'- ;"; -t ?!SW!l1S&''r fw The Chalmers Motor Company Will Have Three Down to the. Minute Cars in the Times Auto Show

The Morning Time' ClrruUttlon Yea-trtl- 7 Pre MARKETS. Printed and Dlstrtlftited. com- plete coplee. In each lanruase: Raw York urrr aNc English New Tor electrolytic 1( AO O copper. . . .tt.7j is Edition New Tor lead w.wejMS IVfVOC New Torlt tine lt.S6OS.e0 Edition 10,017 V a , CM TUX mtTIIWMT. SW

Novmter Avrraaa Gran ClrauUtlae 1 35TH YEAR Dally (M ay h.,ls. 11.077: uecUj. EL PASO. TEXAS, SATURDAY, JANUARY 2,1915. ENGLISH SECTION 2 PAGES PRICE 5 CENTS







flu ih Associated Press flaco, .Arl., Jan. t The Mepau porder peace part is sim hanging, rire. tf forts to sec urn the final agreement of Governor SCENES. ALONG THE FIGHTING FRONT IN NORTHERN FRANCE. Left to right: German engineers repairing a break in one of their newly laid underground telephone cables Jhr sonora viiii.sta lead'-r- lo the terms approved by both villa and car- behind the trenches. The fracture was caused by a French shell. The central panel shows wounded French infantrymen being assisted from the trenches in the Argonne region. At the ranza,, have failed thus far. Brigadier right is Belin, right-han- d of Although is seldom in the dispatches, Generel Belin is by General the General Hugh U henil, chief nt General man General Joffre. he mentioned news considered Joffree most valuable man iiafr or the linircd Slate, army, had fa on his staff t orable inter , lews recently with General Hill, the cai' ran ra defender of Naco. n hora, and also uifli Maytorenn, When tie tutlnp: six armies or three corps each. Thus REVOLUTION IN PARAGUAY BWTLFNHIP FORMHIAULE ieni Maylorena's agents to their chief tor several generals who commanded army HAS ALHE1Y M AIIE. PRISONER WAS TWICE TORPEDEO he rinal settlement of the question Mnn SIX HUNDRED MEN corps at the beginning of the war now rind FARMERS' UNION TO OF PRESIDENT OF REPUBLIC BRITISH PAPERS EARLY FRIDAY MORNING. lay they returned unsuccessful One of themselves at ine heads of armies. an m AiMOvlatrit Pre he Intermediaries is reported hi haw rom Bit the nuul'-itte- Buenos Aires, Jan. - La Prensa Auociated Prvt wnii Villa, hut to have failed in CATEGORICAL DENIAL London.. Jan. 'J (U4n a. , t any printed a from I'ormnsa. no The fforl to .ecine actiuh OF GEMIAN OVERffl'RFS. Daily le stair-- , lhat Mimvors General Scolt. who ame here from Wash Hi Arirentina. log that a revolution or the haiilt'slilp the Associated Pfrtfi HOLD CONVENTION hHs broken out in Paraguay, an artil- ON WILSON PROTEST Formidable report tlgloii Weeks ago lo setlle the tnP'1 WENT DOWN WITH Berlin, Jan. (By Wireless to Sayvllle, lery that the easel w :i torpedoed both uilitcnt loborder trouble caused bv Mp-ai- Long Inland!. A dispatch, under a regiment having taken the field. Dire nfi Paris The dispatch Dr. snd early Friday tnuriuug and arfare wlih Its accompaniment of flrihti date, to the Journal do Geneve of Geneva, adds that Eduardo h most immediately, Sherer, president uf the republic, Is a across ihe hoiindar. had expected to (IN Switzerland. io ihe effect that Germany was Tin' Uirnnlele's itmtinin correspond- pose of the mailer earlv this week. He willing In September to conclude a sepa- prisoner. ent, ihv USING who is authority for above, s. However, that the solution is far rrom rate peace with Franco elicited today a ORGANIZATION PLANS TO TAKE IP THINK ENGLAND IS JUSTIFIED I says the cspiam or ihe trawler Provi- hopeless. BRITISH BATTL- categorical denial from (tie Word Deutsche 0 ESTIOS OF FINANCING VAQUI RIVER FLOODS ALL KELOGNI7XD HUHUUH ur v DOING GREAT WAR TO END. dence, which rescued seventy survU ihe pian proposeii in ine Mexican leader Allegemelne Zeltung declare Germany COTTON CROP. DAMAGE TO RRING THE vors who had escaped the hat never thought of restoring AJsace and Lor- IN STATE OF SONORA. from pro. Ided for the withdrawal of Mayiorens raine to France. Atnociatrd ih'shlp In a rutter. states thai oilier Horn his blockade of Naco. Sonora ihe Pret Mirvivors have been rescued and tak- The official press bureau said tonight Widely Heralded $l3&.006,Mn Loan Pro- Douglas, Arla.. The Yaqul 'If Vt'e Can Prevent Our Encallen Frnm evacuation of ihe town by Hill and his r Jan en to Dartmouth. He aw no other - ENGLISH that reports turf been received from Madrid nounced L'risjualined Failure; "Buy a river in southern Sonora baa gone on supplies, VYe Aro Advaaclnii moval io Agua Prieta; and the agreed neti- ESHIP IN staling thai Tfttucler again threatened the Dale ! Peaee," They Oeelare. boats belonging lo the Formidable, irailij oi ine nonnra nnrrnr lowns. inn Bale' Movement Helped but Lit lie. a rampage, drowuint stock, washing however. by Moorish, rebeli and that the French had away bridges, destroying crops, farms plan, in general, contemplated the elimi- iost more man i .ton men ana many of any righting close enough to tho put i H1 irrigation ditches, according to nation rer in In Mnrun n Bu It So Tkjt mm By the Associated Prré$ HECONO ROBBER KILLED. border to endanger American lives or ny HttTlñl ira Tim , arrivals here today. Ihe inhabitants muí, AiiQioer item viven out toe official Fort Tixas. Jab. I Toft follonr- - tn ni. .Jan i. rin iiubiitKtidn lu Lou property. preps Worth. have sought safety the ntlib and it to Britain Ht- Lnulse Becnmlnn Unhealthy for Gentle- CHANNEL FRIDAY injreaii louay fnys ing signed statement was given out yei is rumoreu some nave oeen don or the American note Great At meeting the Hamburg chamber terday droanad. m regard to unwarranieu aeiay oí American men With Burglarious Instincts. mum heporTTU -- of commerce, upon from the headauarters of the Farm occa- in hi the chairman dwelt the ers Union in this city: "Tho Farmers Union shipping has dispelled any irritation By the Associated Press IN I NIITD STATED TERRITORY. riiiw HHiun anapvaiMiiry ui tronnan eco- ny tho incomplete sentences in the 1. holds a sute convention In Fort Worth on sioned St. Louis, Jan. For the !Mrond lime sources, It nomic Itfe to war. Inn. he said, liad cre- stnnmarv of u couuuunlcallon cabled w in a a was From well founded became February 9, and the orgaulxai Ion stands ENGLAND first iih week, robber killed here l ated 'great confidence. He said that the ACCEPTS from ijie United Stales. The Spectator tonight by the storekeeper whom he tried known yesterday thai Oeneral tur bide. FORMIDABLE WAS THE Belehsbank bad done excellent work during ready at that time to enter into a contract says: whose escape rrom Mexico Llty by train with the bankers and business men. and to hold up. The dead man was identified the war, that the railroads had shown In- We are Justified In using all recognized as Charlea Toier, n police character, 30 caused a sensarion throughout Mexico last creasing strength and that most aerman any concern or individual for warehouses methods of warfare to bring tho war lo years old. He was killed by George week, had succeeded in reaching Amort money 10 or VICTIM EITHER OF ships were safe in neutral ports." ana Burn cent taae care ine an end." a restaurant owner, while two ac- an territory from Mexico. His entry to 115 and future cotton crops. Too compter NOTE AS FRIENDLY riu- Spectator adds lhat uu ciurieuines complices were attempting to empty the ihe hi i'ii States was ni, id- - along the Texas SUB- OFFICIAL STATEMENT failure of the at3:.o0o,uoo loan, which has under winch American trade is laboring are cash register. border east or F.l Paso. His present loca MINE OR GERMAN LHSI'KO FROM VIENNA, been widely heralded to the public as not due primarily lo interference with Toser entered the restaurant with leveled tion Is not known. By the Associated Press relief for the difficulties of the cotton farm shipping by British warships, hut rather revolver and drove ihe owner and a patron Luis Canova, special agent or the depart IMPRES- Amsterdam, Jan. I. The rallowing official ers, tho small Mtcf (fronted through the lo tlie general disturbance to trade occa- Into the kitchen. There asleopious seised ment or slate with the convention gov- MARINE, THE communication from Vienna was received 'buv a ha e' movement, ihe Incauaiiiv o sioned hv war throughout the world. Pis own revolver rrom a shelf and shot the ritmcHt who wa charged by Mexican or- uu- - morning: our legislative machinery to cope with ih AHBANSMmH PAGE HENDN I.OMi til "The sooner peace Is restored Ihe belter robber as he entered the kllchen door. having aided escape. It the article Heláis with Uurblde's VES- "Fighting In the Carpathians and Buko-wln- a situation and tne ronutien- miianst- m PORT FROM Minimis REGARDING will be for American irado." Toor died .In the arms of a policeman at- ye terday n nan no anowieage of SION BEING THE continues, we can naval pressure es- aid continues, but the situation u un- - ery effort put forth by government and M Mil III. or BRITISHERS. 'ir by tracted by ihe shot. His accomplices Uurblde's whereabouts. The pe leal agnt chaflano the business to th rann prevent our enemies irom receiving sup- caped. interests h!i plies rrom we clearly shall be ad- said ho supposed tturbldfl would make his "lile ci í'inv s ni lacks, both dav and nlnht era, bring the sound thinking people of neutrals presence if SEL WAS TORPEDOED; at or vancing the date at whnh peace will be- known he had reached the Biala and south Tarnow (boih In dáll- Texas face to face with the urgent neces General Belief Prrvatl, In Washington Thai Lulled slates. ela, have been repulsed, our troops Inflict sltv for concerted action In solving our come poislble." ing uravy ana taxing ,uoo pnsoners Common Ground Will Br Rrachrd In Tbe s,,tjiitalor asserts that in many impor- IN losses marketing problems. I -t I t.KNKBAL RL'POR TEO FIGHTING FLANDERS end six iiivhlne auns. ni nn- U hlrh Will Rrllrvr Ships. tant In- anees the Hermans have inlaied NEUTRAL SHIPS SCARCE UlUWLlfeU "While tne war ts in a nifasur ni The Hhriic, to SLAIN IN UI Alt Hi IT TOREON. "North of the Vistula rog hinders tbe op- n Ihe convention adopted at emergency factor. Its elimination In whlcn Is a parly. Menor tho great-- LARGELY erations, but slight progress has been necessity storag America It was reported here yesterday that Gen AND FRANCE wav diminishes the for st li tHte. she Is under peculiar ob i mude then-- properly By the Associated Prest mrsi There Is Not u hufflcleney to Lurry the eral i'ii on, a arram iiia military command "In Hie facilities, and cheap money to ligations lo Insist upon Hit- sanciuiy of by southern war theater nothing has cron. As repr Washington. Jan. i. Ambassador Walter Revlvltin Trade llclurrn United Stales it. waa shot and killed convention happened." inarkf-- tho the authorized The Maguo convention, without suhk'-nIio- unci Germany, Says McAdoo. Torreón a few days ago. during ARTIL or produce Hlnes Page, in a long report from London go hpecta-to- r al CONFINED TO sentattves the men who and that America snouid lo uai, the a place at the railroad rollowlng le- quarrel which took IANISH Al'THOBITIES own the cotton, we call upon men will received today, his conference insists thai the bystander Is under reported killing or the Car- money in Texas to rinance the crops on with high officials gal obligation to inter fen "lo prevent station. The GERMANS MAKE SEIZE COPPER CARGO. here, described tin By the Associated Prtss ranza of Tire r could not he confirmed in LERY; the plans of the Farmers Union, which general attitude of thr British government crime." It says that people on both sides It li the Asociated Press or afiach im- Washington, Jan. I. Scarcity of neutral official Juarei circles and no details of Copenhagen'. organl.ailon is tbe pioneer In cotton hold and the people toward Ihe American note tho Atlantic woulu greater killing he from Jan. large cargo or cop- movements. to talk to men portance to President Wilson's prole si if ships to carry the reviving trade between the reported could obtained NO PROGRESS IN PO per which is said to have been snipped to ing We aunt or protest concerning shipping as entirely equally local sources. money, not men with wild est schemes preceded or accompanied by strong empha-sire- I enmark by a in an at- wiih the Cnlie'd Males and iiermauy Is said yesterday that they For raising money on our own property rnendiy. representations against breaches of The carranza nrriclals tempt to smuggle It through this country II it In a letier by Secretary Mc advices telling of ihe death of we want io deal with men who represent The ambassador detailed the British pre as ue convention with which chai tres written had received AND ARE DIG to Oerrnany by means or a false bill or lad- 11 LAND nn whose ou i,eiinan. that American trade nus Adoo to Repruanntallve Alexander, chairman ene ral GTron. ing was seised today by the banujh au- ramtsi willing- to build warehouses criticism, tone he regarded as commerce of reasonable compensation on the the w hole amicable, suffjt'd K'eallv from the disappearance of ihe house merchant marine thorities. surance reasonable and in I. "in s)iiinlntr and slates liisi the committee, concerning ihe development or ANGEL NOT hltSULALIKIEII THEMSELVES IN. Investment and who are awe to finance some (piarters, not among nrriclals, GING money he difficulties in tho cotton trade antedate the ine wnra oi ine war t. insuiaun: iy ine LOR SERVICE IN IIKXILO. OFFICIAL STAIEMEVT lite crop, when stored by lending found a disposition to search roí a motive war. treasury depariuieni. or Presldelit Lulallo FROM on cotton. The recent decree Mili PARIS. at a reasonable rate of Interest behind the American note, some English- "h Is yel to he explained how, except "Some or the .steamship companies," the flullerrex disqualifying offlfers n th A smnrLated Pre y We have the cotton and we want to deal f searching on way to said, ships govern- It the Annociated Preus money. men suggesting that the Washington ad- by rrefully ships ihe secretary "are oflet ing tiiat for service, under the mn vent ion London. Jan. 1. The destruction of the Parts. Jan. 1. Tbe following orr com- with the men who have the neutra' countries contiguous to Germany, have been in out or use ror a consul no Oeneral Eng letal Tor ministration bad been compelled lo yield pri ment army will in wise effect British battleship Formidable In tbe munication was issued this evening: "The Farmers Union stands Nttt can prevent ine uermaus iroiu in hik erable length of time, ami some or a class Felipe Angeles, a former Tedersl artillery or a pressure or congress w t tub channel todav hv a mine subma "There is nothing to report of the opera- business not conversation. from members supplied with mah'iials required by the iii it It questionable he her they who is now at the head or the although one of thoae events stop with the subject ad- uu commander rine boat, tions tonight." It la time to trifling representing canstliuenries vitally arrecteu German army," says the spectator. It would iK'Tiiiliieu io nan on suen voy convention artillery Torce, according to well ErgViFhrnen now realize must be expected and get down to business. And we invite by the interruptions in trade. This por- vances Die argument that statistic of ages." navy Is compelled to to Mr. Me Informed Mexican officials who arrived so lung as the British XS6IAN8 INVAME hungary men capable or doing things lo address tion or the English public opinion seemed American exports of ropper neutral Adoo said Ihe board was u rltlug City, Angeles the seas, has caused widespread grief. or helping farm- state ihi- - metal Is being up to í on cot- here from Mexico oeneral keep FROM FOUR POLNTH. themselves to the task the to think American note was to show that some of insurance crgoc ui by the Mexican officials This Is due not so much to the loss of the ers of Texas and the south solve this mon- Intended supplied to Germany, and asks: ton to Germany, the amount divided be is not considered htr wdi. h was fifteen vears old and cost Bs the Atiociated Pre care some extent for home consumption. "Does President Wilson do the American tween and cargoes, and added that and rlliaens as a rederal in ihe strict s. umental problem, ir we are to take vessel as never served nhout $.,000,000, as It is for the men about London, Jan (8:n a. m.)The Daily Is begin. High officials of ihe Washington govern per pie this country to look on un- he understood that the regular marine in sense of this term he in or the 1B1B crop, now the time lo expect army, which rought the consti- at, in ntimhcr who went down With Mr Mali's Rome correspondent sends a tele- "W. D. LEWIS. ment pointed out tonight that there was moved utile our enmulo-- are thus supplied suranco companies were not wi inug poll Hie Huerta Ho Tar as known, only 141 of the Formlda-hi- 'i gram received there from Budapest which Co- Willi ih means or killing our soldiers?" ties more newly. He quoted ihe iwaru ai tutionalist rorces berore the establishment were "President Farmers Educational and not ih. slightest foundation ror such a or government in Mexico. Prior rrew of 70 rescued. says that ihe nusslans are invading Hun- operative Plan or Texas. Tin American copper interests, it Is said, reporting: the present British admiralty has given the suggestion, as the nole was not originally i un io or io can safely Die had beep m the redera! army lit'- not gary Tour points. "PETER RADFORD, sel the allied nations neutrals "It be assumed that Amerl to that time he totality where the dlaaater occurred, and from Intended Tor the press. It Is understood not Qdoining Germany, at prices as high or can and German companies are doing Ihetr but this was during the Madero adminis- It Is unable to aay whether the "Refugees are flocking Into Budapest,' "National Lecturer Farmers Education Page higher war. states, how- utmost io loyaL to Madero declares Union or America." thut Ambassador had anticipated such than before the It relieve the existing situation and tration and he remained shit- struck a mine or was torpedoea; nut the dispatch adds. "There Is a panic and mistaken impressions by assuring the Brit- ever, that the demand or the American to develop a nurricient market to take care during Ihe Mexico nity uprising. as tne nriusn ueei jkjmi uu ucdu m throughout Hungary as a result of tbe ish government Inrormally lhat the "copper kings" Is that they be permitted lo or ine largest cargo. t no dormán com It Is explained that President Oullerrer.' positions on the Belgian SOUTHWEST WHEAT KING United '11 Fngland's nave a very in Mieiling German rapid retreat of the Auatrlan army SON cp''1 to enemies at panies special reason for de- decree is directed against rormer federal coast, ano as German submarines have been before IS KILLED BY HIS States was thoroughly In earnest Tne which demand cannot be siring to ihe utmost in this this new All price, do direction. volunteers such as Benjamin Arguniedo and more and more using Zeebrugge as a base, nuuslan advance. public IN PROTECTING HIS MOIHEH. rime was phrased In a candid and frank granted. The Spectator says the Americans "As far as marine insurance is concerned mili- a sub- meetings By Pre his officers who were the prlnrlpal tho inclination here is to believe that have been prohibited in Buda- the Auociated manner, he Is understood lo have ex- should remember their actions during the we. must differentiate bidween shins des had during the Wrm In an at- N- M., t Claiming tary strength Huerta marine again has been successful pest." Clovts, Jsn. that plained, particularly s it was not written civil arar, and concludes: tined to German pons and those to neutral or government. his to kill bis mother the which Is ports, wlih the possibility his tack. rather .tried with i of publication. As "Our trades claim rights, in of transshipment and himself, tbe son or the ii the Tact, supplying to As Are In Progress. STATE OF PANIC EXIftTS the rights of to the enemies Germany. to the latter, the situation CARRANCISTAH CONT1NLK tallies "Cyclone" Jones, the wheal king of synopsis leaked out, however, the goods by Is pi i. n nil v no In Tri news from the front was dwarfed to IN of the United States needed those dirrerent lhan exists OF EXTORTION. navy, TURKISH CAPITAL. tbe soQlhwest, shot and killed his ra- had been inatructed to arrange enemies to continue the war. The norm ordinary years. Hau-- u. itnti.-- dam. Couen MKTHOOH day by this latest loss to tbe British i, amounting nearly fli"1. s night at thetr ranch, twelve iimni to altnough battles nf considerable propor-tlrn- By the AttocUted Pre ther last ror the publication or the complete text to sternly relused to reeognlze anv such rights hagen and other Scandinavian ports are mtlea north or here. The boy then powers. any now me same on OOP were levied on the citizens of Morella, are taking place along the two long London. Jan. a, m. The cor- satisfy the desire ror more information in for neutral Wirt American pracucaiiy as lasi year similar U went to town and gave himself up to declare falber was veaaels. Thn or Ihi- niarknt capital of tbe slate of Mlcboacan by respondent Express In both countries. stand forth and that his mine and of the.: Athens the officers, claiming In the wruig?" Hklian surriclenl ou such risks to take care Carranclsta army under Oeneral Francisco fighting In Flanders northern The that a state of panic existí In Con- The hearing will be held Incidentally the ambassador cabled that or any cargo ity a before he evacuated this place, a Fiance has been confined largely to artil- preliminary The Saturday Bvlew describes the note suitable steamer. Morula engagements, except near Bethune. stantinople and that the Turks have aban- here Monday. The son and father had the British governmen had corrected some of President Wlliton as "a document from "The situation as to shipments to Ger- Tew days ago, according to reliable advices lery I along the Germans claim they have taken doned all Idea or taking the offensive. no gotten well for seversl English newspaper reporta which spoke of a candió rriend, who. just because he la a many ts more difficult and the available received from the Mexican capital. Threats where years. The son says the father was say Is of leading mer- a. trench. Tbe y admit, however, the "The holy the dispatch con a discourtesy in premature up 11 cation. Mr. rnend. can things whlsh between market limited to German and American were made against the lives British relict." drunk. strangers would be regarded as having too companies. The situation Is rapidly Uav they rerused to pay of St. Georges, near the Belgian coast, tinues, "have been removed to Brusa, Page reported that Lord Ualdane,-i- charge chants oí the city when ofricfal report from Berlin says Asia rougb an edge." The Review does not provlng and the market is developing under 'hem sums levied upon them and rinally which the Minor, whither the sultan and the porte Damages for Lead Poisoning. or the roreign orrice. avaa Informed of the think li impossible gov- charged of It was decided not to attempt to retake, should be for two the demand. The rates are not were forced lo give over large sums high level of water. are preparing to follow. AH available By the AteoiHated Pre purport or the communlraiion before even ernments whirl) have no wish to take of- cesalve, taking Intu account that the porta money to the Carranclstss- owing to the Chicago. i a forces, about 1&0.O00 men, are concentrated Jan. Miss Marv Sheels. Ihe first intimation or the contents of the fense to conciliate their nolnts of view. are on a coast on which it ts safe, to as- (ienera! (Jertrudts Sanchez and Ihe con- Germans Make Progresa. who alleged she contracted lead in an editorial, saya sume many region, where the battle in the city. printer, note was published. The Dally chronicle, of the aids to navigation have vention army which occupied the cliy of in the Argonne DOisonlna at thr rases, todav was awarded it considers tne American protest as Hav- L en removed and that salvage operatlnoa evacuation by Murgta's ifmoat continuous for weeks. It "Adrlanople has been practically evacu a 910,000 In against The views in the British press were read a Worella arter Ihe hat been 11 verdict of her suit the ing been made in frank and cordial spirit near that coast under wsr conditions would - up the rebel been the Oertrtan; turn to make a ated and the heavy guns there removed International Harvester company. Tbe case' with much Interest by officials. The argu- Impóasíbre." Carrancista- troops followed bns which, how-eve- and that the note deserves the friendlleat be almoat them, capturing mora Ü progress, as an ofrset to to Tcnatajja, which - near the Turkish is said to be the rirst in which lead poison ment that England la fighting what she consideration. In giving figures of what It rorces and defeated the French declare they have con- proven. than 1,500 prisoners. On capital. Frenzied entrenching in prog ing In printing shops has bren believes to be a life and death struggle. claims are the changes tn the trade of the TEXAS GIRL RJCCUVKtí their advance in upper Alsace. is United wlih neutral pnwers since tinued virtually to along the of the Dardanelles It was pointed out. waa rully recognised Slates ttWUTHEARTt IRON CROHN CONM'L AT NAt! whole the situation seenti reis shores MOB OF MISSOURI NEGROES ihe war the tlhrdnlrje says that, unking CARRANZA a position of stalemate. and the Bospborus, and aro In Ihe American note, but 11 was contended r'ROM GERMAN GOVERNMENT. IMATEH HRST CHIEF. hare reached any 'reparations ATTEMPTS TO LYNCH ONE full allowance ror the possibility that much RFl'l Neither side has been ahle lo make made lo resist the passage of a bos the delays or some cargoes exceeded the or ihe Increased trade with neutrals was The Carranza consulate In this city was Impression on their antagonist s Jine. OF OWN RACE BY HANGING. By the Aooioted Pre by Nsco, Ariz., agenta yesterday mat tile fleet. By the A ooiated manliest necessity for neutrality. unite legitímale, Uie enormous Increase In advised both being very eirongly t Pre Joplln, Mo., Jan. or C. consular representative there, ind. "Tbe attack on Egypt has been definitely Charleston-- , Mo.. Jan. I A negro Tbe general heller in Washington Is that Italy's imports of copper Is a subect for l. Information that Perez, unlikely that mob I or Welck-tnast- Chief Carranza and It is considered l&2r.gen v a ground In erloilH hoilKht. the death Captain GuriUier has repudiated First .m win attempt another abandoned and tbe troops have been re- of negro levee workmen attempted to common will be reached of the German aviation corps, tho convention government to- Italian and American merchants," Jte bad recognized eral offensive until superiority Id numbers called to defend tbe Asiatic aide or tbe lynch one of tbelr number here diplomatic correspondence whereby Chronicle says, "must not be condemned to whom she waa engaged, waa la aiiamed dv strait and Brusa. day because be bad stabbed tbe fore- - derinlte arrangements will be put into ef- for to make an abnormal profit today by Miss Virginia Hurst oeneral Rarael afusquts. who baa wjywum man, a while man. A passing their desire Consul ' "Everything points to Constantinople be- train fect to relieve American exporters or un- rrom the necessities or a neingereni. mu or San Antonio, Texas, an Instructor been here ror several days, will leave to- same situation prevails In crew interfered and sav the negro In a r Much the are ing the first enemy's capital to fall." certainty. Ish merchants would. In like circumstances, school here. Captain Weickmas-te- day for Naco and will probably apiolnt a northern Poland, where the Germans after tbe gang bad placed a rope act In a like manner. Bui England Is just was killed two weeks ago, with a to represent tbe cur-ra- found 11 Impossible to get Reports that another note Is in prepara- successor to Peres have around Ms neck. ly entitled to use ner navai power to pre- noted aviator, Vohlmeller, while mak- a government at Naco. ZCZtaX Hrura and nawka. rivers, and 'IIMIIH WRaUTUCS Tonight William Dol son, foreman tion concerning the listing or absolute and vent contraband reaching the enemy " ing a rilght at i v. v uaBiiv nn4rcessful In advane negroes. were by WITH CABINET CRISIS. of the Is at Birds Point, M conditional contraband said The Chronicle thinks the nnestlon of de The information came to Nlss Hurst NATIONAL C0NAXNTI0NT0 tng along the Pillea river. They are aald east of here, in a condi- grown out or Ute suggestion lay In searching or vessels Is ihe crnx from the German governmenl4n a let- preparatory in By the Attoriatrd Pram miles rlitcal to have the III UN I N JANl'.aHT to digging themselves in. a or nfi o i ter contained an Iron croas be- is be hardening of the rround I.ondon. Jan. v :.- a." m.) Tbe Sofia, tion as result tbe vounds In the American note that while these ine am icuiiy, inu inn me nriusu auv that Advices rrom Mexico fin nosatfiad here remaining until the to ready to grant gener stowed upon Captain WeickmasHer by A ed by Andrew Wlgrgln. lite Utter open they would eminent ouaht be i v deleg a t ti n an MStiir e rnak.es the movement oí troops Bulgaria, correspondent or the Times seoda were to objection, II sava ihe kaiser. Miss Hurst met the Ger- national convention by frost with two gunshot Hounds In the arms No ous comnensstlon for deiav. It postponement of the con leas difficult tbe following: re- be rurther discussed at another lime. there be Uttle difficulty man aviator while In Berlin a year the and one in his bead received while feels assured will' l to January 10. Th e rfjjpg-aa- "The demand of tbe party stating Is In here pending note has as yet been drafted on the sub- and not inucn trictiun. in composing tne ago The dec arat ion of war pre- January tbe British army is shown arresL Jail vented wedding. signed is mat mimar? - (Continued on Paga ft.) Dodaon'i Injuries. ject. It was said. trouble. then byjrU9an army order issued tonight consu- tbe outcome of ) January 2. 1915. EL PASO MORNING TIMES Srurday. ronduciM ihrmijrhot.t ih NMMIC made II Island. in the Bay or Fitndy. on Tuesday tot th seventh time with the opening or impossible for til or iff delegetrs to rearh night, will be a total loa, ileamem today SCIENCE WANTS BRAINS tha Hew Year, when g daughter was born Ihe capital in ttn for the New Yv open- were engaged in aalvagtng the carro, which to Mr. and Mrs. W 1. Urjan, ir. It lg ing or ib convention. Consisted or mlncellaiwoua tupplles for the tha third child In the bom or the younger Cftt'Utnn Pina and Osierrnan who will Hrm-- army on or Bryan, all represent Governor Maytorens and General th continent Would Have opgartunMy Maldug daughter. lifbalejo at the convention am due lo reach oilaalleo AIM Ocatfe H Mea Kl Paao today and wtll prncvd directly to ProaalaefX In Affairs BOY E ANGXLIBT HERE Overcoat -- The and i Greatest Suit Mexico City. Oeneral Juan (labrad repre mi its ni n TERRITORY. tentative lo here today ttw rh i .,., i, ,i preae Revival ad East also due arrive grirtw El Paso Presby . i. tn route to Mexico City. pctrograd, ian. London IrIC Bg the Aaaoctateú PreMt lertaa Church Opes Lost Night. Thf permanent rofnmfi"n of twenty one. a. m.) The Novo vremya states that a Philadelphia, Jan. I. Errorts to Induce The boy evangelist, v. appointed by the Amiaacalirntee convention, Charles Mun strong Turkish Torce haa succeeded In en eminent sclenting, captaini of toduairy d1l, opehad the bit revival camnalam ti met al Mexico City ysterday to arrans for and political leaders to permit their brains th halt H Paao frmhviaH., i or ton vent Inn. " rtng nutalan territory m tha Caucasus i... the ofwfllnr the Mélico Cltf lo be examined after death will bo made mu.. i Blunt crown weiconwc near Kara and Ardahan. II. I H Took h..v-- - Association ilk hc I. . hnv nnlv MITO The paper add- thai the plan to envelop by mentbers of lh American 10 voara old- -. hut i...... nmon to join or riKta Bt.FORI - mi rear, upset by for iba Advancement Science. ae,ll Years! imtmn NUO the hotrever, wu hrdr ibtn tn; Bor ou over w in i at Values (uvernor Manuel tin urn M cam- the Mustian artillery. This announcement was made today hi. wen mor iban ,o5o convtir.lon. peche left El Paso yenierday Tor the May the closing session of the sixty-sixt- an un1r hi, pretchUw Ik ihn dim ihra camp In from r Maro. nnora, lo re n.r. t'irens muí or i mial convention of the association. Copia join the convention Pirren whh-- have in hmm r'li.l Mfrhri Hijmolm will r'nduet the ben Ml HT H VK OPERATION, "f addrexe4 made on the brain at a aym h" wl ir inir a.i, n.r tin- nail (hn-- itmm he the A tatt-- Prett pnxium win be sent broadcast and tt the choir. The tervlce be aL-- Governor Briln roniracted pnetiriM.nii h'le ' In nut .In. niani In ihe camp and was hrt.iirht El l'so London. Jin t. (8:91 a. m.f The Aint.-fo- r mid summer me ail of of the association I1 revi.al crane o m Augtiat avery delegate ".U laai All bargains M'' a says San treatment. was confinen" to local terrtam nor cspundeni of the Express ii he Puo. ANY special hospital for ovrr n will be aaxed lo baqueatb Ms brain to other churche. hare been Invited month h" learn., that the condition or Emperor liatra a Dart in it. There am h IS! 'inventor Brno was sained to the Bo- - William r Oerraaay, who recently was specialists Tor study. and .hop w, hy penary Villa tevaral or Dr. iny. meetinr. baaldea thoaa al M cloth-no- Mrt having recovered f.om an ill Three members the association. 7:45 p. m. U offered ; are jo.e nets. wor fWrally supposed Edward Pickering, Harvard ir Henry in visor to Governor Maris Mavmrena in " ln" Academy Natural Reienca, NHOOTINO the operations conducted arsinsi iív rem he is informed Rkinner, of vr or acAuoRouaH. - L. O. Waali nants of the party in the 'iste vmnrr or later the emperor must ra- Philadelphia, and Dr. Howard. narrania pe the as Kngllfih lafanlrr DaaeHkaa Eiparlaiicea and have been Mayt'rfna and run sr. the iwo remain- iitrn to Berlin for an operation on his Ingtofi, manen t secretary of ing w During ing v iffi emor ho r ronatl ihroat, but la derering the trip beratise he socialista., announced that they contem Benhardmral gen- - 10 In I erf ttitionallv elected si the time of the - to only rter hsving ie-- plate bequeathing their brains the catiae .. rorrMpo4flrM offer eleViinn-- . Meilro when anxious return 're. offered in the past, but the eral bi Ihrourtioiil urad a rrushlng victory. or scientific investigation. ir.rnorouih. Knrlana. vec. oopu-a- r Madero w elevated to th' ntesldncv Go "Science haa had Ih opportunity lo youna officer of tae Yora.hlreli.k iiihi w hi position in emof Hrtn dtien from study Mains of plenty of murderera.' Inrantry. writea to hi parent, a de.criD-Io- we're making is, in our opinion, Campeche by ihe Huerta soldiers art- -r ine BEOHGAMATION ANNOl'NCED the or l Dr. Howard said, "but It is not orten thxt L.lhí 'faW Oerman artillery overthrow or Madero it . th plan ''f HHIflsH S.KMY rire. in. letter, publiahed in the local M or a man really or high caliber Ibe generala who men in ihe .led liy thf Anrlatr4 Preta a brtln newapaptra, ba a peculiar Interaat for the best value opportunity in mi army City ronventlon in reinstate hitn London, An order Issued in may be compared with those of criminals re.ident of thla city, 00 have lual been an governor 't Camp' ii night savt- that ihe prernt organliation or men or lower meniainy. ti.rourh the eaperlence or bombardment out tan of the army will be further developed by carry dla H' .ya tn part: many years. which The therr that air currents lh rreatlnn of six armies, each of disputed by Vr. K. t. "I dori't believe there la man llvlna will generally of three army corps. ease rerms was II PABO MAN NOTIIIED 01 nnnstsi L'nlversliy of Pennsylvania ho whan flrat lnterviwln an 11 in. n APPOIVTMEVT n iiim The iirst army will be commanded by Abbott, of Ihe not future. " Dr. Abbott said !h"' " with frlfht. Juan Nrflali Amador a Menean aitorney rienefai sir Douglas Halg, who head "in thu near After the rim ten one reta quite uaed to ho has made hi rvuhptirr t it El Paso ed the f li i army turps or the expedition- "th term air borne dlseaaea will be ' Hor- or . L' rriDia. Important For Young Men for the plst Iwo ver. lelerraphlc ary force; the second hy General Plr nothing more than a figure speech PH. iitfune " I , by - IJm "realó-iu- advice from vera Crm vierday Ibat ace the third Lleulen- Th air does not carry disease. No amount íEífl? í'"ck .t before It atr'kea. i mil First Chief WnuMinti ' mm had neral utr Archibald Hunter, ihe fourth or thai will yet a room then, you bear ma aantn.inn ih fnpnlMi Iiv- Cnr..-- SI ventilallon leve whole It Semi-annu- pointed htm sub - r. n.la Ian Hamilton, the rirtn by at .'"ipiy una up into fHMBi clearance of young men's suits and over- by hahiuhie will drive bacteria Horn the the air Hons in active hirr- ha department. Oenetiil Mir Un hunrll.'. and the sixth quickly deecend to íf,''e"'t.n'!y.2,""J"!en"yi l"n you hear the He nanieri t Mr Bruce M. Hamilton moaphere. Bacteria whole coats 35 per cent discount ; the highest grade suits will them, and ventilation earth ahakea. at the position h' ' ei Minister Mldro Major '.ctinral hit Charlea c. Monro, surraces and cling to "In the place wher the nouae waa " In their there classy, Pabels was nrd'Ti i sirope recently. Oeneral Mir charlea Knrgusaon rgld or no ventilation Plays no part nina'ri 'P.'1"'.?' ,i?ou, of wnt lool" and overcoats made; in smart styles; the ' 'len'-ra- l like Benor Am idoi i.'.eri:neni nis acreptan l.leut'Tiani Hir H. C. O, Plumer ornad " la the puiveriied brick. for. of the appolniitui m y 'torday and will leave have iM'en Kiven command of the f irit, E. P. Morris of Yale was elected presi snappy things we are noted army corps, reapertlvely. in a fw day foi ert crux to assume and third dent or the American Phylologicai aasocia USUI f hunl"l or more, and rhargc of Hi.- it imenL mmnkl c"r'ou.rtwillow like I Hon at today's aesslon. .ñíc.' "The appoiniin M came as a romplele H11-- POU OF M'ftTBIA Lr.i,ii"n?ih1!, you a"ct hue piece. Now, while they'll do you most good, take your nriri nld Mr. Amador yesier-1- l I BI AL ni Vi n ...A .Pd hou"' M ,rth nrt hay-- i tiny T Ir rgraphed ihe nrsi hirf the Aatfirtati-- I'reaa NEW YORK UNEMPLOYED. Síí.'ST'í Tí"r he,1- Th broken choice at and my Ml f lends who ohtalm d the pnsl 'leneva, Hwiixerland, Jan. I (via Lon ra horrmiy jaraed A New -- for me ' nt not flitcd fír "ii''h a hiffh dun hwiss diploma who relumed here right With Police Over Obleellonable ml.tnle. whatever they hit they Tear pfulth-- if Ctrranxa Insists i hsti to.iay from Vienna, where he saw Emperor Tear nr. or ran. on ssys the Amtnrlntttd 5?ro lítle aerrpl k Jo.ph hntmas day, n. thr i're ".,'they r7lty remarkable how Mr An'iiflor has been sfriliatel with Ihe monarch looked physlrally well, but seemud New York, Jan. Unemployed men and do araln.t earth trenrbe an it re and than women In city beaan the few Year ii'y. leaa orí 35 Per Cent Discount rm irty slnee nrlrln cmtl adier inoro anxlou usual thl. I or " .miich ae.truciive in in Vera crux iut sit our Herman spic were yester-d- u.lth an outdoor allot) wltlrh cul than when a eenilv i'n'lieen i arrested buildln or a trlkinr utlnat ihe rirt Phlef a lull.'. France, near the Swiss rrnn-- .nlnaMH In hulil With mil. III' W hO III maaonry wall." e ( hey were by an attempt wa made to hold taken train to lerfared when AI.VATION $35 SUITS AND OVERCOATS NOW $22.75 FPIsi OPAL BISHOP COMPI for court martial, li Is said that rom a ii.radc with objecllonaniy worura urn- ARMY IN Rl'NSIA. .IB on ... . nlnfl Ol tltl'HE BY ABH(lsTs promining documents were round the Hembe ra ot $32.50 SUITS AND OVERCOATS NOW . . . 21.15 I a d - III' o About 71V.1 Idle men and women ralhered Lint Band Make Tkemaelvra fir Antnfintf I aerul In mía Pe,. i Jan. Henry Paw, in Union square to llaten to dlarumlona in Ciar'a CaDllel wel-r.,- SUITS AND hi i.copa1 blMlmp of Mexico, whs robbed of F.HPKHOR OF Xl HTTtIA everal lawtiierea or their problem of iityolat.it "re.a Corrr.pontfeiM $30 OVERCOATS NOW 19.50 dois-- III I I police did eptrorrari. IS-- his valuable and his wlfi' and LIVES IINUIMI ATIONM ihrnorh the wlnlcr. The Dec. The ti, ,11 branch tt'r grossly insulted by the Curranriüias on n the asortflfed Prram not interrupt tho meeting, which waa or f $27.50 SUITS AND OVERCOATS NOW ... 17.90 the til. salv.tion Army m their retirement from ih.t my, sreoidinit Vtonna, Jan. I. (Via London hrnperor derly throullhout, but later ortlered etíítííISi".'Innlah very effective In lo letters rerclved her.- from (usdahjara I ancla Joseph today pfrsnnally reoelved ,.r.at or unte hen who atiiiari'iiily Intend gs $25 SUITS AND OVERCOATS NOW. ... 16.25 Fifteen jM.ldmr bloke into hii liouhe Ihe .Viw year congratulation a of the mem ed 10 parade to the Harlem headquartcM j;,,hioVx ransacked every room and took away liso Ihm' of (he Imperial family and presided ,.r ti... "i e.tftie 01 lite srTta $22.50 SUITS AND OVERCOATS NOW . . . 14.65 In gold, three gold watches and weaiTmc at the ususl family dinner. inicrlpllon on one banner read: "Home M II, " apparrl. M.ll hrourboul Dje dlatrlol every mornlnir and $20 SUITS AND OVERCOATS NOW 13.00 PRF.BIUENT OF FRANCF, Another annouiieed: "To H With only aid to faimiiea surferina ' H N C I KT A H CLAIM Bt '11 IM. KXPRCTfl PKACK Till YF.AR. ihrouah abaence nr ntelr r nrt'KtT tit eap at a mhum li, tht mini 'Vhla'bannar (ieoro Drucr, yeara old, front, hut lake care of i $18 SUITS AND OVERCOATS NOW 11.70 JfV the AMBOClntnl pin I". ,:J in he belief thai ih year now a conk b ylrade. waa told to haul down. k. ...lit In houauhold laht.r .... i to Wasbineion. Jan Th" arranza sgenry h'tfinntng will not the ending r the war The police ald Druer waa relttilanl ,;"',yvim'liii'"nv"rl rb,i'r" " and from the $15 SUITS AND OVERCOATS NOW 9.75 th- - advi.-- s t police . . tonight nude public MlowlnK cv.n'!ttfi ny i r n Poiinir.' in .n obey Wiineaaea- aasartod the ,J .... in.' taiier . nawlv u- arrr-tc- eharired on from Aplsaco, Vera Crux, via ilalveainn Rtiureas hHlay lo members of dioiomati t lubb.-- rtruer. He wa eatabllahed American linea and In con ah during ih- tiny iraln load of sot pa who ttcht to ihe pnlace of the Klyse with a.naull and tlihorderly fondurL Hen áVtJLT B.. 'nn rooklnr rtiors have been arrlvlni nt ihi and Yearn congratulation t anil women attacked the police In an ef- tII ?V hurried forward from here In Join dire preaideni. fort to liberate Druer. but were driven oft mit.ee fyjeAiW,rigJa nSa'donaVid All $2, $3 and $3.50 gon's army Hun iuhinir toward Mex t do not doubt tha". net year, at ihls by reserve. two montniy to ihe Ico Clly and Is expected lo to hammering Iradlllunal recepi(n, we shall lo Army treasury in recognition or Its nt Its , v. in lc iiisti n monih, ran T ihe of h FraiimrnlK In SerV. Hats, this season's irXl ei.iaiiahm.'nl bencficini Human and prmHioni an e Holtdly hasi-- r non. hoipltal which. on anil r(pii.m.nt rectitude IIU thf Ja.océated rc. g ) alKo being sent to the fronl Th'- wounded net for lnteinatton.il m ade, will give voiu. ian. it....w (lerraan Kln.nclal Position. HAT Si l irisaba and Cor saary styles, CLOTHING CO r being seiil bark ecuriiy lo the nations." said dlacovered imbedded m leu Atnnctatnl Pm Correspondence dob a. president. were tonlrhi Amsterdam, Dec. Cfi In a ttertlon 'r financial (I i tn nt Zn In a mar.h .tiburban The ruh if tlrf n1nilnl"ier.'d a police aiitiii.t'i' every ac tutti'-- into n wild rout Brooklyn. When examined In tiav pata yesterday has oiLiciAi srvrtMKM other rordlmr lo the Vosalacbe Zellung. and tht enetuy In put aut'd relenl Issl KIl HUM Iidi.II .tallón' one contained a toreo and ihe tiii..itai oana nas neon cae. SAWjárzmKsr Coss and M varado wrapped m abeela, be paylni par 9uséAML lessly Henerals Hi tht Aaaoclnled Pre a Iroaeo bundle titular allentlnn to earhanio matters It lo ocrupy in the next at l'etrograd. Jan. i - I he ftdlowlng ofrinlal the anna and lea. saya ami ' haa equipped believed to be , lueir with a lane hours. taiement ftom the headtpiarters of the Wiiipuxil about the torao wa a newa-- aupply of the money or neutral states, which army or m- - Caurau was given out hero ..,er .,r tin. dale or necembcr ii, a petn- it la supplyini lo Oerman importara at night: res lower than paid nri. a and other clothlna. In the Ibe prices In Ibe open We uivi- iopped Ibe Turkish offensive e.tat. akirl market Every Oerman VKHI'EK SERVICE AT FIVE. rneyer, tlw church organist, will open th munion at 10:41, followed .i i.d va. a newaoatter prtnlad In Imponer who la Immediately by HUNDRED MEN toward "HI. mlleii went of k'ars. doinr business of economic value lo ihe service with a brtef organ recital, fbe preaching service. MX in the region of Ardahan 'a rortirieii Italian. stale la assured or supporl and chorus choir wtll be assisted by the male wu 4.'. itiih' norlhweal of K.o the from the imperial " i at Flrat Bank iiiiii lntereUng StnlrtM qutrtot and by Thomas H. Christian as Piles Cured In to 14 Days. is unchanged and n ban not moUI-Ic- No Haeklalal Prlaen Instructor, The writer asserts that Ihe banks are on up i iiM'.iinn Tomorrow Afternoon. soloist, and the pastor. Perry Jamei Rice, Druggists refund money ir pazo OINT- i i the other fronts,' it the I'tea. deposit accounts whtch will 'Continued From ruge .l.ioclated enable The church, oorner win preach a sermon on the MENT falls lo cure. Itching, Bleed- ...... ,1, Cla.. Jan. I. -- All union ma letniany lo aalonlsh the world when a Ptrtl LhrlflUau Norm subject. "The Blind. LONDON WILL H4NDLK Budget, or the Benefits of ing or Protruding piles. First appllcatloa M employed Inalruclora in state rurihcr loan Issue mtuic. Oregon and streets, two blocks city for admission of then chlef( Ouenadlerr, M II HV s hiniai. a. Franlfltn (Oc lit IHKHI lili at a dale to bo glvea reller. (Advertisement.) rormer minister ol rorolgn arrsii s. Into Hi if. Prrnn pneona will be withdraw!! north of the Sheldon, will introduce an the (.'... preal-den- t Jews atarvleo In Palestine. It Is hoped that strangers anu transients the cabinet a foreign minister ha brought v (l a. m n an- najned aoon. William H. Jolmaton, London. Jan li or l.soo.efetJ Oorrrtpnndvnrr Innovation In iho program of lis Sunday In the city as well as residents who wish NOTICE. about a cabinet crisis. The premier li nouiM e. thai in angementri have hern made of Ihe Intornallonal Anorlatlotl Pritt Joriualem, Dec. U The Pal- services, Sunday by holding u i" spend the later evening hours at home This Is to notify tha public 1 Willing I" give M Ouonadleff u portfolio, nihil, 'l on ihe London market Mac lilnlms, announced nere tnatiin niniiber of that have r. s estine Jew. ihrown upon evening at with their families will avail themselves bought the sunset Eating 100 not that of, nilniater. The arvvon.oon in French per cent treasury ot IhO asfloelalion eattcmiTt. chanty because service al t o'clock Instead of out house at but freign nieellnit of the war Is 7:30 change or thla opportunity. The service will con- EI Is endeavoring to secure ilic sup- bill. fast approachln M.noo. as heretofore. This will be Faso street, and will take charge of board. Bread coup t one cloaing 6 y ... annrovea a recent commit and aerved mem once a tlay tried for the month of January and ir It tinue hour, at o'clock, in same on Jan. I, 1915. All bills up to Jan. t port of ihe Uetnocrailc part nl other OF rt,i. ii..o In fol- IIWK ENuLANH ,. of Jeruaairm, Jarra and ihe cantera, proves aatlsrsctory will be continued, but time for evening lunch. The Christian are against the former owner and I win be groups in rase ul a ilererllon of Ihe I r.non to the American Koderatlon latfer Mil S FORKHiN COIN. hut the runda at hand are arowing abort. If not the old will be restored. Undeavor service will follow the vesper responsible for all bills after that date. r M. Ouenadlerr." u Labor, declarln aaalnat ihe . comiietltlon order lowers thr Aaturlntrtt Pima tooq The vesper on next Sunday will service. The morning service win nem YEE FEE. London. Jan. t The Fngland an ot prlaon raciorlea and rreo labor cine, is orouint in. rantlne will re service be nank of suit. The slliiallon as usual. Sunday school at 9:90. com CF.HMAN AIIMY tOHPH Ooiim-e- loday that a consignment of l.niL- has been made more be of special Interest. Edwin C (Advertisement.) BIX serious h Ihe or JHOM FROM ounds curling foreign coin had No White Houae aeeepllon. atoppaie the Jerusslem-Jaff- WITIIUBAUN railway, a ild. The dcsiination of ihe coin wa Hit thr ro ll Trench concern. It is By thf if. Press niJ, i ami was at first believed Vahlnton, Jan. uaual form! rtttltnatod that the feuding; of the Jews, London Jan 18 War t hit the money u i for l ranee, it wa.. White lióme New Year raceptlon hiviti who are regarded by the as a or Mra. Turks alien naw i ui ri'Spondeni.!"T the Timen sends slaied loninht in hanking rlrcle, however. been abandoned on account enemies, will co.t la.ooo dally until ihe army corps Hun ihe com waa not to he exported a ttlcaily treain or toreirn repon that six Oerman have and death, a crisis has passed. i and mm-her- withdrawn from thai front, suppoaedl) to lint the iraimaition ws tn effect a trans- oiitlomal.. irovernm. nl employe, oT limine clleil loday nd guard against the rumored plan or ihe fer on iH'hsir nt the hank Ottawa to New or aenaie and ..tk arrount. It fl their cards, with areetlnr Tor I'reildenl federal Trade Coninil.alua. Husalans u make an attack arrnss the wilaon. Tho president received no callera flu thr Amorlatrtl I'rrti Vistula on Ihr lierman Urn or rmmunica r.xpi.ohcn and made no Main. Me played hi. uaual washlnrton. Jan. - President Wilson was mink at ji xhez a i tton between Lowlcx and Th Kama or toir In the innnun and took niiu. siuou inniiut 10 nave decided tenia-livel- I. it aulomublle ride in the afietnoun. on lliree member, of the federal niad l nrlti (i w Year Creeling tirarla BIX MILLION HI HHLLH ireae commission. The names are Jo.eph i mi.- Allrnllmi Depal tor Hyndu. L. havles, commissioner of corner. llou Will I OH HELIiHM. )N. While will it were Plowing and rnni Ru Timé Speotal CurteaftuniU iter Kdw.cd Hurley, president or ihn Illinois By the Aitocintrii Prrat were being firt-- jfsteidsy morniim. almrt ...i. N M Jan. I. -- J. IV RosebO Manuraclurers' aatoclalloit. and Oeorie Pos- Chlrago, Jan rbe Rnrkefellei loun ly midnitilii. in honor or the .New rOUfll or Hie HVIHIUB lownatiw luitt .mj ot ter Peabody. a New York banker. Two alter members be Cation ha bought io,uni buübcl. o a terrlfli explosion wat heard The 1. una t'oiiiiiy haa notified the slate remain lo selected. er. 'on mil nal 01 thai iho southern Pa- Mr Pe.body. who is a director or ihe .New Edison heal In the hicsgr. market uitliin Ih imifte w as at ti Ihn led to an unusual en lo supply dopol 11 railroad haa afinco toik ttl.lrlct federal reserve hank ... laal month Tor ihe aid iif Iteltrl.ti un. tti iK antic relebrainr and attracted UUI-- ' mir at .iljiitlii:.. neat . an. iToi.lnk fai'llllle said lonlihl lu be reliielanl to accept an announced herr Thla mark nttention. Ti wat learned yesterday, how iifiiiiim. rue reiluie or the íouiitcrn appointment to the comiuts.ion. Your choice of a phonograph, based solely upon quality of tono rearhed when 47 bu.bel or cbicaao i ver. that the noise had in it. rnused hy to aupply these lariliiins resulted in owned xraln wax .t.l.l fiom l'orilaiid. tire explnatnn a a complaint recently. The action ot the Courl Drrlslon. and workmanship, regardless of price, would naturally be an ihe of laud mine irnardlna" in the nutrer uti Prlc .hipment. Mo.i of 11 tie railroad makea IwarHif ty thr Airoelotrtl Presa for lmin'Tiiate approach to Jmn i rroni the snith uecetaary. brought ll.'Jn a buahel. ant. WasMnaion. Jan I.- - Tha dorision of lha tn The grain wtll be nitMed Heinmin in The mine, ti is reported, uai planlud Arl.ona rroblbllla Hriiish prtia courl In London In ilia caae nmploymnnl in provide La. or the order lo ghe and ao me time, aso when ihere were reimrU nil the Aoticiulril I'reaa luiiish aieainahlp Mirainlctil. loatloil Edison the bran and rliafl Tor llveainci, roou of an impending aitaek. The Jua-- lilabee. Arls., Jan. I- .- f ifteen minutes arter wiih Mhcoi and shipped from America lu lurrent a i iiuthorltK at e lnverUtgaiing In an o. i. in 1. in bad proclaimed Ariiona "dry r.erman rmislinrea Prior in iho war. waa or a lalooti M i Jli.lt N4 AHRa tort w t.i.ie,'T L. A. brown, proprietor announced Here IoiiIkIU py Ihe em Buying a phonograph should not be a question of price, but only lo lern hether the explosion wat on a of British WILL HE TOTAL LOM itie or here, waa arreaied uniría aelllni uany. Ihe conn held lhal reault of accldeOI design. The mln..' par brow beer, and his place was lha wheal waa qualities. i cent sun or - of musical Bv the ".rOiir.j Press was located in a remote plae.. and, so Tar to Brown w released on lila own ihe properly ihe American claim- M. H loscd. unís Yarmouth. Jsn - the b learner hp can he learned, no one waa in ihe vlrin roinlsahce. and ordered thai liny he paid lur II. wondrous and power of tone of the New Edison Navarra, which ran aground on Tuskel li) when ihe exploaion occurred. no arroit probably will form the basil The sweetness !oi a le.t caae aialnat the new lew. Buritro of Consumilllve Care. Disc Phonograph make it the choice of musicians and "I thr Attnrialrd Prrtt Diamond Halph IIIU Tkurnaa IHea. Naw York. Jan. htirdrn of instl music lovers everywhere. III! tht Ja.oeiultO J'rcaa lullon rare of the consumptive, is belnr haw York, Jan. I Halpn mil iiiomai, as nt.ni.M ii mu .in. inivain purse to me gen - public of nislant treaaurcr of tha American uar he- eral nurse, according t.. th mn. And their expressed preference should influence you in favor rinini company, who in miu inariieu at ra. nual .ataiisilral siaiemeui marte nuhlle lo Helen Kelly ttould, who aonte tltuo befura am w im AaBticiauon ror me Nimly and an nan been divorced front Krank Jay tiould. Prevention nr Tubon u..sis. in 1114 more Oteti at ma home her late last mini, it inan Mli.om was peni in lha United stales "Grocery Mr. been aiaui-- i Specials" today. Thomas had iiiiii'rcuiosis waa learned HI tor aaveial daya wnn pneumonia. He IS lb. Granulated Sugar as W years uld. Opera Block Edison $1.00 Bv the AaaaeHúted Prewn lie. Fancy l Wiconin Cream Cheeae, per lb 20c ram nunmiB t teuton, Kas.. Jan I. ire ina rt.irr.v.A,i I . Ihe Keuper opera Diamond Disc Phonographs range in price $60.00 to $460. No. Candled per dok 30c I lit. tht- 4.ootateii block and a two atorv Edison salt Lake city. Utah, Jan. t. one boy buiJdrnir nen door. The loaa la esiimaie.i Rose Brand Creamery Butter, per lb 30c ktlli'd, two probalily t at ally Injured and al irm rion v. n. Oreen, who alebt in the Sold on convenient terms if desired. un.... itinera serli n?lj inn i wnen a 'III illlia I. inlaHlnir an. II la h.Mil Ku Salmon, I Fancy Pink per can Oc on wulcb they were roiatini toulybt uumuii iu neain. The sled, Diamond M. Flour, none better, 24-l- ack 90c .1 ashed into a alrcel tar. which was travel!)!! It i terriric apead down 1 ol in H i n ANU t'lMESTONBS WIN. 48-l- b. aack $1.75 s1D Incline, beyond control ana it thl loot or tn Kill nil the car la the utter tin ine t.uron. i aliiornl. trrlt In ihe El Paso Phonograph Company nine to 1 slop on curva. i v. (.iiaDKi.iiiii uay, DBI'Iiey IlianOld drove over Soo mlle al In ivrrite ipeert Coal aUaere snot of over to miles an hour withoui slop. Exclusive Edison tin aaocialrti JVesa ihui the world'! aDeed record tht was broken ami auoihri victory waa placad Two-0-- Lion Co. ittnldad, tolo.. Jan s.ttni. Ortla, a to creifli 1 wo Toxas Strait Grocery lha of Ftrrtione llres. o.tl miner, yraa shot tbrouf h the etomecn rour nours or inecsiam (rlndlnt over 109-11- 1 8. Stanton. Phone 2405 and 2424. unti one outer nnncr anoi in me root our hhth crowned tri k at burnlni speed, We'll expect you in a day or so. mi 1 .enera! ahooUni affray at the bunk jnoiih lo virtually hum up the llresV In house t th Hoya! mine near Afullar fei. otii of no entrants, Oldflald wu the only driver who w not compelled io iop iv ifwr midn,lfht tonlfbt. Mora than for lire chaniat. nrtv aheta were find, ihe windows of Thr i pnilnuou. strain, at enormous speed. ilir liulhllni belni abillered and to wtlu made III la rare nrartlealt a (am, P. S. All makes of disc records be played to their fullest tl.Ulled hut It la only on ot the several .in..draitlr test, ihrouili whlrh Klraaionaa recently value on the Etdison. came Undersell Ail rye tlraaaUtaer. victorious. In the recaní Loa An Levy Grocery Co. Afila fries pnoenix road rice, the celebrated Othara 1'u fr Attortatrit fVeae 'caclua derby." flrestune Urea came In I iiicotn. Neb., In. I. secretary of state rfrit. second and third; and In the fcl William J. Dry an ha can ta grandraiher road rare, run tt the same 1,1 1 tim. S CANS ohm in s. S CAWH K KINK sl.li ! i ruramne won Itrat. I h IWO trUelUM APBICOT8 M PLUMS rn PINEAPPLE In heavy races ovar IJNM miles of, unfrequented syrup rk " rri loans aiso put urea la heavy arjrrnp DUC aJVC nt OWN lo unprecedented tesia. (Raasulu rlca, I to each.) (Regular price, iba each.) Try Bail rime Hy. aasaaj K).. end Orauvlaawa ayalidai Mo Bsaanlna- -l ATTENTION Irauto WMb Vu aaatet Have Monay. Mall Orden Prompt AttenUoa. Is your business represented In ' El Paao ' Hualne A r. ? SM anal SOS. a04-3- 0 Firm From to if not, raoilas E. OVERLAND. call uto and aak for particular.


