achieved. - 100% AIRPORT 31/12/2018 The majority of MIL vehicles are non-8,33 kHz equipped. Ongoing We will preserve at least one 25 kHz radio frequency per BULGARIAN MIL airport in order to handle non-equipped vehicles as MILITARY - 70% we will not retrofit the old ones. The plan is to have 25% 31/12/2025 AUTHORITY of all frequencies converted to 8,33 kHz channel spacing.

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 60 Released Issue Common Flight Message Transfer Protocol (FMTP) Timescales: Entry into force of regulation: 28/06/2007 All EATMN systems put into service after 01/01/09: 01/01/2009 ITY-FMTP 100% Completed All EATMN systems in operation by 20/04/11: 20/04/2011 Transitional arrangements: 31/12/2012 Transitional arrangements when bilaterally agreed between ANSPs: 31/12/2014 Links: B0-FICE, B1-FICE | Key Feature: Enabling the Aviation Infrastructure - The current ATM system (SATCAS v.3) is capable of supporting information exchange via FMTP. FMTP exchange is implemented between Sofia, Constanta, Otopeni, Ankara and Belgrade. The 31/12/2014 migration of the existing OLDI links to TCP/IP is dependent on the TCP/IP capabilities of the neighbouring States. ASP (By:12/2014) The current ATM system (SATCAS) is capable of Completed BULATSA - 100% supporting the OLDI data exchange via TCP/IP. 31/12/2014 MIL (By:12/2014) BULGARIAN Not MILITARY The objective is not applicable for MIL. - % Applicable AUTHORITY -

Surveillance Performance and Interoperability Timescales: Entry into force of regulation: 13/12/2011 ATS unit operational capability: 12/12/2013 ITY-SPI 83% Ongoing EHS and ADS-B Out in transport-type State aircraft : 07/06/2020 ELS in transport-type State aircraft : 07/06/2020 Ensure training of MIL personnel: 07/06/2020 Retrofit aircraft capability: 07/06/2020 Links: B0-ASUR | Key Feature: Enabling the Aviation Infrastructure - Interoperability of surveillance data is already ensured. Safety Assessment for the existing 07/06/2020 BULATSA surveillance infrastructure was completed. REG (By:02/2015) Interoperability of surveillance data is already ensured. Completed DG CAA Safety Assessment for the existing BULATSA surveillance - 100% 31/12/2013 infrastructure was completed. ASP (By:02/2015) New PSRs Completed and SSRs (en-route and TMA) / Interoperability of surveillance data is already ensured. Technical BULATSA Safety Assessment for the existing BULATSA surveillance 100% Rationalisati 31/12/2014 infrastructure was completed. on and Infrastruc- ture / WAM and ADS-B MIL (By:06/2020) In total, 34% of the military transport and training Ongoing aircraft are equipped with Mode S Elementary and BULGARIAN Enhanced Surveillance equipment. There are no plans to MILITARY - 53% retrofit those with missing the required surveillance 07/06/2020 AUTHORITY performance equipment. All new aircraft will be properly equipped.

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 61 Released Issue RNAV 1 in TMA Operations Timescales: NAV03.1 Initial operational capability: 01/01/2001 89% Ongoing One SID and STAR per instrument RWY, where established: 25/01/2024 All SIDs and STARs per instrument RWY, where established: 06/06/2030 Links: B0-CCO, B0-CDO, B1-RSEQ | Key Feature: Advanced Air Traffic Services - PBN implementation for Varna and Burgas TMAs was completed in 2015. PBN implementation in Sofia TMA and Gorna Oryahovitsa CTR was completed in 2016. PBN implementation in 31/12/2020 Plovdiv TMA was completed in 2018. REG (By:06/2030) Ongoing DG CAA - - 70% 31/12/2020 ASP (By:06/2030) PBN implementation for Varna and Burgas TMAs was Ongoing completed in 2015. PBN implementation in Sofia TMA VOR – DME BULATSA 91% and Gorna Oryahovitsa CTR was completed in 2016. PBN upgrade 31/12/2020 implementation in Plovdiv TMA was completed in 2018.

RNP 1 in TMA Operations Timescales: Start: 07/08/2018 Not yet NAV03.2 0% All SIDs and STARs per instrument RWY, at PCP airports: 25/01/2024 planned One SID and STAR per instrument RWY, where established: 25/01/2024 All SIDs and STARs per instrument RWY, where established: 06/06/2030 Links: B1-RSEQ | Key Feature: Advanced Air Traffic Services - To be planned for implementation if required. - REG (By:06/2030) Not yet DG CAA - - 0% planned - ASP (By:06/2030) Not yet BULATSA No plan yet. - 0% planned -

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 62 Released Issue

RNP Approach Procedures to instrument RWY Timescales: Initial operational capability: 01/06/2011 Instrument RWY ends without precision approach in EU SES States, at NAV10 Non-PCP airports: 03/12/2020 66% Ongoing Instrument RWY ends served by precision approach (including PCP airports): 25/01/2024 Instrument RWY ends without precision approach in EU SES States, at PCP airports: 25/01/2024 Links: B0-APTA | Key Feature: Advanced Air Traffic Services - RNP APCH down to LNAV and LNAV/VNAV minima are implemented to all RWY ends at 25/01/2024 Bulgarian civil airports. LPV planned for 2020. REG (By:01/2024) The national Regulation No.37 from 05.10.2007, on the Ongoing terms and procedures for the issuance and control of air DG CAA - 85% operator certificates for commercial air transportation 03/12/2020 refers to JAR OPS. ASP (By:01/2024) RNP APCH down to LNAV and LNAV/VNAV minima are Ongoing BULATSA implemented to all RWY ends at Bulgarian civil airports. - 60% 25/01/2024 LPV planned for 2020.

