
I- Millions of people now dead would still be living if they had not lived too fast


- Victojia, Se+it, '4 —0- e o' tli. c_And KETTLE VALLEY) |ORCHARDIST Winnipeg, Sept. 3—Crop condi­ gieletivel-*"" most imporUrtt 'governnm t pro­ . tions throughout the west continued jects ever undertaken hy the' Sfivtjr y*Tc!f me w,hat you Know Is tru»* to aim;.rove during the past week, TW ENTY-THIRD YEAR—No. 44 tl c&D?ifuess as well as you." FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1924 adtnitii-.tr.ition is th-* conipb'Kin ol witb the result tbat basvesting is tbe traneprovincia.! high* ay be­ well under way iu Manitoba and tween Hope and the interior. HOD, AN ENGLISH IMPRESSION News of the City Saskatchewan, and will be general W. H. Suthert iixi,' minister, of pub- iu this week, according to lis works, announces that tenders OF T tbe crop report iisued today by the will be called for this work within II Ernest Miller, a pioneer of Graud Canadian National railways for tbe four weeks, while the biddeis will ii Forks whowBS intimately identified week ending August 30. hive Octoher to look over the plans with the early history ol our city Manitoba is looking forward to •nd prepare their es '.mates Wben and who represented thi.* constitU' harvesting a better crop than last bbe legislature meets late in October ency in tbe provincial legiel 11 u • •• year, and if the balance tbat is not ibe tenders will bave been decid-d New Westminster, Aug. 30.— eight years sgo, has been critically yet cut is not caught by frost or upon and tbe hnuee will be asked to Mystery surrounds the idenjity of ill at bis home in Victoria for u • hiii.'ed by rust, the yield will be Tote necessary >n iney. The link will the man wbose dead body was found week, and today the iuwn reached largt r iban last vear in many dis- post about *|1,000,000, wild i.n ad Thursday in the Gyr.i Taurist park this city that he had passed uway, tricls. Considerable red rust and ditioual $250,000 required fur the here. Kvery indication would se^m Mr. Miller was abont fifty ears of sun e black has developed in the big Bteel bridge acrn»e ibe Frugfr to point to the fact that he is tbe age aod he isaurvived by his wife lira "Jon district, but the damage as river at Sputum. The governmenl "Mystery Man" who puzzled tbe aod a family of childreo. H>- was yet is not extensive and the Dau plans to carry oo soinn of the work Grand Forks, B C , hospital author­ a good barrister, progressive, rJopu- pliin division, wbile suffering from thin winter, il employ ment on-irlS ities for nineteen months, during Iar and a floe type of citiz'-.-i Tlie blight by frost, ust and hail, ex­ tions can be relieved in lhat man--, many friends of deceBs-il in ibis ner. which time be was a patient in that pects to thresh 30 bushels of wheat inetitution, • oity sincerely sympathiz-.viih tbe to ihe acre, 35 bushels for oats, 30 Every seciien nf British Columbia' Tbe only thing that wag known oi bereaved family. buthels for barley and 25 tor rye in will profit thr >ugh tbe completion tbe matf police saj, is that a jittje tbe best districts. of,tbe transproviucial highway. Tbe A well attended meeting of the over two years ago he was taken off Wheat cutting commenced during road will provide a main srtery Yale riding Liberal executive in Pen­ tbe train at Gra"nd Porks, suffering the past week in most parts of Sast, aorocn the province, linking up from heart trouble He was entirely ticton Thursday night decided to katchewan and will be general this practically all the districts witb tbe without means and was apparently bold a nominating convention in week, the warm weather having main transi-Canada highway. Tbe unable to tell who he was, where he that city on Fridey, September 19. done much good for the crop. While returns through increased touri6t came from'&r to supply any details President H, B. CosBitt o( Vernou the wheat yield in most districts will travel should pay for. tbe work of hie past life. He was given the presided and J. G. Turgeoo, pro­ not be as good as last year, districts many times over within ten yeara name of George - Brown and rets vincial organizer, was present. in the Qu'Appelle boundary, Lamp mained in the hospital for nearly Why Girls Leave Home" man and Avonlea subdivisions r.re Premier Oliver's return to tbe two years. Schools throughout the province looking for from 10 to 45 per cent legislature, thn ugh his euucess at Late one night" last July he un­ The Daily Nevs (London) claims Jobn Bull is playing a long drawn as well as in Qrand Forks, re> heavier yield than in 1923, Black out game of international politics and trade with foreign countries. Nelsou, and tbe reconstruction of ceremoniously disappeared from the opened for the fall term last I'ueB' rust.sawfly and hail have done some his cabinet, have brought tbe be­ hospital, and the authorities tbere day morning. The staffs of iostiuc- damage, but not very extensively. "Yes, sir. They'll be two dollars ginning of an era of better times in state that tb y have nal beard of reply. "They'll be two dollars apiece tors at the public and high schools Threshing io expected to start by apiece or four dollars for the two of British Columbia. Elections are, or four dollars for the two." btm since. It is aaidj>.tbt\t on one them," the proprietor replied. in this city are practically tbe same Septembers, . A minute later, laden with lug­ fortunately or unfortunately, cecrr occasion he told another inmate that "Sure, I know," Mt*. Morris agreed as at the last term, and the enroll gage, Mr. Morris and Billy re enteted Grain ripened rapidly in Albtita sary, but the depression resulting his name was