CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E1356 HON
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E1356 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 2, 2018 a grocery store. The shop has seen multiple additional referral to the Committee on Nat- FVPSA, originally enacted in 1984, is at the identity changes but has remained in the own- ural Resources. heart of our nation’s response to domestic vio- ership of the Elder family throughout the dec- I ask that you allow the Committee on lence, ensuring that local domestic violence Natural Resources to be discharged from fur- ades. After operating as a grocery store, it ther consideration of the bill so that it may shelters and programs are able to keep their transitioned into a bar. In the 1985, the Elders be scheduled by the Majority Leader. This lights on and doors open to serve more than remodeled the bar into a barn, selling local discharge in no way affects your jurisdiction 1.3 million victims and their children every produce and hosting dances in the community. over the subject matter of the bill, and it year. Over time, the produce barn slowly trans- will not serve as precedent for future refer- FVPSA funds nearly hundreds of commu- formed into Elders Mini Mart. It remained in rals. In addition, should a conference on the nity-based programs. These programs provide operation until its closing on October 1, 2018. bill be necessary, I would support your re- emergency shelter, counseling, legal assist- Elders Mini Mart has been in the ownership quest to have the Committee on Natural Re- ance, crisis intervention, and domestic and sources represented on the conference com- dating violence prevention education. FVPSA of the Elder Family since its founding. Lon and mittee. Finally, I would be pleased to in- Bertha Elder passed down management re- also provides funding for tribal governments to clude this letter and any response in the bill deliver essential services to survivors and sup- sponsibilities to Fred and Laura Elder, who report filed by the Committee on Transpor- then gave ownership to Ray and Pat Elder. tation and Infrastructure, as well as in the ports the National Domestic Violence Hotline, When Ray sadly passed away in 2011, Pat Congressional Record during floor consider- which is often the first call made by survivors. maintained ownership of the store. ation, to memorialize our understanding. H.R. 6014 would simply extend the current Elders Mini Mart has become a fixture in the Thank you for your consideration of my programs at current funding levels through FY request. Caruthers community. It is widely known for 2023. Sincerely, It’s critical to remember that the most dan- being the choice of farmers for their morning BILL SHUSTER, gerous moment for women experiencing inti- coffee and children would often get free ice Chairman. mate partner violence is that point in time cream at the end of a school day. The Mart when they decide to do something about their has a reputation for having the best deli in HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, situation, and that is the point in which there town. Aside from being a popular meeting COMMITTEE ON NATURAL RESOURCES, Washington, DC, July 10, 2018. has just got to be a resource there. That is place for farmers and students, Elder Mini what the programs and funding through Mart has also historically supported the local Hon. BILL SHUSTER Chairman, Committee on Transportation and FVPSA helps to provide. Central Valley agriculture industry through sell- Infrastructure, Washington, DC. Mr. Speaker, recent high-profile cases have ing local produce. It never went to waste; DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: Thank you for con- brought a national focus on domestic violence, unsold fruits and vegetables being fed to their tacting me regarding S. 756, the Save Our but such violence isn’t limited to Hollywood. livestock. Seas Act of 2017, which was additionally re- The #MeToo movement has given all sur- Located off the 41, Elders Mini Mart gets ferred to the Committee on Natural Re- vivors a renewed courage to come forward for customers from around the state, country, and sources. help. I cannot underscore enough that it is crit- world. Travelers stop at the store for a quick In the interest of permitting you to pro- ceed expeditiously to floor consideration of ical that Congress act to ensure that the re- break, and unexpectedly find a warm atmos- this bill, I will agree to discharge the Nat- sources and supports are in place to help phere with a friendly owner and delicious food. ural Resources Committee from further con- them when they do. Passing FVPSA is a good If anything defines Elders Mini Mart aside from sideration of S. 756. I do so with the under- step forward. its rich history, it would be their ability to make standing that the Natural Resources Com- In that vein, I