The Kentucky Kernel: 1965-02-05
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l Inside Today's Kernel Americans are puwiled orer the cur- Cold weather colli for a calculating (at least in baseball): Six. rent international gold crisis, news coach Page analyst Ralph McGill says: Page Fixe. Presidential assistant McGeorge Bundy has opened talks with the South Viet- Gov. Breathitt has not yet decided namese government: Page Seren. how much to ask the Legislature to University of Kentucky The Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra appropriate for funds to education: gave a "masterful performance": Page LEXINGTON, KY., FRIDAY, FEB. 5, 1965 Page Seven. Eight. Thai Ole Story Again . Freshmen Cry ‘ Too Much oy KiilN H rHJMvlIV> open to new responses. Sciences. “It would separate the Kernel Staff Writer Another problem involved the wheat from the chaff. However, Problems of educational pol- contradicting views of professors it would be an enormous tran- icy at the University were dis- concerning the importance of sition unless the practice was cussed last night by Dr. Ken- education and a degree, begun at the high school level.” neth Benne, Centennial profes- The students reported that Evaluation of the student sor of social science, and mem- many professors believe a de- would be based on improvement bers of the Freshman Colloqu- gree secondary to the attaining in Dr. Benne’s system. The stu- ium- of knowledge, while others dent would not be asked to Professors—especially those of claim that the degree is most measure up to some type of the English department—and the important. norm. grading system were brought Dr. Benne and the students “It is the twisting of evalua- under attack by the freshmen. agreed that at this point there tion into the corset of the grad- Students complained that pro- was a contradiction built into ing system,” he said, “that pro- fessors often seem to forget that the system, duces the undesired motiva-* theirs is not the only subject The system puts a set of de- tion.” being taught. Also, many are mands on the student, Dr. Dr. Benne emphasized that unwilling to assist the student, Benne complained. He thought there would have to be some particularly the freshman. it was surprising the number form of evaluation because peo- “The professor identifies with of students who develop the de- ple need a reaction to their field of Dr. one knowledge,” sire to learn “despite our grad- work. Psychologically, it has agreed. Benne “This may lead ing system.” been found that no response is very often to a kind of inability “There is no reason why our more punishing than a negative DR. BENNE ADDRESSES FRESHMAN COLLOQUIUM to put himself in your place.” educational system needs to be Continued on Page 8 Dr. Benne further explained based on a grading system,” Dr. that the professor believes his Benne said. “Our present sys- field to be most important to tern causes values to be based University To Preview Centennial you, no matter how many dif- on intrinsic motivations. Instead ferent subjects you are taking. of students being some assist- Answering students about ance to each other, the grading For 300 News Representatives professors who seern to dislike system demands competitive freshmen and exhibit this by learning.” The University’s Centennial with the opening of a two-day of the University of Illinois threatening failure, Dr. Benne Dr. Benne suggested the pos- observance will be previewed communications symposium journalism department; and Juli- said that prejudice often hides sibility of using comprehensive for the state’s news media to- sponsored by the School of an Goodman, vice president, fear. examinations to replace the night, with more than 300 rep- Journalism. news, NBC, New York. “Professors that scream the present grading system. The resentatives of the press and The symposium was initiated At tonight’s dinner honored loudest,” he said, “may be only grades would be those of broadcasting on hand. with a luncheon celebrating the guests will be past presidents of scared inside. Maybe you’re not unsatisfactory or satisfactory, The press dinner—featuring 50th anniversary of the School the Kentucky Press Association dealing with strength, but a A majority of the freshmen, addresses by publisher Barry of Journalism and the Kernel and the Kentucky Broadcasters weakness in meeting these peo- including many Honors Program Bingham and Look magazine at which alumni of those insti- Association. The dinner is to be pie.” students, thought the idea had managing editor William Arthur tutions, the Radio, TV, and held in the Student Center He added that psychologically a great deal of merit, —will climax a full day of ac- Films Department, and WBKY Grand Ballroom. fear was no way to stimulate “It would be helpful,” corn- tivities focusing on communica- were honored. President John W. Oswald students into study, that people