A Uictory for Kiltale's' Hardruork

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A Uictory for Kiltale's' Hardruork Ihe WeekendeF,Saturday, November 10th, 2007 41 Proudday for Erian llina sullers a fall Followinghis nine point haul, Mealh'slop amateurnalional hunl Seneschalslowncorner lorwald riderNina Calberly has been put oul BrianClarke was lhe unanimous 0l aclionaller lracluring her lell col- choicefo1 lhe 'manot the malch' larb0ne in a fallat Puncheslown lasl awardaller his side'sSFC linal Wednesdaywhen she came oll her sport replaywin over.Navan,0'Mahony mounlNorthern Command Email:[email protected] 2,3,4,5&6 I NoLet-up forbusy Furzeside THEISthrllling ovet $lll trY: luck'ln a.bigger :mbotlns,.Dublin itingplns.".$tiVjncent's. l0 the .;Loinster.club. $FC. at Palrelf ParknoxtSunday. St Vinientls were supposed to meet the Wicklow winners on tonight (Tuesday) but the Gaden CouDtywill not be rep- resent€din the provincial com- petition after their final 'between Baltinglass md . Rathnew at Aughrim on Sundayfi oished.allsquue. The previous Monday the : Dublin title went to the famqN Muino club for the irrst tirie srnce 1984 with a 0-12 to 1-7 'fllal victory over St Brigid's I :with GeraldBremm stming at .. .cente back md,Mossy Quim ud Dimuid.Connolly promi- nQntup rotrt. - .. .. After their f4ir]'tale couDty '',success, SeDeschalstowtrwill put icing oF ,:.:bekeqn'the to fi[ther cake in what,ias been a 'remtrkable yeil ' for them.They Flyinghigh . Sen6schalstownboss Damisn Shsridan lumps lorjoyutrilo hii'chargBs celeblate their SFC iinal victory over Navan:0'Mahonys on.sundai. re also in the Division 1 ,League ud Feis Cup finals against Skryne and SimonstownGaels respective- ly.' . When the Yellow Fu-iie allthe odds is 'club Triumphagainst lifted the oreviouslv . Keegai Cup baci<in 1994they got to theLeinster club decider where Kilmacud Crokes defeat- ed them by.the minimum mu- a uictoryfor Kiltale's'hardruork gin,0-12 to 1-8. Damien Sherida! will be hoping that.his playils do not player one of the big srus then and be cess was last yeu md the ri- people being so dismissiveof long-serving Cathal oYer celebratein order to uP Tailtem yed Put K byNoel Coogan that chmDionshiD. Sheridan made no secret ol was io the Pairc Press "mph by Killyon the .a docent showing against St This writer does not know if how special getting one over box as a radio malyst for th€, before. perbaps it wiU be the Vincentrs who have won out iD THE0UTRIGHT tiumph any bookmaking fim had bet- their neighbours md 27 times 2007 SHC fmal. nm of Kildalkev soon. Dublin foiltlie:2sth time md past kingpins was. The nwd for more- stands at ting on the Meath SHC this ^ Kihale have shown what have a number of promsing byKiltale in thisyear's yea. If so; how mmy punters While the attendance at the UAA srounos In Meatn.nas ypung footb.aUersin their ranks. M. DonnellyMeath SHC would have been tempted if hurling final was abodt one been riooted on these pagis .cobe.actueveown"n,t":ot| One of Seneschalstown's ls pur !D al unoerage level ano provesthat anylhing is 2011 was put up agaiDst Kiltale third what went lhrough the more thm oDce Over the Vrus winning side, foryud Ciuan back iD eilly summer? lndeed Pairc Tailteam tumstiles for Uu .ujU" rri^ *irl have such with Paddy Kelly speilheadiDg Macken, wbo retumed frdr possible once the they could have been offered at the football equivalent, the m errction ilthe ner fuue, I! .that drive, some fiDe hurlers Australia ten days before the groundworkis putin. lt three or four to one in the week atmosphere was much better modest I:ague of lreland clubs cme up to senior rmks ud. county fitral, is stayiDg at home of the final.md still have been than during the drawn cil have covered accommooaj but Brim Sheridm,who madea was a victoryagainst gme after gme. the side cap- ,late ignored. O'Mahonys verws tion why Dot some uaelrc appedmce,is a bit shgrtof all the odds and the . hincd by Johr Donoghue kepr . fuu hqalth. Back in 1954 when Meath Seneschalstown &awn tie of whorn have 4 1:l:'-::-l:-t derying'tne ripsrers ;ho h;d I I . Memwbile Meath IFC win. that Kilmessangained possession of the Sm seven days eilLier. much SuDDon. fact predcueo oeu eruI ners Donaghmore/Ashbourne, Maguire title for the sec- While some hurling sup- cenini back to lhe ltral were deleatedin the Cup who defeatedCaels of Dondalk porte6. dis- SHC. mariv ofthose who chese ; :{ot surprising, the tdumph ond time the success was as would obviously in theL fust Leinsterouting last final madeit all the recent final by the men in maroon aod sweet as'Kiltale's the other agree, we prefer the Jubilee not to att;nd the weekend,will be back in Pairc pleasantly glgep was greeted with remen- sweeter. Sunday, That was because Cup decider in the counly would have been Tailteann next Sunday for a Over the last few months the Kerry were defeated in the final ground. Some Meath camaD surprised at the