Minutes of Parish Council meeting held at the Village Hall, High Street, Farningham at 7.45pm on Wednesday 9th January 2019

Present: Cllr. D. Burns (Chair) Cllr. N. Hall Cllr. A. McEnroe Cllr. P. McGarvey (Vice-Chair and District Councillor) Cllr. C Salmon Cllr. K. Shanmuganathan Mrs. J. Gray (Clerk) 99. Chairman’s Welcome and Apologies for absence: 1. Present were six Parish Councillors, Councillors P. McGarvey and B. Carroll, one member of the public and the Clerk, Mrs J. Gray. The County Councillor, R. Gough arrived at 8.10pm. 2. Apologies for absence had been received from Cllr. G. Williams.

100. Declarations of Interest: The declarations of interest stood as were recorded in the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council in May 2018; there was nothing new to report.

101. Follow up on Action Points: 1. The Clerk was asked to enquire of the Countryside Ranger what works are planned in the woods looking forward and he had confirmed: 1. A new height restriction barrier at Calfstock Lane Car Park was needed and should cost around £1500.00, 2. Coppicing of three acres of middle woodland was programmed for 2019 and they hope to start soon 3. The gate at Button Street had the locks cut off by thieves so that needs modification; cost unknown at present. 2. At the last meeting it was agreed the Clerk would write to a senior officer at Mitchells and Butlers who own the Lion Hotel to press for co-operation and action on the condition of the exterior and grounds. District Cllr. Carroll, with his experience in the industry, had offered to establish who best to write to. He reported that from the beginning of February there will be new overall management at the Lion and so it was agreed the Clerk wait to write at that time. 3. The Clerk had been in touch with Highways to ask for an extension of double yellow lines, particularly around the centre of the village, near the Village Hall and the church, as residents had reported that if there is a function at the Village Hall or the Church visitors often park inconsiderately across driveways. It was agreed to find out if it would be possible to apply white lines across some driveways which could help deter this.


4. Cllr. Shanmuganathan reported the cricket club had not been affected by flooding from the A20 which is adjacent to their ground but would monitor it. 5. Following correspondence from residents requesting traffic cameras be installed on the M25 Junction 3 interchange, as some motorists jump the lights sometimes obstructing the intersections and causing risk to life by the often, high speed malpractice, it was agreed the Clerk write to the Highways England and Kent Highways supporting the complaints and to state the roundabout has always been poorly signed. Often motorists do not know which lane to take and Clerk will ask if the traffic be observed and monitored to try to alleviate the problems here. The Clerk had been asked to identify where the boundary between Farningham and is, and she had received a map from Sevenoaks District Council showing the boundary is in the centre of the M25 motorway.

102. Comments by the County Councillor, Cllr Roger Gough: County Cllr Roger Gough advised: 1. Speed checks and traffic counts on the A20 near the Button Street junction would be undertaken soon, likely to be by radar. 2. The Chief Highway Engineer for Sevenoaks District, Julian Cook, had been moved to duties regarding Brexit and his replacement was Mike Payton. 3. Cats eyes are only replaced when roads are resurfaced. Councillors refuted this as those on the A20 Farningham Hill have been removed, and not replaced when the road was resurfaced. He was told this section of the road is now very dark. He promised to investigate.

103. Matters Arising: 1. At the December meeting it was reported the proposal for 2,500 homes to be built on the site at Pedham Place had been excluded from Sevenoaks District Council’s Local Draft Plan as there is insufficient evidence to support the proposal. However, SDC will include the site going forward but only as a Broad Location for Growth. Since then SDC had published a Proposed Submission Version (PSV) of its Local Plan for consultation. The PSV still lists all of the community infrastructure benefits offered in the original Pedham Place proposal, plus some (including suggested partial funding of Swanley’s White Oak Leisure centre, although we know the timing of any such funding would not now meet SDC’s accelerated time scale of White Oak plans and the [additional] secondary school whose need is already diluted by Dartford BC’s having within the past few weeks approved plans for a new secondary school in their Borough). Uncertainty remains over when SDC would have enough evidence to promote or reject any Pedham Place scheme. Responses to the ‘proposed submission version’ are required by 3rd February 2019.