ATS IFR Routes for Rotorcraft Operations Timescales: Rotorcraft RNP0.3, RNP1 or RNAV1 ATS routes above FL150, where established.: 03/12/2020 One rotorcraft RNP0.3, RNP01 or RNAV1 SID and STAR per instrument Not yet NAV12 0% RWY, where established.: 25/01/2024 planned Rotorcraft RNP0.3, RNP1 or RNAV1 ATS routes below FL150, where established.: 25/01/2024 All rotorcraft RNP0.3, RNP01 or RNAV1 SIDs and STARs per instrument RWY, where established.: 06/06/2030 Links: B1-APTA | Key Feature: Advanced Air Traffic Services - No heliports at present. Rotorcraft use existing RWYs. - REG (By:06/2030) Not yet DG CAA - - 0% planned - ASP (By:06/2030) Not yet BULATSA - - 0% planned -

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 63 Released Issue

Improve Runway Safety by Preventing Runway Excursions Timescales: SAF11 90% Late Initial operational capability: 01/09/2013 Full operational capability: 31/01/2018 Key Feature: High Performing Airport Operations - Most of the measures envisaged in the European Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions are implemented. The remaining measures are to be analyzed and implemented 31/12/2020 accordingly. REG (By:01/2018) Most of the measures of the EAPRE are implemented. Late DG CAA - 50% Some are to be analyzed in 2020 for implementation. 31/12/2020 ASP (By:12/2014) The measures are already implemented. Guidance Completed BULATSA material as specified in the EAPRE is used in the unit - 100% 31/01/2019 training plans. APO (By:12/2014) SOFIA All appropriate measures are implemented by the Completed - 100% AIRPORT Bulgarian airports serving international flights. - BURGAS All appropriate measures are implemented by the Completed - 100% AIRPORT Bulgarian airports serving international flights. 31/12/2014 VARNA All appropriate measures are implemented by the Completed - 100% AIRPORT Bulgarian airports serving international flights. - PLOVDIV All appropriate measures are implemented by the Completed - 100% AIRPORT Bulgarian airports serving international flights. -

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 64 Released Issue Additional Objectives for ICAO ASBU Monitoring

Direct Routing

Not AOM21.1 (Outside Applicability Area) % Applicable Timescales: - not applicable - Links: B0-FRTO, B1-FRTO | Key Feature: Advanced Air Traffic Services - Currently FRA operations are implemented 24/7 at DANUBE FAB level. Therefore, this objective - is not applicable to Bulgaria. ASP (By:12/2017) Not BULATSA - - % Applicable -

Implement ground based safety nets - Short Term Conflict Alert (STCA) - level 2 for en-route operations ATC02.2 Timescales: 100% Completed Initial operational capability: 01/01/2008 Full operational capability: 31/01/2013 Links: B0-SNET | Key Feature: Advanced Air Traffic Services - BULATSA has implemented a state of the art STCA function within the CNATCC project (SATCAS system) for Sofia ACC/APP. Further adaptation of the STCA parameters and working methods was made in 2009. In the context of the 'Tight Tower Project', considered as an extension of 31/12/2009 SATCAS system, the STCA implementation at the Burgas APP unit was completed in 2009. STCA was implemented also at the Varna APP. ASP (By:01/2013) BULATSA has implemented a state of the art STCA Completed function within the CNATCC project (SATCAS system) for Sofia ACC/APP. Further adaptation of STCA parameters and working methods was made in 2009. In the context BULATSA - 100% of the 'Tight Tower Project', considered as an extension 31/12/2009 of SATCAS system, the STCA implementation at the Burgas APP unit was completed in 2009. STCA was implemented also at the Varna APP.

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 65 Released Issue

Implement ACAS II compliant with TCAS II change 7.1 Timescales: ATC16 74% Late Initial operational capability: 01/03/2012 Full operational capability: 31/12/2015 Links: B0-ACAS | Key Feature: Advanced Air Traffic Services - NSA supervision tasks are undergoing. The training plan and package has been developed by the ANSP, the ATCOs were trained in 2014 accordingly. A monitoring system of the performance of ACAS in the ATC environment has been established. Some of the military 31/12/2023 transport-type aircraft are still equipped with TCAS II, Version 7.0. A monitoring system of the performance of ACAS in the military ATC systems has not been established. REG (By:12/2015) The supervision tasks for compliance with regulatory Completed DG CAA provisions, airworthiness certification and operational - 100% 31/12/2015 approval is in progress. ASP (By:03/2012) The training plan and package has been developed by Completed the ANSP. The concerned personnel were trained BULATSA according to the training plan. A monitoring system of - 100% 31/12/2011 the performance of ACAS in the ATC environment has been established. MIL (By:12/2015) Some of the transport-type aircraft are equipped with Late ACAS II (TCAS II Version 7.0). Training plans for aircrews BULGARIAN flying aircraft not equipped with ACAS II have not been MILITARY - 10% developed. A monitoring system of the performance of 31/12/2023 AUTHORITY ACAS in the military ATC systems has not been established.