' IsklfisMÉii 'mu v-- a ' 1'ÉÉÍWs.' lÉ'aiii ii i tuKaaiti, ajisaiaíiMaaaM A Saturday. January 2, 1915. EL PASO MORNING TIMES

out, and is payable in Mexican gold. All SUMMARY rtssr taxes on produced silver or gold are DAY'S GEOLOGICAL SURVEY anrciion. OF EUROPEAN WAR The decree Is as follows: Kualio itutlerrei, provisional president The fxiLsiandtng feature of the War the Mexican l otted stales, in the inhabl fey M 1 ye: aews eesUauea to be the sink lug a UnU thereof, know Thai In the exer suae er a lorpeoo in une norm wi i REPORT IS ISSUED cise of fhe extraordinary racultles where- - the British liatllcshlp FormldaDir. with wiin i son lnvescea. i nave seen ni to ae-- a bable loss ef ft Uvea. OgJy IS cree the following: aaea of her crew or 799 are knows t Article i. The tax on mid and sliver pro have feres saved, mm IBM VfRMl Uk duced in the republic or which are brought icalh the brew waves kicked up by ironi foreign countries snail oe leviea in Ihr gale that was raging. Klghly men si n M WILL HI r.XEClTKD KO the as follows: were rescued with great dKllcititv by OR FOR future PRIVATE PARTIES If the silver If" pure nr alloyed in the a BrltUb cruiser aad seventy by a wmm CORPORATIONS. form of bars. It will be taxed at ibe rate r trawler. Elgfet Ulcers ana mi mm BEGUN THE NEW YEAR no Mexican gora tne uio. ano ir in any shin men were among the rescued. The other rorm S3. Mexican gold the kilo will flush admiralty has not made known of (.rnrrtl ami National Vtlur Will the spot where tbe ship was blows M(GHT, From Carried Oa By De marred. MSTER Arrruf Work n. mm pe up. In set Mexican trout ine win as- i Bureau Hnrni Veart. gold pure alloyed Neither has It made a enalte barred on or In the sertion as to whether the disaster was By making the beat investment you have ever made rorm or oars, ana sen ine mm ir in any due to the csnel striking a mine or to By Timet Special Corrtaponden t other rorm. an attack by a Gertasa submarine. Article . The payment or tax re Waiulngion. P. C. Dec tbe There Is a paucity at aews concern- ferred to in the foregoing article must be ing the righting on load, where the ar- rat:1 Smith, director of Ibe S. Geolortcal Sur made In the form of stamps of tbe govern mies or the allies aad the tierman are $19.15 Suite rey, hai isiued the following bulletin re ment wnicn wtu da worm sboo, sioo, sao. no. earrylag out the asaaeavers whlrh so. so, we ar Special, will Carding; guuloaical survey work on private no. fa, i. ft.n. 0.10, .os. stMH re have been la efleet for assay days. that offer aa a Saturday spectlvely. and will be sold at their par In Ihe entrenched Itae Is Flanders-an- yield biggest lands: ralue precisely for gold coin according to Frasee artillery dvels aad Infan- the returns on the amount invested that you The runctton of the rovernmenl bureau the conditions fixed in the law of March try attacks continue, hut without de- could expect. Our first offering of the new year and you wttb relation to publicly owned land li 00&. or ror dollars at the rate or one risive results, la Poland the Ger- dollar for every two pesos. Said stamps mans are Irving to pet through to who investigate will be more than pleased. unquestioned, and It hat been in recorni shall have an over stamp with the words Warsaw aad Ihe Russians are disput- Uon of special function that the laad oro ing vigorously their every move. tbis Mexicano North of the Vistula and along the claseirication work of the United Stales Article l. There win be no tax on gold fog envelop samples rondl- east Prussian frostier If Ocolotfcal Survey bai been ernphaalted and silver and of ore under ihe the armies aad hinders their actions. A Sale Mats, Too tlons set forth In the Article & or the law now as in la Galicia and the Carpathians the i s expanded until it constitutes or March sr., tint.. Russians aad Auiwrlans are battling M.I THAT WI1.I. ASTONISH VIM' Men's Hats, soft and jKral part of the Survey's activity and rep Article 4. Only with the approval or hard lor Aunrcmacy. Vienna saya con- stiff styles la broken lota that woro S.1.Q0 to 4.00. Qf resents a large share or the current ex tbe ministry of finance, and In each case ditions In Ihe Carpathians are un- TAKE TODAY DC previous bonding, may payment or the Rus-ate- a YOltfl PICK J only Investigation wllh changed, but that in Gállela the penditure!. Not U tbe lax ne admitted in tne rorm or aran or attacks have been repal sed with Many othavf aro In a Cpats to lands reductions etfeot on Men Suits, and or all the possible valufts attaching- hecks on foro Ism countries, but tbe office heavy casualties to the MUKcnvlleM furnishings of will pay. you lu liiMDiriir In ihn nal Inn tn linn With buil- - may Immediately s lean X990 sU all kinds that to Investigáis. or which collects the tax afrix sad et prisoners sad ntM principie; but tlie determination tne document win en it issues tun cor machine guaS. what constitutes Hie ihkm t or tbe undc- - responding stamps, making a note to tbe Four Austrian monitors bombarded vplnnAri UmU In an afllpd task üf even nert that their amount was covered with Re grade, Servís on Tuesday, but rreater Importance Indeed, It is nothing: draft or check, as the case mar be. with sllgbt damage. less than a national duty. The Survey's "Article s. The tax which must he col President Polacare el Frsaee, la a function on the public lands la therefore lected will be paid In the mint and federal New Veer's address to tbe diplomstle in un ptiNP n for debate, anil ine assay ornrns. exceptionally, tne corps, said be bad an doubt that miiit and in year at recen-tlo- n classification or tbe public lands" in the frontier and marine custom houses. The "next this traditional broadaat atma. fnrlndlnr the consideration may. spe we shall celebrate together the NEW' metallurlgcal companies through a SATURDAY BEGIN YEAR a THE or questions or use wftH m or establishment of beaefleleni peace clal concession or the ministry or rinance, whlrh. solidly based on rectitude and t lawrul disposition, la the special task laid tn own establÍMoraents or me nor present their tbe respect lor International treaties, will upon this branch products destined for exportation, to IDS ve necessary security to the SPEQALS vice. Tne invesiigauons on .no pawn ww end that the porsonnel of tbe respective 81 By off yji directed u ine aeterminauon 01 Choosing One These (QC may m" federal office make tbe assay and collect Flight Commander Hewlett, one et value and do ko into whatever de the taxes which are due. The salary of the the British naval engaged On Sale All Day tall Is demanded by the particular resources aviators Is 10116 by said personnel sna tne cost or tne trip the recent raid oa Cuahevea, Nobhy Coats at iIkoW of this or that tract of land and the nnvwrrpd prv and any ntber expenses wblcb may arise the bellel that a bomb nuatfnhn tn hn relative tn dropped by htm a German war- rcrable utilization. The iroveijninent Is the win no paia ny tno interested oarues. struck Traii-itor- y Articles. ship at Helgoland. .Dense smoke rose landowner and Is interested as a landowner from the vessel shortly be had Toilet Articles We told the maker we would take all he could send, provided none came later tn tbe natural resources or ita neai First. TDo decree win ro uto force after eiie on dropprd tbe missile. ine aato or us Duntication. 111. t lMCK POWDKR than Dec. 31st. Right on the dot, yesterday came the final shipment of these same Kmpcror Francis Joseph received I ill The function of the government and the with the date Impe- SO pri- or or year the New Yesr greetings of the Assorted tints; regulnr QC government bureau with relation to the decree April m the present rial family and presided over the lam-- handsome coats that have created such a furore of selling here. When we tell by aeroa-aie- as wen as tne pro or vately owned land must be determined visions dinner. llse, Saturday, box JiJC 1 1 i no the law or March . 1006. and Its amend A you that you have paid as much as $ 0.00 and $ 2.50 for coats of this charact- otner nscia. atutuae ui i.iiu.u.u cargo of American copper, which. .V RAMSDEIiL'S fX)U hore plainly Impossible, and land classin ment of the aoth or the same month and It Is alleged, was lo be smuggled DAGGETT cation In the sense of appraisal and inven year wblcb are opposed to tbe precepts of lato Germany, has beea seized lo CREAM Regular 60c the OC- er Zibelines, Chevoits, Novelties, Solids, Large Plaids, Mixtures, Blues, no place. Pre overee. - tory or Individual tracts ass mu Copenhagen. ar, Saturday. OOC three-quart- er govern I Jar... Blacks, Browns, Grays, "Fox Trot" Models, length and full anmablv In this case the redera! "Therefore order that this be printed DR. LYON'S TOOTH POWDER ment i - not the one most interested In land tiDiisnea. circuiaiea ana riven due nil Sat-- value, but rather tne interest or ine m rumen t. Regularly 6o tube; Sat- - f length models one of the best values we have ever offered Select one i dividual or rnrnoratinn laud owner Constitution and Reforms. Given in the AMERICAN BADLY SLASHED urday, the tube, at IOC 16 44, for Misses, Small, Medium Large oerlor to any concern on the pari or the national ruaco or Mexico, uecemrer x mlay at $4.95. (Sizes from to and - TAR SOAP Regularly nation. Upon this sort or premise nndnubt- una. PACKER'S hps! Bo oake; Saturday. Women.) r.fllv mu ha. thn nrnhlnltlon In thO or f Slimed) "E. Gutierres. Stranger From Austin Vlellm ef Highway I the n ganic act or the surrey, to the effect that Light Metal and Ore Imports from Sonora. tho cake mo director ana menujera ai iuo bui í It is said that tbe exports of ores, metals men During New Year atoning I.ISTERINE Regu-lit "shall emente no surveva or examinations LAMBERT'S ana omer proaucis nave never oeen Celebration In Juarea. $1.00 sise bottles, Sat- - ror nrtvate names or coroorauons a pro small from Sonora through tbe port of lar fit hlbltton which m administrative practice Agua Prieta since It was first established nrday. the bottle VC Just 88 of These Dresses and We More Than 100 Blouses in This has been construed as aimed against all as a port as during fhe present of of month An American, whose name is believed to GOURAUD'B ORIENTAL CREAM work done primarily for the benefit ucremorr. s anown Dy tne report or ine be Austin, had his slashed by Meii sintrie land otner man mir mivnrn tbroal Regularly 1.50 the vj 1 1 C Are Going to Sell Them Special Gathering custom bouse. But 340 tons of ore valued can highwaymen about 3 90 o'clock yes ment Itself, whether such examinations are at less than 134.000 In Mexican currency lar, Saturday, the Jar. . eJleiO by private owners or con terday morning- during the New Year's paid for tbe came across tne míe tms month. Tno usual LAZELdVS TALCUM POWDER dueled at nubile exnense. export a festivities and Is In a dying condition in to never runs well over two and half mil Violet, 25 The prohibition Just rererred has ton pesos' worm or gold, suver and cop the Juarea hospital. He had left the Tivoit Massatta and 1 r At $7.95 At $3.95 in the history or the survey oeen consider- per. cafe, where he had been with a party or tlse. Saturday IOC ed as a bar against entry upon privately rno wili a report snows six cars or r7 tons friends, and returned In a row minutes You ore many among thorn thai have sold And thut for Blousen that were owned land, or in any sense as restriction rrom the Moctexuma Copper company and marked earlier on the extent or the surveys aim investiga with his race covered with blood. He fell at tliV.OO and more, Ono piece dresson of to nell for more than double. Not lens than 01 sacks of ore, two tons, from the Santa on the floor of the care In an upconsctous lions. Moreover, at least nine states, east Rosa. currency was French serge, of satin and Chantllly lace, twenty-fiv- e sty lea In the lot, black, white, as wen as oy special enactment au The value in Mexican condition and It was round the man's west, 28,700 pesos In copper and 5.250 pews worth crepe de chine, of satin Chantllly colorn, rleh crepe de chines, satins, taffetan, thoi lie the rntr noon nrtvate lands t bad been cut. and Ihc, or stiver. .o gold was exported. throat and - a sftkH trannpsrent luces In combinations, orrtclals of the United States geological or Tho Mejlcan law. which requires an and of other materials combinations- and rvey. At very beginning Rich Ledae Gold Discovered. every sti the Director ana or immcdlam investí KStton In crime cases Mbbon Special vast choosing embracing real good style tílzes for large or small women and a marvel- Klntr Manned the rsjoionc inve sub-m- on unaries senroeaer wuiiam unpin Sarrord, Arizona, have from a two probably cost tbe man bis in and all the leading shades. ous offerlug ut, your choice, $3.9.5. i ho three more Important metalliferous mln returned will lire. Phoenix Taffeta Hair Bow and Sanh díMi-l(- t weeks' trip in the Oaliuro mountains. They the police would not lot anyone Ins- of that dav I.eadvtlle. Eureka Juarez In a choice of most and the Comstock In all of which the report nnaing a rich leoge or goia ore attend to tbe wounded American until they Rlbbona, wide examined in most detail, on about fourteen miles south of MTondyke, on wanted anadea and widths lands both tbe np seven could awaken the Judgu to conduct tbe surface and underground, were privately which they took claims. lnvcbtigatton. SATURDAY 8PKOIAL, YD. 19c owned. Hut each or mese examinations The samples from tbls ore body show free gold In good The investigation showed mat tne Ameri i belpful as it was to the individual mine quantity and the results of 98.00 Corsets for $2.08 $1.00 Corsets for 79c owner, contributed nil moro to the do the psnnlpgs snow the colors that delight can had been robbed berore being stabbed velooment of the. whole district as an ele the heart of the prospector. in the throat by tbe Mexicans. Broken linea oí XA VEDA" and "IiORETTK' Broken lines of "W.HINER'8," "AMKRICAM ment In national prosperity and yielded Inspiration Ktysteae Mining Merger. During the festirtTieB in the ctiy, tout ' A 16.00 reg- - scientific results of great ralue to the special meettnr of the stockholders of Mexicans were stabbed and shot, but no Corsets, linea that sold for as much aa IiADY" nnd "lUífiIS" Cornets styltw that public at large, and Indeed Urn Leadville the New Keystone Copper company will be one was killed. aro Included; choice of the lot, 2.95. ularly sell for 11.00, Saturday, eholce, 7tc. report a an g contribution to held on January A, to act on tbe proposed HlMfffflers Special the study or ore deposits made the world sale of Its properties In the Miami district, sjcntor. Arizona, to the inspiration Copper com- Womeu's Knitted Mufriers. In white. He mi Us or Natlonat Value. pany. If Ihe merger is consummated. Inspi WANTED TO FIGHT VILLA black, grey, brown, red and blue, . The distinction seems obvious. The de ration company will Issue 37,797 shares of termlnattve Tactor In Hie whole matter us sioca to Keystone people, wiiose snare regularly 16o Styles ' or whether the Investigative work on privately holders will receive one shsre InsDlrs Ambitions of Saturday Special 15c owned land yields results that are merely tlon stock Tor each nine shares or Keystone' Inglorious Ending ol miliary All Brassieres That Regularly Sell for or lorni ana personal interest, or reauii stock. Tne keystone company also has treas Frfirklc-Faer- d Lad from tne that are of general and national value. The ury assets, consisting or cash and aecurl Town of Blum. knowledge or mineral deposits can be ties, amounting to 967,000, which are not gBlDOu in larirt part uniy or eniranco in tbe sale to Inspiration. 35c Will Be Sold Saturday at 25c mines, and thus lo private lands. If re Wltb tbe Issuance or new stock for Key Jlmmle Wilson, freckle-face- and sevon Mr fd in nuhih-- lanns. aeoioaists won stone shares. Inspiration will have out teen years old, msde application at police (Gloves nave no opportunity to advance tne stuny standing 7A9.7b5 shsres or authorized t,500.- - headquarters for neeping quarters ror me White of ore deposits or Indeed tn many cases to1 000. par 930 ; 420.000 shares are reserved ror awsy the coal value or the publicly night, explaining that be had run determine nona conversion, leaving 3i7.84t snares m to "help csrranxs lick the socks owned lands. Tbe detailed examination by the treasury ror other purposes. from home Special the gorernment geologist or a Leadville It Is announced that the inspiration Con off of villa." If auudl mine In 1870, or ot a mine In the Yerlng-to- solldated Conner company will bealn oro I got In town five days ago.'ihe said, iVomen'a and Chlldren'a wool sloven Clearance Menu's district In 19U, is jusuried only as or copper they tako me In the army or ductlon in February next, wblcb and wouldn't In slightly broken linen a Kood the Tacts ore occurrence observed and Is much had been they said I too young, l t he or earlier than heretofore because wis stylet., all slzen; laws ore determined are way I army election of wanted round to have broad application m the announced. tried every could to Join the 2bc; Shoes Begins Today. or The New Keystone Copper company Is a there wasn't a chance' Disappoint regularly winning mineral wealth. This principle of old Keystone Copper but spplles throughout the whole field of geolo- reconstruction tbe ment at his ability to become a regular SATURDAY 15c begin January of all Men's company, and was controlled through the race, This morning we our Clearance gic investí gallon property Unes and state by Develop rigbter showed plainly on his his Boundartefi ge- storkboldershtp the General The styles must be overlooked by the ment company. The property consists of mouth drooping dejectedly as lie told tbo and Boys' Shoes. season's newest and best in a ologist who Is attacking a large problem, police his story. l.snd ownership Is only an sixteen claims patented, having an area or of lasts in all choose incident when ra-- prop 1 I get large variety and patterns, leather to large questions of natural resources are 343 acres lying i or the Mv Oak When saw mat couion in ine considered. erty, and south or tbe Inspiration and not army. I tried to get a job doing real worn, from, at substantial reductions from former prices. In- tar rrom tne Miami i.opper company a prop but there don't seem to ne many joos in Boys' Norfolk crlles, are the well-know- n "Stacey-Adama,- Five tents Proves II-- and thee claims in devel town. I tried lo gel some or im cluded are such makers as " opment Tbe work by tbe present this Generous utrer. Cut out ad, en- stare. here to take me on, but they all Á this company Includes both cbum drilling and ranchers "Regáis," "Ralstons," "Farnums," "Holland" and ather close with s rents to Foley At Co., Chicago, worainrs- mimon asid Uiev haven't anything now. and tsko 111., unaerirrouna several Suits writing your name and address plainly. tons or ore have been blocked out, showing mv name for future reference." noted makes. Select your shoes now at a big saving in and receive a free trial package containing an averare assay value or 2.5 per cent cop IK) you want to go naca nomer ne was roieys Money ana Tar couipoand, ror per. The ore Is disseminated sulphides asked. Reduced for Quick Selling prices. coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney similar to the ore of tbe Mlama mine, but Haw, I don't. If I can't get work on or - Pills, for kidney and bladder complaints, somewhat lower grade. a ranch here. I guesi I'll hit the rods again AD $6.tS Bolts at...... - backache, pains In Joints, rheumatism; and Working Copper Mines In LHUe Rlneos and blow to California for the exposition.' AH Men's $6.50 Siso Reduced to $5.45 AU Men's $3.00 Shoes wora nas oeen at me i.opper All 7.50 Sulla at ts.ts Reduced to $2.65 Foley Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome and startea rooi Tbe would-b- e soldier was given a bunk Shoea Reduced to $5.15 AU Uw roughly cleansing minos In the Little Hincón mountains, about The will make AU 8.50 baits at. $C.5 All Men's $6.00 Men's $2.50 Shoes Reduced to $2.15 cathartic try all twelve men having been put at work within in tbe city Jail. orrtclals ' go i h Men's Shoes Reduced to AU Boys' Shoea three for cents, tbe cost of mailing. Sold the past few days. Tbo mines nave been an orrort today lo persuade him to Ml io.mi sui at 7.as All $5.50 $4.65 $4.00 Reduced to $3.35 by Owl Drug Co. (Advertisement.) Idle for several months. Tbe camp was ex borne to hli rather, ir their powers or All 1S.50 Suit, at 8.S3 All Men's $5.00 Shoes Reduced to $4.25 AU Boys' $3.60 Shoes Reduced to $2.95 amlned recently by Thomas Craig, a well oersuaslon rsll. they say, they will hold Boya Ftottoed ftrajr Union Knits Regu- AU Men's $4.50 Shoe. Reduced to $3.85 All Boys' $3.00 Shoes Reduced to MINING NEWS. known mining authority, who made a ra him and telegraph bis rather to send $2.65 vorable report, and ror that reason the ticket ror him. larly BOo grade nn All Men's $4.00 Shoes Reduced to $3.35 All Boys' $2.50 Shoes Reduced to $2.15 present work was undertaken. The ore In HI Saturday e)7C Shoes AU Boys' By L. DAVIS. these mines runs high In both copper and ENGINE DEVELOPMENT. All Men's $3.50 Reduced to $2.95 $2.00 Shoes Reduced to $1.75 The mining men of Mexico re- I IKE will be gold. Recently a new discovery was made Boys' 1 It Bats Fedora or telescope quired lo pay taxes on gold and silver bul- new too camp. which will add lire to Sixty-tw- o Years Ago Today First Practical style, felts, lion under a new decree made by Presi- Rich Ore Struck By El rase Mas. scrstch and fur Qf Gutierrez K.ngme n vrmosnraH). dent through Ibe finance depart Capt. Jobn A. Winram. of El Paso, one fllxtv-lw- vears ago today tbe rirst pree 11.60 and 12 value.' JuC ment no December 94. taxing silver In bars of tbe pioneer mining- men of the Black tir.i nnwer rire engino wai demonstrated or alloy ii.nu per kilo, and In any other nan re. new Mexico, wnue noma- - nis an was the Invention or M.li t.UU.s- COATS AND DRKSSES BBJO per in Cincinnati. It form kilo and rold in bars or nual assessment work on the Mall Line mom, i. alta and was constructed In s ma MUCH REDUCED. alloy S64 the kilo and 180 the kilo In any mute. In tbe Apache or Chloride district, in chine shop In that city. Prom the dsys or otner rorm. inn tax covers suver or goia the Black Range, struck a rlcb shoot of tbe "seven cohorts" or ancient nome with produced In Mexico or imported from with- - ore at the level while drifting about their red vessels snd hand pumps, men bad 0 to 60 feet from tbe shaft. This tour it rire only by nana, ueorg nraitn pay streak Is from ten to twelve inches waite mini tne iirsi uower lire enmne wine, ana assays rrom sou to wio goia, sil- but It was a failure. Latta's successful ver and copper, tbe gold content areraa--In- Invention with tho organization or a paid 910. Some or the ore assays 900 and iiv fire denarlmenl which It made pos intraliied rlrla. hlch. while senliiiientslly UNITED STATUS WKATUUI HI HtAU DAILY BLLLCT1N. CLEAN DAIRIES )0 ounoei silver and 90 oer cent copper. sible, wss due to Mites Greenwood, cbtef AMATEUR NURSES appealing does not go very far tonsrd mln- - vs, In the same district the Calumet company or the Cincinnati rire department When istertug to nis rest neeas. Observsiluas ralea al 8 p. at., roth Heridlas Ttaie, Jaa. t, isis. Is operating its large mill and cyanide plant the engine was tasen to tía nrst lire me The sKitsllun asalnst the inrumpeteiit Pieclpl- DIRTY DAIRIES on gold and silver ores In tbe old Repub volunteer rtre companies aid their best to nurse wss rslsed esrly In tint wsr, but only Wind tallón lic mines. destroy It; but tbe clUsens or Cincinnati Protrmlonals Cíalas They 1aure Ckaaeea ol lust now have the organised nurses, Lowest Velocity last Si Near Fluor ne. P. Davis is said to rallied m s body to Its rescue. Boston wss Holdlera Beeesery By some six thousand, brought the Highest last male or Dl- - par hours. you want CUSAN ana PURE Frank weuaded far p.m. today, If hare consummated a deal wltb a new com- the next cuy ui nave a lire engine. Their laecaaaeleae. matter orriciauy to tne Ktsnuoii 01 uie uiiriu. weather. recuon. hour, taches. for yourself and your chil- pany who will begin operations on his large New. January I. UI.'.. war ornee. Abilene to e 9 cloudy 8 '. mük Amarillo us 10 tn . c 0 group or go i o claims, nr. is min- Today the rire insurance companies in Lord knutsrord In a letter to the Times, clear why visit lvi many In con- Allante I to lo dren to drink, not the ing engineer rormerly of Cripple Creek and city districts the United Steles Press C'omesposdeiure rather humorously stated what he clear w pur- nave rrom w to 50 associated to come or ihe Boise, Idaho :'.' :i.' Cloudy SW supplies you. All Gotdfteui and about eight years ago reduced tnis insurance Use. so. sick to be siders tbe elder objection Boston ao dairy that milk de- oer cent, in tne race or ine fact London, ''Too nursed who hsve got abroad. s in Snow sw chased these properties and has been that nave placed "untrslned nurses" 34 34 SO l IS todsy," . P'scsrd, Mid to been orrense, ssid, Chicago loudy w Jl alike, that la all. ever since, and it Is said that rire Dreaming out every uirne miuuies Tbey would give Jess he If -- looks but veloping them a over the bedstesd of a soldier wotintlnd in '.Ill' Mill. ill Cloud v v HI be has blocked out large reserves of good srmewnere in America ana costing tnous campaign, need- "They were not pbologrspned so often; Denver Just take a peep at the dirty and dollars a minute or a million and the South Arriisn 1. tnucu wear more indu- 28 I't ciiij. sw milling gold ore. and that a mill and cyan hospitals now. according to And would their umrornia Iielroll SUSO 10 Cloudy 24 half every twenty-fou- r The aecret ed in Hrtuan es fly: N atables, filthy corrals, dilapidated, Ids are to oe erccioa to itvm uio hours. Codhetl or Duluth, Minn. i.' 10 plant or this reduction In Insurance Is tbe fact the National Trained flursea. And would talk lea. in public .bout their n Snow H unsanitary buildings and surround- was ror which has sent to ixira sticnener .a pro EL PASO 47 M M cloudy 10 Have recently that In 111 there expended motor employment patient.; M 1 cows covered with mud and II li rumored that oiperta more 13,000,001) tat .ne or lllrotlllie nslvesiqa U tí Clear ings; too old Rosedalo gold mine rtre apparatus than with acknowledgment And would he . little more humble end lei. Havre, Mont. 14 IS cldy. come aee our boon eiamtninir 504 machines in service. At toe close tent nurses. In of the ...t.... H manure, and then In tin Mauo mountain, wnleh are resolution, the secretary or war asked the ngTenlve." Jacksonville 4 5 40 Clear NR sir rait it is estimated tnat tne investment in Little Rock W 14 CLEAN. SANITARY, MODEL out of tho until cordillera or tho Black had an council to submit evidence In support or Its 30 clear SW or Ban these machines miadruDled wllh a report on ex- This to Bad Moulli Los Angeles 4 m C ear plajit, where olean, contented cowa Rango, about thirty miles nonbweit outlay 01 sis,ow,uou. Many towns snd su charges, and the matter u s n S$ Martial. Mew Moilcu. and n mllea aouth-n- t pected shortly. Nashville 4 48 V clear to produce milk under the skillful su- burban communities now have a single mo Tbe indoor lire or winter, wllh lack of New orlesns to HI 40 Clear R of Magdalena. This property hai been nose ana r.nenucaj engine cover er tim nrnreaslonal trained purses are com a heavy on pervision of Sanitary Experta,' a gone tor to outdoor exercise, put. load the New York SO 0 Clear very heavy gold producer In day, fertively an area aa large as square plaining that young women of means and : mi 1HW It kidneys. Nearly everybody surrer. from Olnshs to Clear THERE'S A DIFFERENCE by. bavin it been discovered la when gasas social influence, attracted by the IW a rheumatism, backache, pain tn side, and Phoenix 44 4 Cluudy w A REASON. Coma there uu rreat excitement and rush side or nursing at the rront. have Iispkl City. 9. art FOR THERE'S suddenly many back, kidney and bladder alimenta. A D..., t it Clear to tbe gold dlgglnva. which was apee tal Meeting. stormed the hospitals and have In HosweU ., 48 &Í H ft. oldy. sw aw It a and massacre by tbe backache may mil mean anything HI- 14 checked by raid AU members or the El Paso County and caaes obtained positions notwlllisuntllnir serious - Louis 38 4 at Clear W Tour Dairyman does not spend Apaches under Gerónimo. Tne mine was thst they knw nothing or the work. "Ir bat II eertalnly doe. not mean anything Halt Lake City 8 00 I't. rhlv. HE up developed by City Democratic club are requested to st MfLOOO the money to make clean milk; we subsequently taken and W. or i .nrri Kitchener had asked for nurses good. It', better to be on lite ssre aide han Antonio M M to Cloudy SW If. company. They put a tend s meeting the club Saturday Burnt. ror 600,000 HO la no fairy tale; just cold, Martin In ten to enUst service Instead of for and lake Foley Kidney Plus to strengthen .Han Francisco 50 44 cloudy sw do. This tamp mill on tbe property. This Is one January t, al I o'clock at tbe skating rink, man." m trained nurse, "he would 'santa 10 48 H PI. cldy. SB ar Invigorate the kidneys help them fa hard facta SEE FOR YOURSELF, of tbe few mining properties that has done at cerner of Kansas and Mills streets, ror have had lb number the next morning.-luu- sad and, Beattla 441 4t 40 clear 84 RIGHT NOW. development work and paid dividends with the parpóse or nominating a municipal Nurses Hinder. do their work. They help lid tbe blood Washington t8 34 it! Clear en- case, of and poisons, sold by owl Wlriuia. Kan 38 44 Í8 clear out taking out any other ore than that ticket ror the spring election. All cluxens surh beins the sccordlns to the acid, Drat ' countered In sinking and drirunar. In two allegation, or tbe nurses' council, the ruah Co (Advertisement, i Yuma 58 OS 54 clear IS wgs who are In sympathy with Uva club are uas pushed salde the compe- EL PASO DAIRY CO. a cyanide and learning plant added and M. OOOOINS. or amateurs tbe mine begin a" period fit steady produc- Invited. i. tent grestly to tbe tnlsrortuno or the t Dairy. President or the Club. IV you want to reach all the people all The Iran tion 111 tbe milling plant was de.troyrd wounded Tommy who has to submit to uf READ THE TIMES CLASSIFIED PAGES FOR RESULTS by lire n tew years ago. (Advertisement.) ruisiug" sod petung at the hands of preiqr tune use uuks v.sni eua. Saturday. January 2, 1915. 4 L PASO MORNING TIMES