J A. White and tbat "I've got my hands full now; I'll pay ment is up to the average of past the hotel, followed by Mxs. Morris rluiiiig tiie past week and conditions from upset conditions in ihie prov he bad a sistei in the east. you in the morning." • seasons. and Alice, the little girl. "All right," the proprietor an­ are in i -• .veil since tb >. het report. ince has passed and witb tbe Oliver Whether Brown was suffering "Show ua to our rojins now, will swered nonchalantly. "I'll show you Cutting commenced and will be gen administration (irmly entrenched Mayor Acres and City Clerk Hutton from an attack of aphasia or whether you?" said Mr. Morris. to your rooms in the morning then." eral this week. Considerable diffi­ for another four or five years, tbere he wilfully withhelr information as left Tuesday morning by motor car culty ia being met in cutting in Cal 1 appear. * no reason wby tbe indues* to his identity the pbolice, who are to attend the annual convection of gary division owing to the growth trial- IMI >: .Qimercial life of the making further enquiries,are unable the Union of Hritish Columbia Mu of weeds and short straw, but tbe province should not be stimulated to say. Eminent Railway Builders nijipalities in l'euticto. . Tbey are yield will be heavier than at first materially. Tbat the body of tbe man found the delegates from the Grand Forks expectt d. in tbe park here i-that ol tbe one­ ci,v government. Despite the-fnct that the inherited time patieut at Grand Folks is tbe Pacific Great Eastern railway bas opiuion of New Westminetei police, TwoLiberal candidates were re- THE WEATHER cawed the Oliver government un­ but enquiry at ttie former place last turned in tbe federal by-elections told grief, tbere at last appears a ray nigbt elicited tbe fact tbat the police held on Tuesday io the Quebec com- of sunlight upon tbe horizon and The following is the minimum at Grand Porka do oot intend to stituenciesof rtimouski and tbe St. anil maximum temperature for each the ->4ti-*fnc'ory solution of tbeprob tc,ke any further action in tbe mat- Anfoine division f Montreal. day during the past week, as re­ len. tn .y b- found io tbe near fu ier, and it would seem likely tbat corded by tbe government therm, m- ture.' Hon. Dr. MacLean, who hae. eter on B. F. Law's rancb: the man will be buried in the Maine The present price of fruit has just givenjin t'ip-portfolio of rail mysterious atmospheie in which he Max, Min. made tbe ranches in this vailey a A ug29—Friday 66 54 ways to bu om the new minister of had lived for the p st two yeara. fin an ae, IIMF 11.1 red carefully dur­ little more chetrful. They will prob­ 30—Saturday 71 36 Dr. E. M. MeEweu will hold au ing In* (ia-t two wars and adminis« ably smile again before the season iB 31—Sundav 79 13 inquest at 1 o'clock today at New Sept. 1—Monday 86 38 tered the affairs of tbe government over. Westminster. Police were unable to 2—Tnesday 92 40 line economically. Now the Cana give tbe name of tbe doctor from Sam Horner, one of the pioneerB 3—Wednesday 90 47 di n National railway sees in the 4—Thursday 94 48 wbom the deceased is alleged to have of Grand Forks, died at his home in Pacific Great Eastern railway a Inches obtained strychnine tablets, but it Vancouver last week. Tin lemain- Rainfall 0 00 mean** bv which the great Peace is likely -)his will be elucidated ai were shipped to Ontario for ourial. River country may be entered. The the inquest. province cm not hope to get entire" John Grunwell, of Lot Ai geies, He Understood Question­ ly clear of the burden of past ex A Serious Situation formerly a merchant at Da villi-, pendituree, largely incurred by the unique record of Canadian rail­ Glacier. Mr. Cambie explored, sur­ naires returned to his old home this B ( I' m former Co.-iervative government, i'Did you know," asked Mr. Nut­ A way pioneer engineer's isembodied vey -i and planned the whole course Thero is more than ono way of an­ in a photograph taken in Vancouver of the Canadian Pacific through a on a business trip. but it id expi-ctfd that a working ting of hia neighbor as they sat dis­ recently of three prominent members large section of the province of Brit­ swering a question so as to give people of the profession whose record for con­ ish Columbia, and under his direct arrangement will be completed cussing the affairs of the world on the an impression of your fundamental tinued service in the survey and con­ supervision the part that runs Frit« Nystrom, \\ ho has been a pa­ whereby tbe province will dispose neighbor's piazza,"did you know that struction of railways is possibly through the canyons of the Fraser intelligence. The boy referred to in without parallel. They are—reading wns built. At the age of eighty- tient in tbe Grand Forks hospital of most of the railway and witness therefore seventy-five thousand people this story from tho Argonaut knew it; from left to right, H. J. Cambio, seven he is still hale and hearty, for some time, hus returned lo bis the development of tbat portion of in Massachusetts, ull uative born M.E.I.C, eighty-seven years of ago; enjoying the love and esteem of his wn an- confident his answer got him T. H. White, M.E.I.C., seventy-six fellow men. Americans, wh j can neither speak home ln Midway. •..ie j ib that hu wanted, tbe country which it serves. years of age; and J. H. Kennedy, Thomas Henry White, M.E.I.C, nor write the Dnglivh language!" M.E.I.C, seventy-two years of ago. was born on January 27t.h, 1848, at Aftei a ruthless sifting there were They are all resident in Vancouver. H. E. Andreas, of the local Premier Oliver will leave for Ot­ "Nol" replied hia friend. "That