Implement enhanced tactical flow management services Timescales: FCM01 100% Completed Initial operational capability: 01/08/2001 Full operational capability: 31/12/2006 Links: B0-NOPS | Key Feature: Optimised ATM Network Services - The SATCAS system in operation at the CNATCC provides standard correlated position reports in ASTERIX cat.62. The dissemination of CPRs to the CFMU by the CNATCC started in August 2009. FSA messages for all departures from Bulgarian airports, as well as for overflight traffic, 31/12/2009 entering Bulgarian airspace, is transmitted to the ETFMS. FSA implementation in case of re- routing and holding was introduced in 2010, with the SATCAS v.2 LINUX. ASP (By:07/2014) Completed BULATSA See State comment. - 100% 31/12/2009

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 66 Released Issue

Implementation of ground-ground automated co-ordination processes Timescales: Entry into force of Regulation: 27/07/2006 For putting into service of EATMN systems in respect of notification and ITY-COTR initial coordination processes: 27/07/2006 100% Completed For putting into service of EATMN systems in respect of Revision of Coordination, Abrogation of Coordination, Basic Flight Data and Change to Basic Flight Data: 01/01/2009 To all EATMN systems in operation by 12/2012: 31/12/2012 Links: B0-FICE | Key Feature: Advanced Air Traffic Services - Objective is fully implemented. The current ATM system at Sofia ACC is capable of sending and receiving a complete set of basic OLDI messages (ACT, LAM, PAC, REV, MAC ABI and INF). The system supports the transfer 05/05/2016 of communication messages (ROF/MAS/COF/TIM/HOP/SDM) and co-ordination dialogue messages (RAP, RRV, SBY, ACP, RJC and CDN). The implementation of LOF and NAN messages was achieved in 2016. ASP (By:12/2012) The current ATM system at Sofia ACC is capable of Completed sending and receiving a complete set of basic OLDI messages (ACT, LAM, PAC, REV, MAC ABI and INF). The system supports the transfer of communication BULATSA messages (ROF/MAS/COF/TIM/HOP/SDM) and co- - 100% 05/05/2016 ordination dialogue messages (RAP, RRV, SBY, ACP, RJC and CDN). The implementation of LOF and NAN messages was achieved in 2016. Data link capabilities were implemented into the system in 2016. MIL (By:12/2012) The military unit integrated in the Common National Air Not Traffic Control Center (CNATCC) shares the complete FP Applicable data with Civilian ATS units. BULATSA and the military BULGARIAN units (not located in the CNATCC) exchange the FP data MILITARY - % using CPL message. SATCAS is equipped with the AUTHORITY - internal system capabilities for XIN/XRQ data exchange. All requests for crossing the reserved military airspace are handled within the SATCAS in the CNATCC.

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 67 Released Issue Local Objectives

Note: Local Objectives are addressing solutions that are considered beneficial for specific operating environments, therefore for which a clear widespread commitment has not been expressed yet. They are characterised with no deadline and voluntary applicability area.

Remote Tower Services Not AOP14 % Applicability and timescale: Local Applicable Links: B1-RATS | Key Feature: High Performing Airport Operations LBSA - SOFIA (MIL. MET. COM. CENTER) Not Applicable -

Enhanced traffic situational awareness and airport safety nets for the Not yet AOP15 vehicle drivers % planned Applicability and timescale: Local Links: B2-SURF | Key Feature: High Performing Airport Operations LBSF - Sofia Airport The solution is not mature enough yet. -

Guidance assistance through airfield ground lighting Not yet AOP16 % Applicability and timescale: Local planned Links: B1-RSEQ, B2-SURF | Key Feature: High Performing Airport Operations LBSF - Sofia Airport The solution is not mature enough yet. -

Provision/integration of departure planning information to NMOC Not yet AOP17 % Applicability and timescale: Local planned Links: B1-ACDM, B1-NOPS | Key Feature: High Performing Airport Operations LBSF - Sofia Airport The current local ATC system (SATCAS) is at the end of its lifespan. A new system is planned to - enter operation in 2026.

Runway Status Lights (RWSL) Not yet AOP18 % Applicability and timescale: Local planned Links: B2-SURF | Key Feature: High Performing Airport Operations LBSF - Sofia Airport Sofia airport is about to be given out under concession. Therefore there are no plans available - for the intentions of the company that will take it.

Multi-Sector Planning En-route - 1P2T Not ATC18 % Applicability and timescale: Local Applicable Key Feature: Advanced Air Traffic Services - Not practically possible with the ATM system used. To be considered for the new ATM system. -

Enhanced AMAN-DMAN integration Not ATC19 % Applicable Applicability and timescale: Local Links: B2-RSEQ | Key Feature: Advanced Air Traffic Services - To be planned accordingly. -

Enhanced STCA with down-linked parameters via Mode S EHS Not ATC20 % Applicable Applicability and timescale: Local Links: B1-SNET | Key Feature: Advanced Air Traffic Services - To be planned accordingly. -

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 68 Released Issue Airport Collaborative Environmental Management ENV02 % Completed Applicability and timescale: Local Key Feature: High Performing Airport Operations LBSF - Sofia Airport Bulgaria is not within the applicability area of this objective. Nevertheless, CEM was established formally in 2013 by adopting and signing two documents as per the EUROCONTROL CEM guidelines: -Shared Environmental Vision for Aircraft Operations, and -Terms of Reference of CEM Council. These documents have been revised for compliance with the EUROCONTROL Specification for Collaborative Environmental Management (CEM) (published in September 2014) and adopted by the stakeholders in 2015. The following stakeholders have signed the above mentioned documents for the establishment 31/07/2013 of CEM: A. operational stakeholders: A.1 ASP - BULATSA A.2 APO - Sofia Airport EAD, Fraport Twin Star Airport Management AD (Varna and Burgas airports), EAD, Gorna Oryahovitsa Airport EAD A.3 USE - Bulgaria Air, Air Via, ; Qatar Airways, BAA - Bulgarian Airlines Association B. other stakeholder: B.1 REG - DG Civil Aviation Authority

