Lothian NHS Board Waverley Gate 2-4 Waterloo Place Edinburgh EH1 3EG Telephone: 0131 536 9000 www.nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk www.nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk Date: 14/10/2020 Your Ref: Our Ref: 4687 Enquiries to : Richard Mutch Extension: 35687 Direct Line: 0131 465 5687
[email protected] [email protected] Dear FREEDOM OF INFORMATION –THEATRES I write in response to your request for information in relation to theatres within NHS Lothian. Question: 1. Please list the number of surgical theatres (including day case) at each of the following hospital sites. Answer: Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh 28 Liberton Hospital 0 Western General Hospital 9 St John’s Hospital 13 Question: 2. Please list the number of induction rooms (including day case) at each of the following hospital sites. Answer: Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh 28 Liberton Hospital 0 Western General Hospital 9 St John’s Hospital 12 Question: 3. Please provide a list detailing the manufacturer, model and year of purchase for all anaesthesia machines currently in operation at each of the following hospital sites. Answer: Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh Enclosed table Liberton Hospital 0 Western General Hospital Enclosed table St John’s Hospital Enclosed table 4687 – Theatres - October 2020 Question: 4. Please provide the name of the clinical equipment lead for anaesthetic machines? (Usually an anaesthetist). Please could you provide the information broken down to each Hospital named above and not Trust wide. Answer: Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh , Anaesthetic Clinical Director Liberton Hospital N/A Western General Hospital , Anaesthetic Clinical Director St John’s Hospital , Anaesthetic Clinical Director I hope the information provided helps with your request.