St. Thomas, Ontario. He was chief Each has been Identified with one engineer of the location and construc­ branch of tbe Bank of Commerce, five app .ants for tho post of errand tawa within a few days to attend seems impossible. Are you sure of of the throe great transcontinental tion of thc present main line from the boy left for thli bead of the firm him« your figures?" ; •" railroads now operating in British , down the North bas been transferred to Qreen wo d the sitting of the board of railway sc I lu interview. It was ono of his "Perfectly sure," Columbia, as chief engineer on the Thompson and Fraser Canyons to commissioners on September 17, location and construction of the New Westminster. It is interesting Jack McDonald returned lliie wei 1. flippant mornings, and he sought to "And they're all American born, original main lines within the Prov­ to note that he was Mr. Cambie's when lhat body will deal witb com you say!" ince, pioneered through the wilder­ right-hand assistant during the work from the Slocan, where b. hns been amuse himself by asking the eager plai its against the restoration of tbe "Yes, sir, every one of them native ness of mountains, canyons, forests in the Fraser Canyon. employed during the past summer. boys puzzling and irrelevant questions and plains by feats of engineering Mr. White has always bcen popular Crow's Nest Pass agreement freight born—and every one of them under skill and perseverance not surpassed with his fellow engineers, being noted to icst their knowledge. rates. 'The government leader has two years of age." and scarcely equalled in any other for abundant good nature, keen sense Al Traunweiser, of tbe Yuh ' Mow far away from lhe oarth is part of the world. Each one is en­ of humour, and an absolute fairness waged , a vaiiant figbt for the re­ joying excellent health, and occupies in all his associations. turnod on Wednesday fioni a tl Ninth Star?" was tho question he moval of all discrimination against In Other Words, Pay in the very highest place, in the respect James Henry Kennedy, M.E.I.C, Victoria and other coast cities. fired at the third shiny-faced young. and esteem of the members, of the was born on March 3rd, 1848, in this province, and is determined Advanoe engineering profession together with Carleton County, Ontario. He had -IC . the general public. AhojlicV very Mr. and Mre. Walter Larsen not t) O»||B his efforts until British charge of the location of the main " 'in sorry I can not give you the Automobile tourists are likely to interesting coincidence lies in the line in British Columbia, under the Mit-s Edith Lareen left of Mn udm C .lumbia s ita s justice. He will fact that each o-ie possesses the appa­ Vancouver, Victoria and Eastern Rail­ exact figure, air," was tho reply,' but meet with amusing- experiences in rently magic name "Henry". for a short visit to Spokane. conduct the fight unassisted by way chanter, from Laurier to the on a i'. ,:gh estimate I should say it is their travels round the country. The Henry John Cair.bif, rj.E.I.C, Coast. As chief engineer, he built the counsel. Merris family drove into a small was born on October 26th, 1386. in first section in the Province, from John JackBon, of Vancouvei, rep far enough away not to interfere with County Tipperary, Ireland. He had Laurier to Grand Forks, through the An Anoient Though Not western town some' time ago, dog charge of the location of the present Kettle Valley country and afterwards resenting the Canadian Linotype my ' mining errands." tired. main line of tlie Canadian Pacific constructed the longer section from Limited, is in the oity today. Honorable Profession Railway from the Coast to Grillin Chopaka to Brookmere, through the "Let's go to a hotel tonight," said Lake, and was chief engineer of the difficult Similkameen and Tulameen ly, September *, to Mr. nnd Mil. The diner, says Punch, having fin­ Valleys. Cranking and cranky cars Billy. "I'm too tired to get this tent world-famous construction through us l'Vn he, a son. ished his meal and called for hia billa the Fraser Canyon from Yale to The complete record of thi life- be responsible for more cqirit i it studied it with care and apparen off and set it up!" Lytton, and also the construction of work of each of these pioneer rail­ the section from Savona Ferry to roaders is full of interesting reminis­ than tbe unloaded gun. Donaldson's stock reducing t-ale disapproval. "Do you make any re­ "Allright," Mrs. Morris replied. Shuswap Lake. cence, and the monuments of their duction to those in the same line of Accordingly the party sought out Mr. Cambie has been continuously handiwork are to be seen in practically will probably continue all mst ; To crank a car while it i*- in gear business!' ' he asked the waiter. associated with theCanadian Pacific every province of the Dominion. week. tbe one hotel in the to n "Can you Although British Columbians take is sometimes an effective inetbi .1 "' '•Certainly," was the reply. ''Are Railway und its 'pied'ecessor, the give us two adjoining rooms?'' ' Mr. Government". Railway for sixty-eight great pride in the achievements of you a restaurant proprietor?" ' coRQtnitting cuicide. years. fifc^MMnn Is perpetuated Dy these men, they nevertheless feci that O. (i. Dunn is confined to his "No,"said the diner sourly, 'Tin Morris said to the proprietor.' ihe station ou thu Canadian Pacilic, they belong to Canada, irom coast, to •robber." "Yeah, I guess I oan," waa the -Iambic, on the giant loop below coast. Born—In Qrand Forks, on Tuesn home by illness. mOTlf: (HANDfUKKB, BRITISH (XyLJJMSiA