Continuous Climb Operations (CCO) ENV03 0% Planned Applicability and timescale: Local Links: B0-CCO | Key Feature: Advanced Air Traffic Services LBBG - Burgas APO PBN STARs (Transitions to final), IAPs (LNAV and LNAV/VNAV) and SIDs and suitable airspace design were implemented in 2015. STARs and SIDs are constructed in a way that allows aircraft to perform CDO and CCO. 31/12/2023 BULATSA is currently developing a plan for CDO/CCO implementation with a target to introduce them by 2023 at all civil airports for public use where operational benefits are identified.

Continuous Climb Operations (CCO) ENV03 0% Planned Applicability and timescale: Local Links: B0-CCO | Key Feature: Advanced Air Traffic Services LBGO - Gorna Oryahovitsa APO PBN STARs (Transitions to final), IAPs (LNAV and LNAV/VNAV) and SIDs and suitable airspace design were implemented in 2015. STARs and SIDs are constructed in a way that allows aircraft to perform CDO and CCO. 31/12/2023 BULATSA is currently developing a plan for CDO/CCO implementation with a target to introduce them by 2023 at all civil airports for public use where operational benefits are identified.

Continuous Climb Operations (CCO) ENV03 0% Planned Applicability and timescale: Local Links: B0-CCO | Key Feature: Advanced Air Traffic Services LBPD - Plovdiv APO PBN STARs (Transitions to final), IAPs (LNAV and LNAV/VNAV) and SIDs and suitable airspace design were implemented in 2015. STARs and SIDs are constructed in a way that allows aircraft to perform CDO and CCO. 31/12/2023 BULATSA is currently developing a plan for CDO/CCO implementation with a target to introduce them by 2023 at all civil airports for public use where operational benefits are identified.

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 69 Released Issue Continuous Climb Operations (CCO) ENV03 0% Planned Applicability and timescale: Local Links: B0-CCO | Key Feature: Advanced Air Traffic Services LBSF - Sofia Airport PBN STARs (Transitions to final), IAPs (LNAV and LNAV/VNAV) and SIDs and suitable airspace design were implemented in 2015. STARs and SIDs are constructed in a way that allows aircraft to perform CDO and CCO. 31/12/2023 BULATSA is currently developing a plan for CDO/CCO implementation with a target to introduce them by 2023 at all civil airports for public use where operational benefits are identified.

Continuous Climb Operations (CCO) ENV03 0% Planned Applicability and timescale: Local Links: B0-CCO | Key Feature: Advanced Air Traffic Services LBWN - Varna APO PBN STARs (Transitions to final), IAPs (LNAV and LNAV/VNAV) and SIDs and suitable airspace design were implemented in 2015. STARs and SIDs are constructed in a way that allows aircraft to perform CDO and CCO. 31/12/2023 BULATSA is currently developing a plan for CDO/CCO implementation with a target to introduce them by 2023 at all civil airports for public use where operational benefits are identified.

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 70 Released Issue 6. Annexes

A. Specialists involved in the ATM implementation reporting for Bulgaria

LSSIP Co-ordination

LSSIP Focal Points Organisation Name

LSSIP National Focal Point BULATSA Ivan ILIEV LSSIP Focal Point for NSA/CAA DG CAA Milan MARINOV LSSIP Focal Point for ANSP BULATSA Alexander ZARBOV LSSIP Focal Point for Airport BULATSA Alexander ZARBOV LSSIP Focal Point for Military Military Authorities Col. Hristo STANEV

Other Focal Points Organisation Name

Focal Point for U-space - - Focal Point for NETSYS BULATSA VASILEV Veselin

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 71 Released Issue

B. National stakeholders organisation charts

DG CAA organisational chart

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 72 Released Issue

BULATSA organisational chart

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 73 Released Issue C. Implementation Objectives’ links with SESAR KF, ASBU blocks and more

The table below (extracted from the MPL3 Progress Plan 2019) shows for each implementation objective, the links with the SESAR Key Features, Major ATM Changes, SESAR 1 Solutions, Deployment Program families, ICAO ASBU, EASA EPAS and AAS TP milestones.

SESAR Major ATM SESAR DP ICAO ASBU Level 3 Implementation Objectives Key EPAS AAS TP change Solution family B0, B1, B2 Feature AOM13.1 - Harmonise OAT and GAT handling FRA & A-FUA - - - - -

B1-FRTO B1- AOM19.1 - ASM tools to support A-FUA FRA & A-FUA #31 3.1.1 - AM-1.8 NOPS AOM19.2 - ASM management of real-time airspace B1-FRTO FRA & A-FUA #31 3.1.2 - AM-1.8 data B1-NOPS B1-FRTO AOM19.3 - Full rolling ASM/ATFCM process and ASM FRA & A-FUA #31 3.1.3 B1-NOPS - AM-1.8 information sharing B2-NOPS AOM19.4 – Management of Pre-defined Airspace B1-FRTO FRA & A-FUA #31 3.1.4 - - Configurations B1-NOPS FCM03 - Collaborative flight planning ATFCM - 4.2.3 B0-NOPS - AM-1.14