entertaiment dous enthusiasm and such a gme against Stratford from '5ggqgs5 sports pages of this paper regu- and at the time it was suggested swingers prefer the Trim pitch value of the contest. While the can bring so much joy Wicklow. q'as you'd lull' cmied betting lists on the that beating the Kingdom but last yeil at St lrman's Pilk stmdud is not lilelhat ro a small ru4 community. That will be pr4eded by the good reporters were put in a little hut see In Nftemy or LorK. lt was ,l local SFC and in the autumn the as as uinning m,o AII- Afteroilds Paddy Kelly defered Division FL final odds about the IFC contenders helands. behind one of the goals. srill' ouire a eood eame. between Moynalvey aud said the memory of final dav tr'ere also advertised. The fact It was the saDe with Kiltale We swived the experience \t;il;i'ff";e-.pect to Moylagh md Drumbaraghand would last for a long time and that no odds about the race for and after upsetting the odds to aDd actually enjoyed the after- Kilmessan, Kiltale's vitory is Ratoathwill be in oppositionin not but feel happy for the Jubilee Cup appeared is rake the title for only the third noon as Rathmolyon had their goorj for the game in the coun-. one could the Junior D FC final at probably partly due to so many tinre, manager Paddy Kelly and day of glory. Mickey Cole was iy. Just as Rathmolyon's suc- him and hrs [oops- Walterstown. 42 nrclt@lrdmen, satuiday, rrrovenid,ji ibih,zboi' Sen,i,ortitle for Seneschalstown honvsflo ,agatn -'r.=.:i:_l their man- 'J,should take a approaqh. to the ffiF''tJ!if:":''r-""--' Thpyrc€F.ainlysrarted as if ; itr r r r... r r.. r r..... U.V thevrmemtr'business. takins he i synOnymous with ryui-,ioti*Ui40_secmds iuith ,.BrianBilan Ccla*e fatke hehelned Iped f;l-.l-kp.l1*i,l^";'^o1s- pssbng _Ttus :li':i'-"::: rirst. score GommonsHardware ffff#':i:l1tffi"XT"T';; .q the thitd time with o.'Mutrbqysfutl .back Kevin lr favourites llavan R",ily. nnon.Sunday. ..,.*"i;ff!,,f"1iill3r:lltii;',1^ii , :, j'+96[irry;jcoileagug".:qcorcless in )ssgm€ of-the Navan plaJeN : 'Shericlan.the'fiist gme u-d, aithough off tbeir reputations bnly did maguatly lge :md. as inJthe; bener,in the..scoriDgstakes by ,they were :rqqrp hed y.q.m-orqthal.lhatofpuelya'" '' also. had to.. endure' .the attackpossiblybmausehewas ti#'iiter.' embarassmeni of maitine u nJtural defenderin g ,In winning a fair amouotof , Seneschalstownshoking *Ire Comac Mccuimess whq.had :rpo.s"s9sfio+ed Et_omedting.th€ bal!:uound to cheersofi'ol6' -:.beeD.squeezed out of his side s ,i.O'Vah?uyF defence,wi$-lhig . -ftdm the'winnllg supponers, .back lire..to' accomodate the $sBgedi$qB umber !3 also "Therereunlikelyrobeay. retun. of Niall McKeigue. showedcomge md discipline wiolesale-:,chmgesin tems of There was a vacant a$acking playing peFonnel'piqcess but the role as a result of Thomas iqbuildiug at Brews. Loughran's late .withdrawal HilLwill:be amental one for a froln the O'Mahonvs' front line si6 td3t.hcYshownio'b" pty. .wiib a hmstring complainr. choloeicallv brinle dver their In the end McGuinnessdid- their mmager Dmien Sheriddn pastt[rce final appeilmces. n't lst the courseof the match set tlle toDe prior to the fmt The wming signshad been and tbe removal of his fellow whistle, sportingly shaking thereagainsttbe,Toneslastyeilcounty panelist,, Stephen hads with his oppositenuinbi:r ad a fortnight ago lgainst MrcGabhm eulier in tle con- Mick Domes - who quit in tlie Seoeschalstowned ir w6 a testmusthavebeenahugepsy- wake of dle defeai - md then sinilu story this time {ound chological boost to the men turnins to acknowlddse .the wjth the men in blue ild.white fton,Yellow Furze; O'Vafr'onys denctr. hoogs failirg to live with the ;Maccabhamr'a_ may have His clidies .didnit lei him high levef ofexpectation which been, to degree, thb hero of down, on thri: pitch either, made them feel, and play, like the drawnmatch with his level- remaining focused md deter- they had leadir their boots. ling poinr but he struggledto mil:d throughout before wb- The feeling was that get inro dds match,@d team ning.outwith handsomemagin O-'\4ahonys,having struggled matp Muk Wild didn't make and allowing a pilish, uloD though the goup stages, were the sme impression that he had whici uagedy has visited in starting to ppdorm to their doneinrthe fust'match either. recent yeils, to afford itself a potentialin the knockoutvicto- .Damien Shuidan gave dgsening,spile. ries over Dunsahaughlh md mother impressive display in ,SeDescbalstownmay.,not Dunboyne but perhaps those the middle but Robert Ruddy ha!€,had u- y reprgsentativesor wrDs were the exceptiotr atrd w6 the stu in that s4tor, dic- the Meath, tealD for {qgup.t'q that,th€ir real.fom had been on tating the tend of ;tbe ;gme All-Leland semi-fina.l metbg display in the euly md late esp€ciallyintheopeningperiod wiihrqorh.b,ll!tbe sum of tleir stages of the competition.
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