OF POLLY'S LATEST DAILY PROGRESS PASO MORNING TIMES EVERY DAY THE SOUTHWEST EDITORIAL PAGE OF THE EL ESCAPADE EXTORTION. Southwest Progress. Southwest Presa. Betrayed. DEsrns. n. TO DO TIME TO panden 1 My eyes seen the surge and boll Ry By Times SscofSl Corre ago ffinwg county With three better lea of United State have Times gpeetal Vorrttptméenoc Jan t Tha supreme conn 3&0rninfl Ona of the largest cattle sales made In Pecoa m 1 phíi,flit Aria Of o'erwheiminc flood i Demlng, Jan. A dance at the Stockton, artlllarr at Naco It iught to be cafe to war's v has affirmed the Judgment or the superior f for soma time ha been caniummatad at Fort My foot has pressed the sodden soil Adelphl club, another et the cryatal theater, Rob- Times Company. vs. Published Every Day in the Year by B Paso to A Byrd. reopen the public schools of that town court in ine curious case of state Mure ft Sachua selling Armstrong of Hutchin And felt tn note or niooo. as well as numerous smaller sffalrs, were rt E. Lee. Teiea, ea Second Claaa threa-ysar-ol- of IKtStid la the poatorflce at El Paso, son county, their ntlre crop of coming d and rendar It aafa for a cltlsen that Benesth a canopy of sky Held last night In honor of the New Year. 1'imintv htmetr hnrt of funds UP m steers, numbering 1,060 head. Mora than $e,000 chanced placa to go from hta homa to hla placa Whereon airante llghtninra played. A watch night party arranged by tbe Graham county on November IS, HHt, Lee PUBLICATION OFFICES: of buatnaaa without endangering hta My ears have Beard the ecbotnc cry ladles of the Bspust eluirch for the Rev. conceived ami put Into effect a novel plan handa In the transaction. a 911 SOLTH OREGON STREET. Mr. wss largely at- to replenish his exchequer. Pointing run THE TIMES lU'll.niNO. U$ life. Douclaa (Arla.) International. Of humankind peirayea. Plstt and bis wife and sign tended snd thoroughly enjoyable. at H. C. Smith he made him kill Addreaa All communications to Fred Olbaon. who haa been very auoceaaful In ralatnc It all dependa on what that artillery a cow belonging to a third party. i.e TIMES Kl. TEXAS. Where once wsa thrall of pleasing word, Ft. r. Hamilton has returned from Sliver not THE a Artesla, N. M section, haa recently purchased ,n la then told Smith that If the latter did 1', hoc in the u Naro for. if u to be almpty Of flattering, kindly tongue: city. a wouiu It a nog produce tirano. Lee, aa rood citisen. the Belcher etock farm and win convert into an extension of the watchful waiting Where onee the aong of Peace wsa heard J. C. Fields, 11 years old. uncle of Mrs have to send smith to the penltentlsry for ranch. Mr. (Jlhaon recently shipped two carloada of fine In all tts change nine. v. :. Taber, died at the home of his niece killing a cow that did not neiong io mm. policy, doubtless It would be best for ail mockery of woe tn city Tuesday evening. Tbe body Tin? or the gun, ronvincsd Smith ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES: Poland China hora to the Fort Worth market, which Now is' this FOREIGN very prices. The profits that the schools to remain suspended. Chaos of man's deceit; was sent to Teiaa roe burial. or the feasibility of paying over tbe money New York- -. C. Beckwlth Special Agency, Tribune Building. brought him remunerative wntcn ne accordingly am- un arcuuu Ml From aea to sea the armies go. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Hlrharda left the city .1,1..-..- -. i ansrlil Ktn'Ilrv Trtblin I'l are being reallced from hoce In that portion of the atate suit sgslnat nkaHh In death the nations meet for El Paso, where ihny will thought, however, he brought SL IvOulh S. L. Berkwiih Special Agency, Third NaUonal Bank favorable yeaterday ,ee ror an wen as making a mm are attractlnc much attention. A new angle haa been put Into the home. extortion Building In- make their future lull chara-- him. Lee was convicted Mr11(,Tl Mexican by the resolution r ... .. i t xlknr Dllle situation Where now shall man fair word prevail? Mr. and Mrs. H. Williams were in town by the and .sent to the pen T. N. MeCauley, president of the Mascot Copper com- 1n by Robinson, of superior court Authorised tliy Obllfridra 0. Morgan Miller. Ed Lelgb, Ollla troduced the senate Where shsll hla promise weigh? today cn route from Tucson to Sunta Fa neniiary ror rive years. - con- rail-N- Mellon, P. E. Gallagher, J A. u. paiario. pany, haa been at- the minea for several days In Arkansas, to launch an Investigation At brother-lov- e the legions one They attended a reunion uf the Williams The extortioner haa reeentlv been out " or ap " BIHfACRÍPTIoN HATES. ference with railway contractors, who have gone over of the report that the Larransa gov- know a such love today amity while In Tucson. on bond- awaltlnc the outcome bis aurv.ey completed prop- penance, faith, the love of Ood, n. C. Ely is rrom Santa Fe. peal io ine supreme court, dui mum uu (By Mall Id Advance. tho new which haa bean from the ernment In Mexico had appropriated Prayer, berk until the In Ua Is vain, L. A. Thompson So resume his residence In Florence bally and Sunday. on year erty near Dos f'a besas to Kelton, a point on the Paso $76,000 to obtain the Influence of two Bern turn haa returned from sentence. While anywhere upon earth's sod corro. etpirstlon of bis pally and Sunday, sn nrnithi Mr Hnuf hweatern railway. Bide are belne prepared for United Stat sesenators to secure the Muni Inveatlgstes Prison Dmiy and Sunday, three months of thla line of railway and will probably Vera Crux. Is spread war's bloody stain. Carl Snyder haa returned from Albu Oovsrnor Hunt spent New Yesr's snd the on 'JJ'the construction removal of the troops from querque. Pally and Sunday, g'oo'he next la expected Lurana Sheldon. dsy following at the stsie prison. He is The Stindt) Tirii' i, one year submitted within the few daya It Douglas (Aria) Dispatch. O. W. Sullivan stopped In Demlng to compiling data and working out tbe details ilty carrier that the work of construction will be actually in procrcss story from sena day. He is on hla way from Lordaburg of a recommendation he proposes to make .75 The the Arkansas or Daily and Funda nn month ... within a very short time. Glimpses of the Past. to .Mi m tuc- - Mot Springs. to the state legislature for the erection n- same rat a as English. tor appears very Improbable on the ju- Hpanuh Editio- The hev. Hugh $. Mlchelmore or Elephant a for tbe confinement or (Prom the Files of the Times.) venile prisoners in that they may be Subscriber- - a Ho fall lo rerelve H.nr paper Tegular ly are re for county, N. M. face of It, for that Is more real money Butte has wired bis acceppuice of the call order - ,m The achool apportionment Grant has segregated rrom the older Inmates of the nucFtad to notify th nomine- to that effect. to the pulpit of the Presbyterian church. strongly n lull, including county Atate t.'cn completed by the county superintendent. The total than the Carranza government ever Twenty-fiv- e Ago Today. penal Institution. He will also i.iv.- postofflc sddres and Years Frederick L. Vandcrgrlft, or or a prison r, t amount for was $17,611.00. Lordaburg re- the, editor recommend ihe establishment Renin t'V money ni' draft irlsiered letter. distribution had In Its possession at one time. system s magazine. $1.261; Animas, $160; Rodeo, 1114: The new school bouse In the Second ward the hat th. the Sania Fe farm. UjCml privan- bran' n Chen's wiui rour I runa nnea ceived Hachta, MU: an is In the city. Mr. Vandergrin makes a I'hnnc 24Q; Steins, $117; Valley View, 9114, war. completed and pronounced quite Water I'sers In Session. onii' rtirls all dcparuiwnu I'M operator which employe or what Redrock, and Our glass of eccnog this year, we ornament to that part or the city. yearly visit to all of the towns on the sya The committee nstned at a recent meet department vou vuh .m i onnc non win d mane. AMer io p. rn. Mopnr, $60 Official reports from Santa Fe state that the guess, by tem. He ipeht the day In Demlng and Ing Pf tbe Salt ftlver Valley Water Users" an i holiday following department will have to he substituted a and on Sunday erternoona the teachc-r- of the entire county are recelvlnc a total were up Unltej also plans to visit a number of the farms Association to consider applications for the III riin cup of clabber. Ralmorhea (Texas) Three Chinamen before ap- answer direct: of $717 26 and women $678.66, making total of in the valley. assoclstlon's member of tbe board of Mil Juares Hranrh and Buslnem Manager the a Herald. States Commissioner Mckle for violation praisement of tbe Roosevelt Irrigation Proj- m William Urlffen and E. E. Marr have . tCtiñ .linger sow Editorial and Reporten 91.290.94. of the Chineas exclusion act. ect met today at offices of sssocta-tlon- And Is n mighty good filler. n. II. tbe the 1040 .Society Ed and Mail Moorn wi Adv. and Clrc. Depta- clabber purchased the Denting dairy from At the conclusion or tbe courerence Flahlve and Intend to make if the i arrlf-- f.i n .teiivar the paper promptly, notify ua over ft. C. Worswlck, a prominent sheepman of Ros well, It may not be so hilarious In Its ef The total attendance at the public school extensive lm It was announced that the committee had any Monea. J 400 boys snd 472 provernenia and the output or not reached a decision, being some alioi N. M of In amounted to TH children. increase there who haa been marketing a bunch fat stuff fects as the other decoction, but the the dairy. twenty different appllcatlona for the ap- Any erroneoua Demons upon the "tasdlns, or sheepmen year girls. character Kansas City, declares that cnerally thla man who stays with the clabber propo Mr. and Mrs. O. V. Gallagher are here pointment In question. t 111. llf Ulil lion, firm or corporation, which may appear or ap- have had one of the most successful years In ail their Ur- to attend to tho development of home The hoard appraisement Is to be m th" oiuio'i i tta Tlms will be gladly corrected upon in sltton will bo an honor to his com The stockholders of the Ferrocarril tblr pointed to go over tbe whole expense or the Htti-n- history. lJeginnluc In the sprlnc the lamb crop was an pur- bUlK bl lie lutj if in. rn4iugeinrtn. banos company met In Juarez Tor the alead north of the city. project snd revise ths cost. This board excellent one, a large wool clip was harvested, which munity in the and. pose or electing orhrers ror lbs new year The brick work ia about completed on will consist or three men. or these tho koIU for a good 4rlce, and all classes of sheep have been and to attend other matters of importance. Hie new Lowell school. secretsry or the Interior will sppolnt two. Mining Outlook Is Improving. Ming for good money. Looking back on the year 1914. the in the case or the state against Edna one being sn engineer and the other an people of New Mexico have no reason W. T. Parr has left ror hot, Angeles. Cat Lawyer and Mac Rsscon, charged at Co accountant. The third member of the boAn!. plli: i.k for the mining Industry continues to Improva lumbus with having stolen goods in their an engineer, will be appointed by the Water M way re fifil In county, N. to complain of the Providence l Usera' Association, total coat of ihe t h- There automobiles Chavea A happy attended the annual possession, will be heard here Monday the tts me advance", nay Halt Iiike Mining Review. In way. crowd project lo date is $11,196,686 8 ami the e and 463 of theae are located In the city of Roswell, has treated them a material of Juan 8. Hart, owner oí the Morn- before Judge C. C. Hogers. The case grew It b. i to look a if within a few months more creai Obtrr (N. M.) Progress. or rrom timated cost or further work now contení which serves to show an Investment of at least half a ing Times, at the Vendóme hotel. All out of numerous theri made houses plated $99,800.00. Against this cross cost will be witnessed In almost every mining ramp in million dollars, and suggests that prosperity has not gone The people of New Mexico have the Times employes were present. In and near Columbus and comes here on there should be credited sbout $f.000,wi a change or venue. Fred Slierman rrom I hit- la now being to seed In that portion of New Mexico. Much been blessed with an proa has rentals, power, etc., which brings the uth wet icrn country More Interest attention abundant over $0,000.000. Is In been retained to dcrend the accused per net cost down to a llttln taken in general milling nffulrs than for rnontha puat. and being paid to the development of good roada that perlty this year and over in the dry Fifteen Years Ago Today. sons. The work of the board of apprfiaament will of good sen- mining machinery and nupply dealers report an Improve- portion of New Mexico, and much the roada they so Frank Thomas, a merchant or Las Cruces, have to be comnleted nn or before fieeem- funning districts have made l of year, the project will ment In the demand for goods und services. timent enn be traced directly to the automobile Idea. spent the holidays tn the city,. AT in noi i ber next when their much they hardly know what to do osiiv. mi be open. It Is possible the work may be During Die puMt two weeks there has been a strength- completed some time berore December I. Williamson & Oldham, of Portales, N. M.. recently with It. The police and fire departments, alonr Weather Ideal for Winter Sports at Bl ening in the rneinl market and quotations have held their very Kelly Bsnkrupt. 1). C. Hereford, Tex., 670 yearling" with all the city departments, ran Paso's Roof Garden. Aian n. or own In a gratifying mnnner and some advances have been sold to Lntrd, of steer accom- seiiy uienoate. Anions, lonsy - much gratiried at what has been By Timas Special Correé ponUcncc In fcd.-ra- riled a voluntary peti copper n at $3f around, and It Is sales like this which serve to dem- Marry Walker, near Malaga, Is hav the court noted, notably In ml cine. The curtailment of plished In their respective departments Cloudrrnrt, N. M Jan. I. The apell or Hon In bankrupicy. production by the big copper companies la beginning to nnatrate that the Portales stockmen have learned the!ing a small mint In hla pig herd. He during tbe past year. bad weather m the Sacramento mountains It always pays produce they has been broken, sun Treasurer Nsmes Deputy. lie effect on the visible supply, and. according lo n secret that to the best. If fattens the plga on augr beets and and today the is out tressurer-eiect- . nas have bright and condition, are Ideal for sleigh- aim sima, iuire th- - h- cop- hud not Invested In good breeding stock as u proper foun they get right. He la killing a B. received a telegram the sppolntment of James Murphy New York statist clan, dement consumption of fat Horace Stevens ing, coasting ami other winter sports. Sev- per and the exporta are at present exceeding th produc- dation fur IhMr herds they could not now be selling year- few as he goes and the meat Is lo the errect that work on the new Sheldon eral parlies wer out today enjoying aa his chief deputy. Murphy served for a alone winter time State T reaaurer Johnson by 100,000.000 pounds a year. A prominent mining ling steers at $16 around. The production of p cattle much In demand in the government hotel building would commence inoruy sports. The roads are Improving, but are under tion still very soft and and later as law clerk in tbe office of hogH to rjuestlon of a per- ) wkt The mall hacks operator Is quoted us saying that present domi and has umi much solve the camp on tho canal. Carlsbad (N. M. are making neces-ssr- y nmed states Attorney Flynn. Hew Year's day was observed by the beiier lime, but it wss consumption now amounts to 4 0,000,000 pon mis n manent prosperity the Portales country. Argus. for the t to Tax Commission Saves Meaey. fr of the city with appropriate cerem- driver moot)), Is even a more gratifying figure, and should The man who raises hogs in any churches brmg lu the mail on the Monday trip norsc-bac- The slate tax commission has filed their which onies-One annual report with Oovernor Hunt in which encouiage an Increased production, The demand for cop- The concentra lug mill of the Hay Consolidated Cop- portion of the Southwest usually finds John Sherry or Alamogordo and Philip they claim that through the activities or materially from now on, and the price events Yard or Wooten were recent visitors. 'They the commission an amount has been saved per should increase per company at llayden is iht largest one In the state It a very hogs of ihe moat brilliant social h t In Jertnsny, ac- profitable vocation. Fat "hiked" rrom Alaiuogorao lo Lloudcroft. the taxpayers or the state equal to ten Should keep pace wll he demand. of Andino , t has eight units, each with u capacity of of tho season was the ball of the Border The folio are always command a price In wins Ihe lato arrlvala at times the cost of their department of the cording to press dispatches, telegraph and telephone wires 1,000 tons. During 1913 the ore milled was 2.36b. 298 cood and find BiHes. The ball took place the district the Texas: Mrs. M. P. Blacker, Mountain government. the handsomely dec- state Two of commis- are bdng remelted for the ropper they contain and while tons, an average of ft,4M) tons per day. It Is successfully a ready market. court room, which was Park; Scoti B. Williams, city- Miss Blanche sioners. Howe and zander, recommend that John O'Kcere headed the ' ' joint w . i iK, r.i the United tftaies cannot get copper Into thnt country, (renting ore containing only 1.7 per cent of copper. The orated, captain miu, riimii raso: no specific mine tax legislation be enacted procession. Nearly too couples were pre h. iiregg. Weed; H. A. nwsley, St. Louis: while Commlsatoner Miller recommends tbe countries at war which can be served, must of neces- i f W- - Kl other km put this concent rater last year was r4,15R,30b The Phoenix Oaxette is calllnc upon ent. hives. Paso: Mian Jesnnstts ensctmsnt of a dsfnlie law for taxation of 1 C raver, city; Mr. Mrs. sity be in need of the red metal, also. fi utnds of copper, yielding a revenue of $7,899.72 and Governor Hunt to reprieve the con- - and J. Fisher, Oro mtnes based on tbe net production snd ex- by .rajide; Mr. and Mrs. II. Wiutmure, The flurry brought on the European war has .i nn profit of $:.7E,198 Tbe ncentratlug mill of the damned men at the prison because, DECEMBER SALARIES PAID. Mr. n. empting from taxation of mining plants. and Mrs. B. Dlllard and Briaga Captives. caused a create r demand for gold, which la always at Mil-.- company h of up ?on, Aiamogorao; m. Maymil, Sun Cheer lo Copper at Miami, Ariz., constat six after looking the vote caat at the j, Ben. and That the Arizona sun msy not quits nave par. Aa a result there has beon a renewal of interest In 560 par day. company auld It many New Mexico Treasury la Fuads ss Result Miss Alleen Whltmore, Alainogurdo. units of about tons each Thla election. has discovered that Mr. snd Mrs. Tom Bell or MsvhUI peni the ability to pierce prison wslls, but tbst gold mining und promising properties productive of this 83,131,334 pounds of copper last year. people Tailed to vote ons way or an- - e( Tax Paj meats. Tuesday night in Clnuderurt. They came it oig ef cheering influence whs shown st metal lire now being sought for throughout thla n on mo question ana wnue By Time Special mrrmm pa adencc here with aeverai of their relatives who the county Jail today. An old negro woman, otner mat have been spending the holldaya Martha w. Johnaon, the "W" being pre- region. A Is extend- Ssnta Fe, N. M., Jan. 1. The December wlih them movement originating at Prescott rapidly the abolition of capital punishment ai aaavoju auu ar Donaes sumed to stand for Washington, has been l great Hon th west Is our moat important oí ofriccra were paid today returning io tneir Mining In he ing among tho bualneas men of Arlsona In the matter of was defeated at the polls yet nega- talarles sute K E. Slough. 0. P. MeShann, Walker tnesreerated alnce the day after hrlst-ma- s every the or a or a total J.C. Industry, and the prosperity of practically other rgunlzlng to bring pressure to bear upon the next state tive failed to get a majority of all the aa tbe result distribution E. T. Balrd and Joe smiih were recent as the result of a too Joyous celebra hinges upon of mining- Ho long as the de- or lefi.ooo In taxea received by the stato visitors. Hon st that time. She was observed behind Intereat that legislature to pass laws domanded hy business votes cast. Clifton (Aria.) Mining A copper can certain the treasurer's office to the various runda. Dr. O. W. H. Smltb returned from Ala the bars smiling cheerfully st a diminutive mand Is good for copper and our big minen dur-in- c , Interests. Cndar present Arlsona laws open accounts are Journal. total of $1&S,000 has been distributed mogurdo Wednesday. He was accompanied shaft of sunshine wblcb struck the corrí-- out producía at full capacity at prices prevail ma sons. A turn their outlawed in three years, and It is desired to have the Governor Hunt has reprieved all the tbe present month. two oi dor outside ber cell- visitor passed along tnc before the Kuropean war started, so lone Is every state Mrs. Smith will arrive in a rew days the corridor, ho paused, and wished the old period extended to flvn years. Merchants siso want the men under sentence to be hnaged In A total or SM.4ff.eQ apportioned io snd will occupy tbe Smith cottage. negreas Southwestern Interest prosperous, and we are at) very anx- principally as fol- good morning. 'Happy New biw i .xcmpllng wages of city and county employee from institutions was divided Mr, wtmera ana cnnuren are visiting nacx, Dreak-in- It was five short months Arlsona. And as only flva in Year, honey." Harina canea ious to ntc production hack where ht repealed. law counties lows- Alamogordo. a hroad grin, "Ah'U be out In Contractors uak that the exempting C. S. Carney. Ell Moser. Lee Har- into fir o buildings In Arlsona furnished the recent prohi- University, M.047.10; State collero. Mow, that good old Arlsona sunshine mehself di- - public from the filtnc of contractors' liens be Mill vey Sewell, Mr. and Mrs. snenfield, Elisa- repealed, and bankers want to make It a criminal offense bition majority, obaerVera are waiting $1,300.75; School of Mines. ItlMtt beth Hhenneld and S. Melvin were recent reckly." the advent of the New Year there Is evidence lo lary institute. $l,63$.t&; Normal university visitors from James Canyon. With lo write o on a bank where the writer's deposit has NEW MEXICO seen on every side that business Is rapidly coming Into chck to eee If he la golnc to also auspend I9.005.M- Normal school, $i.9o4.70; Spanish ollla Posey and Claude Posey were re- imm.imm. be buen exhausted. Dear and Dumb cent visitors. Its own throughout the length snd breadth of these Cnlt-s- the prohibition law. American normal, $37.45; By Time Special Corretpottdencc asylum, ; Blind asylum, ft.iw.iie.; m Btatc orders for the Kuropean belligerents are al- LAC N. m. Santa Fe. N, Jan. 1, For tbe first Plans contemplated for some time by C. K. Mlesse and Museum, 8654.00; insane asylum, $3.0h40; (Kins. In history, University ready gearing the wheels f our factories. As the larg-es- t By Timo Special Correspondent time Its ihe of New associates of Demlng, N. M., for the of The lopping off of the liquor license Orphan aaylum, awt.oO; Berorm achool. Mexico has been run, Inside the limit or power on a great deal of work Is now ralsinc sufficient money Lbs Cruces. N. M.. Jan. 1. Tbe holiday according to neutral earth crops to feed a number of stdck cattle now means that an additional $580.41; hospital, $64.90: penitentiary. its appropriation, a letter from coming to us to be done never came our way before. Urce have meeting of the sew snd So club was held Dr. J. A. Hetdy which accompanies tbe bi- thl been put In definite form and the immediate result will deficit of several thousand dollars will 83.860.35. at the home or Mrs. Thomas Talt on Las or tbe or regents The shutting off of supplies by the war Is necessitating be Tuesday ennial report board to he ttie formation of two corporations to raise livestock created unless deoided retrench- cruces avenue afternoon. Artistic tbe governor, it la pointed out that nn Hew lines of endeavor here, und tbe wheels of progress ments can effected. Pardos tor Slek Boy. decorations and a beautifully decorated roreseen debts or something like $$0.000 consume tbe feed going to be raised on be The saloon tree the áre beginning to speedily revolve. Business Is looking up that.ls the Special C'orreapotieVaee Christmas adorned home. About were met and paid by the institution. Some Mlesse tract Line of thea companies will be Colo and wholesale licenses amount to close By Times twenty or tin- club members were present lU.ooo was siso paid out Tor additional everywhere -- men are being put tn work in nil manufac- the Dee. 31. Carlos Pineda, an in land Livestock association, which will have capital stock of to $16,000 annually. Douglaa (Aria.) Ssnta Fe. and contributed gins', which arrorded much and Improvements to ihe grounds and turing renters, and the New Year gives every promise of a Dispatch. male of Urn Berorm school, who Is sari enjoyiue-i- unen me pacaagea were openeu buildings. t $100,000. and will devote Its time to 111. Rev. Mrs. H. F. Vermillion gave being t be most prosperous his nation has known In a and attention the oualv has been granted a condition) and The report of the board of regenta shows Nearly every city and town In the recaption to the Baptist congregation and In the period t raising of hoes and beef cattle. The other company will pardon by Governor McDonald. Under the that covered from November long Ime. New Yesr's eve at home on 3o." 1014 i atnte Is In friends tnelr 30, 1019. io November the receipts he latina County- Livestock association, and It will of Arlsona affected the terms of the pardon lie must repon ouce south Alameda avenue. or Pineda was the university were $100,948.51 and ihe Dewey, who diet things to 'em over In Mitnlln have ii capital stock of $f0,000. This company haa al- name manner by the adoption of a month for eighteen months. the Chiiaima uiugram rendered bv the disburaementa $101,747.44. leaving a Admiral serve, three years In the He or 101 ly wm birthday Id Washing- ready purchased HO fine brood sows and Is arranging for sentenced to uuriy inn ireu ai raeinouiai as mentioned, of $401.07. The state- - Hay, ha Just celebrated bis 77th It la a question now as to church Tuesday uisht was enjoyed bv a 01 the purchase of some cattle. rorm school in August, loll. mem receipis memoes ine naiance nn ton, where be goes to bed at 10 o'clock p m and arises thorouchbred where revenue Is to come to icrge aunieuce. 11 was sain 10 ne iii usi hand at the opening or tbe fiscal year of the from of tha season, according to the ages of ihe $1 at 5 the following morning. He says he Is lending th" Jaeoby Quits Armory Board. 1013. amounting lo .974.03. Tbe lands in- newspapers enjoying very The New Mexico incorporators' Trust company, with keep the municipal pot boiling, and In children, rrom 9 to it years. Much credit come fund shows a balance of 5. wss J3 and simple life, reading the and the By Time Special CorrraposdfMOS U due Miss Kelly for ber rehearsals with receipt uf flkMM'.'.'l. maklmr s mill ,.r Is sal 111 a cupltnl stock of $2T0,000, been Renta It very best of health The hero of Msnlln the recipient has chartered at some cases Involves a crave Santa Fe, N. M.. Jan. resignation them, The permanent lands fund shows ;il of the I , with W A Fleming .Iones of Las Cruces as president. or armory Mr. snd Mrs. T. r. Leach or Kansas City a uaiaiire in fv.ww.yj ana receipts dmititf of much attention" the bunds those who visit pfoblem. of W. J. Jacoby as member the or The corporation will undertake the Incorporation of all has been aiTlvea recently for s visit to Mr. and Mrs. the two years $317.07, a total or tojjkt K national npitu! board or control at Las Cruces C. A. Lee. According to the balance sheet of enterprises New Mexico genersl and Dr. of the uni- sorts under the corporation As soon as a man beclns to think accepted by the adjutant Mr. and Mr. 0. W. Randall of Los An versity, (be campus, totaling 31ft acres, has fi. law, which Is the old c. Campbell has been named bis suc- week, a value or $30,000 and ibe s It will require $1 879 .SSR to operate the Texa statr New Jersey stutute which found he knows a woman some- T. gelea returned to their home this buldlnirs value with capital, passage thoroughly cessor. having siwnt several days ss cueais of Mr. or $160,050. a total value ot ito.fai 3& is smvernnwnt for the neat two years, according to the such favor but which since the of crope tn pe rao Ity placed on all resources, with the "Seven Sisters' no longer appeals thing out her nal that and Mrs. J. K. Flacders. exception estimates filed by the heads of the various departments the statute" to enter- entirely fipsets Mr. and Mrs. Nave bsrt yesterday ror of ihe state lands belonging to the univer- hie calculations. Santa Want Farming Taught In Schools. sity. 11 Is Austin. The figures ahow an Increase of about 13,000 prise Delaware no draws moat of the corporation busi- their home tn Clinton, la, having spent stated that the unlvertdtv s at Ke New Mexican. Hy reap on tie. net have no data from the land orflce on S0O. owing 1" number of appropriations that sre being ness, because it, too, has the old New Jersey statute, hut Time tfprctal Cor two rnontha here for the benefit of What woman has upset the New N. M., Jan. agriculture They were of Mr. which to base sn estimate of the vslue of for In various directions. the New Mexico st.itute has the exclusive advantage of a fiante Fe. (.That health. frlenda these lands. asked man'a And be made the chief aubject to be taught in and Mrs. Talt at their former home in nn liability provision, exempting companies und atock-holder- s Mexico calculations? what The reborl shows that during the school tbe department of industrial education in lows. year tota-1- the total enrollment was 100 Progressiva for liability d were of C. K. Campbell'sJ snd sister, The former chairman of the party In for stork. Incorporation the nature those calculations. the schools or Eddy county Is tho request Mrs. mother and for the school year tei4-1- 194. Journeyed all the way to Oyster Hay to Impart the statute of a from In which hi a Mra. Sam MaMdox and daughter. Miss The regents advise Governor Oklahoma under slate different that if wo may be so bold as to ask? A submitted to the state superintendent Helen Maddox, or Nashville, Tenn., arrived McDonald Co) the Information the was dead, tl,b company operates enables It to throw Its litigation passed hy tho Farmers and that st a meeting to be held soon the needs to Roosevelt that thine good woman Is usually a mighty safe resolution hsru today and will spend the whiter. Rev. or the university will be reviewed Union of America, m- snd rer gnd we can imagine the heartlnesM of the reception he into the federal courts, which are often preferred to state Educstors' G. K. Campbell went lo El Paso to ommettdatiuns In connection wiUi them received upon his arrival. courts by corporate tnteresta proposition to Ue to. Ih Eddy county. Ibanv made In a supplementary report. POLLY AND HER PALS- - We Just Knew It Would Be Found Out Sometime! By STERRETT

au iHt U I moré-- mmv 1 1 1 1 vht a? pS5 HtRt Uf ewi rppj Mojí SuoS ToioiiT vfoo , , &k 'Ji I ( (jw .