*FCM04.1 – STAM phase 1 ATFCM - 4.1.1 - - -

FCM04.2 - STAM phase 2 ATFCM #17 4.1.2 - - AM-1.11

4.2.2 B1-ACDM B1- - FCM05 - Interactive rolling NOP NOP #20, #21 AM-1.12 4.2.4 NOPS - FCM06 - Traffic Complexity Assessment ATFCM #19 4.4.2 B1-NOPS AM-1.13

FCM07 - Calculated Take-off Time (CTOT) to Target 4.3.1 - ATFCM #18 B1-NOPS AM-1.9 Times for ATFCM Purposes 4.3.2 - FCM09 - Enhanced ATFM Slot swapping ATFCM #56 - B1-NOPS -

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 74 Released Issue SESAR Major ATM SESAR DP ICAO ASBU Level 3 Implementation Objectives Key EPAS AAS TP change Solution family B0, B1, B2 Feature 3.2.1 B0-FRTO - *AOM21.1 - Direct Routing Free Route #32 - 3.2.3 B1-FRTO - AM-1.6 3.2.1 AOM21.2 - Free Route Airspace Free route #33, #66 B1-FRTO AM-1.10 3.2.4 AM-5.1 B0-SNET - ATC02.8 - Ground based safety nets ATM Systems - 3.2.1 - B1-SNET B0-SNET ATC02.9 – Enhanced STCA for TMAs ATM Systems #60 - MST.030 - B1-SNET Enhanced - ATC07.1 - Arrival management tools - 1.1.1 B0-RSEQ - Arrival Seq #27, - AM-1.15 ATC12.1 - MONA, TCT and MTCD ATM Systems 3.2.1 B1-FRTO #104 AM-5.1 Enhanced - ATC15.1 – Initial extension of AMAN to En-route - 1.1.2 B1-RSEQ - Arrival Seq Enhanced - ATC15.2 - Extension of AMAN to En-route #05 1.1.2 B1-RSEQ AM-1.3 Arrival Seq - ATC17 - Electronic Dialog supporting COTR Free Route - 3.2.1 - AM-1.3

- AM-4.3 ATC18 – Multi Sector Planning En-route – 1P2T Free Route #63 - - AM-5.1 Enhanced - ATC19 - Enhanced AMAN-DMAN integration #54 - B2-RSEQ - Arrival Seq ATC20- Enhanced STCA with down-linked parameters - ATM Systems #69 - B1-SNET - via Mode S EHS B0-CDO - ENV01 – Continuous Descent Operations PBN - - - B1-CDO - ENV03 – Continuous Climb Operations PBN - - B0-CCO -

B0-CDO RMT.0639 NAV03.1 – RNAV1 in TMA Operations PBN #62 - B0-CCO - RMT.0445 B1-RSEQ

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 75 Released Issue SESAR Major ATM SESAR DP ICAO ASBU Level 3 Implementation Objectives Key EPAS AAS TP change Solution family B0, B1, B2 Feature 1.2.3 RMT.0639 NAV03.2 – RNP1 in TMA Operations PBN #09, #51 B1-RSEQ - 1.2.4 RMT.0445 RMT.0639 1.2.1 NAV10 - RNP Approach Procedures to instrument RWY PBN #103 B0-APTA RMT.0445 - 1.2.2 RMT.0643 NAV12 – ATS IFR Routes for Rotorcraft Operations PBN #113 - B1-APTA MST.031 -

- AOP04.1 - A-SMGCS Surveillance (former Level 1) Surface mgt #70 2.2.1 B0-SURF -

- AOP04.2 - A-SMGCS RMCA (former Level 2) Surface mgt - 2.2.1 B0-SURF -

Collaborative 2.1.1 B0-ACDM - AOP05 - Airport CDM #106 - Apt 2.1.3 B0-RSEQ Enhanced ops - B1-RSEQ AOP10 - Time Based Separation in vicinity of #64 2.3.1 - B2-WAKE rwy Collaborative - AOP11 - Initial Airport Operations Plan #21 2.1.4 B1-ACDM - Apt AOP12 - Improve RWY and Airfield safety with CATC 2.1.2 - Surface mgt #02 B2-SURF - detection and CMAC 2.5.1 B1-ACDM - AOP13 – Automated assistance to Controller for #22 Surface mgt 2.4.1 B1-RSEQ - Surface Movement planning and routing #53 B2-SURF Remote #12, #71, AOP14 – Remote Tower Services - B1-RATS RMT.0624 - Tower #52, #13 AOP15 - Enhanced traffic situational awareness and - Surface mgt #04 - B2-SURF - airport SNET for the vehicle drivers AOP16 - Guidance assistance through airfield ground B1-RSEQ - Surface mgt #47 - - lighting B2-DURF AOP17 - Provision/integration of departure planning Collaborative B1-ACDM - #61 - - information to NMOC Apt B1-NOPS

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 76 Released Issue SESAR Major ATM SESAR DP ICAO ASBU Level 3 Implementation Objectives Key EPAS AAS TP change Solution family B0, B1, B2 Feature - AOP18 - Runway Status Lights (RWSL) Surface mgt #01 - B2-SURF -

ENV02 – Airport Collaborative Environmental Collaborative - - - - - Management Apt Enhanced ops - NAV11 - Implement precision approach using GBAS in vicinity of #55 - B1-APTA - CAT II/III based on GPS L1 rwy MST.007 SAF11 - Improve runway safety by preventing runway Surface mgt - - - RMT.0570 - excursions RMT.0703 - COM10 - Migration from AFTN to AMHS CNS rat. - - - -