United States bureau of mines has offered to Sidelights on a Great S. T. HULL ufo (Sratti. 3farfeH £mt assist American operators in applying tbe LADIES Established 1M0 AN INOEPENOI. : i;.*i'AP£R Industry new method. Real Estate and Insurance G. A. EVANS. EDITOR AHD PUBLISHER H-Mldont Innl Gnitsrl Forks Townilte THEN COMES Keep Cool Ocsmpanr, U-alted Ear specialists may soon prescribe for deaf­ S'iSUBSORIPTION RATES—PAYABLE IN ADVANCE ness with the same ease with wbich occnlists the Look Cool One Tear (in Canada and Great Rritain) 11.00 Parana Orchards City Property One Year (in the United States) 1.50 determine the type of glasses for the eyes. An and Feel T*s****+ »t Rehon. Cnlcarr. Wlhuli eg •nil Royalty Rate other Prairie points-. Vaneourar ***** : Addresr -** apparatus has been designed to show the ****—-cations to PBNDBK IN VBSTM BNT8 .THK GRAND FORKI SON definite mechanical limits of the year; that is, Comfortable •ATTaNBUB Y LANDS ITI*. PHONIC 101R GiiA-fn FORKS, B. C! B*s>blbhed in ISI0. wears, ia a poallissn to its ability to react to the range of frequency Heavy Expenses of Acqnir rarnl-ili reliable Information -"lnossmlnsr this OFFICE: COLUMBIA A V K SI' E AN I) LAK K STREET and intensity of sound. With tbat informa in£ and Holding Stand­ Writ* for traw literaltti- freely invested a sum exceeding two hundred 000 and 886,000,000. Dnrins the test fear years Uw million dollars. If that security depreciates Canad.a -.. Pacific Railway Ms into indifference the vast investment becomes cyincient History handled som 86,000 west-bound harvesters. Last year this company imperiled and disaster faces both parties to Inaorurn'fd the lunch-counter ear, Help Us to Give You Items Taken Prom The Orand Forks Sua ier tae rnnissiiimilliis whieh afforded fncilitfes hitherto the contract. On the otlier hand, oomplete Week Tweatr Years Ago unknown, and, although perhaps not as a direct result ef this Inno­ cooperation and understanding between the It is now stated tbat the Great Northern vation, over 23,000 man travelled ia Better Service special trains over Canadiaa PaeifJe public and tbe lumber industry can only result will commence to lay steel on the smelter lines. in the confident investment of further millions, spur and tbe Phoenix branch abont Septem The unvellhtg st a more intensive development of our resources ber 15. Tom Wilson, earliest gatfe ta tae and the consequent prosperity accruing to the feaaared tba flr* The street carnival closed sine die last Sat­ day's meet-tog ot the two aaadred province. urday night. The grounds have been com­ and six members ef the Trail >Ussa ef the Canadiaa Rockies at Kb* pletely dismantled. All that now remains of Camp. Mr. W-ileen, who was pres­ Giving the name instead of the number the scene of last week's celebration is the ent at the ceremony aad, near sbty* of the party being called slows up the queen's throne. Even the queen's lackey is an five years af age, resides at smear Oral mine operators in England are required by, B.C., discovered Lake LeaJee operator. She is now instructed to re­ out of town visitor. aad the Tebo la by law to use "stone dusting" as a preventa­ quest the number if it is not given, this procedure being in the interests of good tive of mine explosions. There have been no The corps of engineers locating the perma A. D. MaeTlar, vtja prssUsat af nent line of tbe North Fork extension of the the Canadian Pacific telephone senriee. explosions in thoroughly dn-iied mines. The who awarded te the Kettle Valley road have reached the Volcanic the First Aid OaaBaata costof dusting to the ton of.coai produced is they won in and Golden Eagle mines. from North considerably less than the cost of watering, Station and which is the practice in general use in the W. A. Harkin and Bert Sea made a recon siaee the Caaeemea naissance of the North Fork country the firat af the St John Ai United States. The efficiency of watering has eiatten waa hsaugnrated tta IMS. of the week as a prelude to the opening of ever twenty theaeend ssaftWaes af been put in question by recent explosions in the shooting season. the Ceasaany bave reeafvsfl asearas BRITISH COLUMBIA what wero considered well watered mines. tion ta First AM. The laat Long the barber killed twenty one prairie report ef tha St Jehu Many kinds of rock are suiuMe for dinting chickens on the opening day of the shooting Association referred to TELEPHONE COMPANY dian Pacific as ths **»• j especially ilmestone and clayey shale. The season. wjf* centre." THB8UN: GSAND FORKS, BRITISH COLUMBIA

perching birds whioh feed entirely Students Storm and Capture Rocky Heights orcbieflyon insects. K. SCHEEIt Sale of gams birds is forbidden, A, E. MCDOUGALL and the killing of migratory, in­ Wholesale and Retail CONTRACTOR ANO BUILDER sectivorous and migratory non game birds is prohibited. TOBACCONIST Every person who violates aoy ' enler in A-ien t provisions of this act or any regula­ Havana Cigars, Pipes bo-minion Monumental Works tion sball, for eacb offence, be liable Confection ery Axl»c -tosJI'roducts Co. Roofing upon summary conviction to a line of not more tbau 8300 and not 1 • .-s thao $10, or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months, nr Imperial Billiard Parlor ESTIMATES FURNISNED to both fine and imprisonment. Grand Forks, P. C. BOX 33/ GRAND FORXS, 8. C

What is claimed to be a world's record for relaying rails was estab­ lished by a crew of men on the Ca-, nadian Pacific Railway, in the New. Brunswick district recently. In two slays the 220 men in the garg tore' up 29.7 miles of old 85-lb. rails and replaced them with new. Al! avail­ able data states that the former Canadian record was 11.7 miles, The shortest which exceeds that established ia the United States.

