August 1986 Vol 55No
(T Pennsylvania Aueu8t 1986/80* ANGLER ^ The Keystone State's Official Fishing Magazine JSJ, m- m ' m: '#• je ft. > - r*--*-« Service, and the Susquehanna River This is over double the amount of Basin Commission filed some minor fish that have been moved upstream exceptions to the decision, which are above Conowingo since 1972. It is Straight more editorial than substance, we quite probable that many of these are could live with that decision just as it the result of eggs hatched and reared is. The next question was whether the several years ago at our Van Dyke Talk Philadelphia Electric Company and its facility above Thompsontown. During subsidiaries would file exceptions, 1981-1983, we stocked over 11 million which could take up to two years of shad fry and 163,000 fingerlings in the what might also be called appeals. Juniata River. We urged the president of the Just as we predicted—it is working. SHAD RESTORATION Philadelphia Electric Company not to To extrapolate these figures, the file exceptions or appeal—it is not in Maryland Department of Natural MILESTONE their interests, and we asked their Resources estimates that over 21,000 management to cooperate in the fish were in the lower sections of the On March 19, 1986, FERC immediate implementation of this river in 1986, compared to an average Administrative Law Judge David initial judge's decision so that the of only 7,000 shad during 1981 Harfeld ordered, in an initial decision, demonstration can now go forward. through 1985. Richard St. Pierre of that the operators of the Conowingo However, PECO went ahead and the U.S.
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