1 Unicode Technical Note: Byzantine Musical Notation Version 1.0: January 2005 Nick Nicholas;
[email protected] This note documents the practice of Byzantine Musical Notation in its various forms, as an aid for implementors using its Unicode encoding. The note contains a good deal of background information on Byzantine musical theory, some of which is not readily available in English; this helps to make sense of why the notation is the way it is.1 1. Preliminaries 1.1. Kinds of Notation. Byzantine music is a cover term for the liturgical music used in the Orthodox Church within the Byzantine Empire and the Churches regarded as continuing that tradition. This music is monophonic (with drone notes),2 exclusively vocal, and almost entirely sacred: very little secular music of this kind has been preserved, although we know that court ceremonial music in Byzantium was similar to the sacred. Byzantine music is accepted to have originated in the liturgical music of the Levant, and in particular Syriac and Jewish music. The extent of continuity between ancient Greek and Byzantine music is unclear, and an issue subject to emotive responses. The same holds for the extent of continuity between Byzantine music proper and the liturgical music in contemporary use—i.e. to what extent Ottoman influences have displaced the earlier Byzantine foundation of the music. There are two kinds of Byzantine musical notation. The earlier ecphonetic (recitative) style was used to notate the recitation of lessons (readings from the Bible). It probably was introduced in the late 4th century, is attested from the 8th, and was increasingly confused until the 15th century, when it passed out of use.