. . ' Saturday. January 2. 1915. EL PASO MORNING TIMES

- Horace Lay. George Oomhte, Joseph- terday arternoon at their home on Rio lections made by the chapter for Ihe relief m House today that Wilson opCTice. a. vvsunar, rignernr, o. Grande street. The rooms were beautirully of the European war victims: President would cmssby, Gait Lane. PENDING IN THE SENATE veto the measure If Florence Durkee and decorated In Christmas cokra and delltht-fu- l 1.1 Psso chapter begs lo acknowledge. cohvress submitted It Tea was served throughout the arternoon to him In its present form. President Tart and many calls were received. refreshments were served. with thanks, the following donations to Mlaa KaUvrlne Hoover. Nlss Betty Safford. the American Red cross European war re- vetoed a similar measure tn KM) because ImralffratlM Measure Carry I a Ue Literacy Telephone Bruce Smith and Charlea Anderson won lief fund, alnoe the last report made No of the literacy teat. The aetMte pasead the niaaer al Valley inn Teai i the n. o. nrtesogel entertamea at oinner ai tne prises lor bunco. vember Bt), I'M I Ferment itibeH bill over the veto, bnt in the bouse the mo- They f SOCIETY the Valley Inn on Thursday evenlng.v His were assisted by their mother. Mrs. Dr. D. W. Detwlter t.Ki Leflalalleai. tion to the measure failed by a guests or City. few were witker R. Smith Kansaa F. W. Brown. Mrs. F. Todd and Mrs. I W. CUllUr ClUb. Ysleta. Ttt 1.00 votes to tet the two thirds majority. Charles W. Surges or St. i m is. Thomas Sorrels. Those present were: E. Estrada I. Shelly or Louisville, and Judge W. H. Shel It Ihr .... fntVfi Prré Whether the president will veto the meas- Misses Betty fiatrord, Alleen Atkinson. Enrluuei 1.0ft washlna-ton- , ly, aian 01 Louisville. I. Jan. - When eonaress meets ure seems to make little difference lo tt Agnea Morrtl. Kalhrlne Seamen, Kathrlne Iain Marlines Mo tomorrow after the New Year's day holiday, champions and there are many who predict Hoover, Margaret ritman, Mabel Long. Eli- Methodlsl Sunday school. Clint, Teii. (.to the paramount subject or will that the bill ran be passed this time In both LONG, LONG AGO. an Wslek Mght Party. Ictrlslallon rhaae ended at the Country club, where A Jollv Bravea of the vounser set axther- sabeth Spence, Margaret S pence, Lucille M. E. Ii Carrlxoxo, N. M pesie be the immlaratlon bill, In the bouses over an executive disapproval. TIM e wax inn. elaborate breakfast ed at the catholic athletic gymnasium to Carpenter, Alice Prewitt. Alice Brown, Sunday offering ..as senate, it Is the purpose" or senate lead- vote off 47 to it in the senate yesterday Tell nw ihc tales that lo dm were so aarvad. Attractive, Indeed, waa the table, year new year ers lo brin the to a vote on eliminating the literacy test waa dear waa a watch Ihe old nut and the In. Messrs. Homer Gibson, Mayo Searaon. measure tin atrainst Lont. lont ato, lour, which arranged banquet styaa In Punch waa evenint-Th- pasMire before adjournment. That It will generally accepted as a test vote. loot ato. irianqular errect, with a at the head. served throngnout the Slurdevant Todd. Cabel Qreet. Jack Field, Total Bint nw the I dells-hts- d circle chapemnea were Mrs. Agulrre snd Mrs. !.. be passed, including the literacy test. is. as Before the senate 1'bllippln committee aonfi lo hear All the equipment that go a horse waa Burns Harvey. Charlea Harvey, Walter Previously renitlted Hot. Long, loav ato, Ion with Carson. Among those present were: Miases umi. althouah ihe test provision la atlll former President Taft Is scheduled ut ap- ato. used about the table, with red satin ribbon Stevenson, George Duck. Harry Prewitt. open tO Now yen are come all my trgints Aksrd. Irene nobertscn. Helen to amendment. pear dlSCUSS the bill for enlarging the trier It reanoved. gracefully placed here and there, together stimmel. May Carter. Haxel Johnson, Mame Henry BafTord. Bruce Smith, Mark Oreen, Grand total remitted to date sftst v Strong indications came from the Wkltc measure of Philippine Let use mat you Society-goer- s rortet to lont hare rovsd. wllh miniature horses. were. Robinson. Violet Cbaae, Margaret Smith, James Vance, Charles Anderson. In the of bandages rolled by Iho Let me believe you aa you Indeed, with the Jolly chase and reiiort that lore loved enthused Willie tu Carson: Mesara. Oliver Carr, different rommillees an error was made In Lont. lont ato, lont ato. will be eager to attend another real soon. Wilson Raum Genre llnvler. Mark I'liM- Mr. and Mrs. Entertain. Among Mr. and Mrs. ftaacttri the number credited tu Mtss Grsce l.ngan's those present were llps. Kent Herrerón, William Ratsdala, Jark M. a James o. McNary, Mr. and Mra. W. L. Mr. and Mrs. Benches entertained committee. The committee sent In the fol Thm Food-Drin- k mi Do you remember the path where we met Kiugm. i.iarence nireeier, tiayior roster, New Bent Lunch Fountain Tooley. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Davis. Mr. Vernon Everage, Presley Sieve party of rrlenda at s Year'a dinner lowing: Bsndagea rolled, 446; squares or Lont. ago, Rlttlck. BIT lont lont ato? and Mrs. Frank Coles. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. party at their home. West Missouri unen tae-- sarety I gross Al, yea, you you Atulrre, Harrison White, Frank Lanlen, nsndiges, pins. told me ne'er would Coles. Meadamea Max Weber, Leila T. ini. y Robinson, Johnson. street, last night. The parlor and dlnlnt fx.06 in money, the money being properly Moore and Harry Slmms; Misses Anne Lee room were elaborately decorated with redlled, bul the being in the num .,n.7Ti Lont. lont ato. loot atol Gaines. Wynne Maxon, Hilda Souer. Ruth Army l.iinehron. and a dinner waa served, Mccurdy, Ruby Stone, Orace Wlngo, lvah róllate tier of bandagea. Then lo all other my smile you prererred. The and ladles or after which Ihe guests were entertained Love, you Cool, Mary White, Alice Wulff and Vir- Slllli Infsntrv officers when spoke, tave a charm o nob-ar- the sixth Infantry were given a delightful wllh music and dancing. Those present r saaaaaataiTBaa- ginia Stewart: Messrs. Carl A. Beers, t Homei-lea- d Law JJt a TaEm.r aeseKns each word. McCarte, Robert Holiday. T. M. Wlngo, lunrheon yesterday at the camp on seventh ware: a a aairna- a- a SIUI my heart I re asures the prslses I heard 8. C. MeCurdy, Lteutanant L. Collins, and Cotton streets. The temporary building Dr. Mrs. F. R. Koch. Mrs. E. Ford. Bm Timm Social Corrrtpondencr 5 J. which serves aa a mess room tad m Lont, ato, George Russell, Woods, Theodore Barnes, and club waa Mlaa Ford, Symona, Helen Santa M, v Jan. I, In an opinion lont lont ato. beautifully decorated with trees and bunt- Myrtle Beasle I. B. Martin and Captain Pickering. ing and varloua other Christmas restures. Symons, Dora Sanchas, Martha and John (riven . 8. Silva of Dllta, Attorney oeneral Though by your klndneaa my hopes fond The tables were arranged very effectively Ford, Frank and Ruaaell Koch. :iancy aayi today ; were raised Mr. sad Mra. G. T. Hawks Entertain. In the form or a horse shoe. The place Ask For Lont, Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Hawka entertained carda were dainty affairs, and "You tak If a person makei a homestead lont ato, lont ato. a perrectly appointed dinner New Christmas You by with flowers and ferna were placed SOCIETY PERSONALS entry the three-yea- r law, whether inoro eloquent lips have been Year's eve at their home on Eaat Rio about the table, lending a pretty errect. under ORIGINAL praised Grande street. Centering the uble was a Covers were laid ror General William R. he can make hla final proof fl the end of Lont, tree, prettily decorated, which Wherry, or J 1.. At one or the tables during the New lont ato, lont ato: miniature retired, rather Mrs. llinp. five year. Under the three-yea- r law, he But by absence your has been rested on a lace cloth. The uble, glimmer- Colonel and Mrs. Jonn F. .Morrison, Lieuten Year's eve fun. linn at ihe Hotel Paso del GENUINE lont truth Mr. Fenchler, Mr. James tried. ing under the glow of the red candles, with ant i.oionri Arrasraiin, Major and Mrs. John Norte were Fred may make hla final proof at the end of HORLICK'S a air. Red I.. Hlnes Mslor F. or Corrigan and Miss May Bane Hood. Still to your I listen with holly strewn about, lent restive W. Lewis the medical the three years, If not then ready accents pride. and green was the color scheme csrrled out corpa, Chaplain John A. Randolph and but lo Blest as I was when I sat by your side, Avoid Imitation Take Mo m the menu and deeorattone. At each daughter tMrs. McDonald), Captain B. H. I. Weiss expects to leave ror the east do so, he can have two more years within Substituto Lont, lont sto. lont ato. plate waa a small red box or Baali, Captain Thomas a. Pearce, Ceptam which he can the final proof -- guest's and Mra. Henry c. Sunday. make that Rich Milk, malted grain, in powder form. Mora healthful than ctafeeV dainties, the covers or which were attrac- Bonnyrasile. captain is to say. he is not compelled to maae trv lea or Bis holly bells. (.lyrrord Game. Captain and Mrs. Frederick Brother Danne. tive with and M. ror final proofs at the of the threo years Forrní invalids and children. or was a to enjoy the chsrmlng hos- R. lie Funlsek. iTantaln Mmllh Mr. and Mra. Coblentx will leave end ants, growing Agrees with the weakest digestion. The ball room the Klxs club Those Invited Captain points may yeara lona-r-r lovely scene a or Mr. and Mrs. Hawka were Mrs. and Mrs. Ernest H. Agnew, captain New York cuy and other eastern but delay It for two ir when they entortslncd with pitality and Mra n Purenutrtioo, upbliiding the whole body . Keep it your sideboard at dance at Stanley Johnson or Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. charloa w. Morrison, Captain sunoay. lie desires. on h.xne. "bit brother" Thursday their John s. Chambers. Mrs. heme on Myrtle avenue. The rooms were R. Warren. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Mitchell snd Lieutenant and invigorates nursing mothera and the aged. A k lunch prepared in Italph II. Leavlu, Lieutenant Matthew 11. Krupp expects to ,ave ror New York ,im a minute. lovely with Christmas greens and palms. Misses Myra and Zelma Prater. riiomllnson. l Ell was C. L. ieutenant and Mrs. William city to spend several weeks with his par- The trend march led by Mixnugn Lee Simpson. Judge and Mrs. John NOTICE. and Milt Hilda Sorensen. Punch waa The Hall and Hall Clua. R. ents. very delight- Altken of San Francisco (parents of Mrs. served throuthout the evening. Amont Tho Hair and Half club was W. F. L. Ñlltininnl I lmilan.nl .. L, -- Savtnvs depositors are requested to leave Mr. Vas- yesterday arternoon by a those present were and Mrs. J. J. fully entertained Thomas n. Glmperllng, tieuienam De Witt Mr. and Mra. E. M. Bray and Misses pass books for entry of interest to ter, Mr and Mrs. II. E. Christie, Mr. and Mra. Wyche Greer at her home on Lee C. T. Bray. Mae Davis snd Beatrice tnelr orubbs. Lieutenant William H. Simp- Janle January 1, Security and Savlna--i Mrs. T. J. Starrord, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. streak The prises ror high score at each son, Lieutenant1 Cortney H. Hodges, Lieu- Stiles, who rormed a Jolly bouso psrty st loiv Trust PhtnithT. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Oale, Mr. and table were won by Mra. D. C. Sutton and tenant and Mrs. Leon M. Logan. Lieutenant the cottage or Mr. and Mrs. Bray In Clotid-rrof- i liAnk. (AdvertlaenuMit.) Mrs. A. Davis, Mr. and Mra. B. Q. . Mrs. W. J. B. Robinson. AHrr the games Albert S. I'eako, Lieutenant Norman W. for several days, returned to El Psso Misses Grorglns Martin. Hilda Sor refreshments were enjoyed. The members reek Lieutenant Paul Johnson, Lieuten- ycslerdsy. See Or. Horton about your eyes. He rrlnda Eyster's C. O. D. Grocery Hunter, ant F. vnson, Hattle Mae Lorets, Lucille Msloney. present were Mesdames John Lea fcdward Wllaell. Lieutenant anil Mrs. lensea to S04 Mob. Manner Mida;- peel, Hughes. D. C. Sutton. Lewis K. fit lAd.) Ethel Brown, Newell Compton, Mary Wllwirth. Frank underhlll, Lieutenant Dennis E: Msry Waillngton and mother, who Margrry McKay. Bessie Olfson. Hcdwlg An- W. J. B. Robinson snd Porter Cheney and Mccunnirr and Lieutenant Thomas ii. Mon Miss Grocery Dept. . . 4340 roe. have been visiting here and on a shopping Need Oluaear asw gritan, ios Texaa St., derson, Grace Browder, Florence Kline; Miss Valeria Gerard. lo Ihelr home Phones Dept. . . H. Browder, a. - o Previous to the toneheon ihn lour the paat week, relumed near Ore ton. (Advertisement.) Meat 4346 Messrs. Edward Held. W. In Albuquerque yesterday. Weber. Charles Held. R. 9. Warren, I. H. Temple Alumni Club. joyed eggnot. Gray, P. S. Kerr, 8. I. Dean. Fred Hewitt, Miss Ida Krupp and Paul Krupp enter- Everything in Fresh Fruit and Vegetables. R. Alberts. H. Dunne, A. Bargman, C. L. tained the malorlly or the Temple Alumni Jolly Dancing Party. Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Billings motored Rlrmans, A. E. Schuster, noy Barnum. club and a number or their rrlends with rreu asara ana nawson Brown enter- Valley Inn ror Friday even at tained their rrlends with a to the dinner William Crosby, Eugene Harris. a bunco party New Year's arternoon very Jolly danc- ing. 12 Iba Best White Cranberrlea, their borne on Upson svenue. The club's ing pnrty at Ihe rormer's home In Hlrlunutid 10c colors, blue and whtbs, predominaren Terrace last night. Garlands of pink roses Potatoes 25c per quart Miss Dorothy Wlaaas Hostess. through the ribbons. Miss Ida waa assist- were restooned above at the openings or SPECIAL Candy Sale today, Ardoln'a. Ad- 12 lbs. Best Sweet Fancy California Red Miss Dorothy Wlnans entertained with a tho rooms and about the electroliers. The vertisement. the ed In entertaining her friends by her Clean Up Sale Potatoes 25c Grapes, per lb 15c dinner party Thursday evening at mother, Mrs. M. Krupp, and Mrs. B. Cohn rolor scheme of pink and white was pret- very attract- tily I Valley Inn. The table was F. zlabovaky. carried cut. Punch was enjoyed dur- RED I miss ON It till HINs covers were laid ror and ing the evening, in, h Bn ively decorated and Those Invited to enjoy the pleaaani ar- at the close or u Misses Velma Casey, Margaret Bush, Lu- Ice. course was served. M. ralr were Misses Josephine Kaurman, ensperomng young Total or Nearly I7S9 Remitted From El Cunningham; Messrs. 8. Burleson. Helen Murdork. the people were Mr. Now On Blue Ribbon Eggs Strictly Fresh Marlon Cunningham, W. W. Casteel, Har- cille Mayer. Yetla Baron, and Mrs. I. A. Akard, Mr. and Mra. Ross Paso Chapter. Helen Redding. Rose stolarorr. Evelyn ...... vey Murray, J. H. Shepherd, Vernon Cun- Brown. Mr. anrl Sir marl,., n...... Dr. c. F. Braden, seoreiary or El Paso Per Doren 45c Ruth Baron. Gladys Srhwartx. Haiet Mrs. .A. H. Aksrd. Hed Cross, ningham. Smith. Thelma Splnelll. Blanche Lefkovlis. rhspler, American National lite louslt: for the merrv itirrmo- or ríanr. tollowlng report or the col- - Margaret Amsiattnr, Ruth Srhwartx. Birdie ers was delightfully played by Mrs. Wrlglit submits Iho Delightful Card Party. Krupp, Paula Krupp, Ethel Sllberberg, or who Is Note - society nerlno, the guest of Mrs. Charlea the Prices The Catholic Ladles- Benevolent Zelma Herskovlts. Teresa Herskovltx. nruwu. nno also gsve several vocal solos. entertained last nltht with a deUihtrul Blanche Sadye Atkln. Dorothy Among those Knights or Schwarts, present were Misses Phyllis Ladlea' 1( 00 Mutton J Blue Ribbon Butter None Better card party and dance at the Vollertson, Annie stolarorr. Freda Laskin, l.OrtS. Williams Melon K..I.U,,.. eP4eOa)or Columbus hall an Myrtle avenue. The Mtnda Laakln and Freda Bwatt. Phyllis RouHedge, Margaret Schuster, Better Than Spanking Doota Per lb 40c 2 lbs. 75c rooms were attrartlvely decorated in Orndorrr, Burtrum orndorrr, katlierlnn chrlstmss colors and green. Lunch was Aid Society Elects Otflrera. Karle, Lilly Dale, Kathcrlhe orndorrr. Haxel Sptnklnr dot not caro children of Ladles' $.00 Button ) n served throughout the evening. The Aid society or the First Congregs-tlons- l .s..imj. .nniKnrri rowers. Atice Akard: wctttntr. There a constitutional cause Uoots ajraJaOa)r The first prise ror the ladles wss won church met Thursdsy srternoon wllh Lola Smith, Taylor and Virginia ror this trouble. Mrs. M. Summers. Hox Fancy Mixed Nuta, Fancy Hen Davla by Miss V. Welsh, the second by Mrs. Mrs. Claude Berry at her home on West Akard. and Messrs. Fred Akard, Dawson W, Nntm Dame, IntL. will send ITce to Ilelhnan, and the third by Mrs. Joe Dunne. Missouri street. The orrirers ror the com- Brown, red Humphries, Paul Humphries, any mother her successrul borne treat- Ladles' Mi, and t ) Mr freah. lb 25c Applea, 5 lba.. 25c For the gentlemen, n. Drlscoll won tno ing year were elected. Mra. E. Burt was Kd Wllllis. Alfred Whitman peril it,..,! ment, full Instructions. Send no Moots ePtJe4s) Fancy Table Halalna, Tom Boyd, Ralph Peyton, Presión with Freah Nuts, all kinda first prize, P. E. Kelley the- second, and president, Mrs. Russell vice Harold money, but write her today If your .chil- per lb 20c Henry Mclsch the intra. president, Mrs. J. J. Tyndall secretary and SUS William Hagsdale. Harrison you In thla way. Don't blame per lb 25c White, Leroytl""'. Schullor and Matron dren trouble Ladles' M.60 and t n a Fancy Datea, Mra. Charlea B. Stevens treasurer. Jones tho child, the chances are H can't help r Fancy Yellow Oregon Ortley Imported Mrs. l II inn at Home. Boota sj)ae4a) Mlaa Kemp at Home. It. This treatment also curea adults and per lb 20c Mrs. W. 8. Tllton was the chsrmlng Eaalcs Dance Largely Attended. people troubled with urine dirricultlct Applea. S lba. Fancy Dromedary hostess yesterday afternoon and evening, The Fraternal Brotherhood hall waa a Miss Emily Kemp was "at Dome" to her by day or night. 25c when she was "at home" to her many verv nretv scene last nls-ht- when the Eagles many rrlends yesterday al her home on REDUCED PRICE8 ON ALL for Datea. pkg 15c rrlends at her home near the Country club. entertained with tiro first of a series or Magoffin avenue. The rooms were beauti- Fancy Arkanasus Black Fancy FIrtb, dsnclng season. CHILDREN'S SHOES. MEN'S Stuffed Music, and bountirul refreshments dances to be given during the About fully decorated with polnsettias, holly I and the rooms were beauti- most or these and Appiea, 8 be. for 25c Jar, 30c and 40c were enjoyed too couples were present, and mistletoe. Miss Kemp waa In serv- SHOES REDUCED ful wllh their Christmas decorations, some were In masquerade, the costumes being assisted Fnncy Jonathun Ap- Hwanadown Cake In arter-noo- or ing eggnog, cakes and other dainties by or those assisting Mrs. Tllton the very unique and attractive. Horns 100 pairs Nellie ton plea, 4 lba 25c Flour, pkg 30c were Mrs. Kenneth Oliver, J. H. Na- all of members of the younger set. A large (ff OA every description and sorts other $1.50 $7.00 9s).UU tions, John Naethlng. Oordon Hardy, Jo- were very niurn in iur number of rrlends called during the arter and Shoes sephine Natlona Morflt While, In the eve- The programs were decorated In keeping noon and enjoyed the pleaaant party. Heinze Pickles and Relishes of All Kinds. ning, she was assisted by Misses Valeria with the holiday aplrlt. All Hand Craft, ffj.00 mem-me- Chow Chew, Garrard, Martha Thurmond and the L Shoes Sweet Relish. or Emily Kemp's house Charming Buneo Party. $4.15 25c per pint . 15c Miss party. West Ysleta Country Club. Grace Frances enter imtttniTStli per pint Quite a large number or friends railed to Many El Pasoans spent New Years eve Miases and Brown ISuUIYasiíjtj All Hand Craft Sour Pickles, extra enjoy the merry affair and wish Mrs. Tll- at the west Ysleta Country club at Ihe en tained wllh a delightful bunco party yes M.60 ) qsi Pickled Onions, 15c ton happiness and success during the new joyable watch party. and 14.00 Shoes 3J.OO 25c large, doien year. per pint Dill Plcklea, extra. Morgana Keep Opea House. Ripe Olives, large, extra ...20c Infantry Officers Entertain. Colonel and Mrs. Geo. H. Morgan of the per pint 30c Sweet Plcklea, email, The aecond lieutenants or the sum in Firteenth cavalry, kept open house New ranlry were the hosts yesterday afternoon Year's dsy, at their home in Fort Bliss, tor Thornton McKeel Stuffed Olives, doaen ..10c at one of toe most dellgbtrul army affairs the orncers or tbelr command. per pint 30c Tomato Cataup, ever given In El Paso. bottle 25c ii was given at the Knights of Columbus Phllalhea Society Opea House Oreen Olives, hall on Myrtle avenue, and the place waa The Phllaih'a class or Trinity Methodist Shoe Co. per pint 20c Chill Hellish, errectlvely decorated wllh mistletoe snd church, kept open house New Year's day at bottle 30c a or Eva momas on Nevada Sweet Mix Pickles, Lolly, while In one corner of the room the home Misa to Mince Meat, large table laden with fan. y cates, sand- street. The house was beautirully deco- BREAD 3c Successors Pew Shoe Co. per pint 20c wiches and eggnog served to make the rated In holly wreathe. Ivy, and red car- per lb 20c guests enjoy thernselvos to the extreme, nations. The dining table had a center- Ml Stan Antonio St. Sour MIX Pickles, Apple Butter, lielightrui music waa furnished by the piece of red carnations and ferns snd held Teuus per pint 15c SUtn infantry band and dsnclng waa candles with red shadea. fn the receiving MeatBarg ".inn 3U St. cana 20c enjoyed rrom i o'clock until late In the line were the officers pf the claaa, who Sauerkraut, Apple Butter, evening. were: Miases Rena Shea, Juanita Smith, per IS por lb 5c crooks 50c gambol" as Lucy Claire Horn and tne class teacher, 3c Hams, whole, pound.. f This was the "thrice annual Pies de- Mrs. Geo. B. Oliver. Those who In the invitations denoted and the guests ssslsted Bacon, by strip f .aa Freah Kansas Meata and Fresh Oysters Dally. . parted voting the army "goata," aa they the dining room were: Mesdames Roberts, It pounds Potateas .W Geo. Boudette and Misses Margaret Cun- t 10 pounds Cot to lene 11.3(1 SERVICE FIRST Compare our prices with others before you give your order. are known. Ideal hosts. pounds Bogar 00 Among some or those who called to en- ningham. Vera Ballard, ratherlne Peak and II si. 10 pounds Crescent Short- Colonel and Vernon Cunningham. About 950 guesta joy the arralr and dance, were 4 pounds Pink Beans $ .16 . to Mra. John F. Morrison, Major and Mrs. called during the afternoon. ening ti Signs Jobn L. Hlnes, Lieutenant and Mrs. Thos. I pounds Navy Be ana $ .at Pork Hauauge. t pounds... .15 N Glmperllng. Lieutenant and Mrs. Leon Al the Y. W. C. A. A. pound Xmbaasadar Steak, 2 poundat .15 M. Logan, Lieutenant and Mrs. Nulsen. The Y. W. C. heia open house New I can Hamburger I.teuh'nant and Mrs. Barrett, Dr. and Mrs Year's day at the boarding home on Weat Coffaa t no Porlc Link Sausage, 2 lbs. .t .aa Jamison. Mrs. Richard Warren. Misses Missouri street, from 3 to 5 o'clock. Chrlst-ma- a rolls Toilet Paper $ .IS 1 Mackerel .11 decoratlona were uaed t Pat t Emily Kemp, Eslelle Berrtan, Edith Mor- throughout the Milk 2 .11 gan. Dorothy Morgan. rooms. Those rerelvlnr were the members t cana M Codfish, bricks t Valeria Garrard, or Mary Twency Nations. Grace wlrtfo. Man-d- a the committee and aecretarlea, who were t boxes Crackers . . . $ M t pounds Best Stew M Race, Irlne Laughltn. Oertrude Letgh-ln- .Mc.snainen o. . wooaaiae. j. a. Hawungs sack Flour t .an 2 pounds Veal Stew 1 .IS Mary White, Zoe Etta Robinson. Mary I quarts Cranbarrlaa t .15 Hhoulder Pot Roaat, I lbs.! .IB Koye Alms, Stella Brick, Eleanor Manilas. .20 Virginia Bean. Francis Mayfleld, Dona Lares Sisa Peanut Butter. .IS I'ork Chops t Dona Klugal, Anna Lee Oafns, Margaret t bars Ivory Soap t M Mutton Chops t .11 Davis, Virginia Stewart, Mildred Whlltleld. I cans Corn . . .$ .IS Round Staak $ .11 Alma Mcknight. Martin inurtnond, Vir- I oaas Tomatoes .25 Lota Steak 20 ginia Hill. Beulah Brown. Hilda Saurr. Political t t Marlon Young, Walker McCtellan. Alice Wreuff. Edna Malblas, llulwtg Manilas; Messrs. James t.urus, l. si. Harris, Came to my atora and savs the expenae of delivery and see that Sauer, Lewis Crooker, Edmund Bchr. Rob- you got the bast. ert 'McCarte, Harvey Wilcox, James Aires. Merrll, Tech Davis, Hicks Tooley, Meeting Howard Page Kemp, Jack Pryor, Sydney Mayer, Leo Kohlberg, Frank Roberts, Capt. Martin L. Cununlni, Capt. Thomas A. Pearce, Capt. Jobn S. chambers. Capl Clyfford Oame, AH member of ike El Paso McMICKLE'S Lieutenants William H. Simpson, iiennls ' MeCunnirr. Lewis K. Underhtll, Robert o. County and City Democratic mu, in Clifford J. Matthewa, Albert s. Antonio St. "The Clean Grooery.' SISO that should be in every home Peake, Norman W. Peck. Theodore Barnes. Club are requested to attend a Jr.. Oliver Wood, Thomaa H. Monroe. M. meeting of the club Saturday 1. Martin. George Hussell, A D. Buries, P. You'll want to add these to your record col- K. Johnson, Edward WHsel. W. W. Oor- night. January 2, 6 o'clock, don. Modlaette, Cook. Frederick Rogers, at lection, if you haven't them already: Harire, Weaver. Cortney H. Hudgea. Zag-b- y at the Skating Rink, at the cor- DeWItt C. T. Grubbs, Win Orton, Dale We Correct a Disfigured Face V. McDonald. ner of Kansas and Mill streets, end Remove Bridge Party at Clint. for tho purpose of nominating a 641 20 I Hear You Calling Me (Marshall) John McCormack Mr. apd Mrs. C. M. MrKlnney of Clint Wrinkles, hollow cheeks, batty eyelids, superfluous even- hair and moles thai coarsen toa face. , entertained at their home Wednesday municipal ticket for the spring t 74379 La Paloma (The Dove), (Yradier) Herbert's Orchestra ing with a dellghttul bridge party In honor or khtf' (Soldiers' or their, niece. Miss Frsnces Shea, San- election. lVIrs. Benson 45051 aro Chorus) Metropolitan Opera Chorus derson, Texas. Those present were- Misses FACE SPECIALIST OF CHICAGO. Room SDS Herald Rlda. Magic Fluttí Isis Isiris Frances Sbaa. Mary McKlnney, Gertrude All citizens who are in sym- Before and Alter. No pain or Inconvenience. Mny El Paso references O und Metropolitan Opera Chorus Butherrord. Amelia MX, Margaret Wills. can be given.. Pulltn, Caroline Parks, pathy with club Co"moPutan Overture .' Pryor's Band Gladys Wills. Hallle the are invited. 35282 ".! Nelue Kelly and Gertrude Mueller. Messrs. ( Shepherd's Life in the Alps (Descriptive Effects) Frymoth. Chsrles Klbby. Irvinr Junrjohan, J. M. GOGGIN. Pryor's Band George Frymoth, Cria Jungjohan. Eddie 60115 Harmony Baby (Bayes-Kleineck- e) Nora Bayes Jack Trent, oacar Cheek. I.awion President of the Club. and Gordy Boyd. A salad courae I Caste Noisette (Nut Cracker Ballet) .Herbert's Orchestra cortee was served during the eveo-Ut- t. 45053 with CANDY SPECIAI BITTERSWEET CHOCOLATES Casse Noisette (Danse Arabe) Herbert's Orchestra Bell regularly at 60c: today only, the lb., Met halt-lb- .. No. At II Waal Veleta Cías. All Fattcy Box Candy at Special Prices Today Oaxly. 74204 Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes. .John McCormack Among those dlnlnt and dancing at the Ysleta Country Hub New Year'a day: ARDOIN'S CONFECTIONERY 70063 Breakfast in Bed on Sunday Morning Harry Lauder West ("leo Russell, Mr. CANDY SALE Mr Hallenstebt, Miss tone SOI. 220 Han Amonio SI. Forgotten (Cowles) and Mri. D. C. Page, Miss Elisabeth Fields. If 31533 Eugene Cowlcs Mrs Jewel Brown. Miss I.sbert chamber Grow-de- dssaHtseal lain r C. H. Hurmans. Mr. H. W. on Mr W. R. nolllna. Mr. c. P. Henry. Mr. FROSTED Earl Fletcher. Miss Newel Compton. Mr. and MARSHMALLOW Mra. Chaa. Mla Maria Jertrtes of SPUDS Santa Fa, M- - . 20c the lb. W. G. WALZ COMPANY Paoer Chase Jolly Affair. TSootlae deltntrul arralra of New SATURDAY ONLY CHIHUAHUA EXCHANGE rears aay wriwiit Corn misalon Merchants. tolueet or all-- was Use papar 103 EL PASO STREET rítase party which look pUre yesterday The Elite Confectionery Co. We pay highest prices on federal and eoixstUatlonallst money. morning. The rhaae waa led by Miss " City National Bank Building, liourn lea. Phone Mia. Wynne Max on and Carl A. Beers, with Try From Tuti Fruiti Punch. James O. ate Nary aa master or bounds. The EL PASO MORNING TIMES vehicles the trans- necaaaary In to Ing to ne ouc carry rise, when upon public streets or al- service of public for Legal Notice as, or when it Is order ten, oefore making suoh to ride, drive or propel, or to cause to or the fender of such car, If it portation of passengers from snywhere apprehend violators of this ordinance tarn shall proceed to a street Intersec- be ridden, driven or propelled, any ve- such fender, shall not project beyond ley. described In Section wo or tion, and In making such over line of Section 93. It shall be unlawful for within the district Hectlon 11. animai miww turn shall hicle or serosa any newly mad the prolongation of that the 7 hereof shall not exceed those staicu shall be driven through any street, al comply with the requirements of Sec- pavement la any public across atreet Intersecting the street upon any peraon to ride, drive or propel, WITHIN TIIK TTY street, rid- In the following schedule, viz.: TIIWIK ley or other nubile place or me tttj tion It of this ordinance. or around which pavement there Is s which the street car Is operating. or to cause or to permit to be not ex- OF THK CITY OK KI. P.IM, den, or propelled, any bicycle. Provided, that for children of El Paso at a speed greatr than Section 2. Slow moving vehicles In harrier, or at, or over or near which which Is nearer the front of such car driven ceeding two In number, five year of TEX AH. seven miles per hour. and upon public streets shall keep as there Is a peraon or a sign warning it Is approaching auch intersec tricycle, velocipede, automomie. or or horesless ve- age, accompanied hy adulta, no charge Section 12. It shall he uniawrui io close aa possible to the curb on the persons not to drive over or across tion; and every motorman. conductor, other riding machine Day between Ba II ordained or Ihe City Council of propel any or right, ao as to allow moving ve- peraon falling to hicle, In, upon or along any public ehall be made. ratea ride, drive or animal faster such pavement, or a sign stating that or other observe this A. M, twelve midnight oy mo tne Clly of El vehicle In a public street or alley along hicles free passage on the left. the street is closed. rule, or permitting or directing sny street without having attached to such five and Pw No bicycle, velocipede, automo trip. Night rates are between welvn Hi. hi. .11 the block In which a public school of Hectlon 30. person shall drive. Section SC. It shall be unlawful person or persons under his authority tricycle, ii' s or horse- midnight and fire A. M. Passengers following terma, the City of KI Paso is located at guide, load or have the care of two or for any person while In an Intoxicated or direction to violate or fall to ob- bile or other riding machín block, B0c. Hntlon The speed eight miles more anlmsla In or upon sny public guilty less vehicle, a bell. gong, horn or to the fourteen hundred uaed In thin ordinance, greater rate of than condition to drive any animal or to serve thte tul", ehall be deemed midnight H.0Ó each. Passen- whenerer Indicated, per hour. atreet harneaaed respectively to dif drive any vehicle In any public street of a violation of this ordinance. other signal device, In good working after otherwise apeelf Irnlljr order, to give warning gers to Midway Ian. and north on u and hall be ferent vehicles. in the City of El Paso. Section 78. All motormen. conduc and sufficient 11.00 or ehall be deemed to have Section 31. No In upon of the of such vehicle to line to Highland Park, each each of the meaning Section 13. It shall be unlawful to vehicle or Section 67. It shall be unlawful for tora, or other persons In charge of or approach two, or passen- held lo Include any public street shall atop with Its any person to run before, or pedestrians and to riders or drivers of 12.00 for three four repectlvcly eel forlh In thin eectlon. leave any vehicles standing or hltchsd unler having the direction of street or In and to gers. To Washington Park, one pas- In lingular period twenty min- lert sine to the curb, except on estab- against any animal or animals stand car, upon any public street, animals or of other vehicles and Hny euch lerm need the for a longer than lished hack and expresa wagon terurban persons entering or leaving the street senger. It. 00. or 19.60 for two, three number "hull be held lo Include the utes in the following placea; On North stands. ing, being ridden or driven through shall Immediately upon the soundint or four passengers. Highland Park line Hectlon 32. No vehicle, unless In an the streets, alleys or other public of a alarm, stop aald cars cars. pas- plural. Oregon Htreet, from the southerly emergency, or to fire and be unlawful for any per not beyond Copper Street, one Ktprrt. Kvery avenue, boule- Galveston, Harrlsburg A Han allow another vehicle places of this city, for the purpose of keep them standing for a space of it shsll 99.00 two, (a) of the pedestrlnn to cross Ita path, ahall or son to use or to sound or to cause or senger 99.60, or for three vard, hlghvui. roadway, lane, alley, Antonio itallway to the southerly tine frightening them checking their three it) mlnutea or four passengers. Highland Park to by or Ave- slop in any public street or highway. progress, or for alarming the rider or permit to be used or to be sounded. trip. path, aguare or place ueed of Han Antonio Htreet. on Mesa Section 7C. All persons In charge In or upon any public alley or end of car line, one passenger 93.00. uee of the O. xcept near the right hand curb there driver of any such animal or animals, street, pas- laid out for the of vehicle. nue from tha southerly line of, and so as not to crossing. of railroad trslns shsll Immediately public place, any sucn oeti or 13.60 for two. three or four boiin.larle M A K. A. southerly obstruct a or endangering the person So offend' other pas- (h) t'urh. Th' lateral Hallway to the 33. No upon the sounding of a fire alarm, gong, or signal device in sengers. Fort Bliss, one to four dealitned or of Htreet; on Mllln Section venlcle shall back to Ing. provided, however, thst this shall horn other Mundy Heights, of lhal portion of a atreei line San Antonio a In any If by so cause such trains to leave all street any manner to produce an sengers, 94.00. West uae of Vehlclee, Kittle Piase north of the make turn street not apply to persons In good fslth en- crossing for a other than passengers 90c each, Old Intended for the Street and doing It pro- clear of such trains abrupt sound sufficiently loud to serve one or more Interferes with other vehicles, deavoring tn stop or check ths , whether marked by curbing construc- street oar tracks; from the west line go space of three mlnntes after such fire as an of the 'ap Fort Bliss, one passenger, or cement, concrete or other Oregon to the west line but shall around the block or to a gress of runaway animals. adequate warning passen- ted of atone, of North Street atreet aufflclently wide to In alarm shall sound. proach of the vehicle to wnicn tne $2.00 for two. three or four or not ao marked, of KI Street; on Mills Htreet from turn with Section 68. It ahall he unlawful for Section 77. All mdtormen, condue daylight one to muter. Paso in bar ting. any person to ride on sny bicycle or same is attached, or tn sound, or tn gers. Smelter, trip, (c) Vnhkini. Every wagon, hack, the easterly line of North Stanton tors or other persons In charge of or sounded, sny passengers, 93.00; Smelter night Bv vehl-l- e velocipede on or along any sidewalk cause or permit to be four roach, carriage, nmnlbiia. puihrart. Street lo the westerly line of North Hectlon '4. iry driver of a having the direction of street cara I passengers. 4.00. In In the City of Kl Paso. such bell, gong, horn or other signs trip, one to four motorcycle, tricycle, automobile Oregon Street; on Han Ftant isc street shall. slowing up or stopping up upon public streets, shall allow pas give Smelter midnight or on rainy car- Stree-t- on any public street, give a algnal to Section Tift. It shall be unlawful to device except when necessary to after ..i ..(her conveyance, eicept baby from the westerly line of Oregon sengers to alight from said cars from such or necessary In nights, one to four passengers. 96.00. nn.l westerly line of Houth KI Paao those behind by raising a whip or hand atop or park any vehicle In or upon warning, when riage, railroad, utreet Interurban the nny public eight the front doors, provided, however order to comply with thle ordinance Itiite ner hour, first hour. 92.00, sec i.nlwny cure. In whatever manner or 8trse, on Houth KI raso Mtret--i mm vertically, or by sounding a horn, bell atreet or alley within this shall not apply unless such hour. 91. 00, all or gong in feet of a city fire hydrant. thst or the lawe of the State of Texas. ond hour. third i. whatever force or power thu wimc the northerly line of Han Francisco twice rapid succession. strest cars have a door at the front succeeding hours. $1.00 each. After section .,& In while In mo- Section 60. It ahall he unlawful tn It shall be unlawful for the driver nuiy be arlven. riooen 01 r Street and Mills Htreet to the souther- turning end and to the right of the motorman any vehicle to la attached midnight. 92. 