COM11.1 - Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) in En- - CNS rat. - 3.1.4 - AM-1.3 Route COM11.2 - Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) in - CNS rat. - - - - Airport/Terminal Pre-SWIM & 5.1.2 - COM12 - NewPENS - B1-SWIM - SWIM 5.2.1 Pre-SWIM & - FCM08 – Extended Flight Plan #37 4.2.3 B1-FICE AM-1.4 SWIM RMT.0703 Pre-SWIM & INF07 - Electronic Terrain and Obstacle Data (e-TOD) - 1.2.2 - RMT.0704 - SWIM RMT.0722 5.1.3, 5.1.4, 5.2.1, 5.2.2, INF08.1 - Information Exchanges using the SWIM Pre-SWIM & B1-DATM #35, #46 5.2.3, - AM-1.5 Yellow TI Profile SWIM B1-SWIM 5.3.1, 5.4.1, 5.5.1, 5.6.1

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 77 Released Issue SESAR Major SESAR DP ICAO ASBU Level 3 Implementation Objectives Key ATM EPAS AAS TP Solution family B0, B1, B2 Feature change 5.1.3, 5.1.4, INF08.2 - Information Exchanges using the SWIM Blue Pre-SWIM 5.2.1, B1-DATM #28, #46 - AM-9.1 TI Profile & SWIM 5.2.2, B1-SWIM 5.2.3, 5.6.2 Pre-SWIM B1-DATM - INF09 - Digital Integrated Briefing #34 - - & SWIM B1-SWIM - ITY-ACID - Aircraft identification CNS rat. - - - -

ITY-ADQ - Ensure quality of aeronautical data and Pre-SWIM RMT.0722 - 1.2.2 B0-DATM - aeronautical information & SWIM RMT.0477 6.1.1 ITY-AGDL - Initial ATC air-ground data link services Data link - 6.1.3 B0-TBO RMT.0524 AM-1.1 6.1.4 ITY-AGVCS2 – 8.33 kHz Air-Ground Voice Channel - CNS rat. - - - - Spacing below FL195 ITY-FMTP - Apply a common flight message transfer Pre-SWIM B0-FICE - - - AM-1.3 protocol (FMTP) & SWIM B1-FICE RMT.0679 ITY-SPI - Surveillance performance and interoperability CNS rat. - - B0-ASUR - RMT.0519 * AOM21.1 was achieved in 2017 and FCM04.1 was achieved in 2018, therefore they were removed from the Implementation Plan 2018/2019. They are kept in this table for traceability purposes. Legend: Objective’s link to SESAR Key Feature:

Optimised ATM Network Services High Performing Airport Operations

Advanced Air Traffic Services Enabling Aviation Infrastructure

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 78 Released Issue D. SESAR Solutions implemented in a voluntary way3

These SESAR Solutions are not included yet in the ATM MP L3 Plan. EUROCONTROL is tasked by the SJU to identify the implementation progress of functionalities corresponding to validated SESAR Solutions published in the SJU Solutions Catalogue ( publications/sesar-solutions-catalogue), for which there is no implementation Objective (yet) in the ATM MP L3 Plan. This will allow to identify early movers and to gauge the interest generated by some of these functionalities, with the view of potentially addressing them with new Implementation Objectives in the ATM MPL3 Plan. A facilitated questionnaire using the existing ATM MP L3 / LSSIP methodology is added to capture information on non- committed SESAR solutions. For practical reasons, since the LSSIP 2017 cycle the questionnaire is included in the LSSIP Annex.

Are there implementation Has the SESAR plans in your State for the Solution been SESAR Solution? (Y-N- implemented N/A) SESAR SESAR in your State? - If “Yes” please report Solution Solution Solution Description (Y-N) when and where Code Title - if “Yes” implementation is please report planned where - If “N/A” please provide justification

High Performing Airport Operations

Use of data link communications between the Tower Controllers and the flight crew D-TAXI service during surface movement. for controller- It is based on the D-TAXI service from the pilot datalink CPDLC application, as standardised by #23 N communicatio RTCA SC214/EUROCAE WG78 (DO-350 & ns (CPDLC) DO-351). It also includes the access to this application service for end users, through the Tower CWP for the ATCO and through the aircraft DCDU for the flight crew. In low visibility conditions, the tower controller working positions are provided with Virtual Stop Bars (VSB) to improve low visibility operations and enhance Virtual block controllers¿ situational awareness. control in low Virtual Stop Bars can be used by the #48 visibility controller to reduce block-sizes once N procedures procedural control applies. Additional (LVPs) controller safety nets will be available to indicate violations of Stop Bars (including Virtual Stop Bars) and to monitor aircraft for any kind of unauthorised movement (Watch Dog).

