A Family of Trivalent 1-Hamiltonian Graphs with Diameter O(Log N)
JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 17, 535-548 (2001) A Family of Trivalent 1-Hamiltonian Graphs With Diameter O(log n) JENG-JUNG WANG, TING-YI SUNG* AND LIH-HSING HSU** Department of Information Engineering I- Shou University Kaohsiung, Taiwan 840, R.O.C. *Institute of Information Science Academia Sinica Taipei, Taiwan 115, R.O.C. **Department of Computer and Information Science National Chiao Tung University Hsinchu, Taiwan 300, R.O.C. E-mail: lhhsu@cc.nctu.edu.tw In this paper, we construct a family of graphs denoted by Eye(s) that are 3-regular, 3-connected, planar, hamiltonian, edge hamiltonian, and also minimal 1-hamiltonian. Furthermore, the diameter of Eye(s)isO(log n), where n is the number of vertices in the graph and to be precise, n =6(2s − 1) vertices. Keywords: hamiltonian, edge hamiltonian, 1-vertex hamiltonian, 1-edge hamiltonian, 1-hamiltonian, diameter, Moore bound 1. INTRODUCTION Given a graph G =(V, E), V(G)=V and E(G)=E denote the vertex set and the edge set of G, respectively. All graphs considered in this paper are undirected graphs. A sim- ple path (or path for short) is a sequence of adjacent edges (v1, v2), (v2, v3), …, (vm-2, vm-1), (vm-1, vm), written as 〈v1, v2, v3,…,vm〉, in which all of the vertices v1, v2, v3,…,vm are distinct except possibly v1 = vm. The path 〈v1, v2, v3,…,vm〉 is also called a cycle if v1 = vm and m ≥ 3. A cycle that traverses every vertex in the graph exactly once is called a ham- iltonian cycle.
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