00 per hour. Fuñareis adapt-ei- l on Texas tion upon any public or In start- stop any vehicle In any public street of which which la or may be used for or t ly line of Overland Htreet; street as he faces the direction In which such any sim- from any portion of the city except iranapor-tulio- n immediately In bell, horn or other oevlce of riding, or the St easterly uno oi rcgon ing lo turn from a standstill upon any front of the door of Is traveling. Hign-lan- d to pleaaure reel from the any building hy street car ilar character, or the person In charge Highland Park. $6.00. From of paeaenKere. baggaiie, mer-- t Street to the easterly line of North public street, a signal shall be given by used the city fire de Section 7B. it shell be unlawful for not beyond Richmond Hi partment. or control of any street car, Interur- Park and hand lee or freight upon any etreet; Stanton Street; on Han Anton: rest the driver of the vehicle about to be any person to smoke any cigarettes car Street, FYom Highland Park. KU'asQ Myralslng a whip or In Hitching ban railway car or steam railroad $.00. ami everv draft or rl.llng animal. from the easterly Une if Üuüth turned hand. and Irving Animals and cigars, pipes or the like on any street or steam railroad engine, to unnec- any point heyond Richmond Street, whether driven, rldlen or lad, or II Street to the eaaterly line of South atcating trie direction in which the Vehicles standing. car or mterurnan car, wniie saia car ring auch $7.00. Funerala from meiier. sr.eu; ani- on from turn Is (o be made, or by sounding a essarily blow such hern, atunillng ellll, excepting lhat an Stanton Street; Hlantoii Street Section CI. No vehicle In Is carrying passengers upon any public bell, or sound pro- from Juarez. $6.00. Weddings, $6.00 any O. II. át H. A horn, or gong twice in rapid sue shall. ex- operate such other mal or anímale attarhed to Vehicle tha aoutherlv line of the bll any public street, stand backed up to street within the City of El Paso, ducing device In the Immediate vicin- and up. To Juares by trip, one to w one southerly line of cession! hall, ith such vehb le. i onatltute right of way lo the the curb, except when actually load cept upon the rear platform of suoh ity of nny hoepltal locnted In the City four passengers. $2.00. Theaters and vehicle Kast Overland Street; on Kansas Street Hectlon ttt te fore harking, upon tug or unloading, If car. not neceasary to balls, one couple and return, 99.00. or of Milla to any and said vehicle of El Paso, when (d) Driver. Kverj rider driver from the north line Street public atreet, ample warning shall Ih animal-draw- and has four wheals. Section 79. Conductors on atreet comply with the provisions of thia or- Four people and return, $4.00. Chil- Mnln-iH- l. or pro of an the r lor of a bicycle the north line of Myrtle Avenue; he given hy voice or uplifting of th mu t and Interurban cara shall, as such cars of twelve years ve- the animal or animals stand dinance or some law of the State dren between five and irlcvcle. the opcrnlor of a motor vlded. how ever, that this regulation bund, or by sounding u horn, bell o sonrosen street Intersections, call In b age. one-hal- f accom- of parallel lo the curb and faced In the Texas. of rate when hicle- the in charge or control ahall not apply between the houra gong twice m rapid succession, and direction of the traffic, but no vehicl loud and distinct voice the name or Section 94. It shall be unlawful fof panied by an adult, or full fare of onn 5 o ciocg ,r an animal, bicycle, motor vehicle 7 o'clock p. tn. and while back Ing; unceasing vigila nee shall stand so backed up If It Inter such Intersecting streets. any person tí drive a vehicle in the of the occupants. The driver of such or pushcart. Jay Walking. must be exercised by the driver not feres with, prevents, or Interrupts ths Section 80. Tt shall be unlawful for streets, alleys or other public places public vehicle shsll be entitled to Kvery hnree. pony to Injure any any dog In upon (e) Animal. Hectlon 14 .Within the limits d those behind. passage of other vehicles or street peraon to take or of the City of El Paso, whhh shall make a charge not to exceed COc for animal Í17. donkl'V, in'il. burro, or other by Section U of this ordinance. Hectlon Vehicles stopping upon cars. snv street csr or Interurban car, which display a light of more thsn fifteen each trunk, and each passenger shall ' l.elng or driven any public street stop no us taking Is on ranabb. ridden It ahall be unlawful for any peraon must not Hectlon 62. No vehicle ahall. In sny oar at the time of such candle power, not sided by mirror or be entitled to have conveyed without guided by reina or to pas-sag- e or capable ..f being croas u street except ut Its Intersection interfere with or prevent Ihe public atreet, stop with its left side to sny street, square, alley or public place other reflector, unless the reflection charge such other valises or small voire street, and In crossing of pedeatrlans at crossings. the curb. Thin rule ahall not anulv In the Cltv of KI Paao. and then and of such light shall he so reduced hy packages as may be carried by hand. ride, drive, propel with another 3. (fl lirlvo. To such street, Niji'h person snail not crosn Section I'nless In an emergency, nicies standing licensed on there uaed for the transportation a dimmer or dimming process or in The drive, shall hind and unload nil but ut right angle to the or to allow another vehicle or a pedes-Iria- established carriage, hack or cxpreM passenrers. some other manner, so that the same baggage and such things and check diagonally, cross way, no Pottce i nnlroL ta crossing-Sectio- to Its vehicle ahall stand Section 61. It shall be unlawful for shall not exceed the reflection from name If reo nested to do so, without street he stop In any u..n 2. It bhiill be ihn duty of 16. It shall be unlawful for public street except within Section 63. No vehicle ahall. In ant any person to suffer, permit or allow u fifteen candle power light when such additional charge. even person driving using r having any person or persons, except persons twelve inches of the curb. public street, remain backed up to the uny dog belonging to such person or light la unaided hy a mirror or other Hectlon 108. The charge for the id control of any vehicle or animal punning vehic les of some kind, to trav- Section 3. No vehicle shall for the curb except when actually loading of under hla or her control, to enter, be reflector. automobiles within City wl purpose service of the ii)M.n ih public streets of ihn CU y In roadway of taking on or netting down unloading, and then for not moro than on or remain on or in any street car Kansas Street. of el on foot or remain the a passenger, of El Paao, for the tranaportation I'.l Puo, to obey the order of any pub yf any at except some, defect or for loading or unload- ten minutes at any time. Between alX or interurban car on any steet, square. Section 96. It shah met, when ing freight, or any purpose, That hereafter passengers, shall not exceed thosn officer In regard to the movement or obstruction renders travel on tho for other lock p. m. anl S 00 o'clock a. m alley or public place In the City of bo unlawful for any person or per- stated In the following schedule: speed of Any vehicle or animal on or dangeroua, or cxoepi In cune of accident, or when di- this rule ahall not apply to de Kl Paso while such street car Is then sons to ride or drive or otherwise pro- pas- "i sidewalk Impossible by teams Fifteen blocks. 50c for each any of Ihe public atrects. squares or neceaaarlly engagSd In aome rected to do ao a police officer, stop llverlng coal or to vehicles loading of and there used for the transportation pel any vehicle, or ride or drive of senger, 91.00 unless In way an any For twenty blocks, for alleys of the City of KI 1'aSO. work making necessary the presence such a tn obstruct street unloading bulky merchandise or ma of passengers. lead any animals, northward on that each paasenger. By the hour, $4.00 or crossing. - Suction 3. Any police officer may of such person In such street. chlncry. Section 12. It shall bs unlawful for portion of Kansas Street which be- per hour. tho 40. It be 64 It any car company or Interurban control the- movement and rder flight or Way. Hectlon ahall unlawful for Section shall he unlawful fof street , gina at the south line of San Antonia 109. Every public vehicle on ve- any any peraon to company or conductor, motor-man- 20 02 Section wtopp of any vehicle or animal Hectlon 16. Police department the driver of vehicle standing nt leave, or cause to be rsllway Street and extends tn a point na in s, squares alley calls, In upon any any upon any agent or officer of such company Une San med thia ordinance shall have the public utreet or hicles, when responding to duty the curb or alreet, to fall left, animal in or publl feet south of the south of plainly indicated on the glass of Un of the City of KI Paso, to the end thai fire department vehicles, when going or refuse to give way promptly to an- atroet. unless there shall be In the or companies to permit, suffer or allow-an- Antonio Street. In or In or lamps ihe ('ity number of Its City pedestrians muy cross the ame to a fire. United Htates mall vehicles other vehicle for the purpose of re- mouth of auch unlmsl a bit attached dogs to enter, be remain Klghth Street. - ceiving passengers, a upon any car or car license, and the flgurea of auch nutn- safety when on duty, and ambulances when or discharging to bridle, which bridle ahall be se street Interurban Section 96. It shall be unlawful fot bers shall not be lens one and 4 upon any atreet, square or alley or than Beet Ion The Chief of Police shall conveying or going after any person freight or merchandise curely fastened on the head of such any person or persona to ride or drive n and more two to Hon 4 1. No public place the City of El Paso half inches than order and direct the police officer sick or Injured, shall have the right of vehicle shull slop or animal, except aa provided for In of or otherwise propel any vehicle or ride in height. squares uml any 65 while aald atreet car 1.. then and inches attend upon public aireéis, way In any street and through any stand within the Intersection of Section hereof there drive or leud any animals east Section 110. If any owner, KI eon-Ir- a the of passen- leasee. alleyii In the i'ity "f Poso, and procession. street nor within ten feet of street Section 65. It Khali be unlawful for uaed for transportation ward on that portion of Eighth Street or operator of any of the ve stop-paK- e ve- orner. any gers, and Is then and under tho driver the movement and.nrder the Section 17 The driver of any the driver of animal to leave there north of the Irrigation Canal; or west agree be- 41Í. company, conductor, hicles herein named, shall of vehbiea nd animals on said hicle turning to the right fmm one Section No person having auch anlrnnl, or to cause or permit the control of such ward on that portion of Eighth htreet fore being engnged, to accept Ihiil pedcetrlons who st barge of a vehicle nhall stop or truv same to be motorman, agent or officer. less than streets In order street Into another reel shall have left unattended and unse south of the irrigation emu:. legal fare, he shall not afterwarda de- iiui be pnaatng or re- - pusal an Id the right of way over vehicles travel-- I el the same abreast of a not her vs tired In any public street. An anl Section 88. The three preceding rttreeta, 78 shall not apply Public Vehicles. mand more than the amount agreed streets may puna alona said ng in t lie direction ovar which such hide, lengthwise of a street In any mal left unattended In nny street shall sections and Section 97. upon. safety. public atreet, except In case, be to cars or cars which Section It shall be unlawful fol so.ua retí ii nd alleys with vehicle is lurnlnM. and the driver of of acci deemed to be unsecured within the street Interurban any of a public vehicle in of Hectlon : The fhlef ..f Police Is any vehicle traveling In thu direction dent or emergency. meaning of this ordinance, unless It ahall be chartered or hired by one or driver Section 111. If any owner, driver, - upon a public street or alley to per ve- bore by directed lo pout nod keep post- In such vehicle la turning ahall Hectlon 4:t. No horse or vehl shall be securely tied or hitched by a more persons for the use pf auch per- lessee, or operator of any public whhh mil more than one person over y pasaen-- at or nenr the curb ut the rlght- - allow such right of way to such ve shall be driven, backed, led or allow cnuin. strap or rope fastened tn Itr aon or persona, and which are not then th. hicle nhall refuse to conv a f age of twelve years, or more than i t aide .if the named an Ihe no ed to stand on any public sldewnlk neck or bridle and to s post or and there used for the tranaportation the rates hereinbefore provid- lo'iul hicle turning. other two persons under the age of twelve ed,it boundurli n of such dlst rl In wit bin Section IK. It shall he unlawful for Meet ion H. No person shull. upon permanent rnatenlng. or by a chain, f paasengcrn generally. or ahall demand and receive an provided for any public street, drive or strnp or rope Hectlon 84. H ahall be unlawful for years, beside the driver to ait on or amount in excess of his lawful fare, which speed limit are anv oei son to obstruct tho free and conduct fastened to Its brldl be upon the seat of such ve- herein, 00 feet from such boundary, uninterrupted passage In, upon, along any vanirjn in such condition, or ao and to a weight of not less than twen- any person to expectorate upon any front upon conviction thereof he shall he ao seat, platform or atep or hicle, or in the apace between the punished hy a fine not lesa five slams, upon each of which signa ahull or through any public street of any constructed or loaded ua to be ty pounds resting upon the ground, or floor, wall, ve- than nkely tn cause delay ac- by u of any street car or Inter- front seat and the front of such dollars nor more than fifty dollars, be painted an arrow pointing toward funeral cortege or procession, or to in traffic, or hobble, fastened to fetlocks, or window sills hicle, or to permit any persons to rids such crossing and n wurnlng to drivers obstruct, impede or prevent the pas-ssg- e cident or Injury to man, beast ol unless both front and' rear wheel of urban car while said car Is upon a and shall return to snch passenger It duty anywhere upon said vehicle except any amount he may have In not to drive ut u greater rale of at d of any person or persona attend- property. the vehicle are fastened together with public street, and ahall be the any pas received dle-tn- upon the seats thereof, and excess legal than prescribed wit bin mi id ing the conveyance of the body of any Section 4 ft. No person a strap, chain or In some other man- of the conductor in charge of such of the fare. that sit all drlv per- senger or passengers riding except a 112. Any deceased person to a ptuce for holdilis on voy t h rough any pu bile street ner that ahall securely lock them and cur to immediately point out auch Section vehicle for the prevent son to a policeman of the city of El allowed by this section shall be guilty conveyance of pasaengcra for hire, Speed. services thereover, or to a place o any vehicle, the width of which, with them from turning; or, in the of violating section. fi. It Paso, file a complaint In the cor- this which is In unsafe, unsanitary or un- Section Thai nhall be unlawful Interment or cremation. Ua loud, exceeds ten feet, except In case of one or two animals harnessed and 9 8. every ve- to a wagon of the City of Kl Paso Hectlon The driver of sightly, condition, may be condemned her.eafler for nn person or persona to Section 19. The drivers of all accordance with n permit from h having a brake, by tlghtly poration court w any person violating sec- public vehicle, hen employed, shall by Chief of Police or by a commit- drive ;t anlioiil, or any vehicle drawn hicles In or upon every si rset must Ity Council. sei ting the hrrfke on such wagon, against this go any the a backing tion, or Section 78 hereof, and any demand lo place In the tee dealgnated by the Mayor to In- b animal unlmala, at greater look out for und give right of way to Section 4. No person sh'ull In any the animal or team ao that Inhabited part of the city where the ate of speed iban a walk, or to drlva vehicles approaching simultaneously public ptreet, uae any truck or dray the traces shall he loose, pulling the conductor failing to so point out such spect same, and If the owner, driver, person complaint roadway is passable, and there load lessee or operator thereof shall con- an automobile, motorcycle, or motor from their right at street intersections. the lengt h whereof, from t he end of lines taut and, securely fastening them and file such shsll not to any at a greater In to the wagon In be deemed of violating this or bla vehicle, and shall refuse tinue to utilise said vehicle without vehicle of character, except na otherwise provided this the ahuft to the extreme rear of the auch manner that the gyllty carry such load to any other place in rate of speed I bun eight utiles per ordinance. vehicle, shall he greater twenty wngnn can be drawn only bv meanA dinance first having mude the same safe, san than 8,r). the city to which he may be required sightly, hour upon thai portion of -- 0. It shall be unlawful for of the lines. Section It shall be Ihe duty of itary and he shall be fined aa oer of Hectlon four feet six Itichea, or motor vehicles to go, upon his legal fare being ten-- J provided In KI motor-ma- n x every person, nr corporation hereinafter North iregnn street, the City of the driver of any vehicle or the f greater length than twenty-ni- feet Section 66. .. shall oe unlawful fof firm aereo mm. Paso, beginning at u point 100 feet of Hny street car In or upon any xcept In accordance with a permit any person to hit. h or tie. or to cause operating street cars or interuroan Section 113. The designation of cer- north of the northerly Hue of Mills atreet in the City of KI Paao, or for from the ( Ity Council. or to permit to be hitched or tied, any cars In the streets of the City of El Section 90. It shall be unlawful fot tain portions of streets herein as pub- Paso, day any any person In or upon any public Htreet. and extending to the southerly any person standing or wulklng In any Seel ion 4 . No peraon nhall carry animal to any shade or ornamental on each before such lic stands for v hbrleH for hire, shall line f Mills Street, or upon Milla such slreet, to fail refuse or neglect to cause to be carried on any tree In any park, cura arc operated for the transporta street, square or alley of the City oi not be construed to grant to such ve- vehicle street or or to hitch KI passengers any Htreet from a point 120 feet eaal of allow the right of way to any officer in nny public street, a load, the weight or tie, or to cause or permit to be tion of passengers, to causa audi cars Paso, to solicit for hicles the absolute and exclusive right the intersection of Mills Street with or fireman, or apparatus of the fire f which exceeds six tons, unless hitched or tied, any mich to to be thoroughly cleaned and disin- vehicle for hire. to such portions of said streets, btit such animal, or Section 100. The following are tin easterly' line of South iregnn department when the same is gidng to loud cotislnts of an article which can allow the same to stand ho near to any fected. they ahall always permit other ve- Street, and terminating with the inter-se- or on duty or returning from a fire, not be divided, by u permit Section 8 6. Any violation of any hereby designated as public standa for hicles desiring to approach the side- unless shade or ornamental tree ua to permit and automobiles, and ton of Mills Street, Pioneer iiuxa or to any ambulance, whether of pub- from the City ouncl, or "unless the or enable auch animal to Injure of section of this ordinance regulating llcenaed hacks walks on said streets for the purpose and Houth KI Poso Htreet. or character, or lo any oth- wheels of said vehicle destroy street curs or interurban cara which other vehlclea carrying passengers fof of receiving passengers or freight or lic private shall have tires the same agent Section 7. The speed limit of auto- er vehicle when such vehicle la em- of rubber, or leather, or of some soft Section 67. It shall be unlawful Tor should he the act of any officer, hire transact other huslnesa with persons mobiles Khali be us follows: uor and ployed in carrying a sick or Injured composition any person to hitch or tie, or to cause nr employe of auch person, firm or On the south side of Myrtle Ave in any building fronting on aald street, alonti Ku.ii Kramiscu Street, from the person to a hospital or other place for Section 4H. No person when drlv to bo hitched or tied, any animal to corporation, shall be considered and nue, from Its junction with San An to do so, hy making room for them, Union Depot to the wdat Une of South relief or treatment, or to any officer lug n vehicle with an animal or ani any post used for the support of any deemed. In addition to being the net tonlo Street to the west line of Camp that such other vehicles shall move KI Paso Htreet, anil In, ove. uml upon or policeman or vehicle of the poli i mals hitched thereto. In or upon airy lump used In lighting any public of such person guilty of auch offense, bell Street, except at the Intersection out Just as soon as It has disposed of all mi reeta, .alleys and public placea In department, or to vehicles under con public street or alley, shall cease from Htreet, park or place. to bo also the act of the person, firm of Kansas Street, and on the north its passengers or freight or transacted all that territory embraced within the trol und In the service of the City of holding the reins In his handn to guide Section 6ft. It shall be unlawful for or corporation operating, owning o side of San Antonio Street from it its business and permit the vehicle 11 corpor follow lug tul la t und not included Kl Paao used for (lushing or sweeping und restruln the aame, nor, when not iy person to leave unattended upon controlling such cnr. und such J vi net ton with Myrtle Avenue to the originally occupying such stand to have within the limits described In Section 6 the public streets, or for collection of riding, cease from walking by the nny public street, any motor vehicle, atlon shall be subject to the penalties west line of Campbell Street, except its place. .of this ordinance) South Suiitu Fc garbage. head of the shaft or wheel horse, while any part of Its machinery IS hereinafter imposed at Its Intersection with Kansas Street. Section 114. The owner or driver of 8trci on the west. Kaat overland and Reel ion 2 i l' pon l he approach of either holding or keeping within reach running or in In motion. Section 87. It shall be unlawful for Section 101. When a public stand any public vehicle ahall be at Uberty West Overland St reels on the south; Bit) apparatus of the fire department of the bridle or halter thereof Feeding- - Anlmsla. any peraon in the City of EI Paao to Is occupied by the full number of ve to refuse to carry sny Invalid, even North i 'amp be und Houth ( 'ampball or any police pstrol wagon or any am- Section 49 No person, in or upon Section .69. It shall be unlawful for Jump off or on or cling to or hang on hieles neceseary to fully occupy same, upon tender of the legal fare, whone Hi reeta on the east, and lVfTa.iourl bulance, the driver of any vehicle In any public atreet nr alley, shall drive arty person to reed, or to cause to be any railway engine or railway car or no other vehicle shall loiter or awaii appearance shall juatify him in be Street on the north, twelve miles per or upon any street shall Immediately a horse or other animal not In every fed, nny animal upon any atreet, un- street car or interurban while same Is nearby to take a place on such stand. lieving the disease or sickneas from hour; atreut luieraectiona, elgtn mites stop such vehicle as near as possible respect fit for use and capable for tho less nuch animal shall be securely tied In motion, upon or across any public Section 102. No person havintf sucn invalid is stirrer n. to he iK'r hour; and ull other at reeta and to ths right hand curb of auch street; work on which It Is employed and free or hitched by s chain, strap or rope atreet unless such person shall be an charge of sny public vehicle shall oc- Infectious or contagious, and should parta of at reeta within the city, eight and It shall be unlawful for any such Mum lameucne nud sores, or any vice fastened to Its neck bridle or halter employe or official of the company cupy us a stand for the same any por- such owner or driver at anv time eon miles per hour. driver to cause or permit such vehicle or disease likely to cause delay In traf- and to u post or other permanent fas operating such car, or a peace officer tion of any street tn front of or by have reason to believe that he has in- Section 8. Nu person having churge to be moved until such apparatus, po- fic or accident or Injury to person or tening, or by hobbles fastened to Its In the discharge or his duty. the side of any building, when the advertently driven any such person of a truck or a dray with an animal lice pstrol wagon, or ambulance, ahall property. m fetlocks Section 88. Thoae In charge of op owner of such building or tho occti suffering from such disease or sick attached thereto, bhal) drive the aama have passed such vehicle. Section f0. No person shall Section 70. It shall be unlawful for erating or directing the operation of pant of the street floor of said build- ness, he shall forthwith report the In, over or upon any atroet. alley Section 22. it ahall be unlawful for overload, overdriv e, or cruelly or nny person to feed, or to cause to be street cara and Interurban cars in or ing, ahall object. fact to a health officer, with a view other public place at any other than any driver wilfully to atop or drive, unnecessarily best any horse or draft fed, any animal upon inn public street upon public atresia ahall cauae a sig- Section 103. No person having to having his vehicle disinfected, and a lumlcrat foot puce. or lo cause to be stopped or driven, animal. except hy means of a nosebag fan nal to he sounded by gong or bell at charge of any public vehicle shall al- at the same time shall make known Section Í. The speed limitations utiy vehicle along or across any street Section 61. No person shall ateal a tened upon the head of such animal. least fifty feet from atreet Intersections low the same to stand upon any pub- tne aaarees to wnicn he drove such herein prescribed shall not apply ti railway or Interurbnn railway track. ride upon any vehicle or street car. In Cera, Train and Vehicle. when such car or curs shall be ap lic street within ten (10) feet of any Invalid. any' physician or surgeon regularly Ii In nuch manner us unnecessarily to or upon any public street or alley, and Section 71 It shall be unlawful for proaching street Intersections. crossing, nor at a greater distance Section 1 1 5. Wherever the term censed lo practice medicine and aur hinder, delay or obstruct the move no peraon shall rtde upon the reur or any person, firm or corporation, eith- rfotsaa. thsn twelve inchee from the outer "automobile for hire" is uaed. such au- gery under the lawn of the Htate of ment of any car traveling upon such sldea of anv vehicle or hold thereto, er an ow ner, employe or otherwlae Section 89. No person shall so load edge of any side walk. tomobile for hire shall he construed Texaa, when such phyalclan or Burgeon track; provided, the provialons .if this in any public street or alley. controlling, operating or In charge of vehicle with Iron nr other material Section 104. The owner or tenant to be u public vehicle. If on bla way to attend a patient where section shall not apply to lb oftber Section il. It shall he unlawful for any car or train of cars, to catise or that It may strike together, without of buildings or lots shall not receive Section 116. That all nubile vs. apparently It w ould be dangerous to any fireman of the fire depart ment the driver of any vehicle, upon any permit auch car or train of care, or properly deadening it so that It will demand from any hack man or hieles, as the term la hereinafter de- the patient to lake the time required and their apparatus, of all kinds, when public atreei. upon overtaking any any portion of auch train, or two or cause nu unnecessary noise ano convey driver of any public vehicle, any cora- - fined, engaged In the carriage ami by ordi- the speed provisions of this going to or on duty at or returning street or interurbnn railway car which more trains of cars, to stand or be cauae. such load to be conveyed penaatlon or pay for allowing such transportation of passengers and e nance, and when auch physician dis- from a fire, and all vehicles, when has stopped for the purpose of dis moved in. along or across any public upon a public street vehicle to stand In a public street or for hire In the City nf Bi paio play! conspicuously u plain green croar employed In carrying sick or injured charging or Inking on any paasenger, street in auch manner as to prevent for Section 90. No person shall crack alley In front of their building or are hereby required to be registered in iz. not 1' than ihree and one-ha- persona to hospitals or other places for fall, neglect or refuse to stop such a period of five minutes or longer, any or ao uae a whip upon a public street place of business. with the City Clerk, and the owner luchea by three and one-hal- Inches ellef or treatment, und ambulances vehicle, at least ten (10) feet In the peraon or vehicle from crossing the In auch manner as to annoy, Interfer Section 106. In no street designated thereof ehall procure a number from which cross shall be surrounded by u when engaged In responding to an1 rear of such street or Interurban rail track or tracks on which such car or with or endanger uny person, or ex for public stands for vehicles for hire, aald clerk, which shall be painted on plain white square, und which croas met gene y call, and the officers and way car and to keep Such vehicle train or train of cars are standing or cite any animal other than that which shall vehicles arrange two abreast, but fastened to or affixed to said vehicle shall have arms not lesa than one and policemen and vehicles of the police standing where so stopped until such being moved. he Is using shall stand near the curb In single file In a conspicuous place, and he shall ime-ha- lf Inches wide, and w hlch cross lepartment. passengers or intending passengers Section 72. It ahall be unlawful for Hectlon 91. it ehall be unlawful for so as not to block other vehicles de- uiso procure a permit and tten. may be faatened on a movable urm Hiding. Driving, Stopping, Turning, have ssfely alighted from or boarded any person, flrnt or corporation, eith- any pereon to ride, drive or propel, or siring to gain entrance to the door from said clerk and pa' license fee as to such machine, provided, however, anu Signaling. said street or Interurban railway car. er aa owner, employe or otherwise, cauee or permit to be ridden, driven ways along said street. The first fotlowe: For each hue, $6.25 per quar- that It shall be unlawful for any other Section 2 3. A vehicle In or upon or until such street car or Interurban. controlling, operating or in charge of or propelled, any motor vehicle in arriving at any stand shall have ter of three months; for each hack person than a phyalclan or surgeon any street, alley or public place, except car shull have started. any vehicle, atreet Oar or Interurban upon or along any public street, or to the first choice of, place, the second n.rju per quaner lor each autnm. regularly licensed aa aforesaid, to y hen pssslng a vehicle ahead, nhau Section 63. AH vehicles In pueslng car. to cause such vehicle or such ear operate, or to cauae or permit to be the second choleo, etc. bile, $4.60 per quarter; for each wag- such insignia, and provided fur-ths- r keep to the right and as near the right treat cars In or upon any public street lo be stopped In or upon sny street operated, the motor In any such ve Section lO&ta). No person shsll onette, $3.50 per quartty; for each that It shall be unlawful for any curb as possible. shall paaa them on the right, and If so that any portion thereof or of the hlcle. in any public street, tr such cause a vehicle for hire to stop in wagon. $8.00 per quarter; and the said physician or surgraon regularly licensed Section 24, A vehicle meeting there la not sufficient space to paaa fender attached to such csr ehall pro motor vehicle or the motor In or upon any public street within the license feee ehall be paid at the time to display such Insignia unless he shall vehicle In or upon any public the street car on the right, the drivers ject between the prolongation of ths euch vehicle la not provide with district described In Section 13 here- and In the manner now prescribed by be making a call under the condition street ahall peas on the right. of such vehicles shall follow the oar linea of the sidewalk of the street muffler properly attached to auch ve of for the purpose of waiting for ordinance. hsrslabefore prescribed; and provided Section All vehlclea overtaking until there le sufficient apace to paaa croaslngs. Intersecting or terminating hicie or such motor, of auch construe but such vehicle shall stop Section 117. By any J. the term or ex- further that when person la another in or upon any street, alley or such oar on the right. In the street In or upon which such tton and sufficient to muffle or dead In or upon the streets within said pression "public vehicle" as herein chars-ta- with unlawfully displaying public place shall pass on the left side Hectlon 64. It shall be unlawful for car Is so stopped; provided that the en the sound of the exhaust from such district only when signalled or called used, is meant any vehicle. ,,n,..- - wuch Insignia, the burden of the proof of the overtaken vehicle, and not pull any peraon to rMe, drlvo or propel, or provisions of this section shall not ap- motor, or If the exhaust from the mo by person intending to become a two or person a whatever may be sh&U be upon such to establish over to the right until entirely clear to cause or permit to be ridden.' driv- ply tn case of emergency or when any' tor In such vehicle Is ejected other passenger or when necessary to dis- ni- ni- i or upr or propul- Inalgnla. IL ration his light to display such of en or propelled. In, upon or along any such vehicle or csr Is stopped for the wise than through euch muffler, oi charge passengers. sion thereof, that is engaged tn tha .flection 10. The speed limits here- - Section T. A vehicle In turning In- public street any vehicle that Is aa purpose of avoiding an accident. If such exhaust Is ejected toward the Section 109. Public vehicles u co carriage or transportation of passen- Ittuefore prescribed ahull not upply to to another street to the right shsjl covered as to obstruct or obscure tha Section 73. No street car shall surface of the ground. For the pu pying said stands ehall in taking their gers or baggage for hire to and vehicles of the police department and turn the corner as near the right hand view of the driver thereof of the street stand In or upon kny public street so poses of this section the term "motor position at aald stands, do so with a between points In the City of fn City KI as practicable. El Pao fire department of the of Paso curb behind such vehicle, unless there la as to obstruct passage or vehicles ion vehicle" ehall Include automobiles view of permitting and allowing ropm or for hotels or rooming houses la when responding to a call to duty, or Section 17. A vehicle In turning In attached to such vehicle a mirror of ger than necessary to take on or let motorcycles., and all other vehicles op for other vehlclea 'to approach and said cty. to peace of City of El Paso - In officers the to anothecstreet to the left shull pasa such kind and so pieced that such off passengers- erated by power other than snlmal gain access to the sidewalk. front Section 118. All public vehicles en- or the county or isi r'aso. or sny pre to the right of and beyond the center driver may see therein the reflection Section 74. Kvery street car and power. of all entrances to buildings front gaged In the El county, peace Pmo fnlon P.pot cinct of said or to offl Of the Intersecting street before turn of the street for a distance of at least Interurban car, when stopping upon Light. Belt and Horns ing on said atreet. and shall occupy traffic, except as herein otherw lae pro- cera of tha Stat of Texas, when pur tiff. two hundred feet behind such vehicle. any public street at or near a stree Section C2. That all vehicles and positions ss neretnoetore provided, in vided, shall have and take suing persona suspected violating 29. A their stands of SecLlon vehicle crossing fron Section 6u. It shall be unlawful for Intersection, shall make what Is known automobiles shall carry front and rear front of dead walls as much as possi on tha north side of San Francisco Che laws of the Htate of Texas, or the one side of the street to the other side any person to ride or drive, or cause as a "near aide" stop, that Is, shall lights from one-ha- lf hour after sun- ble Street along City KI the curb line, and no ordinances of the of Paso, Tex of the same street ahall do so by turn to be ridden or driven, any anlmat or atop so that the front end of such car down until thirty minutes before sun 8sctlon 107. The charges for the vehicle shall heve or take Its place er