Cllr Shanmuganathan offered to draft and circulate a response to be sent with the previous objection stating that FPC feel strongly that Pedham Place must be removed from the local plan to remove this threat to our local area. It was agreed the Parish Council try to publicise the new consultation by (i) placing an article in Trident, (ii) the Clerk would circulate to the ‘Farningham Parishioners’ list (iii) it would also be put on the FaceBook page. Parishioners should resubmit any objections on the new consultation document found on SDC’s website via http://planningconsult.sevenoaks.gov.uk/consult.ti/PRESUBLP/viewCompou ndDoc?docid=10514388&partid=10561460&sessionid=&voteid= FPC will object on behalf of our community and are taking advice on the legality of the local plan. The Clerk was asked to write to Martin Goodman at SDC and copy in Richard Morris, Chief Planning Officer stating challenging the inclusion of Pedham Place’s suggested benefits from their 2,500 homes proposal when the site is now only going forward as a Broad Location for Growth – ie no 2,500 homes nor Swanley White Oak regeneration support etc. FPC also challenges the late inclusion of the four extra sites. The Parish Council’s letter of objection would be circulated as soon as practicable when formalised. 2. The Clerk had received a response from Kent’s Public Rights of Way and Access Officer that they were not consulted on the planning application for external alterations at The Lion, the reason being that there is no recorded public right of way across the land on its frontage by the River Darent. However KCC have submitted comments to SDC. Kent ROW have been trying for many years, with the various landowners, to get a permissive footpath agreement for the Darent Valley Path but have not to date been successful. Since this is not a recorded public right of way they do not have powers to require the landowner to keep this route open. KCC will continue trying to get this agreement. The other option is that people who have used the path regularly over many years can apply to have it added to the definitive map and statement of Kent, that is, they could put in a claim a path has been used without force, secrecy or permission, and it should therefore be added to the map. This would then afford more protection. It was agreed the Clerk put in an application on behalf of the Parish Council to have the path added to the map via https://www.kent.gov.uk/waste- planning-and-land/public-rights-of-way/correct-the-rights-of-way-map and parishioners will be encouraged to write in support. The item would recorded on the website. It was agreed to publicise this item to try to get the support of parishioners. 3. Parishioners from Maplescombe had written to the Clerk about what they perceive to be inaction by Sevenoaks District Council’s Enforcement Officers regarding the unauthorised activity on the Maplebank Poultry Farm


site in Maplescombe Lane. The Clerk was asked to write to Ian Kidd (SDC Enforcement) asking for an update on what action will be taken, and copy Parish Council into the correspondence.

104. Correspondence: 1. The Clerk had been in touch with Rick Bayne of the North West Kent Countryside Partnership to ask if the grant monies secured could assist in shoring up the Darent Valley path from The Lion to the wooden bridge and though the Clerk had spoken to him a formal response was awaited. 2. David Cook of Thames Water had written to the Clerk to confirm the ‘follow up’ meeting with Jamie Riches from Thames Water will take place at the Horton Kirby Borehole on Thursday 17th January at 3.00pm to discuss the landscaping. 3. Came and Company had written to the Clerk confirming the Council’s insurance renewal premium for the forthcoming year as £797.22 including insurance premium tax. This takes into consideration the Council’s long-term agreement which expires on 31st January 2019; it was agreed this three year agreement be renewed and the invoice settled. 4. The Village Sign erected to mark the Millennium placed on an Green Oak pole is rotting at its base. Quotations for repair, replacement and advice on how to proceed were being sought.

