Munich Personal RePEc Archive The middle-income trap - definitions, theories and countries concerned: a literature survey Glawe, Linda and Wagner, Helmut Fernuniversität in Hagen 9 May 2016 Online at MPRA Paper No. 71196, posted 13 May 2016 04:21 UTC THE MIDDLE-INCOME TRAP – DEFINITIONS, THEORIES AND COUN- TRIES CONCERNED: A LITERATURE SURVEY Linda Glawea and Helmut Wagnerb May 2016 Abstract. In recent years, a growing body of economic literature has focused on the phenomenon of the so-called middle-income trap (MIT). The term usually refers to countries that have experienced rapid growth and thus quickly reached middle-income status, but then failed to overcome that income range to further catch up to the devel- oped countries. This paper surveys the MIT literature. It begins by laying out different approaches to defining the MIT (with a focus on the distinction between absolute and relative approaches) and by presenting as well as classifying the most important empir- ical studies. After a short overview of the currently identified MIT countries, the arti- cle summarizes the main explanatory approaches, taking into account both the theoret- ical foundations and the empirically identified triggering factors. JEL: O10, O40 Keywords: middle-income trap, middle-income countries, economic growth, econom- ic development, growth slowdowns, catching up ________________________ a,b University of Hagen, Faculty of Economics, Chair of Macroeconomics, 58084 Hagen, Germany, phone +4923319872640, fax +492331987391, e-mail
[email protected] and
[email protected] 1 1. Introduction During the last decade the term “middle-income trap” (MIT) has entered into common parlance and received much attention in scientific and non-scientific literature.