Whitefield News FREE Thanks to our advertisers Volume 6, Issue 5 Published Monthly November 2018 Holiday Events: PATIENCE, PERSISTENCE, OPTIMISM: FOR Kings Mills Union Hall THE LOVE OF CLARY LAKE Craft Fair November By Sue McKeen England Conservatory of Music in Boston. They 3rd, 10-2 pm Join lo- bought the Old Choate Farm as a summer place on cal crafters to support your All fishermen, as far as I can tell, the lake, along with 110 community and get a jump on are patient, persistent and optimis- adjoining acres. In 1945 tic. These are necessary traits for a the farm was given to his gifts for the season. fisherman because they sometimes parents as a wedding sit in a boat all day, keep going 7th Annual Windsor PAWS present where they spent back to the same fishing spot, and summers with their PTO Holiday Craft/Vendor continue to be optimistic they’ll Fair being held at Windsor Ele- children, George and Jean. catch something. George recounted his mentary School, 366 Ridge Rd, George Fergusson is a fisherman, many lazy and idyllic days Windsor. Saturday, November both literally and figuratively. In fishing on the lake with his 17th, 9 am - 2 pm. Call 592-3313 the literal sense you will find best friend, Robert or email
[email protected] George out on Clary Lake almost Giampetruzzi, whom he every day in good weather, rod in met when he was just five Sheepscot General hand, with a smile on his face. In years old. George Holiday Bazaar, December 1st, the figurative sense, George em- commented, “It was a bodies all the qualities of a fisher- George Fergusson Photo by Margaret 5-8 pm.