The "Empress of Scotland," one of the Canadian Pacific Railway's finest liners, docked at Quebec on Taa> Isett.—l-ncnniisesl near tke Colambln lee Field. Inaet.—PlelsJ-IIarrla part}- nearliiK their nbjeetlve. August 8th with a passenger list Housst Columbia, iiecnnsi Jslnhesst peak In the lllght.—loslwisrsl Fuea, fssmotin CississiUsin Pacific llnll- Rookie*, la aeen In the buekKround. wny Swlsm guide, who led the FIclil-llisrs-N espe- crowded with important names. Below.—One of the peak* recently acalt-4 for the (lest Jltlon, conquering five new penkti In tUe Col­ thing in the Among them were Lord Beaver- time la hlatory. umbia lee Field. brook, the Canadian financier, Ed­ ive peaks in the Canadian Rockies have just been con­ field. Their progress was halted several times by ths ward W. Bok, editor of the Ladies' quered for the flrst time by three Harvard and Hotch- terrific winds from the ice fields and once they were Home Journal, whose offer of a FIdss students who were accompanied, by their Swiss forced to halt a day at Mistayah lake in order to make guides. The students who climbed and named the new rafts with which to get their horses across. Here, at the fifty thousand dollar prize for the peal's in the famous Columbia ice Held are Osgood Field, foot of Mount Patterson, they put up a bivouac camp and beet plan tending to maintain world Frederick Field and Lemond Harris of Boston. They accompanied by the weird howling of the wild ice winds of peace created so much interest re­ were led by the noted Canadian Pacific Railway guide this district spent most of their night tlirubbing a ukelele cently, and E. W. Beatty, K.C, Edward Fuez, the oldest guide in point of service in the and singing warm southern son-js. Canadian rockies. Two of the newly conquered peaks Chairman and President, Canadian world-- have been named Mount Harvard and Mount Hotchkiss Lemonde Harris had his own Swiss guide with him, Pacific Railway. Mr. Beatty had after the two American universities. Joseph Biner who has guided him for ra-'.r..'..•••-.I K in the Swiss Alps. Edward Fuez who has bee;: juicling in the just concluded a most successful The party made five first ascents including the hitherto tour ef Europe with the object of unconquered Mount Patterson, 10,400 feet, Mount Sir Canadian Rockies since 1903 was the *n.-v: * -in- success­ James Outram 10,700 feet, the South Twin. 10.60C feet fully manouvered this valuable expedition. T5i6 gr- ntest attracting capital and immigrants novelty of the trip, he stated on his return; wao the to Canada. He spoke with great and tin unnamed peaks, Havard and Hotchkiss. Besides meeting of fourteen American girls on the lonely forks oi all this they discovered a new route to the top of the the North Saskatchewan River, who were travelling alone enthusiasm of the prospects of ob­ Isn't,' a mosquito's eyelash or a gnat's second highest peak in the Rockies, , taining both and especially antic­ 12,000 feet, which was made in a return journey of with their packers. The girls insisted that tho party stop twenty-three hqurs. The aim of the exploring party, to off for dinner with them that night, following v.'hich a ipated an influx of fine new Cana­ whisker, or any other part of any insect conquer the South Twin, was successfully attained. note of civilization was added to their wild northern dians from Denmark. . environment by the sound of the Ukelele and thn swisb The Field-Harris part*/ left Lake Louise five weeks ago 5 whatsoever-IT IS THE MEMORY OF accompanied by two guides, five packers and nineteen of dancing feet over pine needles dimly light--" by a. hones, and travelled 200 miles into the Columbia ice biasing log camp fire. THE PURLIC.