hope my colleagues will take all customers feel like part of the community. mittee does not waive any future jurisdic- the next step and bring VAWA reauthorization Their customer service was unmatched. tional claim over the subject matter con- legislation (H.R. 6545), introduced by Rep. Pat Elder has been the sole owner since tained in the bill that fall within its Rule X SHEILA JACKSON LEE and myself and over 170 her husband Ray passed away. While effec- jurisdiction. I also appreciate your support of our colleagues, that would strengthen and to name members of the Natural Resources improve those critical programs, to the floor as tively managing the store for years, she has Committee to any conference committee to decided the time has come to retire. She is quickly as possible. No more needless delay. consider such provisions and for inserting I applaud colleagues on both sides for their ready to transition into the next phase of her our exchange of letters on S. 756 into the life and is excited to have the opportunity to Congressional Record during consideration work to help move this commonsense and travel. After decades of hard work and service of the measure on the House floor. noncontroversial bill out of the House last Fri- to Caruthers, she deserves a restful retirement Thank you once again for the very cooper- day. While we can’t end every single act of vi- with many exciting adventures. ative spirit in which you and your staff have olence, we must help create the space and Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues in the worked regarding this matter and many oth- the opportunity for these victims to be able to ers between our respective committees. United States House of Representatives to come forward and to leave these situations. Sincerely, I hope that the Senate will act expeditiously join me in commending Elders Mini Mart for ROB BISHOP, ninety-eight years of operation and wishing to send this bill to the President’s desk for sig- Chairman. nature into law. Mrs. Pat Elder well in her retirement. f f f REAUTHORIZING THE FAMILY VIO- TIFFANY JOSLYN JUVENILE AC- S. 756, SAVE OUR SEAS ACT OF 2018 LENCE PREVENTION AND SERV- COUNTABILITY BLOCK GRANT ICES ACT PROGRAM REAUTHORIZATION HON. BILL SHUSTER SPEECH OF ACT OF 2017 OF PENNSYLVANIA SPEECH OF IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. GWEN MOORE OF WISCONSIN Tuesday, October 2, 2018 HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF TEXAS Mr. SHUSTER. Mr. Speaker, I include in the Friday, September 28, 2018 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES RECORD the following letters of exchange which were to have been placed during con- Ms. MOORE. Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong Friday, September 28, 2018 sideration of S. 756 on July 25, 2018. support of the House’s action last Friday to Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I am COMMITTEE ON TRANSPORTATION AND pass legislation (H.R. 6014) to reauthorize the pleased that the House of Representatives INFRASTRUCTURE, HOUSE OF REP- Family Violence Prevention and Services Act, has passed H.R. 68, the ‘‘Tiffany Joslyn Juve- RESENTATIVES, FVPSA, a bill that was introduced with bipar- nile Accountability Block Grant Reauthorization Washington, DC, July 10, 2018. tisan support by Rep. GLENN THOMPSON, my- and the Bullying Prevention and Intervention Hon. ROB BISHOP, self, and Reps. ELISE STEFANIK and LISA Act.’’ Chairman, Committee on Natural Resources, BLUNT ROCHESTER. I am pleased that the Passage of H.R. 68 came about as a result Washington, DC. House, on a bipartisan basis, was able to of hard and great teamwork amongst our DEAR CHAIRMAN BISHOP: On June 27, 2018, the Committee on Transportation and Infra- reach agreement and expedite passage of this amazing staff on both sides of the aisle. I am structure ordered reported with amendment key law. I again want to thank Rep. THOMP- heartened by the work done on this bill along S. 756, the Save Our Seas Act of 2017. The bill SON, Rep. STEFANIK, and Rep. BLUNT ROCH- with the other four bills up for unanimous con- was referred primarily to the Committee on ESTER for joining with me and their hard work sent. I commend Chairman GOODLATTE’s lead- Transportation and Infrastructure, with an in getting us to this moment. ership on this effort to help pass H.R. 68. VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:48 Oct 03, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A02OC8.017 E02OCPT1 October 2, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1357 This bill is named for Tiffany May Joslyn, a Now I urge my colleagues in the Senate to year, 20,000 students and staff members champion for criminal justice reform, who adopt our effort in the House and pass H.R. showed up to engage in a multitude of service served as my Deputy Chief Counsel of the 68, the Tiffany Joslyn Juvenile Accountability projects.