Methodist History, 52:4 (July 2014)

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Methodist History, 52:4 (July 2014) Methodist History, 52:4 (July 2014) Methodist History Volume LII October, 2013–July, 2014 Robert J. Williams, Editor Published by General Commission on Archives and History The United Methodist Church Madison, New Jersey Contributors and Articles Avery-Quinn, Samuel In the Wild Dark Pines: Crisis, Legitimacy, and the Origins of the National Camp-Meeting Association for the Promotion of Holiness . 43 Bjorlin, David Stuck in the Middle: The Role of Sunday School Hymnals in the Hymnody of the Methodist Episcopal Church . 132 Blue, Ellen “Yes, We Are Everywhere”: Thirty Years with the Women for Progressive Action, Lower Ninth Ward . 4 Bruno, Daniel A. Mission Outside the Walls: The Alliances of Methodism to Defeat the Old Colonial Order Related to Church and State in Argentina, 1880-1890 . 197 Chilcote, Paul W., and Ulrike Schuler Methodist Bible Women in Bulgaria and Italy . 94 Dickerson, Dennis C. James M. Lawson, Jr.: Methodism, Nonviolence, and the Civil Rights Movement . 168 239 240 Methodist History Moudry, Susan Lyn “A Society of Our Own”: Methodists, Coeducation and the Founding of P.E.O. 33 Potter, Claire The Influence of Danish Missionaries to India on Susanna Wesley’s Methods of Education and its Subsequent Influence on John Wesley . 148 Salter, Darius The Sand Creek Massacre: Matthew Simpson and the Broken Arrow of Patronage . 207 Schleif, Luke That Her Religion May be Uprooted: The Methodists and the Mexican-American War . 19 Streiff, Patrick Ph. John William Fletcher’s Shaping of Wesleyan Theology in its Approach Beyond Christianity . 78 Vickers, John A. Thomas Coke: Man of Letters . 68 GENERAL INDEX Volume LII, October, 2013–July, 2014 The Abingdon Hymnal (1928), 144 Arapahos, 208, 213, 218, 222, 229 Address to the Pious and Benevolent Argentina, 197-206 (Coke), 75 Arianism, 61 Adelphian Society, 41 Arkansas, 208 Africa, 95, 125, 153, 177-178, 231 Arminian Magazine, 116, 166 African Americans, 4-18, 170-171, 176, Arminianism, 60, 79, 122, 189 177, 188 Arndt, Johann, 160-161 African Methodist Episcopal Church, Asbury Theological Seminary, 59, 114 171 Asbury, Francis, 49, 67, 115-116, 118 African Methodist Episcopal Zion Asia, 75, 95, 99, 177, 178, 231 Church, 171 Atlanta, Georgia, 170, 178, 182 Ahimsa, 179, 182 Atlantic Ocean, 77, 188 AIDS, 11 Augustine, 234 Alabama, 171, 181 Alaska Conference, 126 Babb, Washington, 38 Alexander, Cecil, 145 Baker, Ella, 184 Alexandria, Italy, 112 Baldwin, Josephine, 143 Allen, Richard, 195-196 Baldwin-Wallace College, 168, 172, Alpha Kappa Alpha, 8 174 Amazon Baptist Church (New Orleans, Balkan states, 101 LA), 10 Ballard, Aaron, 53, 56 American Baptist College, 182 Baltimore, Maryland, 53, 145-146 American Bible Society, 100 Bangs, Nathan, 45 American Board of Commissioners of Baptists, 11, 190, 228 Foreign Mission, 100, 103, 110 Bari, Italy, 112 American Emigrant Company, 226, 227 Barry, John, 59 American Friends Service Committee, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 9-10 169 Battle of Glorieta Pass, 214 American Methodism: A Compact Battle of Wilson’s Creek, 219 History (Richey, Rowe, Schmidt), Beaver, R. P., 99 117-120 Becque, Fran, 41 Ames, Edward, 228 Belle Plain, New Jersey, 52 Andrew Sanchez, Sr., Multi-Service Benham, Marge, 127 Center (New Orleans, LA), 8, 11 Benincasa, G., 112 Annesley, Samuel, 148-149 Benincasa, Miss, 