ISlfijyou doubt this ask the first men Mounted Mountaineers Pow-Wow at Yoho men you meet the following questions! When did the R31 cross the Atlantic? Who was her pilot? On What date was ASPfRI N Lord Kitchener drowned? What was Say "Bayer"- Insist! the name of the ship that blew up and For Pain Headache almost wiped' out thc city of Halifax? Neuralgia Rheumatism What GermaiT submarine torpedoed Lumbago Colds the Lusijania aO^fo^. Accent only a f^**4/ Bayer package It is a safe et that you would not which contains proven directions get one correct answer. Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggist] Aspirin la tiw trade m(rk (^gjiteKj ln Now do you see the necessity of per- O-uuda) ot Barer Mtnnfactnre of Mono- aoeucsvcutoaias; of SallcrUcacId sisi.cnlt advertising? When the details of events of world wide importance are above, Starting on the lirst Annual Ride. Below, Chief Walking- in-the-roasTplcks out a few odd peaks for a fair Trail Rider. so soon forgotten how do you expect arly last July a small party of riders was encamped Eon the plateau, which lies between Tu nbling Creek the public to remember you unless Glacier and the gap in the Vermilion Range of the Cana­ dian Rockies known as the Wolverine Pass. The day was warm and conducive to sleep, and, because on this YOU TELL'EM-and keep telling them? account one of the party dozed and dreamed and later caused the other members of the party to enthuse over ADVERTISE! bis dream, there gathered in the Yoho Valley of British Columbia a week since, two hundred and six prominent Canadians, Americans and Europeans, calling themselves THE HUB—Bring your boot Trail Riders of the Canadian Rockies. Each had and shoe repairs to my qualified for membership in the Order by riding at one time or another not less than fifty miles through the shop for neat and prompt Rockies on horseback. work. Look for the big This unique gathering, recording as it did the first boot.—GEO. ARMSON attempt to form an association of mounted mountain climbers wart characterized by Dr. Charles W. Walcott, Riding was, of course, the order of the day, and many head of thc Bro• lisonian Institute of Washington and of the riders, enchanted by the scenery, fell far behind the t honorary preiifli t of the Trail Riders, as a step which main group and lingered on the heights till night fall. v.'ill prove one of the greatest international attractions. In the evenings the mountain enthusiasts gathered In The attendance at the First Annual Ride of the Trail the Sun Dance Lodge to talk over the day or to sing and PICTURES Riders exceeded by far the most sanguine hopes of the dance and otherwise amuse themselves. After the white- One step won't take very far, organisers, but fortunately, Yoho Camp, that beautiful mans pow-wow on the second night a real Indian pow­ village of chalets a mile above the sea, had been reinforced wow was danced by Chief Walking-in-thc-road and You've got to keep on walking; with twenty Indian teepees and a huge Snn Dance Lodge Chief Buffalo-child Long Lance, to the accompaniment which had been erected as camp headquarters by Stony of Indian singing and the beating of tom-toms by a group Indians under the supervision of Chief Walking-in-the- of Stony braves. Ono word won't tell folks who you are, road. Altogether the first annual pow-wow of the Trail Only one trail rider loft this camp with what conk* l.e ftidcrs of the Canadian Rockies was a huge success, and You've got to keep on talking; termed a legitimate grouch. This was Hr. Walcott who the organisers believe that henceforth the Canadiaa believes that bears stele (he side cf mutton whieh was Rockies will receive the recognition and appreciation One inch won't mako you very tall, Ltn-'inr' pt t\)t* ' ». !• of bis chalet whin he lust saw it. whicH is their due. You've got to keep on growing;

plover, and the gr.-ater and the phalaropes, stilts, surf birds, tarn- One little ad, won't do it all, lesser yellow leure. stones and all tbe shore birds not You've got to keep them going. The western district south of the provided with an open season in ANO PICTURE FRAMING flfty third parallel will have an the above schedule. open season for ducks and rails Furniture Made to Order. Tbere is a closed season through­ Also Repairing of all Kinds, from October 18 to January 29. Tbe OPENS SEPT. 15 out the year OD the following non- Upholstering Neatly Dona| geose and brant wil) be open from game birds: Auke, anklets, bitterns, November^ to February 23. R. G. MoCOTCHEON fulmars, gannets, grebes,guillemots, wunaraa AFBUKJU For wiison or jacksnipe, black- gulls, herons, jaegers, loons, mu res, I! inters tbr I'JI-*I .ut the province bellied and golden plover aDd the petrels, puffins, shearwaters and wh'/ thinking 1; tilting a week greater and lester yellow-leure the terns; and there is a closed season r off for shooting ducks or other western district south of the fifty- throughout tbe year on tbe follow* migntoi 7 birds must conform witb third paralleTwill be opon from OCH ing insectivorous birds: Bobolinks, the aci whioh ia based upon a treaty tober 1 to Jrnuary 15. This district catbirds, chickadees, cuckoos, Brown started out without a cent; v'i'.i' the United States and wbicb nortb of the fifty-third parallel will flickers, flycatchers, grosheakes, -auiM for the opened and closed sea- be open from September 12 to De. humming birds kinglets, martins He's rich now and still rising; sons. cember 28. oieadowlarks, nighthawks or bui bats, nuthatches, oriulcp, robins, DON'T HESITATE! Some say 'twas luck; some say 'tw.. The open season for the northern There is a cl >sf-i season in British pluck; an. warblers, FORFINE PRINTING HE says 'twas advertising. fo-. ducks, geese, brant, rail, wilson godwits, upland plover, nvocets, waxwings, wbippoorwills wood­ oi jack a.-• ipo, biackbellied and golden Uottitchers, knots, oyster catchers, peckers and wrens and all other TH13UN: GBAtfbIfaJKKB,BBITISHCOLUMBIA

4*3 J 3d a? New, Owner Has No Use for It FRUITGROWERS To Safeguard We will handle your Fruit and Some people have a suhtle way ot Vegetables for 10 per cent or delivering a bit of criticism, says the cAlways Fresh quality and flavor l.jy it n'-tright. Write us for full Argonaut, and Tom B— ia one of particulars. Our stock ot Staple and Fancy Groceries is them One flay after his fellow work­ constantly moving from our shelves to the con­ man had made a very stupid blunder LANGSTAFF LIMITED, MOOSE JAW, SASK. sumers. It therefore has no time to become he remarked: ' 'Joe, I wish you would stale. TIMBER 6ALE X6397 will me your head when you die." SEALED TKNDBBS will be received by the District Forester, Net-ton, uot later than noon on the 12th day of September, 1924, for "What do you want with my ths- purchase of Licence X6807, near CaHcade, CITY GROCERY head?" asked the other unsuspootn to cut 900 Hewn Tice. T XI .A. Hoaa One (1) year will be allowed for removal of Phone 25 H. H. HENDERSON, PROP. •iRly- timber. Further partic-ilon of the Distrlot Fores* is always sold in'an air-tight "Why," said lorn, "it woul-J be ter, Nelson, B. O. TRY OUR TEAS AND COFFEES aluminum packet, never in bulk. just like a u -w one; you never use it.'