105. Planning: 1. The planning applications were considered and it was agreed the Clerk send the following comments to Sevenoaks District Council:

SE/18/03693/HOUSE Fairlawn, Maplescombe Lane Fairlawn Demolition of existing barn and construction of replacement home office and shed No Objection

SE/18/03463/HOUSE 18 Oliver Crescent Demolition of single storey small flank Garage and erection of a two storey flank extension No Objection

SE/18/03541/HOUSE Coldharbour Farm, Road Two storey rear extension No Objection

SE/18/03845/HOUSE 1 Till Avenue Demolition of existing front porch. Erection of single storey front extension No Objection

SE/18/03931/HOUSE 6 Hillside Demolition of existing conservatory and chimney. Erection of single storey rear extension with skylights. Alterations to fenestration. Associated landscaping works No Objection


2. Planning Decisions:

SE/18/03442/HOUSE 48 Oliver Crescent Demolition of single storey rear extension and erection of a new full width pitched roof single storey rear extension. GRANTED

SE/18/03406/HOUSE Iona, Road Proposed 4m rear extension, including part two storey rear extension. Conversion of existing and proposed loft space including 3 rear dormers and skylights to each side of the property GRANTED

3. Notice of Appeal:

SE/18/00692/FUL Peppercorn Cottage, Button Street, Swanley. Demolition of existing outbuilding and construction of a new two bedroom bungalow with pitched roof under Appeal ref. no. APP/G2245/W/18/3214780 start date 3rd January 2019

106. Highways, Footpaths & Street Lighting: 1. Geoff Bineham, Kent Highways had written to the Clerk stating they would not consider placing a ‘Not Suitable for HGV’ sign in Crockenhill Lane as they are trying to limit the amount of signage and it is unlikely to prevent HGV movements as foreign drivers in particular just follow their SatNav. 2. The Clerk to ask Kent Highways for linings to be renewed on the A20 from King’s Roundabout to the A225 Eynsford Road junction. 3. The Clerk to remind Kent Highways the signage on the A20 Gorse Hill at its junction with Eglantine Lane remains on the ground, and the signs knocked down on the roundabout still remain unfixed. 4. The Clerk to report on the Highways portal that the ‘chevron’ signs damaged on the roundabout have not been replaced. 5. The Clerk had arranged for Kent Highways to deliver salt bags to Charton Manor Farm for storage in case of snow. 4. Kent Highways officers had confirmed that following the implementation of the 40mph speed limit along the A20 their appointed contractor had been asked to remove the existing speed signs on the White Post Hill/Gorse Hill slip which still show the National speed limit (white with black diagonal line) and 40mph signs installed. 5. A parishioner had requested that the footpath on the A20 from Eynsford Rd right down to the roundabout / garage be edged up back to its original width. Kent Highways had undertaken verge clearance but the requested footpath work had not been done. The Clerk was asked to note again on the Highways portal. The Highway Steward reported their drainage team have assured her there is no longer a drainage issue at this location on the A20. Sevenoaks District Council are responsible for sweeping mud from the path and did so not too long before Christmas. They asked the Clerk to


contact them directly if the Parish Council would like them to take another look. 6. The last drain at the river end of the flint wall in front of Market Meadow, by the lamp post with dog waste bin attached, which had been collapsing, had been repaired. 7. It was agreed the Clerk note on the Highways portal that the original sign denoting the ‘Farningham’ boundary on the A225 Dartford Road, on the left as one drives towards Farningham just beyond the Franks Lane junction had been covered with mud. 107. School Safety Campaign: Cllr McEnroe reported the next meeting would be held on 23rd January 2019.

108. Finance: 1. It was resolved to settle the following invoices: Streetlights £117.30 Sevenoaks District Council Dog waste bin emptying 09-12 £136.50 Kent County Council Pension contributions £369.24 HMRC Tax and NI contributions due £288.62 Eon Electricity charges £213.24 Came and Company Insurance premium 2019 to 2020 £797.22 Village Hall Hall Hire Oct to Dec 2018 £13.20 Half cost of battery Eynsford Parish Council Speedwatch Device £41.40

Donations to voluntary organisations were considered and agreed: 2. It was agreed the draft budget, which Cllr. McGarvey had prepared be accepted, and the Clerk was asked to contact Sevenoaks District Council to ask for a precept of £46,754.00 for 2019 to 2020. This will result in a zero increase of the FPC part Council Tax charged to each resident. 3. A wayleave payment of £51.94 had been received from National Grid in respect of a pylon placed on Parish Council owned land in Farningham Woods.

The meeting closed at 10.15pm. The next meeting of Farningham Parish Council: 7.45pm on Wednesday 6th February 2019.

Signed ……………………………………….. Wednesday 6th February 2019