Yom Tov Insights Chanukah Through the Prism of Rav Joseph B
Yom Tov Insights Chanukah Through the Prism of Rav Joseph B. Soloveitchik’s Teachings By Rabbi Kenneth Brander hen the Rambam wrote his concluding with the holiday of Sukkot.* systematically. Therefore, when organiz- W ing the rabbinic holidays, the order cho- magnum opus, the Mishneh Torah, he Rav Yosef Karo, the author of the Shulchan stated his intended purpose at the outset. Aruch, follows the same order. However, sen was one consistent with the halachic …I, Moses, the son of Maimon the the Rambam and Rav Yosef Karo part ways development of these days. Purim is the Sephardi… relying on the help of the Rock when codifying the rabbinic holidays of holiday where the battle was waged over the ability to add holidays not prescribed [God], blessed be He, intently studied all Chanukah and Purim. Rav Karo is consis- in the Torah. these works, with the view of putting tent and codifies the rabbinic holidays in Rabbi Samuel ben Judah said: Esther together the results obtained from them calendar order; first Chanukah (Orach sent to the Wise Men saying, “Commemorate regarding what is forbidden or permitted, Chaim 570-584) and then Purim (Orach me for future generations.” They replied: clean or unclean, and the other rules of the Chaim 586-597). However, the Rambam “You will incite the ill will of the nations Torah — all in plain and terse language, so codifies these holidays in historical order, against us.” She sent back a reply: “I am that the entire Oral Law might become placing Purim before Chanukah. already recorded in the chronicles of the kings known to all without difficulty… consisting Furthermore, the Rambam does not codify of Media and Persia.” (Megillah 7a) of statements that are clear, understandable them in distinct treatises, but as one trea- Our rabbis taught: Forty-eight prophets and correct, predicated upon the laws which tise, Hilchot Megillah v’Chanukah, as if they and seven prophetesses prophesied to Israel, are elaborated upon from all of the works were one holiday.
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