106, 112 Antelope, White, 208 Bennis, Eliza, 114-116 Anthony, Scott, 218, 220 Bennis, Mitchell, 114 Anti-Catholicism, 21, 25-31, 200-201 Bennis, Thomas, 115 Anticlericalism, 201-202 Benson, Joseph (1749–1821), 71-72, Apache Canyon, 214, 217 133-134 Apaches, 222 Berlin, Germany, 152, 153 Apartheid, 175 Bethel AME Church (New Orleans, Apostles’ Creed, 132 LA), 10 Aquinas, 234 Bhagavad Gita, 182 241 242 Methodist History Bible Christians, 231 Camden and Amboy Railroad, 53-54 Bible Women, 98-113 Camp Weld, Colorado, 216, 218, 224 Bickerton, Thomas, 67 Campani, Mrs., 105, 113 Bird, Alice, 38, 39-40, 42 Campmeetings, 43-57 Birmingham, Alabama, 181 Campolo, Tony, 60 Birtwhistle, Allen, 75 Canada, 33, 171 Black Manifesto, 185-186 Canby, Colonel, 217 Black Power movement, 185 Canon City, Colorado, 216 Blessed Sacrament School (New Cape May, New Jersey, 49-52 Orleans, LA), 6 Caray, William, 231 Bloomberg, Kristin, 37 Carbonarios, 199 Bologna, Italy, 112, 113 Carbonear, Newfoundland, 116 Bond, Horace, 7 Cardin, Mrs., 112 Boniface VIII, 198 Carey, Raymond, 223 Book of Common Prayer, 233, 235 Caribbean, 72, 153, 187 The Book of Discipline, 233 Carkum, Bernice, 5, 9, 10-11 Boone, Albert, 208 Carkum, Curtis, 9 Borelli, Enrico, 112 Carolina, Mrs., 105, 112 Borelli, Mrs., 112 Carrick, John, 121 Borgen, Ole, 3 “Catholic Spirit” (Wesley), 87 Bornemann, Henrik, 153 Catholicism, 19, 25-26, 27, 28, 29, 31, Bosquet, H. L., 39 87, 96, 106, 109, 153, 157, 160, 197- Bosquet, Hattie, 39-40 200, 204 Boston University, 184 Cavelleris, E., 112 Bovingh, John, 158 Cavelleris, Mrs., 112 Bradburn, Samuel, 71-72 Cekov, Christina, 97 Bradford, Allan, 222 Celman, Juarez, 199 Brawley, James, 173 Centenary Methodist Church Brecon, Wales, 67 (Memphis), 174, 185 Brigham Young University, 131 Central Jurisdiction, Methodist Church, Bristol, England, 69 171, 173 British Conference, 187 Ceylon, 67 British Methodist Conference, 67, 70 Challis, DeWitt, 103-104 Brooklyn, New York, 44 Checks to Antinomianism (Fletcher), 80, Browne, S. E., 209 86, 92 Bucke, Emory, 117 Cherokee County, Kansas, 226, 227 Buddha, 168 Cherokees, 226 Buddhism, 184 Chester County, Pennsylvania, 45 Buenos Aires, Argentina, 197, 199, 201 Cheyennes, 208, 213, 218, 222, 229 Bulgaria, 96, 98, 100-105, 109, 110, Chicago, Illinois, 3, 126, 185, 209, 210- 111, 112 211, 218 Bunting, Jabez, 231, 237 Children’s Defense Fund, 13 Burt, William, 108 Chiles, Robert, 236 Bus boycotts, 170 China, 27, 28, 184, 232 Bushnell, Horace, 137 Chivington, John, 195, 213, 214-218, 219-220, 221, 222, 224, 225, 228- Caffin Avenue Church of God (New 229, 230 Orleans, LA), 10 Chivington, Lulu, 228 Calvin, John, 188-189 Chivington, Martha, 228 Calvinism, 78, 80, 81-82, 84-85, 89, 92, Chivington, Sarah, 228 188-189 Chivington, Thomas, 228 General Index 243 Christ and Methodism (Vincent), 205 Conversi, Aurelia, 105, 106-107, 112 Christian Advocate (New York), 51 Cookman, Alfred, 56 Christian Advocate and Journal, 20, 25, Cooper, Ezekiel, 75-76 27, 28, 30 Cope, Rachel, 131 Christian Correspondence . Eliza Copenhagen, Denmark, 152, 153, 154 Bennis (Wesley), 115 Cottey College (Missouri), 34 Christian Standard and Home Journal, Coughlan, Laurence, 115 43 Counter-Reformation, 198 Church of England, Anglicans, 58-59, Cover, Philane, 171-172 70, 84, 85, 148, 149, 235 Cowper, William, 136, 139 Church of Scotland, 84, 139 Cramner, Thomas, 85 Citizens Working for Community Crawford, Franklin, 144 Development, 