3 Referred as ‘Non-committed’ SESAR solutions in the MP L3 Report.

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 79 Released Issue Are there implementation Has the SESAR plans in your State for the Solution been SESAR Solution? (Y-N- implemented N/A) SESAR SESAR in your State? - If “Yes” please report Solution Solution Solution Description (Y-N) when and where Code Title - if “Yes” implementation is please report planned where - If “N/A” please provide justification The solution increases the accuracy of information related to when the procedure is going to take place, how long it will take and when the aircraft will be ready to taxi for departure, which is currently calculated by predetermined estimates. The solution means that air traffic controllers no longer need to work without situational awareness of de-icing activities and needing to make their own estimates of when aircraft are ready for departure. The solution envisages that de-icing operations are no longer characterised by the A-CDM concept as ‘adverse conditions’, i.e. a state that is in De-icing need of collaborative recovery #116 management N procedures, but rather a part of normal tool operations in the winter period. The DIMT allows for the scheduling and monitoring of de-icing operations. It is an internet browser-based tool that addresses three distinct procedures for de-icing: - Remote de-icing, which occurs at a specific location on the airport away from the parking stand; - On-stand de-icing, which occurs just before the aircraft leaves its stand; and - After-push de-icing, which occurs after the aircraft has pushed back from the stand and is positioned to start taxiing after de-icing. The SESAR Solution “Reducing landing minima in low visibility conditions using enhanced Flight vision systems (EFVS)” is intended for flight crews, and corresponds to the use of EFVS visual based technologies displayed in HUD or Reducing an equivalent display system. The Landing objective is to provide operational credit Minima in in approach as permitted per EASA EU Low Visibility 965/2012 and its coming amendments Conditions #117 (NPA 2018-06 AWO) to face to Low N using visibility conditions. Enhanced

Flight Vision Enabling EFVS operations with Systems operational credits provides a greater (EFVS) availability of suitable destination and alternate aerodromes during periods of reduced visibility.

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 80 Released Issue Are there implementation Has the SESAR plans in your State for the Solution been SESAR Solution? (Y-N- implemented N/A) SESAR SESAR in your State? - If “Yes” please report Solution Solution Solution Description (Y-N) when and where Code Title - if “Yes” implementation is please report planned where - If “N/A” please provide justification This effectively reduces the number of weather-related delays, cancellations or diversions of flights to CAT II/III aerodromes, permits shorter routings and reduced fuel costs, a faster return to scheduled operations, and less passenger inconveniences.

A unique advantage of the EFVS on board solution is that it is mainly supported by the aircraft system instead of airports and the need of complex and costly ground infrastructures as those implemented in CATII/III airports.

From a global ATM network standpoint, the EFVS operation allows to retain traffic at most of secondary aerodromes by providing operational credit at most of runway ends with precision or non- precision landing minima (LPV, LNAV/ VNAV, ILS CAT1,…). The operational credit provided by EFVS is particularly important regarding secondary aerodromes because they usually have CAT1 or higher than CAT 1 RVR ¿ DA/DH minima and are therefore potentially more frequently impacted by adverse weather conditions.

In addition, EFVS capability is a key operational advantage more especially for the business aviation community that is mainly composed of small/ medium operators with limited resources and operating frequently at small/ medium airports. Beyond operational credit, the Vision Systems such as the EFVS improves situational awareness in all weather conditions for all operators at all airports contributing supporting decision-making and increasing safety margin all the time.

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 81 Released Issue Advanced Air Traffic Services

The CTA (Controlled Time of Arrival) is an ATM imposed time constraint on a defined point associated with an arrival runway, using airborne capabilities to Controlled improve arrival management. When a time of arrival time constraint is needed for a flight, the (CTA) in ground system may calculate a CTA as medium- #06 part of the arrival management process, N density/ and then it may be proposed to the flight medium- for achievement by avionics within complexity required accuracy. Airborne information environments may be used by the ground system in determining the CTA (e.g. ETA min/max) and in monitoring the implementation of the CTA. The system provides support to coordination of traffic flows into multiple airports to enable a smooth delivery to the runways. The 'Center Manager' (CMAN) which accompanies the AMANs of the airports generates a combined planning for several arrival streams into Arrival different airports by calculating the management sequence of aircraft flying towards an #08 N into multiple area where their routes intersect. By airports imposing an adequate spacing of the aircraft in that area, a Time To Lose (TTL) for the appropriate upstream E-TMA sector is calculated to meet this constraint. Both AMAN-TTL for the runway and TTL for the E-TMA sector are superimposed and presented to the upstream en-route sector controllers. Based on Advanced-RNP navigation specification, design of optimised routes Optimised e.g. spaced parallel routes, Fixed Radius route network Transition (FRT) and Tactical Parallel #10 N using Offset (TPO) further enhanced by advanced RNP onboard performance monitoring and alerting and the execution of more predictable aircraft behaviour Progressive implementation of Continuous procedures for Continuous Descent descent Operations (CDO) and Continuous Climb #11 operations N Operations (CCO) in higher density traffic (CDO) using or to higher levels, optimised for each point merge airport arrival/departure procedure New altitude capture laws aim to reduce Enhanced unnecessary ACAS alarms and reduce the airborne risk of mid-air or near mid-air collisions collision between aircraft as a last-resort safety avoidance net, by automatically reducing the vertical #105 system (ACAS) N rate at the approach of the selected flight operations level (only when a Traffic Advisories-TA using the occurs), leading to less traffic autoflight perturbation, while not increasing flight system crew workload.

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 82 Released Issue This new procedure design builds upon precision navigation technology (P-RNAV Point merge concept) for merging traffic into a single in complex #107 entry point, which allows efficient N terminal integration and sequencing of inbound airspace traffic together with Continuous Descent Approaches (CDA). Point Merge in high density environment and complex Extended TMA (E-TMA) Arrival sectors replaces radar vectoring with a Management #108 more efficient and simplified traffic N (AMAN) and synchronisation mechanism that reduces Point Merge communication workload and increases collective traffic predictability. The basic Extended ATC Planner aims at bridging the gap between Air Traffic Flow and Capacity Management (ATFCM) and Air Traffic Control (ATC) providing real- time and fine-tuning measures to solve ATFCM hotspots, and to perform early measures to alleviate complexity closest to ATC activities.

