Force of Habit a Transformers: Cybertron Story
Transformers Timelines Presents: Force of Habit A Transformers: Cybertron Story by S. Trent Troop & Greg Sepelak Illustration by Matt Kuphaldt Copyright 2008, The Transformers Collector’s Club Nothing we haven’t done before, the thought A soft chime echoed through the room, and conver- flowed into Ultra Magnus’ head.Sending mechs out to sations died down, every optic turning to Magnus. face who-knows-what. Once more into the breach, Knock Out thought. Maybe, he thought back, But the stakes have never “Alright, bots, as you all know, Cybertron is in been higher. deep, deep slag. That black hole is growing in power. Two minds looked out at the main assembly hall Long-range satellites report that there are space-time of the new Autobot flagship Iron Hope, taking in the anomalies with that thing’s energy signature popping assembled Autobots through Magnus’ optics. His up across nearly all of known space. We’ve relocated binary-bonded Mini-Con partner Knock Out made Cybertron’s population to Earth, but that’s a temporary note of a couple of them; Just think. Less than ten solution at best. It won’t be too long before there’s no stellar cycles ago, some of these guys outranked us. place left to run, so we gotta close that singularity. Magnus nodded. Scavenger, the Autobot’s meanest, Conventional methods have failed… and it looks like nastiest, toughest and, above all, most in-demand we’re now after the metaphysical. Optimus Prime trainer leaned against a wall, taking the opportunity has put his faith in this Vector Prime mech, who says to catch a few moment’s shutdown.
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