UNDERSTANDING THE ARMS TRADE TREATY FROM A HUMANITARIAN PERSPECTIVE International Committee of the Red Cross 19, avenue de la Paix 1202 Geneva, Switzerland T +41 22 734 60 01 F +41 22 733 20 57 E-mail:
[email protected] www.icrc.org © ICRC, September 2016 UNDERSTANDING THE ARMS TRADE TREATY FROM A HUMANITARIAN PERSPECTIVE 2 UNDERSTANDING THE ARMS TRADE TREATY TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 4 2. REDUCING HUMAN SUFFERING THROUGH RESPONSIBLE ARMS TRANSFERS: THE ROAD TO THE ARMS TRADE TREATY 7 2.1 Responsible arms transfers as a humanitarian imperative 8 2.2 The Arms Trade Treaty process 10 2.3 Responsible arms transfers outside of the ATT 11 2.4 Faithfully implementing the ATT 13 3. THE ARMS TRADE TREATY: OVERVIEW OF KEY PROVISIONS 17 3.1 The scope of the ATT 19 3.1.1 Weapons and items covered by the Treaty - Articles 2 (1), 3, 4, 5 (2) and 5 (3) 19 3.1.2 Transfers covered by the Treaty – Article 2 (2) and 2 (3) 23 3.2 The Treaty’s core obligations 24 3.2.1 Transfer prohibitions – Article 6 25 3.2.2 Export assessments – Article 7 34 3.3 Obligations relating to import, transit or trans-shipment, and brokering – Articles 8, 9, 10 40 3.4 Preventing diversion – Article 11 43 3.5 Ensuring implementation and compliance 46 3.5.1 National control system and national enforcement – Articles 5, 12 and 14 48 3.5.2 Transparency, international cooperation and assistance and confidence-building – Articles 13, 15, 16 and 17 50 UNDERSTANDING THE ARMS TRADE TREATY 3 4.