SUNSHINE AND SHADOW great pest, there is a project under way to Her e an dTh ere HIDE THEM* ON CLEVELAND convert rabbits into food, fur and fertilizer. A man who lives only seveuteeu miles from Although AlVrta only became a IT brings tlie whole country for miles around within easy reach. The idea is to utilize the animal as thor­ New York oity says that predatory wild ani­ province eighteen yean ago, iu Have you seen tho new models? They're as graceful as swallows!. As oughly as the Chicago packers utilize a hog population has increased fourfold, height as new ooin! As weatherproof n* aduokt Automobile Steel mals have made it impossible for him to raise while the grain yield hae increased or a beef. Bearings. Frame of English Seamless Steel Tufflijr^Iard Maple poultry. Among those that killed his chickens twenty-fold. The total agricultural Rims. Hercules Brake, Everything complete. Real Quality. Real products of Alberta in 1928 wen Value. Easy Terms. We are tbo people,to mount you right. were foxes, raccoons, skunks, opossums, red "So sorry to hear that your husband has •worth $228,000,000. squirrels, nr'nks, weasels, rats, hawks, crows, been drinking again, Mrs. Miggs. Of course, J. R. MOOYBOER gfi^SJ^ drunkenness is a disease. He ought to be The scheme for the settlement of snapping turtles and black snakes. Of one British emigrants in Canada may Open Saturday Evenings Till 10 o'Cloek hundred and forty .-chicken's and ducks that treated by a physician." assume a new aspect as a result of were hatched not one managed to get more "Bless ye, 'e wouldn't mind that, sir! the presence in London, England, pf When my 'usband's 'ad a drop, 'e don't care the Hon. J. A. Robb, Canadian Min­ 2G!tAND FORKS] than half grown. 'oo treats 'im." ister of Immigration. Canada fa­ Ship Your Gream to vors the movement of entire fami­ lies to Canada from Great Britain, Transfer Company Forget the business outlook. .Just be on That great work, the Oxford Dictionary rather than that of single men. the lookout for business. DAVIS » HANSEN, Props jj after more than forty years of toil, is almost Among the biggest muscalunget The Kettle Valley done. Parts of the letters U and W, the Caught this year was one landed at A clergyman in NeM York whose Sunday the Canadian Pacific Railway*-* City Baggage and General only letters not yet completed, will soon be French Stiver (Ont) Bungalow service has been broadcast by radio for two published. W has proved the most difficult Camp, by Samuel Franklin, South­ Transfer yeaJs is convinced ofthe rich spiritual returns letter, for it abounds in onomatopoetic words, ern Sales Manager of Claflins, Inc., Creamery Go. New York Oity. Mr. Franklin had that the radioservice makes possible. Among such, for example, as "whiff' and "whush." a light tackle and had never hooked tha good [things that he says for the radio The dictionary will finally contain approxi a lunge before. He had a hart} Coal, Wood and glee fight to secure the fish, which We pay the highest price and assnre service is that it awakens the spirit of re mately four hundred and twenty-five thous tipped the scale at 38 Vi pounds. you the most accurate test. Give your for Sale ligion in many listeners and leads them to be­ and words and two million quotations. local croamery your trade. come regular attendants at church. A total of 18,748 Canadians, Offloe at JSL. F. Petrie's Store most af them native-born, has been Phone 64 "Is that all tha ice 1 get for 10 ceuts?" she repatriated from the United States KETTLE fALLEY CHEAMERY COMPANY "Now tell me, did you ever get pinched demanded peevishly. during the months of April, May for going too fast?" and June, according to figures "Don't worry, lady," he replied as patiently announced by the Department of Yale Barber Shop "Nope, but I've been slapped." as possible. "Some day you might be in a Immigration. During these three Razor Honing a Specialty place where you could buy this piece for a months 58,425 persons immigrated A Johannesburg in South Africa a factory to Canada, which represented an in­ million doliars." crease of 12,292 over the same pe­ has been started to make concentrated cat­ riod of last year. tle and poultry feeds from the locusts that in Canada produced iu 1923 a crop of 10,800, great swarms annually sweep rhe* country. 