The solution consists of an automated tool and associated procedures Basic EAP supporting the basic communication (Extended #118 between the Local DCB position and the N ATC Planning) Controllers' Work Positions allowing the function EAP and the ATC team in identifying, assessing and resolving local complexity situations. The basic EAP relies on a real time integrated process for managing the complexity of the traffic with capability to reduce traffic peaks through early implementation of fine-tuned solutions to solve workload imbalances at the local level, compatible with the short-term timeframe of execution phase of the flights.

Optimised ATM Network Services

Airspace Users are allowed to change among themselves (via the pre-departure management process in CDM airports) User-driven the priority order of flights in the pre- prioritisation departure sequence. The departure time #57 process N will be automatically (UDPP) communicated/coordinated with the departure Network Management Function (NMF) via the DPI message as described in the A- CDM concept.

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 83 Released Issue Enabling Aviation Infrastructure

Europe’s vision to achieve high- performing aviation by 2035 builds on the idea of trajectory-based operations – meaning that aircraft can fly their preferred trajectory while minimising AOC data constraints due to airspace and service increasing configurations. SESAR has introduced an #67 trajectory early version, which makes use of flight N prediction planning data sourced from airline accuracy operational control (AOC) to help controllers optimise aircraft flight paths. This solution represents an initial step towards the extended flight plan solution and flight and flow information for a collaborative environment (FF-ICE). The ACAS provides resolution advisories (RAs) to pilots in order to avoid collisions. Controllers rely on pilots to report RAs by radio as they occur in accordance with ACAS Ground ICAO regulations. However these reports Monitoring can come late, incomplete or are, absent #100 and N in some instances. This solution consists Presentation of a set of monitoring stations and a System server system, which enable the continuous monitoring and analysis of ACAS RAs and coordination messages between airborne units from the ground. This solution consists of an enhanced TCAS capability, adding passive surveillance methods and reducing the Extended need for active Mode-S interrogations. By #101 hybrid N making fewer active interrogations, this surveillance solution allows the aircraft to significantly reduce the usage of the 1090 MHz frequency. The aeronautical mobile airport communication system (AeroMACS) offers a solution to offload the saturated VHF datalink communications in the airport environment and support new services. The technical solution AeroMACS is based on commercial 4G Aeronautical technology and uses the IEEE 802.16 mobile airport (WiMAX) standard. Designed to operate #102 communi- in reserved (aeronautical) frequency N cation system bands, AeroMACS can be used for ANSPs, (AeroMACS) airspace users and airport authority communications, in compliance with SESAR’s future communication infrastructure (FCI) concept. AeroMACS is an international standard and supports globally harmonised and available capabilities according to ICAO Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP).

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 84 Released Issue The Iris Precursor offers a viable option for ATS datalink using existing satellite technology systems to support initial Air traffic four-dimensional (i4D) datalink capability. services (ATS) #109 The technology can be used to provide N datalink using end-to-end air–ground communications Iris Precursor for i4D operations, connecting aircraft and air traffic management ground systems. The SESAR solution consists of the ADS-B ground station and the surveillance data processing and distribution (SDPD) functionality. The solution also offers mitigation techniques against deliberate ADS-B spoofing of the ground system by outside surveillance of agents. These techniques can also be used #110 aircraft in to cope with malfunctioning of avionics N flight and on equipment. SESAR has contributed to the the surface relevant standards, such as EUROCAE technical specifications, incorporating new functionalities developed for the ADS-B ground station, ASTERIX interface specifications as well as to the SDPD specifications. By allowing the use of ADS-B data that has been validated against data derived in parallel by a WAM system, the system can help to reduce the number of interrogations and number of replies and therefore reduce the 1030/1090 MHz RF load and improve spectrum efficiency. It achieves this through the integration of validated data items into the WAM channel, thereby preventing a need to re- Composite interrogate the data item. #114 Surveillance N Since the two surveillance layers share ADS-B / WAM hardware components, the system offers improved cost efficiency. Furthermore, the use of the system contributes to an improved security by successfully mitigating associated ADS-B threats. SESAR has contributed to the relevant standards, such as EUROCAE technical specifications for WAM and ADS-B that are implementing this “composite” concept.

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 85 Released Issue E. Military Organisations Infrastructure

This Annex is not produced in 2019. It will be updated every second year, therefore it will be produced as part of the LSSIP 2020 document.

In case information is sought on military infrastructure, previous LSSIP may be made available upon request to the respective Focal Point and/or Contact Person.

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 86 Released Issue F. Glossary of abbreviations

This Annex mainly shows the abbreviations that are specific to the LSSIP Document for the Republic of Bulgaria. Other general abbreviations are in the Acronyms and Abbreviations document in:

Term Description

AF ATM Functionality AFHQ Air Force Headquarters AOC Air Operations Centre CBS Cross Border Sectors CNATCC Common National Air Traffic Control Centre DFL Division Flight Level DG CAA Directorate General Civil Aviation Administration FT Fast Track IFCW Inter-FAB Coordination Workshop LNAV Lateral navigation MoD Ministry of Defence MTITC Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications OPEX Operational Expenditure PCP Pilot Common Project PDP Preliminary Deployment Programme PCN Pavement Classification Number RTS Real Time Simulation SAPSC Strategy and Planning Standing Committee SoD Staff of Defence SQSESC Safety, Quality, Environment and Security Standing Committee TRA Temporary Reserved Area S-AF Sub ATM Functionality SEE-FRA South East European Free Route SEEN-FRA South East European Night Free Route

LSSIP Year 2019 Bulgaria- Level 1 87 Released Issue