. , tj SiigiSliattSM iliaiaViTaii'laliatfii -j- T. J, - . Saturday. January 2, 1915. EL PASO MORNING TIMES

stand within and nearer to the front any nf the provision of Section 111 similar oil or oily substance or liquid. or ful wall of said bulldinc than one to 117 Inclusive of thla oidlnance, or Kection 119. All oil delivery wagons CAN NIGHT following met :rary or upon public HOW I). 5. OPEN ALL hundred feet. The ehall be doing nnv or thins con to th tanks used the streets delivered the order In jrhlch vehlclea snail have same, or operating without a. license, snail have securely fastened unaer Prescription filled and nnd take their atand: nr permit, or operating w'thout hav- ih" cap or faucet thereto attached, an at any time day or mailt First, the nan toward the bulldina. ing first rom piled with all tha terms abaotutely sine lined box Ft. Mail Orders Filled Promptly. and condition of said aectlon of this or tray, and in filling any measure or HELP HUMANITY SEMPLE F. Han fau-ee- t, C A RYAN & CO. Second and to the eaat of the buaeea, ordinance, or refusing to exhibit hi other vessel from amlg tap or hack. llceaee certificate, shall upon convic upon any public ctraet such m as- Druggists Third, and to the eaat of the hacka, tion therefor before the corporation ure must be held so that any drip or Phone Phone nafonettee. court, be 'fined In any sum not to ex- overflow ahall flow Into said box or N a. my. In or removing RWRKSiNTATIVlts. 0T COI rRIKS fourth, and to the eaat of wifon-etta- ceed fifty dollars. and carrying such 531 531 'AatosaoMIe Service Stations. vessel or me over or across any H OIVC III lit VIEW COAL wasons ahall be located. isure -- i n i 111. use any public street, pavement or sidewalk ON i. "1AKE LIFE EASY" All public automobiles hall have Section That the of publla or alley City of no drip or overflow measure ON Rl II III II III M and stand And Dlace next street of the from such WM.K take their Rl Paso for repairing or working upon vessel shall be permitted to ran Uersiss tksarrllsr Kays tlenaaav Wst Successor to Southwestern Fuel Co. Mrs' Hunker Heels ..... a real, to the park Immediately In front of automobiles or other vehicles be and upon said pavement or sidewalk. No Pearr: British Minister Kays I'sllra I.s41m Rutllrr Nrrls ... M ceau and to the eaat of the depot bulldlns ves Malea Cas ñecle, Bisk i Wrees. tin ele Hv acroaa the same Is hereby prohibited and for measure or other receptada or and the atreet oar track there bidden. sel for holding oil shall be placed upon from. any pavement or ENTERPRISE SHOE ft LEATHER CH Section lit. That all service sta street sidewalk. t i.ifV't Prraa Cerrrtoffsrr Section lit. There ahall be ae ver Section 140. any or in- - the letter of President Wllsnn a proclama pari, to prevent the efrmi of the victorious 311 Mi mi Ave. paaaen tions or or gasoline serv if accident New York, lrc. W. Hepreaeni alive of they mav bal eollcltlnc or rryina out for Jury' shall happen in or upon any pub rrur countries engaged in the European war lion, but also Impartial in the spirit of his or or about ice stations for automobile or other further utterance. This Is the only way tu crushing the opposed group, lu strive sera barrate in, around In City of El Paao, Texas, lic street or alley, by reason or the contribute to a current Issue of World's for the of til? the SI Paso Union Paaaenaer Depot vehicles the Work views on how the rnlted fftstes, as gam the confidence or the whole world, strenuously maintenance for supplying automobiles or other collision of a vehicle with another and without thl conihleure (he t mu d balance of power, tor inus alone can be building, or In or on the ground! drlv- - tt neutral nation, can be of the most peace arm vehicles with gsollne, shall be lo vehicle, or with a pedestrian, the The statement, which states cannjt hope to render the important obtained a laming of an IndepanrJont Assay Offto thereof, or In upon any of the an io iiiininm iv threat .r xa new or cated within one of the following die of such vehicle ahall render follow, embrace the personal views or lr aervlrea tu the rause of humanity which latlce wllh the lerrible trains within the aald around, person It wishes conflagration.' n. W B St., Wisi-lslaa- it: needful assistance to the col Id ward (irev. icrrciary or iaie ior io render. within fifty varda of aald (rounds, and trlcts, upon requested Her many hopea thai peace will runic re tXseiia lusai as lided with, and being affairs uf dreat Britain: Count okuma IN ftr"(. Camp THE MO IN JI'ARK.. (ftdT.) mlmm thla section ahall be o construed aa a On Texas Street between to give name, place of nretn ier nr in nr. un neiniiiaon won, Artec tne great sieeiflcea which the Bit 'ft sselaela. lissiiasl - do so shall his Jinan astf asaeras aess. fsfftss aajr tf crying- out bell and Stanton Streets, (iwiiu- if of Herman Empire, ticrtnan nation ha brought, with an unani- "" to prohibit eollcltlnc or for abode and .the number under which rhenrcllor irs , ' paaaenaer or at the b) On the north aide of Myrtle and the official Austrian view, submitted mity ami devotion without parallel in rv Bridar Across Rio (.rause e. o oes aa. either barrase his vehicle Is registered at the office Dr. the ant no peace can. however, be accepted Hp i Wpecssi apwúemi Dlace or atand asalaned for the vari Avenue, between Campbell and Htan Coun- bv 'muí Theodur Dumba. Vrrt of the County Clerk of SI Paso of Auatrta-llunrar- to tne t'nlted which does not guarantee Hermany sgalnxt N. M. Jan. I. lie- work of aa wen aa Street, baaaador a santa nus vehicle at aald depot, ton ty, Texas, to the person so requesting States. econd attack from its present enemies. building f.the ftv.vno iteel bridge acn.au m prohibit aollcltlnr or crying- out for io) That portion of the City of the same, and It shall be his duty to Germany loes not wleh dominate i lis Hlo (raiiuc al Arte sierra county, will be rnollh View. or. like ns all t uní-e- . guests for any hotel, roomlnr house, Kl Paso of San Street report said accident to nearest World s Wort xvorld. triilh sin. rule commenced at The lime limit Tor south Francisco the Sir Edward tirey "If the tin- wave. All it want t equal opportun- (lie of Hits bridge i .et at boardlnr house or restaurant. and west of Fe Street, save and policeman of City of El Paso or wants s contribution m its central idea completion every Santa the may ity, open door pollcic. and open com- hebruarv l. and the work ill be Section 120. Bach and driv except on West 8an Antonio Street at the city police headquartera of El of enquiring how the I nlted Míate merce throughout the orid l.cattl r all lopll.speed lo comply with me Dr. Che person of serve or rlvtligahon al rushed al Hok er ar operator or In charge Section lao. mat auiomoouea Paso. beat the interests doe nermany destre n seek expansion mi contract provision This brtdg" is on any public vehicle as herein defined, other vehicles shall not be oiled Repealing. thla period of rhanv and bow the American continent This, however, has stale highway No. and is an impon sni CHINHC consplcu-ou- a beat their Immunity may he useu. and Km- shall have and wear In some supplied or filled with gasoline on the Section 141. all ordinances only selfishly; been aul so often by lut one. I'HVSICUN That what is their nprortuniiy, not pertal government, i hardly re place, a badge corresponding In DUbltc streets or cuy oí m and parts of In conflict altrulslieaily the only thing ran say thai need of his city the ra. ordinances but peat It her " Cures Hheumatiain. number with the number at any time except within óne of the with this ordinance be and the same is that a grest nadoh standing outside iuslrlan Ylen Blood I'oison and license, and he shall not be entitled to mentioned and hereby repealed. this European conflict should ua? wnat in con- districts hereinbefore are or and orrirlal Austrian view "When, after the all Internal and Ei engage In any traffic or business riuenen It can on Hie sine rlrnt dreadful thous- D 1 a 1 1 1 1 ve- described, and the term "vehicle" shall Penalties. wrong may explain how slaughter of nundreds of BLOOD DISEASE ternsl nected with such trafflo by aald against Perhaps ands, doubtless 'wo- or a Special treatment be held to Include motor vehicles ana Section 142. That any person vio- a of a latitude, .lack - II- OWN STORY. hicle or machine, unless he ahall have every impossible It is for member sxivern eping of the fiery warlike spirit atnongM un- for women st Mod motor machines of kind, used lating any of the provisions of this mini who believe Ihsl trtey are righting r.tr 'imple a, spun un the skin, sore tltroai, first procured aald badge and number carriage of passengers ordinance, upon conviction In country, and 'the nallons In arm' win be perrrptlblr erate Fee. same aa pro- for the shall the Independence of their the tnonieiit will have .me Tor President tuuikn lunsll. uonn pslm, (lullni and shall wear the herein frelxht of every nature whatsoever corporation court of the City of El that all they rare for and believe at Vvm muí innk. Nol only does hi for, person the except plead the oause Wilson hi itrojmM once more in mediation hsrrarcl Consultation Fres vided and each additional provided, however, that any suoh ma Paso, he fined as follows: take. to do anything In the belligerent power. He is then war vUMiin f blood diaesse suffir physical or driv- country 10 ask at ior accompanying any vehicle the chine may be supplied with gasoline For a violation of any of the pro- ot that and icat rnmcd in the unine of ail neutrai powera vetiknlnr and depression, but nai orricsr or In charge sympathy."' Hi.- St. er or parson operating at any time In an emergency, where visions of Sections 0, 7, ft. and 93, not differing severely through the war to e innn.-min- hiiniiliallon ot knowing ill eM San Antonio nf same In handling or procuring pas Japanese Oplslos. strung moral pre,ure upon the irut ihe malady c:annnt be concealed from tb Phone mo. an engine dies ur stops running a leas five dollars nor more than - be both ... .11 sengers ahall also procure than Count okums- While it would eminent" or the powers hi war. which iioght ...... i. in...... ,n..a ah... or bagrage, a vio- unw-ts- express the result of Its supply of gasoline hav one hundred dollars. And for and premature to at this he more ambition nnd pro- (lineases should nave treatment the moment and wear a similar badre and number lu how tne io Ing become exhausted; provided, tin lation of the provisions of any other me any opinion as where and long the t niggle i Hie anv Ha are manireal. Write ID same manner, and ahall pay or will he termt ban people them id symrionia the per ther, that the provisions ot this sec section of this ordinance. In any sum present war should be elves. lo Ur. Ilrown, n& arch 81, I'hliadelptna. a f for a license certificate and tinted and peace be restored, feel certain "I Hi i In a tlon shall not affect service stations, not exceeding fifty dollars. experi- which side ought preure tu or .end Tor bottle of The or operator and those aud. 'therefore, tare lo say that the he brought 2 mlt. driver or gasoline This ordlnsnre shall take effect will bring to bear not hesitate one nnowva m.ooo nut atiiilNT, accompanylnr him for the purpose of ences uf this titanic fit nggie moment hi smic innsi HfnpiiaHcil1 mat the t" last a month. Take It and note now being operated by permission of from and after lis passage, approval most forcibly home in us aj. a sense or enotirli H. A. K. MOHR all duty of t wi Ilyan uiatinf In such traffic, shall at city as long as same publication. tne horrible waste the mied sun- be to atand the improvement For sale by the council the and the weighty burdens and up. during the mediation, w t I Cut Rate Hardware, times have with them and exhibit his Imposed day or war. and then will he an op for the k o.. Taso Teias. called upon so comply with the conditions Passed md approved this 24th There or their license when by the city council In granting such of December, A. I 1914. porlunltv for an impartial wise counsel to Paint and Glass. to do. permission, and continue to be oper- C. E. KELLY. prevail. m-- the mu sel Tor a reduction South Kl Pauto SU Hotel and Restaurant Runners. or armament and fot tne cultivation uf every ated In every particular In conformity Mayor. eaieem Seotlon 121. Bach and run or sucn permis the tpirlt of mutual toleration ami ner, as that term la hereinafter de with the conditions Attest: among the people of different races and i to plying sion', provided, further, thst such priv- W. KASRETT. creen. Willi roilMMpirin annecence on im- i fined, shall a a prerequisite and per ilege heretofore granted shall not In City Clerk. part of all nations lo the principle of rerln hi trade, take out a license ure to benefit or any persons ex rural freedom and etpiamy in ineir mvi Clerk, and nay the s mit from the ritv l cept to the original grantees there curse with each other. long a ns rrr armen peace Urenaa fee of two dollar par month per- OOP ( III RUI DISlPPEtR. lions of the world live in mt raoelve a number from aald clerk of, and provided runner tntu sucn and as long as they permit ih-- lr peoples may be revoked at any time na- and he ahall at all tima have and mission to De ruieo ny social aninrisuie or wear a badas with his number In by the city council. Ilrlrrtidoi Orssslrnllon Drop I'rem I.M of tional prejudice there can be no real m .... iinda peace and the world will ha.r tu miter SOFT 131. or HATS some conspicuous place, and have hi Section Automobiles other serviré. CotfYtftOMrfcttOr forever. license certificate with him, which ho vehicles ahall not be allowed to stand Jínnnviairtl frtrnt Rut be the one that shall give London. I)er. is. The Chtirrh, a wlio lo shall exhibit when called upon so to In any public street In front of the Tl.rlstlr Burn nn Impartial counsel and have i lis- ODDS and ENDS - which mr many do. service stations or or gus- heterodox orfeaiiliatluii tened to? To me ii looks as If by sEElWHg in years orrupled nn odd Hide hullrttn" oitre Stale in kept apart rroni Section 112. By the term r ex oltne stations mentioned Secliuii a Huguenot rhapej. in wallow streei the rutted way jut motm-mo- struggle, i sin- "runner" a used In this or 129 of this ordinance In such a off Plrrsdilly. han riiaappoared rroni the the present and ob- cerely hope hs will remain so throughout (finance, la meant any person employed or manner as to hinder, Impede, Sunday Mat or religion centre. M found' In It " by any hotel, restaurant, roomlnr struct, delay or block the traffic nit by Hie late charle V'oyaey wa a sen- Wan( Peace. SLIGHTLY SOILED in religion dur- Lcrmaat or pro front of or adjoining or adjacent to sational event lite world l house or boarding house, the Rev, Vnysav Dr. Van Uethmann Hollweg have been nrletnr thereof, whose business Is to any of the aald stations. ing Hie Seventies.' When the asked by editor of the World' Work LONGWELL'S TRANSFER wan- expelled Horn the Augllenn rhiirrh an queniloñ. how the Worth Up to $0.00 his employer flection 132. If any person shall d Itere-sy- , give answer to the est trade or srueets tor Rftr being tried and round gnPty or l neutrality PHONE I every run- contrary to any of the pro a- 1'nited state could best make lu Section 111. Each and anything he earned number of follower wuu of helping the in of Sections 128 to J 2 Inclu HI doe of the t tut arlan serviceable for the purpose ner, aa defined In this ordinance, visions lilm. trine wi esuae or humanity dueing the present ter- Sale Frice Autornobllea. Hacka, Llacrj, to paying the acense fee and sive of this ordinance, or shall carry oilier, aini In aervlee ws aided by high answer addition i rible war. The ins obvious. Tracks. aa pro- on, or operate or be con - lass rnule. i Mil deain three year ago. w ill Aillo Baiiaacn obtaining a license and permit conduct wa "The people of the I'm ted state In any in so doing, any the pa.4lnrate given lo lr. Waller serve or pence ,1k 1st Hratvy vided In Section 121 hereof, shall also cerned wise Walsh, on- - the figure in a heresy best the cause and human and Haullnc. n gas- central tn execute and file with the City Clerk service station or or (rial an. well known - a inodernl and Hv by being not only neutral according a aood and sufficient bond In the oline station hereinbefore described a democrat le worker m eivlr alTaim in um of five hundred dollar (1100) contrary to the provisions of said sec- Dundee, in. Walh or cuplet, the pulpit for with two or mora good and sufficient tions of this ordinance, or in any oth- two year But the eonsregallon flwmuled OUR sureties, to be approved by the city er locality or district than one of thoef to Buck an etieni that the ehureli seemed SEE windows IL. eonnrll. conditioned upon the faith enumerated and set apart for such unable in npport liaelf. ful observance of this ordinance, which purpose, he shall he deemed guilty of UBBER inure to the benefit a misdemeanor. Spertui Beetle g. aald bond ahall .Ml members of the Kl r.i- county and BMi'lm? urn mi STAMPS may sued upon by any nnri ror t tks New War stamps. af and be Reports on Moving .loiiseholtl hhÍx CM. Democratic elub ar requested lo at- ir aggrieved, deceived oerson or oersons Etc. a ' by any violation tend meeting of the elub nuui.iv niir'.i. injured or damaged 111. ana" every January 9, at 8 the Haiin Utile, Ellis Bras. Printing Co. nt thla ordinance, and the said bond Section That each o'elork al void In the drayman, driver of express or bag at turner of Kansas and Mill atreolA, for shall not be or become wagon, in purpose or nominating a municipal recovery be had thereon for gage and all others pursuing event a like occupations, with or without ve licite l ror the spring election. All citizen; lea than the faoa thereof, but the upon time to hieles, ahall make reporta In writing who ate in syiiipaHry with the riuh arc same may be sued from police City of tnvltrd. J, M. IIOOOCVS, In name ana oy any per to the chief of of tie time the oi Kl Paao, upon f rm substantially as I 're i dent or the f:iub. son or persons aggrieved, aeceiveo. in a DR. A. BURTON any viola hereinafter prescribed, whenever he or (Advertisement.) DENTIST. lured or damaged by such they move or moves any or Hon until the whole amount Is ex- rurniture shall be other household goods or effects from DR. A. A. FREEDMAN hausted, when a new bond one location In the city of Kl Paso filed; and aald bond ahall be In form PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. to another location therein, giving th Ml SI City good hetals In whr R uwmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmm. - 4S4-41- 6 Phone 1076 aa follow: number of the house and the street p I abound, Posrhcun bmds th PI ,jj Mills Bids. The State of Texas. the t.. r or station, and the exact lo County of El Paso: railroad cation both from and to which said I It is firs' I Um hearts of its Z Whereas desires goods are moved, ae well as the date CH'aTyff"n' to operate In tha City of El Paso as of such moving, and the name or l REAL ESTATE MEN RANCHERS SMELTERS a runner, a me saio term is unmeu names of the party or parties for Assayer and Chemist la Section 122 of an ordinance passed whom the same are moved, and th I z Rhould ytHi rotfulrr n ftiantliy f paint, remember we have a paint December 24, 1214, and j GEO. W. CAMERON and approved said report shall be made within twen ractorj both In Rl 'ami nnd J unrrz, and can make you up u rood has applied for a permit and license hours after, moving the said 4lMffTvK Representative For Shipper te th "i pnlnt is W us therefor, and paid his license fee as furniture or household goods or ef- Krafli reasonnblr tifc sum paJnl troubles El Paao Smelter. provided for In said ordinance; " TíW by fects. 305 San Francisco St., El Paao. Taxaa Now Therefore, Know All Hen Section 134. Every second hand TUTTLE PAINT & CO. The Praeente. That we dealer or purchaser of second hand H3wsSg GLASS P. O. Box 4St. a principal and household goods or effects or furni- as sureties, are report when and ture shall also make such Th- - refined. e firmly bound unto good Powhatan it - ... g held and he moves any such household H elusive, and rastlul. Its eicel U ' ' City of El Paso. Texas. y " Vfavor of the or effects from one place to another HI Irni lora ion un Penn-- Ivanu Ml i and hi successors In office, In the In the City of El Paso, or to his place Avtl1 ,n1 " Strett, Ml Hotel I .ockie If sum of Five Hundred Dollars of business. IHI Cor. Mills and Stanton Sta, (1500.00). for payment of which, the Section 136. The two preceding 110 Bteam-heate- d Outside Rooms well and truly to be made, we Hereby sections, however, shall not he con- For Absolute Success I IVlail - - B Banking By 4 I 0M.1t...vrw:"S3 Bath. 1 bind ourselves, our heir and legal strued to require a report to be made i JUST AS EASY TO OI'fc.N A HAVINtils ACCOUNT WITH US AS In Raising Chickens Feed RATES 11.00 day up; IS weak up. representatives jointly ana severally. of moving any shipment of freight or J."!;r,.,V,:"c.,..nl though vou uvkd next dook. aald , Telephone 5408. conditioned that the household goods or effects from the War ami 4 inlt-rrst- r.ompoUDdl evsry year. do no case make any "PERFECTION" HEN Its prommiiy iu biatr. Wr psy per cent twlcn We No for Baths. principal, shall In depot In the city or Kl Paso, to any - Na. Druanmnt. alao te manf - tirposllors' guuranty law of the of Taxaa, and Extra Charca false, fraudulent or untrue representa-Hon- ship- ol historical interest, untlsr the "1 Stats other place therein where such AND CHICK FOOD paints provided law. to any party seeking a hotel ment has come Into the City of El ; makes tbia hotel eapccially at- are a (luaranty Uunk. as by aucn restaurant, rooming house or boarding It will produce more Egg, healthier - tractive to a discnminatiog pub- - qup ptan. In addition to uetnic convenient, la safe, profltabls ana Paso over any Une of railway, nor l,c I house regarding the same or regarding shall It be construed to require re- chicks, than any food on tha ' s B liberal. Nobody haa ev.-- loal a dollar In a state Hank In Texaa the employment of the said ports to be made by any dealer In fur- market. wl3iMaeuiXftlbsihl"5 BY MAIL" principal, or his aald place of employ- Vl! WRITE TODAY IDR OUH KKEE BOOHXKT. "HANKING Dr. niture or household goods or effects, : ? 00 and up Rooma with pr, : OH SIMPLY MAIL YOI.'K DEPOSIT. KlCarlBLOOD,SmithLrv-- aald L in I'll skin, l ment, and that the where he has made a sale of any such TRY IT vatt Bath, tl 10. 91.0 sad up. principal, will In all respects fully goods or effects or furniture, and the : El it KIDNHY AND III. AH comply with the said ordinance passed For Sale By All Grocer s wm, ,ki.. .i.h EL PASO BANK & TRUST CO., Pw, Tcxm DUR DISEASES. same Is moved from his place of busi- IalsssssjsrsswMameaaWeSsatssr and approved the 24th day of Decem- ness to any other place In the city; lewis. Rooms S17-S- ber, 1114, and that he will In no event nor shall It be construed to require W. D. Wise Seed Co. Msnaf.r First National Bank Bids act or operate as a money changer in reports to be made of moving any behalf of any person or penons, or hand baggage or trunks save and ex as a solicitor for any mercantile cept where such moving Is made In Wholesale and Retail or pawn shops among connection with the moving of furni- those lth whom he Is plying hU ture or household goods. Seeds Feed Poultry business a a runner aforeaald. Section 111. The report required to Supplies NATIONAL BANK. I ... .' jfEt. Witness Our Hand this tha be made In writing to the chief of KSTABLI1.HF.D APHU. IMI. OQ á&SSSBmiák 414 day of It...... police shall be In form substantially IN N. Stanton, Chihuahua Ind. ISTA1E Section 124. No person shall In any as follows, Phone 11 and 6290 ANI PROPTI- - UM.M.M I ac make any false, fraudulent or "To the Chief of Police, City of El fCjCtjCt MS1 untrue representation to any party Paao: The undersigned moved the 11 Saving llvu seeking a hotel, restaurant, rooming household goods (or furniture or ef Interest Paid oi. Account I WMSD9 ... house or hoarding house regarding fects) of from No. S tnSKPIf Vln. the same, or regarding the employ- Street. unnrtiL'.n !...... I UsnñrrTW r ment of the said Individual or his to In the City of El Paso, on HB I C N. BA88ETT. t. OBOROE D. FLORT, Cashlar. . aald place of employment, and no per- . .... U, son shall In any event act or operate VI 1.. a a money changer In behalf of any (Name of firm doing the moving Custom Assay Office person or persona aa a solicitor or Dated thla (tay of CKITCHKTT FERGUSON, persons, ' í for said Demon or or Ifl.s.." Watson's Groceries Are Chemists, Metallurglsu .niany establishment or may Assayera, for mercantile and the said notices be obtained RepraaentatlTea for Ore Shippers . i.nu nxtioo. from the city clerk of th City of Kl ' a,iAn 12R No oerson other thai Paao. Texas, by any person desiring Famous for Quality 110 San Francisco St. n regularly hired employe or El raao the same, upon the payment to him El Paao. Taxaa. Pasaenger nepot company snan of coat price thereof. --- UhlotJ the actual DUANr Kl Rl TEXAS ST., 210-2.-2 take or receive any baggage of anv Miscellaneous. description from any traveler or other, Section 137. It shall be unlawful 7:45 going to or coming from said for any person to drive of to cause or n oereon these cold, IA.M 6? nri-w- dspot unless previously requested by permit to be driven along or upon Wtncarni. the moat delif htful tonic for win- DAILY Main or person so to do any paved any trac- traveler other atreet, vehicle or try day, when one is feeling run down. Made from choice prov.dd that thla section shall not be tion engine, any tire of which I worn Through to St Loui without change; Standard Pullman, so construed as to permit saio uepot or 1 not smooth, or that ha a sharp wine, Liebig's Extract of Meat and malt extract. romnanv to license, permit, or author or uneven eurface, or any vehicle or Chair Car, High-Bac- k Coache and Dining Cars. I for as the invalid. ize any r It employes or any other traction engine to an.' tire or wheel suitable the robust in health a well VIA person In the employ of any transfer of which Is attached cleats or spikes kCO. u. KKMIALL makas olaaasa rlsai company to operate In aald depot for or uneven surface, or any device or waeu all others fall. the purpoae of soliciting or crying out anvtces which will cause damage Pint Bottle 88c SB UKA 1VK.MIL for either passengers or baggage or tne pavement or such streeta. pro- the carriage or t reimportation there vided, however, that nothing heroin Quart Bottle $1.50 ' ot contained shalt bs deemed to pro- TEXAS PACIFIC Section 124 This ordinance shall hibit the use of antl-akl- d chains on AT not be so construed In any manner as pneumatic tires attached to the wheels EAT any ve N a steal, aa Bast Restaurs to affect or extend to private nf motor vehicles. Chicago, Tea birle that may carry passengers oi Be.t ion 111. I shall be unlawful Through Pullman Service to Little Rock. St. Loui. rrsak ruj saa BaS ui. Presa. . depot or any person baggage te or from said other for to pour, or spill on any Grocery New Orleans, i pavement Watson's Memphis. Shreveport and f anoints In the City of El Paao. If no or sidewalk laid upon any Cafe charge be made for such carriage or i reel, allay or public place Iti the Club House transportation. t'lty of E Paso any oil, petroleum le Seutk El Pass Si. Section 127. ' Any person violating kerosene, gasoline, benzine, or other EL PASO MORNING TIMES Saturday. January 2. 1915. MORNING TIMES CHART NEW ORLEANS RESULTS MORNING TIMES CHART CHARLESTON RESULTS Bg pretal M ira lo Tht I ...... Hv pretal Wire ta ike 7'lasea GROVER HUGHES New Orleana, a Jan. i. Wealhtr cutar. Track raat. lear Track alow. WINS FEATURE Charleston, 8. C. Jan. we.iher poor. Won i- :4 HIS. Btan tal 770ÍI - and one half rurlonn. Tim it. .41 i or. Burt food. 4 r'lHtü' RSBasSM furlongs. Time :I4, W IVon"h" "" I"' u7 I....I... . !, o ban- MORNING TIMES RESULTS : oP: CI. the rh:h CHART JUAREZ Horap. In. Jocki'j- up. I. Indet. r 1.SL Vt hi 8tr. in. Jockey. HRm I lndi. wt. si sir Horae. 1 5 nlCAP IN MM slllii III Juarr-t- i rear t II Nei Jan. wnty elfhih day. Weather cloudy. Track heavy (MODLady Moonet . 100 W77 ..115 31 is PORK SIC (OWII hoMlr.jr. I J' l'4 t' Murphy Haiwa nreyer ."it jin. Baay ... I tschutunffer Man Blue Mouse . .. M 1' t in V Obert l FIRST HALK PIt furlongs Ülng. Three-yea- olds ana upward. uk i.mlnr lot t (II fool seis Spohn ..115 2668 nog- IKX) it la M 7 :,i Lilly 1871 Nlgadoo ..104 7' tiral ' at ere ' value to winner, second. third, I Hanover Í Raring Is Seenmed Juares our" if. Ortya Pivorlte tOO 4 Mrfarrtm m 817 Wander .... Ill (et I ndeg se. f. op CI !' Hopkins 7 I trstrrda. II argr ll, nd,n.r Jforj WltH. 4 H i Sir Fin. Jpcy. ftr&S llrtNim Flower M t V niuliail It 78 Pare White M V I ih- MM tog . .100 1.. Robinson I Out lo Cno Sporl Provided. Ida rrnwelr) I" Mr.:she l t ra lir Larrlck M f 7' Sumter to ten UteUua 30 3(1 Mftn Ham . I un Nathan iierkham (JLIMckham). .IW Collins Attt ...,., 7 Hunt M 1810 Malik ! ri II Wnlslcnlt'm to C41 Kred T. Jt;ierrUa) io& s Ml 11 Moietwortb t 1 I.adv Moonet Dlare. out ahow. Jim Raaev nlare. allow. I. oilier altnw 154 Bavell Lula .113 By MO Airline (AOniinltp; tOG & Iff 1f Spohn i ahow. T. H. SCHNEIDAt Metcalft Lady Moonet niueh mo beat, wa to atretrb and was up at Palwa 4 1 nlare. show. Blue Mouse 1 place, even show. MM Ida Pinar (WHTuIIyi 6 - :, 90 M under restraint eaalnf A w tit IM Bicker end. Jim Raaey ahowed apeed and on well. nnlahed iv Scratched: Font. banner atirntlanrr MM havenhaJI (WLUchaefer) 103 a I mod bunt Luther away, was only at Louder lí una roulil never jet to tlie leadera. Uraya Faorue-om- early peed. Baiwa moved up raat enlerinr stretch and drawing MoPJJ tumttinn of ratina ai the beautirul horn piuKolin fWPiohnaoni ins 7 7 Matthew to M race, melius opened í BACK Thra furlunr Time M ;M :M J. Stan rood. Won end. Blue Mouse rlnlahed gamely, spohn ran his of me Juarez rar rourae yrturrtay after- ai post t M minute. trr at ií . Time m, at M. 1:09 15. Ida 3 s place, 2701 driving. (VnUB gap rirst quarter, bul qull badly. show ini herkham (1 place, i a bow. Fred T. : 10 show, f. by Peepit noon, were winner br. :1 1:18 Start rood. Wun althouffh ihe weatnrr ronilliion i Mflnovrrinr. raineu ny t p. stand na atart rood. Won driving, aer- - Unlet llorar Wt. ML hi w at sir. Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. AQI SECOND RACE SIX furlongs. Time :4 easily, weir not rm My im nl rartnir Had a warm oini third driving Winner cut. red for fgnu. No Did. Overweithi: Ida Pin f:inrlniiatl .ill I l a Ooldatem I- - t drlvlng. - fr aca. .1. r. Jockey, aun ihone throuirlioul ihe day and the track sands Diamond ion : I MeRwen index. Horse. WL sl hj H at sir. Fin. opJA Ida went into the lead at atart and held Ham Herkham aafe end. fol- .10 41 tr - at Latter viola Mabel .... I .. Warren t .114 I .. is i II 11 ureyer bwn rait the officials yeaturday would lowed the pace closest all the way, hut railed to respond when railed upon at end. Faymaater .III I 41 l llfouoe Knlrbl I It narrintinn I 17 107 5 1 ! I" red T. outgamed Airline at end. Latter, badly outrun early, flnlahed well. Raven- - Blaekle Daw llabrlo 8 ' probably have played no urn tn one of the .III I Dlahtnon I MM king ,107 7 41 41 SI Troiler Mnrran .10 4, a fa a a Radford 6'l "leo...... wiahard 4 5 7" Connors "! rv-- Inmd lt574)Pat Oannon .III 4" J la rami rrowdi that han ben BSCORD RACK year-old- s - - rive rurlonas. KNIInff. Four and upward. Net t.ounled. Itsn Amorel .114 . 4 ' ta obert or the or lull raring plant 2689 ::- t 5 t rata value to winner, Mon. second, third. :. Clnrlnnail place. I ahow. sands Diamond I I place, ahow. viola Mabel .;( J. 1,. Louise .10 S I' 0 Hanover The rourae aMer a four tiay lay-if- wm I . r5 7 7" Hlnnhy I 1 Indev Wl sl- op- t- aho. , tw Mist Velma .100 t .. 7" - - k n nr. rm. latkrr- 10 11 fUlll In poor rondlilnn, In ii or lite Cincinnati ran like a rood colt and stood a drive ramely, arter anowinr the most .JIVJI Frontier ... oi a a a a a I'rnl by Hiiperlníenrtent urepmi iMMlttllvir Tow .nni ma Ypointn 106 I PI f Cartf'r I sr eed. Sands Diamond rinlshed raat and would have won In few more strldea. at mm. araateat rrriti II ArrtiHl niriff WD r f viola Joe Knl rleld and making all the pace, outramed Otbrlo lM)Vllr. fiirly ! ()ntry t Waliel ii nlir- efrorl. Hlarkle Haw ran Tren bt outbroke nit and a bur forre to it tn thai for l'l lt t-- ilimuKhnul. ran a race. Jeaaie Louieo i RN omivkih icJturctnll tore T M 4' fi H. riark i t Latter forced the pace all ihe way. kinr Radford rood rartna yeatarday .M"t rain hart fallen 10a 6 4k 4" A. Mot! 10 90 H,UU tE Sli rurlonra. Time .a. :47 1:11 start rood. Won eas- - stopped badl-- in atrelcn. . MNniwri I It t'pon-th- l day ' 2702 Won r roiirae In irn tM ..n,M,.n TBoiirfiiiniiinj It 7 v me t I THIRD HACE six furlonra. Tlm SM, :48 1:17. Slart ruod. - 110 l - ' ?fQf than at an tlnm ihe rf.ur- wa tM7 lalKiill Hull IWKIII 4 bt ' M. I. nir 4 I alnrr - t'l tide, nor se.. Wt. V hi w gtr. Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. eSKlly. the, tiay- - I'plaiKl kinv r (AVnllandJ 110 7 I 7 (irmoa 40 40 mnilrurte-- md even four of food unto tt, Sir, JWo Jirk Knltn a 'luimroi) in 10 10 Arton 40 40 Miss Declare .... II alrKwen I Index. Horae. wt. St. Fin Jockey. weather fallirt to dry It out. i.l" II 5 4 Hurle Ttmnia. a J MlfynoltHl) .110 5 3 h ! rreney II i; Kli ft'Ha'ran ...no Pool 1 19 (1685U. H. Barr ..108 4 l'l i' Peak Tbe day's realurr was ihr running or " 3 a 1647 l.oula ili-- CoffMII a flHtrllier 111 I M l 10 Mrl lie IJ II (iontikate k ...110 llnrrlnrton fl I M0 Prlwer IM 34 fafe 11 t4 llobinnon ihe Ano .Nuevo handicap over the (Wll illayi rry candle I" Lilly 3' Hopkins 5 6 rirh At noat I I l:4fl, M. :M. 1:1 Hllvpr 1 ...iw rii78 kopje .. lis 7k 8" 4't minuu. off al Timo I I. Tone i.ln. 1500 . li mile mura, which r The Busybody ...ios M Ainhroae SO tr,7 71 41 itanover I and for ahr:w. ii. I'oriy 4 plact. i iIkiw. (ibiiviod i allow. WInnflr 1). m. by Mara- Cannock 5e rac-- El Pato ? H g i a field of rum ihe harrier, John than ZlnraniH Tralmil liy A. p, Half Shrlly i". venters II loso Supreme 10 Ia s pt Connors Xrratrhnl Mnvlnr Hf.44 Dirks Pet ...IOS ' e 110 51 e Htnpiiy 1 S rtaardou. Injur and of those mm'i .inn Itiu if ir ri( ltrt 7' Vanlmaen 1874 Fred Levy 41 7'i m um.. winner rni.rrn iiui :ru Montcalm ...106 r.l SO gak gi 71 4 5 tn ilw issue n Vrlir I iirty, I. ohlivlon Pickens t Parlor Boy is Troiler rardd atart. derlinlna Pretiy Dale ...104 (l 40 :iii 3" 5 s1 Dreyer 7 f r foliowiMi Forty 11k- atri-tii- wore Johnon (i808iElliabeth Harwood It was raptured in hollow r.ihlon by Orover Ton' 'rli closely to nr down an Irhih g 10 II nil n wh-- n Miss Declare t place, out ahow. 4 5 ahow. t (StnoiTrovato 0 0 .9 obert Hughes, whlrh round track Juat auitln 'i' ioiii away al ond Vflle Pony liuiiit rliallcnrnl. oblivion eloaod o'Haaan nlare. kale k.. ahow. i a trill, nti.1 ñu. i.. r.t l.ady Mint a (rood rloat-- a Scratched : chicory, Blrka. n I ID mee raer blr rap. Ilurk II. show, kopje, even show. ni and with oilrt sp:ed the Tttntlipa a rlSMti nf .impcI. Mtais Declare went Into a good lead at atari aid held swav Ihrmtrhnut. n'llamn J. Bair place, out ahow. Prlwer placo, opened n Lis; l" first rurhnntr arul forced the nice all the way and waa beat. Kale K. ran her race. Baybcrry Scratched: River King. Billy cullins. H nit HA'lK rurlonri- and upward, twit H. wure had plenty lert at end. Prlwer was never In thereafter, although . Hi titi iiiikk- a lair race. J. Barr finished raat. Prlwer down and t'rtnnifr 2690 vain., lo Klnni-r- ,.1on: 175: third, up finally. Kopje finished last. Supreme a dun h a very iin-- horae at the finish. tn. itACt-ci- ne moved fast enjerlnr stretch, but hunr was Fourth mile, Time .11 3 6, 48 1:11 1.3 .Start ace. Parlor Boy and Elizabeth Harwood quit. The dlaappoinlnienl of ihe race was the llora Wl. st Sir. Fin, lorkey. Op. CI. 2703 good. Won drlvlnr. IM1M 107 I 1:18 1:11 showina oí ti which uhh Ihr urlinar lad iclcrlppen) I I1 Feeney ndea. Horse. SL FOURTH RACE Mile and one eirhlh. vi :14 :49 ( 1, r, lots r. II Wt. hi tt Sir. Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. IJ)7 li Kiit r vi pounds, was Ihouirhi lyr.ii.l'ttzirerald icitarnea) l'l t llarlwell I t 1:57. Start Won easily. linno! 4 . .IV e Se 5 4" S r..!l Thistle llelle a ,' W'lHunn) 105 4 5letcair 4 9ltl Just Red 3" Lilly 8 CI. Id have tht cliance for victory anil ! - 44 I" SL Sir- Jockey. Op. iifiiM r, iwjweher) 107 5 Roben Kay .101 II McTarrart 6- Index. Horae, Wt. it hi II Fin. th- In nrllrue r. Martin I' I' tl was made ravorlln the beiilna )' in.tv. '.I n i iKJHamaey, vs :i 5 5 0 tela Mary Ann K. ... .108 8 6 4f 31 Murphy a 1 1547 ,101 1 4" 4 1' onerl 1 Acinn Tacllca I :' lie pi rom' n al any suae of ihe ."lw Impression .104 5 4 1 I 1513 H 4 6 5 II 1 sinylll 3 it Al l" i .' .' inlmilea. at I 17. Time Jb II 5, :.t 1:0V. a. srhutllnrcr lot I" tiff ni linar 13 Herbert Temple .101 3 3 3 l 1 H-- 5 rarintr nni only to hem nut luna 4 5 plat-e- Ambrose 1643 Lad . .110 3 3 H 3 eak manaard ,lae,., ,,nl show. l'11.rHrald nut sliOw. Thistle elle out show. Workinr 7 np winner tlHWlCol. Cook .108 5 1 3" 5 6 4 Dreyer 10 llntr loi ihird money and tho laiier in h r i.ulu Marr. Trained liy w. fond. Won VanDusen 148 Ivan Gardner .. .101 'l. crlnpen. Slandlnr slart 4 5 3 18 5 with her heavy Ini l mi Just Red place. show. Robert Kay l place. show. Mary K.. 1613 Brave Cu Harder .100 I II I' 4l Nolan pearei he anchored mira easily, winner onlerrd for Moo. No bid. Overwelrhl: Uti- p:ow. Ann iiitlfe Hale rinlalwd in aer.ond place, raid. I. "t Lad away rrom Just lied, outrun earrv. flnlshed fast anil ant on In rinal strldea noheet Táctica place, out show. Polly H. 11 place, out shuw. Working Lad. oul i onmnif a nice race iti coniiaiiy thai irltiiat drew his ileld on lower turn, opened a nir rap. hut waa linr ai came rrom slmurd speed and fought II r.ut ramelv. Marv Ann k rlnlahed rest Irnnresslon null show. Scratched: Celeste. to hlui a Utile. lal end Kltzaeiald Ihe rear rsniely and was eatctilnr the H. at and outclass Inner al nl was plnelied hack al siarl. Thistle Helle ran race, hcdlj-- ' 1 " Tarilra moved up fast turning Tor home and caught Polly tiring end. 1 racing was hy two her curlicue moved Polly II. she he day's marred up i. ii lurli. mil badly. stopped badly f WAGE was going away. Smyth made his move too soon with and tired ilri'tch hunr Judre cheens alter rtdnr rest ,,TH Sli rurlonra. Time :3 :4, 1:11 Won l iiai'p form reversals, that or nrlnmr l ad iiuanrr 2704 start rood. badly al end. Workinr ad was used up raring Hravc Oiinardcr inm submission. 1:44 end Thlatle Helle in the Ihlrd rare and HACK-M- Three-yea- FIFTH HACK Mile and one sUleenth. Time 10. :M. 1:17 1:5. 7fQI I'M, urn lle and Afto Nuevo handicap. r Index. Horse. SL V, 1ÍQO In The" roces yeatr- Wt. hi M Sir. Fin, Op. CI. w70 u.-- r. UM, Y wild Hear the fifth. olds and upwanr. .Nei value lo winner. ll.lilVO; second, :nn: 1100. Won orlvlnir was In dl third. .MI encele! lot 4 t t Pool lay of tbo first two mentioned l'l is II Index. Horae. WÍ. SL hi 'A Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. when yjdei Horw w St; A Sir. Fin. Jiwkey. OP:- vnin Mallard III s ,..( McTaggart sir Uriel contrast lo their previous effort - 3 t 1 S w.T7 Hurítea a (JUmenaetier)lít ts ta ta s 1175 Joe D . 100 5 t 3 3s 31 Warrington 5 1675 Mr. Mack IOS 11 ! t Harrington Ihlatle Helle beat rjrimar Lad easily. !' uentrv t tbbf, 5 4 imwiiJudre sale e iiiipieyAcm loa I Meicair 5 Long Reach .108 1 7 tl" 41 Lilly 5 1857 Chaa. McFerran Ill 5' 4 4' t'l Hknover The distance of the rare was different, :, l'l 130 8 105 t r. m nun ISIIackett) i, t as :n f;i'l s Callahan 8 5 Pled Piper .108 8 51 41 5 Amorosa 50 6l Elblod t 3" l'l 1" 1' onerl may he said - b V 1137 Agent .11 e too 9 1 5 4 Smyth 51 a rurlong shorter, and this iff.nnnnrllna- irnwein m 3 4 4 4 4 4 McCabe business 8 .. 8 8 Mrlrphy 10 ton Tom Hancock 4' t 1784 C 1 l 100 4 51 Wolsienh'm 6 8 tn ba to orlmar Lad's advdntiitre. hut tlx' , , Nellie .IOS 51 71 71 71 VanPusen 10 Kit Ceniaurl t e" tl 5' At post 14 mllllllr. orr at 3:45. Time :!7, :U l, l:tll-5- 1:51-1- 1:05 10 10 10 6" 15 In race . IfeW Forest figle W I H g 30 166 Tay Pay 10 7' 6 Hopkins It fact remains that their pruvloua irover iim-i,- :, piare, snow. 3 1 place, Minx II I Disunion oul Juure sale out ahow Inn mil r, 1670 siealaw'ay V 7 Ural II not a part of the race from Kneelet place. 1 show. Mallard out atnre. out ahow. Joe D. I ..I04.4 ' T It there wat show. Winner rl by Handsel Hlainen. l rained by J. I'ntenaetler. Hcralched: Hoc- show. 1881 113 7 tls 511 6 S llreyer S oí Thistle mi Injury. Kneelet eaally beat, i rew away when ready and had plenty lert at The Monk - the rlae the barrier that John .Mnvlnr start rood Won easily, second drlvlnr. third end. Mallard 1670 105 1 8' 7 " ' Hnhlnson 10 at any easily, lirynllmali. rsceil rnrwardly all Ihe way. bul was at end. Joe D. a fair race, Mimesis It not have drawn away ahead overweight I. tlrlnc l.onr Reach 161 10 8 8' 10 10 10 Nulan 10 40 liruver Hughes, at home in Hie gi.lng. finished fast. Inspectnr l.eslrade 7" alare, while yesterday (irimar Lad drew and Ihe speed In the race, went Into a blr even anow. Elblod lead al once and was never In dangi r. was RACE one-ha- away mi will and opened lint tlnnr at end. Judre Sale a nice race, T7nc sixth Mre and furlonr. Time :!3, :48, :0J Start rood. from ihe mire oujffained the oihers al end. Ilrynllpiah and Hlnyllnr performed fairly KJJ show. Scratched: Font, cuttyhunk. Ben UncaB, Malllk. a big gap of five (maths. roth well. Won drlvlnr. aaro all way. Chas. FIFTH Mr. Mack went right lo ihe rrnni and held his rield the The Wild hear reversal came with the 7.Q7 hack rue rurlonra. seiiinr. and upward. Net value Indes. Horse. Wt. SI. Si y, V, Sir. Fin. Jockey, Op, CI, finished fiat, nlblod rorred ihe pace all the way. but was tiring at end. p. winner, WOO: second, ttli, third, 5. closed a rap. The Monk never promlnenL runnina of the rirth rae, when the sn tenviiey tot .. n t i i" Liny 8 5 s Tom Hancock blr an In. Horse Wl. 14 a. 110 101 4 (1 of hearca'cher outran his field easily let St. u Ir, Fin. Jnckey. Colors 11 ? Ambrose 0 5 :4 J3L. 110 SIXTH HACE Mile and Iwenly yards. Time .14 1:16 1:46 ihe w ay am) won in n romp hy a hi DUtlJ Wild Hear UVMiiilllcel 1I17 I l a I.onder 4 IW Ureal Friar 1 .. st 4' f4 a Ventera 8 8 )(.QQ llHS 7 start good. Won eaally. in previous perform ntVl-- Meri iirliirn b O'KMoody) 110 4 4" v Salon 0 5 b" 51 41 Rusch 8 8 margin, whfle his 4l l'l (lander ' 8 pnce seven lengths hy prar 'Jff.! Minnie F. I it.llraneni !..( 3 31 l Collins 115 The to7 4"e 34 3 V Warrlngtr.n 15 ir, Indei Horae. Wl. SL hi A Sir. Fin. Jnckey. Op. CI. he was beaten r. Olla True 107 8 one yCilll rnt7li. Ul lergusoni ina 7 5" b 4' Carter 8'i 7" 8' fit Pool 10 10 (1675) Karl or Savoy ... .lit t S 1 - II II (inert I j llrally the ame hor' v the thai fin 1 1 ft 410 Niia ton in 71 e :I7 le.uglilreader ULlvlngslonj. lu7 n s &! Metrair 7i ji 7s ennway 11 is (1679ilirty five .1111 6 4' 1 9 is i.,...,,,.. 1.0 l shed rive lengths behind him yesterday Mr- 4 5 - Requlram lot 5 8 IH 8 6 l'l Me. ill'Jeanetlei .1011 t ft1 tl. (lentry III tl 81 VaoPusen 1606 MScenae 100 4 5" 6' 3" 3 3" Wolstenh'm I 4 (dace, beating him seven lengths U1.73 Anna Heed li Spenre&i Co 101 a 7il June W 105 ini o1 Schntllnge 15 ir, in second )...... fll 7" E. Martin strange 1610 Btui Around .101 5 6' 3 6' 7 tea Robinson llw Imhi time iiiey name Cenarlo b iCSoiitball) H 71 7 a a A. oiri lot n n n mi in' piekens to 30 1667 .100 7 7 7 7 61 15 ttl Walsh 1887 107 Lard o'Klrkcaldy r.'i Nolan II old Coin 3 8 im 11 Johnson 30 30 OS I - 51! 10 Kavorltea round II taitier hard At nosi minute, tiff at 4:11. TU e 15, 5 1:01 4 5. Wild Bear ) l p.ace ii H170 Heaupere 3 5" smyih s or) mar Lad being the only choice sh.,w. Mcrrurlum place, allow. Minnie:' F. show, ch. g. by Vlley piare, show, colors place. show. Oreal rrlar even show. JÍ667 Iuiquesne 101 3 ! I' 4' 4' Ural I 10 winner Hear Hrrnlrhed: nullum Boy, Dancing Cogs, score the ariem'on's racing. Ills catcher captivate Trained hy W. M. Cain standing start good. Won r.islly, aec Maaler, Theeleres. Karl or Savoy, place, out show. Firty r'lve eVen place, shofs. Mycenae lo in same, Vlley. showing Ihe moat speed, held on wen outgamed victory one of the moni coatly ol nuil third driving. Winner entered for 0n. No Nd. Overwelrhl: Minnie F. 1 snd Colors In a hard shnw. Scratrhed: llolton. Yellow Eyes. iroved (.(sarin, Í. drive Latter had no excuses and hunr finally. Ureal Friar a ralr race. Salon Duquesne to turn, the 'ajmn u ilie rlna. for he was harked The (lander at end. Karl or Savoy rollowed the lower where he took the lead and near nis ncni and snowing sudden Improvement, drew away v practically to the aerluslon or the others wint oinnroke at held in Five safe al end. Latter ran his race. Mycenae rlnlahed well. Buzx Around (in. lavrruriiini nnisnrii lasi ami onigaincii Bonnie t. at end. traille a lair race suffered front repeated interference. and the ring paid out a big mount after r Me. Ilnd (Jili-l- n lile ulliner ill pell. ( in fronL had finished SIXTH HACE One mile. ..e.llng. Four year-old- s and upward. Net value to in 4 stickpin mi key Mcl.ohe curried fr the riding 2693 NEW ORLEANS ENTRIES Lito ora Jin winner. Hon second. 175; tulrd, l5. Mcflee Dcnman company la Insolvent, accnrdlnr ford valley mines of the n bunors of ihe afterhoon by laiidlna two 714 Lucky (coree ,. nil Iprte;. Horse, owner Wt. St. Jockey CI. New RACE (10881 10 the decision or Federal Judge Youmana, company. The minea were tho scene or or his mounts winners, scoring In the tj nn. fp. Orleans. La., Jan. PIBST Fila Grane IM 3 15 H11 today. Tbo decision waa In labor or xw uke van 7.andt ICaStlll4(E.).IIM 6" 4 J" ! McCabe Tbree furlonga. Chad ford ... HIT handed down recent troublea. rirst and last events the afternoon wth b ma Sleepland iWI.Schaerer) 103 r II II t1 r. '.' no the case or the Sebastian County Coal and Ida and Luke Van Zand, respertlvely. His l'l l.nuder Rev Newman '.Marllnl Ins I 4' 4' 4 11. Carroll '.' Elennr N .' 110 Weather rlcar. Track reel. Mining company, a Philadelphia corpor-tlo- Hi lite, lasi race came after the VA47 t'l vlriory Dave Montgomery a (Horlan )..109 v'l "1 3" 4' llentry School for Scandal 110 and lesser or mining properties, which or Ihe day and was made 5 lit) 4 Ja 51 (il rloaeat finish im Aniiv IDJMrNamaral llarlwell Delivered no COAL, petitioned the ror removal or '.' a 7 7 7 WOOD AND KINDLING. had court possible by his siroug rinlih, In which h" Horkdale IWIITlllly) Ills 7 6 Booker 8 Brown Velvet 110 - b Phono easy 8. Franklin Bache as receiver ror the Hart- AUTOMOBILES FOR clearly outrode (Hile Louder, who was too WI7 Cordle F, (PJMIIeal loa 0 5' .' 6" 7 7 Hohlilns III Invealment no Our auto service Insures HIRE. H quick delivery. El Paso Auto and Taxi Livery. light to do his mount justice when inn minute, off at 4:45. Time :'J5 :55 ?! I ) I b I nl. v.n 7.nrf. Mary no rtnal drive came. l place. 7 III ahow nierjiiauu n piece, y - a annw. siar snow, winner h, g. SECOND HACE Six furlonra CO. Thirty large louring cara day's sport orr badly ror hy l.uke Ward-Lul- Perkins Trained Ov A. .rim stand Use alan mod (leis)Armour 10 (Advertisement.) and laxls (bat never sleep, The started driving. High v opposite favorite, at odds-o- ir.ree price, nirriiwiiu, inner eniereo tor iiuu. no old. overweight 1500 Anavre IM SERVICE FIRST Del Norte Hotel. 110 W. the when Ham lierkhmn Amity. Cordle F.. Pave Nontaromery Need (lias San Antonio. no than till Miss Kruter IM see? Segall. lot reías St. PHONES In the bctilnir could do heller l.uke Van y.andt. outrun early, moved up rast In 840 IM near PHosr 361 4401818. the atreteh and outramed Sleepland Mnrderal Orearon. (Adverllsemenl.l land second. Ida. second rholce tn at end. l atter hung on well arier making all (he pace, but l ouder waa no help to in Loveday III 1MI Signs betilna. taking ihe at the atart and him at end. Flrsl Slar was forced to lake up on far turn, hunr al end. Dave Mom 1557 Broomsedre way throughout. The Tavorlie ginnery and Amlly tired after forcing early pace. SPKCIAI. Candy Sale iqday, Ardoln'a. Ad ahowed the KM Huelan Welch mi vertlsemenl. rollowcd closest lo the pace, but rallered lion Kuelace K'7 when called upon Hi the stretch. McCane 1C54 surpassing In" Fine Shot Gana, Revolverá, (leo. Oay 104 wat guilty of some rotiRh riding tn Uii his llprhtfr rival. First Star moved ii Subsidiary Companies Insolvent. over front of Taut on the far turn, but was forced U JUAREZ ENTRIES W37 Chilton Squaw IM Hunting Knives, Coats, event when he crossed in Hlrka 1117 a take bark afhT falling- to freí through oi tan Fon smith. Ark.. Jan. 1 Each or Ihe Xá i.ie favorlie in ihe stretch and drew rive Uiw core 111 afc JmwSfJ Camp Kits and Ammunition. the rail and then faltered when put to Incut, ninth Day, Saturday, Jan. 2, subsidiary mining companies day suspension from the stewards. ltll THIRD HACK-S- IX et... Á drive at the end. Amity snd Dave Motiifroni rurlonri. volved In the receivership or frloorn was cast over the day s apori FIRST I1ACB Purse. Three year old mal llodnndn tnt the Bache oí and patrons cry both stopped. ileus. Five furlonra. Lloyd 110 Shelton-PapeiirmsC- ror a majority llw turfmen 147 Ido Ralph o. that Twilight na Tommy 115 of the course when It was learned KW llluiyar Lass tea pioneer tin Ml Darning Master lot J. F. Newman, one of the breeders TODAY S SELECTIONS M Kdna II no ,ayr Cor. 1:1 Faao and Overland Hts. stockmen of Texas, had dhvi 000 Fundamental loo FOK FKESH OYSTEKS and largest nr. nrown nu 48 old 101 Mr. Jordan Served in all ftjrlea. 10 at his home In Sweetwater Newman T. H. KCIIXKIDAL. ven j.i. h Harrison 104 to wjw m Keltic wa always one or the blaKcft breeders (II Paso Morning Times.) rred 11 v okolona 104 Jack Hittlert PHIL YOUNG'S CAFE or thoroughbreds or Tetas and his br I. Twllagln. Sill ,. ii - - Tom Chapman 104 Fred T., hymyar Lass. nri.o.-i- - And all kinds or Mexican (dace of grand 1 itAi.t selling. Tliree year olda and 1000 Shepherdess 101 dianea, not or lng farm was the birth itiat ljdy Mini, tlreat Jubilee. Pedro. up. live furlnnrs. cold lanches. race mare. Pan .Zarria. Some lasi horses 3. Pajarnila. No Ouarler, Lesear. 834 Blue Jay lot Moeriein Cincinnati vii.a neyia 106 100 seer. Edrewood popular yellow Willi Willi." Andrew o'Day, Al Wormwood, Zlnkand. 113 Puck have carried the Woor 108 Whleay. SAN T I gray 5 silver Tone, oblivion, star Berta. FOI'RTH RACE Six rurtongs. BEN FIRKPROOFGunterANTONIO, .s KCROPEAN Ihe Hotel upon tun, SWEFNKY. Proo cap lo vlriory the 8 inn Kale Shelly IIW gn-- I'arnrll (ilrl. kid Neleon, Prince Cunred. USO Stuuthrart ahosl." Don Homo, and the Hill. aeift Agnes Pale Ken lit A Hotel Built for the Climate 48 Lady Mint lf.41 oilagan 104 Pooger Bed being some among Ihe large l 11 If 110 r ill. !!.m; Pedro 1677 Venghee 100 I'KHt'V TYRItl.,1,1,, ManagiT. OFFlt:lAli HHADQUARTKRS A. A. A. number. The Dineral was held Thursday. (Dally Raring Ill !y:!8 Rrli-- and 09 rorra.l '.'8.1 ureal Jubilee 115 Mnrlar sons survive him. I FIFTH RACE Mile and twenty yarda. "THt OLD Three Fred T . Twlllghl, h'dna II. THIRD HACK Selling. Three year olds and r RELIABLE' The second race or Ihe erterfioon drew 1. Pedro, l ady Mini, Kale Shelley. up. live Furlongs. (tons: llypatla lot 10 .No 15V7 Claat the biggest field or the afternoon the I. Lesear, Quarter, Felina. HV35 Pelll Bleu 3 Hub lot ten raclnii tlie mr a race 4 Cante m. Andrew oiiay. cleko. tras neima 1086 Ravenal n imit barrier or( Doll loe Clirt Tup 316 San elle Forty waal star Herta, Buy. Silver Tone. 10PaJarulla 107 lot THE LOBBY Antonio St. tbe rive lurlnng rourse. 1384 Henry Hutchinson 101 BAR, event and was heevll Mil No Quarter the rlKilrr for tills 1848 Lesear lit 13M sirlte ton Wines, played In the belting, with Silver Tom DAVID LKIGIITON. IWt Nnbbv Ill tail ilallant Hoy too REMEDYforMEN Classiest of Liquors and Cigars in de- III SIXTH HACE Mile twenty yarda. VOX arV MAIL aerund rholce and Oblivion neti (New York Morning Telegraph.' Fol llTH RACE Selling. Three year-old- and P"Uf.laWaaiTiAt Mel end - Patrick F 101 These three rlinlces hid Ihe ran Twlllghl. T , up. Seven rurlongs. J. B. ADAMS. Prop. mand. Fred Jack llltller. J335 Frog 107 to themselves, with the favorite dominat- kale Shelley. Lady Mini. Arnes Pale. 8I3 Cantem ing the running 10 Hie slrelrh, where Sllvei I.earar, Nn Quarter, Mnbhy. tíos uviri " ioa laying Cleko, Andrew O'Day, r.lnkanri. t48 Al Wormwood 3 Tone, which had hern serolic (lellDAndrew up and. catching her llrlng Silver Tone, star Berta, oblivion. O'Pay ""mit! position, drew I'arnell Clrl, Parrel Post, Prince Contad. (1817 Zlnkand drew oul at end 10 win easily, wiih Vein mug cieko 'w tin ! Fnny having Utile trouble In gelling C. A. 111 111. l Cat Rose O'Nell niece rrom Oblivion, which broke slowly (CUrlauatl laaulrer.) FIFTH HACK Selling. Three-yea- oi'de' .,. raat. up. Uve rurlonge. SUIT OR OVERCOAT TO YOUR MEASURE AND but nosed a gap and finished Twlllghl. Fred T , Kdna II. 1. played to the (t65ISIIverlone 109 nn, Lad was esrluslonli Lady Mini. Pedro, Ureal Jubilee. MM the third event. 3 Lesear. Palarolla, Nobby. llaniiilngo !'....!!!!5í AN EXTRA PAIR OF PANTS FOR of the rest or the rield in ntfet rnrlong dash, for which an 4 Andrew o'Day. Cleko. Itoae tl'Nell. tmiivinn ina another rivr Tone, K14 Star Hería na apparently evenly balanced Held raced ihe silver obllvlull. Star Berta. 188 ...... Prince Conrad, Lye While, Parnrll Hall Icat FREE In Hlrl. ,. is - PANTS alerter. The ravorlte broke well motion itiu .i. s iMignets t,m head and head wlih Judge 1.M Doll lliiv and. after rarlnr AL IM1BS.1N. 108 Oheens to the lar turn, drew oul Inlo 1 Oeorge Karma ioa (San Fraaelaco Kaamlaer.) SIXTH ng. e live length lead and Held his advantage lo iree year-old- and II . T. lip. Five furlonga. although he waa stopping badly Edna Twlllrht. Fred the end. Lady Mint, Kate Slielley. Ureal Jubilee. Parrel post 108 and was bul a lengin tcJvoirl ( in the final raring lajaroiia. Pent Bleu, Nobby. Prince onrad .. 107 M.S8 10 front of FHtgerald at the end. The Cleko, Andrew O'Day, Hoae O'ftetl. Kye White 107 MO latter waa pinched back al ihe start and üoll Hoy. star Beria. Silver Tone. Parnell Hlrl ... 110 HURRY! HURRY I! K15I closing a good gap. ran a winning rare. prince Cunrad. Parnell Ulrl, Kye White. Kid Nelson 11 ves Thistle Belle getting the elwrl end Buck Thomas .. with PKABCK tet& Compion Ill Of purse from curlicue, whlrh moved nil lili IIS Today is positively the last tiay you can get a pair of pants the (Loulevllla Ceurler-Jeuraa- l. up raat turning for hume, bul hung badly Twlllghl. Fred T nun. "a. aimrenilce allowance rlal.ned. free with every suit to your order. Think of it, men I Two In tbe final sirldea. Jara upeet kale .Shelley, Lady Mint, Ureal Jubilee. Tbe riflb race reaulled In another Pent Hleu. Palariilta. Lesear. Special Meeting pair of pants with every suit' to your measure for Fifteen 'and rurni reverlal when wild Bear easily Andrew o'Day, Al Wormwood, Zlnkand All membera or ihe El Paso County and Dollars. Nearly thousand all fabrics outran his field alt .the way. winning In a Silver Tone, star Bene. Doll Boy. City Democratic club are reqnealed lo el a new wool from romp from Mercurlum. with Minnie r. In Kye While. Prince Cunrad, kid Neleon. lend a meeting or the club Saturday night. which to make your selection. Every suit made by union place. The latter two. with Frame, January at o'clock at nurd CUNCr.NM s or OPINION. I, I the Skatlnr rink, UnionMade equal choices in tbe belling. Llille al corner of ansas Mills tailors. Sale closes tonight. BH jgg ruled k and airéela, I. Twilight. Fred T., H. foe louder rot the winner away In front 01 Kdna lha purpose or nomlnallnr! a municipal bH left the In doubt 1 Lady Mint. Pedro. Kale Shelley. Ida in in and never result 1 Pajarolla No ticket for the gprlnr election. All cltlxena away WIU. ra. Mc Lesear Quarter. thereafter, drawing al 4 Andrew o'Day. Cleko. Camem. who an In aympathy with the club are DON'T CONFUSE US WITH OTHER $15 TAILORS, attempted to keep pace with him the rtrsl 5. silver Tone, star Berta. Oblivion. Invited. J. M. (lOOUTNS. part, but tired badly bt ihe erfori and I. Prince Conrad, Parnrll curl. Eye White. Prealdant or ibe Club. WE'RE NOT KIN TO ANY OF 'EM. Morruiium finished raal and tot tbe place (Advertisement.) ra.iiy rrom Minnie P., whlcb ran a rood Full Worth Hoofing II, ti n and II 50 Tailorliade par ron. uunon Lingo Co.. ph. (Ad race. It. special -- Candy Sale today. Ardoln Ad or a verilee men t.) K&ggBr The last event Ihe afternoon drew field of seven to the bar ter for a race at me mile Urst star rulad farorlte In tbe event for a greater portion of the wagering, bul drirted back al poet tune 111 aerea ood land, equal choice with northeast Kanaaa. 150 per acre. Want good run- end went to tbe pool ning up to 14000. which was tbe medium of a hornea rest back on land at t par cent Might date liioaylend a flrat mortgage note ol 1100 (or good hornea. Nama 310 an pear play. Tbe winner turned up In Lustu horaea In latter San Vntonio St. van Kandi. aleo well played, wbleb moved and price. un raat turning for home and. drawlnr'HP Oppostte K . Station with sleepland an elrbtb out, rol the ver- H. GOOD, Owner, Pawnee City, Nebraska. decí lo a bard drive. Willi COI ouirlduir