mented Charles Goodman, fresh- tion and the mass media. The luncheon was followed will keynote the dinner, with who are frightened are not man in the College of Arts and Activities began earlier today by the symposium’s first work- Courier-Journal and Louisville ing session—a panel discussion Times publisher Binghain re- of the future of mass communi- sponding for the state media Selma Centennial Edition cations—held at 1:30 this after- and Arthur speaking for na- Told tional Officials noon in Cuignol Theatre. media. Today’s Kernel includes a Panelists were Dr. Kenneth The symposium reopens at special Centennial supple- Bartlett, vice president and dean 9:30 tomorrow morning in Guig- To SpeedRegistration ment, “Spanning The Cen- of public affairs at Syracuse nol and closes with a noon turies,” the Ker- The Associated Press prepared by University, as moderator. Other luncheon at the Student Center. participants the panel were The final dinner will SELMA, Ala.—A federal judge Thursday night ordered the Dallas nel staff. on be given Bill Williams, research director for panel participants by Dr. County Voter Registration Board to speed up registration of Negroes The supplement is includ- of the Oklahoma Publishing Niel Plummer, head of the and prohibited the board from using a disputed literacy test. ed as an insert in today’s Company; Dr. Jay Jensen, head School of Journalism. The injunction issued by Dis- • Failing to provide enough regular edition. trict Court Judge Daniel H. personnel and facilities so that Thomas in Mobile opened the at least eight applicants can way for a possible end of racial apply for registration at a time, SC Elects Bright demonstrations, which have sent • Administering the lengthy Women Get hundreds of Negroes marching literacy test, which is based on Fill through the streets in Selma day knowledge of government and Late Hours To Vacant Seat after day the past three weeks, the U. S. Constitution. Negroes By KENNETH GREEN While copies of the injunc- have complained that college Associate News Editor tion were being served on board graduates cannot answer some For Dance Student Congress last night elected Willis Bright to till the members, U. S. Asst. Atty. Gen. of the questions used by the University women in the res- vacancy left by Representative Heidi Hanger, who had resigned. John Doar was in Selma. He board and drawn up by the idence units will be allowed to Bright, a junior social work major, defeated live other applicants reportedly planned to ask Ne- Alabama Supreme Court, stay out until 2:30 a.m. for the for the seat. I'he six original applicants were tut to three— Bright. groes at a mass meeting, in view The court order did not speci- Centennial Ball, AWS an- Marsha Fields, and S. G. Snyder. of the court order, to halt their fically tell the board how often nounced last night. Bright, who becomes the only independent in Congress now. demonstrations. it must meet, but it said that if A previous plan involving won with 1 1 votes. The injunction prohibited the all prospective voters who have early morning breakfasts in some mmhuhmbmi In other action last night. three-member board from: applied prior to next July 1 of the residence halls after the Congress passed a motion made • Failing or refusing to re- have not been processed by the 2:30 closing was defeated after by Sally List to request Presi- eeive and “process expeditious- end of the month a veter ref- long discussion. The members dent John ly” applications from prosper eree will be assigned to handle showed u desire for uniformity to tive voters. the registration. and fairness in the policy for all overpass underpass" • Processing fewer than 100 The court found that the the units. on Euclid Avenue applications each registration board has deprived Negroes of Another plan allowing for 3 Hall and by Blazer Hall and on day, provided that many appli- the right to vote and that the a.m. hours was also defeated. cunts show up. board members have followed In further business last night, Building “an extremely slow registration AWS voted to include the in- ton Appalachian process.” formation on senior hours on Miss List made her proposal Volunteers Cancel Negro leaders obviously had the usual blanket permission ftp anticipated the court order be- slip sent to the parents of all Feb. 6 Trip cause they had suspended their girls living in the residence by she * —< ^^^B -^^B The Appalachian Volunteers street demonstration earlier in units. win crossing Rose Street hv the the day WILLIS BRIGHT Fine Arts Building. project for tomorrow, Feb. 6, In New York, the NAACP has been cancelled due to bad She suggested that the University pay for the «osts of the con- Legal Defense Fund, which ask- road conditions. struction, as the City of Lexington has turned down several similar ed for the injunction, issued The group had planned to A collection of items pertain- requests previously.