Are there any complications? Keratoconus is a rare condition where the cornea becomes thinner and cone shaped. This results in increasingly large amounts of Contact numbers astigmatism resulting in poor vision which is not fully corrected by glasses. Keratoconus usually requires contact lenses for clear Orthoptist: vision, and may eventually result in needing surgery on the cornea. St Richard’s 01243 788122 ext 3514 Worthing 01903 205111 ext 85430 Orthoptic Department Information Sheet We are committed to making our publications as accessible as possible. If Astigmatism you need this document in an alternative format, for example, large print, Braille or a language other than English, please contact St Richard’s Hospital the Communications Office by: Spitalfield Lane email:
[email protected] Chichester or by calling 01903 205 111 ext 84038. West Sussex PO19 6SE Worthing Hospital Lyndhurst Road Department: Orthoptics Worthing Issue date: Nov 2013 West Sussex Review date: Nov 2015 BN11 2DH Leaflet Ref: ORT03 This leaflet is intended to answer some of What are the signs and symptoms? These eye drops fix the child’s focus at a the questions of patients or carers of Children are good at adapting to blurred distance focus for a few hours so that the patients diagnosed with astigmatism under vision and will often not show any signs of Optometrist can get an accurate reading. the care of Western Sussex Hospitals NHS having astigmatism. Sometimes a child can The eye drops also widen the pupils to give Trust. want to sit closer to the tv than normal, or the Optometrist a good view of the back of complain of headaches, light sensitivity, the eye – this large pupil effect can last tiredness and blurred vision.