LONG HIKE BY ARTILLERY MEXICAN SHOOTING YOAKUM-DELMON-T BATTLE 20 FAST ROUNDS TO DRA W Slxsh Regiment le Marra fresa Naee U El Laborer Lie Near Death, la fsBeHer Pas "hen Withdrawal frem tn paiat. aa Keault rff Quarrel With sesta Border Is Orlered. Fellow Workman. SHAFFEr'gETS DECISION OVER rrrmrnTli YORK A When oeneral Tasker H. Bliss, command- Francisco Contales, a Mexican laborer h er of tbe southern department, orders the at the smelter, IS In the Smelter United States troops at nam. Arlfona. back hospital with a bnllct hole In hla windpipe to their regular stations. Colonel E. SI J. andT it Is feared, mortally wounded. The Oreble. rommander of the Sixth Field ar- shooting occurred In tbe smelter settlement tillery, win march Battertea A. B. and C. of about 7:90 last night. DENVER LAD HAS ALL THE BEST OF EARLIER Ihe regiment, with their twelve neld pieces, fionsales and a fellow workman named now at Naco, back lo El Paso. The route Jenaro Delgado, engaged tn a wordy war FINISHES STRONG IN for the troop has already been tsld out and. according 10 the story lold the ROUNDS BUT OPPONENT and It is expected ihe Jeurney will require Delgado whipped out a six shooter and at least two weeks. put a bullet In flonsaies' neck. The mis- SLUGGING MATCH AT CLOSE. There are no plana for the Immediate sile, passing through ihe windpipe, ranged withdrawal or the American troops from downward and lodged in ihe right shoul- Naco, and It Is believed that they will re- der. main there for at least six weeks or two Ptate Banter "Doc" Ooodwln and Deputy months. A railroad epur wilt be laid Into Sherirra Kllpatrlck and John Wrenn were "BUD" RUTHERFOBD. to the renter of the ring and exchanging the camp grounds to facilitate the ship- called to the scene and searched the neigh- f anales, outfighting the Coi ment of suppli AM railroad equipment borhood, without finding Delgado. Hanger a - Mows at short In fast. Interesting- contest Hit nlfbt oradoan in the clinches. used In tbe transfer or ine troops to Naco. Oopdwln, after an investlgsllon. learned the od the Juarez arena, that want the enure DelmMt Hakea'ip rror f inisn. ñas oren ny tne tn Hilary aumori-llas- . Mexican had fled to Juares. The cars had been hrln at Dmis-l- limit, Stanley Yoakum or Denver, and Oena During the last six rounds, both boxers ÉflSt in, áBBBSU BSSSSSv a It was not Known at the heginnlng how Mft HOLDIERH ARE TIRELESS. or to a round threw science to the wmds and rushed Delmont Memphis, battled itylng to win by the knncknut route. Del- long the troops would be held tn the Naco draw, in the opinion of Referee Jaek Kelly, mont generally had the best of the mlxups, camp. t rem h Alp :ie Tronpa Receive Special Men- of San Francisco. The contest waa prob- it the short arms of the easterner worked tion For Their Work. MEXICAN FACES GRAVE ( IIARGE. Vvrrt ably of Us kind that has like piston roda to the pit of the stomsch AtaaWafcat 'rest Condene the fastest affair of Yoakum, tn the clinches. In the four- Oaneva, Dec 18. The French Alpine troops ever been witnessed ine bordar city, the teenth, a stinging lert to ihe mouth brought Postorrire iBspeeior Havi Wrong Fierce dp skis have been given1 special mention principals mum- - tne folne-- from the initial blood from Yoakum's nose and moulh. A vacuna mu i urarr, for ihelr work as scouts in the deep Bernabé Florea, a Mexican, was arrested region. Many Chamonu the their op- hump of heads In a clinch brutsad Yoakum's sEBBBSSsr sr wkMHH snow of the Vosges ron, aod carrying nahi to read In the round, and a tiny ttflH b the iwlli yesterday on complaint or guides In these regiments cover from thirty ponent every minute or rray. The UBW states PpaanfTlca inspector A. B. durlnr the stream of blood trickled down over his cashing to forty miles a day without fatigue. Some appearance Butler, charging him with a money or engaged In actual military decision was received with approval by the rrehead, giving ihe thai had SSILM Mes- the men A while Yoakum order for Intended for another thotisai.d feet abot e tho majority of rana present, a rew dis- been hit. right uppercut of the same name.. Flore ta saut to 'iperatlona eight rifhi was tn a clinch, also made the Coloradoan's lean sea level. In the forests of the Col du gruntled onea who bad wavered their nave given tne money order to the Amen left eye swell also. The rereree announced can company payment a man, sev- Furniture in for yellow money on the chances or the Denver after the fight, that he had given the purchase he made. The man Tor whom the The ski troops are provided with appearing to be the only ones dissatisfied. enteenth, eighteenth, nineteenth and twen money order was intended made complaint alasses. as prolonged exposure tn the glare tieth rounds to Delmont, and the little and an invesilgattnn eat of tim sun aralnst the snow Impairs the Fiera Exchanges la Last Hounds resulted in the an Ai certainly deserved it, as he carried the or Floros Ty United Atales Marshal J. H vision. ntght the troops use their skis Fierce ei changes marked the last ton right during these rour rounds. Dtl Bose. The nrollmlnarv hearlna wa be as imports for their ttny serviré tenis. rounds of the contest. Delmont playing a Sharer Too Fast Fer York. yesterday afternoon be tore United Sh ta rime been used íor military In Ihe Boh York or Pueblo, Sun Commissioner fteorge B. Oliver and in northern Europe for centuries, and waiting tame durlnr the first hair of the was given a scientific raring by Harry was continued over to Monday. Bond was hi ik.Ii' Norway began enforcing a. require- encounter and refusing to mix It with hia Sharer, the snappy little Albuquerque wel- BSSSf' is ssssssT! fixed at ftOu. which Floras was unable tu ment that practically every soldier must sturdy opponent. Yoakum drew blood in terweight. Sharer bent his opponent down make tie waa remanded to the county be equtpperi wlih them and able to use In them kilinutv In the swins army atso a smashing right tbe first round three consecutive tlmea Jan. the fourth round with Tor a count of eight, and twice for a smaller Lev rV iany persons nave attempted to casn most or the men are excellent skiers. In ttppercut to the race, following It with a count. In the third York was again sent F money orders Intended for other persons," maneuvers, ihev have frequently covered eHj a to the noae. As eaily as the fifth down for a count or eight. .Sharer said inspector Butler, "their attempts being mile nf "mili Alpine territory in lft chiefly eonrtned to husmeas houses. It Is lay ln roll order, fin one oc- - began a and outfought his opponent all the mui'tilng stanza the Coioradoan ceaaeless way, gnd certainly deserved the decision, the Intention or the postofflce department rasión. livlsinn of this army made IB tattoo of right hand chops ;n the "tin" esr which met with unanimous approval on to put a stop to this practice by .assisting miles tn one nni a nil hours. Including sn ' " money of Delmont, snd which showed the effect tbe part or theerowd. Had Sharer been in EsaL in vigorous prosecution of forrers of ascent of nearly M)oo feet. In Finland physical iswil Ofders." sr.me years san a large body or the huaslan by a swelling. Th " Memphis boxer tener eondftlen. It Is probable that decided lora wouin not nave tasted tne nmli as. inspector miner win remain in El Paso ski sntdierj In full marching order, made exhibited good defensive work during the In addition to being a (B aarI kuZ2aSKBW'v'lsBEEV for some time, his headquarters recently miles In W day. Several similar handicapped by having to Clly entire limit, his best work being done Ip weight advantage of about ft pounds, 'i J been moved ihla rroir San achievements are recorded to the credit of was In Antonio. forre In nucaena. the eleventh, twelfth, and last rour fihafer poor condition. Kid Coffee the Russian the rounds and ;ockey Marlpol punten to a flerr my and Austria also have akl troops or the fight. draw In the curtain raiser. Could Purchase Palestine. although noth mr ha hen heard or them Delmont en Defensive. The work of Jack Kelly or San Francisco, St. I.ouls. Jan. I. of Palesilne thus far In the present war could be boiiKlit now for restoration of the In the early sessions the lightning fast who officiated tn the bouts, was entirely satisfactory. Kelly com- home for the Jewish race if funds were BFJX.lt M FEARS F. ATON. showed himself available, according to a by Dr. froakum piled up quite a margin or points. petent in every particular and one of ihe statement Kaplan Kaplanakv of The Hague, made here VI c cording to concensua or opinion, the best arbiters who has appeared In Juarci. Rut She Would Prove Another ;v I. or today before the annual convention or the ralne to Germany, Savs Officials, rtherner Invariably leading with a left Knights of Ztnn. Heretofore the opposition Ahearn and Dillon Break Even. X.lonism .4ocfaferf Pees o the face, followed by either a "ff right to was that Palestine was unpur- Dec. 18. Heiirimn be perma- Iiti th Antociated i London. "If mnerrut to the body, or a chop Vest enasanie. no intai jrwisn population or Germany. proee sngina Philadelphia, Jan. I Honors were country, Is teo.OoO, nently annexed lo he win to either the Jaw or head. Delmont re- about that he said. about a new Lorraine, another and more even at the end or a rast six bout though Ibera la room for more than 9.- - irucn mained on the defensivo during the earlier round lent Finland." said M. Fmile Vand- t vclde, portion contest, between Young Ahearn of Brooklyn and 000,000 people. of the contenting hlmscir Jaek Dillon of Indianapolis. the Belgian socialist and labor leader, in with blocking the majority of blows shot here today. an here under the auspices l(r the Ahearn conceded the Indianapolis - address ai mm ny ms toua-- aaversary. in the mlddlo- KHna Liken Cincinnati. M neigni eignt pounds in Wounded Allies' Belief lommlltee,. clinches, ' ilea were brier, owing to the weight, but bis Hit the Aociafrd Preaa who accepted a cabinet ministry competent elevornes enabled him to offset Dillon's Springfield, 111., Jan. 1 Johnny Kling of work of Referee Kelly, Yoakum a ggrossi vences. It King Albert's request at the outbreak or used a aeries of short left uppercuts to Eansaa City, until two years ago catcher for the war, gave the views or his party a- neaa, "Ted" Lewis, a lightweight of England, the Cincinnati Nutlonala. mav return tn the or jaw ana aiinnugn iney wers outpointed foDnws orneara ny Willie Moore of Philadelphia in baseball diamond during the coming season. a an rieuimcauy uewnonl auring oí "Speaklnr as Socialist, he last few rounds of the right. luuuug ui auouirr C1UD. Kling mane mis statement wnue visiting alls! and a pacifist, I consider this war unm nouna a iana-o- friends here tonight. must be Toight to a rinlsh. precisely be (n the sixth, after a fierce exrhanre. Norton Defeat MeMahon. "I have received an otter recently rrom cause I am a socialist, an anil nationalist oakum slipped in the floor, although It op Bt the Atmartatrit Presa Cincinnati and several from the Federal and a pacirist. earen mat a suit ten nooa rrnm I'cimont KansHs City, Jan. -AI .Norton or Lea Laague," he said. "If I ever return in base "Why? Because socialism has arways ided the fall of the northern boy. Yoakum ball It will be to play with Cincinnati. I recognised that a nation, when attacked, m a sugnt snaae tn ttie seventh, wmie the of Pittsburgh in a ten round bout here lo- shall visit that city within the next few tossesses Ihe rlaht of legitimate ru tense Khth was ealled a stand-ofr- . The ninth aay. Norton apparently had more speed days to confer with owners of the Nation ecause Internationalism makes the au ent to the Coioradoan, while the tenth and for the first Tlve rounds Jihhert Me ala, and shall decide (ben whether or not tnnomy or nations a preliminary condi aa even. Tbe stinging left hook of un Mwion'i fare with a lert almost constantly to play. Hon because tbe present war Is a war apt work d effectively In the two MeMahon apparently recovered In the lat- against war. and we are not anion the pa rounds, however. ...u little east. ter part of inn bout bul was unable to still Wins Tueaon Race. Clflsts who aro ror peace at any price." rnrr showing a deciden mira nt nnri tn overcome JVorton's lead. Bv Sgeciol TFire to Th Timea Üiese two sessions. In the eleventh Dcl- - The men are heavyweights. I one STANLEY YOAKUM GENE DELMONT Tucson. Arts., Jan. Before of the IF you want to reach all the people all tho om ouinoxeo ms opponent, the little ooxer largest crowds ever assembled si a simi- time use Times want ads. nina- some excentlonallv fast Kline Ontpoluls Mara. lar event here Dtck Clarke drove a Riuts work, and dodging the stinging right hand Columbus, o., Jan. Palsy Cllno of New to victory In the 11,000 automobile race here Duffy Twelve-Roun- d rhops sent in the direction or his swoden York outpointed K. O. of Outpoints Bobldoirx. Draw. Mesa Maréela Jim riyntt today. Oeorge Dawson acted aa mechani- ear, aiars Cincinnati in Conn., Jan. 1. feature-lea- rlrbt by Yoakum. The Coioradoan a bout hare today. Both went By ih As joetatcd Prates Waterbury, in a By the Jbitociattd Pre cian. Claras was loudly cheered In the last SERVICE FIRST came back and won the g .ting bout. Gunboat Smith and Battling tnirteenth. strong lo the finish. CUne hit almost at Buffalo, N. Y., Jan. Durfy of heavyweights, fought Rochester, N. V Jan. - Tony Ross of day of the big event. The car Is owned In a stiff rlrht lo the head that rocked hi will; Mara more seldom, twelve rounds Harold ami look part In a opponent. Delmont struck but wlih Lockport outpointed Sam Iiobldoux of Phil- to a draw here tontrbl. There was consid Newcastle. Pa. . outfousrht J im Flynn. of hv stlenfteld. made a sensational ral- greater Torce. They boxed it 12 i adelphia In a a race at July 4. The Iln Advertising ly In the fourteenth, rushing his opponent J bout here today. erable clinching. The crowd hissed the Pueblo. Colo., this afternoon in ten round loon Prescott pounds. .'. Each man scored a knockdown. men frequently, especian at the close. doui. of atarters faced the scratch at p. m.

Ifllllilllillllllllllllllll iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin ailmimilllllllllllll Iinilllllllllllllllll Ill tllll lllll llllimil IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIMIIIIÍIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIII lllllltlllllinilllUIIIMIIIIIMIItlllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllItlllllllliUIIIHMIIIItllllllllMlllllllllllll IIIIIIIIMMMIIIHIinilllllllllllMllllliHIIMIIIIII HIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIliU

1 JOCKEY CLUB JUAREZ Six Splendid Races EveryDay I BI LADIES' DAYS Tuesday and Friday I

M I Street Cars Direct to Grand Stand Every Few Minutes From Cor. El Paso and San Antonio Streets

i I m First Race at 2 P. H., Sharp Admission $1.00


íhíg .... J xhs ' V .Mtó:i;f ató niiiiiuuininiiiHiHinnnnnimHHnniiuiHHRiniiiiniaiiiiiininiiiinniniiiiiiifiiiimimiiii iiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiMiiniiiiiiiiiiiii IIIIIIII1II1IIIM1IIIMIIIIIIM IIIIIIUIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlillllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Illlltllllllllllllliu I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIi UltlllfliUI U UUI II HUUUUlUlillllllJU I111U1I Ulllllllillllllii EL PASO MORNING TIMES

This offer it made by $10.000.00 now on deposit at Fort Dearborn - m w a special arrangement be- National I ink, Uncago, ill.til tween the Thanhouser Syndicate Corporation and The LI raso 1 ímes. F, CHIOAOO.IUA. 1 IsUTHO, 1599 Fort Dearborn National Bank


PRtllOtMT $10,00000 For a Photoplay! TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS will be paid to the man, woman or child submitting an idea tor a photoplay serial story according to conditions below! No experience is necessary. This sensational offer is made fry special arrangement between the Thanhouser Syndicate Corporation and The El Paso Morning Times. Read this announcement and ACT AT ONCE!

THOUSAND DOLLARS a fortune is The prize photoplay will be shown at motion pic- TEN by the Thanhouser Syndicate Corpor ture theaters throughout the world in two-re- el epi- ation and the El Paso Morning Times for a CONDITIONS: sodes each week. The novelized version of the photoplay serial story! This is a, straightforward photoplay will appear in serial form in the El Paso offer, without any strings or qualifications. It is 110,000.00 to be paid to the man, woman or child send- You may use the very simplest form. It Is not the Morning Times and many other leading metropoli- ing In the best Idea for a photoplay serial story according form we want, but the idea. A new Idea written In a sim- made by two great American institutions the to the declslun of selected competent Judges. ple form like the following will be acceptable: tan newspapers Thus, the author will be given an Thanhouser Syndicate Corporation and the El Paso Manuscripts need not be In cenarlo form, nor techni- ' bn Mm th l.o a young village doctor, but has little opportunity to present his views in the broadest cally correct. Hlmply an Idea Is wanted a basic plot practice. He returns home one night to find his wife Morning Times. We are seeking a big idea for a which run be adupted to a photoplsy serial to appear at sick in bed. He tries to find out what the matter with manner. It is estimated that nearly seventy-fiv- e photoplay serial story and offer $10,000.00 to the motum picture tívatem In weekly episodes of two reels her, but cannot. At lat, In desperation, ho telephone long million people in America alone will read the new each, while the novelised version of the photoplay Is to ap- distance for Samuel Jones, a wealthy city physician, for- story the person who can create it. The $10,000.00 is pear simultaneously In serial form In the El l'aso Morning merly a rival suitor for Mrs. Smith's hand, etc., etc." and see the photoplay. Times. Now, that form Is simple enough, Isn't it? Get the now on deposit at the Fort Dearborn National Bank right Idea and write It as Hlmply a that, you may earn In necessary an experienced scenario and Only an Idea the 110.000. 00i of Chicago. writer will bo provided to write the accepted story In Why We Make This Offer cenarlo form to take care of mechanical effect, and an The accepted photoplay will be produced by two of experienced writer will be provided to write the accepted Amerlca'd greatest film companion the Thanhouser Film We plays Htory In novolljsud form for the newspapers; but alt credit Corporation and the American Film Manufacturing Co- realize that the best written in the last ten Everybody Is Eligible for the creation of the photoplay and story will bs given mpanyIn studios at New Rochelle, New York, Chicago, years have come from previously 111., California, unknown persons. the original author of the accepted Idea, Tha lnoxperl-ence- d and Santa Barbara, and will bo shown at profes- theaters throughout the world. Eugene Walter, who "Paid in Full," Everybody is eligible to this prize. It doesn't matter person ha as good an opportunity a the wrote "Fine sional. All manuscript must be sent to Scenario Department Feathers,v etc., was unknown until his first play WHO you are, or whether you have ever written of The Kl Paso Morning Times, and must be in The Times n 1,000 word no Manuscripts must not be less than office not later than midnight, January 17th, 19 10. No was produced. Mr. Reizenstein, whose first play, a photoplay or any kind of a play before you are limit to maximum number of words; should consist of manuscript Will be returned. All manusortpta to be sent eligible this thorough outline of plot and suggestions as to at the sender' risk. "On Trial," has captured all New York, is only 22 to earn $10,000.00. haracters, timo play take place, geographical loca- etc. All manuscript beside the one that earns the $10,000.00 years of age and had never before been heard of. tions, reward may be accepted by the Thanhouser Syndicate The only persons barred from this offer are those Manuscript may be submitted In pencil, pan and Ink, Corporation for production by its silled companies, and Consequently, we make this offer to obtain from who are connected either directly or indirectly with or typewriting; writing on one side of paper only. Manu-arrl- paid for at the regular market prices. Offer will be sub- somebody, somewhere, the big idea we are seeking must bear no evidence of tha author's name or ad- mitted for them, which can be accepted or rejected by the the Thanhouser Syndicate Corporation or the El dress, but must b numbered; a corresponding number and authors. for a photoplay serial story. We offer $ 1 0,000 paper for the title should ba written on a slip of with the name The name of the man, woman or child who earns the the best manuscript; and the Paso Morning Times. nd address of the author, and should be sent with the we make conditions $10,000.00 reward will be announced In Episode No. 1 of so liberal that any man, manuscript the story and photoplay. Photographs of the winner and woman or child can try. You who have longed to write a novel or a play All manuscript must be original they must not be hi or her home environment will appear In Episode No. 1. This, we believe, is the broadest and greatest offer based on any photoplay that ha bean shown, or any drama stage The greatest play of the last ten years have come from ever made for a photoplay manuscript. you who have sought a chance to secure recognition or comedy that ha appeared on the or In book of previously unknown persona. ts pur- originator manu- the minds It the for your efforts this is YOUR opportunity. form. The author must be tha and the pose of this plan to discover someone who can write a great script must be original. photoplay, and to reward the creator with $10,000.00 for Don't Delay! This Offer Expires No one connected directly or Indlraotly with the prin- the task. cipals of this offer Tha Kl l'aso Morning Times or the This offer Is absolutely bona tide, and 1 made by apo- Photoplay to Be Produced by Two Thanhouser Syndicate Corporation la allglble. Offer Is dal arrangement between the Thanhouser Syndicate Corpo- open to others. ration of New York City and The Kl Paso Morning Timos. at Midnight, Jan. 17th. It Is suggested that manuscripts Include a series of Open to any MAN, WOMAN or CHILD not connected Greatest Film Companies climaxes each of which will be adaptable to a two-re- directly or Indirectly with tho principal. Read the conditions carefully. Note the sugges- episode, with a mastor plot running throughout the story, See resulting in a grand d ra mat l o climax. All manuscripts must reach office of El Paso Morning tions. what must be done. Then write your 1 Times by midnight, January 17th, 1916. Address, The accepted photoplay in this $ 0,000 prize offer The elements of a great photoplay serial are; Love, photoplay story just as you want to write as you will be produced by two of the greatest American adventure, mystery, thrill, child interest, characters of to- SCENARIO DEPT., feel you want your thoughts expressed and send day, human Interest, scenes from everyday life. Film Companies the Thanhouser Film Corpora- your manuscript to the SCENARIO DEPT.. El Don't be governed by any play or plot you have seen or El Paso Morning Time. Paso Morning Times. Remember, offer' tion (studios, at New Rot he lie, N. Y.) and the read. Depend upon your originality. No experience Is this ex- neoeasary. The crudest manuscript may contain the Idea El Paso, Texas. pires at midnight, January 17, 1915. Your manu- Film Manufacturing Co. (studios will be accepted. American at that script must be in the office of the El Paso Morning Chicago, Illinois, and Santa Barbara, California.) Times not later than that date. Address All Manuscripts to Scenario Dept of ELPASOMORNING TIMES This $J0,000.00 Prize Photoplay will follow ZUDORA in nempapers and theaters throughout the world i

Saturday. January 2. 1915. EL PASO MORNING TIMES Classified Advertisers Accomplish Things Which Other People Merely Wish They Could Do