4-5, 8, 9-10 Crocker, F. P., 55 Civil Records Law, Argentina, 203 Crosby, Fanny, 141, 142, 145 Civil Rights movement, 3, 9, 124, 168- Crozer Theological Seminary (Chester, 186 PA), 170 Civil War, American, 35, 38, 39, 219, Cruciani, Fedrico, 113 220, 221, 226 Cruciani, Mrs., 113 Clarion University of Pennsylvania, 131 The Crucified God (Moltmann), 205 Clark College, 173 Culture Wars, 190 Clarke, Adam, 165, 237 Culver, F. B., 208 Cline, Philip, 52 Cummings, Alexander, 209, 223 Cluff, Samuel, 145 Curtis, General, 218, 219, 222 Clulow, William, 72 Coeducation, 37-38, 41 Daily News (Denver, CO), 228 Coffin, Alice, 39-40 Daily Times (Leavenworth, CO), 227 Coke, Thomas, 67, 68-77, 119, 187-188, Danish East Indian Company, 153-154, 231 155 Cold War, 174-175 Davidson, Christina, 131 Colley, Major, 214 Davis, Elizabeth, 14-15, 17-18 Collins, Robert, 9 Davis, Jefferson, 131 Colonialism, 175, 182, 197 Day, Alfred, 195-196 Colorado, 131, 207, 208, 209, 211, 212- Day, Dorothy, 234 214, 215, 217, 218, 219, 222, 223- Deaconess movement, 41 224, 225, 226, 228, 229 DeLaSalle High School (New Orleans, Colorado Conference, 225 LA), 7 Columbus, Ohio, 61 Delaware, 181 Comanches, 222 Delaware, Ohio, 200 Comeri, Mrs. 112 Dematrof, Ceika, 104, 112 Community on the Move for Equality, Democratic Party, 9, 12 185 Denmark, 148-167 Congregationalism, 21, 56, 103, 137, Denominationalism (Richey), 189 190 Dent, Albert, 7 Congress of Racial Equality, 172, 176 Denver, Colorado, 208, 214, 215, 217, Congress, U.S., 29-30, 207, 208, 212, 219, 220, 224, 229, 230 222-223, 226, 230 Des Moines, Iowa, 226 Connor, General, 222 Dickinson College (Pennsylvania), 45 Constantine, 179 Didache, 234 Constitution, United States, 23 Dillard University, 7 Conte, Gaetano, 112 Disciples of Christ, 118 Conte, Mrs. 107-108, 112 Divorce Law, Argentina, 203 244 Methodist History Doddridge, Philip, 136 Findlay, G. G., 231 Dole, William, 208, 218 First Check to Antinomianism Domestic Marshall Plan (1963), 185 (Fletcher), 84 Dominican Republic, 131 First Methodist Church (Buenos Aires), Doolittle, James, 230 201 Doremus, T. C., 99 Fisk College, 182 Dorset, Kitty, 231 Fisk, Clinton, 209 Douglas, Stephen, 215 Fletcher, John, 78-93 Dover, Delaware, 126 Flocken, Rev., 101-103 Drake, Harriett, 43-44 Florence, Italy, 113 Drew University, 61, 126 Flores, Dan, 127 Dublin, 73, 116, 117 Foggia, Italy, 113 DuBouis, W. E. B., 7 Folchi, Mrs. 106-107, 112 Duke University, 3 Foner, Eric, 14 Dunlap, Dale, 236 Forli, Italy, 112, 114 Duvall, Sylvanus, 34-35 Fort Laramie Treaty, 207, 208 Fort Lyon, Colorado, 214, 218-219 East India Company, 77, 148, 231 Fort Union, New Mexico, 217 Eastern Orthodoxy, 96, 97, 101 Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad, 209 Eastern Pennsylvania Conference, 195 Fort Wise Treaty, 208, 213 Edelman, Marian, 13 Fort Wise, Colorado, 218-219 El Estandarte, 202, 203 Foster, F. S., 230 Elie, Lolis, 9 Foster, James, 6-7 Elief, Magdalena, 102-103, 112 Foster, Ruby, 6, 10 Elliott, Charles, 35, 39 Fox, George, 168 Elliott, Charlotte, 140 Francis of Assisi, 168 Ellsworth, Clayton, 21 Franklin Avenue Baptist Churches (New England, 27, 75, 78, 94, 104, 175, 187, Orleans, LA), 10 190, 234, 237 Free, Lay, and Compulsory Education Enquiry (Caray), 231 Law, Argentina, 203 Episcopalian Church, 39 Freemasonry, 199-201, 214-215, 229 Epworth, England, 148, 149, 151, 158, Friedrich IV, 152, 160 164 Froggat, J.
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