000 barrels of apples, worth $21,000,000, of Marquis wheat, originated at tha : Dominion Experimental Farms and In New South Wales, where rabbits are a which Nova Scotia produced one-half. now world famous, has success­ fully invaded South America, being grown in the Argentine Republio last year with results that, accord- teg to authorities there, exceeded A. Z. PARE, Proprietor Ihe expectations of the most opti­ YAM HOTKL, FIRST I REKT|J| mistic advocates of the grain, Fur­ ther shipments of seed are being made to the Argentine by the Ca­ JtNOWOF nadian Seed Growers' Association. Good , HI PRICE One of the most diverse and in­ ANDACTAMENDMEirrS teresting aggregations of passen­ Printing gers ever aeaembled in Oanada left MI-IMP-nONC TAKES THE COUNT .Montreal for Europe on August Vaoant, unr«as>rr*st, •0th aboard the Canadian Pacific HPHE value of well- 'rown lands mar *a ws liner Minnedosa. It included Ma­ i-itlsh subjeots evar in* |a- aHens as jors S. de Beires and Brito Pais, printed, neat ap­ .0 t-soemt British _.. AT -alio recently flew from Lisbon to tlM resldtnoe, Macao, China, a large party of pearing {stationery as snd improvement ter scientists returning from the recent pu convention of the British Associa­ a means of get ting and rail Infocaoatton OOBO ation* regarding pre-i tion for the Advancement of Science holding desirable bus­ •„-lven In Bulletin No. 1, at Toronto, Colonel Geo. Ham, 'How to Pre-empt -La-ad," genial and internationally known vbloh can be obtained free < iness has been amply i/ addressing the Dep "ambassador of the Canadian Pa­ and*, Vlotona, B.O, er i ALDSON'S STORE cific" and "Soldier" Jones, Cana­ demonstrated. Con­ rnment Agent dian heavyweight boxer. Records will be granted. oeverlng rloul tural s ^^__ sult u> before going inly land suitable ter acrloulti ,.urposM«, and whioh ls not Umber- The first all-British direct cable land, La, oarrylng Over MOO board elsewhere. teet per aore west of the Oeaat Range WEST GRAND FORKS service between Montreal and Lon­ and i,0M feet per aore eaat ef thlt don was opened on August 18th by Range. the Canadian Pacific Telegraphs. Wedding invitations Applications far pre-emptions are '. be addressed to the Land Com- STARTING At business warrants, this service Ball programs nia-noner of. the Land Recording Di­ wUl be extended to embrace other Irion, In which the land aponp printed Business cards :a situated, and are matte Canadiaa oities with which it is now 'r.nns, copies of whioh oan be ob­ connected but which, as yet, cannot Visiting cards tained from the Land Cenunluloner. •after a reasonable return for a reg- Sh'p~iiig tags Pre-emHIon* must be occupied for SHAT3P AT 9 A. M. five pears aod improvement* made tjdar service. Messages were ex­ Letterheads to value of $10 per aore. Including changed between the London Cham­ Statements clearing and cultivating at leaat Ave ber of Commerce and the Montreal Noteheads acres, before a.Crown Grant oan be SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 6th .Board of Trade and between the ocelved. Pamphlets - Far more detailed Inform -ation see Canadian and the English head­ Pre-empt quarters of the Bank of Montreal, Price lists 'ho Bulletin "How to conveying expressions of mutual Envelopes PUROHASE goodwill and prophecying closer re­ Applications are reoelved for p./ Billheads chase of vacant and unreserved lations as a result of the improved Circulars Crown lands, net being tlmborland, cable facilities. for agricultural purposes; minimum Dodgers prloe of flrst-olaaa (arable) land ls tC per acre, and second-olas* (graslng) Posters land 12.60 per acre. Further Infor­ COMEEMY! BRING A DRAY! Aristocratic Laborer Menus mation regarding purohase or 1***<* of Crown land* Is given ln Bulletin The laboring man seventy years Ne. 10, Land Series, "Purohase aad of Crown ago was pretty well satisfied. Labor •fill, factory, or Industrial sites on BECAUSE troubles in this country were almost timber land, not exceeding is aores, majyr be purchased oo r leased, the con- unheard of then, though at infre­ dittos* Inoludlng quent intervuls an employee would find a grievance against his employer. HOMMITI LEASES This Merchandise Will Sell Unourve-red areas, aot exceeding 10 That of the machinist whom A. B. aorea, may be leased as homeeltes, Farquhar tells of in his book, The New Type conditional upon a dwelling being erected ln the first year, title being Mighty Fast at Such Low First Million the Hardest, is certain-, obtainable after residenoe aad im­ ]Lateat Style provement conditions are fulfilled ly amusing,'viewed at this date. and land haa been surveyed. One afternoon, says Mr. Farquhar, Faces Prices. LIASES a machinist came to ue in high, For graslng and Industrial pur­ dudgeon from another shop and asked poses areaa not exceeding 040 aere* for a job. We wanted to know, of iaa-f be leased by one person er » oompany. course, why he had left his old place. THE SUN GRAZING "Ii was this way," he said, "the Lots of Fun and Plenty of Big Colon-) bia Avenue and Under th* Orating Act the Prov­ boss was out walking with a lady thi. f ike Street inoe Is divided Into graslng district* other night, and I passed him and and the range administered under -i Oraalng Commissioner. Annual Money-Savers. said, 'How do you do, Harry?' And TELEPHONE graslng permits are issued based on the next day he came around to me numbers rar.g'J, priority being given to establlnh-d owners. Stook-owner-i and said,'When I am out walking may form associations for ranga :.***3 f '>'^Ji7*-'lf*y^'---.'*,'-t