Advertising Rata Card Opportunities EL PASO BUSINESS HOUSES FROM A TO Z REAL BAHOAIN. classified liners. Have to rreltbt wagons, capacity gjOoS to I cent per word each dally intertion. 14,000 pounds, also 14 harnesaea for mulea. Accordion Pleating. Reptkir Shops. It, centt per word oo Sunday. in nrai-cia- anape. siorea in marra, reías. 841 cenia per word etch 7 tnaeruoni. For Information see the Oermama Commis 70 MUIS o. B. 18, El IN Arrerdlnn Plrellnu-- K 93 Buckler Building. WANTED To buy second hand tools snd liso per Une per month. sion Co.. Bids:, r Paso, PHONE No ad taken for leu man K cents. Texas. Madame BelL tuns. H. Mohr. nt s. El Paso Si. No ad run ror an Indefinite period (L f.) OROCEBY STORE for Invoice price. Will Ouns repaired Allen Arma S Cycle Co. taken over the telephone. Ordor to discon- or Accountants. tinue "t. r." ada he made In wrtunv. run about 13,600; terms ll,M down, muii balance timo. Fine location. Dally re Second-Han- d Accounts for classified ada are due after TON HI Clothes. ceipts vioo. Me ttoweu, so Hcrsid THUHS At 1.0. Phono SSts. Rooms rirst inaeriton. not responsible lor more louis cuy National Hank BIOS. NOW si n Bldg. NEW starter needa goods; will pay lustiest man AD one YOUR Incorrect insertion. prlres ror second hand clonics. Ph 3068. All cltlrvoymt ada double rate. re- ins; Machines. advcnlsina; on paite la lust 9 days the Neal Treatment will Add Display rlisslflart lienors I double price. No cuts permitted. move ell appiue or ersvlaj far FOR THE SUNDAY Spanish casona Success absolutely certain. Phone '.at? or I'urrouaht Adding Machina, 909 Mills Bldg Slit, or rita P. o. Ml. LEGAL ADVERTISING, lei ".ai Din Adding Machines ti muí. st. CONVERSATIONAL METIInDS. I'almorc (I. legal advertising at letal rates. FOB. SALE Splendid opportunity to buy lege. the only icweiry siore m leruie vauey Automobiles and Supplies. DISPLAY AD SPACE. populatlua 15,000. About 91.900. Sox 1009, INTERNATIONAL Institute It IV San Antonio week per Incfc. col- TIMES Opart days, Rafrord. Arts. MORNING rut rale, Prof. Bravo. Phone 3Heo llurklot Ittili umn Wlrio earli InMrtlnll. 7S CentS. tt Same, Sundays, each Insertion. St cent, WANTED Partv with small capital to In OAK&A'ND Stenographer. standing display ads. per Incb per month vest In paying proposition, call between pmone 7 S p. nr., ts, sos and Itoom Briton Hotel, Sianogr. sov ,ie: contracts for lare amounts of display ad Texas SI OSKLANP) AUTO SALE CO., PiibUc Herald Bldg. Phone space or reaaera w sunject uiruuui. 9 Second-Han- d FIRST vendor lien note on valley land TO 411 MYRTLE AVE. TEL. Goods for Sale hi aiuni. NOTICES.. milOB oown; av,uuu, l year, u per rem in ttti Pura reading matiar, aach insertion, par tarast, 4 per cont diacoiiiit. Phone 909, EL PASO, TEXAS. WHY throw away your uid furniture when tin A Mtlll na r I wt are positively the highest payers ror urnithetl Rooms tor Rent Real Real Estate Farms and Ranches second-han- Locals, per une, earn insertion, i comer Mills and Kansas; muat sell nafore Estate Dealers. rurniture and household arti- El PASO TIMES CO.. KALE 8e slightly used cles El Pato New Second Hand sture. Times, Jan. t. Call between s and 8 p. ra. llELItiHTKt'L ROOMS, FOR for senlee. and tnd PnbUabers Kl Paso Morning ,. V. cXJLES at BROS.. Real Kettle and in sreono-nao- auiuenvpuv ; uraruvv none JI. too S. Rl Paao Texas. wtlh f El Paso, flrst-rlaa- Fon SALE Restaurant, San An Meals. aurance. Morehouse Block. Phone Its. VALLEY LAND PRICES ARE rlees. an Delicious ELLIOTT S GARRET CO.. i'eD All kinds of furniture. Wa pay tonto Ml. location. Apply room sat. nrst Everything Brsnd Now. AUSTIN ADVANCING. more for your any mag. MARR. . San Antonio St. goods than rirro in the national nana PAM-- Caplea Building. Telephone city, tot 8. El Paso. Western limn. Ja. GOVERNMENT IS NOW WORKING Furniture 917 Magofrin. III K 10 model, good condition: in. Phone I4S9. TIMES BRANCH SALEComolete barber out a HENRY. ON WEST SIDE CANALS. roadster, for cash. w. A. 108 I'll sni PHONE 990. has 8 praciicauy new. win pin a fit cheao Wllkln. RENT Two elegantly furnlahed rooms llres WE Ht v, 9BI.L or exchange anything In Brosoway. lull IIHUADDUS LE BARON, new iiret on; ttror. Apply Elliott otrrett. OFFICES Hiving room ritted with disappearing WK WILL HAVE STORAGE WATER lw san Antonio St. iioiisenni.i gooaa. nio tiraiute Hardware and ocui; steam neai ana noi waier; large uu Boll Its THIS SUMMER. Furniture Co., 407 N. Oregon 81. Phone 808 For the convenience of us patrons Rooming House. For Sale. veto tile bath and outside entrañen; walk or HEL1.HEKU k in Mil Phone 1448. hold-Ing- REO FIFTH touring car. perrect running M. M. The Time maintains branch offices at ing in-- :. m e in sunset Heights. Phone iw We art compelled to cut our MANNINO a CO. Second hand tur fol- der: nose price lor cssn. jusi ine car num. the rol)ov.1ng placea: or ace Austin at Marr. OO., to too acras. We own the once. 909 houaiit and told. Sin Antonio. IMS Tor June service, call at Herald Branch 0 Teiss It. Hotel Sheldon. Both Pkonea. lowing tracts ourselves, and must Bldg SECOND HAND Branch 10 (Mexican) Corner Second HOTEL MENGKR now in charge of Mr. and sell them: rurniture bought and sold. Legal Fur t ti Phone mj4. .908 S. Stsnton. and El Paso Sts. THREE BLOCKS FROM LIBRARY. aira. j. w. nisnop. i.arge, DuUOLAS C. CROWELL, 84 acres at Mesilla, no better soil Foil SALE 1914 ovarlamt truck In rirat-rlas- s May Branch II lot F.aat 8an Antonio. rooms at reasonable weekly rales. Ample Real Eataie, insurance. 90S Milla Bldg. up Ibero; sll under Irrigation; 178 condition. A bargain. be teen WANTED To buy second-ban- tools and Branch 13 orndorrf HoteL It room rooming bouse. bathing facilities. Entrance Overland St., an acre. st 311 south El Paso. guns H. Mohr. m s. Rl Paso SL Highland Park B. F. H AM Ml; T SON, 88 Highland Drug Siore. acres at Picacho, t miles of Las . Fait EI Paso Drur Store, 9911 Pent 9U per month. Hammeti Block Phone 999. Cruces; nice and level; right' on Fun IlKN'f- - llaraa-e- Sheet Metal ROOM in private home, beautifully fur main road and will race new canal, SL realdem. 929A Montana- Works. - ostn no 10 mm Horace b. steve.ns, Drue- Store, Boulevard and A bárrala at 1700. Easy terms. mined: adjoining; sick; price 840 an acre. Aetna Sheet Metal Works Oanersl sbtel Florenoe SU. utea' walk to postofflce. 908 Montana St. Real Estate and Insurance. st Chambrino. all under sccepted nacres Bicycles, Motorcycles, Supplies. metsl contractors of ull kinds. 411 Texas Subscriptions and advertising Anything you want TWO large nicely furnished front moms, JAS. J. WATTS, or cultivation; facet Bl. Phone 5480. st all branches. garage. n. in. tan Francisco SL main ditch and paved road. Price A. In a rooming house. upsiairs; also iv r.i raeo. too an acre. RICYCI.KS bought, told and repaired. Phone 677T. I 400 S. El Sewing Machines. Real Estate City Property 95 acres at Chambcrlno. all under Yarr Paao St. M. E. TOWNLEY, ELEUANT rooms, steam heat, over new high alate or cultivation. 45 In rine RENT easy White, Union Bank A Trust Co., 109 San Antonio. stand or siraira Uiat cut over 900 the running and stand- Male Help Wanted. wltb tona or airaira laat season. Price ard; ben machines in the world tor ram- DEL.MAR ROOMS, 417 N. Stanton, , tin. wtr. 1190 an acre. Highest pricea paid for any kind of botUaa. lly use. Flepstrs guaranteed. BAILEY LAND CO.. free baths; soc-8- day; 99.80 up weakly loo aerea at La Union, all In rine fl. Nelson, 1401 Myrtle. Phono tan. WHITE SEWINO MACHINE OrFICB, or airaira tbat we will guar- 15 s. sianton. ILL. Stewart, KATIIHYNE HOTEL Steam 'teat, hot and FOR BALE. stand Aft. at MITCHELL 306 Mesa Ave. Phone KM. 98 reel on antee to cut six tons to the acre. FALL cow water, pnone 4499. 11014 s. Stanton San Antonio, west or court Carpenlera. SEWINO MACHINES for rem. The easy ESIPl OYMENT SERVICE. house, 998,000, terms. Price $150 an acre. S3 acres, hair or Car.uttllo, all running standard. Phone not. FouM a Cook for mining csrop In New Mexico. LARGE outside rooms, gas heat, second room brick, hardwood floors, fteam milt R. u. MeCullougb, carpenter and builder; y.lnkier, 113 N. Stanton. snop, vseua. 119 K. under high state or cultivation; good 8T91. 90.00 month: halter, wnne an.uu 8 rooms; 1 Hour of Summit Hotel, Missouri neai. uesi view in tne city. Jobbing. Phone close .. lots, on N houae and outbuildings; ad two mens; cnaniuermaiu, new mesicu 9 ; . . corner, Oregon St.; St.ooo rooms close tn Hi In Mis small ramlly orchard. Price 1199 an Signs. month, noaru anu room. rooms; rent 935 .. (,75 MODERN furnished room, cluae on terms. It pnone errn-v- v acre. Carpet Renovators. it MITCHELL, ; . souri St.; furnace heal, room brick on Myrtle Ave. near South IS rooms rent 990 19 acres at La Union, all in airaira; EL PASO SIGN CO., 414 Mesa Phone 909tliSan Francisco street. 7 rooms; 990 88 weaiern ahopa; 93,780, 91,000 caah. balance ll rent ... GENTLEMEN room, new races paved road: nothing any nner DU SANO WELLBORN. PHONE 19 rooms; 940 ., 700 Front stesm best; rnoi'tmy. 33 0ITY SION CO., 300 N. 1047 rent pnone 9176-w- . In the valley; will guáranme per Sianton. Phone 18 rooms; close In .. 1,050 home; Sunset Heights, ' o'-- house on Williams St.. on earnings net on tha price 93,300; cent Chimney Sweeps. 91 rooms: close In .. MOO NICE room, very close In end desirable. cornel; one third cash, balance on asked Storage Warehouses. 98 rooms; close In ... 1Í.M0 private family. Phone 3804. unie. we will give terms on ike above. :, your In "El Paso . CLEARING HOUSE. 30 rooms; ciosn in . 3.750 100m bungalow on Hueco St.; 93,800, Can show them any tima. Is bublness represented Rest equipped In southwest most sccessl-bio- EMPLOYERS' When you want a rooming house, larru ONE newly rurnlshed nice front bedroom. 9800 cssh, bslsnre monthly. Would trade Buaineaa Firma From A to ST" If not, Phone ror rates, our wagon will snop. .mall mma It 188 N. ochoa. Phcne 8980. ror nesirsDio lots. LA UNION FARMS CO., call Miso and aak for partlculsrs. ckll. El Paao Storage Warekouse. Phone Mntinn eiri for AUSTIN MAIIB 8078 corner 9188. 400 s. F spesk English snd be experienced; With k Phone DESIRABLE, well room, Good house on Artxona St, With HAWKINS BROS. Phone 9SO8. .bimoeya swept, stoves set up snd Sama St. Butt furnished front 1 Laved: 93.800. A bsrasln. islsry Cook, city, 9700, In. At:. N. El i'mi Phone KM. Ask for Simon. EL , and commission. ONK KMttdBt hniiuft md one tt close Paso. 9 lo's, corner, Grand View addition; 9400, pslred. PASO TRUNE FACTORY New room and board. room rooming home, only 1 block rroro up. Phone ?89. aaleat location; poaltlvaly lowest 913 MILI S Bl.UO. law- - SPLENDID, clesn rooms. Court Houae ternis. Stoves repslred and set rnunb, iiiv-- r. ti. nu FOR (ID Ulashlsl s. t ratea. Phone 1084. Block. Phone 643 W RENT. Ull all .If. esio house, 314 Portland Ave ."Sts hair mile from good town, oo O. 11. and China Painting. A HUE AT barialn; JO room roomlnir limite HEATED rooms, hot cold wster, anartmaiit. 1IHM N. Florence 938 T. P. nys.. Including- livestock and Imple- all steam snd Stove Repairing. ROOMS, nouseke'plnf room; rurniture ror 345V, Myrtle. house, Park ments. Price Is 50 per cent less than real 8008. DELIGHTFUL V784-- baths. (room orrhard lit Uunlon'a Studio, 9 Lucerne Apis. Pbone with sail. Hi. ir Fire Insurance. Notary work vaiutv terms. Stove Repairing New parla made and car- Meals. FURNISHED room ror rent, 1119 San aii II. SMITH SONS, ried Tor sll makes or stoves. L. J. Peeler, nelicloua FOR SALE Rooming houae, 10 rooma; rent, timlo. Phone 4983. I. k Salle Co. Clairvoyants. Everything Brand New. 149; one block from court houae. Phone Phone 441. too Texas. The La Realty with D. k H. Iron Works, corner E. Firth PAR K. Hersld Bldg. Phone IS snd S. Florence sts. Phone 344. HOTEL heated rront room; rate. CLAIRVOYANT readings Tree. 810 Texas SL 17 Magoffin Ave. modern attractive GOOD paying rooming houae ror aale, very Phone 8849-J- . BUY vour tickets to Vsnsr. Arts. Free guv WAN! ED Manager for ófrica out or oily cheap, call at once, un, 8. El Paao St. eminent land. Artesian waier. You are Cleaning and Pressing. Taxidermists. monthly. Bookkeeper room ror gent .man. close lu; references. allowed privileges. Furnished Druartat. Phone svóo-J- . Mi El A.N BRUS. Pnone 700. 3119 Frisco. Sinn Utah. class men for Mexico and other FOR SALE Six elegantly furnished rooms. Newman Investment Co. tents ror rent. Some excellent relinquish BR1NO US YOUR CLOTHES TO PRESS, 703 40 So and too acres, tor sale. Ad mining propositions. Other openlnga Magorrm. POR RENT Large furnished rront room. REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE. BONDS. Stents, only to cants sun Morasosd. the Tailor, Service E. J. Evans. Vanar, Aril. rc. t Turkish Batha llirourh nut branches. Bualneas 831 Prospect. 100 SAN ANTONIO ST. 401 Oregon St. Phona 8388. 491499 Milla Bldg. My Co.. Personal. New Year's nesolutlon Resolved WF. a to or 1 rol- still have lew rig ranos V week. large rront room with uae kitchen Thai will slop paying ror the other Dead Cattle. Oregon. Clausager, Manager. WANTED orrice boy; 94 MADAM LEONER. Phoqe 8833. house soil nav for iiiv own. There give away, call on our genersl agent, PARK BROS. Isu'i Segal Omdorrr, he One or the greatest clairvoyants, fore, I make a selection rrom 4hu pillowing1 Davis, at Holel where world's MODEHN room, cloae In, reasonable. Pnone will be located ror a rew daya. or write detd catUe, bortea anu mulos Typewriters. naliiilsu and readera. can be conaulted on bal: away rrea. pbone 74 Immediately. Female Help Wanted. 1090, boms, I too block Eubanks Farms Co., keystone Rank Bldg.. hauled bualneas matters, love Slid msrrlsge. Tails modern TYPEWRITERS and Supply co. All who are your best busi- on E. Boulevard; splendid buy. Small cash Pittsburgh, Pa. orrice I WANTED at once, competent English-Spa- mends and what ONE furnished room; 99.50 per week. Phone Dentists. makes sold, rented and repaired, til ness Is most successrul ror you, all your payment, balsnce sun. i OR SALE-- (Owner), 9 ranchea. Informa- LSI! BJHMVaraptVeri oieo wiiijua s lucky 787. 89.050 modern home. 1 lots, Mtila St. Ptione 839. AgL Corona lypewrlif r. in position of future, to days and dales. Readings free with Hon phone 9858. BHOWN 309 Milla reasonable salary or maasage re., 91.50 up. E. St. Real BargaUt; 9800 cask. H0 DHS. GALLOWAY. Bids Buckler building. Pbone 8710. one lar Venua cream. Pnone HSKl'G. fur.. wk. 4174 ovd. I'll 6M. ' S. 61 Vraln. Second Ward car. per month. Veterinary Surgeons. 1I7. 80Hi FURNISHED room, close In. 07 Mesa. honse. Division SL; 80 by Exchange Real Estate First-rlts- s ti.lon E. W. Rryan, SOB WANTED white woman cook. MEN'S t.'... 890 par month. dentist, Herald Bldg uve, aulla dry cleaned and pressed 60c n. R. its ii. rath. DR. H. A. HluoiNs phone tat. 3u6 Soutu Hoom rurnisned. Aooress ci. care adíes' aulls dry cleaned and pressed.. 75c Holel Francia, balha, aleara heat. si,980 houte, I lots. NaUona Ave.; Times. toot. snap. Detective Agencies. irngon. Hospital rot horses snd dogs. CUT RATE U.EANINl. WORKS. Phooe 8781. cash, balance suit. Heal 1 FURNISHED ROOMS, cos N. Oregon. 9T,nuO lugletvood, TO TRADE lanement, M. r Mexican gin, bplendld home, Manar. Ph. 1157. uriana and san Antonio. WANTED MADAM MACK, spiritual medium, clairvoy- ror El property. block of Pearson mill, our equity THE BEN WILLIAMS DETECTIVE AGENCY. mono aoav. NICELY room. Phono 43S8. Cal., trocir Paao 9.1,500 general housework, ant. Advice on business arraita, ramlly furnished SO Loop road, of nets lo per rent on lb Investigation In T. Rrown. Phone 4517. 140 Cotton Ave. 9180 Per Acre aerea North price made civil and criminal girl ror troubles, love, etc. 505 Mesa, upstairs. siralfa; paymenia mt tsked. See caaaa. 7 Nat Bank Bids. Phone 4408. wanted An Apartments Furnished all in LA UNION FARMS CO.. lit genersl nousewora. pnone ese. for Rent SIM) Per Acre t aerea I mile Ysleta, Welding and Machine Shops. BHING cula and poushes native gems; rine paved load; ttoo rash, balance suit, Wtlh Hawkins Bros. Dating Grill Rooma. 811 ror completely fur- and girl ror general nouee- - Jewelry to order. Sin Francisco St. APARTMENT rein, SW50 er Acre 10 teros, splendid home Cash Run, beavy machine parts, aluminum. work. tuts ft. Virginia. nished, modern, 8 rooms, kitchenette and ti sci, Hair mile i aleta; 9980 casb, balance etc., Ul'EEN MAY, clalrvoyanL iUVs Mills 81. bath; t (ilock rrom library. Phone . Sheldon Holel. ileal, welded promptly, guaranteed, Phone tool. month. WILL exchange two furnlahed bouaet. sit- Business men's lunch, 80 cents carbon removed. and T. Male heated furnished apartment, Sun uated on aerea of land, within walk- Table dinner, 91 oo. Wald Co.. 919 Man Francisco Phone 3147 Situations Wanted MANICURING, Newman Investment Co. 94 d'hole si. aw. llttt Texas St. Room 4. set Heights, ruone 67va-w- . ing distance of ceutor or Phoenix, Aria., ror WHOLESALER, GROCER OR PRODUCE IT El Paso properly, drounda beautirully laid Dressm mm and Millinery Western Welding and Manufacturing Co. you contemplate a change In your orrice Room and Board Offered Foil RENT apartment or more, fur- out with old, ornamental palms, roses, etc. Welding and culUng or all metala. Pull nlahed; close In. Phone 4089. machine shop equipment. 383 S. Fe. or city salea force In the near ruture, a tloo down. 940 s month, Rented ror imi per inonin. cssn value, ae.iiuo. CROSS, Sania you may CONVALESIFT HOME FOR TLBERCL No title nerfeet. Address MRS. dreasmaklng, alterations and Phone 6988. line rrotn Indicating such reault rurnlshed apartment al 918 N. modern bungaiuw, furnace boat, encumbrance: remodeling. Courl House him k Ph. 589-J- . satisfactorily to both parties. Have handled LOB1B isa-ciaat aecommodauona. with paid. A 83,750. owner, E. P. McCarthy. Commercial Hotel, hosptlal atteutlon; sansas paving bargain; the business from every sngle snd csn soon rates reaaouable. Park Phoenix, Arts. ;I.ASSY dreaamaklng. Phone Window Washing. yuu. 11. 1800, Times. and Frenaron sts. Fort Bliss car to door. show Address csre Apartments for Rent Unfurnished A . WANTED Angora slock goaia In exrhange Phone 4osi. 8- - 9 WAN i ED to BOOKKEEPER of 14 years' experience, beat room bouae, lots, walks and for southern California ranch: Educational Wlndowi clean. Phona tala. htaaltli 1. Will in; 92.070. Icrma to suit. eofaneas flnn efl man TUBERCULARS First-clas- accominoda curntnr living aiream; to miles rrom beach, on 1 CLASSIFIED do not rret about accept ponltlon with financially strong firm uons. noma roostng am up. Highland advertisers county road, lor appointment address MOHT un. ll SCHOOL, at High School build loss of tenants 101 they know 91,400 9 room and bath. I m l KM lltVlliit. ittssiaua tfuuaaooiyius Park car. Phone 4389. iba that brick J. F. Hole) Fisher. Ing, T'onday, Wednesday, Friday, at 7 ir, fin 1B88, tenant-findin- Is one or tasks or 10 9100 down, month. RAILROAD TIME TABLES or nllling- macntne. Addreaa A. Times. the usual block car; 85 p. m. All huinches taught; terms 93 month. is am FOR SALE BY OWNER, ROOMS, with board. In beautifully advertising. gffsathsi SI ex-- i fur - 9 In Collins Tisis Tails Be. 88. II. a. as. HaBCTRlC AN Technical electrician, steam-heate- 9- room trame, chicken yards, Interest niettu-a- nished, notne on Montana survey, 60 lots, or city. 11. isis inoitirtt aiitl all branches 1806. lols. In Oovernment 11111; 9500, sny aboul north nan Gasoline. Hai IbThUug, wants will leave city. Sl Phono Take small unencumbered as part sober, work; Houses for Sale terms, or will trade, properly Mont. lu mi. Oolr.) . carp i pay. M. U Wlngo, Colliervllle, Tann. AdnreBf aum. imts. accommodations for conva- - IF you waul to reach all iba people all UM - p. w. rratl-tiat- leacenta. Prices reaaouable. Phone FOR SALE houae, every convent OWNKH MUST SELL (JUICE. time use want ids. t. a t. tntsai. WANTLD By drug clerk, reentered, Kl wll-lta- stirs W Missouri etoiut In (IwtiAr 4 rooms and oath on IS lols; For Sale Miscellaneous rroaa Nonn and gasa Saatva. excellent reference. Address 30 in- Five gals. B. gasolina. 78c; oil. 85c. ph. 1845. Full eouvaleacents, room, Bleep P. O. Roí 673. 91.978, 8100 down and month, 1 aSMa.aa. D. Thorn, Oen. Denv.. El Paso, Texas. board and cluding cantarais ing i"i o' s ivoi Ariaotia. rnouc isue. interest. ANY heating alove in the bouse. 91 oo down. Uaiaaii Masa Umlssd 44 p.m No Popular Co.. Hairdretarng. I Houskeeping advance In nrlcea. Fur. li.-i- tba Wssa Situations Wanted Female ROOM and board, and like to have a Rooms For Rent. Have aome HAROA INS IN RANCH 800 Milt would Mesa, Phone a Cavmw iii) si... ui 1:48 akSB. un. tu ooara. oí i luo now. come In. manicuring "Marnello" i. t.Mii.M.Ki' bookkeeper, stenovrtpber, ui'tnoe. TWO nicely iurntshed. sunny light house- lands IN or iiairdressinu. and 4 Ueldao Sute IJaslted 3 IS p m. JUST Another car my Mountain Park Rodrigues, Roberts-Bsnne- cs&hler, orrice wants po- H keeping rooms tor rent; gas, sleeping preparailona. Miasea Fat Ni.ru, gsal Dsaait. general worker J' IINSU.N Huí sh une cooking WRITE PA DEN REALTY CO.. spines, ai ai aoo si.i: per Doz. roona Bldg. uid sition. P. 1794, care Times. 071. 01 ft. urcgnn. No porch; privste home, tots Amona. Phone Halle. 9401. baaement. 4 Ooldao aula Uiultad 9.48 aaL tick. Phona 1849. Morgan Bldg. sspm ,i or I Callfiimlaa ...10 wan n Snii. in store doctor's of FRtiNT room and board for coupto, Household Necessities. Uss py Spanish lady. TWO rront rooms ror housekeeping; no FOR SALE Two coal or wood beating Far Wast rice and Eufllsh speaklnr munin cacn. Montana at. Ooldm mala Uiultad tap.m. BT71. til sick and no children opposite library. stoves: good tt new. luaulre lott Olive. I I Phone 86,800. la yuur ouaineaa represented tn "El Paso I casajar T:Uav Mcaa Ave. up W. Franklin. Ulr taaslsl STKNOOftAPIltH, younff lady, wants posi- NEAL'S, tit Rooma alrlclly lit tonto real, corner fourth and Broadway, BICYCLE REPAIRING done promptly Buslneaa Firma From A lo E7" ir not, lo dale, table flral rlaaa. guaranteed. 400 S. El St. 5050 tion; steady; erflclent. Steno 1S13, Times. FOR REisT one rrom fruniabed room wlih paiUy Improvod. Terms to suit. Yafre, Paao call and aak lor particular!. kla a II Fase Kain.au. gas plate: suitable for light housekeeping. traals GOOD tablo board and room: 830. HARD pine wood, big 9 horse load, deliv- Fa WAINTtL)-- Uy compett'iii lady to keep bouse ' .'. rs. nania re 88.000. Jewelers. taenia arsuml ror invalid. B- mim, care Times. vsda. ruone Trn. ered, 96.50. Phone 6946. Fraaa cha Nactli housekeeping 80x100 reel on W. Msln SL, 3 lols rrom room. 1018 N. TWO furnished rooms ana Maslco Kspraas ,1 ; SELECT board and Sltnton lha corner or Buchsnan Si. This Is 91JS9 WATCHES cleaned 90c, main sprints 50c. lit WANTE1 Work ay white woman. . sleeping porch, with gas, lights snd baib. FOR SALE Two show cites, cheap. Apply 111 inone :,ttie-w- sny two lots can be bought for 18c. lor gold, SI J'SM Phone ma. Phone v. less than 807 S. El Psso 81. warranted ctyatala Caah old For NofUv Ibis block Your own terms. lot San Antonio. Denver Jewelry Co. tba WANTED Lace curuuns to waab. Pbone STEAM HEATED rooma and board. SSS Pros JAS. I. WATTS. II Kansas It, and Chicaco I M a.m. TWO light housekeeping looms. Financial 111 1,1. ta.. Fsat MaU 8 00 pm I 3078. pect. . 104 Francisco St. Phone 484. and lnveitmenta. Roulcvtrd. Phones lii .'sut-w- San Junk Dealers. MANY aplcndld bean by A 8aa Aateale Stores and Offices Ftgnisbed House for Rent 1.IOHT housekeeping rooms ror rant. deals have made aartastea. Harrakan kalsanv. E. Missouri. advertising bond! and mortgage! In till EL PASO IRON AND METAL Co., 1805 Han taosiUtate Faalfta Brstaaa.1 FROM AND SAVE Financial Investment columna of tin In scrap From UM fcaal STORES FOR RENT Cor. kansaa and Myrtle FOR RENT Ft'R PUSHED BLY OWNER and Antonio, daalara Iron, rubber, Arrie. HOl'SE. housekeeping 94 COMMISSION. Morning 4860. 4 pa. Ave. Douglas C. Crowell Agency. large room brick bouse, short TWO rooms week. Pbona Tlmea. copper, brtaa. bones, etc. Phone I aunaal Ealrsss I t 707. My valley of 0 scrot, 14 Ill aujiaai Uadtad . I It am. distance rrom Park car Une and on pavod fsnn I miles up the vslley, til under Irri- ILLINOIS BUT I k AND JUNk CO., ttva Wast Auctioneer and Sales road: water and vegetables furnished rrea HSkl'O. rooms 013 K. Mi uci. Fbont 5418. Wanted to Biy M itcallaneoua toot E. Overland. Phona 1641. lie . rrom gation, good house, well, outbuild- - Biiftast .In. I SSa.su .i. i Chinaman on place; too month. or l.l AUSTIN at MARR CO. rooma. In. phone 4931 ings, to acres airaira. Will sell - Horse row ror 1 i:alttoriilaa .19:99 SSL W. A. WILLIAMS. HOL'SEEEEPINO close O. WANTED and their keep. Agencies. and Commission Broker. si a sacrifice. Address P. Bui Its. Will buy ir saturar lory. Also chickens, Mercantile For tba Baal ISapart- Auction Balea room. 408 N. El 101 to capíes Bldg. FOR RENT HOLSEEEEPINU Ptso SL turkeys, pigs and lent. Address A. 1888. Muoaos Limited orrice Entrance LOCAL MERCANTILE AGENCY. gsiaaaa I SeU Everything st Auction or Prtvsie saMv 0 rooms and bath, completely furnished, HM'SRKEEPINO HOOMS. 09 N. Oregon. car Times. II suasst . - Reporta and ratlnga or indlvidtiili. col Fur lha Was-t- orrice Phone otl; Residence, Will lease or rent by monlh. lilt E. Uoule- CLOSE-I- BAROAIN. , vard St. ROOMS for light housekeeping. Phone, WANTED To buy second-han- tools and unions. Members or the National Assorts-Ho- sin su S lis. a.. fttoocrn V 100111 nuun, im uusiay. H. S. El of Mereinille Agendas aunsst ot p. and Found. davis bhothers. umis ItjJoo; good runa Mohr. tot Paso St. Ill Usatud l si. SL No walking distance. Price HARRY PATEMAN. Mgr., ZSSiZSZ3SZ Taleobone Its. lot Texas Special t.cea. place la paying 19 per cam DELIGUTKIX ROOMS, taima, mis Uvettock For Sale. Isi ttt Hersld Bldg. Tasas A Pasillo aalhsa. FOR RENT. sou on invrslment. From tha last . Arms. ORA.IMJ Have over acres in alfalfa TEXAS REALTY CO., Ijellclou, Meals. W- 1- 4 Z00"" nd blUL will rattle, horses or mules si 99 WES1 wanted-- stork in pasture, and reed; too Messenger Service. I Fast kxprosa Ua. in. trata Phone 1179. -- i mKS& per per calves 81.50 a V.j Mesa Ave. acm. m pastura; ill kinds or hiy. J. Y. ''-,',- '' "' I 'aunen Ball I .U p si tverythlng Brand Now. V,om'n)ia besd monlh snd at TOi Mills, phunt rr BROTHERS head per month. The above prlres mean NOALoW Brick, modern, ball), Widllngton, Balan, Tsxaa Caetu. 4m. For Iba Saa rtepsrl. W9lag'omri ' Telephone 108 Ttgat It, 10 Br tiuio,, Ball ' f .41 s.m. IIS giving animalt tcceas slacked alfalfa, sleeping porch, btrdwood rioort, betuna Ft SALE .span or ! 511 ir one medium sited Movtnar 4 Feat Kip mm I' pricea ror straight granng 81. par monlh, plant, bu bookcases and china closeiti mules, matched, jtOS II I us purse and 75 cents, 'the In- well for II 00. Phone jsSLsiStsawssaa - WILL person i.nd.ng black be.d Ian Efig J&lg!8&m BSIaW! calves above prices brand new, never been orciimad; on 8 ruu to8 Truit Bldg. w rj nrju.iuiji.rj- Monday evening Uowntown p ease return ,Xela; Í clude personal supervision or slock and In': r.averi street, aldewslks: evanrthlff klavlnsl Moving call odom't Tramitar Co. Hall. sil BallwaiS of ata. Isa. all but money; 308 . Antonio. corner lot; to ISSluSimi'Biniini'ie,' walk. Phone sgT good, fresh water. Write Loomls Psrrn complcii'. Price 14,500; terms Stbo ctsh, bar Lasts Arrtfs . rauens, or tctepnone icxaa. jos cunL . hue rent. Pbone 4998. Opticians and Ototnetriats. LOST-Bull- solid white, tall and ara for Newly furnlahed houae, stesm Lenal Notices in... rent RiiPHIUUEZ, Mills cut; answers to name "Tire." Howard. Ileal, piano, good neighborhood. Pnoao HELD. BULL k "EED OI.A8SE87 Sea Wood. II Overlanq loot Í Third St, . Hli v handle retí catate, rentals and oth- BIDSFriR CONCORDIA SCHOOL DISTH1CT "" New American er busins-r- List your BONDS. LINES. "Z FOR RENT completely furnished quick All t AUTO STAGE X1 lormer location of the American lbeu snd gel results Sealed blda wiu be received at the office racKtng. Special reatmtvnl. house. Apply mis Noble St. or phone 1814. t"AFP prompt m leí a Kitchen, ttu San Antonio St. matters receive and carelul atten of Ina underalgued In the courthouse st El s.ss....ssses.l..aei.gs..sssw.a,sls.slis ' ii.oHi: TO Newly (to) (lelger ruOCNU rurnlshed, handsomely decorated. tion. Paao, Taiat, until tea o'clock a in. Gooaa parked by bell the glnht. Via MTtBi gay Cllob dallr newly on Mon- . . Aula. luvst uk. svuEa's orricaa rurnlshed boure Spotlessly ' - UWIUB I HI HVHV. January II, itll, ror the tala or 885,088 Trantrer. llorase, repairing. Ph 9 loo 9494 it '"' tMvá SAN ANTOMU - ml 1. tana St. phone ttAS. SAM WAH, M il PROCESS l ME CO. uní iwun. MUt rasarrauous Proprietor. . worth ol bonds to be issued by Concordia Ulla Valley Autu BU I'KAt L WHITE LIME. Prices and quality - tal. Ulob. lit UMITIil In school district ror tha purpose or Hie erte- Housrhold goods picked, stow, and nSma i HIVARY U1SEASES. Houses Rent. ANY girl in need or a rrlend la invited Manuieciurrd Taut. or dli- - inipped. Du Sang A Phone For lo J064 I. kilm, too Leon St. Hon a new school building In aald Wellborn. vt DlbEAbKS UF THE KEMYUIS SYSTEM call at the Salvation Army Rescue Home, Phone irlcL Bald bonds sre ssuad for forty years HOMVt.U. AKRIlOaV UAUc UN. asisaai at IklliaiAlhES. FOR al 1119 Orient St.: Westminster snd Houston sts., Government SIX Luis On paved street; paving paid and miaran la payable annually certified raintlrtg. PaMtnjar sarrio laaiUi buih Eofttall and CarH-M- MODERN AND SAFE METHODS Ooldm Hill, 8 rooms, good condition im- none mast. . - a, tot VXmmtítfi. THE MUSI Hill. , tor. smooth and level, will tell 9 or morj check ror per cent or but muat accom- - - - n ssaai - - r r a iliu and Huutitu al I a. Tlnul. mediate possession 9881 or 1078. f CajMlan Nowvl. F.vlPLtliED in t imisisi. Arsis Pbone 9Jao 10 per cent cssh. balsnce 97. H tuny bids, the check to be an one of the N 3 - I.i'.."iM. Vtxi uatofi. and 1 inaai rich; ill Paint mv sianton. ma tt47. OIJRCAJit. 1HIH KAVINU HE FA WILL board babies by week or month. Sal per Me o n per lot. Pbone 49S9. V Ptao banks All will be opened In ''.;., Througii rara ok way KatsutnadltMa ptrteta HOL'SE ror 3 rooms, sleeping hldi BBS mar sji ch time and si FFERIMG. rn; brick. vstlon Army Rescue Home. Pbone 8880. oiien commlasloners' on January 11, la par in Ha Maigage ran I ad up to ITS pound - HE! nnrrh. toot unto. Highland Park. BUSINESS 111 ltM 01 El courl Flumhera RESULTS ARE CEMTAIN AN'I IM 1. properties heart 1911, . . . rraa. aioaaa at ic par ptiuna. - by and Iba said coinmiisloners' courl ra. 7TT77. NO 1 slwiNU machines repaired Paao at prkei, with terms, ihtt will at- HOMWKLL AL'TD COMPANY. EXrtcaiMBN l.M la lanas- aari.ni. 8 ROOM, inkier Phooe 1108 rl,,u m nan KPEUALTY house, unfurnished, ieren you. R. E Thome (Owner), Ess WO? " 'ÍaRNI?! FAY CASH anu aav. plumb ad Oanratoéi. Pbona 1M. tan ritutiitn dress M.. X. " U S2guaranfaed. SEEKAI. YEARS' Ac 11 Al. PlcAl lie K l tit Oregon BIO turkey shoot at Ysleta Sunday, Francisco SI. "1 AudiTor cr11 "o Fbont couniy E1 pmo Co., Ml MUUJ EIIIOFEAK IMVERblllEl. (HSIIUI St RU to all TWO MtstaSf lota, waU located. Sunset ffjjgjQ Pat - Vlrslnla. l.l HIM Stock Heights, on Montesuma St. Will sell s. n. morgan tiaa sold his placa of bust- y, HUI KN It A M TO 9 P M , SUNDAYS ll-- FOR SALE Thoroughbred Money to chetp. Address owner, cara Timas. nets at the CHy Cleaners Mid Dyers, and vry tha l.liy Plumbing CO. Baiter plumnlng SERVICE FIRST OMOHATÍONS FOR OI T O TUWN Chihuahua agalnsl the srora- - ,101. f At 109 3 Florence. my one having aceounis for pm,,,, caiupbcll St pti is s i h is ssii.i os sjtn.. MONEY To Loan on chanele. Notes bought FOR SALE 31 room rooming house, butt said must present their bills by Saturday, 7 - NEWMAN EYDoHF. Props. FHONTO PLUMBERS, ruUv answeSeu male anu stusale XuU'beffÓD PUp(' and sold. SM Two Republics Bids- ness district; rem, pioa; caen oí Jan. . k a Texas. Phone lots. mmomk Advertising NURSES IN ATlIftliA.NL. HoÍona Htf pnone lees. Pbone 789. Bloalngame. 614 San Antonio SL Work guaría taed. y ÉL PASO MORNING TIMES Saturday. January 2, 1915.

City, head-o- Ban prospec-Iv- e ror the smount or uie collided with Chlcoro. Reek and Francisco streets. Sparks taiulnr ? laced at ooa, in view or the Llewellyn letter's rrom a chtmney or the Alberta Annex short inlenurof or orrice or Mr MeCsnns. bond or mjxx) as the nrst step In the pro- . Island k Pactrtc paaaanrer train No. 17, recover rrom "See Our Arcade Window Displays" MANGLED BODY OF which a hair mile canted poooers-b- to turn In the alarm. No who had previously tendered his reslrna-Uo- cedure by the sute to the left Chlcoro last nlrM, as regent of we school. This amount Southwestern Surety Insurance company. west of Liberty. la held to be ample lo cover all college ? A mlsunderatandtnr or orders la believed LIVE8T0CK MARKET. funds handled by Mr. McCanna. Immedl to have caused tbe collision. Tbe Roca ately upon ruinar bis bond Mr. McCanna will yon w nt to reach all the people all CAR VICTIM FOUND Island tram was wsitinr ror Ihe Burlinr Kansas City Ureatoek. make a formal demand on former Treasurer lime use Times want sda. ton train to take the twitch. The Bur City. Jan. Í.SO0 llnrton train rounded a curre al full speed Market steady to utronr. Bulk, 07.toty7.IS; snd the crash rollowed. heavy, S7 S0O7.3; plkS, W.MM.7t. cattle neceipts. 1,000. Market steady. prime isa sieers. u western steers. ROSERT .1BSON MF.rTfl WITH HORRIB1.K Wood cheaper than coal. Baron Fuel 7áH-- , calves, gavio.asi IE4,TH BENEATH WHEEL lea Co. Phone MIL sneep neceipta, aw. atantet steady. OF AUTOMOBILE Lambs, u aet n: yearllnra. li.to07.5a Phone 17. . tbe best cleaners. White work a specialty. WOOL MAJIKET. DtMttMltrt for Driver or Machine fteirrhlRf Boalon Woel Review. JWm nuM Corp Rob-fc- Esflea lo UsUIl OTIIeera. is .toftof Boston. Jsn. I. The Commercial Bulletin thr toiler. The El Paso Aerla No. 71, r. O. E., will will say tomorrow: have a public installation or omcera Mon- "Our canvass of the entire country show:i day evenlnr at the Mundy Dane total atocks or wool on hand and unsold at Returning at o'clock yesterday morning bulldlnr. the close of tbe year or M.70,Tr4 IS THE TIME tail-ca- md will he enjoyed. itu from Washington park. Pat Shannon, b Inr refreshments nnunos. as compared witn a total taat veer driver, found the horribly mangled or H3.li33.3lv pounds. The Boston stocks to- In body of Robert T. Oibson. Ml Luns street, KECVIL'g taled this year ys.3o.sos pounds, sralnst JH Which to Supply the Family Vienna lying against the avenue Dutch lunches, hot lunches, Budweieer. Í3.SÚ0.MS pounds lost year. curb on Magoffin "The this mm near me city corral. Both leg were frac market week Is rery stronr. With Shoes at Dr. Anna Reum. Buckler Bldr., over Elite. with medium and coarse wools keenly tured in several places, the spine was sourhi end somewhat dearer. The roods broken and were several ribs crushed into at Bparks Resume. 01..HR,, c wiiiKiu. uieivriai roaiiae, arar CLOSING OUT SALE PRICES the lungs, causing a hemnrrlitj-- e of the Mens contracta constltutlnr the bulk or the busi- By the t U W lungs. The bead also was Aloelat4 Pre ness." crushed. Scoured basis- Read Our Full Page Mr. Shannon notified' the police, and Reno. Nev., jan. I. The Southern Paciric $4.00 Men'a or Womcn'e Shoeai SS.4K shops st Sparks. Texss Fine 12 months, MQstc; 'me 8 Coroner James J. Murphy was called. Tbe Nev.. will resume opers months. S30S5C. 91 M ito Men's or Womm'a Slioee $2.S body Was remo ven to Sim- tlons with s full force employed on Mun i. Northern. MOSSc: OO IH the McBean. slinrnia middle BWl M Men'a or Woaml Bhoea ta.SB 'VW V mons 4 Hartford morgue. Coroner Murphy day. For Ihe past six weeks the sbons couniy. sia!c: southern, 4O50c. Pastera . . . - . I3.M Men's or Women's Shoes II s WHITE found that Gibson came to his death by have been operated by s force or tfj men. tnrmr u Di laS January M.OO SALE Men's Women's "oatern clotblar, valley to. or Snoes $I.M uWm being struck down and run over by a end with the increased onerstione the men Wc 5t5c; WU0 CUl heavy automobile at some lime before employed will total over coo. Thla an Territory Fine staple, ic: fine . me- Bbj Reductions on Every Pair of Hlioee In midnight Thursday night. nouncement was made this evenlnr by 01 um staple. MMtsoc: nne clothlne p. r,7Mc Our Store. IEm Announcement John Jones, master mechanic or the fine merfiuin 9O0S7c; In the dead men's pocket was found a clothinr. hair hlood B IaWK in k. by a Sparks plant. omblnir. 0Olc; s blood comb-Ins- . rawn issued local loan office Mil showing that he had that evening pawned dld-El- ra, Sunday Dr. or : AA. rine A, In Times f& Jamleson. diseases kidney, blad A eolc; a set of carpenter's tools for lo make MKHOc: supers., WkfJMc. EI Paso Shoe Co. some purchases fur his wife. No money der, akin and rectum, alt Milla Bldjr. m Full Page Advertisement was found on the bod v. and It Is suspected TO DEMAND COLLEGE FI NDS. J OUR by the detectives that he was either held Leafwair, Teat Lavender Line rent Last the Tele- oar-rar- - the Page of up to or car,, laxicaoa, limousines ano auto New Treasurer or New Mexico A. and M. Majestlo and robbed prior the accident lo File 'Jj"Bvt)p)lt- TheaUTjjJj graph Section Sunday will tell a was robbed after his death. trucks give best service day or m.M Bond 1. Timen Bprcitil Mrs. Gibson yesterday morning was noil nirht. Phone Bv Cnrretportdencc etory of Wonderful Val urn and SU1I. Ff X U . 11... . . fled of Gibson's death an1 Identified the t.n j Harrlsoa Again riled by Treasurer-elec- t P. F. economic for every body as was Candidate. McCanna 01 that of her husband. She ) nwH, 1. ui. vr at 1. a., cruces has been home. The Women are enthusias- prostrated with grief and was removed lo By the AetoHated Prene tic about January White Sale as her home in an automobile. chicaro. Jan. - Mayor carter H. Harrl our Detectives are working on Hie case In non. who said recently that his candidacy never before and the values will sat- an effort to apprehend the driver and o lor re. election was comineen! upon isfy the thriftiest shoppers. We in- 'upants of the. aulomoblle tuonght to have his wife permission to mske ihe killed Gibson It is thought that the suto race, announced today that she had con CRA WFORD vite you to see our special window mobile was a heavy touring car, as the enied to his becominr a candidate. displays Today or Tomorrow and detectives believe that a light car would Mayor Harrison Is rnncludinr his rrrth Come to the Matinee. A record crowd ia expected at night become acquainted with the merits have been wrecked by the force of the term. His father, Cerlcr H. Harrison. Sr., collision. No headway has been tnado by also eerved rive terms. TODAY - - - SATURDAY of this great sale, beginning Monday i tie detectives in ihetr investigation. morning at 9:00 o'clock. Die pod y Is being held at the morgue. rllorlcholders' Meeting MATINEE, 2:30 Arrangements for burial In Evergreen Nome is ht.reny riven Hiat ihe annini cemetery Sunday afternoon have been par meeltnr or the stockholders or Runkle H dally completed. Pescock. Inc.. will he held st the orrices 15c and 25c Boxes 25c-35- c Plan Now to Shop Early Mr and Mrs. Gibson, who are without or ihe compsny .Jan. ,th, loll, at 3:30 p. m.. hildren. came to Rl Paso about three years ror ihe elcilon or officers and so rorth. Tonight 15c to 50c ago from 'Uiicago. CECIL P. H0STETTKR, WIGWAM Secretary. Hon lo Caire a la Grippe Cough. "Coughs that hang on" demand treat RooMne 41. tui and aim ment. Slop and think' neason and com- per roll. Button Llnro Co., Ph. Ml. auiiMMamiMiaisMiiuuLai mon sense tell you that It Is folly to "grin nnd bear It " Those racking la grippe Pushing Coesl Guard Bill. coughs that wrench tbe body and cause atfr the Annotated Pretg "The Store of Service soreness and pains in ihe lungs yield more Washlnrion. Jsn. t. President Wilson TODAY ONLY u'ilrkly to Foley! Honey and Tar than to has addressed a letter to Democratic. Lead- THE FAMOUS PLAYERS nny other treatment. Korty years' record er Underwood and Representativo Adam f surceases prows this. for coughs, on. chairman or the house Interatate com- Present through a special arrangement with Henry W. olds, croup and oilier distressing ailments merce committee, urrlnr prompt enact- BIJOU Savage CHRISTIAN CHURCH r thi oat, chest, lungs, larynx and bron-hl.i- l ment of the pendtnr coast rusrd bill. lubes, you can find nothing that will "THK HATE THAT WITHKRS" compare with remedy. Trv the new rM.Anln H.r. You Amusements this reliable Sold ret tbe Modern two-a- by owl Drug (Advertisement. besl. T. F. kelsh, prop. Kalem drama. Advr'irTnia- Co. "MADA3I nol'BUB X" EDWARD ABELES ANNUAL MEETING KDUARn ABELES "THE MILLION." Need .la.se,? Ask Serall, ion Texas St Burteeque comedy on the famous near The Wigwam has booked one, of Ihe BREVITIES Oreron. play. Madam X. IN slron rest offerings in lis whole career for SUN, III) SPECIAL Candy lodaj It "The It-- (MvrrtlKnieiitt.) Sale lodsy. Ardoln's Ad- THJE TAJCGIiE" is Million" and one ron vertisement. Mntial laugh Vltaarraph aoclety 3 llll'IIMI- - II .111111 I and surprise rroiu the start io ais-ai- apeclal In acta. online, finish. Dr. Ebmrt, Dentin, Mill. Bidr. i.lmwlM. vtunK The leading role in played by ihe Small Blare Calls Out Firemen. I IIIIIVIM. versatile Edward Abeles, who delighted Drunk anil Van. Turn.d l.no... The in, denarlment at 1... "THE MILLION" hundred or thousands by his stage pre nlrht answered a raise alarm lo Santa Fo A miintirr nr riiy prinnncm. ror sen tat Ion or "Hrewster's Millions" and later arreturd 1 drunkftnnr ft, or vaaranry. were The play that Players II f.ro'ff RrKlrrlcd Kldcr Inr Ihe the millions wiih Ihe rilm version of the releuftd funniest the Famous have ever produced. Mr. Koelal sane by iiorpnratinn Abeles, tear I'm- Hmir Folien play. He Is upon to take Jtidy, Ballard coldwftl the famous star of "Brewster's Millions," la seen In Bra Business AeeNlnn. railed six widely yeaierday No J different parts lo paas morntnr. rorporaiton couri different characters. and from one was held yealerday ihe other with startling rapidity. afternoon. ALBAMBRAVAUDEV 1LLE I'll annua) nr llw Miris "The Million" was one of Hetiry W. NO ADVANCE IN PRICES. a, Fnt 8av The ttwelle.t In town. Performance 7 p. m. nan or (tain age's memorable productions. bar Flneat rod First Come to the Matinee. All El Paso will seek to see thla ptotore. iitv was hlii at ihn The film at OenL Grecian Me. was made by the the Admission, He and rlmrrli on Now Yetr r. The prnt-ra- the Famous Flayers under the direction or I" its n m 7.30 Hitb a brief organ Daniel frohmati. Kujhwe,lrn U'eatber recital As a sperial Saturday roreeaat. THE mills Jttt" Mr. c treal the Wigwam ny the I Edwin Knlttmyrr, the rhurrb will Miow AorlatfH Prttt Today rack Hhol Wliards end Lerlet this Famous Flayer production Wanhini-lon- . i Jan. I. Teiaa; Fair Satur- Bplnnlng nrvantrt, and losd wiih a i oniwcrttton (and It Is shout Its best enniedy effort) Artlals. for day, okrept iioaalbly rain or .now central "LOVE KNOWS NO LAW" LF.HTKK AND MOORE, firvic junt bofore ibo midnight hour. lis usual prices or ft and 10 cents. As todav and wesi portion,; Sunday fair. In Him fuany sketch, Thf in, - nc m preslilorl over is Saturday It will be absolutely impossible Delightful I "Tbe VanA !New Mexico: Kalr Saturday, except rain "Beauty" comedy. kee Doodle Girl end llrr by K. whedd. deporta from every for this popular tlieaier to accommodate unow at or eMreme aouth portion; Sunday Soldier Boy." nhow-in- all night. Those who possibly can are of th rhurrb were rem! 111 , urged to come ftlr. "SHEP, THE SENTINEL" nt. w nuns the or to the mallnee and rome Ai Fair Saturday UNIQUE prntreM tho work durina; liona: and Sunday. Dlsplaylni Today early then. I Lauhable Orlenla! I Thy wore without eireption tin Thanhouaer drama, featuring Acrobática. WARREN KERRIGAN l.ongwell'a Tana Lavender Line usually rratirylntr. Mnrly-tw- people united DEVILLK-tMIUIB- auto MOTION VAI Rl. bagare are on the famous Thanhouaer dog. PICTURES. In the fifth Terence O'Rourke story with the r.hurrli dUTlnir th- year, making Ths last week or tracks alway, time day vaudeville at ihe Al and nlalit serviré, rhnne I. ihf prenent meiuhernhlp nr the church, hamhra is the hesi thai ever has been of- Beginning Monday: "A CAPTAIN OF VILLAINY" fered by ibis thoater. Three corking acta "ETHEL GETS THE after ihomurh reviMnu, five ft. P. I "THE EXPLOITS OF ELAINE." Also Neator comedy, hundred and and good motion pictures compose the bill Khopa Hill Reopen. EVIDENCE" I fifty. .Nearly four mmuand do tars wan The. Hoyts, crack shot wiEards lariat flu the Antoclatrd fren "PRUNING THE and I This Week's Vaudeville MOVIES" raiM'd in the weekly nrfcrtnirs for spinner, do some shooting that will as- Orden. 'Utah, Jan. I. After belnr dosed A komic Is Ihe I Some program today. Jmci tonish even those who have seen other crack down ror ,lx week,, rxr.eptlnr ror a few farce featuring Best Etrr. Don't Miss It church support nd in addition in shots. Mlts Hoyt, hit the ., of Hie particularly, is wonder- t'rys early in December, the Southern FAY Fifth episode of the Master Key tomorrow. virions etiurrh ful, she is mi to be TINCHER. considerable kumir. II.U3&.71 va the champion of the railway sIwípa In are to be rt? world of her sex In ahooiing. Lester A raised for mission, by Hie rhurrh and the Moore, gome opened ariln on Monday, January 4, "Unlay fchool, ibe hndeavor Korlety comedians, do mighty clever and dancing and dialogue in their to an announcement made here the wmei,'i Missionary Society rajad entertaining today. The company bout half aa much more Thé sketch "The Yankee Doodle Girl and Her employa over 500 church Soldier Boy." Devere Bros., men In ihe cnops mat have ranks a.s one of the four larirept ron tribu-to- arrobáis, pull been closed. Ui or some new stunts in their line and are niiMlonn the Chrbiian churches worthy a in Texan place on any vaudeville bin. Electric repairing. Phone 335. El Paso The e There are two performances nightly, the. Elec. Co., Myrile. virions church oriril"4 ha. all beginning p. supply Jin been hili during: lb year, ihe Mindsy first at 7 m. Motion pictures School especially having only from ll a. m. in 7. enjoyed 'he Beginning next Dr. Paget, Dentist. Rob. Ban. Bldg. year in lis history in point nr attendance Monday, the Alhamhra The christian Kndeavor rturieiy bat also win show Paihet greatest of serial motion flourished and hat a pictures. "The Exploits of Elaine." it was Hlleen Persona lnlurrd. prewnt memberHiiip I ,1 forty-five- written by Arthur Beeves, flic au- Au llie ,.,,,,, Pr of -- famous hurtng the year a ronm for thor of the Craig Kennedy" detective stor- Liberty, Mo.. Jan.- I. Sixteen persons rlub yount? ies In men has lie n imished and rimiih'd. and it will exceed interest any other uijirreii, iwo nangerously. loday pre.-,e- i.-- serial motion picture ever shown in El a very Imlting appearance. Ad raso. whi n Burlington irain No. 14. from Kansas dltlonal class room facilities have also be. n provided. Officer Tfir the ensuinr jenr were el.-r- BILL GRECIAN. M. A, 1916 ed as follows. Ooff was re The bin at the Grecian today Is one or CALENDARS elected FOR elder for a term of five years, and V. I. the strongest single-ree- l programs thai Koiworih. c. h. Johnson. Edwin Lennon lias been In El I'aoo in a long lime. Three Dr. Willis II. smith. C. Covington and EL, entirely different kind of plrtures. IN fl bul "MADE T. J. 8teihennun were i. to serve as FASO each one a feature. Each one would be a deacon for a term of ihree years eacb any K. K. Frull was re elected rlerk of the headllner on program. "Love Know church and Mr. W. C. Demon was elected río Law" is probahly the besl of ihe three. GOOD Treasurer. It's a "Beauty" film and proaenie one of A HABIT; A social period w as arranged and pre the most delightful comedies of the sea- 1915 JANUARY 1915 aided over by Mr,. Johnson aMtcd son "Shcp, the Sentinel" is a close sec- Mestiames H. B. Ilomau. W. I, oworth ond; U s a Tbanhonser drama, featuring r. W. Berkshire and Mr. K. E Norihror. the ramous Tbanhouser FORM IT The social rooms of the church were dog. "Ethel oets Buy tastllv the Evidence" is a comic farce, featuring necorau-- and a program or music and Note the r readings was rendered bv Edwin C Knock-m- lay Tincher. and the third reel the besl ye r. Miss Virginia Burke. Miss Matiine program In'Ll Paao today, lwn'l mlaa ll! Madison. Misa Mabelle Elliott. Mr. W r Pearaon and Mrs. l.ula howies. in rr .(. ' n w mmt s fiATt'RDAY Advertising "Made in menta were MMiMt accurately i- - Day8 served. Today ts regular matinee day in Red The church an every at. the the aealiment and prog-re.- s will conduct mem-ba- Crawford theater, where one ranvass un nail Sunday afternoon for of the best of every omasualty. It II comedies in American play history H hold- subscription to locaJ church expenses and Is observable Usese who for mission. About forty people ing ihe boards. If the prices were thai thai El Paso" will be closely ful in on engaged In this canvass. charged by road it traction a 50c to te- the tread of the ther" would be ample reason for capacity advertíalas are Ike beat In Good kerning Condition. attendance, but the admission this arter-noo- In multitudes of mat- Many people su.ffer Indigestion from and is ib and K cents, and the box seats ters closely aaaorlaled with Calendars constipation and do nol know It. a reeling 3& fa and cents. Tonight the prices range sur every day Uvea. Calendar of dullness and languldneaa, bitter taate in rrom ih to &o cents. the mouth, headache, ullloua fever roost The man or woatoa who of ihoaa conditions when you "are not sick, TUB mini read, adverttolaf profits. feel but don't right" can be traced to "The Hate That withers." a modern rwo-a- Tke youag persea who tdugrlah bowels tod torpid liver. Foley drama with an cast, Including reeds advertising uaeoaoelsus-l- y Cathartic Tablet cleanse the syiiem, Alice Kolllsler, will be the feature today. aegulrea aa education. arouse the liver, banish Indigestion, and This Is a well acted, picture Meat ysuas people 1916 make you "feel rood all over" Itgbt. ener-g- e wrth well scenes. are we offer an exceptionally fine line of Calendara. In fact dressed "Madame Dou- drawn to advertising bee suae the "Once a Year Salesman" nr and ambitious. Sold by owl Drug Co. ble X." a burlesque roinedy on the FOR nothing to (Advertisement.) or soase proaouaoed personal offer you finer than wo have. Then, too, we will give you the best of the play. "Madame X." will complete a propoauUon proa-ra- lateros!. oo price. We buy at wholesale good Sunday. "Tbe Tangle. ñ the Calendar subjects and pada. All printing Sawelai MeeUag. ihree-ree- motmtmg l society special, will be tin- pro- Bat whatever tke aaoUve and tinning is done by in. When you buy from ua you keep in El All members of the El Faao County gram. the liakll Paao the calendar and Is as eieoHeat oae tnc printing ana uie mounting. I his is See Ctly Democratic club aro requested to at- to Indulge In freely """'"". considerable our display at the tend a meeting of the WARREN KMftjUA "Made in El Paau" exhibit. club Saturday night. AT UNIQUE TODAY usad sdvertlstsf Is always January I, at s o'clock at the Skating rink, in the firth story or Terence O'Rourkr. Inter n.u M Is stways at comer of It ansae tod Mills streets, ror gentleman adventurer, ir you seen cl a bare soatrao pram to the purpose of nominating a municipal any of tbe other stories you know what el Ike reader ticket ror the spring election. Ail citizens they are and if you haven't, It la not too wkelker Iks reader says saaa raore who re in sympathy with the club are late to surt in now, as each story Is com after or a ceaaldorakie time mi FRANKLIN PRINTING PHONE 1111 invited. j m ooooiNs. plele In two reels. Also a Ptestor comedy. after. CO. President of the club. "rTunlng the Movies." Firth episode nf Adrerllsamesl raadlas laya (Advertisement "The Master Key" tomorrow and an l ko a good comedy. ootid foundation be. caaos II Roofing- -!, ti. and fl.M ausaUea ka.wl.dae ser roll. Burton-Ung- Co.. Ph. W. Ad- - GOAL, WOOD AND KINDLING ead lafarmaUoa. I'hone easy a. Our auto service insures A might) good haJMt ta quick delivery. cultivate. Ardours Ad NaVf siu.Eh go. (Advertisement)